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Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: The Return of the King

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BOLA Quarterfinal 1: Tony Deppen

BOLA Quarterfinal 2: Chris Hero

BOLA Quarterfinal 3: Dragon Lee

BOLA Quarterfinal 4: Fénix

BOLA Quarterfinal 5: Brody King

BOLA Quarterfinal 6: Jeff Cobb

BOLA Semifinal 1: Hero

BOLA Semifinal 2: Lee

BOLA Semifinal 3: Cobb

BOLA Final - Elimination Match: Jeff Cobb

Aramis, Artemis Spencer, Flamita, Laredo Kid & Rich Swann vs. Alex Zayne, Black Taurus, Blake Christian, Caveman Ugg & WARHORSE

PWG World Tag Team Titles: Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) ©

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Coming in late on this, but I am always down for some PWG content!


BOLA Quarterfinal 1: Orange Cassidy vs. Tony Deppen - Love OC, but Deppen is poised to become a breakout star in PWG


BOLA Quarterfinal 2: Chris Hero vs. Trey Miguel - Trey puts up a great fight, but this BOLA needs the return of Hero to continue


BOLA Quarterfinal 3: Dragon Lee vs. Mick Moretti - Moretti with a flash roll up pin to shock Lee and move on


BOLA Quarterfinal 4: Fénix vs. Jonathan Gresham - This could arguably be the match of the entire tournament! Gresham but not by much...give me more of this.


BOLA Quarterfinal 5: Brody King vs. Pentagon Jr. - Big match up here, both guys could arguably win this but Penta goes over


BOLA Quarterfinal 6: Bandido vs. Jeff Cobb - Its going to take multiple tours of the islands to get this done but Cobb gets it done


BOLA Semifinal 1: Tony Deppen vs. Chris Hero - Deppen gets the best of Hero moving on to the finals. I could see a potential tag team in the future here


BOLA Semifinal 2: Mick Moretti vs. Jonathan Gresham - The Octopus has his hands full with the surprising Moretti, but locks in a submission for the win


BOLA Semifinal 3: Pentagon Jr vs. Jeff Cobb - A hard hitting match from the opening bell that sees Pentagon Jr outlast Cobb


BOLA Final - Elimination Match: Tony Deppen vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Pentagon Jr. - The tournament ends with Gresham standing tall


Aramis, Artemis Spencer, Flamita, Laredo Kid & Rich Swann vs. Alex Zayne, Black Taurus, Blake Christian, Caveman Ugg & WARHORSE

PWG World Tag Team Titles: Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) © -

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I f*c*ing LOVE PWG!!


PWG 2020 Battle of Los Angeles: Final Stage


BOLA Quarterfinal 1: Orange Cassidy vs. Tony Deppen

BOLA Quarterfinal 2: Chris Hero vs. Trey Miguel

BOLA Quarterfinal 3: Dragon Lee vs. Mick Moretti

BOLA Quarterfinal 4: Fénix vs. Jonathan Gresham

BOLA Quarterfinal 5: Brody King vs. Pentagon Jr.

BOLA Quarterfinal 6: Bandido vs. Jeff Cobb

BOLA Semifinal 1: Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Hero

BOLA Semifinal 2: Dragon Lee vs. Fenix

BOLA Semifinal 3: Pentagon Jr. vs. Jeff Cobb

BOLA Final - Elimination Match: Orange Cassidy vs. Dragon Lee vs. Pentagon Jr.

Aramis, Artemis Spencer, Flamita, Laredo Kid & Rich Swann vs. Alex Zayne, Black Taurus, Blake Christian, Caveman Ugg & WARHORSE

PWG World Tag Team Titles: Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) ©

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REVIEW: PWG 2020 Battle of Los Angeles - Final Stage




POSTED BY: Ricky Johnson



A memorable 2020 Battle of Los Angeles for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla came to a close last night with the final stage in front of a sold-out Globe Theatre in Los Angeles.


The jam-packed finale had 12 matches in what was a four-hour show, ending with the crowning of a first-time BOLA winner. There were a few twists and turns in the unique bracket, as well as some notable results that should set up intriguing rivalries for the near future in PWG. There's a lot to get here, so let's jump right in.




Excalibur had his traditional opening promo, running down the card and welcoming everybody to the show. (48)




Tony Deppen defeated Orange Cassidy in 15:29 with a Joker Driver (electric chair driver)


Cassidy and Deppen have had history against one another, facing off at Joey Janela's Spring Break in GCW and PWG's The Makings of a Varsity Athlete last year. These two just seem to really click in the ring and play off of each other well. This match featured solid character work and comedy early on, then it ramped up into two talented wrestlers going all-out against each other. The sunglasses-less Cassidy played up the unkillable side of his style with a few near falls and almost snatched a quick pinfall on multiple occasions. In the end, Deppen had to resort to a particularly nasty-looking Joker Driver to get the win.


Cassidy laid in the ring for a while after the loss, and referee Bryce Remsburg comically pulled him out of the ring and laid him down near the barricade so the next match could get underway.


Rating: *** 3/4 (65)




Chris Hero defeated Trey Miguel in 13:47 with a Hangman's Clutch (stepover toehold inverted cravate)


Chris Hero's first two matches in his return to the Battle of Los Angeles pitted him against exciting young talents. Both times, he had to withstand a lot of fast-paced, aerial offense and work his opponent down. Hero did that with the newly sunglasses-wearing Miguel, who was built for a back-and-forth with the ring veteran despite his size. This was the first victory for Hero back in PWG via submission, and it was a solid match all the way around.


Rating: *** 1/2 (60)




After the match, Orange Cassidy slowly got back on his feet at ringside and made a show of walking over to the corner of the ring to retrieve the sunglasses that Trey Miguel had stolen from him on Friday night. Miguel, still stinging from his submission loss to Hero, could only watch as the freshly squeezed one popped the crowd with his grand retrieval. (62)




Dragon Lee defeated Mick Moretti in 12:46 with a Dragon Driver


This was the first match of what was an incredible night for Dragon Lee, and it was by far the best showing from Mick Moretti during his time in PWG. This quarterfinal contest didn't overstay its welcome, as almost everyone in attendance knew that Lee was going to be the one to advance in the Battle of Los Angeles. But Moretti won over some fans with his performance, even though Lee caught fire toward the end and put away the scoundrel in style.


Rating: **** (70)




Fénix defeated Jonathan Gresham in 18:40 with a 450 splash


A longer, more even affair than the previous one, the Fénix-Gresham match also delivered in the second round. It felt like it could've been better, as there were a couple of occasions where it felt like Fénix was off his usual best. Yet Gresham looked great throughout, and the two got to showcase their technical and flying arsenals for quite a while. Fénix got the victory with a beautiful 450, and it will be interesting to see where the rock-steady Gresham goes from here after a memorable title match loss and a second-round exit in BOLA.


Rating: **** (70)




Brody King defeated Pentagon Jr. in 16:51 with an All-Seeing Eye


Pentagon Jr. was a popular pick to make it to the semifinals like his younger brother, but Brody King had an emphatic answer to that. These two guys beat the daylights out of each other for a long time. After a pair of strong, all-around wrestling matches, this felt like a fun brawl to break things up a little bit. King outlasted Pentagon here, planting him with the All-Seeing Eye to reach the next round.


Rating: *** 1/2 (63)




Jeff Cobb defeated Bandido in 16:12 with a Tour of the Islands


This was the stunner of the tournament for many in attendance. The winner of Battle of Los Angeles gets a title shot, so it wouldn't have been a surprise at all to see the champion Bandido lose Saturday night. But to lose in the second round? There were a few gasps around me when Cobb got the three count on Bandido. Cobb looked ultra-determined to get this win, and he was able to answer everything Bandido threw at him. I think this pretty much guarantees we'll get Bandido-Cobb III sometime in the near future.


Rating: *** 3/4 (68)






Aramis, Artemis Spencer, Flamita, Laredo Kid & Rich Swann defeated Alex Zayne, Black Taurus, Blake Christian, Caveman Ugg & WARHORSE in 11:58 when Swann used a Five Star Swann Splash on Ugg


The annual 10-man tag on the final night of BOLA is traditionally used to cool down the crowd near the halfway point and see who does the most with their time in the ring. This year, the two standouts were Swann and Zayne. Both men stood out with their aerial work, including a wild tope suicida from Zayne at the midway point of the match. Swann breaking out the old frog splash to get a win back in a PWG ring was pretty cool, and it got a good reaction from the crowd.


Rating: *** 1/4 (55)




Chris Hero defeated Tony Deppen in 15:02 with a Hangman's Clutch


Put a pin in this one, because I'm sure these two will cross paths again in the future. After the flyer-heavy 10-man tag, the turn back into tournament action was a sharp one, with both of these technically-sound wrestlers going to work against each other. This had plenty of back and forth, and I was certain that Deppen was going to pull off the upset. Instead, Hero got the Hangman's Clutch locked again in a bad spot for Deppen, who was forced to tap out. Hero moves on to the final, while Deppen takes home a strong 2-1 record in his first BOLA.


Rating: *** 3/4 (68)




Dragon Lee defeated Fénix in 17:45 with a Desnucadora (vertical suplex powerbomb)


This will go down as the match of the tournament in my book, and it's no surprise that it came from these two. Dragon Lee and Fénix have gone up against each other and alongside each other in tag action over the years, but this was a rare head-to-head showdown between two of the best Mexican talents in wrestling. This was Lucha Libre at some of its finest, and it garnered the elusive "fight forever" chant from the PWG crowd. Like his quarterfinal match earlier in the night, Lee went on an impressive streak of offense toward the end of the match, and he was able to get a hard-fought win with a powerful Desnucadora.


Rating: **** (72)




Brody King defeated Jeff Cobb in 11:36 with a gutwrench piledriver


Oh, what could have been. King and Cobb had a real slobberknocker on their hands, but it looked like Cobb injured his ankle several minutes in. While I couldn't tell if the plan was to go shorter than most BOLA semifinals here, it was obvious that Cobb was really slowed down after the injury. King ended the match shortly after that to advance to the finals, and Cobb had to be helped to the back. Hopefully Cobb won't be out for too long, as he looked good during his healthy moments in this year's BOLA.


Rating: *** 1/2 (60)








The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) defeated Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr. in 13:42 with a Hot Fire Flame (assisted standing moonsault) to retain the PWG World Tag Team titles


After their upset victory over Jonathan Gresham and Chris Hero on Friday night, Brian Pillman Jr. and Davey Boy Smith Jr. got a shot at the top tag team in PWG, the red-hot Rascalz. Once again, Xavier looked like the top dog in the ring, shining the brightest in a match that had four fan favorites from the weekend. The pinfall victory went to Wentz, though, with the return of the Hot Fire Flame —when Wentz hits a standing moonsault and Xavier shoves Wentz onto the opponent from a decent-sized distance. The Rascalz got their title defense, and Pillman and Smith got a deserved curtain call from the fans after a great debut weekend together in PWG.


Rating: *** 1/2 (60)






Brody King defeated Dragon Lee and Chris Hero in 21:38 to win the 2020 Battle of Los Angeles


Well, that was another shocker. Going into the final, King probably would have been a distant third behind Lee and Hero in predicted winners. Lee had put on the best matches recently, and Hero winning BOLA for the first time in his return to the company would have made for a great story. Yet it was the big man who crashed the party with a victory in the three-way elimination match. About halfway through the match, it was clear that Hero was focusing his attention on taking down King. That plan backfired, as Lee took him off-guard with a springboard strike and a quick roll-up.


That left just King and Lee. Size and stamina proved to be the difference-maker, as a desperate Lee couldn't quite find the finishing blow in time and ran out of gas. The larger King powered through and outlasted everybody, crushing Lee with a Gonzo Bomb to grab a victory. It wasn't the cleanest or the best match of the tournament, but it was still a memorable finish and a coronation for King.


Rating: *** 3/4 (69)


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The action from the first two nights of the 2020 Battle of Los Angeles was strong but largely predictable. PWG saved a few surprises for the end, giving King the tournament victory and bouncing its world champion early in the night. Some of the newcomers and returning alumni made all the difference this year, and it will be interesting to see where PWG goes next with its title picture and some of the rivalries that are bubbling up on the roster. All in all, it was a fantastic final night of action and a great overall weekend in LA. (Show rating: 64)


You can preorder DVDs and Blu-Rays of the Final Stage now at PWG's Website.



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Here are the prediction results through all of BOLA. Texasrangers13 was the only one to pick all six quarterfinals correctly and was one of the few to have two of the three finalists.


But it'll be a photo finish to see who wins this first contest and names PWG's November show.


Texasrangers13: 30/36

dean: 29/36

Kijar: 26/36

parkereddy: 26/36

Jayzon_Ink: 24/36

kanegan: 24/36

Hollywood: 21/28

siah463: 19/24

Atticus: 17/24

poopykokko: 16/28

forlan: 15/28

ReggieLove: 14/16

BigJ: 13/16

Dalton: 12/16

Blodyxe: 11/20

olivertaylor276: 8/8

Powerbrock100: 8/8

Anaddeo89: 7/12

Munit: 7/8

Questlove: 7/8

joshbrady91: 6/12

CGN91: 6/8

JaxonDuke: 4/12

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PWG Brody and the Bandido: Card Preview




o1NZXqD.jpgDue to an injury suffered during the Battle of Los Angeles, Jeff Cobb is not scheduled to appear at Brody and the Bandido.

o1NZXqD.jpgCaveman Ugg goes one-on-one with Mick Moretti at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgIt's a three-way tag match as Alex Zayne and Tony Deppen face Artemis Spencer and Rich Swann as well as The VeloCities at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgAramis and Laredo Kid will team up to face Flamita and Rey Horus at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgOrange Cassidy is out for revenge against Trey Miguel, and the two will square off at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgBlack Taurus will go toe-to-toe with Chris Hero at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgDragon Lee teams with Fénix and Pentagon Jr. against Jonathan Gresham and the duo of Brian Pillman Jr. and Davey Boy Smith Jr. in a six-man showdown at Brody and the Bandido!

o1NZXqD.jpgThe 2020 Battle of Los Angeles winner Brody King challenges Bandido for his PWG World Championship in the main event of... Brody and the Bandido!


PWG Brody and the Bandido
  • PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King
  • Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)
  • Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero
  • Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel
  • Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus
  • Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)
  • Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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<p>PWG World Championship: <strong>Bandido ©</strong> vs. Brody King</p><p>

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. <strong>Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)</strong></p><p>

Black Taurus vs. <strong>Chris Hero</strong></p><p>

Orange Cassidy vs. <strong>Trey Miguel</strong></p><p>

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. <strong>Flamita & Rey Horus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen</strong> vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)</p><p>

Caveman Ugg vs. <strong>Mick Moretti</strong></p>

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<p>PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. <strong>Brody King</strong></p><p>

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. <strong>Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)</strong></p><p>

Black Taurus vs. <strong>Chris Hero</strong></p><p>

Orange Cassidy vs. <strong>Trey Miguel</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aramis & Laredo Kid</strong> vs. Flamita & Rey Horus</p><p>

<strong>Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen</strong> vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)</p><p>

<strong>Caveman Ugg</strong> vs. Mick Moretti</p>

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Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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Brody King was a pleasant surprise!


I like Bandido as a champion, and usually I'd think he'd retain, but he's got quite the schedule I believe so it might make sense to move the title to someone who has more availability.


PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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PWG Brody and the Bandido

PWG World Championship: Bandido © vs. Brody King

Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee & The Lucha Brothers (Fénix & Pentagon Jr.)

Black Taurus vs. Chris Hero

Orange Cassidy vs. Trey Miguel

Aramis & Laredo Kid vs. Flamita & Rey Horus

Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann vs. The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris da Silva)

Caveman Ugg vs. Mick Moretti

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REVIEW: PWG Brody and the Bandido




POSTED BY: Ricky Johnson



Pro Wrestling Guerrilla held its first show after an explosive 2020 Battle of Los Angeles on Saturday night with Brody and the Bandido, headlined by a championship match between the two titular wrestlers.


The card was also highlighted by a six-man tag match that tore the house down, a new turn for a key name inside the company, a continued feud that points toward a future title match and several impressive performances by names looking to make a big splash in the future of PWG.




Excalibur opened the show, per usual, with a rundown of the card and a welcome to everyone inside the sold-out Globe Theatre. (48)




Caveman Ugg defeated Mick Moretti in 8:47 with an Ugg Smash! (crucifix power bomb)


This was a classic matchup between the straightforward brute and the conniving heel. Moretti tried to weasel his way out of danger and ended up using Ugg's own aggression against him. However, with the fans behind him, Ugg got on a roll and took out Moretti with a chain of high-impact moves, including his finishing Ugg Smash. After the pinfall, Moretti quickly escaped the ring and marveled at the beast inside, looking both shocked and in awe of his opponent. This was a solid opener all the way around.


Rating: *** 1/4 (54)








The VeloCities (Jude London & Paris de Silva) defeated Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen and Artemis Spencer & Rich Swann in 12:56 when de Silva used a Shooting Star Press on Spencer


This was a fun, fast-paced matchup between three intriguing teams. The VeloCities are currently on a hot streak, Zayne and Deppen have impressed in their short time in PWG, and Spencer and Swann showed a good connection together in the big 10-man match in the final night of BOLA. Everybody got some offense in this match, and it felt like it could've gone any of the three ways. Zayne was the brightest spot in the match, putting on a performance that should grab a lot of people's attention. In the end, The VeloCities stayed hot with de Silva hitting a shooting star press on Spencer and London preventing a breakup from Deppen with a flying kick.


Rating: *** 1/2 (57)






Flamita & Rey Horus defeated Aramis & Laredo Kid in 13:40 when Flamita used a Flam Fly (standing moonsault side slam) on Laredo Kid


A thrilling showcase of luchadors who are quite familiar with one another, this tag team match picked up right where the previous three-way match left off. The story of this match was the performance of Flamita, who dazzled with an array of high-flying moves. The other three put in decent work — although Aramis went AWOL for a little while in the middle — but this eventually turned into the Flamita show. He got the well-earned win with a beautiful Flam Fly on Laredo Kid.


Rating: *** 1/2 (62)




Orange Cassidy defeated Trey Miguel in 11:07 with a Mouse Trap


Both men came to the ring wearing sunglasses, but it's unclear where Miguel got his from after Cassidy rescued his on the final night of BOLA. Cassidy didn't do his slow-paced stuff for long in this one, as revenge was clearly on the front of his mind. Miguel was fired up too, looking to make up for the fact that he was embarrassed by Cassidy after his quarterfinal loss. These two went all out against each other. After a few near falls from each side, Cassidy snatched the victory with a clever Mouse Trap pin that had Miguel fuming.


Rating: *** 1/2 (63)




Before intermission began, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz ran in and jumped Cassidy, starting a three-on-one beatdown with Miguel in the center of the ring. When it looked like Orange was surely going to get beaten into a pulp...




...Jude London and Paris de Silva came racing in to make the save. The VeloCities were able to send The Rascalz scrambling out of the ring and back up the entrance way. Words were exchanged between the two sides — with the exception of Cassidy, of course — and London and de Silva motioned to Xavier and Wentz's tag team title belts. We might be getting a championship match between the longtime champs and the hottest team in PWG very soon. (41)




After intermission and the entrances for both Black Taurus and Chris Hero, Hero stopped referee Brian Hebner and called for a microphone. Hero told the crowd that he had something to say before the match began. He started by noting that some people in the crowd might already know, but Taurus had just signed a big new contract back home in Mexico and that tonight would be his last one in PWG. Hero led the crowd in a "Thank you, Taurus" chant. When Taurus turned to salute the crowd, Hero's face twisted into something sinister, and he blindsided him with an elbow to the back of the head. Hebner quickly called for the bell after the surprise attack. (54)




Chris Hero defeated Black Taurus in 15:35 with a Ripcord Rolling Elbow


Hero followed up the attack on Taurus with a match featuring some extremely aggressive offense. This was the most ruthless Hero has looked since his return to PWG, and he definitely wrestled angry in his first appearance since losing in the BOLA final. Taurus fought back well on a number of occasions, but it was clear who the winner was going to be. Hero went the extra mile in putting away Taurus, giving him shot after shot to the head, finishing with a ripcord elbow that seemingly knocked Taurus out in the middle of the ring. While it's not a surprise that Taurus took the loss on his way out, the way it happened definitely caught some fans in the Globe off-guard.


Rating: *** 3/4 (67)






Dragon Lee and the Lucha Brothers defeated Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Jonathan Gresham in 20:35 when Pentagon Jr. used a Pentagon Driver (pumphandle half nelson driver) on Pillman


What a match. First, some housekeeping: Pillman, Smith and Gresham all came to the ring together and were announced as "The Foundation" — a nod to Pillman and Smith's already-established partnership in MLW and one of Gresham's nicknames. The trio seemed to work well in its first match together, despite the loss. Pillman put on his best individual performance since arriving in PWG, and Smith and Gresham just make a lot of sense as teammates.


But what made this match by far the best one since the restart for PWG was the trio of Dragon Lee, Fénix and Pentagon Jr. Those three arguably put on the best matches in BOLA, and that continued at Brody and the Bandido. Dragon Lee and Fénix pulled off some incredible moves, while Pentagon Jr. had the crowd red-hot throughout. The final few minutes of this match were a whirlwind, as it looked like all six competitors were close to getting the victory. But Pillman got trapped in the wrong half of the ring, and Pentagon got the win with a driver that clearly had Cero Miedo to it. This match alone is worth the Blu-Ray or DVD purchase.


Rating: **** 1/2 (81)






Bandido defeated Brody King in 19:33 with a 24 Plex to retain the PWG World Championship


Perhaps the six-man tag in the semi-main event was too tough to follow up, or maybe it had something to do with the chemistry between Bandido and Brody King. Either way, this championship match felt a little lacking compared to the recent main events from PWG. King wasn't exactly on the same form that made him catch fire in the Battle of Los Angeles. Bandido has had better recent matches, too, yet it was still a good showing from him. This match still had its moments, particularly toward the end, when it looked like Bandido wasn't going to have enough gas in the tank to put away the big man. When he rallied to get the win and keep his belt, the feeling around the venue was that it was a solid but not spectacular final match of the night.


Rating: *** 3/4 (66)




After the match, Bandido must have been feeling pretty good about himself, because he made sure to stand over a worn out Brody King and stick the championship belt in his face. This prompted King to lash out in retaliation and start a brawl. Then, coming from the back...




...it was Jeff Cobb. The man who wasn't scheduled to appear in this event raced down to the ring and took out Bandido with a clothesline. Then, after King hit a Gonzo Bomb on the champion, Cobb picked him back up and hit him with a Tour of the Islands. King and Cobb nodded at each other, and as King made his way to the exit, Cobb picked up the PWG title belt and held it up over his head. Get ready for Bandido-Cobb III. (50)


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Brody and the Bandido felt like a transition show in many ways for PWG. King didn't compound his BOLA upset victory with a title win, and the stage has already been set for a rubber match between Bandido and Cobb. The same goes for a title match between The Rascalz and The VeloCities. Between those developments and Hero's villainous attack, this felt like a card that was primarily used to set up the post-BOLA future for PWG. Still, the six-man tag match was phenomenal, and the rest of the show had plenty of quality. It just didn't reach the levels of KOBE or BOLA weekend. (Show rating: 61)


You can preorder Blu-Rays and DVDs of Brody and the Bandido now at PWG's website.




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And here are the final results for the predictions contest...


Texasrangers13: 34/43

parkereddy: 30/43

dean: 29/36

kanegan: 29/43

Jayzon_Ink: 28/43

Kijar: 26/36

Hollywood: 24/35

siah463: 19/24

forlan: 18/35

Atticus: 17/24

poopykokko: 16/28

Dalton: 15/23

ReggieLove: 14/16

BigJ: 13/16

joshbrady91: 12/19

Blodyxe: 11/20

Munit: 11/15

JaxonDuke: 8/19

olivertaylor276: 8/8

Powerbrock100: 8/8

Anaddeo89: 7/12

Questlove: 7/8

CGN91: 6/8

Congratulations to Texasrangers13 for the victory. Sending you a PM for the November event name right now.


We'll do this contest again starting with the November show all the way through All-Star Weekend in April... this time, I'll give some of the top finishers (including ties) some booking control for Mystery Vortex in May.

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