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AEW: Elite Madness (AU 1991)

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AEW Dark Wk 4 Jan 1991

Terry Gordy defeated Shane Douglas with a powerbomb. 46

Eddie Guerrero Defeated Great Kabuki with a Frog Splash. 42

Steven Regal defeated Raven with the Regalplex. 20

Rudy Boy & Kip James received a double countout. 19

Lucha Heat defeated MexiMetal. 25

overall: 39




AEW Dynamite Predictions

Randy Savage,Chris Jericho & Shane Douglas vs The Gentlemens Club.

©The Great Muta(3,0,0) vs Eddie Guerrero(2,2,0) (Elite Championship)

Road Warriors(1,1,0) vs Harlem Brothers (2,0,0)

Rey Mysterio Jr(1,0,0) vs Chris Candido (1,0,0)

Cactus Jack(1,1,0) vs Raven (Hardcore Match) (0,1,0)


Bonus:final rating for the main event?

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You've been rattling these off quick.


Randy Savage,Chris Jericho & Shane Douglas vs The Gentlemens Club.

©The Great Muta(3,0,0) vs Eddie Guerrero(2,2,0) (Elite Championship)

Road Warriors(1,1,0) vs Harlem Brothers (2,0,0)

Rey Mysterio Jr(1,0,0) vs Chris Candido (1,0,0)

Cactus Jack(1,1,0) vs Raven (Hardcore Match) (0,1,0)

Main event: 58

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Posting predictions 4 hours after the show was posted. :D


I don't know where my head was at, lol :D


Randy Savage,Chris Jericho & Shane Douglas vs The Gentlemens Club.

©The Great Muta(3,0,0) vs Eddie Guerrero(2,2,0) (Elite Championship)

Road Warriors(1,1,0) vs Harlem Brothers (2,0,0)

Rey Mysterio Jr(1,0,0) vs Chris Candido (1,0,0)

Cactus Jack(1,1,0) vs Raven (Hardcore Match) (0,1,0)

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You've been rattling these off quick


Between still working from home, and the fun I'm having with this save I can pump some out. Its also a hell of a lot easier writing for RL rather than my fictional work (9000/Diablo)


I'm trying to get to a place where I'm 4 Dyanamites ahead of schedule I usually play and post simultaneously

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Randy Savage,Chris Jericho & Shane Douglas vs The Gentlemens Club.

©The Great Muta(3,0,0) vs Eddie Guerrero(2,2,0) (Elite Championship)

Road Warriors(1,1,0) vs Harlem Brothers (2,0,0)

Rey Mysterio Jr(1,0,0) vs Chris Candido (1,0,0)

Cactus Jack(1,1,0) vs Raven (Hardcore Match) (0,1,0)

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AEW Dynamite.

Wk 4 Jan, 1991

Attendance: 658 Atlanta Ga






Macho Man comes out to the ring and two young men accompany him Shane Douglas & Chris Jericho.


Macho- Last week wasn’t the week for the Macho Man no sir re. I’ll Admit Rude you got the better of me last Week, you know fool me once shame on you fool me Twice and the MACHO MAN WILL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB! But the little Macho Man fans have been asking me all week, “Mr.MAcho Man how can you beat Rick Rude with his cronies?” Well I found 2 up and coming individuals YEahhh. To my left of me I have one of the most technically sound wrestlers in the company Shane Douglas. And to my Right I have the young Rookie coming from an igloo in the great white north yeahh Chris Jericho. And tonight the 3 of us will put an end to the Gentlemen's Club before it can even really get started OoOOohhh Yeahhhh.

Rating: 39



Cactus Jack(1,1,0) vs Raven(0,1,0)

Cactus comes to the ring with a garbage can full of “toys” and hurls it into the ring.

The Brawl was mayhem Raven using a kendo stick to bloody Cactus Early.

Cactus threw Raven over the barricade and leaps from the apron...HOLY COW! Did he land on his neck? Is screamed my Nulty announcing.

Raven eventually gains the momentum and hits a dirty Even flow DDT on the Trash can picking up the win over Cactus.




Chris Candido(1,0,0) vs Rey Mysterio Jr(1,0,0)

Candido comes to the ring cocky laughing at the smaller mans stature. But is cut short with a suicide dive from Rey.

Candido uses his size to slam Rey around with suplexes and body slams.

Rey hits a hurricanrana that send candido into the 2nd rope.

While Candido is hanging there Rey Runs leaps onto the top turnbuckle and moonsaults onto the draped Candido for maximum impact. Rey tries for a pin but there is a kick out at 2.

Candido fires back with the last of his fuel in the tank and hits a amazing powerbomb.

Candido locks in an STF to the unconscious Rey. Candido wins by submission/KO

Rating: 24




Paul Ellering is standing in front of the camera The road warriors decked out in their shoulder pads Animal Pacing, Hawk looking like he tasted something terrible constantly sticking his tongue out.

Ellering- Everyone thought the Road Warriors were done, “The can’t hack the AEW” “They should have stayed with the other guy” But see AEW was built for the Road Warriors. Hawk and Animal they conquered the Tag divisions around the world. They held more Gold than gilgamesh hahaa. So what is there left to do when you’ve done it all? You go to where the “Elite” are. Now that they are here they plan to conquer the whole division and with my Guidance no one will be able to stop them.


Animal- Tonight we are starting with you Harlem Pukes. Tonight we will crush you like cockroaches.




Brian Pillman(0,0,0) vs Kid Kash(0,1,0)

Kash comes out throwing money with his face on it. But when Biran Pillman emerges he looks...off. He comes out in street gear, and a metallica shirt. Bags are under his eyes and his curls are matted. He starts picking up the money. Meanwhile Kash laughs.

Kash starts off strong using his quick cruiserweight style to work the ring. One highlight was when he flipped over the top rop on Pillman.

Pillman stumbled around the ring until a sliding drop kicked “Snapped him back” suddenly a flurry of elbows come from Pillman, and a missile dropkick.

Pillman fires up the crowd before leaping to the apron. He springboards Front flips and whack...Marc Nulty screams Air Pillman Bomber Air Pillman Bomber.

Rating: 48



Road Warriors(1,1,0) vs Harlem Brothers(2,0,0)

In this decent match we get pure Mayhem the ref barely managed to control the match.

When things settle down Stevie Ray seems worn for wear leaving Booker to fend for himself.

Hawk & Animal power through the smaller mans attacks and use efficient team work to cut the ring off.

When Stevie Ray gets in, The face painted warrior Animal performs a vicious Running Powerslam, Booker desperately breaks the pin.

Booker eventually gets worn down in the end as Stevie never fully recovered from the powerslam. Animal sets up the doomsday device and Hawk complies. Booker is left mangled. Hawk goes for the pin.

The beating didn’t stop though as for 5 minutes The Road Warriors battered Booker-T’s Back and Ribs before leaving.





The Great Muta(3,0,0) vs Eddie Guerrero(2,2,0)

The Fans were eating this match up with the fantastic Heat.

Great Muta played masterful mind games using dirty tactics, and fake outs with his Mist.

Eddie’s speed eventually gets the better of the mysterious man, when a leap frog to monkey flip sends Muta down and rolling out the ring.

A few back and forth chops allow Muta to gain the upper hand unleashing a flurry of chest chops. Filled with an enziguri.

Muta stalks his opponent ready to hit the shining wizard. But Eddie ducks in time. Runs off the rope and lands a cross body.

Eddie sets up the Gory Special Bomb but Muta escapes and sprays his Green Mist, sending Eddie Realing. Rougeau goes on about how AEW has allowed the move, but questions the safety of it.

Muta finishes with a Shining Wizard. Marking his 1st defense

Rating: 53



Randy Savage, Chris Jericho & Shane Douglas vs The Gentlemens Club.

Macho Man comes out with Douglas and JEricho looking Confident.

The match starts with MAcho & Rudy Boy, with Rudy Boy using his size to work on the Macho Man.

Savage & Rude face off but after the tie up Rude quickly tags in Tully, who takes rudes place.

About 5 minutes in Savage goes for a tag...But Douglas refuses with a smirk across his face. Jericho takes the tag as douglas steps down and walks towards Rudes Corner. Rude begins laughing.

Rude gets in the ring and uses headlocks and clotheslines on the young lionheart. Tully uses the tag rope to choke Jericho. Macho Man is wild trying to get into the ring. But results in chasing Douglas around the ring instead leaving poor Jericho to fend off Rude & Rudy Boy.

Eventually Savage is back in the ring and building momentum, but Tully Blanchard reverses an Irish Whip sending Macho man nito the ropes. Jericho lifts up his leg and boots Savage in the head. Allowing Tully to sneak in a rebound suplex for the win.


Rick Rude, Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Tully Blanchard, Shane Douglas, & Chris Jericho beat down the Machoman, then link arms and raise them in unison.

Rating: 53


Overall: 44




Elite News.

AEW has upgraded their production across all areas, in hopes to combat the other rivaling companies.

Big,T Tony Norris & Ken Shamrock have gotten into an Altercation with other workers both workers have been released.

Shane Helms has failed his drug test, when asked to kick the painkillers he did not respond. He has had his contract terminated.

Scott Taylor has been Released for undisclosed reason.


That wraps up January 1991, Thanks to all of the predictions. this events winners was tied between Kanegan & Nobby. Both of you have a reward in your PM. Kijar you somehow posted an older show like me and Vladjarka but you managed to score 1 lol must be a off week for the lot of us.


Stay tuned for another episode of AEW Dark & the first Feb Dynamite.

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AEW Dark Feb wk 1

Attendance 151 (Throwaway)

Canton NAtional Guard Armory

Brian Pillman defeats Eddie Guererro with Air pillman bomber. Rating: 51

Gentlemens club defeated A boy & his Dragon by Submission Rating: 42

Terry Gordy Defeated Sandman with a Running Leg Drop. Rating: 38

Chris JEricho defeated Iron Shiek (Local) with the Lionsault. Rating: 35

Pillman and Eddie argue as Pillman is caught digging through Eddies bag: Rating:46

Shane Douglas Defeats Steven Regal with a Belly to Belly Rating: 32

Rude sets Jericho up with a match to boost his confidence. Rating: 43




AEW Dynamite Predictions.

Randy Savage(2,2,0) & (Mystery Partner) vs The Gentlemens Club /w Rick Rude (Tully & Rudy Boy(1,0,0)

A Boy & His Dragon (1,1,0) vs Road Warriors(2,1,0)

Rick Rude vs (open Challenge)

Raven vs Steven Regal

Eddie Guerrero vs Kid Kash

MexiMetal vs Lucha Heat.

Bonus: Who on the AEW Roster will be Savage’s Mystery Partner?



Randy Savage was very verbal about the dislike of Heavymetal Claiming “The Kid can’t Work” it’s like watching an amputee trying to be a Luchador. Heavymetal has yet to respond.


Rumors have it that a strong friendship has been forged between The Great Muta & Eddie Guerrero


Get your predictions in AEW Dynamite will be posted on Saturday.

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Randy Savage(2,2,0) & (Mystery Partner) vs The Gentlemens Club /w Rick Rude (Tully & Rudy Boy(1,0,0)

A Boy & His Dragon (1,1,0) vs Road Warriors(2,1,0)

Rick Rude vs (open Challenge)

Raven vs Steven Regal

Eddie Guerrero vs Kid Kash

MexiMetal vs Lucha Heat.

Bonus: Who on the AEW Roster will be Savage’s Mystery Partner? The Great Muta

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AEW Dynamite

Weds Wk1 Feb 1991

662, Baton Rouge




Lucha Heat(1,1,0) vs Mexi-Metal(0,3,0)

A sloppy Luchador tag match underway. Mexi Metal come down playing Air guitar.

Lucha Heat work

Heavy Metal gets the first offense with a dropkick followed by an armdrag.

Psicosis lands a quick Lariat, and tags La Parka. Psicosis hits a drop toehold while La Parka runs off the ropes to Face boot the young Heavy Metal.

La Parka hits a snap powerbomb as Psicosis leaps for a Leg Drop off the top rope. Super Crazy is getting antsy wanting into the ring.

Super Crazy finally gets the tag but the momentum wasn’t enough as Psicosis hit a hurricarana followed with a splash from La Parka, who picks up the win.

Rating: 25



The Harlem Brothers are leaning on a brick wall, Booker-T with Crutches.

Booker-Hawk & Animal some Biker wannabes, straight Suckas from the mean pale streets of wisconsin or some S*&**. Ya’ll thought that you could take me out? Boy me and my brotha is from the streets. We faced tougher punks in the sand box. And What you did last week it aint no thang. The Dr. put me off for a minute yeah but I’ll be back to kick yo ass come AEW RevolutionTell em Stevie.


Stevie- That's right you can’t take our pride you can hold my brother down..oh no We gotta keep on movin. And you rOaD WaRrIOrS aint nothin but a damn foot note. This was just business. Till you wanted up in our business. You know Book you know I think these guys really scared. They CLAIM to be warriors of the Road, but the Harlem Brothers are soldiers of the streets. We out here really doin this and they just some posers.


Booker- hahaaa yeahh you know I heard they ain’t even named Hawk & Animal? Heard there names were Michael & Joseph. Well Michael & Joseph we right here out in these streets and we ain't goin no where! We ain’t hidin, so come Revolution, we are really gonna see who runs these streets.

Rating: 19



Raven is sitting under some stairs. His hair draped over his face.


Raven- You know, I’ve been in this business for 2 years. And for 2 years I’ve been treated like scum of the earth. I have been looked at like a garbage wrestler. So I come to AEW because I heard that a company run by people who “Know” the business would be great. Then I come here, and I keep getting booked for Hardcore Matches if at all. Then tonight I see my opponent look at the Match Card, and the curl on this mans lips looked like he was going to be sick. Not in fear no it was disgust. You ask is this a Harcore Match...No, Raven are you a death Match Wrestler...No I’m a wrestler just like everyone else here in AEW. and tonight I am going to work Steven Regal so hard he is going to forget, that I can swing a barbed wire wrapped chair, and that I am one of the world’s “Elite”. Quote the Raven Nevermore.

Rating: 26



Eddie Guerrero(3,4,0) vs Kid Kash(0,4,0)

Eddie & Kash start off in an amazing fashion trying to steal the show with a 2 minute countering Standoff.,

Eddie getting the best of Kash with a beautiful Headscissor takedown. Kash rolls to the outside, Eddie runs to the top rope and crossbody smacks Kash dead in the chest and both men go rolling.

Kash lands a tornado DDT but gets too cocky yelling at the fans for booing. This Allowed Eddie to recover Kash rushes Eddie but gets flipped with a Tilt a whirl Backbreaker. Eddie Climbs up to the top and performs his frog splash.

Rating: 40



Raven (1,1,0) vs Steven Regal(1,2,0)

Steven REgal starts the match with some old wrestling techniques Headlocks, armbars, body slams. Each time taunting Raven “I am Better than you because you are scum”

Regal locks in a full nelson but is butt bumped then clotheslined, Raven shakes his head and mutters something, as he rolls from the ring.

Raven looks under the ring and finds a barbed wire wrapped chair. The ref tries to pull it away only for Raven to say “ Its a hardcore match now so your gonna let it slide.” before beating Steven Regals Back.

Raven then drops the chair and plants an Evenflow DDT onto the Chair, Regal begins to bleed as Raven forces the Ref to Count to 3.

Rating: 26



Rick Rude comes to the ring with the rest of the Gentlemen’s Club


Rude- All of you Fat, Balding, no talented Louisiana BBQ Eating Pigs shut up! We all know your wives and girlfriends only came along tonight to see what a real sexy man looks like hahahaaa. And I would normally Oblige them, but Tonight I decided I would help the MAcho man out, I want to showcase him every move and every hold I plan on performing come AEW Revolution. So I am issuing an open Challenge, for any of you, hairy backed, worthless pieces of crap in the back to come face a real man. And soon to be AEW Heavyweight Champion….See no one is tough enough or stupid enough to face me. hah I’m the toughest man in the company they are all back there cowering. Haha

(The rest of the gentlemen's club nod in agreeance and laugh but smiles stop when the Harlem Brothers music Hits.)


Out comes Stevie Ray with his brother protesting “another day brotha we got others to focus on”

Stevie disregards as he enters the ring



Rick Rude(3,1,0) vs Stevie Ray(0,0,0)singles

Stevie comes off white hot. Using his powerful size to rough up Rude. A clothesline over the top rope allows Rude to gather his composure. As the Gentlemen’s Club huddle together.

The plan. To cheat their way to victory. Grabbing ankles, distractions so Rude could low blow Stevie. It eventually was just too much for the tough man.

Rude eventually sets up the Rude Awakening for the win.




Road Warriors(3,1,0) vs Boy & His Dragon.(1,1,0)

This match was a clear write off. The Road Warriors emerged with Hawk looking wasted. Barely able to stand and flailing like a child in the ring most of the matches. Seemingly frustrated Animal quickly squashed RVD with a running powerslam, which RVD sold immaculately. Meanwhile Hawk falls off the Apron in embarrassing fashion.

Rating: 31



Randy Savage & Terry Gordy(0,0,0) vs The Gentlemen’s Club(2,0,0)

The Gentlemen’s club await Randy Savage thinking no one will go up against them. When Randy emerges he is accompanied by a large Man with intimidating stature. ITS TERRY GORDY HOLY COW!


The Match goes off fantastically with The Gentlemen’s club struggling between the fresh quick tags of Randy Savage and Gordy.

Terri Gordy lands a big boot to Tully sending him to the outside to be consoled by Rick Rude. Macho Man seizes the opportunity to leap from the top landing an axe handle that sends Tully flying into Rude.

Rudy Boy almost ends the match when he locks Gordy in a Tarantula on the ropes. But a kick off the apron from savage saves his new Ally.

Rude tried one tactic too many when he distracted the Ref. The ref kicks Rude from ringside. The fans go wild.

The Momentum for Gordy and Savage pick up when Gordy lands a running Elbow drop on Tully.

Savage finishes Tully off with a Flying Elbow drop. Gordy & Savage grab a pin.

Rating: 50


Overall: 43



Elite News

Hawk has failed his drug test and has been sent to Rehab. This comes as a heavy blow as the

Tag team was feuding with Current AEW Champions Harlem Brothers.


Both Macho Man and Tully Blanchard 2 of the most vetren members of AEW have decided to mentor two young workers. Macho Man has taken Booker-T under his wing. While the more unusual sort Tully Blanchard has chosen the Sandman as his protege. With teachings from these two men will we see these two men hold Heavyweight gold in their Future?



Kanegan wins this week with a perfect score of 6/6 Kijar, 5/6



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AEW Dark Results! Wk 2 Feb 1991

Randy Savage defeated The Great Kabuki with flying elbow drop Rating:50

The Gentlemen’s Club defeated Mexi-Metal via submission Rating: 42

Brian Pillman defeated Chris Benoit with Air pillman Bomber Rating: 44

Chris Jericho defeated Rey Mysterio & Kid Kash via Pinfall Rating: 14

Savage hypes the crowd Rating: 60

Rating: 48





AEW Dynamite Predictions wk 2 Feb 1991.

© Randy Savage(3,2,0) vs (3#) Rick Rude(3,1,0)


(2#) Brian Pillman(3,0,0) vs (1#) Tully Blanchard(2,0,0)


© The Great Muta (4,0,0) vs (2#) Chris Candido (2,0,0) (AEW Elite Championship)


(9#) Rudy Boy Gonzalez (0,1,1) vs Raven (2,1,0)


Animal (0,0,0) vs Stevie Ray (0,0,0) /w Booker-T


2 Cold Scorpio (0,1,0) vs (8#) Rey Mysterio Jr (.1,2,0)


(4#) Chris Jericho(2,3,0) vs (3#) Eddie Guerrero (3,4,0)

Bonus: What will be the worst match of the night?


Rankings are based on current division they are in. Heavyweight or Elite Division




Eddie Guerrero

W/L/D: 3/4/0

Current Division: Elite Division

Current Ranking: #3

Favorite Food: Louisiana Chicken

Bio: Eddie Guerrero is a second generation professional wrestler, born into the famous Mexican Guerrero family. One of the more charismatic of the family, Eddie is blessed with natural showmanship to go along with his outstanding ring skills. A fast learner, Guerrero has spent time honing his skills around the globe. Now At AEW Eddie hopes to become the first Latino Elite Division Champion.




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© Randy Savage(3,2,0) vs (3#) Rick Rude(3,1,0)


(2#) Brian Pillman(3,0,0) vs (1#) Tully Blanchard(2,0,0)


© The Great Muta (4,0,0) vs (2#) Chris Candido (2,0,0) (AEW Elite Championship)


(9#) Rudy Boy Gonzalez (0,1,1) vs Raven (2,1,0)


Animal (0,0,0) vs Stevie Ray (0,0,0) /w Booker-T


2 Cold Scorpio (0,1,0) vs (8#) Rey Mysterio Jr (.1,2,0)


(4#) Chris Jericho(2,3,0) vs (3#) Eddie Guerrero (3,4,0)

Bonus: What will be the worst match of the night? Animal v Ray

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© Randy Savage(3,2,0) vs (3#) Rick Rude(3,1,0)


(2#) Brian Pillman(3,0,0) vs (1#) Tully Blanchard(2,0,0)


© The Great Muta (4,0,0) vs (2#) Chris Candido (2,0,0) (AEW Elite Championship)


(9#) Rudy Boy Gonzalez (0,1,1) vs Raven (2,1,0)


Animal (0,0,0) vs Stevie Ray (0,0,0) /w Booker-T


2 Cold Scorpio (0,1,0) vs (8#) Rey Mysterio Jr (.1,2,0)


(4#) Chris Jericho(2,3,0) vs (3#) Eddie Guerrero (3,4,0)


Bonus: What will be the worst match of the night? Animal v Ray

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AEW Dynamite

Weds Wk2, 1991

Attendance-621 Tampa Bay FL




(4#) Chris Jericho(2,3,0) vs (3#) Eddie Guerrero (3,4,0)


The Match fired up the crowd as the youngest member of the Gentlemen’s club takes on Eddie Guerrero.

After a clean Armdrag by Eddie, Jericho complains that Eddie grabbed his hair. The ref obviously could tell the truth.

After some quick Cruiserweight wrestling Jericho grabs a handful of Eddies hair and drags him to the ground.

After springboarding Eddie face first on the ropes Jericho goes for the Lionsault.1...2...The shoulder comes up,

Jericho frustrated goes for a powerbomb he hits it and lifts Eddie again POWERBOMB...Jericho goes for the 3rd powerbomb but is reversed to a Hurricanrana. Eddie leaps to the top rope...Frog Splash for the pin.

Rating: 44




Macho Man is in the back room cutting a promo.

Macho- You know being the 1st AEW Champion I knew I would have a target on my back. But I never thought that it would be the same creep weel after Week. Rick Rude you keep trying to beat me down. You keep trying to send your goons. To stop the Macho Man. But you keep coming up short don’t ya Yeahh. See The Macho Man always comes to the Challenge. So you can come out tonight with 1 - 2 or even 50 of your club members. By the end of the night you will still be on your back after the ref counts my pin to 3 Oooooh Yeaaaah!

Rating: 60



2 Cold Scorpio (0,1,0) vs (8#) Rey Mysterio Jr (.1,2,0)


In this quick paced match 2 Cold Scorpio showcased his striking prowess on the young Rey with a side kick followed up with a super kick,

Rey however wasn't down and out as he gained some momentum with a spring board armdrag.

Scorpio hits rey with a Powerbomb on the lightweight, and climbs to the top. With a huge leap he starts flipping. 450 splash. Scorpio picks up the win.

Rating: 26


Animal (0,0,0) vs Stevie Ray (0,0,0) /w Booker-T


Animal comes out looking Frustrated, Hawk not in his corner has the man looking angry.

His Anger had a target with Stevie Ray. and Animal let Stevie Ray know he wasn't a fan of last weeks smack talk. Heavy slams and suplexes wore Stevie down quick. While Stevie's shots and attacks were shrugged off as ineffective.

Booker-T tries to distract Animal but is knocked off the apron.

Animal lifts the Big Stevie ray up for a military Press Slam he goes for the pin and quickly leaves for backstage.

Rating: 47



As Stevie & Booker head back stage they are blindsided by Rudy Boy Gonzalez & Tully Blanchard. Tully throwing Stevie into a garage door. And pummeling him.

Meanwhile Booker-T takes a Sloppy Piledriver by Rudy Boy that levels him.

Tully looks at the downed men. “Rick Rude sends his regards”

: Rating: 34



After the Beat Down Tully is approached by Pillman who looks unusually sweaty.


Pillman- *Sniff Hey uhh can I be in your club


Tully- What?!? No you don’t meet our criteria.


Pillman puts his sweaty hands on Tully’s polo shirt, Tully slaps them off but it leaves wet hand prints on his shirt.


Tully- Why are you so sweaty?


Pillman- Man I just got a fever. Look if I can't join our club I’ll wrestle you for...


Pillman starts counting on his fingers and doing math in the air like he is writing on a chalk board.


Pillman- like $3.64, come on man I need some medicine mann.


Tully- You need to step away from me young man.


Pillman gets aggressive and grabs Tully’s collar and pulls him in.

Pillman- Look your gonna wrestle me and you are gonna give me $3.64 because I NEEEED MY MEDICINE! I’m soo much better with my Medicine so yo-


Tully clocks Pillman laying him out. He pulls change from his pants pockets and throws it at Pillman.


Tully- What the hell is wrong with you? If you want your match you got it.


Tully storms off towards the locker rooms. Pillman wipes blood from his lip, and waves.


Pillman- Thank You!


Raven is seen lurking behind a garbage can watching.

Rating: 55




(9#) Rudy Boy Gonzalez (0,1,1) vs Raven (2,1,0)


Rudy Boy Gonzalez comes out Cocky and even makes fun of a corner sitting Raven.

Raven doesn’t like the mocking and gets up and fires off a series of blows that stagger Rudy Boy.

Rudy Boy recovers though, landing a suplex that forces Raven’s leg to skim the rope. Raven is seen limping the rest of the match.

Rudy Boy gets thrown in the turnbuckle but Raven fails to follow up with the clothesline as his knee buckles under him.

Rudy Boy goes in for a grapple but is hit with a gut kick Raven signal for the Even Flow DDT but is countered with a LowBlow and followed up with an even sloppier Piledriver than earlier tonight. Raven lays motionless as Rudy goes for the pin, and grabs the Jeans of Raven for good Measure.

Rating: 23




© The Great Muta (4,0,0) vs (2#) Chris Candido (2,0,0) (AEW Elite Championship)


Candido comes out with a Cardigan wrapped around his neck his first attack is throwing it in Muta’s face for the sneak attack.

Candido tries to hurry the match after a few shoulder tackles. Each pin results in a 2. He unnecessarily gets in the Refs face.

Muta recovers and lands a few kicks to the leg of Candido, and follows up with a running heel kick.

Staggered Candido gets outside for a Breather, but Muta doesn’t allow it hitting a Asai Moonsault to the outside on Candido.

Muta assaults Candido on the outside using the steps, before rolling in Candido.

Muta finishes the match with a Moonsault from the top. Ending the win streak




(2#) Brian Pillman(3,0,0) vs (1#) Tully Blanchard(2,0,0)


Pillman comes to the ring looking like he is in a state of Euporia. Tully uses this to man handle pillman at the start of the match. Pillman never loosing his ear to ear grin.

Tully frustrated throws Pillman outside and follows after, Pillman delivers a eyepoke, Irish whips Tuylly into the post and follows up sliding around the post and hitting a clothesline.

Tully eventually gains back the lost momentum and lands a slingshot suplex that stuns pillman long enough for the 3 count, standing just off from the ramp is Raven watching intently. He shakes his head when he sees Tully spit on the tweaked out Pillman.

Rating: 59



© Randy Savage(3,2,0) vs (3#) Rick Rude(3,1,0)


Rude comes out with his crew blowing kisses to the women in the crowd.

Machoman comes out alone but just as confident.

Macho man seems to struggle at the start, The Gentlemen’s Club take every advantage to hinder the champion. Tully grabbing legs, Rudy Boy distracting the ref. Jericho even hopped up on the apron and delivered a swift knee in the back.

Eventually the cheating was too much for the locker room to handle, Terry Gordy, & the Harlem Brothers come to aid Machoman. The Gentlemen’s club & the AEW wrestlers crash on the ramp, they fight and brawl leaving the champ & contender in the ring.

Rude drops to his knees begging Macho man to spare him but to no avail.

Macho Man delivers a round of blows that stun Rude. He then picks him up and plants a full flush atomic drop on Rude! Rude stiffens from head to toe his face in pure agony. It looks like it hurt Rude more than the average man as he baby steps around the ring.

Macho Man seizes the opportunity and lands another snap suplex. Rude is still stunned from the drop.

Macho Man seals the deal with the flying elbow drop.



Overall: 58



Elite News!

UWF- Exclusively signed Stevie Ray, The Tag Team Title have been forced to be Vacated. His last match was tonight


Psicosis has left AEW for SWC his last match is on dynamite Next Week.


Randy Savage has openly admitted that he feels Rudy Boy will cripple someone due to his unsafe style of wrestling.


And in 2 weeks AEWs Growing tag team division is now fractured worse than I could imagine. Partially my fault as I didn’t even notice these 2 were getting signed. Plus without Stevie and the Kayfabe injury of Booker I am forced to vacate the titles. Thanks for all the predictions. there is also a tie this week despite the binus. because no one has faith in Stevie Ray lol. Kijar & Nobby prizes will be in your PM.



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AEW Dark Wk 3 Feb 1991

Randy Savage Defeated Tully Blanchard with Flying Elbow Drop Rating: 72

Brian Pillman defeated Terry Gordy with Air Pillman Bomber Rating: 55

Animal defeated Sandman with Military Press Slam Rating: 44

Rey Mysterio Jr. Defeated Ultimo Guerrero & Kid Kash in a Elimination 3 way. Rating:23

Overall: 55



Elite News!:

Ultimo Guerrero has signed with AEW!


AEW Dynamite predictions.

©Randy Savage(4,2,0) vs #9 Rudy Boy Gonzalez(1,1,1)

#1 Animal (2,0,0) vs #2 Tully Blanchard (2,1,0) (#1 Contender for AEW Heavyweight After Revolution)

Lucha Heat (2,1,0) vs a Boy and his Dragon (1,2,0)

#1 Brian Pillman (4,1,0) vs #2 Eddie Guererro (4,4,0) (#1 Contender Match for AEW Revolution)

#6 Raven (2,2,0) vs #6 Chris Jericho.(2,4,0)

Booker-T (1,0,0) vs #3 Chris Candido (2,1,0)

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AEW Dynamite

Weds wk3 Feb, 1991

Attendance: 606 Orlando Florida





The show starts off with Eddie Guerrero in the locker room shower stall. He is washing his hair and singing Going to make you sweat by C+C factory.(everybody dance now).


Meanwhile a scratching Brian Pillman comes in and “stumbles” upon Eddie’s gym Bag. Without hesitation Pillman unzips it and rummages through. He sees Guerreros Wrestling boots, sits down and puts the boot sole to sole with his own foot.




Eddie- Huh? Who's there.


Pillman grabs the boots and runs from the Locker room, just as Eddie Grabs a towel and comes out, soap still in his eyes.




Lucha Heat (2,1,0) vs a Boy and his Dragon (1,2,0)

In Psicosis’s last match he put on a good show.

Black Dragon was laid out very early on after a missed Moonsault to the outside.

RVD tried using his intelligent Feet but was quickly stopped as the two Luchas worked RVD’s Legs.

Psicosis finishes the match with a Guillotine Leg Drop on RVD. Black Dragon tried to scurry in but was too late.




Booker-T (1,0,0) vs #3 Chris Candido (2,1,0)

Booker-T looks to be trying to adapt to a single competitor tonight without his brother in the company.


Candido starts off with a Irish whip and a clothesline, He Taunts the Crowd and gets booed.

Booker-T goes for a vertical suplex but Candido reverses it and hits a snap suplex of his own.

Candido gets too cocky after assaulting Booker and Taunts the crowd more. Meanwhile Booker gets up.

A Harlem side kick starts off the assault. Followed by a scissor kick. Booker starts to pump up the crowd.

With the jump to the top rope Booker leaps and connects with the missile dropkick and sealing the match with a pin.

Rating: 27



#6 Raven (2,2,0) vs #6 Chris Jericho.(2,4,0)

Both men are in need of a win here tonight.

Jericho whips off 2 dropkicks followed up with some punches that put raven on the ropes but Jericho is reversed with the Irish whip and takes a back elbow to the cheek.

After 2 failed DDT’s from Raven, Jericho fires of a series of armdrags, then a front suplex gutting Raven on the ropes. Cockily he flexes as he puts a foot on Ravens chest.the count goes to 2.

Jericho misses the Lionsault and Raven gets up and finally connects the Even flow DDT for the victory.





Eddie is frustrated he was sure someone was digging through his bag, but who would steal his boots? Sudden;y he hears Pillman's Music hit and he sees Pillman wearing, Ramones T-Shirt, and Red & White boots with EG on the side.


Pillman chases after him with his feet slapping the ground.

Rating: 48



#1 Brian Pillman (4,1,0) vs #2 Eddie Guererro (4,4,0) (#1 Contender Match for AEW Revolution)


Pillman comes out showing off his new boots to the fans, When Eddie Guerrero Assaults Pillman on the ramp. They brawl into the ring.

Eddie is shoeless and pillman takes advantage. Stomping on Eddies feet with his “New Boots”

Eddie eventually in a fury suplexes Pillman in succession 1..2...3 Times. And he begins to remove one of the boots.

Pillman Russian Leg Sweep Eddie and they start playing tug o war with the boot. The result is Eddie flying out the ring as Pillman lets go.

Pillman unleashes a suicide dive and rolls Eddie back in to take Pillmans finisher The Air Pillman Bomber. Pillman wins and takes back the boot. He raises it in the air like a title belt.




Raymond Rougeau is standing next to savage but it is clear Macho Man didn’t need to be asked any questions as he takes the Mic from Rougeaus hands.


Macho- You know Raymond, last night the Machoman was thinking about Revolution Yeah. You see cause come AEW Revolution I got to defend my title against the greasiest most manipulative man in the company Rick Rude.

The Man is so Greasy I can’t have a damn match without looking over my shoulder. Now The Macho man is a genius we all know yeahh. So as I was laying in bed with my wife Miss Elizebeth It came to me, stick em in the ring with me like a cage dog. So I GOT UP AND BOUGHT ME A FANCY BIG STEEL CAGE THAT FITS THE RING RAYMOND. AND TONIGHT! The macho man will test out his new cage on Rudy Boy and come Revolution Rick Rude we will lock you up and throw away the key. Because the only way you can escape is through the top pretty boy. See you soon.

Rating: 61



#1 Animal (2,0,0) vs #2 Tully Blanchard (2,1,0) (#1 Contender for AEW Heavyweight After Revolution)

Tully comes out on his own looking confident. Until Animal comes out with Paul Ellering. Ellering snaps his fingers and Animal rushes to the ring.

Tully ducks a clothesline and trips animal with a drop toe hold. He follows up with an elbow to the spine.

Tully tries to springboard suplex Animal but couldn’t get the man off the ground, clutching his lower back.

Animal scoops Tully up for a Running Powerslam and solidifying his spot as #1.

Rating: 61



©Randy Savage(4,2,0) vs #9 Rudy Boy Gonzalez(1,1,1)

Rudy Boy & Macho Man both enter the ring without issue. The fans cheer as the cage lowers down.

Rudy Boy starts off body slamming Savage. Then toss slamming him into the cage.

Rudy tries to quickly escape through the top, but is grabbed by the leg and tossed down.

Macho Man catches Rudy Boy between the cage and ropes and pummels him. Rudy’s head bouncing off the steel cage. Macho Man drop kicks Rudy Boy who gets tangled between the cage and ropes. Allowing Macho Man to climb the cage and escape.

Rating: 61


Overall: 57



Elite News!

Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero have become the bestest of friends.

Shane “ The Franchise Douglas” has left AEW after getting into a fist fight with Rick Rude.

‘Rudy Boy Gonzalez has left the AEW under his own will.

Miss Elizebeth has signed with AEW

Marcus Laurenitis has signed with AEW









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AEW Dark wk 4 Feb 1991

Rick Rude defeated The Great Kabuki with Rude Awakening Rating 54

Animal defeated Cactus Jack with a scoop powerslam Rating: 58

Terry Gordy defeated Raven: Rating:49

Kid Kash defeated Ultimo Guerrero Rating: 23

Booker-T defeated Rey Mysterio Jr & Laparka in a 3way threat Rating: 30

Overall: 52




AEW Dynamite Predictions

© Randy Savage (5,2,0) vs © The Great Muta (5,0,0)

#1 Brian Pillman(4,1,0) vs #3 Rick Rude (3,2,0)

Mexi-Metal( 0,4,0) vs The New Road Warriors (Animal & Terminator) (0,0,0)

#2 Booker-T (3,0,0) vs 4# Eddie Guerrero(4,4,0)

#5 Raven (3,3,0) vs #4 Tully Blanchard (3,2,0)

Bonus- Who will be the top performer tonight?



Next Post should be Monday so get your predictions in over the weekend!:D

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Randy Savage (5,2,0) vs © The Great Muta (5,0,0)

#1 Brian Pillman(4,1,0) vs #3 Rick Rude (3,2,0)

Mexi-Metal( 0,4,0) vs The New Road Warriors (Animal & Terminator) (0,0,0)

#2 Booker-T (3,0,0) vs 4# Eddie Guerrero(4,4,0)

#5 Raven (3,3,0) vs #4 Tully Blanchard (3,2,0)

Bonus- Who will be the top performer tonight? Pillman vs Rude

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