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ReapeR's Title Belt Renders: 2020

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1. BattleZone Global - WWE Winged Eagle and Olympic Medal put together, American Gladiators 2008 theme (except UK of course).


2. BattleZone Tag Team inspired by the look of this AWA Tag Title



3. BattleZone UK Commonwealth inspired by the look of this version of NWA US Title https://en-academic.com/pictures/enwiki/78/NWA_United_States_Championship_%28Mid-Atlantic_Version%29.jpg


UK company with an American Gladiators vibe. I prefer the leather to have the union flag and the plates somewhere between gold and platinum.


Love your work, and thank you!


Second one.


Battlezone UK Commonwealth Championship


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1. BattleZone Global - WWE Winged Eagle and Olympic Medal put together, American Gladiators 2008 theme (except UK of course).


2. BattleZone Tag Team inspired by the look of this AWA Tag Title



3. BattleZone UK Commonwealth inspired by the look of this version of NWA US Title https://en-academic.com/pictures/enwiki/78/NWA_United_States_Championship_%28Mid-Atlantic_Version%29.jpg


UK company with an American Gladiators vibe. I prefer the leather to have the union flag and the plates somewhere between gold and platinum.


Love your work, and thank you!


Last one.


Battlezone Tag Team Championship


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Hi could I request the following:


1) FIW Dual Crown Championship (formed following merge of American and Canadian championships)

2) FIW Fighting Spirit Championship (generally a technical wrestling belt)

3) FIW Pacific Coast Championship


if it helps I usually use the blade runner movie font for the FIW logo.


Thanks if you do these - your work is just fantastic


First one.


FIW Dual Crown Championship


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Hi could I request the following:


1) FIW Dual Crown Championship (formed following merge of American and Canadian championships)

2) FIW Fighting Spirit Championship (generally a technical wrestling belt)

3) FIW Pacific Coast Championship


if it helps I usually use the blade runner movie font for the FIW logo.


Thanks if you do these - your work is just fantastic


Second one.


FIW Fighting Spirit Championship


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Hi could I request the following:


1) FIW Dual Crown Championship (formed following merge of American and Canadian championships)

2) FIW Fighting Spirit Championship (generally a technical wrestling belt)

3) FIW Pacific Coast Championship


if it helps I usually use the blade runner movie font for the FIW logo.


Thanks if you do these - your work is just fantastic


Last one.


FIW Pacific Coast Championship


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Hello ReapeR, I have some more requests, this time a company called Ninja Arts Wrestling. The titles I would like to request are


NAW Grandmaster


NAW Shadow


NAW Clan


Here is the company's logo should you want to use it:




Creative control is yours, thank you for all the work you do.



Hope these work for you.


NAW Shadow Championship



NAW Grandmaster Championship



NAW Clan Championship


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Hope these work for you.


NAW Shadow Championship



NAW Grandmaster Championship



NAW Clan Championship



These are all amazing, I cannot stop staring at them, they look so good. Thank you for another set of awesome belts. You always hit the designs right out of the park.

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Ok thank you! My requests are titles for a TCW bought out version of the 21st Century Title. A TCW version of the World, Tag, and United Kingdom belts is what I'd like


First one. Did two versions of it.


TCW/21st Tag Team Championship_alt



TCW/21st Tag Team Championship


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Back into the request que I go. I got one more belt for Ninja Arts Wrestling and two requests for a company called Miami Beach Wrestling.


The belts are


NAW Spirit Duos


MBW Queen of the Beach


MBW Party Sisters


Here is a logo for Miami Beach Wrestling should you like to use it.




Creative control is yours, thank you for all your amazing work.

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I am loving all the belts. They reinvent old promotions and provide great value to new ones. Thank you for the time put in.


Next requests:

FutureShock Grand Nationals (Brown strap, silver plates similar to Bellator Title)

FutureShock Grand Tag Team (Brown strap, silver plates similar to NXT UK Tag Titles)

FutureShock Grand Woman's (lavender strap, silver plates similar to Stardom title)


This is the developmental promotion of Epic Championship Wrestling. There is FutureShock: America, FutureShock: United Kingdom, and FutureShock: Japan. I am content to use the same titles for each company. The silver plates reflect that FutureShock is 3 child companies.

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Hello! This is such a great service you provide.


I have a request for three titles for a custom promotion, Main Event Wrestling (logo attached). Based in the Mid South with an edgy product, but values realism. Think if NJPW and TNA had a baby. The product is taken seriously by the workers and fans, and the titles are treated seriously with long reigns.


I am in need of three title belts for this promotion:


1. MEW World Heavyweight Championship - The ultimate Main Event prize. I envision this as a large, gold-plated belt with an elegant design on a black strap, with little added color. (Cross between Big Gold Belt and IWGP heavyweight?)


2. MEW All-Star Championship - The secondary title competed for in the "All-Star Division" - anyone who is either high-flying, up-and-coming, show stealing, hardcore, and/or strong style. Similar in spirit to the X Title, but more clearly defined. I envision a similar elegance and black strap as the WHW, but with more color added.


3. MEW World Tag Team Championship - the tag team division of MEW has produced most of the promotion's world champions and the tag champs are highly revered. I envision these belts to be much simpler and a little smaller than the others, but with striking gold and/or silver on black straps.


I realize I have been pretty specific with my requests in the hope of being helpful, but will be immensely grateful for whatever is produced.


Thank you!



Hope these work for you.


MEW World Tag Team Championship



MEW All-Star Championship



MEW World Heavyweight Championship


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Hi Reaper!


Thanks so much for creating all of these great belts. Really appreciate the work you do in the community and how responsive you are while still providing some really quality stuff!


I have 3 requests for my custom promotion, the National Wrestling Federation (NWF). Based in New York with a Modern Throwback product, they offer a traditional American wrestling product in the modern era.


- Simple babyface vs. heel stories

- A slow, psychology-based in-ring style but with a bit more flexibility and excitement in terms of moves/showmanship etc. to fit in the modern era

- More than a healthy dose of American patriotism in their imagery.


Hope these aren't too specific, just wanted to give some flavour of what I'm looking for - but trust you to put your own spin on it as you see fit!


1. NWF Grand Championship - The ultimate prize, this should be a modern take on retro world titles (winged eagle, NWA title, WCW title in the early 90s etc.) - not technically a world title so no globe, but should have an aura of grandeur about it as if it is a prestigious belt. Gold/Silver/Mix of both with potentially small splashes of red/white/blue in the belt design. Black strap.


2. NWF All-American Championship - more colourful, less serious belt but still enough about it to look like a legitimate prize. Focus on American imagery (flags, eagles etc.) Significant elements of red/white/blue but still on a gold faceplate. Can be on a non-black strap if it fits - preferably white or blue.


3. NWF Women's Championship - women's equivalent of the Grand title, should be a smaller belt and have a slightly different colour scheme. More silver, potentially on a white strap but with a fairly similar design to the Grand title.


Here's some imagery + colour swatches that I used when designing the logo (or more accurately, finding elements online, such as the eagle!). Hope these help - feel free to incorporate any of them in the design as you see fit!


"National" font is Historia Script, "Wrestling" + "Federation" font is Lemon Milk if that helps!




Thanks in advance!

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I have two title requests as I have just started a second Showcase brand in my TCW save.


1) I really love your Showcase tag title belts, and would love a world title in a similar style. Of course with a shape and size fitting of a world title. Other than that I don't mind if you find some other inspiration with it, as long as it says "Showcase World Champion" or something like that.


2) For my secondary title for this brand I bought NOTBPW's old Canadian title (yes CWA doesn't own the license to CGC's or NOTBPW's old titles for some reason) and I am currently using your TCW CWA title for that, but for maybe obvious reasons (I do not own CWA, YET) I would like it to just say TCW Canadian, and be in a similar style to that TCW CWA title you have. Thanks!


First one.


TCW Showcase World Championship


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Amazing work Reaper! This and the Re-Render thread have really made the C-Verse even more alive.


I was hoping to request one belt.


SWF Women's Tag Team Championship


Looking for something similar to the WWE Women's tag team championships. If too difficult, full creative on your part. Thank you!

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