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TV Attendance/Importance

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TV attendance should be higher, closer to matching event attendance, if not exactly the same. In real life, TV and PPV attendance are always about equal, minus WrestleMania. Also, the pop gains off of TV should be higher, more equal to PPV.


At the very least, I'd like to see a TV Attendance and a Event Attendance option in Eras, much like how theres options for ratings.

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I think adding it for eras makes sense as TV tapings in the old days never had crowds like RAW and Nitro in the Monday night wars for example.


Perhaps even having an option of different types of TV shows rather than just A and B to maybe bring in an option for studio wrestling shows that run in set locations to small crowds rather than the usual WWE style TV shows from arenas.

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I have an honest question here as I've never been to a WWE live show. How does their average RAW/Smackdown ticket prices compare to prices for the PPV events?


I'm just asking because in game you can set different prices for events, TV and house shows and ticket prices do affect attendance although I have yet to play around with it to see how much it affects attendances.

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I don't mind attendances being lower. I would prefer it if it were more dynamic and situational, so that a TV-only promotion wouldn't get dinged as badly as a PPV-focused company, but it's something I can work with. It's the popularity gains that kill it for me. And the combination of the two together make television a bad way to do business in TEW. You would get better results running two events a month that 4-TV and a PPV. Hands down.


Popularity gains should be based on how many people are watching. TV should be the king of popularity changes. In real life, it's what gets your workers in front of the widest audiences to create stars, then you cash in on those stars on big Events with higher ticket prices and PPV revenue. In TEW, TV is seen as unimportant fluff.


I'd like more custom settings. I'm really enjoying playing with different kinds of events. Normal/Lesser. Different ticket prices. Deciding how important your TV is could be cool.

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Maybe it’s an era thing, but the financial balance weighs too much on having successful PPVs (buys and attendance). Impact was doing sub 50,000 PPV buys for close to a decade, but they had a TV deal that made them solvent. When AEW got their TNT extension it immediately made them a profitable company (as in the deal would pay for the debt they incurred for the first year or so of startup costs), and they only run 4 or 5 PPVs per year. Maybe the AEW thing is the result of live content being more in demand due to streaming hurting tv, but the TNA stuff was well before that era. We shouldn’t have to mention WWE completely gutting PPV en route to being more profitable than ever.


I don’t really have too much of an issue with TV as it is (aside from worker popularity but that’s really it), I just think the problems come when “events” are far superior. For instance making TV and Event attendance mirror each other makes sense, but it makes sense to nerf PPV shows instead of having a 300% increase in some cases. Once you hit medium your monthly shows can start to hit 20 or 30k in attendance when even at its hottest wrestling wasn’t putting 30,000 people in one venue monthly. This refers to 98-01 WWF and mid 90s NJPW, or any era prior or after. If they could have run 12 stadium shows a year they would have done it. How can TCW be considered a distant 3rd and yet there are 40,000 people coming to their shows as a “medium” sized company?


Now it is ok for numbers to differ from real life since we play a game, I’m not harping on that. The issue is that it’s disproportionate and in turn swings the balance to making one option clearly superior to the other, when it’s more nuanced than that. I think broadcasters are a good example of this, there’s no “correct” answer on if Commercial/PPV/Subscription is better because it’s heavily context dependent. On the other hand, there’s legitimately zero reason to run a “TV show” when you can just run “events” on a tv station. You receive bigger popularity gains, more attendance, access to post show speeches (an infinite morale booster if you want), workers might do stunt/crazy bumps more, you can even get around “events only” contracts. At that point what purpose does TV serve in game? Even if we slightly disregard reality for the sake of game balance, I wouldn’t mind that to make things more fair to justify running TV shows.


It was brought to my attention via discord that the game no longer requires TV to get maximum viewership on PPVs, which actually made sense to be in past games. Now there’s even less incentive to run TV

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