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Confirmed for Revolution:


ECW World Television Championship Match


Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera©



Christopher Daniels and Juventud Guerrera will throw down once more in the opening match of Monday night's Revolution. Can "The Fallen Angel" snatch a victory or will Guerrera continue his dominance of the title picture?




Lioness Pack Match

AKINO & Kong vs. Alexis & Nathalie



After last week's shocking return of the monsterous Kong, the female beast herself teams up with Mika Akino to take on the female contingent of The Nest. Alexis will be looking to gain some retribution for last week's assault but two of the world's toughest female athletes will be hell-bent on stopping her and Nathalie.




Masters of Pain Qualifier

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho



Despite his recent absences, it appears Eddie Guerrero has landed himself a spot in the qualifying round of the Masters of Pain Tournament. The only potential issue is that he is set to face submission master and former tgwo-time ECW World Champion, Chris Jericho. This one should be a technical masterclass.




"United Colours of Dudleyville" Match

Slyk, Dick & Daizy


The Original Dudleyz

(...and the Asian one)



Exactly one week after losing their Undisputed Tag Team Titles to their nephews in bizarre fashion, the newly renamed "Original Dudleyz" are set to achieve some revenge. They brutally assaulted ECW's presidewntial candidates last week and, seemingly, plan to do the same to their own relatives. Oh, and they've got that freaky little Asian on their side.


Meanwhile, Daizy has stepped into the frey to even the numbers of competitors (and breasts, if one includes the man-mammaries of Bubba Ray). The "Lil' Latina Lolita" claims that, as a proud Dudley female, she is a match for the "Angry Asian Inbred" any day.


For one fleeting night, the entire Dudley clan unites in a common cause... domestic violence!




Cactus Jack vs. Nate Hatred



We've all been waiting to see it nand here it is. "ECW's NME", Nate Hatred, takes on perhaps the most extreme and violent man in the history of the sport. Hatred may be undefeated but Cactus Jack claims their is no pain left for him to suffer which can surpass that which he has felt before. Expect some good old hardcore brutality!




Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. CM Punk & Rhino



Paul Burchill accidetally cost Vito a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship last week, a fact particularly ironic in view of the fact that he was trying to save his friend and informal-brother-in-law from a broken neck. Injury was added to insult when the new Number One Contender, Rhino, physically destroyed both men and seemingly ended another ECW broadcast at the pinnacle of the promotion's heirarchy.


Of course, CM Punk has his own issues with Burchill and Thomaselli that date way back and, with all this bad blood in the mix, this one is likely to get ugly.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Guest KingOfKings
This is a pretty rockin' diary! Definitely the best of the real world diaries.


Just one question, who is Daizy Dudley? I can't place where I've seen her before.


She looks a lot like Melina...

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This is a pretty rockin' diary! Definitely the best of the real world diaries.


Just one question, who is Daizy Dudley? I can't place where I've seen her before.


Ha, thank you. Much appreciated There are some vey good RWout there, though.


She looks a lot like Melina...


It is indeed Melina in a new guise.


Quote The Raven


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In an office in South Philadelphia...


Three men sit around a small table.



Pag: Thank you for coming all this way, Mr Hefner.


Hefner: Well, you said you had an interesting proposal.


Heyman: Yes... a potential pay-per-view deal.


Hefner: I see.


Heyman: We walked out on our contract with UrbanXtra this week. It wasn't doing us any favours and they seemed okay with that.


Hefner: Am I to gather from this that you're not going to be a reliable partner?


Pag glares at Heyman.


Heyman: No, you should merely understand that we're ready to take ECW and all its potential affiliates to new heights of success.


Heyman now flashes Pag a glance, after his tidy escape.


Hefner: Are you in negotiations with any other companies?


Heyman: No comm...


Pag: Yes we are. I see no harm in admitting that. We're in negotiations with DirectTV.


Hefner: So, why do you need me?


Pag: I'm glad you asked. Honestly, sir, you would be our first choice for two reasons. Firstly, despite being a slightly smaller network than DirectTV, you have wider international coverage. You see, it's our main aim to take ECW to as many international regions as possible. Secondly, frankly, I imagine you'll let us get away with stuff that they won't. You may even be happy with our more "Risque" product.


Hefner thinks for a second.


Hefner: Gentlemen, you both know my business and I hasten to add I make no apologies for it. A wrestling programme doesn't really seem to fit into Playboy's repertoire. Why should I consider this?


Pag: Well, actually, first, Mr Hefner, I hoped I could outline our wishes in the deal. If you find them unreasonable, we won't waste any more of your time.


Hefner: Go ahead.


Pag: Well, we would need you to make an exception to your revenue method for ECW. We would expect our fans to not have to buy your monthly subscriptions but merely pay a single fee every month for the show.


Hefner frowns.


Hefner: So, you drag me all the way up to Pennsylvania, you tell me this isn't an exclusive offer and then you tell me how to run my own business? I don't know whether to admire your balls or sue you for unnecessary travel expenses.


Heyman: We would certainly hope for the former.


Hefner smiles.


Hefner: Okay, so let's just say I went along with this. How do you expect this deal to benefit me?


Pag: In several ways. Firstly, though, we are not going to change our product. Our new era is designed to make us a more widely respected company and we have spent a lot of money, time and effort developing a strong and legitimate women's division. We don't want to jeopardise that.


Hefner: So...


Pag: So, firstly, we give you exclusive rights to photo shoots with our Lioness stars.


Hefner: How many?


Heyman: Four a year.


Hefner: Every year?


Pag: Every year.


Hefner: ...and we get to choose the girls?


Pag: So long as they're comfortable... yes.


Hefner smiles again.


Pag: Plus, we'll let you keep 100% of the profits from the magazine sales.


Hefner: Interesting. Is that all?


Heyman: No. We all so wish to suggest that this is an opportunity for both ECW and Playboy to make some tremendous profits. It hugely increases our coverage, no doubt. However, it could also secure you a sizeable new audience.


Hefner: But only for a one-off show every month.


Pag: To be fair, Mr Hefner, our dominant demographic is the male 18-30 market. If they are already paying for pay-per-views on your channel, chances are they'll be far more likely to buy a subscription from you.


Hefner: Do you plan to encourage that?


Heyman: We see no problem in that.


Pag: Personally, I think mutual advertising would suit us both. You advertise us on your station and in your various publications; we advertise you to our television audiences. I mean we're on late night... that shouldn't be a problem. However, as I say, we're not prepared to increase the... err... T&A levels on our shows.


Heyman: Unless we feel it's appropriate.


Hefner: So, essentially, you're proposing an extensive partnership?


Heyman: Exactly.


Hefner: Will there be any consideration of stock?


Pag: Absolutely not. Playboy is your creation and we respect that. Equally, ECW is ours and I'm sure you respect that.


Hefner: Indeed.


Pag: But with us potentially being tied so closely, your best interests will become our best interests.


Hefner stands up.


Hefner: I must congratulate you on your skills of negotiation. I'll be in touch.


Heyman: Thank you for your time.

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ECW World Television Championship Match

Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera©


Lioness Pack Match

AKINO & Kong vs. Alexis & Nathalie


Masters of Pain Qualifier

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho


"United Colours of Dudleyville" Match

Slyk, Dick & Daizy


The Original Dudleyz


Cactus Jack vs. Nate Hatred


Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. CM Punk & Rhino

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Blimey, talk about gravedigging. It's been over four months since the previous post!


Yeah... but they know as well as I do that, while updates may be sporadic, this isn't going anywhere! ;)


Many stories planned for the record; just need time for in-game booking and write-ups.


Much love.


Quote The Raven


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Yeah... but they know as well as I do that, while updates may be sporadic, this isn't going anywhere! ;)


Many stories planned for the record; just need time for in-game booking and write-ups.


Much love.


Quote The Raven



You are the J Silver of ECW. If J Silver reads this, no offence is meant btw.

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  • 1 month later...

Monday, week 2, December

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: The new era is underway ladies and gentlemen and, judging by the calibre of competition on display here tonight, it's a shot in the arm that the wrestling industry sorely needed!

Gertner: Scotty boy speaks truth.

Hudson: Thanks for the vote of confidence, "stud", and for the love of god, stop calling me that!

Gertner: Sorry Scotty B... just kidding.

Hudson: Hilarious. Anyhow, Paul Heyman has asked me to remind all of you at home that ECW's new CoDE, purposely designed to provide the most action-packed and hardhitting wrestling action in the world, will be adhered to tonight like all nights hereafter.

Gertner: Well said Scotty Boy.

Hudson: Also, if you wish to apply for the position of colour commentator on Revolution, I will make sure an address is made available to you all. Our current one is due to be involved in a homicide.

Gertner: What? I'm not gonna kill anyone. Hang on...

Hudson: Joel, if we waited until you got that we wouldn't have time for any matches.




Clearly knowing each other's styles well after much recent competition, the two men put on a great opener.

Granted it's not mind-blowing but it's a useful taster of things to come.

In the tenth minute Juvi throws Daniels over the ropes.

As Daniels staggers to his feet and Franny gets out of harms way, Juvi hits a Sommersault Plancha from over the ropes.

Capitalising on the new rules of the CoDE, he makes a cover on the outside for the fall.

Match Rating: B


Backstage Paul Burchill approaches Vito who is taping his hands.



Burchill: Vito, I am so sorry about last week! It was an accident.


Vito looks up.


Vito: Burchill... I... never mind.


Burchill: Mate, come on, I was trying to save you. Rhino was going to break your neck!


Vito: I don't need saving, man; I can handle myself!


Burchill: I know that you can... usually but I was worried, mate. I never meant to cost you a title shot. You know I consider you the real contender for this belt, even if ECW management doesn't recognise it.


Vito: What do you want me to say?


Burchill: Well, I was kind of hoping for "no hard feelings". Too much?


Vito sighs


Vito: Look, I know you were trying to help. It's just getting tiresome is all.


Burchill: What is?


Vito: You wouldn't understand.


Burchill: Try me.


Vito: Tell you what... try and work it out for yourself.


The young Italian finishes taping his hands and walks out.


Burchill: Vito, wait... Vito? Vito, are we gonna be okay for the main event tonight? Vito...



The two relative unknowns in Kong and AKINO put in a good showing against the female contingent of Raven's Nest.

However, in the fifth minute, Alexis thumbs Kong in the eye and hits the Alexis Effect.

Worried by his clients fate, Prince Nana runs to the back.


Gertner: Where's Nana going?

Hudson: I have no idea but it looks like it's too late to be of any use to the Amazing Kong.




Hudson: I guess I spoke too soon.


Prince Nana re-emerges accompanied by Jazz.



Jazz carries a chair to the ring as Alexis and Nathalie look to get out of dodge.

Nathalie makes her escape but Kong grabs Alexis by the hair and pulls her back into the centre of the ring.

The Lioness Champ turns around just as Jazz slides in.


Kong covers.


Match Rating: D-


AKINO joins Jazz, Kong and Nana in the centre of the ring... except Kong greets her with the Amazing Bomb.

Nana, Jazz and Kong stand dominant.


Nana: There's a certain company up New York way that's done it's best to destroy the legitimacy of women's wrestling. And, if we're being honest, ECW isn't doing much better - with a playboy bunny wannabe as a champion surrounded by a division of peroxide blondes and fake breasts. But, for all of you who think real women's wrestling is dead... well, they say a picture speaks a thousand words.


Kong and Jazz smash their heads together before flexing and screaming to the heavens.


Masters of Pain Qualifier


The two veterans put on a match of a calibre to rival the opener, a pleasant surprise in view of Guerrero's ring rust.

In the twelfth minute, Jericho locks in the Liontamer.

Guerrero gets his hand on the bottom rope.


Gertner: Break the hold!

Hudson: No Joel, rope breaks no longer apply in ECW. In fairness, why did they ever count? Getting your hand on a rope hardly signifies an ability to counter a submission move.


Eddie is forced to tap.

Match Rating: B


After the matych, Jericho helps Guerrero to his feet.

Somewhat surprised, Eddie shakes his opponent's hand before gingerly walking to the back.

Jericho picks up a mic.


Jericho: "The Liontamer", "The Walls of Jericho"; whatever you want to call it, it is the most feared submission move in ECW and you better believe it's taking me all the way to the final of the Masters of Pain and then all the way to the World Heavyweight Championship at Got Blood?



Big Dick Jr and Ultimo Dudley II start as the legal men.

The "Angry Asian Inbred" lands some early blows but he is no match for the power of Big Dick (oh, man, this is starting to make even me cringe :o).

Dick picks up his diminuitive cousin in a Military Press and throws him over the top rope.

D-Von immediately enters.


Hudson: ...and, just to keep you up to speed, Joel, that's the new lucha tag rule applicable to all ECW tag team matches.

Gertner: Yeah... thanks for that Scotty Boy.


Dick tags in Slyk.


Gertner: The two black sheep of Dudleyville are set to go at it.

Hudson: You're like a walking lawsuit aren't you?


The brawl between Slyk and his uncle is intense from the get go and the match continues as a chaotic affair.

By the sixth minute all six Dudleys are in the ring in a mass brawl.

Amongst the mayhem, STD locks in the Boston Crabs on Banzai Dudley.


Gertner: He's got crabs!


Ultimo Dudley II soon taps.

Match Rating: D+


Slyk, Dick and Daizy make a quick exit with their Tag Team Titles while their uncles look on enraged.


A video is shown to promote the International All Action Champion, Ricky Marvin.




The two men put on an excellent match but it is clear that they aren't going all out - the weapons aren't used with the regularity and brutality that one might expect.

Still, the crowd are pumped up and fully behind Cactus Jack.

Nevertheless, in the eleventh minute, Hatred hits the Decapitator Lariat on his opponent.


Hudson: Oh my god... the sickening thud when he lands that thing!

Gertner: ...and Cactus is out!


Rather than cover Cactus, Hatred merely leans against the ropes and waits for Mitchell to grab a mic.

Jim Molineaux decides that Foley is unable to continue and calls for the bell.

Match Rating: B+


Mitchell: There's a reason why Nathan didn't even bother to cover your carcus, "Cactus". He's just waiting for his moment; waiting for a time where he can make the most impact. You see, Nate Hatred is not in the business of winning wrestling matches; he's in the business of ending careers... and business is damn good!


Jeers ring out from the crowd as Hatred smiles demonically.


Mitchell: So, with that in mind, Nathan is offering a special "two for one deal", if you will. We are laying down a challenge to you, Cactus, for Got Blood?... and we're laying down the same challenge to Tommy Dreamer! Two hardcore legacies will be extinguished in just one evening. Oh, and, rest assured, Nathan may walk into this match as the one "handicapped" but it will be the Hardcore Innovators who leave in wheelchairs!


Hudson: My, god... he's actually requesting a handicap match.

Gertner: Yeah, and the thing is, Hudson, my money is still on him!



As always, "The New Franchise" is accompanied by his manager and his girfriend.


Hudson: Here's hoping that Kelly's presence can keep the peace between Burchill and Vito!


This tag match makes for a solid main event but, sadly, nothing spectacular.

It is an evenly contested contest until, somewhat predictably, Monsters Inc make an appearance.


The two behemoths stride to the ring menacingly.



Douglas goes to cut them off but is immediately thrown into the guard rail.

Meanwhile, Punk throws Vito from the ring.

Burchill duly steps through the ropes.

He kicks Punk in the gut and sets him up for a C-4.

But the mosters enter and nail Burchill from behind.

Blackhole Slam!


Hudson: Damn it!

Gertner: Are these new enforcers going to show up?

Hudson: I don't think they need to, Joel.


Vito re-enters with a chair.

A stiff shot to Abyss...

...and Goliath...

...and to Punk as well.


Gertner: Vito is swatting the Nest aside like flies!


Punk rolls to the outside with the force of the blow, allowing Rhino to step in.

GORE... NO! Vito drives the steel into Rhino's head as the Man Beast charges.


Hudson: That's one hell of an effort from Vito!


Burchill clambers to his feet.

He sees Vito holding the chair as the young Italian stares a hole straight through the champion.

Burchill looks at the chair and back up at Vito's face as if to question what his friend might do.

Vito looks down at the chair too.

An eery hush falls over the arena.


Hudson: I don't like the look of this.


Vito drops the chair and hugs Burchill.


Hudson: Oh, thank heavens for that!

Gertner: GAY!


Meanwhile, Rhino clambers to his feet.

He stamps his foot on the mat to draw attention.

Vito and Burchill turn around.

Rhino charges... and drives a shoulder into each of his opponents.


Gertner: GORE! GORE! GORE!

Hudson: A... Double Gore!


Rhino drags Vito's limp body on top of Burchill's.

He then places his foot on top Vito's chest, effectively covering both men with one boot.


Match Rating: B


Gertner: ...and that is what you call domination!


The show goes off-air to the familiar sight of Rhino stood tall in the ring surrounded by caranage.


Hudson: ...and, of course, that is the number one contender!


Show Rating: B

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I'm not teasing this time. There is a show above. No really :D.


Hopefully, I'll be able to post some more soon as well since I actually have some free time these next few months :eek:.


However, it comes as part of a deal. If I'm gonna do that, I need your opinions. If you look back I'm about to switch ECW's pay-per-view company to an international player. Question is, should it be playboy?


If it is, I will work it in to angles because I have some ideas for it already. However, it is a tad "risque" and I don't want it to cast a shadow of sleaze over the diary or turn anyone off so to speak (ironic phrasing given the subject matter I know).


So, ball is in your proverbial court(s). Answers on the back of a postcard please ;).


Quote The Raven


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Is it bad that I squealed like a little girl at a Justin Beiber concert when I saw this? (Or worse that I've just admitted that, or any knowledge of the teen sensation in public? :p)


Very awesome, Nevvy! I like the international company idea, and considering they're seen as the "tasteful" of the genre, I don't think the risk will be too bad.


And think of the crossover appeal. Heff signs with E! Entertainment Television to start a new reality series called the Girls Next Door, and in the first scene, Kendra Wilkinson is seen, giggling like a buffoon, until Goliath emerges from the bushes, like the oft heard of, but rarely seen Bigfoot ... and steps on her! Crowd rejoices, fade to black. Or, ya know, something better. lol

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