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How do you push Unimportant wrestlers?

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On the previous game you could alter the pushes of wrestlers to not receive a penalty for 'jobber matches' but with the new perception system you can't do that. I'm a year into the 1996 mod and am trying to give a push to Rocky Maivia. He was at 25 across the board at the start of the game and now a year in the only popularity he's got is beating Damballa who is well known and even then it's only at 31 and I had to pay Damballa $45,000 to make him happy because of the loss.


I can't get him pushed up the card without him beating people that don't want to lose to him so I have to keep giving them bonuses or have him beat unimportant wrestlers and have the match have a penalty.


What's the best way to push unimportant wrestlers without having penalized matches or annoying all the wrestlers?

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Match them up against Recognizable or above in feuds/matches.. play to their strengths in segments. Pair them up with older workers/veterans in a tag team as a Unit, and let the vet get the wins.


I am doing a touring promotions and KP Avatar has gone up several points in popularity in my home region just by being in good matches - I think he has only won 2 but still has good momentum.

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On the previous game you could alter the pushes of wrestlers to not receive a penalty for 'jobber matches' but with the new perception system you can't do that. I'm a year into the 1996 mod and am trying to give a push to Rocky Maivia. He was at 25 across the board at the start of the game and now a year in the only popularity he's got is beating Damballa who is well known and even then it's only at 31 and I had to pay Damballa $45,000 to make him happy because of the loss.


I can't get him pushed up the card without him beating people that don't want to lose to him so I have to keep giving them bonuses or have him beat unimportant wrestlers and have the match have a penalty.


What's the best way to push unimportant wrestlers without having penalized matches or annoying all the wrestlers?


Let him win and let the other workers be unhappy. Their morale will come back up if you don't have him beat the other person consistently. The morale will come back up for the beat worker. Don't be afraid to upset a worker and not pay them to come back up, their morale will organically rise if you book them decently even with the loss to Rocky.

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Consistency is key. Losses should only happen against people much better percieved than them and otherwise book them to their strengths.


Getting someone else on your roster upset is inevitable. IRL Hulk Hogan got upset all the time and Kamala refused to lose to The Undertaker at WM, without sufficient pay. That's just pro wrestling

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On the previous game you could alter the pushes of wrestlers to not receive a penalty for 'jobber matches' but with the new perception system you can't do that. I'm a year into the 1996 mod and am trying to give a push to Rocky Maivia. He was at 25 across the board at the start of the game and now a year in the only popularity he's got is beating Damballa who is well known and even then it's only at 31 and I had to pay Damballa $45,000 to make him happy because of the loss.


I can't get him pushed up the card without him beating people that don't want to lose to him so I have to keep giving them bonuses or have him beat unimportant wrestlers and have the match have a penalty.


What's the best way to push unimportant wrestlers without having penalized matches or annoying all the wrestlers?


This was one of my issues recently, and it has been addressed slightly in the latest patch. You can get somebody who is a megastar in another area and be unable to push them in your region because they are unknown.


I would say put them in a tag team with a higher pop worker and get them over in angles.

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For me, I just don't worry about the penalty for seeing 'unimportant' workers fight each other. If I have Rocky and Scott Taylor fighting in '96 for example, I'm not aiming for a 100 rated match of the year candidate. It's probably a throwaway, short match, in the middle of a TV show. Sure, it might be continuing a story between two stables, or teams, or something. But realistically it's not headlining a show. It's helping Rocky gain some popularity by beating guys slightly more popular than him, so that you're not angering your entire roster just to push him out of the bottom rung.


A couple of other 'tricks' I've used is to hire a local worker to job to him. Additionally, I have on occasion had someone in developmental who is more popular than someone I've wanted to push a little, so I can bring them in for a one off match to help raise their opponent.

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I put them in Feuds and angles until they get there. I used the midcard sections of my early 1997 to build up The Rock, then build up Shamrock and next to build up Kane. This years's version has made getting those unimportant wrestlers pushed up a lot easier with the popularity gains. I always try to make sure most of roster has a use, so guys who don't register as major players can still get name value.
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I have them win. Over and over again. Ignoring complaints. Ignoring penalties. Until I build a star.


My rosters usually have a bunch of solid hands, talented workers, and beloved veterans who I don't really care about, so there's always a ladder for newbies to climb. I'll try to limit damage to morale, beat the guy with 25 pop before the guy with 45 pop, but it doesn't bother me if an undercard talent gets mad and quits. I like a revolving door of talent.

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