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HGC - The era of Hollyweird [CV97']

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Monty Walker vs Roman Paez

Comments: It's Ramon actually. :rolleyes:


Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford


The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury


The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage

Comments: A string of babyface victories to soothe the crowd, until things turn around completely for the actual tourney.


[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb

Comments: No way you're going to start the hottest property of HGC off with a losing streak, right? :p


The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord


Nice card btw!


I don't really get the whole "jan wk1 is the 5th show" thing. It's not written anywhere when in december they start off. I always figured they'd debut shortly after christmas. Nothing's happened basically. For a diary, I'd even assume you'd pretend it was show 1 even if it wasn't on paper. If you do end up going with ep5, what happened in the previous ones? How about a little recap? :p From the look of it, it was just a bunch or random matches.


Your 'criticisms' are noted, my friend. It is probably easier to just assume nothing previously has happened and it's completely fresh, I guess. Amendments shall be made to make it easier. I've also fixed Ramon's name. :)


This goes for everyone reading. If they're are things that are unclear or you have suggestions etc. feel free to suggest. I'm still a relative NEWB for diary writing so happy to receive feedback.

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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<p><strong>Monty Walker</strong> vs Ramon Paez</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> vs Robert Oxford</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Blazing Flames</strong> vs Savage Fury</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

The Vessey Brothers vs <strong>The Demons of Rage</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]</p><p>

Whistler vs <strong>BLZ Bubb</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

The Main Event</p><p>

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]</p><p>

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs <strong>Rip Chord</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Monty Walker</strong> vs Ramon Paez</p><p> </p><p>

Mr Lucha vs <strong>Robert Oxford</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Blazing Flames</strong> vs Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Vessey Brothers</strong> vs The Demons of Rage</p><p> </p><p>

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]</p><p>

Whistler vs <strong>BLZ Bubb</strong></p><p> </p><p>

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]</p><p>

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs <strong>Rip Chord</strong></p>

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Quick Picks Prediction List


Monty Walker vs Ramon Paez



Mr Lucha vs Robert Oxford



The Blazing Flames vs Savage Fury



The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons of Rage



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Rip Chord

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #948787; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">




Episode #2

Attendance: 1,300


Pre-Show Results

The Nation of Filth def. The Danger Kid & Jason Jackson

Cowboy Ricky Dale def. Paul Steadyfast


Announce team

Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Micky Starr




Show Opening


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/my6bfA14vMQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The theme for Hollyweird TV blares out through the arena as the pyro goes off and we are welcomed to the broadcast by Jason Azaria and the announce team.

They swiftly recap the events of last week's action and lay down some hype for the evening regarding announcements relating to the fates of the International & Tag Team Titles and for the beginning of the tournament to crown a new World Champion.


Angle Rating: 72




Singles Match

15-minute time limit


Mr Lucha [vs] Robert Oxford


Mr Lucha secured the victory last week in tag-team action but Oxford was looking for a measure of revenge and claim a victory back off the Lucha star.

This was a hot opener that the crowd really got invested in with a the clash of styles proving to be wonderfully competitive. It was fairly evenly and precariously poised before Mr Lucha gathered some momentum. A top rope dropkick sent Oxford to the mat. Looking to capitalise, Mr Lucha once again went to ascend to the top rope but Oxford recovered quickly and flipped his opponent from the turnbuckle to the mat. Using a swiftness not often seen from the technician he quickly ascended to the top of the turnbuckle himself and came crashing down with his impactful Top Rope Kneedrop. He made the cover and, from almost nothing with time running out, secured the victory.


Winner: Robert Oxford in 14:17

Finish: ''Top Rope Kneedrop

Match Rating:70




Singles Match

15-minute time limit


Monty Walker [vs] Ramon Paez


These two relatively unknown cruiserweights put on a decent match with some fast-paced action with flashes of high-flying action giving the fans a little taster of what they're capable of.

The action flew past swiftly and it was the self-appointed 'coolest guy in the room' who took this one.


Winner: Monty Walker in 5:59

Finish: Talk This Way (Swanton Bomb)

Match Rating: 43




Meeting the Homicide

We cut to grainy black & white footage that dips in and out of focus. Swift cuts of hardcore/deathmatch footage are viewed before a quick cut to black.

A lone spotlight then appears above a seated, leather-clad figure with severe rips in his clothing and spatters of blood surrounding him. We zoom in on him and see that he is cradling a 2x4 wrapped in barbed-wire with nails sticking out of it. A barbed-wire crown sits atop his head of matted hair with trickles of blood falling down over his face. He stares at the camera. Not blinking. Not moving. Just staring.



Homicide: "They call me crazy. They call me Psychotic. They call me Weird. They call me Deranged. They call me Hardcore and yet... they know nothing of the real me. No one knows anything of the real me."


Angle Rating: 55




Tag-Team Match

15-minute time limit


The Blazing Flames [vs] Savage Fury


The towering and hard-hitting duo of Java & Tribal Warrior are looking to make themselves a threat to the rest of the HGC roster and they made a good job of looking like a threat.

The early goings were heavily dominated by the savage duo and they utilised their strength well wearing down Joey Flame swiftly. However, what Savage Fury have in power they lack in experience. A brief lapse in focus allowed Flame to make the tag and Teddy came in with that babyface fire the duo are long known for and with a pace of offence that belied his 48 years and left Java in no-mans land. Another quick tag and The Flames secured the victory with Joeys Swandive Splash


Winner: The Blazing Flames in 6:47

Finish: Swandive Splash (Frog Splash)

Match Rating: 53




HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final

Singles Match

No time limit


Whistler [vs] BLZ Bubb


Whistler made his entrance hoisting the American flag high in the air and he seemed in positive spirits. This was in stark contrast to the dark and foreboding entrance of BLZ Bubb whose permanent expression seems to be incensed.

It almost wouldn't be fair to call this a match. This was a bowling shoe ugly beatdown of Whistler at the hands of the demon! This match was over relatively quickly and thank goodness!


Winner: BLZ Bubb in 4:11

Finish: Hades Bomb (Jackknife Powerbomb)

Match Rating: 24




'Get the EMT's out here'

Not content with an all too easy victory, BLZ Bubb seemed hellbent on sending a message to somebody. Anybody. Everybody. He tossed the battered body of Whistler to the outside. He then hoisted Whistler up onto his shoulders and delivered a devastating Hades Bomb onto the guardrail that echoed with a crack! Whistler screamed in agony as the Demon calmly walked away. EMT's arrived to check on the patriot and he was stretchered out of the arena.


Angle Rating: 47




"Meeting the Avengers"

We have another VTR package. It looks upon a dark, dirty and uninviting alleyway with trash littered on the ground floating on puddles of muddy water.

We move slowly through the alleyway and see at the end of it are two silhouetted, brutish looking figures wearing leather jackets and wielding baseball bats. They slowly turn to the camera to reveal for a brief second their white-painted faces.



The stare, unflinching as one of them simply says



Angle Rating: 30




"Trying again"

The classic synth, guitar riff and drumbeat of "Separate Ways" by Journey blares out through the arena as Jack Bruce appears on the ramp.




Bruce, mic in hand, plays to the crowd as he walks down the ramp looking to high-five the fans with no one taking him up on the offer. He enters the ring.


Bruce:"Well those guys look intimidating as hell, right? Gee. I'd like them on my side.

(He smiles to himself and stares out into the crowd)

"Last week I put on a wonderful performance in this ring. It looked to the whole world that Dusty Streets kicked my ass good as I was lying on the mat rolling around in pain and screaming. Trust me, that was acting baby. Hottest property in Hollywood right here. But this week, I want to do things right. I want a fight and I'm gonna win. So, if anyone back there is feeling bold enough to step up to bonafide rock God: Come on down!"




The Heartland rock anthem "Born in the U.S.A" blasts through the arena as iconic patriot Sam Strong walks to the ring to a huge ovation from those in attendance as Bruce looks on in a mixture of disbelief and regret.


Strong: "Brucey baby! Don't you fear because I am here live and in living color. So here's what I think we should do, kid. You want a fight? I gotta keep busy til I beat Mr Romeo next week so why don't we do ourselves a favour and go right here, right now?"


Angle Rating: 79




Singles Match

15-minute time limit


Sam Strong [vs] Jack Bruce


The two men pose and posture to the crowd with each eliciting different reactions. Bruce; jeers and indifference. Strong; Adulation and positivity. Strong bows to the crowd. This is all it takes for Bruce to decide there's an opportunity available and he decides to start clubbing Strong with heavy right hands. The Rock God continues to beat on the Icon with a flurry of strikes that seem to have him dazed. He attempts a few quick pinfalls but it'll take more to put him away.

After another minute or so, Strong suddenly bursts to life with a series of offensive maneuvres that send Bruce reeling. JB tries to fight back and looks to land his New York Minute finisher but he is thrown to the ropes and meets a Strong Arm Tactic on his return. Clearly looking to send a message Strong picks up Bruce and plants him with a second Strong Arm Tactic before getting the pinfall.


Winner: Sam Strong in 6:42

Finish: Strong Arm Tactic (Bionic Elbow)

Match Rating: 64




A Heartthrob hurting

Strong poses for the fans and hoists Bruce up to his feet. He extends a hand out to the young up and comer in a show of respect but as he does so he is quickly taken down to his knees.




Romeo Heartthrob rushed the ring and took a steel chair to the back of Strongs left knee. He followed it up with another stab to the left knee using the backrest of the chair before grabbing JB and ushering him out of the ring to a chorus of boos as Strong clutches his knee wondering what just happened to him.


Angle Rating: 73




Announcement time



Mighty Micky Starr jumps up from the commentary booth and enters the ring, microphone in hand, to address the audience and fill them in regarding the details and fates of the Tag Team and International Titles.

Starr: "It seems that I have been assigned the duty from the HGC powers that be of informing you all of the intentions for our prestigious, and unaccounted for, championships.

The 10-man battle royal that was originally intended to determine the fate of the World Championship will now be used to crown our first-ever International champion at Malice In Wonderland. Entrants will be selected at random but those participating in the tournament for the World Championship are ineligible.

(He pauses, allowing the fans an opportunity to react before continuing)

As for the Tag Team belts, next week we will have two 4v4 match-ups. The winning foursomes of those two contests will then compete the following week in another 4v4 match-up. The winning team of that encounter will then face-off, in their respective duos, in a match at Malice In Wonderland to crown our Tag Team Champions.

Thank you.


Angle Rating: 78




Tag-Team Match

15-minute time limit


The Vessey Brothers [vs] The Demons of Rage


Tensions between these two teams boiled over last week after the singles encounter between Bryan and Anger that ended in DQ.

The feelings of last week were not forgotten and this match was 12 minutes of heavy strikes and fierce suplexes as these two teams went to battle.

The Demons looked particularly vicious, seemingly wanting to send a statement of intent to the rest of the tag-team division after the announcement by Starr. The foursome took their brawl to the outside as the referee began to lose control. He began the count to 10 as all competitors appeared to be ignoring him and continuing to trade shots.

Reaching 8 and then 9 Bryan Vessey, the legal man, suddenly lay Anger out flat with a stiff right hand and swiftly rolled into the ring as the ref counted to 10 to sneak the victory.


Winner: The Vessey Brothers in 12:48

Finish: Count Out

Match Rating: 73




Coach Dick hypes up his All-Stars



Richie is lifting dumbbells as his father, and Coach is shouting encouragement at him akin to a hardened coach hyping up his prizefighter before his big bout. The locker room door opens as they are joined by Bryan & Larry Vessey who are instantly congratulated by Coach on their wily victory.

He turns to Richie


Coach: "You're ready, kid. He's got all the experience in the world but Rip won't know what hit him when you get out there. This tournament is yours for the taking. The first-ever HGC World Champion right here!

Now get out there you son of a Bitch, cause Dickie loves ya!"


Angle Rating: 60




HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final

Singles Match

No time limit


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. w/Coach Dick [vs] Rip Chord


Two in-ring veterans of the business face-off in our main event for the opportunity to advance in the World Championship Tournament. As main events go this had all the makings of a classic.

And that it was. Richie, despite being a bad guy for most of his career brought the babyface fire and had the fans fully behind him against a legend looking to bounce back from the chaos of last weeks main event.

For the first 15 minutes, this match was a classic back and forth affair with each man trading momentum but Richie, with Coach Dick, hyping him up began to turn the heat up on Chord and unleashed a barrage of moves that had him reeling. With the fans sensing an upset and building to a huge crescendo, Richie gestured to the crowd to signal for his Grand Slam finisher (Attitude Adjustment). He grabbed Chord by his hair, pulling him to his feet and then hoisting him up onto his shoulders. But as he lifted Chord to deliver his finish the veteran flipped his momentum in mid-air, locked his arm around Jr.'s head and planted him with a crushing DDT on the mat.

Taking a moment to recover, Chord crawled across and made the cover for the 1-2-3. The announce team were in disbelief, as were the fans and Coach, as they brought the broadcast to an end with a triumphant Chord standing with his hand raised.


Winner: Rip Chord in 16:32

Finish: Rip Chord DDT

Match Rating: 82


Overall Show Rating: 75






Quick Results

Robert Oxford def. Mr Lucha

Monty Walker def. Ramon Paez

The Blazing Flames def. Savage Fury

BLZ Bubb def. Whistler

Sam Strong def. Jack Bruce

The Vessey Brothers def. The Demons of Rage

Rip Chord def. Richie Pangrazzio Jr.



Prediction Contest:

Hitman74 - 6/6

fallingstar - 6/6

smw88 - 5/6

Blackman - 5/6

Thecoolestjedi12 - 5/6

bonnie - 5/6

Theheel - 5/6

siah463 - 4/6

M0xl3y - 4/6

Historian - 3/6

Herrbear - 2/6


Prediction Wins

M0xl3y - 1 win

Hitman74 - 1 win

fallingstar - 1 win.


As always, feedback & suggestions are welcomed.

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LIVE! this Tuesday night we present to you the latest episode of action from the hottest professional wrestling company in the world: Hollyweird Grappling Company.


After last week's events, we already know two of the semi-finalists in the quest to become the first-ever HGC World Champion: Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb. This week the tournament continues with our other two quarter-final matches taking place. Liberty faces Dusty Streets and Sam Strong faces Romeo Heartthrob.


For Liberty, this is a chance to cement himself as a big deal in HGC against an established veteran like Streets who will himself be doing everything he can to win to prove he still has what it takes to hang at the top and become a singles champion for the first time in his career. For the main event, after the events of last weeks match involving Strong answering Jack Bruce's open challenge and the post-match shenanigans, it'll be interesting to see what condition the American Icon is in against the 'sexiest man alive'.


Elsewhere on the show, we'll have the beginnings of the quest to crown tag-team champions with two four vs four tag bouts. Can these fiercely competitive teams put ego aside to temporarily cooperate for a shot at the gold?


We're well on the road to our first PPV Malice In Wonderland and here's a sneak peek at the card we have in store for us this Tuesday night!


Quick Picks Prediction List


Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale



The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong




Here is the prediction card for the third episode of Hollyweird TV for those who wish to participate.

Comments and feedback on the diary is welcomed.

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Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale

Comments: Power will be retired soon, good match up for RDJ, should give him some good experience.


The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox

Comments:Unlike the other pair, these two aren't moving on in a few months so should get the W


[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists

Comments: Cant see another result


[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury

Comments: Duh, Nation of Filth can't wrestle


[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets

Comments: Just dont see Dusty doing the job without being very annoyed, although Liberty is the future.


The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong

Comments: Love Romeo, but Sam has Creative Control and is very important for growing the company

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Really enjoying this, Sco xY2Jx. I've rarely got the time to follow show-to-show and predict, but I'm dropping in to read big chunks on the regular :)


I don't really get the whole "jan wk1 is the 5th show" thing. It's not written anywhere when in december they start off. I always figured they'd debut shortly after christmas. Nothing's happened basically.


I can shed a little light on that one.


There's a few hits in the lore that they've been going for a few weeks: RDJ lost to Chord in the first ever match, while Liberty has already scored his pinfall over Chord in order to establish himself as a prospect to watch. Plus there's the little stuff like BLZ Bubb having a destructive rampage, rather than a single attack, which suggests some history tot he shows.


Couple that with the way TV used to work in prior editions, where TV shows could only be negotiated once per quarter and the season would have started in December Week 1, and the historic expectation in many dynasties is that they've been running for four weeks.

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Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale



The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong


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Really enjoying this, Sco xY2Jx. I've rarely got the time to follow show-to-show and predict, but I'm dropping in to read big chunks on the regular :)




I can shed a little light on that one.


There's a few hits in the lore that they've been going for a few weeks: RDJ lost to Chord in the first ever match, while Liberty has already scored his pinfall over Chord in order to establish himself as a prospect to watch. Plus there's the little stuff like BLZ Bubb having a destructive rampage, rather than a single attack, which suggests some history tot he shows.


Couple that with the way TV used to work in prior editions, where TV shows could only be negotiated once per quarter and the season would have started in December Week 1, and the historic expectation in many dynasties is that they've been running for four weeks.


Thanks, Arwink. I appreciate it. Especially from someone who themselves has had history with HGC in terms of writing dynasties. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't regularly rereading over your previous efforts with them to find nuggets of inspiration and ideas.


Regarding the four weeks previous that is exactly how it played out but with Blackman raising a fair point and my sort of going off track with the original plan for the company anyway re: the world title battle royal, it could make sense to cal it episode #1.

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Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale



The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists

Comments: I love TTTS


[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong


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Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale



The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists



[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets



The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong


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while Liberty has already scored his pinfall over Chord in order to establish himself as a prospect to watch.


I get that, but the whole point of the historical mods is proving you can do it better. Recreating this upset win would be probably one of the dumbest things you can do upon playing HGC. I don't know exactly how the game mechanics work in '20, but if Rip loses any pop at all over this, that's a very bad deal. :p (maybe with the flash pin you can pull this off, but meh. Unless you follow it up with a massive winning streak: what's the point?)


Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale


The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox


[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists


[HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage


[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Liberty vs Dusty Streets

Comments: Second off pairing of the card. Love that you're experimenting with this. Hope it doesn't damage the ratings too much.


The Main Event

[HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong


My actual prediction is exactly the same as Historian's and my alternative the one from bonnie, but where's the fun in having the same prediction? :p


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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #948787; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">




Episode #3

Attendance: 1,423


Pre-Show Results

Steve Flash def. Peter Valentine

Paul Steadyfast def. Jason Jackson


Announce team

Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Micky Starr




Show Opening


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/my6bfA14vMQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The theme for Hollyweird TV blares out through the arena as the pyro goes off and we are welcomed to the broadcast by Jason Azaria and the announce team.

The announce team recap the events of last week including the first two matches in the World Title tournament as well as the announcements regarding the Tag Team & International titles. They also hype the events to come of tonights broadcast.


Angle Rating: 72




Singles Match

15-minute time limit


Monty Walker & The Danger Kid [vs] Black Eagle & Golden Fox


A lively opening bout to kick off what is sure to be an exciting and wild evening of in-ring action. These 4 individuals brought flash and style to the ring with a wild array of holds and moves to draw in the interest of the crowd.

In the end, it was the unmasked duo who came out on top as The Danger Kid landed his Tumbleweed Leg Drop on Golden Fox to secure the three count.


Winner: The Danger Kid & Monty Walker in 8:09

Finish: 'Tumbleweed Leg Drop' (Somersault Leg Drop)

Match Rating: 59




Dick hypes his All-Star 'Team'




We drop backstage where we see The All-Star Team assembled in their locker room. Bryan & Larry are in their ring gear hitting punch bags and going through warm-ups as Coach Dick shouts on encouragement. We see Richie, dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, holding the punch bag for Bryan looking less than thrilled. Coach quietens them down and brings them in for a team-talk.


Coach: "Alright boys bring it in. Bring it in. Now listen to me tonight's a big night, alright? We got...

(He sees Richie seeming disengaged and a bit morose. He slaps him on the cheek to get his attention.)

What's the matter with you, huh? You still moping? Huh? You'll get em' next time, kid. Get over it. Now listen. The quest for Gold begins here. You ain't gotta like who you team with but you gotta cooperate and we can do that. The BSC are veterans. They're smart. They're one of the best but they're also snakes. It's there in the name.

Train hard. Fight harder. Don't be a bum like this guy, huh?

(He chuckles and nudges Richie Jr. jokingly who nods and smirks but it doesn't seem sincere)

Alright, get back to it!"


Angle Rating: 62




Singles Match

15-minute time limit


Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale


A 34 year bitter veteran of the business who dislikes the youngsters of today's generation comes up against one and it's a stiff brawl. It goes to show that it doesn't matter which era you come from a fight will still be a fight this was a slugfest.

Power used his knowledge of holds and submissions to put a real hurting on the Cowboy but RD is made of sterner stuff and wouldn't go down easily. Ricky Dale has some real power to him and it showed when he tried to take Powers head off with two Southern Justices to win this one.


Winner: Cowboy Ricky Dale in 7:50

Finish: Southern Justice (Clothesline From Hell)

Match Rating: 50




Show of Respect


Ricky Dale celebrates a hard-fought victory in the ring as JP comes to his sense again. He's pissed at losing to a youngster and gives a disapproving look towards the Cowboy who extends a hand out. JP moves closer and slaps away the hand of RD whilst saying "You got lucky, kid! This isn't done between us!" and then stepping out of the ring.


Angle Rating: 47




Meeting the Homicide - Part 2


We cut to grainy black & white footage that dips in and out of focus. Swift cuts of hardcore/deathmatch footage are viewed before a quick cut to black.

In a continuation of last weeks footage, a lone spotlight still appears above a seated, leather-clad figure with severe rips in his clothing and spatters of blood surrounding him.

Homicide rises from his chair whilst taking the barbed-wire crown off of his head as we see more blood trickle down over his face. He still hasn't blinked in this time and speaks again.




Homicide: "Hardcore is a concept that you're just not ready for. Not like it is in my world. A cleansing process must take place first. I can fix the masses. I WILL fix the masses"


Angle Rating: 64




HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

4 v 4

No time-limit




The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult [vs] The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury


This was 9 minutes of action that moved by in a hurry. The ref lost control a few times, as expected in a match with this many competitors. Savage Fury & Nation of Filth look determined to put a hurt on anyone who stood in their way whether it resulted in a victory or not. They just wanted to make an impact. They did but in the end, the more experienced teams came through.

The Vesseys and BSC worked surprisingly cohesively, if begrudgingly, and got the job done when Brian Vessey put away Stink with his Vessey Driver.



Winner: The Vesseys & Black Serpent Cult in 9:08

Finish: Vessey Driver (Michinoku Driver)

Match Rating: 46




Romeo finds a protége?




Romeo Heartthrob is backstage preparing for his big match with Sam Strong later this evening. Accompanying him is Jack Bruce, the man he brought from the ring after his sneak attack on Strong last week.


Romeo: "The thing is kid going out every week and looking for a fight will get you nowhere. You can still make a name for yourself while being smarter about it. You don't get to where I am in the game without being wise to a few things. Stick with me and we can do great things."


Bruce looks on attentively when we hear a wry chuckle from off-screen as someone enters the room.




Chord: "Where you are? You're a funny guy. Where exactly are you 24 years into your career? What have you done, Romeo?

(He looks to JB and gives him a firm slap/chop to the chest)

"Listen rock star. You ever wanna really get somewhere in the business? Come find me and I'll tell you everything you need to know. Same goes for you, Romeo! I'll even tell you how to beat Sam Strong!"


Angle Rating: 64




HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

4 v 4

No time-limit




The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage [vs] Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists


This was 4 tag-teams determined to do everything they could to prove they should be the tag team champions. There were shades of teamwork on both sides but Mucha Lucha and TTTS have had their issues over the past few weeks, not to mention that The Demons of Rage and The Blazing Flames are two all-time great tag teams who have never crossed paths yet and needed to find a way to co-exist.

The match itself was non-stop with neither foursome willing to let up. The finish came when most of the competitors had spilt to the outside leaving Oxford, Mr Lucha & The Flames in the ring and on the apron. Mr Lucha had Teddy Flame in the corner and connected with a splash which sent Teddy to the mat but as the connection was made Joey tagged himself in that the ref witnessed but Lucha and Oxford did not.

Lucha tagged in Oxford, went to the top rope and hit his Master Drop while Oxford also came from the corner and connected with his Top Rope Kneedrop. He covered Joey for a 3 count but the ref didn't make the count that confused Oxford. Teddy Flame hopped into the ring, speared Mr Lucha and then followed that up with a spear to the clearly annoyed Oxford. He then climbed the turnbuckle and connected with his Swandive Splash and secured the 3 count before anyone else could intervene.


Winner: The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage in 14:07

Finish: Swandive Splash (Swanton Bomb)

Match Rating: 61




HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final

Singles Match

No time limit


Liberty [vs] Dusty Streets


A rising star vs an established star in a bid to prove they could be the next world champion. Liberty already has a pinfall over the iconic Rip Chord, in tag team action, in recent weeks which has added some legitimacy to his place in the tournament while Dusty has never held a singles championship in his career in the business. Dusty has a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove and he went all out here.

This was a competitive back and forth affair with momentum switching from side to side but just as Liberty seemed set on securing victory via his Liberation Slam, Dusty wriggled free in mid-air and managed to connect with The Dust-Off to cement his place in the semi-finals.


Winner: Dusty Streets in 12:39

Finish: The Dust-Off

Match Rating: 61




A show of respect


Disappointed but proud in defeat, Liberty rises to his feet and extends a hand to the victor. Dusty seems instantly hesitant but upon realising who it is he's in the ring with he has no issues in shaking hands. Dusty raises Liberty's arm in the air to cheers from the crowd as they exit the ring together. A strong showing from the charismatic cool dude but experience won through in the end.


Angle Rating: 66




Chins up, gents




In the locker room of 'The Untouchables', we see the three men looking slightly despondent. Steadyfast seems to be trying to perk the other two up while Bryant and Oxford are venting their frustrations at the loss earlier in the evening. As the venting continues there is a knock at the locker room door.




Rip Chord walks in as the three men begin to hush up and almost stand to attention.


Chord: "I'll tell you what gentlemen. Pissing and moaning about your problems will solve nothing.

(He looks at all three for a moment each and then takes a deep sniff of the room)

"There's real potential in here, fellas. Real potential. You were unlucky tonight. You're not gonna be the first-ever Tag Team champions? So what?! You're looking at the man who's gonna be the first-ever HGC World Champion. Who better to learn from? You guys ever want to be taken seriously... you let me know."


Chord walks away as all three men look at each other and wonder what just happened?


Angle Rating: 39




Strong feeling Strong




Sam Strong stands backstage in his ring gear looking ready for the fight ahead. We see a bandage around his knee as he addresses the audience.


Strong "Where for art thou, Romeo? Probably lurking somewhere with a chair in hand looking for any advantage you can get. That's fine by me, baby. You've taken shortcuts all career-long and been average the entire time. I'm feeling fine, baby. You caught me off guard last week, that's all."

(He adjusts the bandage on his knee before addressing us once more)

"Now there's no question that on your day you're great. But today is not that day, brother."


Angle Rating: 76




HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final

Singles Match

No time limit


Romeo Heartthrob [vs] Sam Strong


These two locked horns several times during their days in the SWF in the '70s & '80s and despite being reasonably older now than they were back then they still put on a heck of a fight and a show.

Sam's offense is all in his name at even in his 'aged prime' he's still as strong as an ox and it shows as he can still ragdoll his opponents when the notion takes him. Heartthrob is a stubborn opponent for anyone and can certainly give as good as he gets although as always relied on trying to outsmart his opponent. He does just that here. Despite Strong saying his knee felt fine, Romeo tested the resolve of that by continually targeting it and attempting to keep Strong grounded.

It worked and the Icon was clearly in pain despite trying not to let on. Stiff kicks, strikes and submissions were called upon by Romeo. He locked in his Cupid's Bow leglock and the two were locked in the submission for what felt like minutes with the crowd reaching a fever pitch of excitement but Sam refused to submit. It seemed he'd rather have a broken leg than admit defeat. He eventually clutched the ropes and Romeo reacted wildly out of frustration and knocked down the referee in the process. At this stage, his mind started racing. Jack Bruce sprinted to ringside with a chair in hand and slid it in to Heartthrob who held it high and pandered to the crowd. Whilst doing so, Strong rose to his feet. Romeo turned and went to swing wildly at Strong but a Strong Arm Tactic met the chair which then met the sexiest man alive skull and had him stunned. With the chair now on the mat, Romeo was stumbling and was again met with a second Strong Arm Tactic that laid him out. Strong made the cover and the ref slowly recovered making the 3 count as Bruce looked on in disbelief at what had just happened


Winner: Sam Strong in 16:10

Finish: Strong Arm Tactic (Bionic Elbow)

Match Rating: 84



Overall Show Rating: 76






Quick Results

Cowboy Ricky Dale def. Jimmy Powers

The Danger Kid & Monty Walker def. Black Eagle & Golden Fox

The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult def. The nation of Filth & Savage Fury

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage def. Mucha Lucha & TTTS

Dusty Streets def. Liberty

Sam Strong def. Romeo Heartthrob




Prediction Contest:

bonnie - 6/6

christmas_ape - 5/6

Historian - 5/6

Blackman - 5/6

smw88 - 4/6


Prediction Wins

M0xl3y - 1 win

Hitman74 - 1 win

falling_star - 1 win.

bonnie - 1 win


Closely fought predictions this week with the five of you but bonnie comes out on top with full marks for the win this week.

Thanks for reading and, as always, feedback is welcomed.

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Rip is recruiting I see. :cool:


Is Romeo's protege kayfabe or did he take him in for real?


Rip is always looking at the bigger picture. Train some fresh talent and get himself some allies in the process, perhaps? ;)


I've only had one relationship change so far with regards to a mentor/protége standpoint and it involved Rip Chord. Romeo and Bruce is just something that I personally found might be quite a fun pairing that could lead to fun storylines moving forward if it carries on.

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LIVE! this Tuesday night we present to you the latest episode of action from the hottest professional wrestling company in the world: Hollyweird Grappling Company.


You'll be joining us for our 'go home' episode of Hollyweird TV before we arrive at our first-ever PPV, Malice In Wonderland which will be a landmark event for the professional wrestling world!


This week on Hollyweird TV we have a match card stacked with your favourites as they continue to compete for Championship glory. We'll have the final 4v4 bout to decide who'll compete for the Tag Team titles at Malice as well as both of our semi-final matches in the tournament to crown our World Champion. Not to mention that rumour has it there'll be another announcement made regarding the International Title Battle Royal.


With all this at stake on the final stretch to our first-ever event, you won't want to miss it!


Fancy cheering along at home and rooting for your favourites? We've got the match card here so let's have a look at what's in store?


Quick Picks Prediction List


Dark Eagle vs The Danger Kid



Liberty & [partner] vs Romeo Heartthrob & Jack Bruce



[HGC World Tag Team Championship qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult



Paul Steadyfast vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong




Here is the prediction card for the fourth episode of Hollyweird TV for those who wish to participate.

Comments and feedback on the diary is welcomed and encouraged.

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Dark Eagle vs The Danger Kid


Liberty & [partner] vs Romeo Heartthrob & Jack Bruce


[HGC World Tag Team Championship qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult


Paul Steadyfast vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets


[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong


Comments: Even though I'd love to see Dusty vs BLZ, I'm gonna take a guess that it'll be on the rest of the card. (3rd place? :p)


Do we get to guess the partner? Is it a new signing? Is it Mr Lucha? If it's his first appearance. Be wary his contract ends in 3 months and you cannot resign him. Otherwise Monty Walker, but that would hardly be worth the secrecy.

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Dark Eagle vs The Danger Kid

I think for a while I'll be mostly picking the names I know, which will likely backfire as most of them are early on in their careers.


Liberty & [partner] vs Romeo Heartthrob & Jack Bruce

Interesting match up with both Liberty & Romeo losing last week. But I can see the Romeo/Bruce pairing having legs so perhaps they need this win.


[HGC World Tag Team Championship qualifier]

The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult

TCW are probably the promotion I've followed most, so I'll always back Vessey.


Paul Steadyfast vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets



[HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong



I don't know who was historically the first HGC, and whether that might direct you at all. Obviously Strong vs Chord makes a lot of sense as the first World title match (to the point where I'm persuading myself off my picks now) but no I'm going to pick the swerve.


Enjoying this so far though, it captures the tension of a bunch of established stars and a bunch of promising rookies all sharing the same roster well.

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