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DOTM: June 2020

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I've been in touch with a couple of mods, and Arlie directly.


I won't post his responses here, but one or two of you know what was said. Pretty disappointing, and seems as though there's nothing that can be done.


It might just be that he doesn't realise how many people are affected, or how upset we all are. I voiced my displeasure at mine being lost, but at the time I thought I was the only one affected.


What gets to me the most, is that some diaries aren't missing. Almost as if certain ones were 'saved'. Not accusing anyone, it's just how I feel. Can't help it. Pretty sad that mine are just... gone.

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Have you guys checked the user control panel? Click on your nick, then Find all threads started by username>, then search from there? Not to give false hope but that's how I found mine.


I also checked but not a single diary from 2013 exists. I was especially fond of my Thunderverse GWS diary which ran for almost close to 2 in-game years. Pretty disappointed. :(

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The exact same thing happened with the old Mafia section and the Off-Topic section as well. That happened a few months ago. There were years and years worth of games gone. If it is a cost-cutting thing on GDS' part I can understand. It sucks but it is understandable.
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The exact same thing happened with the old Mafia section and the Off-Topic section as well. That happened a few months ago. There were years and years worth of games gone. If it is a cost-cutting thing on GDS' part I can understand. It sucks but it is understandable.


I think it's fair to say we would all understand an explanation like that. Maybe letting us know beforehand would have been better.


But based on the replies I've had from Arlie, that's not the case. It sounds like a mistake/error, something they didn't know was going to happen.

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I think it's fair to say we would all understand an explanation like that. Maybe letting us know beforehand would have been better.


But based on the replies I've had from Arlie, that's not the case. It sounds like a mistake/error, something they didn't know was going to happen.


And it's frustrating that regardless of what has happened we're just left speculating with no real explanation/apology.


I'm not sure if perhaps a thread is needed because I'd like to give the mods or anyone higher up with any knowledge on the situation the benefit of the doubt that they've maybe not seen this discussion? Because if not it's disheartening. Whilst I'm sure there could be an understandable reason, they must surely know that lots of people losing diaries they've poured hundreds of hours into is a big deal and something that at least needs publicly addressing.

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