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14 hours ago, Black Pegasus II said:

Can you please post an example of your prompt, the art style of these has been fantastic!

@Black Pegasus II

I’d be open to answer any questions you have in DM, but to be honest I think my prompt strategy has possibly more to do with multiple rolls/regens and knowing exactly what level of quality I need when I see it then it does construction. 

Meaning that my prompts from a construction standpoint are really no different than what @John Lions @Atticus have already shared in the AI thread. Sometimes I’m very specific with character details and sometimes I’m not depending on what I’m trying to create physically for a worker or a gimmick. Sometimes you really just get lucky.  

Now that said, I also have honestly regenerated a worker render or slightly tweaked a prompt 30-40 times in some cases and for some workers until I’ve gotten exactly the prospective and lighting I’ll know I need to make a 150x150 render look good in the game.

This is a slippery slope because looking back to earlier renders… I already want to go back and redo some of my TCW ones because of what I know now will work and look better coming out of the draw and/or some of my SWF ones because ultimately I had to declare no joy and move forward…

Looking at you Fastball Kobb…

To @John Lions point made earlier this week on the board, I’m not making the art, but in some cases I’m heavily editing it or doing large scale coloring and touch ups…which has its own challenges for my developing level/lack of skill. It’s also a little creatively soul crushing to get excellent worker examples on a draw…you just can’t ultimately make work for the game. Many…too many…quality renders have been left on the cutting room floor over the last couple weeks because I just felt I couldn’t get them to look as good for the game as they do in PNG format. And don’t get me started on promotion logos, belts, and event logos. Whew…All hail @John Lions…patience of a saint. 

I have also noticed that the AI programs tend to provide higher quality at non-peak times and in streaks, meaning I get higher quality renders that match my prompt more closely and the renders are consistent to ones I have indicated to the program are a style I approve. Lately I have noticed I might get 8-10 renders that all seems to mirror quality and then it just drops off out of nowhere, either because I have exhausted my rate limit or because of traffic on the application.

So I just continue to take it slow and steady…

In other words the name of the game for me is quality vs. quantity…and I apologize in advance as I know that’s not super helpful advice…but consistency is something my brain craves and I try to strive for with the renders. That’s not easy sometimes with an unpredictable application that can be given some instruction, but is largely just trying its best to hit key words in the prompt. 

Not sure if any of that is helpful, but that’s kind of my process…keep fishing until I find one I don’t want to put back and then make the best out of it. If anybody has any additional specific question though, feel free to DM me and I’ll do my best to help however I can and thank you for your continued interest in the renders. Always feels gratifying to know others are enjoying what I’m creating for my save and trying to put out there to maybe bring some joy to yours too.

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6 hours ago, WalterSobchak said:

@Black Pegasus II

I’d be open to answer any questions you have in DM, but to be honest I think my prompt strategy has possibly more to do with multiple rolls/regens and knowing exactly what level of quality I need when I see it then it does construction. 

Meaning that my prompts from a construction standpoint are really no different than what @John Lions @Atticus have already shared in the AI thread. Sometimes I’m very specific with character details and sometimes I’m not depending on what I’m trying to create physically for a worker or a gimmick. Sometimes you really just get lucky.  

Now that said, I also have honestly regenerated a worker render or slightly tweaked a prompt 30-40 times in some cases and for some workers until I’ve gotten exactly the prospective and lighting I’ll know I need to make a 150x150 render look good in the game.

This is a slippery slope because looking back to earlier renders… I already want to go back and redo some of my TCW ones because of what I know now will work and look better coming out of the draw and/or some of my SWF ones because ultimately I had to declare no joy and move forward…

Looking at you Fastball Kobb…

To @John Lions point made earlier this week on the board, I’m not making the art, but in some cases I’m heavily editing it or doing large scale coloring and touch ups…which has its own challenges for my developing level/lack of skill. It’s also a little creatively soul crushing to get excellent worker examples on a draw…you just can’t ultimately make work for the game. Many…too many…quality renders have been left on the cutting room floor over the last couple weeks because I just felt I couldn’t get them to look as good for the game as they do in PNG format. And don’t get me started on promotion logos, belts, and event logos. Whew…All hail @John Lions…patience of a saint. 

I have also noticed that the AI programs tend to provide higher quality at non-peak times and in streaks, meaning I get higher quality renders that match my prompt more closely and the renders are consistent to ones I have indicated to the program are a style I approve. Lately I have noticed I might get 8-10 renders that all seems to mirror quality and then it just drops off out of nowhere, either because I have exhausted my rate limit or because of traffic on the application.

So I just continue to take it slow and steady…

In other words the name of the game for me is quality vs. quantity…and I apologize in advance as I know that’s not super helpful advice…but consistency is something my brain craves and I try to strive for with the renders. That’s not easy sometimes with an unpredictable application that can be given some instruction, but is largely just trying its best to hit key words in the prompt. 

Not sure if any of that is helpful, but that’s kind of my process…keep fishing until I find one I don’t want to put back and then make the best out of it. If anybody has any additional specific question though, feel free to DM me and I’ll do my best to help however I can and thank you for your continued interest in the renders. Always feels gratifying to know others are enjoying what I’m creating for my save and trying to put out there to maybe bring some joy to yours too.

No, Dude, that's all very helpful. Thank you @WalterSobchak.

Lets go bowling (for renders)

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