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<p>"Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson (4-0) and SCHAFF (5-0) vs. <strong>Gods of War (Odinson 6-1 and Kratos 6-0)</strong></p><p>

Sugar Dunkerton (2-2) vs. <strong>TK O'Ryan (2-1)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Artemis Spencer (2-3)</strong> vs. Liam Gray (1-3)</p><p>

<strong>"The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-2) </strong>vs. Patrick Scott (0-3)</p>

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<p>"Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson (4-0) and SCHAFF (5-0) vs. <strong>Gods of War (Odinson 6-1 and Kratos 6-0)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Sugar Dunkerton (2-2) vs. <strong>TK O'Ryan (2-1)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong>Artemis Spencer (2-3)</strong> vs. Liam Gray (1-3)</p><p>

<strong>"The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-2)</strong> vs. Patrick Scott (0-3)</p>

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"Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson (4-0) and SCHAFF (5-0) vs.*Gods of War (Odinson 6-1 and Kratos 6-0) -

I can see this as a set up to SCHAFF/Dickinson


Sugar Dunkerton (2-2) vs.*TK O'Ryan (2-1)

The man with no country is my man


Artemis Spencer (2-3)*vs. Liam Gray (1-3)

I'm still out there trying to figure out who nZo bouncer is going to be


"The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-2)*vs. Patrick Scott (0-3)

Poor Patrick Scott...

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The Collective: St. Patrick's Fight Club




Wrestling Observer Newsletter

March Week 3, 2021


Show Report: St. Patrick's Fight Club


Opening Bout

TK O'Ryan (2-1) vs. Sugar Dunkerton (2-2)


The show opened in the ring with "The Man with No Country" squaring off with Sugar Dunkerton; in the pilot episodes Sugar scored a victory, but as TK has become a more marquee character he's been on a roll, both in promos and in the ring. He took home the victory here with a pretty consistent offensive attack capped off with the 8 Second Ride followed by a gorgeous Moonsault for the 1-2-3.



Immediately following the match "Classico" Eddie Colon was out and immediately applauded TK O'Ryan but proceeded to say that he too understands what it means to be cast aside and forgotten because of the fact that he's tag team star. So he wants to TK to think about his next opponent and pick the man he thinks will make his career what he wants it to be... so at the finale, Eddie wants to face TK one on one.


<iframe width="280" height="160" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/dfP8WHuwpYs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The West Coast Wrecking Crew (Royce Issacs and Jorel Nelson; Looking for a fight)


As the promo ended we see nZo, with the Real1 Krew, on a cell phone with his agent. nZo is laughing and says "You see that video J; those clowns think they can just come in buy airtime... well not on our watch... If they show up here next episode, you better be here ready to serve them the papers and you better bring our muscle Pretty Boy!"


Match Two

Artemis Spencer (2-3) vs. Liam Gray (1-3)


Unfortunately for Liam; while nZo was rambling on the phone to his (their?) agent, he had to head to the ring to face a pissed off Artemis Spencer. Spencer methodically dismantled Gray and forced him to tap out to a Crossface in the middle of the ring.



We see EMTs rushing into the studio from the snowy outside, they rush to the side of "Big" Sean Studd who is screaming in pain on the ground. The EMTs try to calm him down but he pushes them back and says he just needs a little help getting up... Davey Boy Smith Jr., entered the scene and helped his partner to his feet as they walked towards the ambulance Davey Boy asked what happened, but the cameras were unable to pick-up what Sean said in reply.


Next there is a stock-style drone shot of the favelas in Brazil, the camera diving down into the streets before transitioning to a more local to us dojo with Cezar Bononi training in it; Bononi looks up, snarls and calls himself "The Sao Paulo Hitman"


We jumped back into the Steiners Training Camp where they were breaking down the earlier matches. Rick staying focused on the technique, with Scott seemingly semi-distracted but also getting into Bronson's face and telling him that he needed to uphold the family name. Scott said that they'd get Bronson ready and once it was time, he'd run over the competition like a fullback pounding the hole. Rick just shook his head as Scott's 'legendary' promo skills creeped into the scene.


Match Three

Patrick Scott (0-3) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-2)


Back from the warehouses by the bay, "The Problem" nearly faced a problem when Patrick Scott rolled him up for a flash 2.99 pinfall; but this only upset Fatu who swung the table his way and dominated the match, delivering a huge Superkick followed by the Samoan Splash for the victory. Post-Match, Junior Fatu stepped into the ring, and gave a "thumbs down" sign as Sefa smiled and delivered another Superkick to Scott. Sefa lifted him for another move but Davey Boy Smith Jr, still pissed from his partners assault came flying out and cleared the Fatu's from the ring.



We head into the darkness and up the darkened driveway to the mansion known as "The Sanctuary". "Da Pope" Elijah Burke is seated in the study of the home at a large mahogany desk. Behind him there is a collection of books lining the shelves. There are two empty chairs in front of him, but it doesn't take long before Steve Pain leads the "Freak Beast" Nick Comoroto into the room. Burke tells them both to sit, he slides a metal tray that has a crystal glass with liquid in it and two small pills on the tray. Both men quickly take the pills and chase it with the liquid. "Today's lesson is about growing from failure. We all fail, but how we get up shows who we truly are... Like the books lining the wall behind me, we will turn the page, and return to the ring, and we will show our growth. If you are to succeed, you must fail."


Main Event

SCHAFF (5-0) and Chris Dickinson (4-0) vs. Gods of War (Kratos 6-0 and Odinson 6-1)


The main event collision between four of the top competitors thus far was easily the match of the night and one of the best matches we have seen. This was a pure bloodbath and it started early with SCHAFF bleeding from the mouth after a stiff shot from Odinson. Dickinson returned the favor when he bounced Odinson's skull off the ring post. All four men here dealt out striking blows and this one came across great. The finish saw the chemistry of the Gods of War outweigh the undefeated Dickinson and SCHAFF as Kratos delivered a huge Running Powerslam to SCHAFF, Dickinson appeared to have a chance to break up the count, but with the damage dealt, he chose to lick his wounds and backed himself out allowing Kratos to cover the man at the Top of the Table and give the Gods of War another marquee victory...


End of Show Promo

As Dickinson went to exit... Stephen Amell appeared behind him... tapping him on the shoulder and reminding him that "In The Collective, team wins and losses and individual wins and losses are the same thing... so he did nothing to help his own case... but... tonight showed us there is a new hierarchy here... so next week we will have an eliminator showcase. JR Kratos will face SCHAFF one on one, and Chris Dickinson will face Odinson... The winner of each fight... will face each other in the main event of our mini-season Finale for the right to stand atop the Table.


Match Results

  • TK O'Ryan defeated Sugar Dunkerton (Put TK O'Ryan over more in a solid opener)
  • Artemis Spencer defeated Liam Gray (Gray served as fodder for Spencer getting a win back; but the bigger story is the Real1 Krew is likely to have some new muscle next episode)
  • Sefa Fatu defeated Patrick Scott (Story-telling; got the point across but not a great match at all)
  • Gods of War defeated Dickinson and SCHAFF (Match of the night; one of the top five matches the company has put on so far)


Overall Thoughts

TK O'Ryan continues his star-making performance with the combination of unique character development and solid in-ring action. Sugar Dunkerton served as a nice foil here and while he'll mix it up in the ring, he's better on commentary than in the ring for this story.


Eddie Colon and TK O'Ryan have a bit of a similar dilemma in that both are much more known for their time as Tag Team Specialists, Colon has much more of the name value, but TK is on the rise and with this challenge, TK could make his mark.


The West Coast Wrecking Crew of Royce Issacs and Jorel Nelson are well-known on the West Coast, and they made an appearance as an unsigned team at the Kings of the Mountain; this promo tonight seemed to indicate they are looking for an opportunity here. They've wrestled primarily as "The 1%" with success in places like CWH and DEFY, after a brief break, they've rebranded themselves and now are looking to make an impact in a blossoming tag division... It appears the first headache they'll face are the Real1 Krew... speaking of whom nZo referred to his agent as "J" and mentioned "Pretty Boy" but we aren't sure if those are just nZo lexicon or the names of his agent and his "bag-man" aka Muscle... but I get the feeling we are about to find out.


"Big" Sean Studd was attacked backstage but we got no details; expect to learn some more prior to the next episode.


Cezar Bononi got a bit of character development; he appears to be pushing a street fighter type gimmick... The last good street fighter from Brazil was Blanka (ok, bad pop culture reference)


Sefa Fatu has some character development, and his father helps, but the in-ring work has been fringe average at best. He's the best of the Bloodline currently, but they'll need to make a step up to really take hold. They continue to torment Davey Boy Smith Jr; and the fact that we didn't see the Anoa'i's tonight leads to some speculation that it was them who attacked Studd.


The Sanctuary appears to be heading back into the ring; and I can only expect that "Da Pope" will expect a different result from his men.


Last but not least, our main event and the subsequent announcement of next episodes "Eliminator Challenge" was excellent. Chris Dickinson and SCHAFF were partners by necessity and they proved to be strange bedfellows. Dickinson began to walk out on his partner but ultimately, as Amell reminded all, wins and losses in a tag team match count the same regardless of who is pinned. As such, Kratos is now the lone undefeated man with 5+ matches. The eliminators will help shake out the top four, and will lead to the main event of our mini-season finale two episodes away.

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Pretty Boy is a strange nickname for a bodyguard/bouncer!... Maybe Big O?

Great show as always, intrigued by the mini tournament, will SCHAFF end the mini season as the top guy? I wonder. Can't really see Kratos be the top guy at the end, so my bet is that we're having a SCHAFF/Dickinson finals

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As I've told you before, you've made me a fan of TK for sure with his stance on being a loner and forgotten – it's hard not to want him to win. Glad to see the logical win over Dunkerton here and a setup for Colon vs TK which is something that will be good for either man to come out on top for honestly. You know as soon as I read a paragraph and know it's the pope I smile to myself because I know it will be good. He has become my favorite on the show and I always look forward to his promos. Learning from failure promo I think is a good way to keep the faction strong while also acknowledging they have a bit to go. Good job. I think the nZo promo interests me as I am racing in my head to figure out who this could be. I am equally interested in the Studd incident. Who can knock this big man down? Good show, got me into the next one. Good stuff as usual.
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Preview: Episode Seven




Wrestling Observer Newsletter

March Week 3, 2021


Exclusive Preview: Episode Seven of the Mini-Season (Monday Night Fight Club)



1) We start the promos with a recap of the last episode with Stephen Amell announcing that all four competitors from the last episodes main event will be facing off with the winners earning the shot to finish the "mini-season" at the Top of the Table. That means this episode will feature both Chris Dickinson vs. Odinson and Kratos vs. SCHAFF.


2) Next we see the same promo from last week that featured "Sao Paulo Hitman" Cezar Bononi as it wrapped up, we see him sitting at a table, fanning through a large pile of cash. He smiles and says "Everything has a price when your the hitman" --- Cezar Bononi will be in action...but against who... well our next promo answered that...


3) "Big" Sean Studd is typically a man of few words, but he's sitting in a doctors office getting his knee checked and the Doctor tells him that he wouldn't recommend him putting much weight on that knee (the same one he had surgically repaired last year before joining us) for 2-3 weeks. The Doctor gets and call and steps out briefly; but Studd gets up and limps out of the office without finishing the appointment, the cameraman follows and asks if he knows who attacked him: Studd says "Of course I do; I'm not blind, Cezar Bononi picked the wrong man to mess with... and now rents due."


3) The West Coast Wrecking Crew's promo aired again; click below to see it in its entirety...

<iframe width="280" height="160" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/dfP8WHuwpYs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The West Coast Wrecking Crew (Royce Issacs and Jorel Nelson; Looking for a fight)


4) nZo is on the phone with his agent: "J, you seeing this sh!*, they are still airing that ridiculous promo; I'm going to this to stop... it's killing my airtime...and you better bring Pretty Boy with you."


5) In a brief, but haunting, scene "Da Pope" is dressed to the nines as he walks out of The Sanctuary to greet a vehicle that pulled into the driveway...

He converses with the driver who pops the trunk, "Da Pope" nods and Steve Pain leads "Freak Beast" Nick Comoroto to the vehicle, Comoroto pulls a restrained and hooded body from the trunk, tossing him over his shoulder as they return into The Sanctuary. It appears they may have a victim to "practice" on...



Confirmed Matches

  • Representing The Bloodline: The Anoa'i's (Afa 2-3, Lance 1-3) vs. Local Talents
  • Cezar Bononi (1-2) vs. "Big" Sean Studd (5-3)
  • Chris Dickinson (4-1) vs. Odinson (7-1)
  • SCHAFF (5-1) vs. Kratos (7-0)





Pretty Boy is a strange nickname for a bodyguard/bouncer!... Maybe Big O?

Great show as always, intrigued by the mini tournament, will SCHAFF end the mini season as the top guy? I wonder. Can't really see Kratos be the top guy at the end, so my bet is that we're having a SCHAFF/Dickinson finals


nZo might just be naming his people whatever he feels like... he's even been debating renaming Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray ("Yo Adrian and Gray Z") ... I'm pretty pleased with my choice for the Bodyguard... Think he'll fit the gimmick well.


Kratos is undefeated so far; but SCHAFF is pissed and "Wrestling Baddest MF'er" is out for revenge... it'll be a hot main event.


As I've told you before, you've made me a fan of TK for sure with his stance on being a loner and forgotten – it's hard not to want him to win. Glad to see the logical win over Dunkerton here and a setup for Colon vs TK which is something that will be good for either man to come out on top for honestly. You know as soon as I read a paragraph and know it's the pope I smile to myself because I know it will be good. He has become my favorite on the show and I always look forward to his promos. Learning from failure promo I think is a good way to keep the faction strong while also acknowledging they have a bit to go. Good job. I think the nZo promo interests me as I am racing in my head to figure out who this could be. I am equally interested in the Studd incident. Who can knock this big man down? Good show, got me into the next one. Good stuff as usual.


TK has become my favorite project; based entirely off a couple instagram/twitter posts he made last year; it's been a fun way to take a spin on a character and give him life. Dunkerton has a purpose, and can really fit in a number of roles. Burke has always been a favorite promo of mine to listen to; so it's fun to try to capture a bit of that and write it.


Studd's payoff may or may not be disappointing; just working on the longer-term story-telling here with this one and giving both a match.




Reminder here is the card:


Confirmed Matches

Representing The Bloodline: The Anoa'i's (Afa 2-3, Lance 1-3) vs. Local Talents

Cezar Bononi (1-2) vs. "Big" Sean Studd (5-3)

Chris Dickinson (4-1) vs. Odinson (7-1)

SCHAFF (5-1) vs. Kratos (7-0)

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<p>Introducing the West Coast Wrecking Crew</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="8WddEOI.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8WddEOI.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:36px;">Royce Issacs</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52268" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">The Man from the Mile High City, Royce Isaacs, started making waves in the west a few years back when he aligned with Jorel Nelson and captured gold in DEFY and Championship Wrestling from Hollywood; but the team went their separate ways in 2018 as Royce signed with the NWA and aligned himself with the top faction there, Strictly Business. While there he captured another tag title, but ultimately had a falling out with the company during the pandemic and was granted his release. Isaacs ego has frequently been bigger than the room; but he seems to have come down to earth and has recently said that he's now in this for the passion and the love of wrestling and not just to chase gold. He mentioned he'd lost friends through his own arrogance and now seeks to make amends starting with his former partner Jorel Nelson. As seen in their promo videos, Royce and Jorel have buried the hatchet and now they seek to make their mark here in The </span><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>C</em></span><span style="font-size:14px;">ollectiv</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>e</em></span><span style="font-size:14px;">.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Vitals</span></strong></p><p> Height: 6'1"</p><p> Weight: 235</p><p> Hometown: Denver, Colorado; but fighting out of Los Angeles, California</p><p> Theme: </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CTdFgm1QKLQ?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Miami Sky"></iframe></div></div></div><p></p><p></p>
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Representing The Bloodline: The Anoa'i's (Afa 2-3, Lance 1-3) vs. Local Talents


I am still waiting for the time when you have a team called Local Talents pick up the win, just to throw us all off.


Cezar Bononi (1-2) vs. "Big" Sean Studd (5-3)


Normally I would go with Sean without a second thought, but I am not sure that is going to happen here due to his injury and Cezar's increased promo time. Despite the records, I could really see a case for either one winning here.



Chris Dickinson (4-1) vs. Odinson (7-1)



SCHAFF (5-1) vs. Kratos (7-0)


I still think this is a set-up for Chris vs. SCHAFF. I could be wrong as I have been in the past.

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Love the West Coast Wrecking Crew getting a chance to shine. I think Royce is a great talent who didn’t get much opportunity to really shine in NWA, so I’m glad he’s getting a shot here. Unashamedly rooting for these boys as a west coast guy who’s seen them live on a few occasions.


I’ve got some idea on who Pretty Boy is, and they’d fit the role of nZo’s bodyguard well. Gonna be smooth sailing for nZo’s group, even if I predict they don’t get the Gods of War.


Still not fully sold on JR Kratos but I’m warming up to him.


Representing The Bloodline: The Anoa'i's (Afa 2-3, Lance 1-3) vs. Local Talents

Cezar Bononi (1-2) vs. "Big" Sean Studd (5-3)

Chris Dickinson (4-1) vs. Odinson (7-1)

SCHAFF (5-1) vs. Kratos (7-0)

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Jorel Nelson: The West Coast Wrecking Crew




Jorel Nelson


I'mma Wreck It. Wreck-It Relly, Jorel Nelson may not be as well known as his partner, but he's blazed quite the path through the West Coast over the past few years. Always cocky, bordering on arrogant, Nelson weaved his path through the west, claiming titles and trophies, but when his partner hit it big, Nelson was left to fend for himself and while he had some success he never really clicked as a solo act. Now, finding a chance to reform a partnership with his long-time friend, Relly Nelson is ready to bring the shine back to the West Coast... and as he's taken to saying, I'mma Wreck It, then I'm gonna kick that smile off your face and take your girl...



Height: 6'0"

Weight: 209

Hometown: Los Angeles, California


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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


March Week 3, 2021

Show Report: Episode Seven of the Mini-Season (Monday Night Fights)


The show opens with a video displaying the words, Earlier Today, as Junior Fatu is seen arriving at the studio, typically he arrives with the rest of Bloodline but today he made the mistake of arriving alone… Davey Boy Smith Jr met the hall of fame in the parking lot and delivered a fierce beatdown telling Junior that when “Sefa gets back he’ll have reckoning to pay; this ends then”… Junior, beaten but not out of it, spits blood at Davey Boy and just smiles and says “That you have wrong my friend… this is only beginning”


We jump to a video revealing just found footage of prior to the beatdown of “Big” Sean Studd, the footage reveals that it was Cezar Bononi who jumped Studd last episode and nearly sent him to the hospital. Sean Studd’s voice booms as he sees the footage. Backstage officials try to tell him he’s not cleared to fight but he’s looking for Bononi and says tonight pay backs and b!tch.


Opening Match

The Anoa’i’s vs. Local Talents


The Anoa’i’s are all business after seeing Davey Boy Smith jump Junior earlier today and easily dispatch the local talents in an utterly bad opening bad.



In the mountains above the lake, we see “Grizzly” Kal Jax trudging in the snow. His voice is heard on the video but it appears to be inner monologue vs spoken word. Jax talks about the struggles that come with wins and losses. The pain of a fight that lessens with a win, and deepens with a loss. He mentions hunting his pray and pulling it limb from limb, but acknowledges that he failed himself and those who asked him for help. They went to the Kings of the Mountain on the hunt but came back licking their wounds… He says that Grizzly’s need to eat; and he needs to feed to heal the wounds he’s caused.


“Da Pope” Elijah Burke is out first joining Cyrus Fees at the elevated announce table. Fees immediately asks him what he is doing here and what was it that we saw last episode… Burke tells Fees that he’d really benefit if he just zipped his mouth and let the Pope preach… Steve Pain and “Freak Beast” Nick Comoroto’s music hits and they come out dragging the undersized and tied up body they had in the back of the car last episode… Pope stands at the announce table and says “This is a showcase in what the lessons of the Sanctuary are; Come and see me and we will solve the things that hold you back. We will save you from yourself. We will save you from those voices in your head telling you what you can’t do…” He looks to the ring, and tells the timekeeper to ring the bell… Steve Pain rips the hood from the head of their victim, and Comoroto immediately delivers a destructive clothesline that nearly decapitates him… Pain lifts him but Comoroto pushes Pain away and latches his massive hands around the victims forehead… he applies force and then lifts him by his head, slamming him into the mat with a sickening thud. Comoroto smiles a wry smile and Pain just looks up at Burke at the announce table. The cameras look back at Burke as medics head to the ring to remove the lifeless body… Burke once again speaks… “Consider this is a lesson in The Madness we all have, and if we channel it properly… The Cure… I can teach you our ways, and we are open for business…... you know where to find us”


Quick highlight video of Artemis Spencer locking a variety of opponents in a number of technical submissions. Spencer is shown as a lethal weapon who can strike at anytime, but he continues to lack the character development we’ve seen from most here.


Match Two

Cezar Bononi vs. “Big” Sean Studd


Bononi’s character development has been going well with him clearly portraying that he is a mercenary from the streets of Sao Paulo, available to the highest bidder. Last episode he viciously assaulted Studd which led to the this conflict. Studd is ignoring medical orders to partake in this fight and he walks to the ring with a distinct limp. Bononi takes advantage of that, and despite the pent up anger, Studd can’t inflict much damage as Bononi uses his speed to target Studd’s leg, and work him over. Studd puts up a strong fight but ultimately Bononi forces him to tap when he torques on his leg and Studd wisely opts to submit and look to fight another day.



TK O’Ryan is sitting at the top of a staircase, appears to be in a barn or paddock. the stairs have phrases on them which we can see that say “Humble” “Hungry” “Humility” “Honor” TK is dressed in a black shirt, with dark wash jeans, he inexplicably is wearing sunglasses inside. His cowboy hat sitting on his knee. He speaks slowly and with a purpose. He says that he heard Eddie Colon, and he wants that fight so he’ll see him at the Mini-Season finale. He starts to wax poetic a bit and recites some lines: “Ain't nothin' better when the wind cuts cold than to sit and ponder what is next. It is a damn good feelin' to run these roads, and to stand alone. I am the Man With No Country, and I am going to show you what that means to me”


In another soundstage, nZo and the Real1 Krew are setting up for what appears to be a music video… suddenly Royce Isaacs and Jorel Nelson barge in and start causing a bit of a scene… nZo seems pissed but just then a looming 6’9” figure stepped into the figure...


He prevented Isaacs and Nelson from making any progress into the studio… Nelson speaks for the West Coast Wrecking Crew and yells around the big man… nZo looks up and says, we’ve got things to do… speak to Agent J and get on the schedule… Agent J steps in and makes his visual debut also saying at the finale the Real1 Krew will take on the West Coast Wrecking Crew… but for now… Pretty Boy will escort them out.


Match Three

Chris Dickinson vs. Odinson


Match of the night; big physical, high paced brawl with ring shaking action from start to first. These two have a bit of a history and it showed here as they seemed to be able to counter one another at overy turn. Odinson has run through the tag division but singles action has been a bigger challenge for him and once again that reared its ugly head here. Odinson went for a clothesline but Dickinson ducked and delivered a kick straight to the gut and delivered the sit-out powerboat for the victory and effectively punching his ticket to the main event of the Mini-Season Finale.



We return to the Steiners training camp; today they are outside in more of a turn football camp style. Rick has a whistle and is blowing it demanded that Bronson go through the course they set-up. Bronson seems familiar with most of the action but after going through the tires and blasting a blocking dummy he stepped into a painted circle for a head to head greco-roman style conflict with his uncle. Scott easily bests the younger Bronson, holding him face first on the grass and saying “I’ve still got it…” as Rick tells both men to get up and grow up…


Main Event

SCHAFF vs. JR Kratos


Kratos stepped in the ring for his first singles bout and went right after the man who has reigned supreme in the singles division. SCHAFF of course won our initial pilot tournament and now he’s defeated all comers as a singles star… but this was perhaps his toughest challenge as Kratos looked to bully him around. Unlike the Dickinson and Odinson bout, this was more strength and deliberate strikes vs the speed and power combo we saw earlier. Both men were unafraid of going most to nose and Kratos appeared to have the strong advantage through much of it, but SCHAFF’s resilience was oozing through here and eventually he fought his way back, eventually dropping Kratos with the DD214 for the victory and the opportunity to end the first “mini-season” on top.


Stephen Amell walks out as the show ends and officially announces SCHAFF vs. Dickinson will be the main event, and the Top of the Table prize will go to the winner.


Match Results

  • The Anoa'i's defeated Local Talents
  • Cezar Bononi submitted Sean Studd
  • Chris Dickinson defeated Odinson
  • SCHAFF defeated Kratos


Odds and Ends

This show was designed to wrap the build-up into the Mini-Season Finale. We formally will have four matches, all pushed forward with this show. The "Mini-Season" format may stick around moving forward depending on Event/TV Deals; I like the build-up to a season finale style show, but we shall see. This isn't really true weekly TV rather a collection of events.


This one started with some parking lot violence. Davey Boy Smith Jr has been fed up with the Bloodline and he took it out on Junior Fatu; Sefa wasn't present here, I can only guess he was still back at the warehouse we saw them at earlier. The Bloodline, honestly, has been disappointing, but Fatu promises they aren't done and Sefa's battle with Davey will be a good one.


Cezar Bononi is a mercenary for hire now and was paid off to attack Studd; weakening the one alliance Davey Boy Smith has. Cezar isn't loyal to anyone, and he's allegiances will always go to the highest bidder. In his match, he showed some technical skills submitting the big man, and for Studd's cause he showed that though fighting was stupid, he knew he needed to tap to prevent further real damage to his repaired knee.


Kal Jax continues to look and feel more animalistic. We shall see if this goes anywhere.


The Sanctuary is accepting new members and Burke continues to be one of the most fascinating characters on the show. Very excited about the future development of this group.


Artemis Spencer is in bad need of character development as we move towards the next "season"... Curious if he'll stick around.


TK O'Ryan continues to develop in a really positive way; he'll face off with Eddie Colon, a man with a similar career path, just at a higher level in a one on one bout at the Mini-Season Finale.


The Real1 Krew debuted their muscle, Pretty Boy, and their agent, Agent J to the masses today while setting up to film nZo's new video... Agent J should look familiar as he's previously worked in the WWE as Ricardo Rodriguez and worked the independents as Jesus Rodriguez. He'll fill the role as an extra mouthpiece for the great work on the sticks nZo brings... as for Pretty Boy... Well he's 6'9" former and a former D1 basketball player, just like nZo's old partner in the WWE... but he's the very different... Pretty Boy is a 5th year pro primarily known for his work in AIW under the name PB Smooth. He calls himself "Mr. Fresh 2 Death" and dresses the part, but nZo simply calls him Pretty Boy.


The Steiners training camp took to the field today and ended with Scott taking down Bronson; some have speculated that Scott might wind up working in the ring with Bronson and perhaps we could see some tag-team action. Both Rick and Scott have made occasional in-ring appearances over the last few years, but Bronson remains the focal point here, and Rick appears fed up with his younger brother Scott seeming to think he's still "Big Poppa Pump"... Continues to be a fun one.


Dickinson and SCHAFF proved they are currently the top two names in the singles division, and while they lost the Gods of War looked strong. This was designed to show that some men are stronger together and others are better in one on one conflict, they all are at the top of their games regardless!

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Brooo that was cool!

I think we anticipated the SCHAFF/Dickinson, but predictable isn't a bad thing when it's the conclusion of a logical, well thought angle

Like the casting for "Pretty Boy", but pretty surprised/a little disappointed by Ricardo Rodriguez as Agent J... But I think you will quickly change my mind on him


I wonder if that Steiners angle will lead to one more match for Scott?... That's interesting


Pumped up for the mini season finale!

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Brooo that was cool!

I think we anticipated the SCHAFF/Dickinson, but predictable isn't a bad thing when it's the conclusion of a logical, well thought angle

Like the casting for "Pretty Boy", but pretty surprised/a little disappointed by Ricardo Rodriguez as Agent J... But I think you will quickly change my mind on him


I wonder if that Steiners angle will lead to one more match for Scott?... That's interesting


Pumped up for the mini season finale!


Stay tuned on Agent J... (honestly I don’t like him very much either, but there is a story coming)

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My heart always seems to be with the Anoai family. I think DBS needs to pay for what he did to Junior (and I think he will). Liked your Kal Jax promo and presented a clear picture of him to me much like you do with TK. Pope continues to be my favorite segment on the show – I think you've just really made me buy into everything. I had a problem with your TK promo this time in that you didn't realize why he is wearing Sunglasses inside? Are you kidding me? It's because TK is that...cool. Steiners still make me want Bronson to punch Scott in the face. Great show, and I really enjoyed the promo section this update.
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<p>Wrestling Observer Newsletter: The Collective's Mini-Season Finale Preview</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="WDgbg6w.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WDgbg6w.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;"><em>Wrestling Observer Newsletter</em></span></strong></p><p><strong> March Week 4, 2021</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Show Preview: The </span></strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>C</em></span></strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">ollectiv</span></strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>e</em></span></strong></strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">'s Mini-Season Finale</span></strong></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52268" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>The </strong><strong><em>C</em></strong><strong>ollectiv</strong><strong><em>e</em></strong><strong>'s</strong> reached the mini-season finale and have sent us a collection of promos to hype the card. The four matches were all confirmed over the last few episodes, and a quick recap of those feuds is also included.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Promos</em></strong></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52268" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>SCHAFF</strong> is in the gym as Death Metal plays over the speakers, he is easily benching 225 rep after rep, he sets the bar down and sits up. Drenched in sweat <strong>SCHAFF</strong> says directly to the camera that this match means the world to him. When he left the US Army he sought an outlet for the pent up emotion inside of him; he chose professional wrestling and the gym... and as you see he happens to be excellent at both of them... and while it is nothing personal, <strong>Chris Dickinson</strong>, you stand in the way of my goals...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Chris Dickinson</strong> for his part is seen in a ridiculous 1980's neon green ski suit and is walking near the base of the ski resort in the area... <strong>Dickinson</strong> laughs and says "there are two things you need to know <strong>SCHAFF</strong>, one, I love to have fun... and two I love to kick ass." He says that he has a ton of respect for <strong>SCHAFF</strong>'s path and story and likes the man; but in the end you wrestle to win not just to have fun... so at the Season Finale, <em>The Dirty Daddy, The Filthy Father, The Putrid Papa</em>... will be sending you back to mama licking your wounds.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>nZo</strong> debuted his new music video for his new single "Not Your Friend". The song is predictably mediocre, though the beat is solid. Most of the video features "Entertainment's Hottest Free Agent" rapping while sitting on the hood of a G-Wagon. <strong>Pretty Boy and the Real1 Krew</strong> are in the background and the lyrics include a line about there being only one real Krew, but you better check yourself, before you WRECK YOURSELF"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Steiners</strong> training camp scenes continue with <strong>Rick</strong> scolding <strong>Scott</strong> and <strong>Bronson</strong> for acting like children and not focusing purely on making <strong>Bronson</strong> better. <strong>Scott</strong> says "Tough Love is the best love" but <strong>Rick</strong> tells him to follow the plan. <strong>Bronson</strong> appears distracted as his father and uncle argue... the camera shows his scrolling through social media while he's suppose to be studying the match tape in front of him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Sanctuary</strong> is dimly lit as the promo begins with "<strong>Da Pope</strong>" speaking to someone on the phone, he says "Yes, Doctor, I understand, but we need that prescription filled today or else things might get really... messy..." As he looks up and sees the camera, he shuts the office door as a faint 'roar' of sorts is heard from another area of <strong>The Sanctuary</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Gods of War</strong> are seen in a cinematic style promo; disappointed by their failings, they are taking out anger on a small village of wrestlers. One after another is dispatched as <strong>Kratos and Odinson</strong> annihilate everything in their path...</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><em>Preview of Matches</em></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52268" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)</span></strong></p><p> This one started in earnest when the <strong>Real1 Krew</strong> fell slightly by the <strong>West Coast Wrecking Crew</strong> not only getting valuable television time, but getting a full-time membership without ever winning a match in The <em>C</em>ollectiv<em>e</em>; things came to a head during the last episode when The <strong>West Coast Wrecking Crew</strong> attempted to enter the soundstage where <strong>nZo</strong> was filming his latest music video, only to be cut off by the debuting muscle, <strong>Pretty Boy</strong>, and being signed up for a match against <strong>Alanis and Gray</strong> by nZo's Agent, <strong>J</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)</span></strong></p><p> <strong>TK</strong> has made it clear that he is a lone rider, he has no interest in being a tag-team artist and wants to make his own name, and enjoy his remote time at the ranch he's residing at. This one came about as <strong>Colon</strong> called out <strong>TK</strong>, and <strong>TK</strong> replied in earnest that they both have made their careers in tag teams and have been overshadowed by others. In <strong>Colon</strong>'s case, his famous father and cousin both; and in <strong>TK</strong>'s case playing third fiddle to The Kingdom. This promises to be a great showcase for both men.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Davey Boy Smith</strong> has been targeted by the Samoan Dynasty's <strong>Bloodline</strong> since for the entire existence of The <em>C</em>ollectiv<em>e</em>, but everything they've thrown at him seems to fail. And now, <strong>DBS Jr</strong> has taken things into his own hands, assaulting the patriarch <strong>Junior Fatu</strong> in the parking lot before the last show as he knew that the <strong>Anoa'i's and Sefa</strong> were not going to be around. <strong>Sefa</strong> seeks both vengeance and a career defining victory while <strong>Davey Boy</strong> seeks to finally rid himself of the <strong>Bloodline</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chris Dickinson (5-1) vs. SCHAFF (6-1)</span></strong></p><p> To wrap the first "Mini-Season" <strong>Chris Dickinson and SCHAFF</strong> clash for the right to be at the Top of the Table come the next standings release. While we still haven't defined exactly what that entails, <strong>SCHAFF</strong> has stood at the top the entire time this company has existed. He and <strong>Dickinson</strong> both took their first loss in tag action when they couldn't quite collaborate and defeat the best tag team in the company, T<strong>he Gods of War</strong>, but individually <strong>Dickinson</strong> and <strong>SCHAFF</strong> both managed to beat their respective "God" and earned this chance to clash in our main event!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52268" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Picks</span></strong><p> </p><ul><li>Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)<br /></li><li>"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)<br /></li><li>Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)<br /></li><li>Chris Dickinson (5-1) vs. SCHAFF (6-1)<br /></li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. <strong>West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)</strong></p><p>

"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. <strong>"The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) </strong>vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)</p><p>

<strong>Chris Dickinson (5-1)</strong> vs. SCHAFF (6-1)</p>

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I don't predict largely because I'm terrible at guessing, haha. But this show has me intrigued for several different reasons.


How can't you like SHAFF? You've built him into a guy I can root for, and with an opponent like Dickinson both to be his opposite, but add contrast to the match with his care-free attitude, etc. I think this is a match I'm looking forward to.


nZo and his "predictably mediocre" song debut made me pop.


Finally, how you've built up the Pope is great. I think through the multiple well written promos from him, it's made me really be able to visualize (in my own mind) what these promos look like and it's great work.



Keep 'em comin.

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This is gonna be huge



Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)

"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)

Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)

Chris Dickinson (5-1) vs. SCHAFF (6-1)

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Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)

"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)

Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)

Chris Dickinson (5-1) vs. SCHAFF (6-1)


Gotta go with my main man The Dirty Daddy to pick up the W in the main event but then again SCHAFF is a tough man to beat so it's anybodys game


Absolutely LOVING what you are doing with The Pope and his boys, can't wait to see what the future holds for The Sanctuary, im curious to see if Pope will get anymore lost souls coming to him?

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Real1 Krew (Adrian Alanis (1-3) and Liam Gray (1-4)) vs. West Coast Wrecking Crew (Debut)

"Classico" Eddie Colon (2-1) vs. "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (3-1)

Davey Boy Smith Jr (7-2) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (2-2)

Chris Dickinson (5-1) vs. SCHAFF (6-1)


I’m excited for this one. The last two matches could’ve gone either way for me, but I feel like Sefa has something planned for this match and The Bloodline could use a huge boost after the past few weeks. Meanwhile Dickinson is too tough so I gotta go with him over SCHAFF.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Mini-Season Finale




Wrestling Observer Newsletter

March Week 4, 2021


Exclusive Review: The Collective Mini-Season Finale


Opening Show Promo

The show opens with a great highlight video of the first seven episodes, recapping all the major storylines. Stephen Amell walks out to the ring, standing in an empty studio. A spotlight illuminates him as he walks us through the journey to get here. He says this is a collection of fighters looking to prove a point, and tonight at the end of the night, one will stand tall at the Top of the Table... Naturally, he is interrupted by nZo and his posse as he is accompanied to the ring by The Real1 Krew, Agent J, and Pretty Boy. nZo says he takes offense to the idea that SCHAFF vs. Dickinson is the only "top-of-table" match in the company, he says he knows the bottom line and knows the sales, and the truth is, the undefeated, nZo, is not only the "Entertainment's Hottest Free Agent" but he's also The Collective's BANKROLL; he's put on the biggest match, he's drawn the most eyes... and according to Agent J's insiders, he's the only reason that this company has drawn attention from the big players in Hollywood... So while he isn't on the card tonight... why doesn't Amell plan on booking nZo in the main event for the debut show of the next season... with a title on the line! Amell nods his head and doesn't seem to disagree... but he steps out as the West Coast Wrecking Crew make their way out for the opening match.


Match One

West Coast Wrecking Crew vs. Real1 Krew


Bit of a sloppy opener, but Isaacs and Gray kept it together, going toe to toe in an athletic bout that helped carry the match forward. nZo, Pretty Boy and Agent J stay at ringside, but Stephen Amell does as well and tells nZo that if they interfere at all then the whole group is terminated... that naturally led to the West Coast Wrecking Crew giving Alanis the business and picking up the win.



Standing a top the mountain, Odinson and Kratos speak of a dark storm coming towards The Collective, they say that two gods are stronger than one, and together the Gods of War will continue to run the division... they laugh as they sit down in massive oversized thrones at the top of the mountain.


A pair of red eyes light up a dark area, as the camera begins to get a better look it is "Grizzly" Kal Jax emerging from a dark cave on the mountain... He is wearing his Grizzly pelt and stares directly through the camera. "When you are scared, lost and alone... know that you are in Grizzly Country... Hibernation is over... and it's time to feed"


"Big" Sean Studd and Davey Boy Smith Jr are backstage reviewing the footage that shows that Cezar Bononi was paid off, and that the Bloodline is likely interested in his services for tonight's bout... Studd tells Davey he's got a bone to pick with Bononi and he'll take care of it tonight... Davey may be alone in the studio, but he can know that Studd will have Bononi taken care of...


Match Two

"The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan vs. "Classico" Eddie Colon


This one starts with both men staring each other down, the parallels here are obvious, both have been stars in tag teams but overshadowed by their partners or past. Stephen Amell on commentary with Cyrus Fees mentions that the winner here will face nZo in the main event of the next season for the Top of the Table in the Flight Club division! So this one carries some extra weight. Solid match here, both men fighting for their own cause and pushing things forward. Both looked good, but out of nowhere TK delivered the Eight Second Ride, and hopped up top delivering a picturesque moonsault for the well-earned victory.



Post-Match, TK asks for a microphone and says that this win was about more than the pride of victory, it was vindication, it proves he is who he says he is, and the next time he steps in the ring it'll be the wipe that smug smile off the face of that jackass nZo who calls himself the draw of The Collective...


We zoom to the dimly lit Sanctuary, the camera seemingly floats into the atrium of the building... "Freak Beast" Nick Comoroto appears to be strapped to a bed for some reason... Steve Pain is standing back... there is a Doctor in the corner conferring with Elijah Burke but Burke dismisses him as the camera enters... Burke grabs hold of it, becoming the narrator of the scene... He says that he told his men to take hold of there desire to become great and challenge them to go beyond the threshold (whatever that means)... but in the process he let the "Freak Beast" harm himself... he says "Dr. Nelson tells me Nicholas here broke his tail bone... this my friends is a good lesson for all. For he is in pain... but until he channels that anger, and channels that pain for good..." Burke smiles as he just looks at the two pills in his hand that Dr. Nelson handed him prior to his departure... he calls Steve Pain over... hands him one of them and instructs him to take it for himself... Burke chuckles and then swallows the other himself, washing it down with the liquid in a crystal glass in his hand... The pain of Comoroto coming through the screen in anguished moans. "But this my friends is a good lesson for all. For he is in pain... but until he channels that anger, and channels that pain for good... he must suffer..."


Match Three

Davey Boy Smith Jr vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu


"The Problem" for Davey Boy Smith so far has been the entire Bloodline, starting with Fatu's father. Davey took out Junior last episode and tonight Sefa walks to the ring alone looking determined and focused. This is a hard-hitting bout from the bell and both men look like they are enjoying the pain. Davey Boy clearly has better ring awareness and acumen but Sefa's determination and passion for pain rings through and they continue to go nose to nose throughout... Davey swings things in his favor though as he delivers a stiff lariat across the chest of Sefa, lifting him next for a Running Powerslam right in the middle of the ring... but suddenly the lights flicker and for the first time in The Collective we have a real "interference" segment as the Anoa'i's come down to the ring... but they don't enter as the official, Justin King tells them to respect the fight... but Afa and Lance bluff that they are entering the ring forcing Justin to chase them from the ring, physically exiting the ring and chasing them from the studio... but from the southside of the facility... a large figure slides into the ring and drops Davey Boy from behind with a stiff clothesline... he lifts him and hits the Samoan Drop and follows up with the Mighty Moonsault (jumping from the second turnbuckle to the third and delivering a painful splash)...



"Samoan Warewolf" Jacob Fatu made an impact in his shocking debut


Sefa crawls over Davey and Justin King has no choice but to count 1-2-3...



Post-Match The Anoa'i's enter the ring, and Junior Fatu slowly walks down to the ring. He has a microphone and chuckles into it... "Davey, your father was a brave man... and you are a brave man like him... But both of you were foolish, and made rash decisions. Remember Blood is Thicker than Water...you've barked up the wrong tree. Because now not only do you have a Problem... but you've now unleashed the Samoan Warewolf..." Sefa, Junior and now Jacob Fatu laugh in unison as the Anoa'i's flank them and the Bloodline once again stands tall"


Rick Steiner is seen in the lab with Bronson and Scott... Scott, for some reason is now sitting directly next to Bronson, and Rick is yelling at both of them, telling them to focus. He begins to play clips from recent matches, but Scott stands and flips the lights on... He says that Rick and Bronson both need to pay close attention because he's the most decorated of the Steiners in this room! Rick goes to argue but Bronson stands and says "Dad, stop..."... Scott then pops a DVD (who has those) into the computer, nothing happens, and he says "Bronson make this work..." The scene ends with the dysfunctional Steiner "family" looking at a Scott Steiner highlight titled "Freak of the Week"...


Main Event

Chris Dickinson vs. SCHAFF


The main event of our Mini-Season saw the top two performers, SCHAFF and Chris Dickinson going one on one for the first time in a match that ranks among the best the company has ever seen, this is a bloody, brutal and fierce brawl from bell to bell and it is delivers. Dickinson's experience gives him an advantage early, but SCHAFF never seems out of this and all it takes is one mistake for either man to take advantage. Neither man blinks and there are few opportunities for counters or finishes for the first ten minutes... SCHAFF appears frustrated and Dickinson appears to be getting more locked in, but suddenly SCHAFF ducks a wild left from Dickinson, delivers a stiff kick to the gut and lifts Dickinson... He hits the DD214!!! and covers Dickinson getting the three count in the nick of time as Dickinson powers out right after the three crash of the hand to the mat and the bell rings, SCHAFF stands tall...


End of Show Scene

The show ends in a black and white scene with SCHAFF in the middle of the ring, the camera focusing on him from the ceiling of the studio, sweat and blood run down his face crossing over his lips... he smiles a wry smile as The Collective logo overtakes the screen...



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