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The C-Verse... and Beyond! The Rise of New Legacies? The XWL

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The notoriety she gained from suing TCW to include a women’s division with in their company was something else. However, when they offered her a contract to become the first woman on the roster she turned them down. She didn’t want to make the suit about <b>her</b> getting a job with the company. In fact, she is almost certain that they were just offering her the contract so that they could make her life a living hell like she had done for them the last couple of months. However, there was a more important reason why she decided against signing with number three promotion in the USA. Her family, because while she might be a female competitor with a little something left in the tank… she’s a mother first.


She couldn’t be away from her children that long considering that their father is looking for that first big contract that he can get no matter how often it would mean that he would be away from their children. She couldn’t lie, things have been strained between the two of them for a while and his willingness to run away to become ‘famous’ was the clinching factor in her deciding to stay home more than wrestle. However, she knew that she would still have an itch to stretch, because she knows that she can still go for a little longer. So she decided to take the $250,000 dollars she’s been hiding for her husband in the event that they were to divorce him and put it in to a startup wrestling company.


Surely, one show a month would be enough to satisfy her needs and she could be home in time to tuck her six children in to bed. So came the birth of the Xciting Wrestling League or the XWL for short. Two shows down between January and February and she’s been able to turn a profit. Which just went to further justify that she made the right decision. However, just from that little exposure from two shows was enough to get some of her roster noticed by a bigger company…


Overnight she saw Marvin Goodlooks (Aka The Bear), James Diaz, and Zippy Deverell already put pen to paper to sign for the number one company. There was nothing she could do about it… she couldn’t offer them the money they’d want to stay, but even then she couldn’t sign them to exclusive guaranteed (Written) contracts either. She did the only thing that she could do in the situation she traveled to USPW’s headquarters for a meeting with Allen Packer.


<b> “Mrs. Young, what can I do for you?”</b> Packer said, with a sly smile on his face, because he already knew why she was visiting him. As this isn’t the first time nor will it be the last time an owner of a smaller company would come to him to do what she’s about to do.


<b> “I’d like to propose an agreement where you stop poaching my talent.”</b> She cut to the chase, because she knew that Packer was a busy man. Hell, she probably figured that he had several more meetings just like this one lined up after and in to week.


<b> “Straight to the point… that’s probably how you beat TCW in that little law suit.”</b> He quipped, as a way to make sure that she knew that he knew just who he was dealing with. <b> “However, I’m going to decline… doing something like that wouldn’t be in USPW’s best interests.”</b>


<font color=b> “You son of a…”</b> She started to say, but stopped when he raised his right hand in to the air. She was sure that he was signaling for security, but he just pulled the hand down before placing a cigar in to his mouth.


<font color=b> “Language, and your excused now.”</b> He said, before lighting the tip of the cigar. Kittie in that moment knew there was nothing she could do in the moment. She could start another law suit to force the matter, but that would just eat up her finances that would only further hurt her company. So she turned to leave the office, but Packer wasn’t done with her just yet as he threw one last dagger in to her heart. <b> “Tell your husband, that I have big plans for him when he starts here in USPW.”</b>

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<p>Table of Contents: Company Info</p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/company.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/company.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/XWL.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/XWL.jpg"</a> align="left"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie%20Young.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie%20Young.jpg"</a> align="right"><center><strong>Xciting Wrestling League</strong></p><p>

Detroit, Michigan, USA</p><p>

PG Rated Sports Entertainment</p><p>

42 home popularity</p><p>

$8,577,493 bank balance</p><p>

Owner: Kittie Young</p><p>

Booker: Jack Avatar (Not Pictured)<P><P></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Money.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Money.jpg"</a> /><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/money2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/money2.jpg"</a> align="left" /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/money2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/money2.jpg"</a> align="Right" /><center><strong>As of Week 4, Feb, 2026</strong></p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paid In To Company</span></em></strong></p><p>

<strong>PPV Revenue</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Ticket Sales</strong>: $27,200</p><p>

<strong>Broadcast Revenue</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Sponsors</strong>: $30,509</p><p>

<strong>Merchandise</strong> $5,153</p><p>

<strong>Alliance</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Media</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Development</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Misc.</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paid Out Of Company</span></em></strong></p><p>

<strong>Workers</strong>: $334,050</p><p>

<strong>Show Costs</strong>: $13,110</p><p>

<strong>Marketing</strong>: $250</p><p>

<strong>Merchandise</strong>: $513</p><p>

<strong>Production</strong>: $99,908</p><p>

<strong>Training</strong>: $152</p><p>

<strong>Alliance</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Media</strong>: $1,463</p><p>

<strong>Development</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Misc.</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong>Taxes</strong>: $0</p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">End of The Month</span></em></strong></p><p>

<strong>Performance</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">$386,584</span></p><p>

<strong>Original Investment</strong>: $250,000</p><p>

<strong>Current Balance</strong>: $8,577,493</p><p>

<strong>Previous Balance</strong>: $8,964,077<P><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<h3><b><u>Television</u></b><br /></p><p>

Coming Soon</h3></p><p> </p><p>

<h3><b><u>Pay Per Views</u></b><br /></p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ravenous.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ravenous.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Pride.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Pride.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Path.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Path.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Law.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Law.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Changing.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Changing.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Scars.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Scars.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hell.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hell.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Sin.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Sin.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Blaze.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Blaze.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Final.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Final.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg"</a> /><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hanging.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hanging.jpg"</a> /></h3></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

OOC: Okay, this is kind of a continuation of my previous diary as it is the same game, but I decided that working on 8 promotions at one time was just too much and while it didn't burn me out I do think that it seriously hindered my creativity towards the project since I was booking so many shows that I couldn't really focus on any of them. So I quit the other seven promotions and decided that I'm really going to try my hand going a a RTG diary focusing on my created company that will hopefully be home to most of my toons that I added to diary to where I can re-tell their history within Efeds, but I'm just one day in to the "new" game and two of my potential signings (Lead Belly and Grease Hogg) and as well as two of my starting roster (The Bear and Rich Powers) have contract offers from... surprise, surprise USPW! So yeah this is going to be an interesting game as normally I'm playing the giants like USPW, SWF, or TCW to where I have some.... some protection from raids. This is going to be fun.</p>

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<p>XWL Roster</p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Roster.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Roster.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">MAJOR STARS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Blue><center><B><SIZE="4">THE FACES</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris</a> Caulfield.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Chris Caulfield <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Green><center><B><SIZE="4">THE HEELS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash</a> Campbell.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner</a> Threepwood.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal</a> Warrior.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Ash Campbell (w/ Eric Tyler) <b>|</b> Conner Threepwood <b>|</b> Nelson Callum <b>|</b> Tribal Warrior <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Stars</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Blue><center><B><SIZE="4">THE FACES</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky</a> Block.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie</a> Corner.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy</a> Quick.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kip" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kip</a> Keenan.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Bucky Block <b>|</b> Charlie Corner <b>|</b> Izzy Quick <b>|</b> Kip Keenan <b>|</b> </p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Green><center><B><SIZE="4">THE HEELS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Nelson" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Nelson</a> Callum.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teresa" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teresa</a> Perez.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tennessee" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tennessee</a> William.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Nelson Callum (w/ Melanie Golden) <b>|</b> Teresa Perez <b>|</b> Tennessee William <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Well Known</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Blue><center><B><SIZE="4">THE FACES</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ava" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ava</a> Anderson.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Harry" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Harry</a> Allen.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Coco" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Coco</a> Malloy.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Ava Anderson <b>|</b> Harry Allen <b>|</b> Coco Malloy <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Green><center><B><SIZE="4">THE HEELS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas</a> McWade.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Davis" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Davis</a> Wayne Newton.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean</a> McWade.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg"</a> /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Beca" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Beca</a> Barton.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Dallas McWade <b>|</b> Davis Wayne Newton <b>|</b> Dean McWade <b>|</b> Dreadnought <b>|</b> Emma Bitch <b>|</b> </p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Recognizable</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Blue><center><B><SIZE="4">THE FACES</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bradford" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bradford</a> Peverell.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clutch" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clutch</a> McKane.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Findlay" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Findlay</a> O'Farraday.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Bradford Peverell <b>|</b> Clutch McKane <b>|</b> Findlay O'Farraday <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Green><center><B><SIZE="4">THE HEELS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Byran" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Byran</a> Brady.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Philippe" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Philippe</a> LaGrenier.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Beauty Bryan <b>|</b> Philippe LaGrenier <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Unimportant</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P> </p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Blue><center><B><SIZE="4">Faces</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Asphalt.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Asphalt.jpg"</a> /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack</a> Avatar.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Torque.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Torque.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Asphalt <b>|</b> Jack Avatar <b>|</b> Torque <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=Green><center><B><SIZE="4">Heels</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src=<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clint" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clint</a> Matthews.jpg /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hunter" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hunter</a> Maxwell.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack</a> Pryde.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/West" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/West</a> Matthews.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Clint Matthews <b>|</b> Hunter Maxwell <b>|</b> Jack Pryde <b>|</b> West Matthews <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Referees</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Andy" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Andy</a> Gordy.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clinton" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clinton</a> Edwards.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dale" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dale</a> Kenney.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jason" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jason</a> Margolis.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Andy Gordy <b>|</b> Clinton Edwards <b>|</b> Dale Kenney <b>|</b> Jason Margolis <b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Announcers</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dan" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dan</a> Heywood Jablowme.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mike" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mike</a> OxBig.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Dan Heywood Jablowme <b>|</b> Mike OxBig <b>|</b> </p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">Road Agents</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Alex" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Alex</a> Braun.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Fox" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Fox</a> Mask.jpg" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Freddie" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Freddie</a> Datsun.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/The" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/The</a> Idaho Punisher.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie</a> Young.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne</a> Brazzle.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Alex Braun <b>|</b> Fox Mask <b>|</b> Freddie Datsun <b>|</b> The Idaho Punisher <b>|</b> Kittie Young <b>|</b> Suzanne Brazzle <b>|</b> </p><p> </p><p>

<P><P><font color=red><center><B><SIZE="4">MANAGERS</SIZE></B></CENTER></font><P></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Eric" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Eric</a> Tyler.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Honest" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Honest</a> Frank.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden</a> Delicious.jpg" /></p><p> </p><p>

<b>|</b> Eric Tyler <b>|</b> Honest Frank <b>|</b> Melanie Golden (F/K/A Golden Delicious)<b>|</b></p><p> </p><p>


<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teams.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teams.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky</a> Block.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie</a> Corner.jpg" align="right" /><strong>21 Jump Street Boyz</strong></p><p>

Bucky Block</p><p>

Charlie Corner</p><p>

Around The Block</p><p>

Permanent Unit<p><P><p><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kip" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kip</a> Keenan.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bradford" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bradford</a> Peverell.jpg" align="right" /><strong>The Freedom Force</strong></p><p>

Kip Keenan</p><p>

Bradford Peverell</p><p>


Individuals <p><P><p><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Asphalt.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Asphalt.jpg"</a> align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Torque.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Torque.jpg"</a> align="right" /><strong>The Easy Riders</strong></p><p>



Emergancy Stop</p><p>

Unit<p><P><p><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas</a> Wade.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean</a> Wade.jpg" align="right" /><strong>The McWade Brothers</strong></p><p>

Dallas McWade</p><p>

Dean McWade</p><p>


Permanent Unit<p><P><p><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clint" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clint</a> Matthews.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/West" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/West</a> Matthews.jpg" align="right" /><strong>Those Matthews Boys</strong></p><p>

Clint Matthews</p><p>

West Matthews</p><p>

Just The Ugly</p><p>

Permanent Unit<p><P><p><P></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Champions.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Champions.jpg"/></a></p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic</a> Heavy.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal</a> Warrior.jpg" align="right" /><strong>XWL World Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p>

<b>Current Holder</b>: Tribal Warrior</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Chris Caulfield</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Special Attraction 4</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 26+</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 35 (Started 35)</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 3, Feburary 2021 to Current</p><p> </p><p>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary><b>Previous Champions</b></p><p>

</summary><b>First Champion</b>: Chris Caulfield</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: The Bear</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Ravenous</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 150(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 32</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Saturday, Week 1, January 2020 to Monday, Week 3, May 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Second Champion</b>: Doug Peak</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Chris Caulfield © & Kittie Young</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Law and DisOrder</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 150(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 33</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 3, May 2020 to Wk 4, July 2020</summary></details></details></tr></table></details></p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Third Champion</b>: Chris Caulfield</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Chris Caulfield</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Stars & Stripes</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 180(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 35</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 4, July 2020 to Wk 3, Feburary 2021</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic</a> Heavy.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner</a> Threepwood.jpg" align="right" /><strong>XWL Junior Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p>

<b>Current Holder</b>: Conner Threepwood</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Harry Allen</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Special Attraction 2</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 82+</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 37 (Started 35)</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 3, December 2020 to Current</p><p> </p><p>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary><b>Previous Champions</b></p><p>

</summary>None At This Time</summary></details></details></tr></table></details></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic</a>_Tag03.jpg" / align="right"><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic</a>_Tag03.jpg" align="right"/><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie</a> Corner.jpg" / align="left"><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky</a> Block.jpg" align="left" /><strong>XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championships</strong></p><p>

<b>Current Holder</b>: 21 Jump St. Boys</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: The McWade Brothers</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Hanging In The Moment</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 96</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 33 (Started @ 32)</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 1, December 2020 to Current</p><p> </p><p>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary><b>Previous Champions</b></p><p>

</summary><b>First Champion</b>: Rich Power and Jimmy Cox</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: The Hot Taggs & 21 Jump Street Boyz</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Ravenous</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 23</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 30</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Saturday, Week 1, January 2020 to Monday, Week 1, February 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Second Champion</b>: The McWade Brothers</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Rich Powers & Jimmy Cox</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Pride Before Fall</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 150(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 30</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 1, February 2020 to Wk 3, May 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Third Champion</b>: The Wild Ones</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: The McWade Brothers</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Law and DisOrder</p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 60(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 31</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 3, May 2020 to Wk 2, August 2021</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Fourth Champion</b>: The McWade Brothers</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: The Wild Ones</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL </p><p>

<b>Days Held</b>: 150(ish)</p><p>

<b>Prestige</b>: 32</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 2, August 2020 to Wk 1, December 2021</summary></details></details></tr></table></details></p><p> </p><p>

<img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Generic</a>_Womens01.jpg" align="left" /><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy</a> Quick.jpg" align="right" /><strong>XWL Fem - X Championship</strong></p><p>

<b>Current Holder</b>: Izzy Quick</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Houston Handley</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Ravenous 2</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 1, January 2020 to Current</p><p> </p><p>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary><b>Previous Champions</b></p><p>

</summary><b>First Champion</b>: Suzanne Brazzle</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Kittie Young & Golden Delicious</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Ravenous</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 4, February 2020 to Wk 3, May 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Second Champion</b>: Talia Quinzel</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Suzanne Brazzle & Emma Bitch</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Law and DisOrder</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 3, May 2020 to Wk 2, July 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Third Champion</b>: Emma Bitch</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Talia Quinzel</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Xtreme #8</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 2, July 2020 to Wk 4, July 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Fourth Champion</b>: Talia Quinzel</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Emma Bitch</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Stars & Stripes</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 4, July 2020 to Wk 2, August 2020</p><p> </p><p>

</summary><b>Fifth Champion</b>: Houston Handley</p><p>

<b>Defeated</b>: Talia Quinzel</p><p>

<b>Won At</b>: XWL Xtreme #9</p><p>

<b>Reign</b>: Wk 2, August 2020 to Wk 1, January 2021</summary></details></details></tr></table></details></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<Center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/FStars.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/FStars.jpg"</a> /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jimmy" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jimmy</a> Cox.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg"</a> /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/James" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/James</a> Diaz.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Rich" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Rich</a> Power.jpg" /><img alt="" src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/The" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/The</a> Bear.jpg" /><br></p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Cox (Released) <b>|</b> Acid (Released) <b>|</b> James Diaz (USPW) <b>|</b> Rich Power (USPW) <b>|</b> The Bear (USPW) <b>|</b> <P></p>

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<p>XWL World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Chris Caulfield ©</strong> Vs. Rich Power Vs. Dreadnought</p><p> </p><p>

XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>The McWades ©</strong> Vs. 21 Jump Street Boyz</p><p> </p><p>

XWL Fem - X Championship</p><p>

Kittie Young Vs. <strong>Suzanne Brazzle</strong> Vs. Golden Delicious</p>

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<p>Just thirty minutes away from the start of XWL’s third event “Path to Greatness” and Kittie Young couldn’t be any more nervous than if she tried. She was worried about which talents were going to end up getting poached by USPW after the event, she was nervous because tonight marks the first time that she’s going to be in the ring for her own company. So needless to say she was worried about people that knew she was the owner were to assume that she was going to go over in the Fem – X title match. </p><p> </p><p> That could’ve been an easy decision to make considering that just days after she managed to bring in Brazzle and Delicious they both announced their retirements and there is the fact that she herself is nearing retirement. It’s only a matter of time before Father Time makes her submit as well. Then again some could say the same about the main event tonight, her husband despite being recently signed by USPW could easily still go over Caulfield and Dreadnought for the title. Dreadnought is nowhere ready to the man on the top of the mountain, but at the same time just like Brazzle, Caulfield announced his retirement.</p><p> </p><p> Same with the tag team titles, The McWades have both announced their intentions to retire, but there is no team on the roster that is ready enough to take the tag titles away from them. Not to mention Block and Corner are the only faces in that division. Such was the burden she’d have to wear having chosen those four wrestlers for the purpose of building up the young, talent, and the future stars of the company. However, it’s going slower than what she expected it would, but it didn’t help that UPSW signing up anyone not tied down to a company taking other veterans off the table before they were even on it.</p><p> </p><p> After tonight’s show, she was going to have to get back on the ball on recruiting, because Caulfield, Brazzle, and The McWades while they won’t be around much longer… will run out of legitimate competition for their titles quickly. Brazzle more than anything considering there is only so many times you could book a triple threat with her, Delicious, and herself while sprinkling in singles matches between the champ and Delicious. Kittie completely lost in her own thought that she doesn’t see the man that was responsible for training her walking up to her.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “He Kiddo,”</b> luckily for him the sound of his voice was enough to bring Kittie back to earth. As it would have been much longer to snap her out of it if he had to nudge her. As Matthew Gavin, was still five feet away from her, walking up as fast as he could, given he’s slower than most people now a days, and is trying not only to keep himself, but his cane out of the way road agents and other employees that are running around trying to make sure the show is ready in this last couple of minutes.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “MATT!”</b> Kittie exclaimed, before she met him ‘halfway’ to where he doesn’t have to walk that much further. Not only that, but she really wanted to give the man a hug. </p><p> </p><p> <b> “Nice set up, kiddo.”</b> He said, with a smile as he was genuinely proud of what she’s been able to build in such a short period. However, he could tell by the look in her eye that she’s a little worried about him being at the show.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “Please tell me this is just a social call… not a business one.”</b> She hated to say those things to the man that give her the tools to succeed in this business as a wrestler. However, she couldn’t help, but worry considering the announcement that USPW made on their website about signing her mentor to a road agent position.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “Don’t worry, Kiddo, it’s a social one.”</b> He says, with a warm smile. <b> “I’m here to support a former student of mine, but even then I don’t officially start until next month.”</b></p><p> </p><p> <b> “Good, I don’t think I could handle more wrestlers getting signed away tomorrow.”</b> She said, in a matter of fact tone, but he couldn’t help, but grimace towards her. While he wasn’t there to scout talent, he couldn’t say yay or nay to someone else being in the crowd for that reason. </p><p> </p><p> <b> “Listen kiddo, I know that you are hurting for talent at the moment. So I have to ask have you thought about joining COTT?”</b> He asked, and to be fair she has thought about it. It would be a great source of talent, talent that’s a little more secure than anyone she can sign at the moment. However, there were draw backs to joining the alliance as well.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “I have and I don’t think it’s the right option for us.”</b> She answered, and she could tell that he didn’t understand where she was coming from. <b> “I don’t think we could afford the monthly dues, the talent loan fees, and not to mention it would hurt our chances to grow outside of the Great Lakes area.”</b></p><p> </p><p> <b> “You have a point, but at the same time can’t go running to the Allen Packers of the world every time someone raids your talent.”</b> His words stung a little bit, but they weren’t wrong either. She knew that she couldn’t run to the competitor crying at them to play ‘fair’ each time she loses someone.</p><p> </p><p> <b> “I know that, the first time was just a rookie mistake.”</b> She said, proudly as she is knew to running a company it isn’t like she’s done this for years already. <b> “I’m going to start taking it like a badge of honor. I mean it does say that I have an eye for talent if the big companies are coming after them like. Means, I’m on the right path.”</b></p><p> </p><p> <b> “Good girl, now I’m going to head to my seat don’t wanna miss the opening match.”</b> He said, before they hugged again. It was good seeing her mentor tonight, as it did help her realize somethings she needed to. Things were going to have to change.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51157" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>OOC: And with this... Final Call for Predictions 20 minutes and the show should be posted</div></blockquote>
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<p><table border="1" style="height: 330px; width: 1100px; border-collapse: collapse; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></p><p>


<tr style="height: 21px;"></p><p>

<td style="width: 100%; height: 21px; text-align: center;"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg"</a> /></td></p><p>


<tr style="height: 151px;"></p><p>

<td style="width: 100%; text-align: center; height: 151px;"><table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/XWL.jpg</span></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Xciting Wrestling League</strong></p><p>

Ohio Jewish Center</p><p>

Attendance: 121</p><p>

March, Monday, Week 4, 2020</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Path.jpg</span></td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Grease%20Hogg.jpg</span></p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Philippe%20LaGrenier.jpg</span></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Grease Hogg & Philippe LaGrenier Vs. Clutch McKane & Fearless Blue</strong></p><p> </p><p>

• Pretty much your run of mill pre-show match up. </p><p>

• The Teams seemed a little wonky to me at first glance. I thought that Hogg and McKane would look better as a team, but then realized that Hogg was playing a heel role while McKane was playing a face role doing the match.</p><p>

• Neither team really stank, but then again neither did really great either. I don't expect these combinations again.</p><p>

• Grease Hogg (28) was the star of the match up with LaGrenier (23), McKane (22), and finally Fearless Blue (17)</p><p>

• Grease Hogg and LaGrenier came away with the win in this match up.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>25</b> </p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clutch%20McKane.jpg</span></p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Fearless%20Blue.jpg</span></td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jimmy%20Cox.jpg</span></p><p>

</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Jimmy Cox Vs. Conner Threepwood</strong></p><p> </p><p>

• This match being a pre-show match to warm up little crowd (early arrivers) was a bit confusing for me. Threepwood screams that he would be on the main show as well as Cox being a former tag team champion.</p><p>

• I wouldn't call this match a master piece work of art, but the two did manage to put on a better showing than the tag team match.</p><p>

• Threepwood (42) really outshone Cox (28) in the match. </p><p>

• Will not be surprised if Threepwood doesn't take Cox's place higher up on the card.</p><p>

• Case and point, Threepwood walks away with the win this match up.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>38</b> </p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner%20Threepwood.jpg</span></p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Harry" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Harry</a> Allen.jpg" width="100" height="100"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clark" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clark</a> Alexander.jpg" width="100" height="100"><br><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack</a> Avatar.jpg"></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Harry Allen, Clark Alexander, & Jack Avatar Vs. The Hot Taggs & Acid</strong></p><p> </p><p>

• Alright... the first match of the night appears to be randomly thrown together face team against The Hot Taggs with Acid randomly thrown in as their partner.</p><p>

• I wouldn't wouldn't call this match completely terrible, but compared to Threepwood and Cox it is some what of a let down.</p><p>

• As far as level performances... Allen (45) was the best.</p><p>

• Alexander (39) and Acid (36) aren't that far behind, but The Taggs (Wolfie (17), Kalder (16)) and Avatar tore the match down in my opinion.</p><p>

• Needless to say I see the top half moving on to better things in the future.</p><p>

• The faces (Allen, Alexander, and Avatar) picked up the win.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>30</b> </p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Wolfie" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Wolfie</a> Tagg.jpg" width="100" height="100"><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kalder" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kalder</a> Tagg.jpg" width="100" height="100"><br><img src="<a href="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg"</td></tr></table></a></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Art%20Reed.jpg</span></p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie%20Perez.jpg</span></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Too Bad...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez made his way down to the ring where he addressed the crowd. </p><p> </p><p>

<b>Frankie Perez</b>: Ladies and germs, I can't tell you how long I have waited for to make my debut here tonight. Path To Greatness, that's damn right, because I'll be XWL World Heavyweight champion soon enough. However, I've got some bad news as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Perez doesn't have a chance to get to the bad news before Doug Peak and Tribal Warrior start making their way down to the ring. Things are definitely looking bleak for Perez in the moment.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Doug Peak</b>: Instead of wasting everyone's time just get to the point. That point obviously being that you are going to forfeit tonight's tag team match against us, because Art "Da Fart" Reed got hurt in his last match against that USPW goof, The Bear.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Frankie Perez</b>: It's true, Art was supposed to be my partner tonight and he did get hurt, but I'm not forfeiting a match to likes of Doug Peak! You couldn't couldn't lace up my boots on your brother's best day in his prime old man.</p><p> </p><p>

With that said, Peak and Warrior rushed the ring and started to beat down Perez with their number advantage. However, it wasn't long before every one in the Ohio Jewish Center was cheering as Remmy Skye bolted down to the ring to clear it. As both Peak and Warrior stare in to the ring with surprised looks on their faces, Skye checks on Perez, making it clear that he is Perez's new partner for the night.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Remmy%20Skye.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=lightgreen><b>45</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal%20Warrior.jpg</span></p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Doug%20Peak.jpg</span></td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Doug%20Peak.jpg</span></p><p>

<span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal%20Warrior.jpg</span></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Doug Peak & Tribal Warrior Vs. Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye</strong></p><p> </p><p>

• Nice little set up for this match.</p><p>

• From what I understand, Reed suffered a minor calf injury that he could have worked through. However, XWL management felt it was better to play it safe so enter Remmy Skye.</p><p>

• Surprisingly, the best performance out of the match went to Tribal Warrior (46)</p><p>

• Remmy underperformed in the match (30)</p><p>

• The action in the ring was decent and both teams looked like they could win at any moment.</p><p>

• Peak and Warrior won the match. Which I hope doesn't hurt the little foreshadowing of Perez being in the main event scene soon enough.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>36</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie%20Perez.jpg</span></p><p>


</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Eric%20Tyler.jpg</span></p><p>

</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Change of Plans</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eric Tyler makes his way out to the ring and he looks more than a little pensive about it. Once he's in the ring he starts to address the fans in attendance.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Eric Tyler</b>: Tonight, tonight... was supposed to be a big night for me. Tonight, I was supposed to come out here and introduce you to my client, my client that was <b>supposed</b> to be next challenger for the XWL World Heavyweight championship. However, fate is a fickle bitch. My client, James mother ****ing Diaz, was signed away to USPW. Tonight was supposed to be the birth of Tyler Enterprises with a son of a LEGEND leading the charge against the likes of Chris Caulfield.</p><p> </p><p>

Luckily, tonight... that's what <b>IS</b> going to happen. Because fate swings both ways and while the man he has signed to replace Diaz, is a son of a LEGEND, he's unfortunately not proven anything to XWL management... yet. So without further delay, my client, the son of Nemesis... ASH MOTHER ****ING CAMPBELL!</p><p> </p><p>

<center><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash%20Campbell.jpg</span></center></p><p> </p><p>

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=lightgreen><b>59</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/James%20Diaz.jpg</span></p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden%20Delicious.jpg</span></p><p>

</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>The Golden Goddess, is Here</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As Tyler and Campbell leave the ring side area, Golden Delicious makes her way down to the ring looking as sexy as possible without crossing any lines. </p><p> </p><p>

<b>Golden Delicious</b>: For those of you that don't know who I am, I'm Golden Delicious, because each everyone of you out there just wanna eat me up.</p><p> </p><p>

Delicious pauses for a moment as she smirks. As many people wonder if maybe she crossed a line with that comment.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Golden Delicious</b>: However, after tonight you might as well call me the Golden Goddess, because I'm walking out of here with the XWL Fem - X...</p><p> </p><p>

She doesn't have a chance to finish what she is saying before she is interrupted by Kittie Young.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Kittie Young</b>: You're getting a little ahead of yourself, Goldie. You have to make it through both Suzanne Brazzle and myself first.</p><p> </p><p>

<center><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne%20Brazzle.jpg</span></center></p><p> </p><p>

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=lightgreen><b>55</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie%20Young.jpg</span></p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne%20Brazzle.jpg</span></p><p>


</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Suzanne Brazzle Vs. Golden Delicious Vs. Kittie Young</strong></p><p><strong>

<i>XWL Fem - X Title Match</i></strong></p><p> </p><p>

• The first title match of the night and I have to say it surprised all of people.</p><p>

• With two of the three women having already announced their retirements and the third possibly not long behind them I didn't expect much out of this match.</p><p>

• However, all three women went to war in this match.</p><p>

• Kittie Young was the star of the match (63!), Brazzle (36), and Delicious (24)</p><p>

• Though I have to say given who was in the match, who had the best showing, and looming retirements the winner caught everyone off guard: Suzanne Brazzle. </p><p>

• Be interesting who challenges her for the title first... Brazzle and Young are both faces and Delicious is the only other woman on the roster that's heel.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=lightgreen><b>51</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie%20Young.jpg</span></p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky%20Block.jpg</span></p><p>


</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Future Tag Team champs</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Challengers for the XWL 2Xtreme Championships start making their way down to the ring, but they only make it half way down the ramp before they are attacked from behind by the champions. The McWades punish Block and Corner for several minutes before rolling Block in to the ring to get the match started.</p><p> </p><p>

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>28</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean%20Wade.jpg</span></p><p>


</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean%20Wade.jpg</span></p><p>


</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>The McWades © Vs. 21 Jump Street Boyz</strong></p><p><strong>

<i>XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Title Match</i></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

• The tag team title match... can't say that the finish is in doubt in this one.</p><p>

• Both Block and Corner under performed in this match. Block (10), Corner (15)</p><p>

• It would be insulting to the McWades if I said the challengers gave as good as they got.</p><p>

• Dean was the star of the match (41), but Dallas (36) wasn't far behind him.</p><p>

• I have a feeling that The McWades are going to have a lenghty run with the titles.</p><p>

• The McWades win this match rather easily...</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Darkorange><b>33</b></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky%20Block.jpg</span></p><p>


</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Rich%20Power.jpg</span></p><p>

</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>I'm taking the title with me!</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

It's almost time for the main event of the night. So I'm not surprised in the slightest when Rich Power makes his way down to the ring. In fact, I'm surprised that we didn't see a lot more of him tonight. I heard rumors that he was going to be in multiple segments getting humiliated by the entire roster the entire night. Apparently his signing with USPW was the final straw that broke the camel's back as far as his marriage is concerned. </p><p> </p><p>

However, I have to say I'm glad that the rumors weren't true. I don't think I could have sat through that much Rich Power. Once he is in the center of the ring....</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Rich Power</b>: Tonight, is a bittersweet moment as I leave the company that I was helping my former wife build up from the ground. However, it was needed, because my wife didn't utilize me to my fullest potential. I should have been XWL World Heavyweight champion back at Ravenous, not apart of the tag team champions with dead weight as my partner. It's why I choose to 'gift' the titles to The McWades, because they are tag team material. I'm...</p><p> </p><p>

Power doesn't have a chance to continue any more as The reigning XWL World Heavyweight champion makes his way out.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Chris Caulfield</b>: Power, get over yourself! You think you are the best in that locker room, but there are rookies back there with more talent than you.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Rich Power</b>: That so? Well after tonight if they want the XWL World Heavyweight championship they are going to have to come to USPW to challenge me for it.</p><p> </p><p>

<b>Chris Caulfield</b>: Boy, you couldn't make it here and you think you can make it in USPW? You'll be one of the first released when they realize they need to cut dead weight.</p><p> </p><p>

Before the conversation can continue any further, Dreadnought rushes out and attacks Caulfield from behind.</p><p> </p><p>

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>40</b></p><p> </p><p>


</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris%20Caulfield.jpg</span></p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris%20Caulfield.jpg</span></p><p>

</td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="center"><center><strong>Chris Caulfield © Vs. Rich Power Vs Dreadnought</strong></p><p><strong>

<i>XWL World Heavyweight Championship Match</i></strong></p><p> </p><p>

• The match wasn't the easiest for Caulfield during his reign.</p><p>

• Dreadnought's green was still very much a problem.</p><p>

• Power's selfish nature and the fact that he tried to hijack the match several times hurt.</p><p>

• Caulfield (54) and Power (54) though did a great job carrying Dreadnought (10) to a decent match.</p><p>

• Interesting choice the XWL has made by having Dreadnought's first feud be so high up.</p><p>

• Though he does seem to a massive upside to him.</p><p>

• Caulfield won the match with his patented, Danger Drop to retain.</p><p>

• After the match was over Power went in to business for himself. Screaming that his ex-wife screwed him that he was supposed to win the match. Trying to get people to believe there was a 'screw job' done to him.</p><p>

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Green><b>47</b></font></p><p> </p><p>

<b>Final Rating</b>: <font color=Green><b>45</b></p><p> </p><p>

</td><td width="25%" align="right" valign="center"><span>http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Rich%20Power.jpg</span></p><p>


</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>

Good Job, Dalton... you went 3/3! Next event is XWL Soul Survivor I, which will feature a single night tournament seeing as I don't have TV's to spread it out. I'm still working out the card because I went on a signing spree to fix some of my short falls on the roster at least for the next 2-3 shows as they were mostly 2-3 appearance contracts to try out peeps before trying to sign them to longer deals.</p>

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<p>Soul Survivor Prediction Key</p><p> </p><p>

<center><img src="<a href="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Path.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Path.jpg"></a></p><p> </p><p>

Soul Survivor Tournament (Men's Bracket)</p><p>

• Acid Vs. Clutch McKane</p><p>

• Beautiful Bryan Vs. <i>To Be Revealed Later</I></p><p>

• Frankie Perez Vs. <i>To Be Revealed Later</i></p><p>

• Mark Knox Vs. ??? <i>Hint: Former member of at least one of the big 3</i></p><p> </p><p>

Second Round</p><p> </p><p>

• Winner #1 Vs. Winner #2</p><p>

• Winner #3 Vs. Winner #4</p><p> </p><p>

Third Round</p><p> </p><p>

• Winner #5 Vs. Winner #6</p><p> </p><p>

Soul Survivor Tag Team Backet</p><p> </p><p>

• 21 Jump St. Boyz Vs. Grimm & Gram</p><p>

• The Gilbert Brothers Vs The Maryland Alliance</p><p>

• <i>To Be Revealed Later</i> Vs. <i>To Be Revealed Later</i></p><p>

• Tex - Mex Vs. Dangerous By Design (Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose)</p><p> </p><p>

Second Round</p><p> </p><p>

• Winner #7 Vs. Winner #8</p><p>

• Winner #9 Vs. Winner #10</p><p> </p><p>

Third Round </p><p> </p><p>

• Winner #11 Vs. Winner #12</p><p> </p><p>

Soul Survivor Fem - X Bracket</p><p> </p><p>

Kittie Young Vs. <i>To Be Revealed Later</i></p><p>

Golden Delicious Vs. <i>To Be Revealed Later</i></p><p> </p><p>

Second Round</p><p> </p><p>

• Winner #13 Vs. Winner #14</p><p> </p><p>

Soul Survivor Finals - Soul Survivor Ring</p><p> </p><p>

Men's Bracket Winner Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #1 Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #2 Vs. Fem - X Bracket Winner</p><p> </p><p>

Trying something different for a tournament and yes... the XWL is integrated. Any ways with the exception of Knox's tournament opponent... all the opponents will be revealed before the show through narratives.</p>

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<p><center><b><i><u>Wrestling with the Facts</p><p>

By: Johnny Napalm</u></i></b></p><p> </p><p>

Ladies and gentlemen, I would say things with in the wrestling world have gotten back to normal since the onset of Covid 19, but I really don’t that I could say that with a straight face. Today, I’m going to take a look at a couple of things. First, let us take a look at TCW and the wrestlers they have signed recently. </p><p> </p><p>

JK Townsend</p><p>

Vincent Thompson</p><p>

Kelly Gilbert</p><p>

Dan Lane</p><p>

Bailey Punk</p><p> </p><p>

All recent graduates TCW’s wrestling school and all will report to MAW. I can’t blame them for wanting to sign younger guys, but at the same time some new established wrestlers wouldn’t hurt either. Other than that they have released Yuri Yoshihara. However, the SWF has been even more puzzling as they haven’t signed any new talent, but even more than that they haven’t cut any talent either. However, they are dealing with the fall out of a big name leaving the company as he was spirited away by the ultra-aggressive USPW.</p><p> </p><p>

The USPW have signed the likes of </p><p> </p><p>

Phil Vibert (who is running their new development company)</p><p>

Texas Pete</p><p>

Lead Belly</p><p>


Akima Brave</p><p>

Shady K</p><p>


Marvin ‘The Bear’ Goodlooks</p><p>

James Diaz</p><p>

Mostly Mad Morrison</p><p>

Adam Starnes</p><p>

Victor Tuimala</p><p>

Harvey Humble</p><p>

Lady Alexander</p><p>

Hammer Hadley</p><p>

Miller Fforde</p><p>

Aldous Blackfriar</p><p>

Handy Andy</p><p>

Todd McGovern</p><p>

Benjamin Baldwin</p><p>

Trusty Rodriguez</p><p>


Sandy Sanders</p><p>

Jenny Ignition</p><p>

Killer Khan</p><p>

Michael Bull</p><p>

Garry The Entertainer</p><p>

The Architect</p><p>

Joffy Laine</p><p>

Zippy Deverell</p><p>

Steve The Overlord</p><p>

CJ Hoskins</p><p>

Naomi The Rose</p><p>


Sarah Taylor</p><p>

Black Diamond</p><p>

Taylor Norton</p><p>

Matthew Gavin</p><p>

Tucker Danberry</p><p>

Tank Facepunch</p><p>

Rich Power</p><p> </p><p>

As you can probably already tell most of those signings will probably end up in their developmental company for the foreseeable future. However, two names that will most certainly make it to the show and two of the most shocking signings of the year. USPW has managed to steal Sean McFly away from the CWA and Remo Richardson away from SWF!</p><p> </p><p>

I still can’t believe that I won’t be able to see Remo vs. Valiant vs. Rogue any more on my television. In other news the big three champions are…</p><p>

USPW</p><p> </p><p>

National Champion – Zeus he has only made one defense in his forty seven days as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Women’s Champion – Jaime Quine has made ten successful defenses over two hundred and forty two days as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Champions – Jett & Moor after five defenses and several months as champions have lost the titles to Nicky Champion and Running Wolf! Who already have successfully defended the titles once in their short nineteen day reign as champions.</p><p> </p><p>

World Champion – Rich Money is still reigning on top with nine defenses of his two hundred and forty two day reign as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

SWF</p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Champs – Hawaiian Crush are still going strong it seems with three successful defenses in their sixty three day reign as champions.</p><p> </p><p>

North American – Des David with the backing of the Eisen Corporation is dominating the division with seven defenses and a hundred twenty three days behind him as champion with more to come as long as Eric Eisen is in his corner.</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight – Rocky Golden, we are starting to wonder if he’s ever going to drop the title. Ten successful defenses behind him with nearly a year long reign (319 days). One has to wonder when Golden shine of the champion will finally dull.</p><p> </p><p>

TCW</p><p> </p><p>

Television – Greg Gauge, eleven successful defenses and two hundred days as the champion. Much like Rocky Golden one has to wonder when he is going to lose the title, but more important I want to see him move on to the World Heavyweight title.</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Titles – Mighty Meaty’s reign continues… if you can call it that considering in the forty six days they have held the titles they have only defended them once.</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight – Aaron Andrews continues to impress as champion with five defenses and two hundred and twenty one days behind him as champion. However, one has to wonder how much longer he is going to be able to hold on to the title with the likes of Wolf Hawkins and the emerging threat in Chance Fortune for the title.</p><p> </p><p>

Shifting gears now to the little guys, The XWL that have been turning out some really decent shows have announced that their next Event will be called Soul Survivor and will featuring a unique tournament that will reward the winner with a ‘Soul Survivor ring’. The tournament features a Men’s Bracket, A Tag Team bracket, and A women’s bracket with the winner of each facing off against each other for the chance at the ring.</p><p>

Right now the tournament is listed as a single night event. However, from a source I have within the small fledging company they may expand the event to a second night to incorporate all the matches with enough time to develop, but also so they can have matches for their champions. Whom, are not taking part in the tournament at this time. </p><p> </p><p>

As you can expect most of the spots have been filled by XWL’s current roster. However, Grimm and Gram, The Gilbert Brothers, Tex-Mex, Dangerous By Design have been announced for the tournament. This is not a misprint as apparently the XWL has offered each a try out contract ranging from two to three appearances for the tournament. However, there are still more than a few spots that haven’t been announced yet.</p><p> </p><p>

We can confirm thanks again to my source that one of the spots will go to indy darling, Davis Wayne Newton! Another spot belongs to a man that to my knowledge hasn’t wrestled in the States in a couple of years. So a bit of a home coming for Findlay O’Farraday. Unfortunately my source wasn’t able to tell me which matches they will be in nor could they confirm the identity of the final Men’s competitor in the tournament. </p><p> </p><p>

In The women’s bracket, we learned that Steffi Chee will be one of the two mystery entries and that Nest of Vipers will be in the tag brackets. However, no word on their opponents for the Vipers or which match that Chee will be involved in. This tournament is shaping up interestingly enough… I wonder if they will have a PPV deal in place before the show, because I for one wanna watch.</p>

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<center>It’s been a long couple of days working the phones getting peopled signed to try contracts for the Soul Survivor tournament. So Kittie was just happy to be putting up the last of the food she just picked up from the grocery store. She couldn’t help, but smiling thinking about how a good little wrestler that her babysitter, Angel Cortez will make she when she’s ready. She never thought in a million years that a young girl would take wrestling lessons over cold hard cash for watching six children that range from two to twelve years old.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Angel Cortez.jpg" align="right">As she stows away the last loft of Wheat bread that her youngest son, Michael has to have due to his diabetes, Angel walks up with a big smile on her face. Then again, how many young baby sitters like Angel live in the home where they are watching the kids? As you could call Angel her seventh child as she’s working on officially adopting the young woman. <b> “Did ya remember to get it?”</b>


Angel asked, as she came bouncing in to the kitchen. Kittie couldn’t help, but smile at the young woman. She’s so well grounded despite the fact that her father has been in prison her entire life and her mother has been in out of state sponsored rehab and hospitals multiple times since she was just five years old.

<b> “Did I remember?”</b> Kittie said, with a smirk on her face.


<b> “Come on, Miss Kittie! You know I need it.”</b> Angel whined, but then quickly started to smile when she saw Kittie reaching for her purse. For the young woman it felt like a lifetime waiting for it, but in reality it was just about thirty seconds before her legal guardian handed her the DVD of Joanne Rodriguez’s greatest matches. <b> “THHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNKKKKKK YYOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!”</b>


Before Kittie has a chance to say you’re welcome to young woman… she’s already headed towards the master bed room of the home. To some it would be strange for a mother/parental figure to give up the master bed room, but given that there are only six bed rooms. Kittie herself though doesn’t mind sleeping out in the living room on the hide away bed. As she already know that it’s going to be a head with how Angel’s body is developing and having three boys that are starting to get curious about girls. <b>"Don't stay up too late!"</b>


Kittie couldn’t help, but chuckle a little bit to herself. She knew the young woman was going to more than likely be up the rest of the night watching that video. She was obsessed with Joanne at the moment and is even modeling herself after her later being introduced to her a few months back during an AAA show that Kittie was working on. Which considering how quickly she is learning how to wrestle it wouldn’t surprise Kittie if she didn’t become the next Joanna Rodriguez.


Kittie looked at the time and realizing that it was getting late and she had to get some sleep, because of the big production meeting in the morning. So she started to make her ‘rounds’ to check on her children before heading to sleep herself. She didn’t have to check on Angel, because she knew what she was up to and at the age of fifteen there wasn’t much she could say to the young woman to get her to go to sleep in the moment. So the first stop on the second floor was her son’s, Johnny’s room, age twelve.


The moment that she opened the door out of the corner of her eye noticed the television station change. It didn’t take long for to realize what possibly could have been on the previous station. Which just reaffirms her decision on giving Angel the master bed room to where she has a door that she can close to keep the boys out of it.


<b> “Lights out, Johnny.”</b> She said, and while he huffed in frustration being told to turn out of the lights he did so. He wanted to keep his mother happy, because he didn’t want to see her leave like their dad did. So it was no surprise when she turned to close the door and leave he asked:


<b> “Mom, when’s dad coming home?”</b> She didn’t know how to answer that question. How could she answer that? Luckily, both she and Rich were able to keep things peaceful for the kids. However, in reality it was really nasty to the point where she told her husband that she would forgo Child support payments if he would agree to give her full custody and that he retained no visitation rights. She had hoped that it would shock him in to fighting for his kids, fighting for their family, but without hesitation he accepted it. So how could she tell her children that their father cared more about money and fame than his own children?


<b> “I don’t know sweetie.”</b> She hated lying, but it was the only option that her husband had really left her in the moment. Once she closed the door she moved on to the next room, her son’s Rick’s, age eight. She opened the door and happily wasn’t met by the same action. No, in Rick’s room the television was on, but with an old VCR tape playing footage of Joe Montana and The 49ers great “Comeback” that he got from the library. However, that was just background noise to the youngster as he was holding Jack London’s “White Fang” in his left hand and writing with his right hand.


<b> “Bed time?”</b> Rick said, without turning to face his mother. It always amazes her when he does that, but even more so when he sneaks up on people out of nowhere like a ninja.


<B> “Yes, it is.”</b> She said, but still she couldn’t help, but wonder what it was that he was working on. However, she knew if she tried to get any closer he would bury it before she could read a full sentence. <b> “Ricky, what are you working on? Plans to take over the world?”</b> She said, jokingly.


<b> “Maybe…” </b> He replied, and there wasn’t a hint of joking in his voice. However, she knew her son well enough to know that he was joking. He just doesn’t have the natural ability personally express anything to do anything with humor, but when it comes to his short stories that he writes they can have you in stitches. In fact, she has a feeling that he’s going to be a great mind when it comes to the business to where already if she had to pick one of her children to take the reins of the XWL it would be him. However, she couldn’t dismiss this feeling that there is going to be a dark cloud over his head for most of his career.


<b> “Get some sleep.”</b> She said, and watched as he put his pen down, followed by book mark in to his book, and then finally the TV getting turned off. He quickly jumped in the bed despite the fact that the light in the room was still on.


<b> “Mom, she your standing right there can you please turn off the light.”</b> She nodded, and then turned out the light. She then watched for a moment in the dark as he rolled on to left side, and like that was out like a light. In moments like this she doesn’t have to worry about him, but sometimes… she worries about him and the choices he might make. After all he is the son of Richard Young after all. She shut the door behind herself and then moved to the final room on the second floor that she was going to be peeping into.


<b> “Alright, Michael…”</b> Kittie said, as started to open the door to her youngest sons room Michael aged seven. Even though on most of his possessions like his back packs, notepads, and etc have his name spelled out like MyKell. Personally, she doesn’t understand his fixation with that spelling, but she doesn’t fight it. Sometimes she thinks it’s because of the torture that he has to go through because of his diabetes, but other times she thinks it’s because of the type of video games he likes to play.


<b> “Awww, Mom can I finish this tower please?”</b> He whined slightly, as he currently fighting as Scorpion against Shao Khan in one of the many different towers offered in Mortal Kombat 11. She wanted to tell him no, she wanted to get rid of the game, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it, because it’s one of the few things that his dad actually got for him and he liked.


<b> “Five minutes or I’m taking it away for a month.”</b> She knew that would keep him just to that tower, because he can’t seem to live without his video games for too long. It breaks her heart a little bit, because she has a feeling that he’s going to live a tortured life for some reason. She also has a feeling in the back of her mind that when it comes to his brother Rick, that he’s going to be to Abel to Rick’s Cain.


<b> “Okay mom.”</b> He said, and then quickly went back to playing his game. She unfortunately hear the game’s announcer say “FINISH HIM” as she closed the door. In that moment she prays that her feelings about her son are wrong, but only time will tell. Next stop, was down stairs and the room of her daughter, Amber aged four. She’s already asleep, but just looking in at her gives Kittie the sense that one day she’s going to be the death of her. Maybe it’s the fact that at age of four she’s hyper aggressive towards men. Case in point, she had to stop buying her Ken dolls because she was ripping their heads off and then simulated sex between her Barbie’s and headless Kens. She’s currently in therapy in the hopes of getting down to the root of those issues.


Kittie quietly shut the door and then moved to the final room, the twins aged two. Mary and Kay, weren’t identical twins, but they are ever so much the typical twin pair. In the sense that Kittie shares whole Twin ESP stuff is real. Much like their sister, they are already both sound asleep and much like their brother, Michael she has a feeling that the two of them are going to lead the Young family to great heart arch. Maybe it’s just the fact they are the babies out of all of them, but Kittie just wants to wrap them up in bubble wrap and never let them out her sight.




OOC: Okay this post was supposed to shorter and involve much more to do with the Soul Survivor card, but after realizing that the tournament was too big for one night I decided to make it two nights. Great, right? Wrong... when I looked at the availability screen for the show... Some of the surprises weren't available for night one and then others weren't free for the second night (most of which were planned to win their first round matches). So yeah the card has changed *including my biggest signing the possible TCW/SWF/USPW star* So down below is the fall card for both nights. My plan is to have Night one post Saturday night... so if you want to make predictions make them fast.


<img src="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg">

<b><i><u>Night One</u></i></b>



Soul Survivor Tournament (Men's Bracket)


• Acid Vs. Clutch McKane

• Beautiful Bryan Vs. Jack Avatar

• Frankie Perez Vs. Ash Campbell

• Mark Knox Vs. Dreadnought


Soul Survivor Tag Team Backet


• 21 Jump St. Boyz Vs. Grimm & Gram

• The Gilbert Brothers Vs The Maryland Alliance

• Nest of Vipers Vs. The Easy Riders

• Tex - Mex Vs. Dangerous By Design (Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose)


Soul Survivor Fem - X Bracket


Kittie Young Vs. Steffi Chee

Golden Delicious Vs. Talia Quinzel


XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championship Match

The McWades © Vs. The Heartbreak Express


XWL World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Caulfield © Vs. Tribal Warrior


<img src="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg">

<b><i><u>Night Two</u></i></b>


Soul Survivor Tournament (Men's Bracket)

Second Round


• Acid/McKane #1 Vs. Beautiful Bryan/Avatar

• Perez/Campbell Vs. Knox/Dreadnought


Third Round


• Winner #5 Vs. Winner #6


Soul Survivor Tag Team Backet

Second Round


• 21 Jump St. Boyz/Grimm & Gram Vs. The Gilbert Brothers/The Maryland Alliance

• Nest of Vipers/The Easy Riders Vs. Tex - Mex/Dangerous By Design


Third Round


• Winner #11 Vs. Winner #12


Soul Survivor Fem - X Bracket


Kittie Young/Steffi Chee Vs. Golden Delicious/Talia Quinzel


Second Round


• Winner #13 Vs. Winner #14


Soul Survivor Finals - Soul Survivor Ring

Men's Bracket Winner Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #1 Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #2 Vs. Fem - X Bracket Winner


XWL Fem - Championship Match

Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Emma Bitch


OOC: I hope you enjoyed the narrative piece introducing Kittie's home life a little more and yes I foreshadowed some events that are going to happen in the future, because you know sometimes a mother just knows. Anywhoo... any kind of feed back is welcomed. And to clear confusion my UC is Jack Avatar, but the story for now is in Kittie's POV. It will change at some point, but when and to who... that's for me to know and you to find out.
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<center><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg" /><P><P>



<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/XWL.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg" align="left">

Xciting Wrestling League

Ohio Jewish Center

Attendance: 129

April, Monday, Week 1, 2020

<b>Soul Survivor 2020

Night One</b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ava Anderson.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy Quick.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><center>Nothing Gold Can Stay


Suzanne Brazzle is already out in the arena greeting fans to the show and showing off a little bit considering the fact that she's not scheduled to wrestle on this night of the show. This is probably the only time we will see her. Not only that she's kind of showing off her XWL Fem - X title, but also her BSC Queen of The Ring title. When she finally heads in to the ring she has a microphone in hand.


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> When I announced my retirement... I never thought I would be so highly sought after. XWL came a-knockin', AAA came a-knockin', and out of the blue BSC came a-knockin'. I never imagined that I would become so sought after by announcing my retirement.


The hundred and twenty nine fans in the Ohio Jewish Center started chanting "You Deserve It!". Which just brings a smile to Suzanne's face.


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> Then, I win these two puppies, and I'm challenging for the AAA Tag Team titles with my good friend Paige Croft.


The mention of Croft's name is more than enough to get another reaction out of the fans in the building.


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> Never did I expect my waning days in this business to be so golden, but as S.E. Hinton wrote in 'The Outsiders' "Nothing gold can stay."


The fans start chanting "Don't say that!"


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> It's just a fact, soon my boots will be hung up whether I'm a champion or not. I wish I was defending this title here tonight, but with Kittie and Goldie in the Soul Survivor tournament along with a couple of new hires... I don't have anyone to defend against tonight.


<b>A Voice:</b> That's not true.


The fans react as another voice is heard and then moment's later Emma Bitch walk out on to the staging along with Ava Anderson, Coco Malloy, Izzy Quick, and Toni Parissi.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Becca Barton.jpg">


<b>Emma Bitch:</b> There are more than enough of us to give you a match tonight, but management decided to give you a pass tonight.


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> Emma nice to see you again... you're still sounding like the bitter bitch that I know you are.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie Young.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden Delicious.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Coco Malloy.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Toni Parissi.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100">The fans in the building start chanting Bitter Bitch much to Emma's dismay.


<b>Emma Bitch:</b> Very funny Brazzie... just like the first time I heard that a million times ago. You want a challenge for that title... why don't you give me a shot at it tomorrow night?


<b>Suzanne Brazzle:</b> Challenge accepted... make sure to put on your best face Emma so I can <i>bitch</i> slap it right off.


The fans in the building just continue to cheer at the possible match that they tomorrow night for night two of the event.


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=darkorange> 36</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Honest Frank.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mark Knox.jpg" align="right">

<center>Dreadnought w/ Honest Frank Vs. Mark Knox

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• The Opening match of the night.

• The fans really didn't care about this match... might be because it was Heel Vs. Heel.

• The Action in the ring was terrible Dreadnought (13) and Knox (12).

• Dreadnought has the size to be in the main event, but I don't think his push is going continue much longer.

• Knox may have only been in this match to eat the pinfall after being dominated by Dreadnought.

• The match only lasted Five Minutes and thirteen seconds.

• With The Dread Bomb, Dreadnought moves on to the next round.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>0</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bryan Brady.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jack Avatar.jpg" align="right">

<center>Beautiful Bryan Vs. Jack Avatar

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• An improvement over the opener...

• Though the fans still didn't really care about it... both works are nobodies.

• The Action in the ring was terrible Bryan (14) and Avatar (17).

• Surprisingly, Bryan went over the 'better' performing Avatar.

• Makes me wonder if they realize that they will have Dreadnought/Bryan next round another heel vs heel match.

• The match only lasted thirteen minutes and two seconds.

• Bryan moves on with a school boy.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>16</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Talia Quinzel.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden Delicious.jpg" align="right">

<center>Talia Quinzel Vs. Golden Delicious

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Fem - X Bracket</I>


• The women out perform the men... again.

• The fans were actually into this match! Between Delicious involvement in The Fem - X title storyline and Quinzel being a big name really helped.

• The Action in the ring was decent Delicious (23) and Quinzel (38).

• Not surprising that Quinzel ate the pinfall in her debut.

• Though this does mark the third heel to move on to the next round.

• The match went for fourteen minutes and thirty four seconds.

• Golden Delicious picks up her first win with The Melbourne Surprise.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>25</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Houston Handley.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teresa Perez.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kate Lilly.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Debbie Rose.jpg" align="right">

<center>Tex-Mex Vs. Dangerous By Design

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - 2xTreme Tag Bracket</I>


In an extremely short match, Tex-Mex defeated Dangerous By Design in 5:20 when Houston Handley pinned Debbie Rose with a Houston's Problem.


This match was part of the 'Soul Survivor Tag Backet' tournament.

Rating: 16


• This match was extremely short at five minutes and twenty seconds.

• The fans were never really able to get in to this match.

• Kate Lilly was severely limited in this match due to a broken arm (30).

• Debbie Rose took on the biggest work load in this match (45)

• Handley (37) had the second best performance of the match as her partner Perez (26) whiffed.

• Kate Lilly gets bonus points from me for not being the weakest in the match despite being injured.

• Tex-Mex moves on unsurprisingly got the win marking the first non-heel advancement (Tweeners).

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>16</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas Wade.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean Wade.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Malik Cash.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jay Becker.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><center>No Competition Left


The McWades make their way out to the ring with their 2xTreme Tag titles over their shoulders as the fans just boo them ruthlessly. They don't seem to be bothered by it in the slightest as they enter the ring.


<b>Dean McWade:</b> My brother and I, came here to the XWL to challenge ourselves one last time before our retirement.


<b>Dallas McWade:</b> What my brother is trying to say is... we haven't been challenged. The Hot Taggs and Twenty One Jump Street rip offs... hardly a challenge.


<b>Dean McWade:</b> Not only that, but the former champions... one tuck tail and ran his tail out of the company and the other... well he's not much of a fight by himself.


<b>Dallas McWade:</b> That's right brother the XWL should induct us in to the Hall of Fame now, retire the tag titles, because ain't no one takin' them from us.


The McWades are caught off guard a little bit when some generic up beat pop music starts to play. They look towards one another as they genuinely don't know what's going on in the moment. Soon though it becomes clear as The Heartbreak Express make their way out on the stage.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Johnny Needham.jpg"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ralph Liotta.jpg">


<b>Johnny Needham:</b> Boys, sorry to interrupt you, but I have some news that will be heart breaking to you.


<b>Ralph Liotta:</b> Good one, Johnny.


<b>Johnny Needham:</b> You may have beaten those other teams, but XWL management has brought in some new competition just for you guys.


<b>Ralph Liotta:</b> That's right, and we get to inform you that you are going to be putting those shiney little titles up tonight in match against...us.


The McWades don't seem phased by the news in the slightest as they are going to welcome the challenge.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Marvel Malloy.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Storm Spillane 2.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clint Matthews.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/West Matthews.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><b>Dean McWade:</b> Bring it, boys! And then we are done with you we'll take our titles and go home, because then there will be no one left.


Dean says, but he is made to eat those words as The Heartbreak Express are joined on the stage by The American Cobras, Those Matthews Boys, and Inner City Express!


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=red> 19</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash Campbell.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie Perez.jpg" align="right">

<center>Ash Campbell Vs. Frankie Perez

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• The Men finally have a decent match...

• Both of these men will be in the World Heavyweight title picture sooner than later.

• The Action in the ring was good Campbell (27) and Perez (44).

• Both Men really gave it their all in the match.

• Again though, Campbell the heel advances thanks to help from Eric Tyler

• The match went for nine minutes and forty eight seconds.

• Campbell won with a Shooting Star Press.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>29</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Clutch McKane.jpg" align="right">

<center>Acid Vs. Clutch McKane

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• This match had good heat going in to it.

• It also had some decent wrestling in it. Acid (33) and McKane (22).

• Not surprisingly that the veteran Acid advanced to the next round.

• Which now marks the fourth heel of the Men's bracket to advance... definitely some booking issues going on..

• The match went for Nine minutes and thirty three seconds.

• Acid hit the Acid Rain Bomb for the win..

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>30</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dagger.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mimic.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Asphalt.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Torque.jpg" align="right">

<center>Nest of Vipers Vs. Easy Riders

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - 2xTreme Tag Bracket</I>


• This match was extremely short at four minutes and forty two seconds.

• The fans were never really able to get in to this match.

• Mimic was the star of the match (32)

• Dagger (27) wasn't too far behind, but Asphalt (15) and Torque (14) bombed.

• Asphalt was put down during the match with Viper Venom.

• Mimic secured the pin fall to allow the heel team to advance to the next round.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>12</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie Young.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Steffi Chee.jpg" align="right">

<center>Kittie Young Vs. Steffi Chee

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• Two veteran competitors in the ring... and the women steal another show.

• This match was so exceptional I think that it should have been the main event.

• The Action in the ring as I said was exceptional Young (68) and Quinzel (26).

• Never really knew who was going to win the match in this one given the booking decisions made so far.

• The Match lasted for twelve minutes and nine seconds.

• Young locked in the Cat Scratch Fever for the tap out.

• Young makes the first Face to advance to the next round.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>46</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Animal Harker.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Findlay O'Farraday.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ryan Powell.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shane Nelson.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><center>No Competition Left Part Two


We are given a small video showcasing that the tag teams that confronted The McWades earlier weren't the only new teams that we be seeing in the future. It started off by showing The Hot Taggs for some reason, but then it quickly shifted to The Boys from Yukon, The Bad Boys of Wrestling, and The Wild ones.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Howlin' Mad Mort.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Whitehorse Whittaker.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kalder Tagg.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Wolfie Tagg.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100">


The XWL was definitely making a point to make clear that tag team wrestling isn't an after thought in the promotion. However, some fans wonder how viable it is considering a lot of the teams are heels.


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=red> 20</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Grimm Quibble.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Gram Gorman.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky Block.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie Corner.jpg" align="right">

<center>Grimm & Gram Vs. 21 Jump Street Boyz

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - 2xTreme Tag Bracket</I>


• This match was extremely short at four minutes and thirty nine seconds.

• As the fans can't seem to get in another match I start to realize they must be running short on time.

• Grimm Quibble was the 'star' of the match (30).

• Gram Gorman wasn't shabby (29)

• 21 Jump St. Boys are getting better Corner (18) and Block (14)

• Grimm Quibble went Around The Block

• Corner picked up the pinfall to mark the first fully face team to advance.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>8</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Jesse Gilbert.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Joe Gilbert.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Buck Graham.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Brady Prince.jpg" align="right">

<center>The Gilbert Brothers Vs. The Maryland Alliance

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - 2xTreme Tag Bracket</I>


In an extremely short match, The Gilbert Brothers drew with The Maryland Alliance in 4:35 following a double pinfall.


• This match was extremely short... does the time really matter at this point?

• Buck Graham was the weakest link struggling to keep up with everyone else. (9)

• The Gilberts commanded the match Jesse (27) and Joe (28).

• Prince (21) was the only bright stop to Maryland Alliance.

• Everyone got in to the ring at one point and things just got chaotic... the fans didn't approve.

• Joe Gilbert managed to pin Prince, but at the same time Price pinned Joe Gilbert.

• The Double pinfall means the match ends in a draw... neither team advances. Different.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>10</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean Wade.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas Wade.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ralph Liotta.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Johnny Needham.jpg" align="right">

<center>The McWades © Vs. The Heartbreak Express

<i>XWL 2xTreme Tag Title Match</I>


• Decent length match... 14:49.

• The match had great heat leading in to it.

• Not only that, but it had decent wrestling! Dean (41), Dallas (36), Liotta (26), Needham (23)

• This match featured open offense from both teams.

• Dallas McWade pinned Needham after Murder on The Mountain.

• The Champions retain their titles.

• This marks their fourth successful defense of the title.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Darkorange><b>29</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris Caulfield.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tribal Warrior.jpg" align="right">

<center>Chris Caulfield © Vs. Tribal Warrior

<i>XWL World Heavyweight Title</I>


• Exceptional match for the main event.

• However, I think that the match should have been longer than 9:32, but Caulfield stamina probably wouldn't allow it.

• The Action in the ring was great Caulfield (56) and T. Warrior (47).

• Tribal Warrior may have just earned himself a future with this match.

• Caulfield though picks up the win by pinfall after the Danger Drop.

• Gotta send the fans home happy I guess as that marks Caulfield's fourth defense.

• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>45</b></font>





<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Chris Caulfield.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg" align="right">

<center>Not Over Yet?


Caulfield rolls out of the ring to collect his title and starts to shake the hands of some fans at ringside, but he doesn't get too many done before he is blindsided out of nowhere by Dreadnought. Dreadnought just lays the champion to waste much to the fans dismay even going as far as blasting him over the head with his own title belt!

<i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>46</b></font>

<i>Final Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>42</b></font>



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<img src="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg">

<b><i><u>Night Two</u></i></b>


Soul Survivor Tournament (Men's Bracket)

Second Round


• Acid Vs. Beautiful Bryan

• Campbell Vs. Dreadnought


Third Round


• Acid/Bryan Vs. Campbell/Dreadnought


Soul Survivor Tag Team Backet

Second Round


• 21 Jump St. Boyz get a Bye

• Nest of Vipers Vs. Tex - Mex


Third Round


• 21 Jump St Boyz Vs. Nest of Vipers/Tex-Mex


Soul Survivor Fem - X Bracket


Kittie Young Vs. Golden Delicious


Soul Survivor Finals - Soul Survivor Ring

Men's Bracket Winner Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #1 Vs. Tag Team Bracket Winner #2 Vs. Kittie Young/Golden Delicious


XWL Fem - Championship Match

Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Emma Bitch


OOC: Sorry it took so long with Night one... had a few issues come up personally. However, I got through them and here is the updated card for night two. If any of you want to predict for it. And yes... I did royally screw up the first round of the tournament that badly with the face/heel divide. Luckily, some bad luck game wise led to some creative fixes to my mistakes.
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Alrighty, I can say I'm a couple of months a head now and some real interesting things happen around the world... any ways, I'm looking at posting night two of Soul Survivor here in a little bit... so if you want to make predictions... now is the time.


Also with a roster tipping at 71... I'm looking at making cuts seeing as I don't have a minimum right now, but easy to say I'm way over it. So I'm taking some suggestions on how to cut. Cox and Acid were cut already. Cox due to really not bringing much to the table and Acid... well because I hired him to pass the torch and everyone I've tried to put over him he's whined about... so he's gone. Don't know if I will do a narrative piece about it. The only thing that hurts is losing the mentor/student boast between him and Threepwood.

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<center><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Shows.jpg" /><P><P>



<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/XWL.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Soul.jpg" align="left">

Xciting Wrestling League

Ohio Jewish Center

Attendance: 134

April, Tuesday, Week 1, 2020

<b>Soul Survivor 2020

Night Two</b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dan Heywood Jablowme.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mike OxBig.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><center>Welcome!


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back for night two of Xciting Wrestling League's Soul Survivor! Tonight is a special night, because we are coming to live for the first time on the XWL website! I'm Dan Haywood Jablowme and right alongside me is..."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "I'll take it from there Dano... you can me... Mike "All the girls squeal when I cop a feel" OxBig!"


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Tonight promises to be a historic night, because not only do we have Suzanne Brazzle defending the XWL Fem - X championship against Emma Bitch tonight. We have rivalry between Golden Delicious and Kittie Young continuing, and we will crown our first ever Soul Survivor tournament winner!"


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Tonight is a big night, but too bad for Ash Campbell and Beautiful Bryan as far as tonight goes."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "True, they won their first round matches last night, but as the top of the hour neither man has arrived at the building."


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie Young.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden Delicious.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Becca Barton.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><b>Mike OxBig:</b> "I consider the situation glass half empty... the replacements are going to be happy that they were chosen to be a part of the night."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "However?"


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Till they realize who they are going to have to get in the ring with. Both Dreadnought and Acid aren't push overs."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "I'd like to think that none of our talent are pushovers."


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=darkorange> 30</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Honest Frank.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Fearless Blue.jpg" align="right">

<center>Dreadnought w/ Honest Frank Vs. Fearless Blue

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• As the opening match of the night... the bar wasn't set too high for this one it seems.


• Fearless Blue tried to live out to his name by rushing into the monster from the get go.


• He was quickly swatted away by Dreadnought. Who then just started to destroy Fearless Blue as if he was a blue fuzzy squeaky toy.


• The Beastly beat down of Fearless Blue luckily only lasted for 4:42.


• Dreadnought's performance while not better than Blue's (18), but is showing great signs of improvement (16).


• Dreadnought hit his signature Dread Bomb, but before he can make the cover he is attacked from behind by Chris Caulfield, The reigning XWL World Heavyweight champion.


• As result of Disqualification, Dreadnought moves on to the next round.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>5</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bart Biggins.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Acid.jpg" align="right">

<center>Bart Biggins Vs. Acid

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket</I>


• Acid was in the ring waiting for his opponent (Beautiful Bryan), but due to his travel issues no shows his entrance.


• Acid attempts to get the referee to award him the match by forfeit, but that is when everyone is shocked, excited, and blow away by Bart Biggins making his way down to the ring.


• Biggins is then officially announced as Bryan's replacement in the match.


• Acid and Bart wrestled a very open match against one another. As they both managed to pick up several near falls in the match.


• The fans were really on the edge of their seats for this one. Especially, when some fans pointed out that Brett Biggins was sitting ringside for the match.


• The match lasted for 15:02 and the end saw Acid attempt a FrankenSteiner pinning combo, but only managed a two count before Bart reversed it in to his own pin for the three count.


• Bart Biggins advances to the next round.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Darkorange><b>32</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas Wade.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean Wade.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bucky Block.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Charlie Corner.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><center>21 Down In The Street


In a scene, that was obviously filmed earlier in the day for the Webcast of the show. We see The 21 Jump Street Boyz arrive at the Ohio Jewish Center. As they climb off their motorcycles and start to head from the parking lot to the building.


<b>Dean McWade:</b> Hey! Little Boys!


Called out, Dean McWade as he came out from behind an SUV to get the rival teams attention. Both Block and Corner turn to look at one half of the XWL 2xTreme champions and go to go after him, but they never have a shot. Dallas McWade comes up from behind them and clips Block in the back of the knee with a metal pipe.


<b>Charlie Corner:</b> HEY!


Corner yells, as he goes to aid his partner to fend of Dallas, but he only gets to throw a handful of punches before he is clobbered from behind by Dean McWade with a baseball bat. The champions lay waste to the potential challenges for several minutes.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Freddie Datsun.jpg">


<b>Freddie Datsun:</b> Stop! Stop it now!


Road Agent, Freddie Datsun rushes on to the scene which causes the champions to retreat for now, but not before getting a few more good shots in. Freddie checks on both members of the first finalist team in the 2xTreme bracket as they jut lay on the ground and moan in pain.


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=red> 36</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Houston Handley.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Teresa Perez.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mimic.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dagger.jpg" align="right">

<center>Tex-Mex Vs. Nest of Vipers

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - 2xTreme Tag Bracket</I>


• Before the match even starts it is announced that due to the attack by the McWades, 21 Jump Street Boyz will not be able to wrestle tonight and therefore this match is considered the 'finals' of the 2xTreme Bracket.


• With the natures of the teams NoV (heels) and Tex-Mex (tweeners)... no one really knew who to really cheer for in the match. However, the action in the ring was good enough to keep the invested in the match.


• The action between Dagger and Perez spills out of the ring. The referee starts the ten count.


• At five, both Handley and Mimic try to get their respective partners back in to the ring before the ten count finishes. However, they are just pulled in to the wild brawl between Perez and Dagger.


• The Referee finishes the ten count just a second before Dagger and Perez both attempt to get back in to the ring.


• The official ruling on the match is a double count out.


• Due to the finish of the match... neither team advance to the finals.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>29</b></font>





<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie Young.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden Delicious.jpg" align="right">

<center>Kittie Young Vs. Golden Delicious

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Fem - X Bracket</I>


• Before the bell is rung, fans were already on the edge of their seats given the history between these two.


• Delicious starts the match off with the advantage and keeps it for several moments un till Young counters a DDT attempt in to a Boston Crab.


• Golden Delicious gave it her all and then some in the match. She was definitely giving Kittie a run for her money in this tournament match.


• It looked as if though she was going to pull off the upset when she had Kittie positioned for Silence is Golden (Eat Defeat). However, Kittie managed to break loose and turned it in to a school girl pining attempt. Only managed a two count.


• Kittie went on the offense from that moment and that was all she wrote when she managed to lock Golden Delicious in to her Cat Scratch Fever (Crippler Crossface) to get the tap out.


• Kittie Young moves on the finals of the Soul Survivor Tournament.


• Kittie after having her hand raised, quickly went to Golden Delicious, and helped her up to her feet. Young then proceeded to raise Golden Delicious' hand for all the fans to see before giving the woman a hug in the center of the ring. After that Kittie left the ring leaving Golden Delicious to wave to the fans in the building. It became painfully clear that this tournament match was Golden Delicious final match as an active competitor.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>49</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dan Heywood Jablowme.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Mike OxBig.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dean Wade.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dallas Wade.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><center>The 2xTreme Tag Bracket Spots


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "What a show of respect."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "It sucks to be Golden Delicious right now... respect or no. Going out in your final match on your back... that blows."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "To someone like you it might, but to many others that's preferred method of going out."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "I don't see the appeal... just like the Soul Survivor tournament. It's supposed to be the Men's bracket winner versus the Fem - X Bracket winner versus The 2xTreme Tag Bracket winners... what are we supposed to do now?


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "The McWades attack on The 21 Jump Street Boys, the de-facto winners of the tournament due to the double count of Tex-Mex and Nest of Vipers as well as the draw between The Gilbert Brothers and Maryland Alliance did mess things up."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Our special little tournament is going to end in such a mundane way now a one on one match between Kittie Young and Bart Biggins or Dreadnought..."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Actually, Mike... I have just been handed notice that there will be a second chance twenty person Battle Royal tonight to fill the vacant spots in the final."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Really? So no tag team though?"


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "I didn't say that, this second chance at entry in to the finals will feature tag teams that were over looked..."


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bradford Peverell.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kip Keenan.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Josh Singer.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Michael Pressler.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Marvel Malloy.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Storm Spillane 2.jpg" />


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Let me see that... so The Freedom Force, Bradford Peverell and Kip Keenan. Bad Behavior, The Detroit Bruiser and Michigan Wild Kat. And Finally, The American Cobras, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane. Interesting line up, but that's only six men... you said twenty."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "I did that's just the top part of the notice. Getting spots in the match are several single wrestlers. Whom were signed, but over looked as being a part of the tournament."


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Conner Threepwood.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Doug Peak.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Hunter Maxwell.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Izzy Quick.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Prime Time Jack Pryde.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Rob Reynolds.jpg" />


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "The likes of, Conner Threepwood, Doug Peak, Hunter Maxwell, Izzy Quick, Prime Time Jack Pryde, and Rob Reynolds."


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "That's a twelve, but still not twenty."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Hold your horses... and then there are singles stars that that missed out, because their contracts weren't signed till this morning."


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Carlos Barrera.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Davis Wayne Newton.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Nelson Callum.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Tennessee William.jpg" /><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/TJ Bailey.jpg" />


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "So you're talking about the likes of Carlos Barrera, Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum, William Tennessee, and TJ Bailey! That's impressive, but that brings the total seventeen! Who are the final three?"


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Findlay O'Farraday!"


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Wasn't he supposed to be in the tournament, but was pulled out because he might have been absent tonight?"


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Findlay O'Farraday.jpg" align="right" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie Perez.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash Campbell.jpg" align="left" width="100" Height="100">

<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "That's right, and getting a literal second chances in the tournament, fan favorite Frankie Perez!"


<b>Mike OxBig:</b> "Holy smokes! Talk about karma, Perez is in, but the guy that beat him is out, because he couldn't show up on time."


<b>Dan Heywood Jablowme:</b> "Actually, the final spot in the match goes to... Ash Campbell! He has a chance to redeem himself and stay in the tournament. So to be clear the winner of course will move on to the finals, but so will the runner up."


<i>Rating:</i> <b><font color=darkorange> 33</font></b>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Dreadnought.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Honest Frank.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bart Biggins.jpg" align="right">

<center>Dreadnought w/ Honest Frank Vs. Bart Biggins

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Men's Bracket Finals</I>


• Before the start of the match, focus shifted to Brett Biggins at ringside again as Honest Frank went over and started to yell at him to leave ringside. Brett just fired back that he was a paying fan and had a right to be here. Definitely made it seem like there was something go on there, but what... no one knows at the moment.


• Bart started this match, much like Fearless Blue started opening match of the night. Rushing straight in to Dreadnought to take him off bounce. However, the only thing that it accomplished was him getting a big boot to the face, because Dreadnought expected it.


• Again it was another match where Dreadnought, tossed his opponent around like a rag doll, but at least this rag doll fought back. Biggins got some pretty good shots in on the monster including a super kick that knocked the big man out of the ring for a count of five.


• A couple times it look like Brett was going to jump the rail and get involved in the match, but Honest Frank... ironically kept him honest. At least until Dreadnought came over and gave the spectating brother a massive head butt that looked as if it knocked him completely out.


• For all that happened in the match it didn't feel like the short 5:15 match that it was. However, I got to say livid Honest Frank, is the best Honest Frank! The reaction he gave when Biggins managed to get a sunset flip pin for the three on his monster was priceless. Though given that the winner of the tournament is rumored to get a shot at Caulfield I'm surprised they didn't have Deadnought winning the whole thing.


• Bart Biggins moves on to the finals of the tournament. Which ironically makes the finals an all Face affair at the moment pending decision of the battle royal.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=red><b>23</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie Perez.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash Campbell.jpg" align="right">

<center>Twenty Person Battle Royal

<i>Soul Survivor Tournament - Second Chance 'Finals'</I>


• Everyone started off in the ring and three big bruiser (O'Farraday, Detroit Bruiser, and Michigan Wild Kat) started throwing their weight around. Guys were flying all over the place as they were attempting to out do each other with how many guys that they could eliminate from the match.


• Wild Kat topped out at 3 (Tennessee, Reynolds, O'Farraday), Bruiser topped out at 5 (Spillane, Quick, Bailey, Wild Kat, and Maxwell), and O'Farraday had the most at 7 (Pryde, Callum, Peak, Keenan, Peverell, Newton, and Malloy).


• Mid way through the match a rampaging Dreadnought made his way to the ring and laid waste anyone that was moving at the time. Many thought that this was going to be how Dreadnought got back in to the finals, but it was... as he came toe to toe with O'Farraday. The monsters of men traded blows for several moments before the rookie retreated. However, the interference by Dreadnought was enough to give Wild Kat the opening he needed to eliminate O'Farraday. Though, then he was eliminated by his own tag team partner to sent up the final four.


• When the match got down to the final four competitors it was Ash Campbell, Frankie Perez, Conner Threepwood, and The Detroit Bruiser. The three younger men teamed up to take down the Journeyman wrestler. Threepwood is credited with the elimination as he low bridge the veteran as Perez and Campbell Irish whipped him in to the ropes.


• The three men when they realized it was down to just them they knew that the next elimination would send the other two in to the finals of the night. Threepwood tried to play it safe by playing both Perez and Campbell against one another seeing as it was Campbell that originally eliminated Perez from the tournament. However, neither man really feel for it, because they knew that he was just as much a threat as the other one was. Threewood would be eliminated from the match meaning that Perez and Campbell move on to the finals.


• The last shot of the match though came as Campbell dumped Perez to the fall and then started to celebrate as if he won the match by himself.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=darkorange><b>33</b></font>





<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Becca Barton.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg" align="right">

<center>Gold No More!


Nothing really to write home about to the lead in to the only title match of the night. As it was just a video recap of what happened last night during night one. The only new piece that we got was seeing Emma Bitch coming through the curtains heading down to the ring yelling at everyone that Brazzle will be gold no more after tonight.


<i>Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>45</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Becca Barton.jpg" align="right">

<center>Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Emma Bitch

<i>XWL Fem - X Championship match</I>


Vs. Emma Bitch

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Suzanne Brazzle defeated Becca Barton in 20:26 by pinfall with a Miracle Connection. Suzanne Brazzle makes defence number two of the XWL Fem - X.

Rating: 25


• XWL management seemed to put too much faith in this match... giving it a whooping 20:26 minutes! Most of the fans in the building started getting bored with the match by the end of it. They definitely didn't think about this match too much.


• Emma and Suzanne though did their best in the hopes of keeping the fans engaged.


• At one point it looked like Bitch was going to win the match with a hand full of Brazzle's tights and holding on to the middle rope, but the champion was saved when the referee noticed and admonished Bitch for trying to break the rules.


• After that the momentum shifted back to Brazzle who kept the heel on the ropes for several moments. However, a mistime diving elbow drop from Brazzle looked as if it was going to be the opening that Bitch needed to get back in to the ring.


• However, Brazzle was ready for Bitch to go after her injured elbow and hit an impressive drop toe hold to take down the challenger.


• Brazzle managed to hit the Miracle Connection to get the pinfall!


• Brazzle makes a successful title defense.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Darkorange><b>25</b></font>




<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Bart Biggins.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Kittie Young.jpg" align="left"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Ash Campbell.jpg" align="right"><img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Frankie Perez.jpg" align="right">

<center>Bart Biggins Vs. Kittie Young Vs. Ash Campbell Vs. Frankie Perez

<i>XWL Soul Survivor Finals</I>


In an exceptional match, Ash Campbell defeated Kittie Young, Frankie Perez and Bart Biggins in 19:39 when Ash Campbell pinned Frankie Perez with a Shooting Star Press after Eric Tyler interfered. Ash Campbell wins the XWL Soul Survivor.


• We start off getting recapped about what happened to Brett Biggins' during Bart's match with Dreadnought as to remind us why he isn't at ringside for this match up.


• We also get reminded that Kittie won a grueling match against Golden Delicious that was the latter's retirement match.


• And of course we get a recap of what happened to 21 Jump Street Boyz earlier in the night that lead to the battle royal that allowed both Campbell and Perez to stake their claim in the main event of the night.


• Biggins and Young took a spill to the outside during the match and they are down for several moments as people start to worry that one of both of them might be injured.


• Seeing Campbell head up to the top rope for his Shooting Star Press, both Biggins and Young try to get back in to the ring to stop the pinfall, but Eric Tyler cuts them off and blocks their path.


• Frankie Perez falls victim to Campbell's Shooting Star Press for the pin fall and for the second time in the tournament, Campbell defeats Perez.


• Night Two of Soul Survivor is in the books as Ash Campbell gets awarded the Soul Survivor ring by Eric Tyler.


• <i>Rating</i>: <font color=Green><b>49</b></font>


• <i>Final Rating</i>: <font color=green><b>46</b></font>


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Night two is in the books now, narrative pieces in coming tomorrow hopefully for now sleep.


A more official one will go up with narrative, but here is the card for the next event... XWL Law and DisOrder


Law and Disorder




Nathan Coleman Vs. Dreadnought

Tsuki Kawamata Vs. Kate Lilly

The Illinois Dasher Vs Jack Pryde

The Freedom Force & Jack Avatar Vs. The Rednecks (Hunter Maxwell & Those Matthews Boys)

The Easy Riders Vs. The Maryland Alliance


}Main Show{


Fearless Blue Vs. Mark Knox

21 Jump Street Boys Vs. The Hot Taggs

Coco Malloy Vs. Izzy Quick Vs. Ava Anderson Vs. Teresa Perez Vs Toni Parissi Vs. Steffi Chee

Bob Casey Vs. Beautiful Bryan w/ Melanie Golden

XWL Fem - X Championship match: Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Talia Quinzel Vs. Emma Bitch

XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championship Match: The McWades © Vs. The Wild Ones (Findlay O'Farraday/Animal Harker)

XWL World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Caulfield © Vs. Doug Peak Vs. Kittie Young

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Soul Survivor for the most part was a success. From all the fans that she has ran in to since the ending of the show have genuinely seemed to have liked it. It was good to know that her insignificant little company making head away towards being able to play with the big dogs. However, Kittie Young wasn’t not in a good way. Most of the fans that watch the shows don’t know that she’s the owner, but out of respect to the workers she employs she tries not to win too often. Just enough to keep her relevant, but in hindsight she wished that she had let Melanie or Steffi win the Fem – X tournament bracket.


As after that main event with Frankie, Ash, and Bart… she’s definitely not up to picking up toys from around the house before her “appointments” show up. She knew that she needed to seriously consider getting an actual office space instead of seeing her employees at her home, but there is a twofold reason for the decision not to have one. Working for home like this allowed her to see her kids as much as possible, but more than that the XWL couldn’t really afford an office at the moment.


Out of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars she put up to start the company… they have roughly a hundred and ninety eight thousand left. Ticket sells have been decent, but the size of the roster and production costs were eating away the finances quickly. She knew that she had to start cutting people, because working them all in through multi-person matches, battle royals, and etc to get them on the show and paid instead of risking pissing them off for not being on the show is starting to become a problem.


She sighed, because she really didn’t want to end up like TCW being bought out by someone like a toy company, but knowing her luck she was going to be bought out by USPW and that right there was a fate worse than death. It was definitely time to tight the reigns, maybe even renegotiate with some of the talent to monthly deals instead of per show, and maybe get some exclusivity from some of the older guys.


<b> “Miss Kittie, your guests are here.”</b> Angel yelled before she escorted the trio of ladies in to the kitchen area. At first glance, Kittie looking upon the three ladies thought maybe someone switched their brains, because they looked nothing like what she had expected from the three of them. When it came to hiring them to their handshake deals she did most of the work over the phone and then at the shows she’s only really saw them in their gear. So too see them in their casual attire is a little mind blowing.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Suzanne Brazzle.jpg" align="right">Suzanne Brazzle, the champ was wearing a nice little sun dress as if she was about to go on a picnic with her lover or at least play a round of tennis… not sit down and talk about slamming bodies down on to the mat. Definite high society vibes coming off the twenty year veteran of the business.


<b> “Suzanne, that’s a nice little dress.”</b> Kittie said, and it was even though it wasn’t too much her style, but she could at least hope that one of her daughters would have taste like Suzanne.


<b> “Thank you, Miss Young and please, Suzi is fine.”</b> Suzanne replied, politely.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Steffi Chee.jpg" align="left">The second lady, Steffi Chee, was dressed in a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. If Kittie had to be honest about what she thought about them… she felt that Suzanne was much more the biker looker, with Steffi needing the look of the third woman, and that woman needing Suzanne’s look. It was enough to make Kittie’s head hurt just thinking about it.


<b> “Steffi, it’s nice to see you again.”</b> Kittie said, acknowledging the woman that she just beat at Soul Survivor. Of the three woman visiting her right now, she had an idea while Suzanne and the third lady, Golden Delicious wanted to speak to her about, but she genuinely had no clue what it was that Steffi had to talk to her about.


<b> “My pleasure.”</b> Steffi said, with that southern accent of her.


<img src="http://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Golden Delicious.jpg" align="right">And there was, Golden Delicious, the newly retired wrestler of twenty two years. She was the most shocking of the three as she was wearing a pair of New England Patriots sweat pants and shirt. A look that is much more befitting of that Chee… well with a different team of course, but you get the picture.


<b> “Miss Young, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your company even if it wasn’t all that long as a wrestler.”</b> Golden Delicious says, and she knew it… Delicious was here to ask that her ongoing contract be ended. She couldn’t be mad at the woman for it, because she did just retire and from what she’s heard, her son, Logan has been sickly these last couple of week. It’s only natural for a mother to want to be there for their children. Hell, this company exists so that she can spend more time with her own kids that should wouldn’t be able to do if she were to sign with a bigger company.


<b> “Your welcome, so what brings you ladies here today?”</b> Kittie asked, as she looking more at Steffi than anyone else, because she was the most uncertain one of the three.


<b> “Miss Young, I know I’ve only had the one match with your company, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to announce on twitter this afternoon my intent to retire in August.”</b> Steffi said, bluntly which Kittie admired from her, because she didn’t draw it out. She wanted to make sure that it was clear that she had no intention on reconsidering on the matter.


<b> “I see…”</b> Kittie said, as there really wasn’t much that she could say to the woman, because she wasn’t going to beg in front of the other woman. The look of desperation doesn’t look good on the boss at any time.


<b> “Though, Miss Young, if you will have me… I would love to continue to work for your company in a non-wrestling role.”</b> Steffi added, which was good, because most people when they retire don’t stay around long after that. In the moment, Kittie as brainstorming some ideas to do with her once her retirement became official. They could use an on-screen interviewer once they start filming shows, but then there was also the need of having an authority figure on-screen as well seeing as she’s trying hard to keep herself out of that role.


<b> “There are definitely some possibilities I’d like to run by you.”</b> Kittie said, feeling as good as she could be about losing another member of her roster to retirement.


<b> “Not to make matters worse, but Kittie, I’m re-announcing my retirement as well for August.”</b> Suzanne interjected, <b> “So, I hate to say it, but you should really start planning how I’m to drop the title and I’m more than open to the idea of staying on as a road agent.”</b>


<b> “I’d love to keep you on as a road agent, Suzi.”</b> Kittie said, but she knew in reality it might not be so. It will either come down to someone bigger wanting her to be a road agent for them or it come down to the fact that she can’t continue to pay the eight hundred dollars per show due to financial constraints. Not to mention the XWL is already staffed welled as far as road agents go with myself, Art Reed, Eric Tyler, and Honest Frank doubling as Road Agents when needed, but with Freddie Datsun, Alex Braun, Fox Mask, Art Reed, and Idaho Punisher working full time as agents.


After a little bit more small talk with Suzanne and Steffi about transitioning them out of active competition we said our good byes and they left. Exhausted from the whole exchange Kittie just took a breath just glad that it was over… or was it?


<b> “Excuse me, but I have an idea that I want to discuss with you.”</b> Golden Delicious said, that jarred Kittie back to reality. She had totally forgotten about her, because she thought this was just about her saying good bye after her retirement became official today. In that moment, Kittie learned the full heartedly the saying of “you make an ass out of you and me, when you assume.” Kittie felt really small in the moment, but upon listening to the idea that Golden Delicious pitched was feeling real great about it.


<b> “So you want to change your name to mash up version of your name and your former character to be Melanie Golden?”</b> Kittie asked, to make sure she had that part correct.


<b> “Yes, and I would like to manage for sure Bryan Brady (Beautiful Bryan) and maybe a few others. You know to start XWL’s first official stable.”</b> Melanie said, and it was a good idea, because sure they had the boys Clutch, Asphalt, Torque, and Coco unofficially together on one hand and then Hunter, The Matthews, and Houston on the other, but as far as stable wise they haven’t done anything with them.


<b> “You got it, Melanie. Is there anyone else you have an eye one?”</b> Kittie asked, as she was really having a hard time thinking of anyone else that might fit with Bryan.


<b> “I haven’t thought about it really, but have you seen Callum? Girl, he was toned that first night he showed up, but I swear to god he’s nothing, but pure muscle now.”</b> Melanie said, normally it would be something that Kittie would file under water cool gossip, but she knew that Nelson Callum was working on his body, because he wants to be seen as a big star. Maybe he could fit with Melanie’s little group. Definitely something to think about and run past him.


One narrative down... got one more to go before the show, but that is going to come later. Need sleep, but before I go... I just have to ask... I see that I'm getting a decent number of views to this diary, but outside of 2 replies the only replies are my own. So I was wondering... does my diary stink that badly?
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It definitely doesn't suck! It can obviously be disheartening not to get lots of responses, but I'd say it takes time to build that up sometimes. And even then I think it's common for people to read and enjoy a diary without ever commenting. Plus if I'm honest there's lots of great diaries that are low on the comments at the moment which I think just speaks to there being a lot of good stuff on here at the moment.


Personally I like the intergender stuff, that's definitely a little different to a lot of diaries. I'm not too familiar with most the roster (which will show in my predictions) but I definitely recognise plenty so I think I'm an odd one out saying that.


Law and Disorder




Nathan Coleman Vs. Dreadnought

Tsuki Kawamata Vs. Kate Lilly

The Illinois Dasher Vs Jack Pryde

The Freedom Force & Jack Avatar Vs. The Rednecks (Hunter Maxwell & Those Matthews Boys)

The Easy Riders Vs. The Maryland Alliance


}Main Show{


Fearless Blue Vs. Mark Knox

21 Jump Street Boys Vs. The Hot Taggs

Coco Malloy Vs. Izzy Quick Vs. Ava Anderson Vs. Teresa Perez Vs Toni Parissi Vs. Steffi Chee

Bob Casey Vs. Beautiful Bryan w/ Melanie Golden

XWL Fem - X Championship match: Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Talia Quinzel Vs. Emma Bitch

XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championship Match: The McWades © Vs. The Wild Ones (Findlay O'Farraday/Animal Harker)

XWL World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Caulfield © Vs. Doug Peak Vs. Kittie Young

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<i>April 5th, 2020 - <b>Wrestling with The Facts</b> - Johnnie Napalm</i>


<CENTER><B><U><SIZE="5">The XWL's - Law & DisOrder Event</SIZE></U></B>


<img src="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Law.jpg"></CENTER>


Ladies and gentle germs, The XWL's latest event Soul Survivor is done and dusted and I don't know about you all, but I'm undecided about how I feel about the tournament. Between the first round being dominated by the heels, the second the faces, several matches that were made pointless by the outcome resulting in double eliminations, to a team getting attacked to be removed from the tournament to end up being the unofficial winner of the tag team bracket.


Needless to say you can cluster f*** of two nights that more than likely cost the company more money to put on then it did make for them. I've tried to talk to several of the wrestlers that were involved in the match... not many of them were willing to talk, but the one that did and wishes to remain anonymous for various reasons believe that if this event happens again in the future it is going to be significantly different.


I would hope so, because yeah that tournament was just bad. However, that's not what this is supposed to be about. My source has leaked to me not only the name of the next event... Law and DisOrder, but the card and some other little juicy news bit. It would seem that XWL is preparing to attempt to get a deal with WrestleWorld if possible, but at the very least are looking at a cable Access challenge in the Great Lakes region to broadcast their events.


So for the next couple of shows there were be dark matches for the house crowd (or early arrivers) in cause a deal can't be finalized by the time the show is supposed to start. The extra matches are...


Nathan Coleman Vs. Dreadnought - Dreadnought, has been a thorn in the side of Chris Caulfield since the birth of the XWL and has been in on and off again feud with the legend. It's seems that Dreadnought's rookie green streak has finally demoted him off the main show. As he will be taking on Nathan Coleman. Whom, from my understanding is just being used for this show.


Tsuki Kawamata Vs. Kate Lilly - Kate Lilly, one of the brightest spots of the Soul Survivor tournament in the tag team bracket even though she was wrestling with a broken arm in her one match in the tournament. This match will mark only her second match with the company and her first in singles action. Kawamata is apparently working this show as a tryout for a possible job.


The Illinois Dasher Vs Jack Pryde - Jack Pryde, normally I would talk about how pride goes before the fall, but Pryde hasn't even gotten going anywhere to fall. My source seems to think that this match is a tryout match for Dasher, but also a match to determine whether or not Pryde continues to be employed by the XWL.


The Freedom Force & Jack Avatar Vs. Redneck Life (Hunter Maxwell & Those Matthews Boys) - This match has all the makings of a civil war like rivalry. On one hand you have the extremely patriotic Freedom Force with Jack Avatar who could be the North side of the equation and then you have Redneck Life... Those Matthews Boys and newcomer Hunter Maxwell (whom is supposed to be The Redneck Messiah) as the dirty south. Could easily be one of their best stories I think. Given they failed to pull the trigger on Redneck Life and Clutch McKane's unnamed misfits with The Easy Riders.


The Easy Riders Vs. The Maryland Alliance - Speaking of the Easy Riders here they are against the aging veterans Brady Prince and Buck Graham, the Maryland Alliance. It's easy to see that this match up is all about getting The Riders some much needed experience in the ring. Outside of that I don't know what else to say about it.


As far as the main show goes... we get some matches that have been used in the past or at least to a varying degree.


Fearless Blue Vs. Mark Knox - These two have met before in one of XWL's earlier shows that we didn't cover. During the match, Mark Knox picked up the victory, but was nearly injured by a botch on Fearless Blue end. Needless to say that there has been heat between the both of these men for some time now. It's shocking that the XWL would put them up against another so soon. However, I do believe it's because they are testing to see if both men can work together professionally. Depending on how the match plays out... one or both men may be looking for a new job.


21 Jump Street Boys Vs. The Hot Taggs - We have seen this match technically given the number of times they have wrestled against McWades in triple threat tag team matches. Nothing new about this match really. Other than XWL might be looking at see which team they can cut loose from their roster.


Coco Malloy Vs. Izzy Quick Vs. Ava Anderson Vs. Teresa Perez Vs Toni Parissi Vs. Steffi Chee - This match seems like it might lead somewhere... I mean with Steffi Chee recently announcing her intent on retiring I'm not sure. However, considering that the Fem - X champion has also declared her intent on retiring... I could see one of these women (not including Chee) being the next challenger for the title.


Bob Casey Vs. Beautiful Bryan w/ Melanie Golden - Beautiful Bryan, who got dumped out of the Soul Survivor tournament due to travel issues looks to be getting a slight repackage. My source tells me that Melanie Golden is the newly retired, Golden Delicious who is looking to put together a small group of wrestlers to take the XWL by storm. My source says there are few names as potential candidates other than Bryan, but they wouldn't spill. Casey is making his first appearance for the XWL in this match.


XWL Fem - X Championship match: Suzanne Brazzle © Vs. Talia Quinzel Vs. Emma Bitch - At Soul Survivor, Brazzle was able to turn back the challenge of Emma Bitch, but now she has to do again, but with the added challenge of Talia Quinzell. It will be interesting to see how they go with this match considering Brazzle's intent on retiring in a couple of months.


XWL 2xTreme Tag Team Championship Match: The McWades © Vs. The Wild Ones (Findlay O'Farraday/Animal Harker) - The McWades, are set to defend their 2xTreme tag team titles against probably one of the few teams that actually stand a chance to take the titles off the. At Soul Survivor, Harker was no where to be seem, but O'Farraday eliminated the most competitors in the Second chance battle royal to fill the tag team bracket winner spot. In an interesting side note... rumors are abound that O'Farraday is on his way out of BCG.


XWL World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Caulfield © Vs. Doug Peak Vs. Kittie Young - A triple threat match for the XWL World Heavyweight championship, but I'm not sure what they are going for with it. I mean I thought the winner of the tournament was going to get something other than a ring for his finger. In fact, where is Ash Campbell? Where is he on this card? Don't get me wrong, Kittie Young was impressive during Soul Survivor and hell has been turning out better matches than most of the men on the roster, but she didn't win the match. So her being in this match over Campbell seems a waste... though more fitting than Doug Peak who is the third part of the triple threat match. I really don't know what to think about this match... it's like the booker is throwing darts at a wall or something.


<CENTER><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


Roster Changes


One of the most frustrating things for fans to deal with is roster changes. A lot of the time it's just because a wrestler decides to retire, take time off, has gotten injured, or just hasn't been used in a while. However, companies also hire and fire wrestlers as well, but even more frustrating is when a company (USPW) signs a wrestler away from another company suddenly ruining plans that have been set in motion sometimes months previously. This here is the most recent roster changes you should make note of...


<b>ACPW</b> <i>hired:</i> Leftie Wilkes, Jazz Funk, Raphael, Cal Sanders, and Ozzie Goldstein.


<b>BSC</b> <i>hired:</i> Zephyr


<b>FCW</b> <i>hired:</i> Bart Biggins, The Darkness Warrior, Chico Ramirez, Michael "Michigan Wild Kat" Pressler, Doug Peak, Jay Fair, and Stevie Grayson


<b>OLLIE</b> <i>hired:</i> Ashley Grover, Zach Rudge, Ash Barnaby, Lily Snyder, Danielle Sweetheart, Snake King, Payaso Jr., El Orgulloso, Chess Maniac, Jennifer Heat, and Mario Heroic


<b>QAW</b> <i>hired:</i> Katherine Goodlooks, Hallucinogen, Vonnie Pressler, Sky Hermosa


<b>SAISHO</b> <i>hired:</i> Inejiro Yoshizawa, Tornado Nagai


<b>USPW</b> <i>hired:</i> Edward Cornell


My hatred for the USPW continues to grow as they continue to show that they have no boundaries that they won't cross. They have hit CWA by stealing Sean McFly, they got SWF for Remo, and now they have Edward Cornell from 21CW... so far TCW is the only one they haven't hit up yet...


<CENTER><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


<B><U><SIZE="5">Untimely Deaths</SIZE></U></B>


Death in any way of life is hard, but professional wrestling it just seems to hit a little harder, because of what we see these talent put their bodies through sometimes on a nightly basis. Recently, we have had to say good bye to road agent/color commentator Fabulous Frank at the age of 61.


As well as Mayhem Midden at the 73. The only bright spot to both passing is that they have both classified as natural deaths as both men passed away while at home in bed with their loved ones at their side.


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></CENTER>


Show to follow... probably some time tomorrow... so get those picks in... and if you want to change any following my little preview of the match ups... I'll allow it. lol
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  • 3 months later...
Okay I'm sorry that it has been a while for me update this diary, but I have been dealing with a lot of personal stuff. Living through two back to back hurricanes Laura and Delta. I lost more than a few shows, but luckily my game is in tack. So I'll give ya cliff notes version of the shows a few other news tib-bits that I remember.


Law & DisOrder


Dreadnought defeated Nathan Coleman in a pre-show bout (19)

Kate Lilly defeated Tsuki Kawamatea in a pre-show bout (37)

Jack Pryde Defeated The Illinois Dasher in a pre-show bout (10)

Jack Avatar & The Freedom Force defeated Redneck Life (Hunter Maxwell, Those Matthew Boys) in a pre-show bout (23)

The Easy Riders defeated The Maryland Alliance in a pre-show bout (18)

A video package for the issues for Mark Knox and Fearless Blue plays (29)

Mark Knox defeated Fearless Blue (16)

Backstage confrontation between 21 Jump St. Boyz and The Hot Taggs (23)

21 Jump St. Boys defeated The Hot Taggs (16)

A brawl between Ava Anderson, Izzy Quick, Coco Malloy, Teresa Perez, Toni Parissi, and Steffi Chee (38)

Ava Anderson defeated Quick, Malloy, Perez, Parissi, and Chee (34)

The Newly dubbed Golden Enterprises were in the ring talking about how they were going to take over the XWL. Local Boy, Bob Casey came out in defense of the XWL and that he's going to beat them to win a spot on the roster (34)

Beautiful Bryan Defeated Bob Casey (22)

Brazzle talks about how she hates that her time in the ring is almost up, but that she is going to out on top as champion. Emma Bitch came out and told her that she had other plans, but she isn't the only one as so does Talia Quinzel. (51)

Talia Quinzel defeats Brazzle and Bitch to win the Fem - X title (41)

The McWades talk about how they are out of challengers, but the Wild Ones make their debut and challenge them for the titles. (29)

The Wild Ones defeat The McWades for the 2xTreme tag championships (33)

A video to hype up the main of the night with Chris Caulfield, Doug Peak, and Kittie Young (64)

In upset fashion Peak wins the XWL World Heavyweight title by pinning Young while Caulfield was getting attended to by medics for broken fingers. (52)

Final Rating: 52


XWL Changing History

Dreadnought defeated Animal Harker (30) in a pre-show match

Fearless Blue defeated Wolfie Tagg (20) in a pre-show match

Brody McKellan defeated Jack Avatar (17) in a pre-show

Jack Pyrde defeated Mimic & Torque (25)

Threepwood and Acid challenge the 21 Jump St. Boys to a match (40)

Acid & Threepwood defeated 21 Jump St. Boys (30)

Frankie Perez talks about his goal becoming champ, gets jumped by the McWade Brothers (41)

Perez defeated The McWades in a handicap match (38)

Chris Caulfield won a battle royal (47)

Final Rating: 45


Scars and Stripes

Pre-Show Match

Howling Mad Mort defeated Fearless Blue (32)

21 Jump St. Boys Defeated The Nest of Vipers (37)

The Inner City Express defeated The Easy Riders (30)

The Gilbert Brothers and The Heartbreak Express defeated Grimm & Gram and The Bad Boys of Wrestling (35)

Ash Campbell defeated TJ Bailey (38)

Main Show

The American Cobras Deated The Maryland Alliance (33)

The Wild Ones hype their match with Dangerous by Design (26)

The Wild Ones defeat Dangerous by Design to retain (41)

Bobby Thomas attacks Kip Keenan during his entrance to the ring. (20)

Kip Keenan defeated Bobby Thomas (37)

Brazzle talks about coming up short in in her last defense, but that she's going to bounce back quick tonight against Izzy Quick. (30)

Izzy Quick defeated Brazzle (36)

Emma Bitch rants about how Talia swooped in and took her title from Brazzle, but tonight she fixes that. (32)

Talia Quinzel defeated Emma Bitch to retain the title (40)

Doug Peaks talks about how tonight he is going to prove his win wasn't a fluke (62)

Caulfield defeated Peak to regain the XWL World Heavyweight title (44)

Total Rating: 41



There are still more shows to come, but I have to take a break for a now.
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