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FireBrand Pro Wrestling: BHOTWG International Expansion (CV20)

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May 2016


Rumours have been swirling for months that BHOTWG are looking to expand internationally and have been exploring avenues on how to set plans in motion to do so. Still dominant in Japan and with several veterans looking towards the future within the company, there were no doubt many potential links to other parts of the world that could be explored. And then everything changed when the tsunami hit.


Summer 2018


The last couple of years have seen Japan slowly going through the process of putting the country back together. Pro wrestling has slowly been doing their bit, providing cut price entertainment for people wherever they can as both BHOTWG and PGHW try to carry on as normal. WEXXV closed up shop in December 2016, with GCG following suit in March 2017 after years of struggling to remain relevant. WLW, in the process of getting back on their feet, were then involved in a Yakuza scandal that would see them almost follow suit before rebounding a year later. The combination of these events brought about the end of the Modern Japan Alliance.


It was around this time that BHOTWG higher ups revisited plans for international expansion, realising the value of diversifying their revenue streams after the last couple of years. Work began internally to find the right people to lead the expansion, with the UK and Europe picked out as the first market ready for exploring, citing relatively low competition and a potentially high revenue.


October 2018, following Night Of The Burning Hammer


With several veteran members of the BHOTWG roster considered, Tetsuzan Kaneko ultimately decides that it would be best to put the duo of Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan in charge, with both being very personable, good judges of talent and an established team in their own right. BHOTWG file for several trademarks at this time and set up training facilities outside of Birmingham, England while advertising for several open tryouts across the UK for new young talents to fill out the new dojo.


Jan 2019


The first class of dojo trainees arrives at the dojo on January 2nd, having been scouted and recruited by various members of the recruitment team put together by Konda and Kokan. Soon to retire WLW talent UK Dragon provides a bridge between the UK and Japan, and takes on a position as a key trainer in the dojo. Former GCG talent Barry Griffin has brought back from the USA to provide more heavyweight instruction in the dojo. Konda, Kokan, Dragon and Griffin make up the main trainers of the UK dojo. Secondary trainers include veterans Merle O'Curle, Don Henderson and Punisher Paul Hughes who help out at the open trials. Over the course of 2019 the dojo is also graced by trainers like Ring of Fire Dojo owner British Samurai, CWW owner Curtis Jenkins, Olympian Gavin Owen, legendary Wigan style grappler Walter Morgan and veteran Canadian stand out Thomas Morgan..... it is this collection of wrestlers that would not only train the first class of dojo graduates, but would be largely responsible for the recruitment of talent for the entire company.


March 2019


Kansuke Konda is positioned as the boss of the expansion, with Hyosuke Kokan the second in command. The long term plans for the company have been set in motion, making a multi-year plan of action that is intended to help build up talent, associate them with the company and integrate the company into the wrestling culture of the UK. BHOTWG has already formed some external links with UEW (Europe) and CILL (Mexico) and announces that the UK will soon see the debut of a true BHOTWG affiliate under the name of FireBrand Pro Wrestling, along with the FireBrand Dojo in Birmingham.


2019, various dates


From May onwards a number of well made championship belts start to appear around indy wrestling, being carried by experienced members of the UK indy scene.


April: Barry Griffin first seen with the All England championship, which he loses to Curtis Jenkins in November.

June: Punisher Paul Hughes showed up with the Welsh National championship

July: Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan show up with the Briish Tag Team championships

August: Merle O'Curle shows up with the King Of Ireland championship

September: Don Henderson shows up with the Scottish Heavyweight championship

October: Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor show up with the Heavyweight Tag Team championships

November: Neville Jones shows up with the Adrenaline Championship, a championship that is defended in exciting matches filled with high flying and weapons based action

December: Gram Gorman shows up with the 100kg Championship, a championship with the same weight limit as the BHOTWG Junior title, roughly translating to about 220lbs

January: Walter Morgan shows up with the Pure Wrestling Championship, a title intended to be primarily fought for between wrestlers with a technical skill set




Nov/Dec 2019


BHOTWG announce that they will be working more closely with their various international partners as part of the Burning World Alliance, which will be made up of BHOTWG, UEW, CILL and FPW (soon to debut). A new championship, the BHOTWG International championship, is created for the alliance and is the first BHOTWG title to be allowed to be defended outside of BHOTWG. Both CILL and UEW hold battle royales to determine a top contender for this championshipz, with Tigre Salvaje Jr winning in CILL and Konrad Makinen winning in UEW. The final, held at BHOTWG Silencing Dragons in December, is won by Konrad Makinen, a rapidly rising UEW star who has been on the radar of BHOTWG for a while and who is clearly being groomed for a potential spot on the roster one day.


January 2020


Of the ten men originally selected to train at the FireBrand Dojo, only 5 made it through training and graduated. They are....


Christian Black: A 6'2, 228lber from Edinburgh, Scotland who has been a lifelong fan of BHOTWG and has always dreamt of becoming a wrestler. It seems almost like destiny that he was getting into wrestling as BHOTWG began their open tryouts and he was recruited for his never say die attitude and has shown a natural aptitude towards technical wrestling.


Damian Hooker: The 6'5, 285lb Northern Irishman is the largest of the dojo graduates and brings with him more power and physicality than the rest too, though may lack somewhat in depth. An injury early in training almot disqualified him from the dojo, but he kept on fighting and has shown himself willing to overcome the odds.


Hari Dubashi: Born in Mumbia, India but moved to London, England at a young age, Hari is a colourful personality who brings a natural flair and charisma with him that the other rookies perhaps lack. At 5'9 and 191lbs he is the smallest of the group but has particularly impressed Hyosuke Kokan as a result, a man who has faced similar struggles in wrestling due to his size.


Marty Ellison: The old addage "Jack of all trades, master of none" applies well to Marty who consisently would place in the middle of the ranks in all dojo tests. Standing 6'2 and weighing 232lbs, Marty is a consumate team player and professional from Ely, England who seems to excel at tag team wrestling.


Rhys Ryland: Hailing from the Welsh Valleys, Rhys Ryland is a tenacious 5'11, 199lber who seems to be able to take a lot of punishment. Combining technique and agility to form a potentially exciting in-ring style, he initially failed the Welsh open try out for talent, only to show up at the Scottish one and be accepted. His determination to succeed may be second to none out of this crop of dojo graduates.


These 5 men, alongside others trained outside of the FireBrand Dojo make up the company's first crop of young lions and it will be exciting to see how they progress through the ranks and over the years.




Excerpt from prowrestlinghits.com about Young Lions


Young Lions form the foundation of Japanese wrestling in companies like BHOTWG, PGHW, WLW and now FPW. Whether dojo graduates or outside youngsters, they are only given permission to use a limited moveset until they have perfected it and only then are they allowed to start using new moves. This encourages them to show innovation and skill for those basic techniques while also showing off their inner fire, toughness and athletic ability as they strive to become a full fledged member of their respective roster. For the first year (or more) they will wear black boots and black trunks, and they are only allowed to use the move set below:


Double Leg Boston Crab (finisher)

German Suplex (finisher)

Flying Cross Body (secondary)

Roll Up / Small Package

Vertical Suplex

Basic Strikes

Body Slams


After a year (or more) they are generally given permission to wear knee pads or elbow pads (as preferred or required) to signify their progression through the Young Lion system to a more advanced tier, while also being allowed to add some more dynamic moves to their arsenals such as their own finishing moves, techniques from other disciplines (kicks, throws, etc) or moves handed down to them from their trainers.


For the duration of their status as a Young Lion they are expected to lose to more senior roster members (due to kayfabe differences in skill/athleticism/experience), while building up rivalries with classmen of the same level of experience and beating those with less experience. After 2 years they will typically be sent out on a learning excurion for 1 year or more to another company/region where they will pick up new skills and tricks to complete the learning phase of their career, though sometimes a Young Lion will stay with their home company to continue learning from their veterans. At around the three to four years of experience mark, a youngster will typically be considered to have finished the learning phase of their career and will return to the main roster as a full fledged member of the roster, ready to compete with the core members of the company. At this point they will likely have changed up their look, added many moves, probably put on muscle mass and be ready to take on the world.


FPW Addendum


At the end of every calendar year FPW will host a "Best Of Young Lions" tournament, with an as yet undecided format that will see all active Young Lions compete to be crowned the "Best Of Young Lions". Typically the Year 1 Young Lions will be allowed to add a finishing move to their arsenal for the duration of this tournament, while Year 2 Young Lions will be expected to beat the lower year classmen and win the tournament. There may also be some youngsters with a little more experience in the tournament, typically BHOTWG excursions or workers from other schools/dojos who may technically have more experience but who lack the superior training from the FireBrand Dojo and so may not have an easily comparable class level to compare them to. Success (or failure) here may help to sort them to a more accurate class level to give a good idea of where their skills are at.


As 2020 begins, the FireBrand Dojo graduates are ready to wrestle on the indy scene while FireBrand Pro Wrestling is getting it's name out there by having it's logo used on many "independent" events. In reality, these indy events are actually FPW's early shows as they start to use a dedicated crew of talent to put together a roster from the cream of the UK indy scene, mixed with various European talents and some BHOTWG talent as they become available. As the buzz around the indy scene grows (despite 21CW's stranglehold on UK wrestling and a tough economy due to Brexit) FireBrand Pro Wrestling will look to make it's name synonymous with quality wrestling that can be enjoyed by many, and eventually become a major international money maker in their own right capable of producing stars and dream matches that could be held in both FPW and BHOTWG rings.



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Just a quick follow up post.


So, I've had this idea in my head for a long time about how to build up a company that feels like a real expansion that a company like BHOTWG could do. The idea has been bubbling in my head since my big TEW16 game with BHOTWG and seeing the UK still be quiet on the indy scene, along with being from the UK myself, it felt like it was perfectly set up to do something like this. :)


So I've got together a roster and a rough 5 year plan for the first phase of how this game will play out. I've tried to weave it all into the narrative in the first post and I'm planning to make this a very low maintainence thing for me to write. For the most part it will be show results posted as pictures with a mix of spotlight columns and general gameworld update that are relevant to the company (mostly).


I've already played up to May, with weekly shows being run as special events as a touring loop around the British Isles, with us having 15 populariy across all the regions. It's going to be slow growth as the economy/industry are both moving towards rock bottom. I started the save under patch 1.17, and we are using the East Meets West product. The first year or so of the game is intended to be booked as shows that appear to be indy shows rather than FPW shows, building up links between people on the roster, finding natural pairings and developing some history that can be played with forever in this save. It's hard to find everything at first, so being able to build things up as I get familiar with the roster should make for a lot of long term fun.


I also have my own detailed notes.... because everything is better with notes. Things like title changes, employment histories, recruitment, finishing moves, relationships and anything that could one day be a story hook or interesting bit of lore. :)


So yeah, have fun if you're going to read along. I'll be updating as often as I can and the first batch of shows should be coming along soon, depending on how my free time shapes up. :)

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So, we expect to make some significant losses. Starting the game with a million dollars in the bank account (no idea what that is in pounds), with a terrible industry/economy, and with some expensive members of staff who are working now so that they are all good in their roles by time we ever need them to be very good (Jackie Goldstein, Melanie Florence, Martin Bloydell, UK Dragon, British Samurai, Allan Round and more on staff and being used a lot). It's an expensive time and I forgot to check out some things with a test run of the game to balance them out. Our production was set too high (expensive, toned back a little) and I forgot to actually set my dojo graduates as official graduates which led to some accidental conseqeuences....



















This early on in the booking I was trying to run with rosters that I would specifically use in each region, but it qas quickly becoming apparent that that wasn't going to work too well... even so, I will be using my own version of this idea so some people will end up being used in more prominent roles in some areas than others. For example, Curtis Jenkins is the reigning All England champion so I intend to book him particularly strongly in England, while someone like Don Henderson (the Scottish Heavyweight champion) is going to be booked particularly strongly in Scotland. This early on the title bouts aren't particularly well established in terms of reasons why challengers are happening but over time that will evolve and hopefully become not only logical but systematic in who will have title matches. :)


I also want to generally comment on young lions... we will probably always have a LOT of them but over time I think the number will shrink. There are ten young lions on the roster at this point in time, 5 of them home grown (listed in previous post), 4 of them from the UK wrestling scene in general, and one on excursion from BHOTWG. In order to make the most of the young lion system I intend to use them extensively on shows, usually training alongside veterans to help them learn more quickly and to try out chemistry pairings for potential future tag teams. When booking matches, I'm using the "Keep It Simple" road agent note on each of the Young Lions to simulate them using their limited move sets. It's not essential, but it should also prevent them from injuring people too as they work on things like their safety skill.


Speaking of Young Lions... a mistake I made when setting up the data meant I had a small graduating class from the Dojo... so I have written them into the world as being failed FireBrand Dojo trainees, who for one reason or another didn't make it through training. They are:


Tyrone Liddell: Suffering the ignomony of being the first person to be released from the FireBrand Dojo in May 2019, Tyrone was a lightweight wrestler (5'9 and 191lbs) who made it into the company through the Liverpool open tryouts. Sadly, he was never particularly good and he soon fell behind his classmates before being released.


CT Eastman: Measuring in at 5'8, 201lbs , CT only made it 6 months into training after making it through the Liverpool open tryout. A very selfish person who never seemed to have a natural instinct for wrestling, he was let go after falling behind the others in the class and not showing enough potential.


Jason Hupp: At 5'8, 202lbs, Jason was made it through the Glasgow open tryouts to get accepted into the dojo, travelling from Dundee. Having progressed well in technical skills he was on track to do well before the intensity and pressure of training got to him, evnetually seeing him cut from the dojo in September.


Marc Maxx: The last person to leave the FireBrand Dojo without graduating, Marc was yet another Liverpool tryout member who didn't make it to the end. Clearly well on the path to graduation, he is 6'2 and 271lbs and sadly suffered the loss of his mother in October 2019. He never returned from his leave from the dojo, and ths obvious breach of etiquette meant that he didn't graduate in January alongside his fellow classmen.




As a result of my young lions and the number of them who I will be trying to give time to, cards will tend to feature a few matches where the Young Lions lose or face each other before shows get towards more important and championships matches. These shows are 90 minutes at this point but they will grow to be longer as I hire more people and the roster builds momentum and their perception level improves with the fans. I think there is a lot of potential for things to go well in this save so hopefully things go as I plan. Expect most updates to be one month worth of shows at a time for now, with the next few months hopefully coming fairly soon once I go through some news items I might want to include. :)



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There are some things you can't teach in a dojo. No matter how well trained someone is, when it comes to actually wrestling in front of live crowds there is no substitute for experience. As active wrestlers, no one in the company has more than these guys. With an average age of almost 45 and a combined total of around 130 years of wrestling experience between the five of them, this is an introduction to....


The FireBrand Dads



Size Of The Fight

Kansuke Konda & Hyosuke Kokan


Given that they were selected by Tetsuzan Kaneko in part for their extensive experience it is no surprise to see Kokan and Konda among the dads of the company. Konda has been wrestling as an openweight for most of his career, landing the short lived BHOTWG Openweight championship in addition to several runs with the BHOTWG Junior Tag Team championships alongside Kokan. Konda's nickname "The Big Fight Player" is partly a tribute to his neverending heart and ability to absorb punishment, and also a testament to the big fights he puts himself into while always giving his all. Teaming with "The Electric Live Wire" Hyosuke Kokan for most of their careers, Kokan has spent all of his time in the Junior division as a valuable member of the Junior division. Both have had good runs in the annual Best Of Super Juniors tournament, though neither have had as much singles success as many would hope for. As a result, their arrival on UK shores sees them move on from long term rivalries with the likes of Golden Scorpion, VENOM, Yoshii Shiomi, Haru Kurofuji and Hachigoro Maeda..... both men have their eyes set on finding more success than ever in the UK, with The Big Fight Player returning to fighting as an openweight, and The Electric Live Wire setting his sights on lighting up the 100kg and under division around the UK, and together they are one of the most long tenured tag teams in the world today. They are on the hint for championship gold and given their backstage influence on FPW they will no doubt be making some matches against some of the top talent that they helped to recruit.



Barry Griffin


The eldest statesman of in-ring action, even if only by less than a full year, Barry Griffin is the grandfather of the FireBrand dads and perhaps the most well travelled of all of them. Having wrestled at a high level in the UK, Europe and Japan, while also having worked across North America regularly too, Griffin's name and face is familiar to many fans from around the world. Still in fantastic shape for a man with almost 30 years active as a wrestler, Griffin likes to work a methodical slow technical style that has no doubt helped to preserve his in-ring career for years longer than his early run with MOSC (as a multiple time champion, no less! Would have allowed for. With his main role now being in the FireBrand Dojo, Griffin has been putting the youngsters through their paces for the last year and has taught them more or less everything they know, which is no doubt less than 1% of what he knows. Taking an active role in the development of the youngsters even after graduation, while also continuing to scout and train talent for the next year in the dojo, Griffin is a foundational piece of the FPW roster. Oh... and he can still perform to a high standard too! Don't sleep on him, he was defending the All England championship for 6 months before he lost it to perhaps the best active technical wrestler in the UK today, Curtis Jenkins, and Griffin intends to stay active to a high level for years to come yet.



The Morgans

Thomas Morgan & Walter Mogan


Arguably two of the most overlooked and under-rated wrestlers of all time, the careers of The Morgans have had many parallels. Born just a few months apart in 1992, both are 45 years old when FPW started running shows. Both broke into the wrestling business in 1992 and both have excellent technical wrestling skills.... Walter's from training in the Wigan style, Thomas from the Stone family in the House of Stone. Both are super tough and both have somehow never managed to land a job with a major company, despite having the likes of 21CW (in the UK) and CGC / NOTBPW / CWA (in Canada alone!) active. Both have toiled relatively unceremoniously on the indy scenes of their homes for most of their careers, before coming together in UEW as a team, which has been phenomenal. Three time and current tag champions at the time of writing (most recetly defeating Clubber Kohl and Cub Balowicz for the belts), Thomas has also picked up the UEW Nations title when he defeated Xavi Machismo. With Walter also carrying the Pure Wrestling title, a championship of dubious originas that lines up with his very credible style, The Morgans are two of the most decorated men in FPW at this time and are cornerstones of the company. There is no known genetic relationship between them, nor is there one with SWF star Joey or an old US outlaw Arthur.




Two men narrowly miss out on being counted as one of the FireBrand Dads by virute of being too young. Still considered to be "too youthful" at the young age of 42, Merle O'Curle and Punisher Paul Hughes are not considered to be a part of this elite loosely aligned crew yet. And by virtue of being retired, both UK Dragon and British Samurai are also excluded.




















The first ever BHOTWG International champion Konrad Makinen has started to make his presence felt in the Birtish Isles, showcasing his undoubted talents against an array of young lions around the UK and Ireland. "The Stone Cold Killer" has been putting his energetic hybrid style to good use, and while the young lions have given a decent accounting of themselves, none have really been any kind of legitimate threat to the champion. The BHOTWG International champion came up short in also laying claim to the top prize in UEW as he lost a title shot against Marcello Ricci on a hotly contested bout that showcased why both men deserve to be champions. Makinen will soon defend his championship against Kalu Owusu in an I Quit matches, while Ricci will put his belt on the line against another champion, the Welsh National champion Punisher Paul Hughes. The CWW King Of The North tournament is also rapidly approaching with the tournament bracket announced recently....


Vernon George vs Jonni Leyland

Gavin Owen vs Padraig O'Hearne

Lynton Minehead vs Curtis Jenkins

Myles Cross vs Glen Ward


Other UK wrestling news includes SNP never having any idea what is going on from month to month, but somehow the storyline group of "The Office" has started gaining traction as a unit outside of SNP. The group consist of the uber aggressive Alton Vicious, shredded bad ass Riddick Jordan, the fearlessly dangerous Dwayne Dark, the criminally under-rated Padraig O'Hearne and the tenacious bulldog JK Lee. Acting as henchmen/allies for SNP scumbag owner Mark Carnie, the group have developed a reputation for bullying tactics and aggression that goes beyond what is needed to win a match. With The Northenr Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) walking around for most of 2019 with the SNP Tag Team and the British Tag Team championships, and the group being well decorated in both SNP and CWW they are definitely going to be worth keeping an eye on. If for no other reason than to make sure they aren't coming to get you next.



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Thanks for the kind words so far, I'm gonna be playing a LOT of this soon so this is me getting warmed up nicely with some extra words. :)


Just in case you were wondering, I am in May in the actual save already so I have the results of a few tournament run by the AI. I listed CWW's above as we are friendly towards them given our many shared workers and similar style.... but below are another couple. If I have missed any, and you are curious to see how they go, let me know what ones you would like to see and I can edit them in. :)


MAW The Rip Chord Invitational XV (January)


Guillotine vs Ralph Liotta

Miller Fforde vs The Architect

Johnny Needham vs Josh Jacobs

Cheetah Boy vs Kid Fantastic


PGHW Elite Series (March)


Hitomaro Suzuki vs Tetsunori Yasuda

Hirobumi Takimoto vs SATO

Eien Miyamoto vs Magnum Kobe

Kazushige Matsuki vs Kozue Kawashima

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

While 21CW may have a lucrative TV deal and an array of talented individuals, there are many not on their roster who have a LOT of talent, heart and experience who make up the cream of the crop of independent and unsigned talent. At the top of the pile are the various champions, who are often recognised for their exploits in a local area or for working a certain style. Some of them you may already know, some of them you may not. But all of them can be found headlining shows around the UK and Ireland.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:36px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Champions</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="N7QiC6v.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/N7QiC6v.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>"Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen</em></p><p>

BHOTWG International Champion</p><p> </p><p>

One of the most exciting wrestlers in Europe right now with all the momentum in the world thanks to his BHOTWG International championship win, "Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen has been stealing the show wherever he shows up for years and has long been on the radar of BHOTWG management as a potential future star. Being a part of the FPW roster as holder of the most prestigious championship the company has access to clearly sets him up as a future franchise player and may be the stepping stone he needs to get to the main BHOTWG roster. Bringing unlimited athletic ability to every match, his agility and diverse move set regularly see him in the most talked about match of any show, and his ability to put the Swedish Grapevine (rolling judo leglock) on at a moment's notice will always serve him well. The addition of the Spiral Tap to his arsenal as the move that won him the BHOTWG International championship against Tigre Salvaje Jr has given him one more tool to win, in what is already an impressive toolbox.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="bitX7mL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bitX7mL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>"Journeyman" Curtis Jenkins</em></p><p>

All England Champion</p><p> </p><p>

Until 2014 Curtis Jenkins was almost completely unheard of on UK shores, having started wrestling in 2002 but relocating to the USA in 2003 where he had an 11 year run around the indy scene and MAW before Visa issues forced him to return home to the UK. He quickly began turning heads thanks to his old school technical style, using the fisherman's suplex and the Furusawa armbar to quickly rack up wins, often setting up either with a classic Rip Chord style DDT as a tribute to his time with MAW. Unlike many UK wrestlers who utilise a variation of classic Wigan style grappling, Jenkins uses a style more familiar to an American audience, adding a lot more brawling to the mix to help wear down his opponents for his finishing level moves. Since 2018 he is also the owner of Championship Wrestling from Wigan (CWW), where he was their inaugural champion (later losing to Lenny Mochin) and has continued to amass many wins with the All England Championship, taking the belt far and wide as he also scouts and recruits for CWW.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="LlJvorv.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LlJvorv.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>"The Terror Of The Highlands" Don Henderson</em></p><p>

Scottish Heavyweight Champion</p><p> </p><p>

A man who has been known as a fine technical wrestler for a long time, "The Terror Of The Highlands" Don Henderson's career has always been one of "what ifs"... what if he had broken out as a singles guy sooner? What if he had signed with 21CW when the chance was there? What if he applied himself just a little more? Amassing 4 tag team title reigns between his runs in ROF and UEW, along with a handful of secondary championships Don Henderson is one of the most successful Scottish wrestlers outside of Scotland. Able to outwrestle almost anyone close up, the one thing he seems to lack is some inner fire. Even so, he manages to have spells where he can have the best match on almost any card, but his opponents regularly seem to be at least as good as he is, so until the Scottish Deathlock (Haas Of Pain) is locked in matches could go either way. Seemingly unable to stay ahead of others for long, Henderson's run with the Scottish Heavyweight belt has seen him putting on some of the best matches of his career but every time he seems like he's on the verge of losing. If he can't raise his game soon, it seems like only a matter of time before he loses the belt and someone else tries to do what he has so far been unable to do by representing Scotland to a high level on an international stage.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="qS1W3NR.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qS1W3NR.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>"The Irish Stretching Machine" Merle O'Curle</em> </p><p>

King Of Ireland Champion</p><p> </p><p>

A man so good that 21CW (pre Nova era) created a championship specifically for him as a way to try to capitalise on his amazing wrestling skills, "The Irish Stretching Machine" Merle O'Curle's nickname really tells you all you need to know about him. Bringing classic European style wrestling to the fore, O'Curle can twist you into all kinds of knots and will dislodge your teeth with all kinds of open handed strikes, including his devastating European Uppercuts, palm strikes and chops that ensure you always know when you've had a match with him for days afterwards. His Celtic Wreath finisher is a variation of the Indian Deathlock and has won him championships in 21CW, ROF, UEW and around the indy scene, most recently picking up the crown of King Of Ireland. Arguably the best wrestler in the British Isles, O'Curle is always studying tapes to become a better wrestler, so even at the age of 42 is adding more tricks to his game as a way to stay one step ahead of the competition for years to come.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="inIwBK7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/inIwBK7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>Punisher Paul Hughes</em></p><p>

Welsh National Champion</p><p> </p><p>

Formerly a high level professional kickboxer who seriously considered joining MMA, "Punisher" Paul Hughes instead chose to make the jump to professional wrestling having seen how successful some MMA greats like Buddy Garner, Mike Watson and Raul Hughes were in Japan. Making it a career goal to make it to BHOTWG (or PGHW, I guess) some day Hughes has been successfully carving out a reputation for himself on the continent with UEW, where he became a triple crown champion in 2017 when he won the World title there in addition to the Nations and Tag championships he had already won. In 2019 he picked up a championship closer to home as the Welsh National champion, which he has been defending on smaller shows across the UK. A relentless, legit bad ass that few would ever want to be on the wrong side of, in the ring he puts his kickboxing skills to use, finishing people with his devastating roundhouse kick (usually to a kneeling opponent for optimal power/range) but sometimes has been known to sneak in some illegal punches, with his left hook being something he throws if he feels like he is on the wrong end of a fight. Well into his 40s now, he has slowly been adding more pounds and losing some flexibility, meaning his headkicks are no longer as feared as they once were and he may not be as quick as he used to be. Still hits like a tank though.</p><p> </p><p>

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<em>Gram Gorman</em></p><p>

100kg Champion</p><p> </p><p>

Never heard of Gram Gorman before? Confused on what a kilogram is? Wondering how such a ridiculously intense and awesome wrestler has gone un-noticed in the UK up until now? Well, that's because he's been living in Canada since 1998 and wrestling exclusively there since 2011. ACPW have been his home, specialising in the 100kg and under weight class where Gram has been tearing it up for years as he rises to meet the very best the company has to offer. Winning every championship they have, he has been drawing attention through YouTube highlight reels for his performances and clearly impressed Kansuke Konda enough at some point that he wanted to bring him in no matter what. Showing up with the "Canadian" championship that is the 100kg belt, coincidentally the same weight limit as the BHOTWG Junior championship, Gram has been stealing the show everywhere he goes and it's only going to be a matter of time before the diminutive, hard hitting, super intense Northern Irishman will really cement his reputation as one of the best Junior wrestlers in the world. No one has been brave enough to nickname him, but "100 Killer" Gram Gorman is winning an unofficial fan vote right now....</p><p> </p><p>

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<em>"The Swansea Kid" Neville Jones</em> w/ Liz Sweetheart</p><p>

Adrenaline Champion </p><p> </p><p>

The Adrenaline champion is intended to represent some of the exciting modern styles of pro wrestling, specifically the smaller high flyers and a no limits style of wrestling that also permits some more weapons based wrestling too. The first ever champion of this belt was Neville Jones, who defeated Bali Daljit on a London indy show in a ladder match for the belt. By his side since 2019 has been Liz Sweetheart, with the two seeming to have a lot of fun together and sharing a love of the colour red which they can always been seen wearing. Having been spotted on shows across the south of England and Wales together, Liz seems to provide Neville with an extra little bit of heart for his comebacks and the two of them have regularly been spotted celebrating after Neville breaks out his beautiful Swansea Swanton finisher. For someone who got into wrestling with his own trampoline wrestling set up in his back garden and with some less than formal training from an un-named trainer, he has so far managed to do very well for himself and is only getting better.</p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Northern Lights</span></strong></p><p>

<em>"The Bad Man" Alton Vicious & "Unstoppable" Riddick Jordan</em></p><p>

British Tag Team Champions</p><p> </p><p>

With a combined nearly 500lbs of muscle between them and 3 reigns as SNP Tag Team champions, The Northern Lights have cemented their reputations as a top team with a combination of aggression, physicality and a "me first" mentality that has allowed them to do some shady things to get ahead. Given their obvious physical gifts and high level of training from the Ring of Fire Dojo under British Samurai, the duo have been teaming together since 2011 and regularly put on the match of the night, forcing their opposition to step up to their level. As part of SNP's "The Office" group alongside scumbag Mark Carnie, Paddy O'Hearne, JK Lee and Dwayne Dark, there seems to be very little on the UK scene capable of slowing The Northern Lights down, let alone stopping them. Touring indy shows more than ever now they also have the British Tag Team championships and have been defending them since mid 2019, knocking back and beating down all who would try to dethrone them. Their tag team finisher, The Northern Lights Out (Magic Killer), is one of the most over moves in UK wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="6VD8a3z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6VD8a3z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />v<img alt="vmvC9sK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vmvC9sK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Assassins' Guild</span></strong></p><p>

<em>"The Angel Faced Killer" Stefan Raynor & "The Predator" Louie Peyton</em></p><p>

Heavyweight Tag Team Champions</p><p> </p><p>

Together as a tag team since their graduation from the Ring Of Fire Dojo in 2006, Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton make up the guns for hire style tag team of The Assassins' Guild. Slowly developing over a long period of time they have been seen alongside the likes of former 21CW champion Jonathan Faust and have locked horns with most of the best tag temas in the UK over the last decade. Adding some new moves to their arsenal over the last few years and learning to make the most of their individual strenghs while making the most of their acquired experience, the Guild finally got their first taste of championship gold when they picked up the Heavyweight Tag Team championships in 2019. Their two main finishers are The Execution Order (press slam/cutter combo) and The Last Hit (corner simultaneous elbow smash / mafia kick combo), and they both tend to focus on the head and neck of opponents during tag matches to set these up. Raynor is the smaller of the two men, definitely in the Junior division, while Peyton is the heavy hitter of the two and uses his power to overwhelm whoever is in his path. They are coming into their prime years as wrestlers so the founding of FPW has come along at an excellent time for them to prove how good they really are.</p><p> </p><p>

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<em>"The Grappler" Neil Warburton</em></p><p>

CWW Submission champion</p><p> </p><p>

A 2016 graduate of the National School of Wrestling, it's somewhat damning of the 21CW syste that he wasn't kept on their roster. Having an obvious natufal affinity for close quarters grappling, Warburton is extremely well trained and has been turning out stellar performances on the indy scene, winning many matches against people with far more experience than himself. His greatest achievement so far was winning the CWW Submission championship in October 2019, defeating Padraig O'Hearne for the gold. Warburton's application of the Texas Deathlock as his signature submission of choice looks brutal, but ability to wear down an opponent's legs and take them to the mat in so many ways is what really makes him stand out. With only 3 years of experience, he was almost offered a spot on the FPW roster as an experienced Young Lion before his championshp success, the well timed win being just enough to have him be allowed to compete at the higher level. Merle O'Curle is said to have a deep respect for Warburton's abilities, while other veterans and dojo trainers have said he has perhaps the most natural ability of anyone on the roster. If he can stay healthy, he looks set to become one of the biggest break out stars in UK wrestling over the next couple of years.</p><p> </p><p>

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Other champions around the UK and Europe currently include</p><p> </p><p>

21CW: Edward Cornell (World), Bedlam (UK), Viktor Beskov/Yuri Iliakov (Tag)</p><p>

CWW: Lenny Mochin (CWW), Curits Jenkins (King of the North tournament), Neil Warburton (Submission)</p><p>

SNP: Meathead McAullie (King of Scotland, beating Jeffery McPeterson), Norman Gates (Hardcore), Flash Funke & Finn Funke (Tag, beat Maximum Damage)</p><p> </p><p>

EWA: Paolo Gandalfini (Universal), Kruge The Executioner (IC), Eric Future/Petey Barnes (Tag), Thea Davis (Womens)</p><p>

UEW: Marcello Ricci (World), Walter Morgan/Thomas Morgan (Tag), Thomas Morgan (Nations)</p><p>

VWA: Landon Mallory (European), Michael Gregory (Swiss), Antonio Arias / Pavel Vanzycha (Tag)</p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0009</span></strong></p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0010</span></strong></p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0011</span></strong></p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0012</span></strong></p><p>

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<em>Other major events in March include: </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">BHOTWG Fire Dream Of The Immortals</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kinnojo Horri retained the BHOTWG World championship against Takayuki 2000</p><p>

Sensational Dragon retained the BHOTWG Junior championship by pinning Helikaon (also included Elemental III and Emerald Angel) </p><p> </p><p>

BHOTWG's second biggest event of the year saw no new champions crowned, but did see some fantastic action. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PGHW Night Of PRIDE</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Magnum Kobe won the PGHW Elite Series defeating SATO in the finals</p><p>

Magnum defeated Eien Miyamoto and Kozue Kawashima en route</p><p>

SATO defeated Hirobumi Takimoto and Tetsunori Yasuda en route</p><p> </p><p>

Given how many of PGHW's stars have broken down over the last decade, the deliberate focus on trying to build new stars like Kobe and SATO can only help them long term.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SNP Blood Feud VI</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

The Ivanoff Brothers defeated Stuart Wilson & Mister King</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Meathead McAullie defeated Jeffery McPeterson for the SNP King of Scotland title</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Ugh... SNP... the worst... but this was their big show for the year and it happened. The Funke Bunch, ugh, beat Maximum Damage for the tag gold too. Just the worst company in existence and they somehow have so much money.</span></p><p> </p><p>

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Random variance was set to the second highest level for fun, and to shuffle some skills about a bit for people, including of course the wrestlers I created for this. I can't remember if I talked about this during the set up part of the writing, but I have scouting turned ON and Pro Mode turned OFF, so I will one day see how good everyone actually is. A decent number of the roster are visible already but obviously we have a lot of youngsters so I only have some rough guesses for how some people worked out. As far as I can tell Neil Warburton rolled pretty well for his skills and one of the created young lions didn't turn out so well.... but that's part of the fun. Rookies taking longer to hit their peak is definitely good especially after how my BHOTWG game went in TEW16, where it was so easy to get so many people up to high skills. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

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Clubber Kohl - Crusher Von Steinberg


Making a shock debut in London at the start of April, the former BHOTWG Openweight and Junior Tag Team champion VENOM seems to have travelled halfway across the world to pick up where he left off in taking on his long term nemeses, Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan. Konda and VENOM have almost identical histories, laying claim to the same championships while competing at the heavy end of the Junior division and seeking opportunities in the heavyweight division. Following a loss to Size Of The Fight (Kokan and Konda), Crusher Von Steinberg and Clubber Kohl were approached by the BHOTWG veteran after the match. Whatever VENOM whispered to them seemed to have worked and over the next few weeks around England VENOM's mission became clear....


VENOM wasn't happy with the opportunities that BHOTWG gave him. As a homegrown talent, he has long felt that he was pigeonholed into the Junior division and that any time anyone tried to break out, BHOTWG put a stop to it. Most notably by retiring the BHOTWG Openweight championship. And when someone young and talented comes along they are forced to serve as a Young Lion, doing whatever the veterans tell them to do and being forced to use a limited move set that holds them back.


VENOM is looking to break the cycle.


VENOM wants the young lions to have a real shot, to no longer be bound by BHOTWG training.


VENOM wants to see Junior wrestlers able to compete against whoever they want to, to not be bound by their size.


VENOM wants people to be free to be who they are, not bound by the rules set by management.


VENOM doesn't want to see anyone held back any more, to be free.


Clubber Kohl and Crusher Von Steinberg were his first recruits.


Together they are...


The Unbound












100kg Champion Gram Gorman got a strained rotator cuff due to a Mickey Robson botch

And at SNP's show two days later, Alton Vicious tore his achilles in a ladder match vs Toxic. Surgery was a success.

As a result of Alton Vicious' injury, The Office will substitute another member for their British Tag Team reign







Dwayne Dark sustained a bruised eye socket







Damian Hooker sustained knee ligament damage, Rhys Ryland was involved though is not being blamed

He will miss approximately 4 weeks of action




Just a couple of quick notes. The newly acquired Japanese wrestlers were recruited through natural game play... VENOM left BHOTWG and I immediately asked if he'd become available in the UK, which he went for. He does seem to be in early time decline, which would have been why he was released, but he can still go. Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan are both on decline too, as are a few of the other veteran talents. Barry Griffin, 46, is the worst affected of the bunch as you'd expect, given that he's the oldest active member of the roster.


Omezo Shikitei is another recruit for us, being a free agent a few months into the game so I approached him to see if he'd be willing to come on over. Obviously he signed for us and made his debut against BHOTWG International champion Konrad Makinen, and he has been great so far. Rolled very highly on the variance at the start, so while I can't see his exact stats I'm sure he gained in most of his key skills. If I can keep him long term he has the potential to be a top guy for a long time to come. But if he were to go to BHOTWG, I'd be cool with that too because ultimately we are a baby compared to big daddy BHOTWG. :p





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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan / Padraig O'Hearne / Dwayne Dark / JK Lee</span></strong></p><p>

<em>The Office</em></p><p> </p><p>

Coming together in SNP after time on the indy scene, the group known as The Office have been acting on behalf of SNP's corrupt owner Mark Carnie for the last few years, but in reality they have been slowly coming into their own as a force in British wrestling. Jordan and Vicious have cemented their reputation as perhaps the premier team on the British indy scene, holding the SNP tag belts and the British Tag Team titles simultaneously through much of 2019. Padraig O'Hearne's technical prowess saw him lay claim to the CWW Submission championship, while also spending time teaming with “The Bulldog” JK Lee there, at least until January when Lee stormed out of the company under msyterious circumstances. Meanwhile Dwayne Dark has been tearing it up on the indy scene with wild brawls all over the UK while largely doing his own thing. Collectively they have been cementing their reputations and winning a lot of matches, but with a torn achilles putting Alton Vicious out of action for the foreseeable future the reigning British Tag Team champions are left without a member. The Office need to replace Alton Vicious, and they only have a few days to do so before the team of Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp get another chance at them following their win in Aberdeen, this time with the gold on the line in Dublin!</p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0017</span></strong></p><p>

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<em>British Samurai has been helping to teach the young lions, passing on some tips on ring psychology to Lynton Minehead and Marty Ellison</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0018</span></strong></p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0019</span></strong></p><p>

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<em>Not related to our show (I hope), the wrestling world was shocked by the passing of puro legend and politician, Eisaku Hoshino.</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0020</span></strong></p><p>

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<em>Hyosuke Kokan sustained broken ribs after a rough landing taking a high velocity dive from Carl Edwards</em></p><p><em>

British Samurai is once again passing on psychology tips, givng Lynton Minehead and Marty Ellison some new tricks</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Public Enemy #1</span></strong></span></p><p>

<img alt="PW00sBc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PW00sBc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SNP Owner, Mark Carnie</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST WRESTLING: On top of the many actual, yet unprovable, crimes that he has actually committed in order to break into the business and get booked despite his complete lack of actual skills, Mark Carnie's crimes against wrestling are numerous. Fans hated him in ring and would actively tell him that he sucks, though usually in far strongers terms than that, Scots are known for their creative insults. His opponents hated him because he was reckless with their body, yet somehow whiny when anything happened to him. Promoters hated him because they had to use him due to him SOMEHOW getting compromising information on them and using it against them. Allegedly. Carnie always points out that it's never been proved. And somehow he got the Scottish National Arts Council to fund a wrestling company by using his well known skills in manipulation and chicanery (and probably blackmail, again) to create his own company. An absolute scumbag to the core who manages to piss people off so much that they'd rather be unemployed than wrestle for him, wrestling would undoubtedly be better without him. One way or another, he is the one person in pro wrestling that FPW wish they could get rid of, as having a company like SNP around provides valuable learning experiences for wrestlers, but is just run by the worst person imaginable.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Public Enemy #2</span></strong></span></p><p>

<img alt="ih2B6Me.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ih2B6Me.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">21st Century Wrestling</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST WRESTLING: In 2006, Jeff Nova took over a small wrestling company known as 21st Century Wrestling and almost overnight turned them into a UK wrestling powerhouse. Using his own fame from the World's Strongest Man competitions and being a part time TV host, Nova managed to secure a TV deal and immediately began to cherry pick a growing independent wrestling scene for talent, putting the squeeze on the rest of the companies in the British Isles while also firing most of the roster that were present already. This ruthlessness certainly helped a lot of talent become stars and make a lot of money, but the long term knock on effects crippled wrestling in the area and led to the closures of Ring Of Fire and Men Of Steel Combat, which turned 21CW into a local monopoly and granted them a stranglehold on the industry. Wrestling is starting to recover with the likes of Scottish National Promotions (despite it's corrupt leadership) and Championship Wrestling from Wigan (still very small) but 21CW still look set to dominate for years to come. They have the TV deal, the PPV deal, the stars, the largest wrestling school, the name value and the money.... but they also have an ageing main event scene, few obvious potential stars to replace them, a focus on larger wrestlers who aren't necessarily very good in-ring and seem to be entering a phase that a lot of major companies have struggled with historically... the move from one generation of stars to a new one. FPW will be watching closely and looking to take advantage of any mistakes 21CW make.</p><p> </p><p>

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The Unbound

VENOM – Crusher Von Steinberg – Clubber Kohl – Messiah Hara


Shocking many when he moved from BHOTWG to the UK, VENOM has quickly been making his presence felt by finding some like minds to help him bring about his goal of undermining the growth of FireBrand Pro Wrestling in the UK. Immediately recruiting the deranged and vcious team of Crusher Von Steinberg and Clubber Kohl, the group have been terrorising the FPW young lions alongside senior members of the expansion, Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan. Looking to slow down all momentum and show how the BHOTWG system crushes creativity and growth in order to promote conformity and suppress talent, VENOM's initial push into the UK has seen him racking him win after win for his recruits.


A six man tag match looked to help address that issue as Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan teamed up with the young lion on excursion, Masaya Hara, giving him permission at last to use his full move set and being allowed to break out of the young lion role. Of course they were up against The Unbound group. In a very evenly fought match between the two trios, VENOM managed to pick up the fall with a top rope leg drop on Masaya Hara, crushing the youngster's dreams of moving up with a win. Size Of The Fight looked to comfort him in his defeat, but The Unbound attacked and sent them to the outside, giving VENOM time to whisper into the ear of Hara. We may never know what was said, but Hara seemed to accept VENOM's words and followed him out of the venue that night.


The next time we say him, he debuted some new gear, looked to be in better shape and had a different attitude as Messiah Hara. Carrying himself with more of a swagger and upping his aggression, he was soon picking up wins with his Lifting Reverse DDT finisher.


(The result don't show this? SHUT UP! :p I may have pulled the trigger earlier than I had planned for reasons. And the matches technically happened in different regions soooo...)







Two days after this show, Walter Morgan suffers broken ribs in a winning performance against Jase Cole at UEW Homecoming 2020







At a Swansea indy show Heavyweight Tag champions The Assassins' Guild defeat British Tag Team champions Heath & Sharp

The same indy show saw some of FPW's young lions get some additional experience in losing efforts







BHOTWG's domestic growth has hit a new level, while Hiroaki Nakasawa beat Kinnojo Horri for the World title

MYSTIC Dragon also defeated Sensational Dragon for the Junior title

Stefan Raynor developed a hot new move that has boosted his psychology








Punisher Paul Hughes brutally turns on Neville Jones


An intense match between reigning Welsh National champion “Punisher” Paul Hughes and challenger Neville Jones (accompanied by Liz Sweetheart) saw a very distinct clash of styles between a hard hitting veteran and a more fast paced technical flyer. The two Welshmen gave it their all in a very open match but in the end Neville Jones managed to ground his far larger foe and connect with his beautiful Swansea Swanton to get a clean victory for the 1-2-3. The energetic Liz Sweetheart celebrates with her friend in the ring, a joyful scene of redness among a crowd of exciting onlookers. Referee Humphrey Woolsey hands Neville the belt and he sinks to his knees to celebrate, raising the belt in the air....




….. putting himself in the perfect position for a thunderous headkick to the back of the skull from the former champion! Liz screams at Punisher as he stands over the new champion. Sweetheart tries to help Neville but Punisher takes a step towards her, intimidating her out of the ring. Referee Woolsey tries to exert some authority but is backed away again as Punisher steps to him. And as Neville slowly starts to drag himself up again, grabbing at Punisher to try to get help, Punisher glares at him with cold, dead eyes... and hits him with another roundhouse kick to the head. Neville is unconscious as Liz screams and cries from ringside. And without a single word, Punisher walks away.




One of the most talked about wrestling events that isn't even hosted by a wrestling company is the Pro Wrestling Reporter's annual awards, originally presented by the legendary Ed Penn and now presented by the walking wrestling encyclopedia Greg Sluchinski, he gave a mid year update on his the site's podcast talking about who he feels is leading the field for each of those award as June ends.




21st Century Wrestling


“So far this year I don't think anyone who has been watching global wrestling can argue that 21st Century Wrestling from the UK have been having an amazing year creatively. Crowds might be having a hard time going to shows due to the ecomonic crunch over there, but the consistent quality of their shows thanks to the hard work of their main event crew has been great. With the ongoing family drama between Edward and Tommy Cornell being a huge focus, the likes of Adam Matravers and Jonathan Faust always deliver and with a new generation not far behind being led by the likes of Leigh Burton, Sebastian Koller and Wade Orson, 21CW are having a stellar year and are looking to continue to outdo the five major North American companies and the recovering PGHW and BHOTWG”



21CW Steel Cage Challenge (January)


“There have been some great overall cards all over the world but, and I think you know where I'm going with this, 21CW have been leading the way here again with Steel Cage Challenge back in January being a memorable show. The undercard was strong but the double main event is what really cemented this show as the best of the year so far. The semi-main saw Adam Matravers defeat Jonathan Faust as the two men gave each other everything they've got for more than 20 minutes, showing just how good they were as Adam became the top contender for the winner of the main event... a steel cage clash between Edward and Tommy Cornell. Perhaps the most heated clash between the two, with absolutely everything you could hope for in the match, a bleeding Edward managed to crawl out of the cage to retain the World title. Any combination of these four men can have great matches, but on this night they took it to another level and the heat in these two matches made an electric atmosphere and that's why this show is up there as the number one show of the year so far”



Edward Cornell defeated Adam Matravers (99 rated, 21CW)


“This might not surprise many people, but 21CW have been killing it. There have been great matches in all of the major companies already this year and it was a tough call to pick one..... but if you push me to pick one, it goes to Edward Cornell beating Adam Matravers in February on Best Of British Wrestling. The first of a blistering series of matches they've had this year, Matravers' performance as a fiery babyface against a dastardly heel Edward Cornell who would do anything he can to hold on to the belt was awesome. And it happening on free TV only added to the drama, allowing fans to get even more behind Matravers as he got back in the hunt for championship gold. The hunt still continues and I'm sure we will see more matches involving them through the rest of the year.”



Edward Cornell, 21CW


“The best wrestler of this year so far is 21CW champion Edward Cornell. He has always been good though people have always compared him less than favourably to his cousin Ttommy, but since turning on him to hold on to the championship Edward has taken his performances to another level and I think he is the best wrestler of the year so far. He has been absolutely killing it in 21CW and even though it feels like his time as champion may be close to an end with his upcoming match against Leigh Burton, I am sure he'll keep the momentum rolling”


Female Wrestler

Lauren Easter, CWA


“Women's wrestling has been going through some turbulent time in recent years but I think we can all agree that the sheer volume of female talent now is greater than it has been in a long time, perhaps going as far back as the Joshi peak of the 80s. For me, Lauren Easter of CWA narrowly edges out the others to take the mid year crown as she tears it up with Brooke Tyler in particular. It feels like a matter of time before Lauren gets the women's championship, but Brooke has also been killing it and it's always hard to tell what CWA is going to do next.”


Tag Team

Hot Stuff (J-B Cash & Buff Martinez), 21CW


“Back with 21CW for my pick of the top tag team of the year so far as Hot Stuff prove once again to be Hot Stuff. J-B Cash and Buff Martinez have been here mid year before but have ended up knocked off from the top spot, so they will be looking to continue their top form for the second half of the year in the face of stiff competition from around the world.”


Young Wrestler

Robby Griffin, CWA


“Three years a pro, Robby Griffin followed his older brother Mark into wrestling and the two have been working for CWA in recent times. Robby is still 23 years old and his high quality training along with a naturally exciting flying /striking hybrid style has been getting him noticed by fans and CWA management alike. Consistently having great matches alongside his brother, Robby is one to watch for the future and it would come as no surprise to see him getting his first taste of championship gold in the near future to help fans accept him as a potential top talent for years to come”


Veteran Wrestler

Sean McFly, CWA


“The 46 year old veteran Sean McFly may no longer be “The Wrestler Of The Future” but he really can still go. It's weird to see him as a technical master in his old age whwen you contrast him to the flyer / brawler he was as an SWF rookie sensation, but he uses his more methodical, less impactful style well to keep his career going. Putting on great matches with the top stars in CWA to this day and having a hand in training the next generation too, there are rumours that he has been training his daughter Lucy Stone-McFly too. With a heritage of both Sean McFly and Victoria Stone, I have no doubt I'll be talking about Luc for years to come.”


Indy Wrestler

Marcos Flores, OLLIE/indy


“Always the most difficult award to give out given how much can change on the indy scene and the constant arguments about which companies qualify as “indy”, I find this one difficult. But at this time I believe that veteran Marcos Flores of OLLIE and the Mexico City lucha scene is currently the best around. With a lot of name value built up through years of wrestling to a high level, fans come out to see him wherever he goes and he really can still go too, despite being 45 and losing some of the physical gifts that made him so popular early in his career. Whether I still think that or not by the end of the year is tough to say, but for now he's the cream of the indy crop to me”





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Great stuff so far! Those show ratings are getting higher and higher :D


Thanks, Josh. :) The ratings are increasing as workers gain popularity and momentum, while company popularity isn't really doing much due to a bottoming out Economy and Industry (they hit 0 and 1 at the same time at the end of this month). We are making gains though, they are just very, very slow. :p


I also just want to say just now that I'm going to have more fan interaction stuff in future. It's probably strange to read along with a diary that doesn't have much but as I said earlier, I'm still getting the pieces moving on the board and finding what is and isn't going to work. When I plakyed my BHOTWG game in TEW16 I had a similar (though shorter) feeling out process but this one needs a bit more due to having less natural history to work with for many of the workers.


The first thing I have planned for fan interaction is the end of year Young Lion's tournament, which will be done G1 style. The pieces for that are already moving in the save (which is a couple of months ahead), and there are also some potential scenarios I have in mind for later years that should be particularly fun for people. :)


If anyone has any questions about how I'm picturing workers in my head / notes, feel free to ask. Some people have concrete images in my head of how I'm going to use them, some people are still trying to find the connection with me that will make them feel awesome. And I'm sure some of you guys have some genius ways of portraying some of these workers that I could shamelessly steal too. So let me know. :)

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Wrestling Sizzles Through The Summer!


The summer is a time where a lot of people like to get out and enjoy some sunshine but it's also a time where wrestling tries to drag you back to your couch or to live events with an amped up series of megashows and events designed to bring the heat. Here is a quick recap of what has been going down around the world as so many companies bring things to a boiling point!


Fri 1: 5SSW J Grand Prix


Gemmei Oonishi won the tournament, besting Chiyeko Kita, HEART Saitoh and finally Machiko Matsuda to lay claim to the prize.

Megumi Nakasjima awaits her in the future having retained the 5SSW World title against Shiori Jippensha and Lady Lotus

MOTN honours went to the first round match that saw Fuyuko Higa defeat Yuma Maruya to nearly a time limit draw that played into the story told on the night of Higa continues her chase for the World title.



Thu 2: The Supreme Challenge 40


The Rocky Golden era of SWF continues as Rocky Golden headlines for the third year in a row and wins again, this time retaining over Ekuma in the main event

His obvious nemesis Scythe won the semi main, defeating The Crippler to help put over a much needed new generation of stars

Match of the night (barely) saw Atom Smasher defeat Mikey Lau, narrowly edging out Remo's cage match victory over Lenny Brown


On the same night, perhaps fuelled by the hype around the Supreme Challenge, 21CW finally pulled the trigger on Leigh Burton winning their World title on free TV

Leigh Burton is a homegrown star who came through the National School of Wrestling, and the first graduate to win their World title



Fri 3: BHOTWG Best of Super Juniors XXI


The tournament saw Marihito Masuko defeat Elemental III to be crowned the Best Of Super Juniors for a record equalling 4th time, tying up with Elemental III and Sensational Dragon , both of which he defeated in the tournament.

MYSTIC Dragon defeated Kiminobu Kuroki in non-tournament action to retain the Junior title, and will naturally be wary of Masuko who has a future title match now.

Hiroaki Nakasawa made his first successful title defence of his record equalling fifth World title reign by besting Tatsuya Toshitara via H-Bomb for the win in the match of the night



Fri 3: EILL LuchaMania 8


Headlined by Hijo Del Aguila Americana winning the Campeonato del Mundo from the legendary El Leon, this show was fantastic.

Match of the night, and perhaps match of the year went to the show stealing Gino Montero as he picked up a big win over Dr Rudo on his way towards elite status within the company, continuing his rise

Rock God Alvarez also picked up a huge win over Axxis Jr, cementing LuchaMania's place in the wrestling calendar as one of the most must see events

Following on from this show, EILL severed their developmental link with OLLIE and announced a new one with CZCW.



Fri 3: QAW Crowning The Queen XI


8 women competed to be crowned Queen, with the leader of The Furies, Emma May besting Alina American in the finals to claim the honour

Foxxy LaRue retained the World title in a star studded match against Juana Hurricane, Hellcat Hernandez and Pinky Perez in the match of the night

Pamela Rojo retained the Shockwave title against Little Miss Perfect and Raquel Alvarado, a thank you from QAW in her retirement match



Fri 4: MAW Sam Keith Classic X


The first semi final saw Deuce Deadline & The Architect outwit Sandman Winks & Jaylon Martins to advance

The second semi final saw the odd couple of Guillotine & Cheetah Boy advance beyond Harvey Robbinfield & Seth Whitehead in what many considered an upset

The final was closely contested but ultimately the greater cohesion of Deadline and Architect came through, and The Architect added the SMC to his RCI win earlier in the year.

Bradley Blaze's grip on the MAW title is slipping as The Architect continues to build momentum towards what seems like an inevitable run as champion








This show marked a huge career landmark for Size Of The Fight, with Kokan and Konda picking up their first true heavyweight championships between them. Kansuke Konda has always considered himself to be an openweight wrestler, but for all the heart he brings to matches, his size has still counted against him compared to the true heavyweights in BHOTWG. When you go up against the likes of Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, Everest, Tadiyuki Kikkawa et al you have to have more than just heart. For Hyosuke Kokan, he was delighted to be able to step up and support his friend in ways he hasn't always been able to do given his smaller-than-average size. Their celebration of the win live may not have shown much of the story, but these two have been together for close to twenty years and have travelled halfway around the world to not only showcase their skills but to carve out opportunities for themselves and anyone bold enough to follow in their footsteps.



















Walter Morgan took on Mickey Robson as a protege on this show






BHOTWG International Championship

Konrad Makinen © vs Riddick Jordan


King Of Ireland Championship

Merle O'Curle © vs Gram Gorman


Welsh National Championship

Neville Hughes © vs “Punisher” Paul Hughes





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I'm digging this a lot. It took me a minute to understand what was going on but after I did I really started enjoying it.


Hope to see more!


Always nice to hear that people are enjoying things. :)


I've been using my days off to greatly expand my notes, which now include performance ratings, singles chemistry and career singles win/loss records against each other on the roster so that one day I can identify all kinds of feuds and first time ever matches that haven't happened. Dry work for now, but easy enough to keep up to date and have fun with in future.


It's also something that helped me to realise that I've not been booking enough singles matches in general so I'm going to try to do more of that. But at the same time, I like limiting my cards to about 8 matches per show for the 2 hour cards I'm now running.


Stories are starting to coalesce too.... booking is becoming more natural and not so much throwaway stuff, so things are coming along nicely. I'm excited to book the end of year young lion tournament.... and with Messiah Hara graduating young lion status in June, there are now 9 people who qualify for it. Odd numbers suck. Luckily, I have a plan. ;)


QUICK EDIT: I'm also toying with including some big matches from the upcoming month. I've added a few above for the first month and will try to add some each month to give you guys something more to look forward to. I feel like a bunch of you guys are keen to interact a bit more but I've not given you much. Hopefully this helps you. :)

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BHOTWG International Championship

Konrad Makinen © vs Riddick Jordan


King Of Ireland Championship

Merle O'Curle © vs Gram Gorman


Welsh National Championship

Neville Hughes © vs “Punisher” Paul Hughes



First off, as you know Derek I'm enjoying this greatly! It's a really fun and easy read, and you've put together something really interesting together at that.


I see Konrad keeping the title, I think he's going to be a long term champion and I don't think Riddick has a chance in this match.


Gram Gorman I really see taking the step up and winning a heavyweight title. As good as Merle is still, I don't see him standing in the way of Gram.


Finally I see “Punisher” Paul Hughes winning the title, largely because I noticed how he made a good partner for a certain one of the young lions, and I'm hoping him continued success because of it :p

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Last month's major matches saw some interesting developments that went against the grain of popular (Unregistered's) opinion as Gram Gorman failed in his second attempt to dethrone Merle O'Curle as King of Ireland in his hometown of Belfast. With no injury holding him back this time, Gram fell to O'Curle's technical mastery with a tricky-to-describe pin but the intense brawler still had a lot left in the tank as the two men continued to clash after the conclusion of the match, with the young lion crew pulling them apart as they nursed their own bruises from earlier in the night.


London played host to the BHOTWG Internatioal title match between champion Konrad Makinen and challenger Riddick Jordan. Makinen had managed to roll up Jordan's stablemate Dwayne Dark the previous week but paid for it with a gangstyle beatdown that softened him up prior to this match. Makinen made no excuses heading in to the match, and both men gave it their all in front of a noisy, btu small, crowd in London. The two superb natural athletes stole the show, and with Makinen feeling the effects of the previous week's beatdown, Riddick used his power to counter the Swedish Grapevine (rolling leg lock) to hit a gutwrench facebuster and press the attack with a top rope flying headbutt to get the win. He barely looked like he could believe it, but Riddick Jordan is the new BHOTWG International champion!


Finally, Birmingham played host to the Welsh National championship match, a grudge match between champion Neville Jones and former champion “Punisher” Paul Hughes. This one could scarcely be contained to the ring from the start, with Punisher looking to live up to his name and hit Neville with everything he could, only for Neville to use his evasiveness to find an opening. The two went back and forth, accompanied by cheers and jeers (as appropriate) from Liz Sweetheart at ringside, but it was when she became the focus of Punisher's attention that the match went sour. Soon Neville was fighting for her honour more than the championship itself and both men were counted out as referee Roy Worrall was forced to administer the twenty count. Young lions made sure Liz was okay and pulled Neville away from his challenger, but this rivalry is far from over Punisher made VERY clear.







Behind the scenes, British Samurai has once again been passing on tips on wrestling psychology to his proteges, Lynton Minehead and Marty Ellison


The major news stories of this week focused on three things....


Jack Bruce's return to pro wrestling! As the owner of the Hawaii based KANZEN Pro company, which is said to feature a lot of entertainment driven wrestling with a focus on smaller wrestlers, as Jack feels that they are often overlooked and could do with more opportunities to develop. Being situated so close to the SWF's training school in the area may one day see Jack Bruce link up with the company that made him his millions. Bruce has lined up The Guru as booker for his new venture, and the roster will become apparent in the near future.


Floyd Goldworthy's social media storm over after he was called out for bullying a young fan. Accounts of the situation are mixed, but Floyd's handling of it has been poor and TCW have been keen to distance themselves from him for now, leading to him being taken off screen for a while as he get some training in how to handle himself in future.


The explosive departure of Mokuami Maita from WLW, a company he had been loyal to through thick and thin. His fallout with company booker Haru Kurofuji after years of working together seemed out of the blue, though with Haru also winning EXODUS2010's Junior Heavyweight Grand Prix days later, it seems there may have been a clash based around that, as many believe Haru should be nowhere near that title given his advanced years and how it may hurt EX2010's reputation in the short term.







Walter Morgan has been giving his protege Mickey Robson some extra pointers in ring psychology


Glen Ward sustained broken ribs in a CWW tag match, teaming with Gavin Owen against Vernon George and Jonni Leyland, with Vernon's intense style seeming to be the cause







Keen to learn, Cain Carlile has been getting close to Walter Morgan recently and is now a protege of his










Marc Maxx welcomed back to FireBrand Dojo


The FireBrand Dojo has a new-ish addition to it's roster as Marc Maxx has been welcomed back to FireBrand's roster to complete his training. Initially part of the first group of trainees, he looked set to graduate as part of the first class before his mother suddenly passed in October 2019. Failing to return to the dojo after being given time to handle the situation and failing to even ask for more time, he was inevitably released from his training before it was complete due to this breach of etiquette. He was a popular figure among the first class of trainees though and it was Marty Ellison in particular who appealed to the dojo trainers (AKA The FireBrand Dads) to allow him back to the dojo to complete his training. Maxx has had a couple of matches on the independent scene around his home of Liverpool this year, but he has noticably put on weight and his physique could use a lot of work. Marty, sensing the chance to help his former classmate, made the appeal first to his own mentor British Samurai, who then allowed him to put it to the other trainers.


Marc Maxx is said to be ecstatic to be allowed back into the FireBrand system, though he has clearly fallen behind his classmates and will have to work very hard to make up for lost ground. With the year end Young Lion's Tournament rapidly approaching he will no doubt be tested vigorously in training to see if he is truly ready to return, though it is said that the entire first class of graduates are happy to see him return.






Pure Wrestling Championship

Walter Morgan © vs Neil Warburton


The Pure Wrestling Championship has largely flown under the radar this year, with Walter Morgan making a number of defences that show that he truly is on another level when it comes to technical grappling and general physicality. The rapidly rising youngster Neil Warburton, known to some simply as The Grappler, has been building momentum and believes he has what it takes to wrestle the title away from the veteran. Liverpool will play host to this match.


Scottish Heavyweight Championship

Jeffery McPeterson © vs Dwayne Dark


With the new BHOTWG International champion Riddick Jordan backing The Office to all hold championship gold in the near future, Dwayne Dark has gotten himself a second shot at a championship, having come up short challenging Konrad Makinen for the International title prior to Riddick's win. With Jeffery proudly carrying the Scottish Heavyweight championship that he won on his debut, both men are sure to give their all when they clash for the gold in Edinburgh


King Of Ireland Championship

Merle O'Curle © vs Curtis Jenkins


Merle and Curtis are champions of their respective home nations of Ireland and England... the two men are known as two of the best technical minded grapplers in the UK, a style not typically favoured by 21CW due to how many of their larger performers would easily be put to shame by the likes of Merle and Curtis. Egos have clashed and now the first of two matches between them will take place as both men seek to show that they are best. Only one can win in Dublin!


British Tag Team Championships

Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp © vs Padraig O'Hearne / JK Lee


The Office have sent Padraig and JK out to rekindle their tag team and try to bring more championship gold to the group, hopefully in front of Padraig's home nation fans. Martin Heath has been reigning as a treble champion in recent months and is argubaly the king of the UK indy wrestling scene, holding the British Tag Team, CWW Tag Team (both with Sharp) and Adrenaline champions simultaneously. This match goes down in Dublin as the semi main event and could steal the show!





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Still loving this mate!


Pure Wrestling Championship

Walter Morgan © vs Neil Warburton


Scottish Heavyweight Championship

Jeffery McPeterson © vs Dwayne Dark


King Of Ireland Championship

Merle O'Curle © vs Curtis Jenkins


British Tag Team Championships

Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp © vs Padraig O'Hearne / JK Lee


O'Hearne is the best. I always sign him no matter what area I play in

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Pure Wrestling Championship

Walter Morgan © vs Neil Warburton

Walter Morgan winning I feel is a super likely guess, given I don't know if Neil has been even booked before? I could be totally wrong, but I'm too tired too go back and check (Sorry Derek! :p ). Also Walter is a long lost relative of Arthur Morgan, so it checks out he'd be good.


Scottish Heavyweight Championship

Jeffery McPeterson © vs Dwayne Dark

Let me start by saying I want to see Dwayne Dark win here. I don't know why I never was a big fan of McPeterson in any of my games, but apparently it's a thing now. Honestly, seems like Dwayne is lucky too fall into another title opportunity immediately after losing his last title match, but that's the problem with a brand new company (as of this year) with so many titles, and so many young lions. All the same, Dwayne losing in two big losing efforts will hurt his momentum alot, and I suppose he's also my pick to win if I dislike McPeterson or not :p


King Of Ireland Championship

Merle O'Curle © vs Curtis Jenkins

Apparently Merle O'Curle is still going to be a top dog, which is fair given how good he is, so I'm expecting to see him win here. If nothing else, I see Merle continuing his dominance, as if he can beat a healthy Gram, I don't see it being Curtis that stops him.


British Tag Team Championships

Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp © vs Padraig O'Hearne / JK Lee

I agree with Dalton that Padraig is the best, or at least one of them. So I'm ironically going to go with the win for The Office. First off, they are the real team so to speak here, and I don't think Padraig is going to become a tag team guy. That is obviously the smarky guess, but I also think its true obviously :p



Thanks again for all the fun Derek! Looking forward to seeing more as you get the time! Marc Maxx's return should be interesting, especially if he is truly far behind the rest of the Young Lions, let's hope he can learn quickly or else he's not gonna have a nice time Young Lion cup in a couple months! By the way, are you planning on a Round Robin type tournament, or a single elimination? Or something else entirely?

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