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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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33 minutes ago, Old School Fan said:

To do that, I'd suggest the new ownership revive the America's title and put it on Tully, then start up a program with Sarge and let Tully do what he does best (like he did back in the JCP days).

You know the midnight express was tapped in becoming horsemen back in wcw but Jim herd vetoed it. Having them ally with Tully would be nice, hell if Jim cornette's still managing it could be the building blocks of camp cornette being this super heel faction for the awa.

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4 hours ago, smartman said:

Wait, I'm only right on one of those? Boooooooooo! I wanted several of those to happen. Come on and sign The Midnight Express and push Tully to the moon.

I'm not answering that one way or the other. 😁 But something you mentioned on there is gonna happen, Everything else is subject to change.🤐

4 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

To do that, I'd suggest the new ownership revive the America's title and put it on Tully, then start up a program with Sarge and let Tully do what he does best (like he did back in the JCP days).

I just created a new belt. Can't you fans ever be content?! Sheesh! 🙃

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3 hours ago, sonny912 said:

You know the midnight express was tapped in becoming horsemen back in wcw but Jim herd vetoed it. Having them ally with Tully would be nice, hell if Jim cornette's still managing it could be the building blocks of camp cornette being this super heel faction for the awa.

Don't remember hearing about the Express/Horsemen deal. But, I remember reading in the Observer at the time that, after Flair arrived in '91, they wanted to bring in Cornette to be his manager but went with Heenan instead. How long did Heenan last on the road with Flair? A month or 2? Should've gone with Jimbo.

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Early in the morning:
Verne Gagne called his son Greg and told him about not triggering the opt-out clause. Greg was relieved and told his father he did the right thing. Verne agreed.
Greg and Verne had a heart-to-heart talk and apologized to each other for some of the things they'd said to each other over the last few weeks.
Greg went to work at AWA HQ a happy, and relieved, man.
Bill Watts and Jim Crockett both arrived about 9am to begin their first full day as new owners of the American Wrestling Association.
A little later in the day...
Watts was sitting in Crockett's office discussing business.
Watts: One of the things I want to do right away is put the kibosh on that planned match between Jerry Blackwell and announcer Lee Marshall vs. Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack. Let's kill it dead right now.
Jim: I agree. But how do you want to end it. I mean, it's been building for months now. You just want to drop it and not mention it anymore?
Watts: It will not mentioned on TV when we're in charge of the tapings starting next month. It's over in terms of TV. What I want to do, since some fans are expecting to see it, is have it on three house shows: here in St. Paul; in Milwaukee and Chicago. We'll also have it at next month's TVs in Vegas, but it will be a dark match.
The match just screams WWF. It's too much like that match from a few years ago where Hogan and announcer Gene Okerlund wrestled as a tag team in a match. Can't remember who it was against. But the match needs to be seen by as few fans as possible.
If we're gonna be the true alternative to the WWF then we need to start right now.
Jim: Sounds like a good plan. You deliver the match; just not on TV.
Watts: Also been looking over the roster this morning and looking where we could trim some fat as we move forward to save some money. We don't need a bloated roster right now.
Jim: I'm sure saving some money will make John (Waters) and Deb (Harry) happy. Especially since they're gonna look to re-vamp the look of our shows.
Got anybody in mind you want to cut right off the bat?
Watts: Not yet. Get back to me in a couple of weeks and I'll be able to give you a few names.
Jim: Let's not be too hasty with a decision on who to cut right now. We still need some lower card guys who can job to our bigger names.
Watts: Good point. But the axe is gonna have to start falling sooner rather than later.
Jim: I've been thinking about Jonnie Stewart the last couple of days. He seems to be getting a stop-and-start push. And with his gimmick as the 'Wrestler of the '90s', he needs to start going over* more.
Watts: I agree. Stewart's got a serious upside in my opinion too. He's a good heel and he can operate at the top or near the top of the card if pushed correctly and draw money.
Another thing I'm looking at are the announcers.
This guy Bischoff has a pretty good on-camera presence as an interviewer. I'd like to try him as the lead announcer on our syndicated show for a few episodes to see if he might work out.
Jim: What about Marshall and Blears?
Watts: Right now, we've got to stick with them. That may be for a few months. I'd like to move Marshall into an interviwer/ring announcer role for one of the shows and keep Larry Nelson on in that capacity for the other.
I think we need a name for the lead announcer position on the cable show that can really  make people sit up and take notice.
Jim: A guy with good knowledge of the business who can get it over to the fans.
Watts: Having some knowledge of how this business works would help but it's not totally necessary. Having a legit sports announcer would really get us some attention.
Jim: Do you have someone in mind?
Watts: I do. But I know it's a real long-shot at best.
He used to call WWF wrestling on St. Louis radio on occasion back in the mid-80s on KMOX radio.
Jim: Who is it?
Watts: Ever heard of Bob Costas?
Jim: The baseball guy? Sure. But, you know as well as I do he would not come cheap. Bet he would want several thousand dollars for each taping and that's if he agreed to do it in the first place.
Watts: Like I said: long-shot. But imagine the press he could bring us. This promotion is in such rough shape right now that, if we could land him, it would be the kind of cross-over attention we need.
Jim: Gonna have to talk with Jim, Deb and Jerry about that one.
Watts: I know. We'll have to sell them on a big picture vision to justify bringing him in.
Jim: Do you have a backup plan in case Costas does not materialize?
Watts: Sure do. I think Joe Pedicino would be a good announcer signing if we can't land Costas.
Jim: I like Joe. He could slide in and get the product over right away. Good wrestling mind.
Watts: As for the color analyst role for ESPN, at least, was thinking about Bill Apter.
Jim: My brother David's available as well.
Watts: You know, David working with Bischoff on the syndicated show might not be a bad idea.
Welcome to the new era of the AWA!
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Pulls out voodoo doll. "Please make Bischoff say something horrible on camera so he gets fired before he ruins the AWA." And before anyone says "They're taped in advance." Yeah, so were the NWA shows, and that didn't stop Cornette's racist joke from getting left in there so he'd get fired.

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4 hours ago, smartman said:

Pulls out voodoo doll. "Please make Bischoff say something horrible on camera so he gets fired before he ruins the AWA." And before anyone says "They're taped in advance." Yeah, so were the NWA shows, and that didn't stop Cornette's racist joke from getting left in there so he'd get fired.

Consider what DeBeers has said on my programs and IRL, I wouldn't bet on Bischoff slipping up.

The statement Cornette made that got him fired from the NWA was actually pretty tame IMO. Unfortunately, a lot of people are easily offended today. Cornette's remark would not have even registered on the controversy scale back in the '80s and '90s.

Edited by piperrulz
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Now that we've reached the conclusion of the sale ordeal, I'm gonna be taking a little break.

I've got several posts lined up and ready to go over the next few weeks (7 of the final 8 TV shows of the Verne Gagne era/2 or 3 Crockett/Watts meetings at AWA HQ).

These shows will be posted but I won't be responding much to comments for a bit. Just burned out writing right now.

New shows/posts will be posted every 3-5 days and not every other day like it was in the lead-up to the sale decision.

Thank you reading this diary/BTB.

Just keep in mind that the AWA will not be re-vamped overnight if it's to happen. It will take place over an extended period of time.

Saw one AWA BTB/diary on another site where Verne sold to some really rich guy and the roster went from medicore to top-notch by the next post. That won't happen here. It kills the realism.

This a marathon and not a sprint. And patience is a virtue. 😃

AWA 1989: The Strat-O-Matic Board Game of Pro Wrestling Diaries! 🤪

(I do love the Strat-O-Matic baseball and hockey board games. Don't know why I needed to say that. Just in a goofy mood right now.)

Hang in there, fans. We've got lots of interesting things coming up.

Thanks again for being a reader.


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Everyone has their own style of writing, but I for one would be happy with fully-written behind-the-curtain stuff and just post a very barebones show write-up. It's going to take a while for sure. I mean they could throw some money at a few guys that would jump at the chance to get good paydays while being probably 2 slots above their card pushes in the WWF or WCW/NWA. Mainly just hoovering up the people who left both places irl or would leave if they got a good offer is all I'd want or expect. But with Larry leaving that top of the card is really bare so fixing that is going to be the focus. And the wretched production values. They were terrible even for ESPN standards back then.

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18 hours ago, smartman said:

Everyone has their own style of writing, but I for one would be happy with fully-written behind-the-curtain stuff and just post a very barebones show write-up. It's going to take a while for sure. I mean they could throw some money at a few guys that would jump at the chance to get good paydays while being probably 2 slots above their card pushes in the WWF or WCW/NWA. Mainly just hoovering up the people who left both places irl or would leave if they got a good offer is all I'd want or expect. But with Larry leaving that top of the card is really bare so fixing that is going to be the focus. And the wretched production values. They were terrible even for ESPN standards back then.

Some people like more detailed shows and some prefer just to scan them and that's fine. I think it's important to stay abreast of what's happening in front of the camera as well. NWA/WCW was offering wrestlers guaranteed contracts by this time, so the situation to lure talent got even stickier. I agree... it's thin at the top.

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(Verne Gagne's last set of AWA on ESPN tapings.)
(Before the tapings began: Larry Nelson announced the results of the PWHC Tournament, Kokina-Blackwell match and AWA World Title match.)
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(1st Taping)
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers:
Nelson started the show off by announcing that Sgt. Slaughter regained the AWA World Title from Stan Hansen and Greg Valentine defeated Wahoo McDaniel in the tournament final to become the first-ever PWHC Champion
TV MAIN EVENT! From the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament (Round of 16)
Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Highlights from the PWHC Tournament, Kokina vs. Blackwell and the AWA World CVhmapionship match between Hansen (WC) and Sgt. Slaughter
Verne Gagne has a major announcement
A look back at Verne's decision on how Dallas Page of Badd Company would be punished for not returning the loot he stole from Ricky Rice after Rice of the Top Guns won a Christmas night Battle Royal


Post-match interview with Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey after Kokina's victory over Jerry Blackwell in a special feature match at the tournament
Non-Title: Sgt. Slaughter (WC)  sees action
Badd Co. (w/ DDP) wrestles
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.
Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over Vic Tayback via pinfall with his bulldog finisher
Sam and Dick got a good ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring.
Nelson: Sam Houston. After losing to then champion Stan Hansen in an AWA World Title match a few weeks back, you looked great in this match. Looks like that tough loss to Hansen has not set you back at all.
Sam: It was a tough loss to take, Larry. But in this sport you can't dwell too long on a loss. And Coach Murdoch has been a huge help to me. He really helped me re-set my thinking. I'm back. I'm focused. And I know without a doubt that I will be a contender again one day very soon.
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Coach Dick Murdoch, you've got to like the way young Sam Houston has bounced back from the tough loss to Stan Hansen.
Dick: He's been a great student, Larry. The best guy I've ever trained for professional wrestling.
Sam took some time to reflect on the loss, make adjustments for the next title match and get mentally focused on the task at hand, which is winning wrestling matches.
Nelson: You seem to... Oh, no!
Loud boos as Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle and stepped into the ring and walked up to Houston and Murdoch.
Nelson: Col. DeBeers! You're not scheduled to wrestle on the pro...
DeBeers: Shut it, Nelson!
I came out here for one thing!
Sam Houston, you talk all this American self-help nonsense from your so-called guru here in Dick Murdoch and about getting re-focused after a loss and all that garbage!
Well, boy! The Colonel came out here to bring you back down to reality! You are the shining example of everything that's wrong with this country! And because of your vile American ways... these American idiot fans out here cheer for you because you come out here in your little cowboy hat and wrestling boots that look like cowboy boots, and you kiss the ass of these clowns for what?! So they'll give you a few cheers! Seems like the great American way if you ask me! Whore yourself for applause and a few bucks!
Sam, you need to...
Sam: Col. DeBeers! You need to put a lid on it!
Fans cheered.
Sam: You know what. I'll admit that I'm biased. I love America and all she stands for!
Crowd cheered.
Sam: You come out here all the time and run your piehole about what a superior man you are! You run down people who don't look like you! You trash America!
What is it that you want from me, Colonel?!
DeBeers: If you translate what Sam Houston just said, it goes like this: I'm a decadent, snotty piece of American trash who hates people who are better than me and are people of character!
Houston! I want to show you and everyone out here that I am truly the better man! I come from better stock and a better country with sane folkways! Afrikaners are a proud and mighty people! We look out for each other and that's the best thing to do for South Africa as a whole!
You, being the typical American, believe in the typical greedy, immoral free-for-all that's just me, me, me!
I challenge you to a match, Sam Houston! And when you lose to me, maybe then you'll learn a thing or two about respecting your betters
and re-examine what it means to be an American!
Study South Africa and learn from it, Houston!
Loud boos and some trash thrown in the ring.
Sam: DeBeers! I accept your challenge for a match!
And after I'm done beating you, maybe you'll learn a little respect for Ol' Glory and the freedom she flies for!
Big pop from the crowd.
Nelson: The gauntlet has been thrown down! We'll see what happens with Col. DeBeers and Sam Houston!
Pic aired of Dallas Page with the caption: NEXT... $500 A DAY!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from All-Star Wrestling where Verne announced his decision on DDP's punishment for stealing the $50K Ricky Rice won in the Battle Royal.
In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing mid-ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time, AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Nice crowd response as Verne, in a suit and tie, made his way to the ring and climbed in.
Nelson: Good to see you, Verne.
Verne: Great to be here, Larry.
Before I make my announcement, would Badd Comapny and their manager Dallas Page please come to the ring.
Badd Co. and DDP came to the ring down the heel aisle to the strains of the song Bad Company by Bad Company. They were also serenaded by the boos of the fans.
They three climbed into the ring and briefly played to the booing fans.
Verne: Could the Top Guns please come to the ring?
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins played and out came the Top Guns down the face aisle to a fairly strong crowd reax.
The pair climbed in the ring and briefly played to the fans.
Verne: First of all, let me just say that there will be no violence between you right now. Save that for your matches. If there is a violent confrontation between the two sides during my announcement, both teams will be suspended and hit with fines of $20,000 dollars.
Mixed crowd reaction to Verne's announcement.
Verne: Dallas, a few weeks ago I came out here and told you that if you did not give Ricky Rice back the $50 grand you stole from him in the Christmas night Battle Royal at Brawl In St. Paul 2, I was going to come up with a punishment for you.
So, after giving it some serious thought recently, I've made my decision.
Dallas Page, I'm fining you $500 dollars...
DDP: Ha! $500 dollars! That's it?! Here!
Page pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans and started to reach in and pull out the fine money.
Verne: You did not let me finish. I am fining you $500 dollars a day for every day you do not return the money to Ricky Rice! And the fines start today!
Big pop from the crowd.
Page blew a gasket.
DDP: What the... $500 dollars a day! That's theft, Verne! That's theft!
Verne: You're the last one who should be talking about theft, Dallas! Give Rice the Battle Royal money or watch the fines continue to pile up with each passing day!
Crowd popped.
Tanaka and Diamond wanted to go after Verne but DDP kept them at bay.
Verne: Smart move keeping your men back, Dallas. Attacking an AWA official is an automatic $10,000 dollar fine!
DDP: We'll go to court over this! This will not stand! That money's mine with interest because they cost me $25 grand of my own money that I put up in a World Tag Team Title match a few months back!
Verne: Take us to court then, Dallas! Just remember: you lose the case you have to pay all the legal fees as well!
Do yourself a huge favor and just give back the money and do it quickly! Save yourself the trouble of fines piling up!
DDP: I'm calling my lawyer! See you in court, old man!
DDP and Badd Co. stormed out of the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.
Verne: Ricky, we're gonna get that money back for you one way or the other. You won the Battle Royal so it's your money.
Rice and Dukes shook hands with Verne.
Rice: Thank you, Verne. I have no doubt the money will now be returned to me. The only question is when and where.
Verne: It's like the Old West. Never come between a man and his money.
Nelson: We'll see how all this plays out in the days and weeks ahead. Verne Gagne and the Top Guns, everybody!
Crowd pooped.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he didn't think DDP had a viable legal case against Verne and the AWA. Said the question should be long before DDP will return the money.

Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY HIGHLIGHTS!!!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
In-Studio: Larry Nelson put over how good the PWHC Tournament and two special matches were down in Anaheim on Feb. 17.
Nelson then intro'd a 3-minute video featuring highlights from the historic tournament.
Music for the video: Round Up from NFL Films
In-Studio: Nelson talked about what a great event it was. Said that, in the coming weeks, an announcement was coming about another big AWA show and to keep watching AWA programming.
Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview from the tournament with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey after Kokina defeated Blackwell in their match in Anaheim.
Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with mic in hand with El-Kaissey. The Masked Doctor and the victorious Kokina were standing behind Kaissey.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff coming to you from the locker room of Kokina Maximus, his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and their doctor.
Kokina defeated Jerry Blackwell in their match here in Anaheim today.
Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, your man Kokina Maximus got his toughest test to date from Jerry Blackwell but prevailed in the end.
Sheik: So many fans out there were excited coming into this match. They thought Jerry Blackwell, the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain', would be the man who finally toppled Kokina.
But they were wrong!
Jerry Blackwell may have put up a fight! But just like everyone else who has faced Kokina here in the AWA he lost the battle!
And taking down Blackwell is just the start! Kokina is just getting started! And his rampage through the AWA will continue until he has the AWA World Title handed to him! You cannot stop a speeding train coming down the tracks! Kokina is the train and he's taking out every AWA wrestler on the roster!
And then after he becomes the World Champion there will still be stopping him! No one can topple this man! Just look at him!
Kokina glaring menacingly with arms folded.
Eric: After the match, Kokina further brutalized the downed Blackwell with a big splash and his Bonzai Drop finisher. Was it necessary for him to take liberties with a defeated opponent like that?
Kaissey: It was necessary to show the rest of the AWA the destruction this man can cause! No one is safe when they step into the ring with him! Let them all be put on notice!
February 17th in Anaheim, California was the day Kokina Maximus officially arrived in the AWA and he's taking no prisoners!
Beware, AWA! Beware!
Kokina's coming and he's coming for you!
Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT:.. THE CHAMP AGAIN!
Non-Title: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) defeated Bob Crane via submission with the Cobra Clutch
Sarge got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring. He had the title around his waist. Once in the ring, Sarge saluted the fans.
Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter! Congratulations on becoming the AWA World Champion for the second time!
Fans cheered.
Sarge: Thank you, Larry. I gotta admit being the World Champion again feels good. Real good.
Nelson: Your match with Stan Hansen in Anaheim on February 17th was a wild, bloody battle! The fans were on the edges of their seats the entire time!
Sarge: It was a fight. And I was fighting to save my career. If I lost to Hansen, I would not be standing here in front of these great fans today.
More cheers.
Sarge: And the fans played a key role in propelling me to victory in Anaheim! The support of the fans kept me going! There were times in the match when my career was hanging in the balance! But, the great AWA fans gave me the strength to keep on fighting and the end result speaks for itself!
More cheers.
Nelson: You're gonna have a lot of wrestlers lining up to challenge you for that belt. One of them will obviously be the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.
Sarge: Valentine made quite an impact in the tournament! I know he's chomping at the bit to get a shot at me and this belt! He has to be the number one contender based on being the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion! I expect a challenge from him real soon!
Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, everybody!
Crowd cheered as Sarge hoisted the belt in the air with both hands.
In-Studio: Nelson said it was one of the wildest matches he's ever seen between Sarge and Hansen in Anaheim. Said Hansen is as tough a customer as they come but Sarge rose to the challenge and pulled it out in the end and now will not have to retire.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
Larry Nelson was standing in front of the AWA logo with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Nelson: I'm standing here with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne, we hear you have some major news for the fans.
Verne: I do, Larry.
First, next week here on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, our main event will be Col. DeBeers vs. Sam Houston.
Nelson: Wow! That promises to be quite a main event!
Verne: The fans are getting tired of DeBeers' antics. And Houston is one of the young lions of the sport. It should be quite a match.
Nelson: I'm sure it will be quite the battle.
Verne: And, after Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack attacked my son Greg after Greg's match with Jack a couple of weeks ago, and Jake Milliman came to my son's aid, we're also gonna have a tag match pitting Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack against Greg and Jake Milliman.
Nelson: Looks like quite a show next week.
What's your next announcement?
Verne: In two weeks, we're gonna have quite an episode of AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.
Wendi Richter will be battling Candi Divine.
Also, Badd Company, the biggest headache in the AWA right now, will go up against the Top Guns. The winner of the match will then get an AWA World Tag Team Title match at a future date.
Nelson: Sounds like a great show, already. What else will be happening on the show in two weeks?
Verne: We know of the bad blood between The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko. We know a mysterious masked man interfered and cost
The Trooper his match against Zbyszko in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament qualifying round.
Well, the main event in two weeks, right here on ESPN, it's gonna be Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper.
Nelson: What a main event! Already looking forward to it!
Verne: But there's more.
To make sure there's no outside interference in the match, Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper will take place in the confines of a steel cage.
Nelson: In a cage! Wow! That's gonna make things even more interesting! On a scale of 1-10, the match now registers at a 20!
Verne: We're gonna see if Zbyszko can defeat The Trooper without any outside help.
Nelson: And that's in two weeks right here on ESPN!
Verne: It is gonna be big.
Nelson: Fans! You heard from AWA promoter Verne Gagne! The next two shows here on ESPN are gonna be ones you can't miss!
In-Studio: Nelson discussed the next 2 big episodes of the AWA on ESPN.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.
Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Bartles & James via pinfall when Pat Tanaka pinned James with their slingshot DDT (Diamond catapualts opponent to Tanaka who hits opponent with a jumping DDT) finisher
Badd Co. and DDP loudly booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring.
During the match, announcers discussed DDP being fined $500 dollars a day for each day he does not give back the $50 grand he stole from Ricky Rice after Rice won the Christmas Night Battle Royal.
Video footage aired of the Iron Sheik vs. Jake Milliman match from the PWHC Tournament with the caption: NEXT... MILK SHARPENS IRON!!!
In-Studio: Nelson talked about the great tournament to decide the first-ever PWH Champion.
Then intro'd the Jake Milliman-Iron Sheik match from the first round of the tournament as the TV main event.
TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik (PWHC Tournament - Round 1)
Iron Sheik came down the heel aisle in his trademark ring attire and waving the flag of Iran. He was roundly booed.
Once in the ring, Sheik took the mic from ring announcer Larry Nelson. He had the mic in one hand and the Iranian flag on a pole in the other.
Sheik: Iran #1! Down with the USA! Ach! Pooey!
Sheik spat on the mat which was good for hygenic reasons.
Crowd booed lustily,
Sheik handed the mic back to Larry Nelson and placed the flag upright in the corner. Sheik dropped to his knees in front of the flag and did a combination bowing to the flag/bowing towards Mecca,
Fans now more livid.
A brief pause...
Fans roared as they saw Jake Milliman, the longest-shot in the tournament, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. It was the loudest reaction of the afternoon for any wrestler.
Jake stepped in the ring and walked around the and cupped his hand to his ear as the fans continued to roar for the scrappy journeyman.
Jake then tore off the '2% Forever' t-shirt he was wearing and tossed it into the crowd.
Sheik jumped Jake from behind and pounded away on 'The Milkman'.
Ref called for the bell.
Sheik dominated the match and it looked like Jake's run in the tournament would end here.
Sheik put on a clinic. He worked over Jake with amateur-style wrestling moves and treated Jake like, well, a jobber. Sheik whipped the over-matched Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a headbutt to the chest that dropped Jake. Sheik for the over. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Fans popped. Sheik stomped on Jake and yelled at Jake to get to his feet. Crowd chanting Jake's name. Jake made it to his feet and Sheik went to kick Jake but Jake caught the former WWF World Champion's foot. Sheik tried to beg off but Jake caught Sheik with head shots as the fans continued roaring. Jake spun Sheik all the way around and nailed Sheik with a clothesline. Sheik crashed to the mat. Jake snapped up Sheik, whipped Sheik into the ropes and caught Sheik coming off with a headbutt  to the chest and Sheik crashed to the mat. Jake for the cover. 1...2... Sheik kicked out. Fans groaned. Jake grabbed the Sheik and slammed Sheik's head into the top buckle. Sheik spun around and Jake whipped Sheik into the opposite buckles and moved in and popped the Sheik with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Fans reacting to everything Jake does. Jake pulled Sheik out of the corner and nailed Sheik with a suplex. Jake pointed at the ropes. Crowd to its feet. Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but Sheik rolled out of the way and Jake crashed to the mat. Jake down. Sheik to his feet and stomped away on Jake. Sheik snapped up Jake and nailed him with a gut drop over the knee. Jake in a bad way. Chants for Jake continued. Sheik then snapped Jake up and nailed Jake with a gutwrench suplex. Sheik for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Fans loved Jake's scrapiness. Sheik kept up the assault by choking the downed Jake and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Sheik up and told the ref to step back. Sheik stomped on Jake and told Jake to get to his feet. Jake struggled to get to his feet. Once up, Sheik grabbed Jake, whipped Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a pointed toe boot to the gut. Jake stumbled forward and went down by the ropes.Sheik moved in as Jake was getting up and caught Jake in the abdominal stretch. Fans urging Jake not to submit. As the ref checked on Jake, Sheik grabbed the top rope for leverage. Fans yelling at the ref to look over. Sheik let go of the rope just as the ref looked over and the rope was shaking. Ref looked over at Sheik, still with Jake in the hold and Sheik shook his head 'No!' that he didn't grab the rope. Ref went back to checking on Jake and Sheik again grabbed the top rope for leverage to put extra pressure on the hold. Ref looked over and caught Sheik holding the top rope and ordered a break. Sheik let go of Jake and Jake went down in pain. Sheik had a few choice words for the ref. Jake got on all fours and Sheik booted Jake in the top of the head. Sheik grabbed Jake, whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch coming off with a backdrop but Jake leapfrogged Sheik. spun around, grabbed Sheik around the waist and ran Sheik into the ropes for a roll-up for the pin. 1...2...thr... Sheik kicked Jake off. Loud crowd groan. Both men up and Sheik went to punch Jake but Jake blocked the punch try and fired away on Sheik with punches as the fans ate it up.
Jake whipped Sheik into the ropes and caught Sheik coming off with a kick to the gut and rolled Sheik up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Sheik kicked out. Another loud groan from the fans. Both men up and Sheik caught Jake with a series of kicks to the gut. Sheik grabbed Jake, placed his pointed-toe boot on the top buckle and slammed Jake's head into it. Jake staggered off Sheik clubbed Jake in the back with a double sledge (aka, two-fisted backsmash, double axe handle). Jake spun around and Sheik nailed Jake with some punches and then caught Jake and took him over with a hip toss. Sheik stomped on Jake's head. Crowd all in for Jake. Jake to his feet and Sheik hit Jake with a dropkick that sent Jake crashing back to the mat. Jake struggling. Crowd urging him on. Sheik picked up Jake and popped him with another gut drop across the knee. Jake front-down on the mat. Sheik moved in for the kill and stomped Jake in the back and then caught Jake in the Camel Clutch. Crowd really loud now. Jake not giving up. Jake fighting through the pain. Suddenly, Jake's body language changed. He started to shake in the hold. Jake waved his finger at the ref signaling he was still fighting. Jake suddenly started to make his way his feet with Sheik holding on for dear life now. Jake to his feet with Sheik still on his back. Fans going crazy. Jake backed into the corner and Sheik slammed back-first into the buckles, lost his grip on the hold and crashed on his back in the ring. Jake found the strength to run, hit the ropes and come off with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher that connected. Crowd exploded. Jake covered Sheik and hooked the leg as the fans counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans let out a roar you wouldn't believe. Jake up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Jake grabbed at his back, still feeling the pain from the Camerl Clutch. Jake stood in the ring for a moment recovering and he also saluted the fans.
Nelson: In a time of 11 minutes, 8 seconds....your winner...Jake 'The Milkman' Milliman!
Crowd going crazy with joy.
Jake took the mic from Larry Nelson.
Jake: I dedicate this win to all you 'Milk-A-Maniacs' out there! 2% Forever!
Jake then struck some bodybuilder poses.
More roaring from the crowd as Jake handed off the mic, left the ring, slapped hands with some of the happy fans at ringside and made his way back up the face aisle as the fans cheered their conquering hero.
WINNER:  Milliman - Pinfall - 11:03
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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(Before the taping: Announcer Larry Nelson ran down the results of the PWHC Tournament, Kokina vs. Blackwell and the AWA World Title Match from Anaheim.)
(Verne Gagne's final set of  All-Star Wrestling tapings.)
(# - Aired on another AWA program.)
(1st Taping)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT (From the 1st Round of the PWHC Tournament): Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
A major announcement from AWA promoter Verne Gagne
An interview with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey after Kokina's win over Jerry Blackwell at the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim
A look back at last week's assault by Larry Zbyszko on The Trooper
The Top Guns wrestle
Wendi Richter wrestles
Tommy Rich & Cactus Jack in tag team action
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Sheboygan
Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Larry Flynt via pinfall with his cradle suplex (Perfect Plex) into a bridgeout finisher
Rheingans got a decent response from the crowd coming down the face aisle to the ring. Rheingans slapped hands with fans along the way.
During the match, crowd booed as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle to boos with notepad and pin in hand and once again took notes while watching the bout.
Rheingans noticed her and was briefly distracted, which almost allowed Flynt to almost score the upset victory.
Valerie left ringside as soon as the match ended.
Nelson: Brad Rheingans! Rumors are starting to swirl that you and Ken Patera may be getting back together to make another run at the tag team championships. Can you give us any details?
Brad: Larry, Ken and I have been talking about reuniting as a team. We came within an eyelash of beating the Destruction Crew and winning those belts before. And we think we can finish the job this time if we get back together.
Nelson: There's no ambiguity in that statement. And these fans would love to see you guys reunite because it feels so good.
Brad: It depends on who you're reuniting with.
Nelson: That's true.
Now, onto another burning issue. We keep seeing Valerie coming out here and scouting matches that you're in. Have you been in
contact with her about possibly joining the stable she's trying to form?
Brad: I've never spoken to Valerie. And, I can tell you this, I would never join her stable if she wanted me to. I think Valerie's bad news.
Just look at how she manages Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi. I prefer to go to sleep at night knowing that I did my job honorably, win or lose.
Nelson: It also seems like she might be scouting Ken Patera.
Brad: It looks like she's scouting a lot of wrestlers here in the AWA. I know Ken well enough to tell you that he'd never work for someone like Valerie, either. He has too much pride and respect for himself to do that.
Nelson: Brad Rheingans, everybody!
Fair amount of cheers for the man with the Hulk Hogan-sized charisma, Brad Rheingans.
Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko about to bash The Trooper in the back of the head with his protest sign with the caption: NEXT... THAT'S A FELONY!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's attack on The Trooper by Larry Zbyszko on ASW.
# Nelson: How do you think this whole thing will end up between you and Zbyszko?
Trooper: One of us is gonna win the war for respect! That's what is at the heart of this matter! The fans out here love the police! They know the thin blue line is vital to keeping this company from falling into complete chaos!
Zbyszko wants to see everything go to hell in this country! He hates the police! He's a...
Crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko came down the heel aisle holding up a sign on a pole.
Zbyszko marched around the ring with his sign.
Nelson: His sign reads: End bad policing and fire The Trooper.
Trooper: Zbyszko's an idiot!
Crowd popped as Zbyszko continued to march around the ring with his sign.
Trooper: This man wants to end the police because he wants mayhem in America!
Zbyszko, why don't you step into this ring!
Crowd cheered as Zbyszko stopped marching and looked up at The Trooper.
Zbyszko then climbed up on the apron.
Trooper: Put the sign down, son! Fight like a man!
Crowd buzzing.
Zbyszko laid the sign on the apron and started to step in the ring. Trooper moved on him and Zbyszko bailed to the apron and Trooper yelled for Zbyszko to climb in the ring..
Fans heckling Zbyszko.
Zbyszko turned to face the crowd and started yelling at them. Trooper went over, spun Zbyszko around and popped Zbyszko with punches. Zbyszko on wobbly legs holding onto the top rope. Trooper grabbed the top rope and catapaulted Zbyszko into the ring. Zbyszko crashed to the mat as the fans roared. Trooper snapped Zbyszko up, whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and Zbyszko grabbed the top rope and Trooper charged over and clotheslined Zbyszko over the top rope and Zbyszko crashed to the floor as the fans ate it up.
Trooper went over and started talking to Larry Nelson again.
Trooper: Zbyszko! You wanna fight with the law! Well, the law's gonna win! It's got to! This is much bigger than a wrestling war, Larry!
Trooper and Nelson were facing the camera as Zbyszko crawled over and grabbed his sign on the pole and climbed up on the apron behind Nelson and Trooper.
Trooper: Larry Zbyszko is simply bad news, man! Just plain ol' bad news! He's got to learn to...
Zbyszko snuck in the ring behind Trooper and Nelson and... WHAM!
Zbyszko struck Trooper in the back of the head and back with the pole. Trooper crashed to the mat as the fans booed.
Zbyszko: You just got a taste of real anarchy, Trooper! I'm fighting to end bad policing! And you embody bad policing!


Zbyszko stormed out of the ring with his sign on a pole and angrily headed back up the heel aisle as The Trooper slowly recovered in the ring.

In-Studio: Nelson said they'd have comments from both Trooper and Zbyszko on next week's program.
Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... THE CONTENDER!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Wendi Richter won a squash match over Amy Shumer with her  powerbomb finisher
Richter was cheered coming down the face aisle  to the ring.
Nelson:  Wendi Richter! You're still hot on the heels of the Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi. One thing I've noticed about the two of you is that you both use a variation of the powerbomb.
Wendi: You know, Larry, how about this? Magnificent Mimi... I challenge you to a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match!
Fans cheered.
Wendi: First one to powerbomb the other is the winner!
Nelson: That would be quite the match to see. Both of you have devastating powerbombs. We'd have to get an answer from the champ and her manager on this one.
Wendi: You do that! If Mimi's as tough as she brags she is, then she'll want to have this match! We'll see who can deliver the powerbomb more effectively!
Nelson: People will be lining up to buy tickets to see that match-up!
Wendi: And Mimi! We will wrestle each other again for the title! I'm gunning for you, gal! And I won't stop until I've ripped the Women's Title from your grasp!
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!
Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... SHEIK SPEAK!
In-Studio: Nelson talked about what a great event it was. Said that, in the coming weeks, an announcement was coming about another big AWA show and to keep watching AWA programming.
Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview from the tournament with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey after Kokina defeated Blackwell in their match in Anaheim.
Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with mic in hand with El-Kaissey. The Masked Doctor and the victorious Kokina were standing behind Kaissey.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff coming to you from the locker room of Kokina Maximus, his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and their doctor.
Kokina defeated Jerry Blackwell in their match here in Anaheim today.
Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, your man Kokina Maximus got his toughest test to date from Jerry Blackwell but Kokina prevailed in the end.
Sheik: So many fans out there were excited coming into this match. They thought Jerry Blackwell, the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain, would be the man who finally toppled Kokina.
But they were wrong!
Jerry Blackwell may have put up a fight! But just like everyone else who has faced Kokina here in the AWA he lost the battle!
And taking down Blackwell is just the start! Kokina is just getting started! And his rampage through the AWA will continue until he has the AWA World Title handed to him! You cannot stop a speeding train coming down the tracks! Kokina is the train and he's taking out every wrestler on the AWA roster!
And then after he becomes the World Champion there will still be stopping him! No one can topple this man! Just look at him!
Kokina glaring menacingly with arms folded.
Eric: After the match, Kokina further brutalized the downed Blackwell with a big splash and his Bonzai Drop finisher. Was it necessary for him to take liberties with a defeated opponent like that?
Kaissey: It was necessary to show the rest of the AWA the destruction this man can cause! No one is safe when they step into the ring with him! Let them all be put on notice!
February 17th in Anaheim, California was the day Kokina Maximus officially arrived in the AWA and he's taking no prisoners!
Beware, AWA! Beware!
Kokina's coming and he's coming for you!



In-Studio: Nelson said Kokina's a threat to the entire AWA and the AWA needs to do whatever it takes to stop him.
Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... THE GUNS!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Peter Griffin & Glen Quagmire via pinfall when Dukes pinned Quagmire after a double dropkick
Guns came down the face aisle to a decent response from the crowd and slapped hands with fans along the way.
Once in the ring, they briefly played to the fans.
Announcers talked about the situation between the Guns and Badd Co. and their manager Dallas Page during the match.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed the situation between the Guns and Badd Co. and said that, as of this broadcast, the $500 daily fines for DDP were adding up for not returning the money he stole from Ricky Rice after Rice won $50 grand in a Christmas night Battle Royal.
Hyped the TV main event from the first round of the PWHC Tournament: Wahoo vs. Chris Adams.
Pic aired of Verne Gagne with the caption: NEXT... MAJOR NEWS!!!
Larry Nelson was standing in front of the AWA logo with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Nelson: I'm standing here with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Verne, we hear you have some major news for the fans.
Verne: I do, Larry.
First, next week here on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, our main event will be Col. DeBeers vs. Sam Houston.
Nelson: Wow! That promises to be quite a main event!
Verne: The fans are getting tired of DeBeers' antics. And Houston is one of the young lions of the sport. It should be quite a match.
Nelson: I'm sure it will be quite the battle.


Verne: And, after Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack attacked my son Greg after Greg's match with Jack a couple of weeks ago, and Jake Milliman came to my son's aid, we're also gonna have a tag match pitting Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack against my son Greg and Jake Milliman.

Nelson: Looks like quite a show next week.
What's your next announcement?
Verne: In two weeks, we're gonna have quite an episode of AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.
Wendi Richter will be battling Candi Divine.
Also, Badd Company, the biggest headache in the AWA right now, will go up against the Top Guns. The winner of the match will then get an AWA World Tag Team Title match at a future date.
Nelson: Sounds like a great show, already. What else will be happening on the show in two weeks?
Verne: We know of the bad blood between The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko. We know a mysterious masked man interfered and cost The Trooper his match against Zbyszko in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament qualifying round.
Well, the main event in two weeks, right here on ESPN, it's gonna be Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper.
Nelson: What a main event! Already looking forward to it!
Verne: But there's more.
To make sure there's no outside interference in the match, Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper will take place in the confines of a steel cage.
Nelson: In a cage! Wow! That's gonna make things even more interesting! On a scale of 1-10, the match now registers at a 20!
Verne: We're gonna see if Zbyszko can defeat The Trooper without any outside help.
Nelson: And that's in two weeks right here on ESPN!
Verne: It is gonna be big.
Nelson: Fans! You heard it from AWA promoter Verne Gagne! The next two shows here on ESPN are gonna be ones you can't miss!



In-Studio: Nelson hyped the next two episodes of AWA on ESPN.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Sheboygan.
Cactus Jack & Tommy Rich won a squash match over Chuck Woolery & Chuck Barris via pinfall when Rich pinned Barris with his Thesz press finisher
The pair was mainly booed coming to the ring but also had their fans.
Jack did the usual Jack craziness, including the running elbow smash off the apron to the floor on Woolery and the running clothesline that took both he and Barris over the top rope down to the floor
Split-screen pic of Wahoo and Chris Adams with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
In-Studio: Before going to the main event, Nelson hyped for next week: AWA World Champ Sgt. Slaughter wrestles; an interview with the new PWHC Greg Valentine; the TV Main Event (From the first round of the PWHC Tournament): Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito; and highlights from the PWHC Tournament..
Nelson sent it to the TV main.
TV MAIN EVENT (From the first round of the PWHC Tournament): Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams
Adams came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos. Once in the ring, Adams briefly played to the crowd to more booing.
Wahoo came down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation; the strongest response of the night for any face.
The match started out as a back-and-forth battle with some close calls that had the fans on the edges of their seats. The match then settled into a see-saw affair. Wahoo did his usual chop offense during the match, opening up a small cut on Adams' chest.
End of the match saw Wahoo on the offensive. Wahoo worked over Adams with chops and then whipped Adams into the ropes and looked to catch Adams coming off with a backdrop but Adams leapfrogged Wahoo, spun around and locked Wahoo in the sleeper. Crowd urging on Wahoo. Wahoo started to fade in the hold and dropped to a knee. The ref lifted Wahoo's arm twice and it dropped back by his side. Ref lifted Wahoo's arm a third time and Wahoo kept it in the air to the delight of the crowd. Wahoo got to his feet still locked in the hold. Wahoo maneuvered around and backed Adams hard into the turnbuckles to free himself from the sleeper. Wahoo laid into Adams with brutal open-hand chest chop, the slap of flesh heard throughout the arena. Wahoo whipped Adams into the opposite buckles and Adams slammed hard into them, bounced out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Wahoo moved in on the downed Adams and Adams surprised Wahoo by kicking Wahoo with both legs while still on his back. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Adams and Wahoo both up. Adams hit Wahoo with a series of forearms shivers to the side of the head and then suplexed the Indian star. Adams  nailed Wahoo with a diving headbutt. Adams for the cover. 1...2...thr... Wahoo kicked out. Crowd popped. Adams up and caught Wahoo with a boot to the side of the ribs. Wahoo in pain. Adams pulled Wahoo  to his feet and whipped Wahoo into the buckles and Wahoo slammed front-first into them. Wahoo turned and walked out of the corner and was greeted by a series of stiff chest chops from Adams. Wahoo stunned and staggering around. Adams then hit another chest chop and Wahoo started to stiffen. Adams hit another chest chop with less effectiveness. Adams then chopped Wahoo again and Wahoo no sold it and started walking around in the ring. Adams was shocked. Adams hit Wahoo with another chop and then Wahoo tore into Adams with a blistering series of chest chops, which opened up Adams' earlier chest wound even more. Wahoo popped Adams with a chop to the top of the head, whipped Adams into the ropes and caught Adams coming off with his big chop finisher as the crowd exploded. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Loudest pop of the afternoon so far. Wahoo up feeling at his chest from all the chops.and the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 12:47
Edited by piperrulz
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(Verne Gagne's last set of AWA on ESPN tapings.)


(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston vs. Col. DeBeers
Cactus Jack & Tommy Rich vs. Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne
Comments from The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko before their big cage match next week on AWA on ESPN PLUS! A look at Zbyszko's assault on the The Trooper on ASW two weeks ago.
An interview with new PWH Champion Greg Valentine
Akio Sato laces 'em up
And more!
Nelson then sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Dino Crocetti via pinfall with his diving splash finisher
Blackwell came down the face aisle to a good response and slapped hands with fans along the way.
Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, things didn't quite go the way you'd hoped against Kokina Maximus in Anaheim on February 17th. Kokina emerged the victor in a very tough, unforgiving match-up.
Where are you at mentally and physically right now?
Jerry: Larry, the people who saw my match with Kokina in the Anaheim Convention Center know that I gave it my all to beat him. It was a rough battle between two big men. In the end, Kokina prevailed.
But, the people saw that I pushed him to his absolute limit and came close to pulling out the victory on more than one occasion during the match. I know if I can face him again there's a good chance the result will be different.
Nelson: You two did match-up with each other very well. And it was a back-and-forth battle from the opening bell. The fans in the arena were on the edges of their seats during the match.
It has to be frustrating to come oh-so-close to beating a wrestler like Kokina who, until you wrestled him, absolutely dominated his opponents. You brought the fight to the big Samoan.
Jerry: I'll be blunt. I want another match with Kokina!
Fans cheered.
Nelson; Kokina violently attacked you after the match when you were in a defenseless position. You had just lost and he splashed you a second time and then hit you with his Bonzai Drop to the chest.
Jerry: My chest still hurts form the post-match assault by Kokina! He didn't have to do what he did after the match! He did it because I was down and hurting from the brutality of the match and his scummy manager urged him on!
Based on what Kokina did to me after the match alone should give me another crack at the guy!
Verne Gagne! I know you're here tonight! Make the re-match: Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell!
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!
Fans cheered.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed the Kokina-Blackwell match and said it was a true battle of the behemoths and that every move in the match made an impact.
Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... NEW CHAMP!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd an interview with new PWHC Greg Valentine just moments after Valentine won the title, defeating Wahoo McDaniel in the final of the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim.
Interviewer Eric Bischoff, mic in hand, was standing in the locker room with PHWC Greg Valentine. Valentine was still in his ring attire, dripping with sweat and had the belt slung over his shoulder.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff in the locker room of the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.
Greg, we are just moments removed from you defeating Wahoo McDaniel in the final of the tournament to determine the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
What's going through your mind right now?
Greg: What's going through my mind is that I told everyone out there that I was going to come here to Anaheim and win this belt.
Only one man could win four matches to win this title and I was that man. And I can't think of a more deserving  wrestler to be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
Eric: Wahoo McDaniel came into the final injured because of an earlier assault with a chair by Tully Blanchard. You could see he was having mobility problems during the match. Do you think this gave you an advantage?
Greg: Ha! If Wahoo was 100 percent healthy it wouldn't have mattered, Bischoff.
I came into this tournament a determined man and there's no way to stop a man with an iron will.
That Wahoo was injured by another wrestler after another match earlier in the night is of no concern to me. Wahoo just couldn't get the job done and that's the bottom line. I have the belt and Wahoo has nothing.
Eric: You won by making him pass out in your signature move the figure four. The injury had to affect his ability...
Greg: Wahoo passed out in the hold because he couldn't escape it. It's that simple. I'm the master of the figure four leglock. No one does it better than me. I hit all the right pressure points in Wahoo's legs with laser-like precision and that's what doomed him. He was never going to escape the hold with as tightly as I had it locked on him no matter what.
And let me just give the viewers a little history lesson. A few years ago, in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, I broke Wahoo's leg. It was one of the finest accomplishments of my entire career. I could have broken Wahoo's leg again if I wanted to. But I showed him mercy, because what I wanted is what you see slung over my shoulder right now.
Eric: Wahoo will obviously be granted a re-match. Are you worried?
Greg: He will indeed get his re-match. And he may be totally healthy in that match.
But I promise you this: the end result will be the same for him then as it was tonight.
What's the name of this championship?
Eric: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
Greg: The key word in the name of this championship is 'Heritage'. Heritage means this belt encompasses the entire history of professional wrestling. It means that I'm the big dog in the yard in this sport now! The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship represents every wrestler who's held a title in wrestling. You name 'em: Lou Thesz; Hulk Hogan; Frank Gotch; Ric Flair; Verne Gagne; Nick Bockwinkel; Bruno Sammartino, the list goes on and on. I now represent the entire history of the sport by being the holder of this belt. And that means that, as long as I'm the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, which is gonna be for a very long time, I'm the best because every champion of all-time is represented by me.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get cleaned up. I've got a limo full of girls waiting for me outside the Anaheim Convention Center.
We're gonna celebrate my historic win with a night on the town and then back at my hotel room.
Get lost, Bischoff. I'm the supreme overlord of this business now.
Eric: Thank you for your time.
Greg: The pleasure was all yours.
Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko and The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... FELONY ASSAULT!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video of the attack on The Trooper from All-Star Wrestling a couple of weeks ago.
(Trooper had won a squash match.)
Nelson: Trooper, you ae hot on the heels of Larry Zbyszko. That fire still has to be burning in you.
Trooper: That's right, Larry. I'm after Zbyszko.
This feud between us is about respect! I'm fighting in support of law enforcement and Zbyszko is fighting for anarchy on our streets! He has no respect for authority! And I intend to teach him respect for the law!
Nelson: How do you think this whole thing will end up between you and Zbyszko?
Trooper: One of us is gonna win the war for respect! That's what is at the heart of this matter! The fans out here love the police! They know the thin blue line is vital to keeping this company from falling into complete chaos!
Zbyszko wants to see everything go to hell in this country! He hates the police! He's a...
Crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko came down the heel aisle holding up a sign on a pole.
Zbyszko marched around the ring with his sign.
Nelson: His sign reads: End bad policiing and fire The Trooper.
Trooper: Zbyszko's an idiot!
Crowd popped as Zbyszko continued to march around the ring with his sign.
Trooper: This man wants to end the police because he wants mayhem in America!
Zbyszko, why don't you step into this ring!
Crowd cheered as Zbyszko stopped marching and looked up at The Trooper.
Zbyszko then climbed up on the apron.
Trooper: Put the sign down, son! Fight like a man!
Crowd buzzing.
Zbyszko laid the sign on the apron and started to step in the ring. Trooper moved on him and Zbyszko bailed to the apron and Trooper yelled for Zbyszko to climb in the ring..
Fans heckling Zbyszko.
Zbyszko turned to face the crowd and started yelling at them. Trooper went over, spun Zbyszko around and popped Zbyszko with punches. Zbyszko on wobbly legs holding onto the top rope. Trooper grabbed the top rope and catapaulted Zbyszko into the ring. Zbyszko crashed to the mat as the fans roared. Trooper snapped Zbyszko up, whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and Zbyszko grabbed the top rope and Trooper charged over and clotheslined Zbyszko over the top rope and Zbyszko crashed to the floor as the fans ate it up.
Trooper went over and started talking to Larry Nelson again.
Trooper: Zbyszko! You wanna fight with the law! Well, the law's gonna win! It's got to! This is much bigger than a wrestling war, Larry!
Trooper and Nelson were facing the camera as Zbyszko crawled over and grabbed his sign on the pole and climbed up on the apron behind Nelson and Trooper.
Trooper: Larry Zbyszko is simply bad news, man! Just plain ol' bad news! He's got to learn to...
Zbyszko snuck in the ring behind Trooper and Nelson and... WHAM!
Zbyszko struck Trooper in the back of the head and back with the pole. Trooper crashed to the mat as the fans booed.
Zbyszko: You just got a taste of real anarchy, Trooper! I'm fighting to end bad policing! And you embody bad policing!


Zbyszko stormed out fo the ring with his sign on a pole and angrily headed back up the face aisle as The Trooper slowly recovered in the ring.

In-Studio: Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko as they prepare for their cage match on next week's AWA on ESPN show.
The Trooper was standing in his uniform, hat and sunglasses with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Trooper: So, it's finally gonna happen.
Larry Zbyszko, I've got you in a match where outsiders can't interfere! We're gonna be fighting inside a steel cage!
You only added fuel to the fire when you attacked me recently on All-Star Wrestling!
I'm still having headaches from where you hit me with that stick you used to hold up your protest sign!
But, headaches or no headaches, I'm ready, Zbyszko! I'm ready for a fight!
You have disrespected law enforcement long enough and it's finally time to put you in your place! You can run in the cage but there's nowhere for you to hide! It's like you're imprisoned by the four walls of steel!
Zbyszko! I don't only intend to beat you! I intend to take you out to the woodshed and make you see the light and respect the badge!
Your disrespect for the badge ends inside the cage, son!
Pic flipped and Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
Zbyszko: The steel cage. The most unforgiving apparatus in professional wrestling.
The cage is unforgiving. The cage tears flesh. And most importantly, the cage is where I'm gonna score a victory against police brutality by savaging you and putting you down for the count, Trooper!
You're gonna leave the cage a defeated and humiliated man.
I've heard some of your cop buddies are gonna be in attendance for this match. I can't wait for them to see me  tear you apart using the cage as a weapon to take you down.
It's gonna get ugly! Real ugly! And there will be blood! I promise you that! You fans who like blood will see plenty of it next week! And it will be coming from The Trooper!
I hate what you stand for, Trooper! You're not law and order! You're corruption and violence against many innocent citizens in the U.S.A.!
Inside the steel cage they say violence is the science!
Let's not mislead anyone! This is hardly gonna be a wrestling match! This is gonna be a raw, barbaric battle between two men who hate
each other!
I hate you because you represent police brutality! You hate me because I'm an upright citizen!
This whole thing eats at you, Trooper, because deep down you know what you really are!
Next week, in the cage, I'm gonna score a victory for decency and decent people like myself!
Oh! And how did that pole feel when I smashed it against the back of your head?!
See you in Vegas, Trooper! You're done!
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!
Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman vs. Cactus Jack & Tommy Rich
Rich and Jack came down the heel aisle to the ring to pretty strong boos but also had their fans.
Jake and Greg ran down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation.
Jake shredded his '2% Forever' t-shirt from his body and tossed it into the crowd.
Rich and Jack charged over and jumped Greg and Jake from behind and started pounding away on them and it was on!
Ref called for the bell.
Match was more a brawl than a wrestling match. All four men got involved on multiple occasions. Rich and Jack used underhanded tactics on a couple of occasions to gain the advantage.
End of the match saw Jake and Rich the legal men in the ring. Rich was on the offensive and worked Jake over with punches and whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch Jake coming off with a clothesline but Jake ducked the move and came back and blasted Rich with a clothesline of his own. Crowd popped loudly. Jack climbed in the ring to go after Jake but Greg hit the ring and nailed Jack with a flying dropkick that sent Jack toppling backwards through the top and middle rope and crashing to the floor. Crowd eating it up. Greg followed Jack to the floor and continued the fight with Jack there. Rich up and Jake moved in and caught Rich with some punches, whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a powerslam, Crowd exploded. Jake briefly played to the crowd by cupping his hand to his ear to hear the roar. Jack had gained the upper hand on the floor and was standing next to the ropes. Jake ran and hit the ropes for his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but Jack reached into the ring and tripped Jake up, Jake slammed to the mat, Ref saw it and called for the bell. Jack climbed back into the ring and started attacking Jake. Rich up and the two double-teamed the 'Milkman'. Greg recovered on the floor and climbed back in the ring and joined the battle. The four men were brawling. Ref called for the bell again to stop the fighting to no avail. The fighting spilled out of the ring onto the floor. Fans into it. The four were slugging it out when some of the wrestlers and refs came out to separate the warring factions and calm the situation down.
WINNER: Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne - DQ - 7:19
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE TO COME!!!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the big program on ESPN for next week: (Cage Match) Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper; Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) vs. The Top Guns (Winner gets a World Tag Title shot!); Candi Divine vs. Wendi Richter PLUS! an interview with Chief Wahoo McDaniel!
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas,
Akio Sato won a squash match over Jeff Foxworthy via pinfall with his Japanese Vegamatic (sitout powerbomb)
Split-screen pic aired of Col. DeBeers and Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... USA VS. SOUTH AFRICA!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch)
Houston and Murdoch came down the face aisle to a decent crowd response. Sam slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Sam acknowledged the fans.
Col. DeBeers came down the heel aisle to loud boos and some trash thrown in his direction. DeBeers climbed into the ring and did his 'stache twirl.
Murdoch had final words for Sam before leaving the ring for the floor.
Ref called for the bell.
The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and DeBeers got the upper hand with a knee to the gut. Sam doubled over. DeBeers pounded Sam in the back with a big forearm and then went and whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a backdrop but Sam instead caught the Col. in a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Both men up and Sam dropkicked DeBeers and DeBeers crashed into the corner. Sam moved in and caught Debeers with a monkey flip out of the corner. DeBeers up and Sam caught DeBeers with some punches, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a backdrop. DeBeers slammed to the mat. DeBeers up by the ropes. Sam charged at Debeers and DeBeers grabbed the top rope, dropped down and pulled the rope down and Sam went over and crashed to the floor. Announcers said DeBeers pulling down the top rope did not merit a DQ, Ref ordered DeBeers back and started the 10-count. Sam started getting up next to the ring apron and Debeers broke the count, went out on the apron and stomped Sam on the head. Sam crumpled back to the floor. DeBeers dropped to the floor, snapped Sam up and bodyslammed Sam on the concrete. Ref counting. DeBeers climbed back into the ring to break the 10-count. DeBeers out on the apron, jumped off and caught Sam with a stomp to the gut. Ref counting. DeBeers snapped Sam up and pointed at Dick Murdoch.
DeBeers picked up on a mic:
DeBeers: This is for you, Murdoch!
DeBeers threw Sam into the ring steps and Sam crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. DeBeers moved in and snapped up Sam and went to slam Sam's head into the top ring step, but Sam twice blocked the move and caught DeBeers with a couple of elbows to the side of the ribs. DeBeers lost his grip on the hold and Sam grabbed DeBeers by the hair and slammed DeBeers' head into the top step to the delight of the crowd. Sam repeated the move and then threw DeBeers back into the ring. DeBeers up as Sam got in the ring and DeBeers caught Sam with a couple of gut shots, whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a clothesline but Sam ducked the move and came back with a flying clothesline. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Sam for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Dick yelling encouragement and instructions to Sam. Sam caught Debeers with a head shot, snapped DeBeers up and whipped DeBeers into the corner. Sam mounted the middle buckle over DeBeers and caught deBeers with a series of head shots as the crowd counted along. Sam dropped back to the mat and caught DeBeers in a side headlock and waved his finger in the air. Crowd popped. Sam went for his bulldog finisher but DeBeers shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up mid-count with Sam facing away from DeBeers. DeBeers clubbed Sam from behind, spun Sam around, leaned Sam back against the ropes and nailed Sam with a series of stiff forearm smashes to the chest. Sam grabbed at his chest. DeBeers kicked Sam in the gut and caught Sam with a double underhook suplex and went for the cover. 1... Sam kicked out. DeBeers up as Sam was getting up and DeBeers caught Sam with a stomp to the back of the head, pulled Sam up by the hair and started choking Sam on the top rope. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the count of 4. DeBeers repeated the move and this time, a pissed Murdoch jumped up on the apron and wanted a go at the Colonel. Crowd buzzing like Dean Martin. Ref ordered Murdoch off the apron. While Murodch had words with the ref, DeBeers caught Sam in a side headlock and popped Sam with a thumb to the throat. Murdoch dropped off the apron to the floor and the ref turned around, right after the throat jab. Sam leaned next to the ropes holding his throat. DeBees moved in and clubbed away on Sam and Sam went down to a knee. Crowd urging on Sam. DeBeers snapped Sam up and DeBeers placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Sam's head into it. DeBeers spun Sam around in the corner and caught Sam with a series of knees to the gut. DeBeers pulled Sam out of the corner and nailed Sam with a suplex followed by an elbow smash to the chest. Sam laid out. DeBeers then moved in with a fist drop to the head and went for the cover. 1...2... Sam kicked out. Crowd cheered. DeBeers up and stomped away on Sam. DeBeers waited for Sam to get to his feet and Sam did so slowly. Sam up and DeBeers charged in and blasted Sam with a running punch to the head. Sam crashed back to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1... DeBeers placed a foot on the bottom rope. ...2...thr...
Murodoch picked up on a mic.
Murdoch: The foot! The foot!
Ref saw DeBeers' foot on the bottom rope and ordered a break. DeBeers up and looked down at Murdoch on the floor and the two started jawing at one another. DeBeers wanted to go after Murdoch but the ref stepped in. While that was going down, Sam had recovered enough as DeBeers kept yelling at Murdoch. Sam snuck over and rolled Debeers up from behind for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Most in the crowd groaned. Both men up and Debeers went to punch Sam but Sam blocked the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with punches. Sam whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with dropkick. DeBeers crashed to the mat. DeBeers up and Sam charged in with a flying crossbody on DeBeers for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Both men up and DeBeers swung wildly at Sam and missed and spun himself around and Sam caught DeBeers with a belly-to-back suplex. DeBeers up facing away from Sam and Sam caught DeBeers with a dropkick to the back. DeBeers slammed front-first into the buckles and crashed back to the mat. Sam snatched up DeBeers, but DeBeers stunned Sam by driving Sam hard and back-first into the corner. Both men in pain. DeBeers caught Sam with a series of gut kicks. DeBbers pulled Sam out of the corner, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Sam crashed to the mat. DeBeers put the boots to Sam, hoisted Sam up and dropped Sam throat-first across the top rope. Sam snapped back and crashed to the mat. Murdoch urging on his student. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Sam kicked out. DeBeers snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a knee to the gut. Sam crashed back down to the mat. DeBeers grabbed Sam and went for his face-first piledriver finisher but Sam twice blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat to the delight of the crowd. The two men up and DeBeers slugged Sam with couple of punches. DeBeers went to whip Sam into the ropes but Sam reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a dropkick that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. DeBeers up and Sam went for another dropkick but DeBeers moved out of the way and Sam crashed to mat. DeBeers snapped Sam up and drove Sam into the corner and hit Sam with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Debeers whipped Sam into the opposite buckles and charged in on Sam but Sam got a foot up and DeBeers slammed face-first into it. The impact spun DeBeers around facing away from Sam. Sam caught DeBeers with his running bulldog finisher. Sam for the cover. 1...2...3!
Even though the crowd had been pretty low-key for much of the match, they exploded in a loud roar for the outcome.
An excited Sam to his feet as the ref raised his hand in victory as a message came up on the screen:
WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - Bulldog - 10:26
Bruno Sammartino vs Larry Zbyszko (WWF, 8-9-1980) | Tape Machines Are  Rolling
Edited by piperrulz
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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson


(Verne Gagne's final set of  All-Star Wrestling tapings.)
(# - Aired on another AWA program.)
(2nd Taping)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Comments from Larry Zbyszko and The Trooper before their steel cage match on next week's AWA on ESPN
Comments from new PWH Champion Greg Valentine
Ken Patera sees action
Jonnie Stewart laces 'em up
'Cowboy' Bob Orton makes his return to the AWA
And more!!!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Sheboygan.
NON-TITLE: AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter won a squash match over Charlie Estevez via submission with the Cobra Clutch
Sarge came to the ring to a strong ovation and handed out little American flags to fans on the way down the face aisle.
Sarge climbed in the ring and saluted the fans.
Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter! With your career hanging in balance last month in Anaheim, California, you came through and defeated Stan Hansen to regain the AWA World Title and thus avoided forced retirement.
Sarge: Everything was on the line that night in Anaheim, Larry! It was all or nothing for me! But, the fans helped push me to victory!
There were times I was on the ropes in my match with Hansen! But, the fans inspired me to fight through the pain and rough spots in the match and pull through in the end!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: You've won the World Title a second time, Sarge, what's next for you?
Sarge: I'm already preparing for the challenges that lie ahead! You have some real stiff competition here in the AWA!
Look at the list of potential contenders!
You've got guys like Col. DeBeers, Larry Zbyszko, Greg Valentine, Wahoo McDaniel, Kokina Maximus and a host of others who will be lining up to challenge me for this belt!
Like in my first reign, I promised these fans I'd be a fighting champion, and I will be a fighting champion again!
With the fans behind me I know I can take care of business!
The euphoria of regaining the belt is over! It's now time to defended the title with the honor and integrity it deserves!
Nelson: AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter, everybody!
Fans cheered.
Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... CAN JONNIE BE GOOD???
Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Robert Plant via pinfall with his (loaded?) flying knee to the gut finisher
Stewart came down the heel aisle to the ring to strong boos
Announcers again suspected Stewart had something in his knee pad.
Nelson: Jonnie Stewart, I see that you're not wearing the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt.
Fans cheered as Stewart looked around at the crowd with an angry look on his face.
Stewart: Let me tell y'all something! It's just the start of '90s and the 'Wrestler of the '90s' will one day, very soon, have championship gold around his waist! I can promise you that!
Boos got louder as Stewart walked around in the ring with his hands covering his ears.
Stewart: You people need to shut up!
More boos.
Stewart: You may gloat over the fact that I didn't win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship! But just remember this! He who laughs last laughs the loudest!
Booing continued.
Stewart: I'm gonna be a champion and you're gonna like it! I've been told by wrestling experts that I have champion written all over me!
It will happen! It's gonna happen! And you 7-11 workers better face that fact!
I'm the 'Wrestler of the '90s'! And that means I will go down in history as the greatest wrestler of this decade when all is said and done!
More crowd boos.
Nelson: That was Jonnie Stewart!
Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HISTORY MAKER!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd an interview with new PWHC Greg valentine just moments after Valentine won the title, defeating Wahoo McDaniel in the final of the PWHC Tournament, in Anaheim.
# Interviewer Eric Bischoff, mic in hand, was standing in the locker room with PHWC Greg Valentine. Valentine was still in his ring attire, dripping with sweat and had the belt slung over his shoulder.
Eric: This is Eric Bischoff in the locker room of the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.
Greg, we are just moments removed from you defeating Wahoo McDaniel in the final of the tournament to determine the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
What's going through your mind right now?
Greg: What's going through my mind is that I told everyone out there that I was going to come here to Anaheim and win this belt.
Only one man could win four matches to win this title and I was that man. And I can't think of a more deserving  wrestler to be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
Eric: Wahoo McDaniel came into the final injured because of an earlier assault with a chair by Tully Blanchard. You could see he was having mobility problems during the match. Do you think this gave you an advantage?
Greg: Ha! If Wahoo was 100 percent healthy it wouldn't have mattered, Bischoff.
I came into this tournament a determined man and there's no way to stop a man with an iron will.
That Wahoo was injured by another wrestler after another match earlier in the night is of no concern to me. Wahoo just couldn't get the job done and that's the bottom line. I have the belt and Wahoo has nothing.
Eric: You won by making him pass out in your signature move the figure four. The injury had ta affect his ability...
Greg: Wahoo passed out in the hold because he couldn't escape it. It's that simple. I'm the master of the figure four leglock. No one does it better than me. I hit all the right pressure points in Wahoo's legs with laser-like precision and that's what doomed him. He was never going to escape the hold with as tightly as I had it locked in on him no matter what.
And let me just give the viewers a little history lesson. A few years ago, in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, I broke Wahoo's leg. It was one of the finest accomplishments of my entire career. I could have broken Wahoo's leg again if I wanted to. But I showed him mercy because what I wanted is what you see slung over my shoulder right now.
Eric: Wahoo will obviously be granted a re-match. Are you worried?
Greg: He will indeed get his re-match. And he may be totally healthy in that match.
But I promise you this: the end result will be the same for him then as it was tonight.
What's the name of this championship?
Eric: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
Greg: The key word in the name of this championship is 'Heritage'. Heritage means this belt encompasses the entire history of professional wrestling. It means that I'm the big dog in the yard of this sport now! The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship represents every wrestler who's held a title in wrestling. Lou Thesz; Hulk Hogan; Frank Gotch,; Ric Flair; Verne Gagne; Nick Bockwinkel; Bruno Sammartino, you name 'em. I now represent the entire history of the sport by being the holder of this belt. And that means that, as long as I'm the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, which is gonna be for a very long time, I'm the best because every champion of all-time is represented by me.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get cleaned up. I've got a limo full of girls waiting for me outside the Anaheim Convention Center.
We're gonna celebrate my historic win with a night on the town and then back in my hotel room.
Get lost, Bischoff. I'm the supreme overlord of this business now.
Eric: Thank you for your time.
Greg: The pleasure was all yours.


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... THE OLYMPIAN!
Ken Patera won squash match over Don Cherry via submission with his swinging full nelson finisher
Patera strongly cheered by the fans coming down the face aisle to the ring.
During the match, Valerie came down the heel aisle and scouted Patera during the match. Once again, Patera noticed her as she was taking notes during the bout.
Once Patera won, Valerie disappeared to the back.
Nelson: Ken Patera, it's obvious that Valerie was out here scouting you once again. She's also been scouting your tag team partner in the past, Brad Rheingans.
Has Valerie tried to reach out to you and talk with her about joining her stable?
Patera tilted his head back, breathed a heavy sigh and then spoke.
Patera: To be clear, I have not spoken to Valerie, ever, since she arrived in the AWA. I know she's watching me as well as Brad.
And I will put this to bed right now. Valerie can scout me all she wants. But I will not, under any circumstances, join the group she's trying to build. It will never happen. Valerie will just need to look elsewhere for wrestlers.
I believe I can also speak for Brad when I say that he will never join forces with her, either. Brad's got too much character to align himself with a woman like Valerie.
Nelson: With that said; like the old saying goes: never say never. You're sure Valerie could not make a tempting offer to you?
Patera now annoyed.
Patera: She could certainly tempt me with an offer. But, I will absolutely not bite the forbidden fruit. Some things are more important than belts and money... like dignity. I have to look myself in the mirror every single day and I want a clear conscience when I do that.
Prison was a wake-up call for me. It made me realize there are things much more important in life than a well-paying career and fame. I can't speak for anybody else, but I intend to be the wrestler the fans can trust in through thick and thin from now on.
I hope that puts an end to all the speculation.
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Ken Patera, everybody!
Split-screen pic aired of Zbyszko and The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LAW VS. ANARCHY!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko as they prepare for their cage match on next week's AWA on ESPN show.
#The Trooper was standing in his uniform, hat and sunglasses with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Trooper: So, it's finally gonna happen.
Larry Zbyszko, I've got you in a match where oputsiders can't interfere! We're gonna be fighting inside a steel cage!
You only added fuel to the fire when you attacked me recently on All-Star Wrestling!
I'm still having headaches from where you hit me with that stick you used to hold up your protest sign!
But, headaches or no headaches, I'm ready, Zbyszko! I'm ready for a fight!
You have disrespected law enforcement long enough and it's finally time to put you in your place! You can run in the cage but there's nowhere for you to hide! It's like you're imprisoned by the four walls of steel!
Zbyszko! I don't only intend to beat you! I intend to take you out to the woodshed and make you see the light and respect the badge!
Your disrespect for the badge ends inside the cage, son!
Pic flipped and Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
Zbyszko: The steel cage. The most unforgiving apparatus in professional wrestling.
The cage is unforgiving. The cage tears flesh. And most importantly, the cage is where I'm gonna score a victory against police brutality by savaging you and putting you down for the count, Trooper!
You're gonna leave the cage a defeated and humiliated man.
I've heard some of your cop[ buddies are gonna be in attandance for this match. I can't wait to tear you apart using the cage as a weapon to my advantage to take you down.
It's gonna ugly! Real ugly! And there will be blood! I promise you that! You fans who like blood will see plenty of it next week! And it will be coming from The Trooper!
I hate what you stand for, Trooper! You're not law and order! You're corruption and violence against many innocent citizens in the U.S.A.!
Inside the steel cage they say violence is the science!
Let's not mislead anyone! This is hardly gonna be a wrestling match! This is gonna be a raw, barbaric battle between two men who hate each other!
I hate you because you represent police brutality! You hate me because I'm an upright citizen!
This whole thing eats at you, Trooper, because deep down you know what you really are!
Next week, in the cage, I'm gonna score a victory for decency and decent people like myself!
Oh! And how did that pole feel when I smashed it against the back of your head?!
See you in Vegas, Trooper! You're done!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the cage match between Trooper and Zbyszko on next week's AWA on ESPN. Also hyped the match for next week between the Top Guns and Badd Co. where the winner gets a World Tag Team Title shot.
Pic aired of Bob Orton with the caption: NEXT... ORTON RETURNS!!!
'Cowboy' Bob Orton won a squash match over Dick Gautier via pinfall with his superplex finisher
Orton got a modest amount of boos coming to the ring down the heel aisle.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed Orton's return and said it could really shake up the AWA title picture in the coming months.
Nelson hyped for next week on the AWA on ESPN: Cage Match - Zbyszko vs. The Trooper; Top Guns vs. Badd Co. (Winner gets a tag team title shot.); Wendi Richter vs. Candi Divine
On next week's All-Star Wrestling: (From the Round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament): Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu PLUS! Don Muraco vs. Cactus Jack; and more!
Said the TV main was next!
Video aired from the Zenk vs Saito tourney match with the caption: NEXT... ZENK BATTLES SAITO!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Tom Zenk vs. Mr. Saito (From the Round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament)
Saito came to the ring first down the heel aisle and was strongly booed by long-time AWA fans who remembered him.
Zenk came to the ring down the face aisle to a decent ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.
Before the match, Saito did his Japanese ceremonial thing where he throws salt in the air.
There was feeling out period between these two before the match got going. Saito dominated with amateur-style wrestling holds before Zenk was able to make a comeback. Match turned into a see-saw affair and then Saito gained the advantage once more but could not put Zenk away.
End of the match saw Saito working over Zenk. Saito blasted Zenkw three stiff German suplexes. Saito for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zenk kicked out. Crowd cheered. Zenk down holding the back of his neck. Saito snapped Zenk up and slammed Zenk's head into the top bucxkle/ Zenk spun around and Saito whipped Zenk into the opposite buckles. Saito charged in on Zenk but Zenk moved and Saito slammed front-first into the buckles. Zenk briefly shook out the effects of three German suplexes. Saito separated himself from the buckles, turned and walked into a punch barrage from Zenk. Zenk whipped Saito into the ropes and caught Saito coming off with a dropkick. Saito crashed to the mat. Zenk briefly grabbed the back of his neck, which is where he landed courtesy of the German suplexes. Saito to his feet and Zenk charged at Saito and caught Saito with a flying crossbody for the pin. 1...2...thr... Saito kicked out Crowd groaned. Both men up and Saito caught Zenk with a klick to the gut followed by a side headlock and a trio of jabs into Zenk's throat out of the view of the ref. Saito grabbed Zenk around the waist and prepared to blast Zenk with another german suplex but Zenk caught Saito with elbow strike3s to the side ofn the head to escape the hold. Zenk grabbed the stunned Saito from behind, ran Saito into the ropes and rolled up Saito for the pin. 1...2.. Saito reached up and grabbed a handful of Zenk's tights and reversed the pin try. Ref counted. 1... Saito held onto Zenk's tights. ...2...three. Zenk kicked Saito off. Crowd into it. Both men to their feet and Zenk looked to catch Saito with a double sledge but Saito caught Zenk with a series of kicks to the gut. Saito went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and caught Saito coming off wiht a dropkick. Saito crashed back down to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Zenk went to go after Saito but the ref intercepted Zenk and ordered him back. Saito to his feet on the apron facing the crowd. Zenk went to go after Saito again but the ref intercepted him again and Zenk and the ref exchanged words. While distracted with one another, out on the apron, Saito brandished a handful of japanese throwing salt. Saito slowly climbed back into the ring with the salt hidden in his hand down by his side. Zenk broke away from the ref to go after Saito when Saito went to throw the salt in Zenk's face but Zenk blocked the salt throw and nailed Saito with a couple of head shots and the sale spilled harmlessly to the ground as the crowd popped. Zenk whipped Saito into the ropes and caught Saito coming off wiht a nasty clothesline. Saito slammed to the mat. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Saito made it to his feet. Saito up and turned and Zenk came off with his missle dropkick finisher. Crowd popped as Saito crashed to the mat. Zenk for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped pretty big-time for Zenk.
And ecstatic Zenk got to his feet the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Zenk - Pinfall - 12:32
Pick who you think will win the 3 matches on AWA on ESPN next week!
Steel Cage: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
Winner gets  a World Tag Team Title shot: Badd Company (w/ DDP) vs. The Top Guns
Candi Divine vs. Wendi Richter
Winner(s) of the contest get a video award and some expired Denny's coupons! 🙃
Edited by piperrulz
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Steel Cage: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
Winner gets  a World Tag Team Title shot: Badd Company (w/ DDP) vs. The Top Guns
Candi Divine vs. Wendi Richter
7 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Robert Plant via pinfall with his (loaded?) flying knee to the gut finisher

Seems to me that Plant's not gonna get that "Stairway to Heaven" now.  😆

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13 minutes ago, Old School Fan said:
Steel Cage: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
Winner gets  a World Tag Team Title shot: Badd Company (w/ DDP) vs. The Top Guns
Candi Divine vs. Wendi Richter

Seems to me that Plant's not gonna get that "Stairway to Heaven" now.  😆

He might not get the Stairway... but at least he now has the vision to to find that confounded bridge! 😁

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Pick who you think will win the 3 matches on AWA on ESPN next week!
Steel Cage: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
Winner gets  a World Tag Team Title shot: Badd Company (w/ DDP) vs. The Top Guns
Candi Divine vs. Wendi Richter
Winner(s) of the contest get a video award and some expired Denny's coupons! 🙃
If you haven't voted for the July DOTM yet, please consider casting a vote for AWA 1989! Thank you!



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(Verne Gagne's last set of AWA on ESPN tapings.)
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(3rd Taping)
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to a special edition of the AWA on ESPN and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT - STEEL CAGE MATCH: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
An interview with Wahoo McDaniel that took place after Wahoo lost to Greg Valentine in the final of the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim
Nelson then sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Wendi Richter vs. Candi Divine
Divine came to the ring down the heel aisle to modest boos.
Divine climbed in the ring and did not acknowledge the crowd.
Richter came to the ring down the face aisle to a good ovation.
Once in the ring, Richter briefly played to the crowd.
While Richter acknowledged the crowd, Divine jumped her from behind.
Ref called for the bell.
Candi dominated early but Richter got back into the match when Candi whipped Wendi into the ropes and looked to catch Wendi coming off with a clothesline but Wendi ducked the move and came back with a clothesline of her own. Richter took control of the match for the next couple of minutes and worked Candi over with a series of holds. Candi regained the advantage when Richter charged in on Candi and Candi caught Richter and dropped back and caught Richter with a hot shot (throat drop across the top rope). Candi had the upper hand. A couple of near falls between the two during the bout. Candi hammered away on Richter. Candi bodyslammed Richter and then hit her with a diving splash. Richter in great pain holding her gut. Candi grabbed Richter's legs and, after a brief struggle, managed to turn Wendi over in the Boston Crab. Wendi trying not to submit. Announcers pointed out that Divine had the best crab in women's wrestling. Richter found the strength to crawl over by the ropes and get her hand on the bottom rope to force a break. Crowd cheered for Wendi even though Candi was better looking.  Richter up and hobbled. Candi jumped in and started working over Wendi some more. Wendi found the strength to start fighting back while on  shaky wheels. Wendi went to whip Candi into the buckles but Candi reversed and Wendi slammed into them. Wedni stumbled out of the corner next to the ropes. Candi worked over Richter some more with body punches. Candi whipped Richter into the ropes and looked to clothesline Richter coming off but Wendi ducked the move and came back and caught Candi with a flying crossbody for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.
Wendi up and the ref raised her hand in victory.
WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 7:42
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TITLE SHOT ON THE LINE!!!
Commercials/AWA Tour Updates
Top Guns came to the ring down the face aisle to the strains of Danger Zone to a pretty solid crowd response.
Once in the ring, Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes briefly played to the crowd.
Bad Company filled the arena and the tag team of the same name with manager Dallas Page made their way to the ring down the heel aisle to loud boos.
Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond climbed into the ring and DDP went over and talked to Larry Nelson at ringside.
DDP pointed his cane right at Ricky Rice.
DDP: Ricky Rice! I want you to know that my legal team is working hard to make sure that I don't have to return the $50 grand to you!
And I also won't being paying ANY of the $500 a day fines to Verne Gagne and the AWA for taking something that was rightfully mine!
Crowd booed.
Announcers said that the fines were piling up for DDP and they think his legal maneuvering in this case will fail.
Match was largely a fight rather than a wrestling match between two teams who despise one another.
Good back-and-forth action as both teams brought their A-game to the ring with a tag team title shot on the line. Some exciting near falls. Badd Co. also took a couple of shortcuts during the match and on the floor DDP hit Derrick Dukes with his cane.
End of the match saw Tanaka and Dukes the legal men in the ring.
Tanaka had the upper hand and was working over Dukes. DDP urging his men on from ringside. Tanaka dropped Dukes with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Tanaka for the cover. 1,..2... Dukes kicked out. Crowd half-assed into the match. Tanaka snapped Dukes up, whipped Dukes into the ropes and caught Dukes coming off with a backhand to the face. Dukes stunned. Tanaka went to whip Dukes into the ropes but Dukes reversed and caught Tanaka coming off with a powerslam. That woke the crowd up. Dukes slow in making the cover. 1...2... Diamond hit the ring and stomped Dukes in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Rice hit the ring and jumped on Diamond and the two started brawling in the corner. Ref trying to restore order in the ring. Dukes saw what was happening and went over to where the fighting was going on. Ref distracted by Diamond and Rice battling it out. Tanaka recovered, came up behind Dukes and nailed Dukes with a low-blow. Dukes crashed to the mat. Fighting between Rice and Diamond spilled onto the floor. Ref still trying to get both men back to their corners. DDP climbed in the ring behind the distracted ref's back and ordered Tanaka to pull Dukes up to his feet. Tanaka did so. DDP went to hit Dukes with his cane but Dukes broke free of Tanaka's grasp and DDP struck Tanaka instead. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Ref still distracted with Rice and Diamond on the floor.  Dukes stunned DDP by grabbing the cane out of DDP's hands and throwing it out of the ring. DDP tried to beg off but Dukes blasted DDP with a big right to the head. DDP crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor as the fans erupted. Tanaka slowly making it to his feet. Dukes lying in wait. Tanaka up and Dukes charged in and pulverized Tanaka with a running clothesline. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Fighting petered out on the floor and the ref turned and saw Dukes covering Tanaka. Ref dropped down. 1... Diamond tried to climb back into the ring but Rice tripped him up and Diamond fell through the ropes back into the ring. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans popped.
Dukes up and he and Rice hugged in celebration as the ref raised both of their hands in victory.
Diamond helped the stunned Tanaka out of the ring to the floor and the pair met up with their manager DDP, who was holding the side of his head where he was punched. Diamond looked back at the victors in the ring.
Diamond picked up on a mic.
Diamond: We'll be back, boys! Watch your step!
The three turned and made their way back up the heel aisle to taunts and boos.
WINNER: Top Guns - Pinfall - 9:13 (Guns earn World Tag Team Title shot.)
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the Tully Blanchard-Wahoo McDaniel match at the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim.
Both men slowly to their feet and Tully caught Wahoo with a kick to the gut that doubled Wahoo over. Tully clubbed Wahoo in the back and Wahoo went down again. Tully put the boots to Wahoo. Just before Tully snapped Wahoo up, he looked over at Valerie.
Tully picked up on a mic.
Tully: This is for you, Valerie!
Tully picked up Wahoo for a bodyslam but Wahoo stunned Tully by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans exploded like Mt. St. Helen in 1980 in Washington State.
Tully in stunned disbelief. Wahoo still down. Tully left the ring as Wahoo slowly made it to his feet feeling the effects of the stiff match. Tully grabbed a folding steel chair at ringside from next to the announcer's table and folded it up. Wahoo facing away from Tully, Tully climbed back in the ring with the steel chair and smashed Wahoo in the outside of the left knee area with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat in agony holding his left knee. Tully tossed the chair. Valerie quickly left ringside and headed back up the heel aisle. Tully looked down at Wahoo as the ref stepped in to stop the violence and increase the peace. Tully tossed the chair, climbed out on the apron and raised his fists in the air facing the crowd. Before dropping to the floor and heading back up the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd as the ref checked on the downed Wahoo in the ring.
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd an interview with Wahoo McDaniel that was done after the final of the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim in February.
Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff, with mic in hand, and Wahoo McDaniel in the locker room.
Both men were seated. Wahoo was still in his black singlet and had his left boot off but the sock still on and now had an ice pack wrapped around his left knee.
Eric: Chief Wahoo McDaniel, a tough loss in the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship  tournament tonight against Greg Valentine.
How does the knee feel right now?
Wahoo: It's really painful, Eric. And the worst of the pain hasn't even begun. It's gonna be a tough night to get to sleep. The knee is swelling and it might be the size of a grapefruit tomorrow.
Whaoo winced and grabbed his knee.
Eric: After Tully attacked you with the chair in your second round match, many people did not think you'd be able to wrestle, let alone beat, Col. DeBeers. But you fought through the pain in the match and defeated the Colonel.
Then, it was time to face Greg Valentine. Valentine's the master of the devastating hold the figure four leglock. He took advantage of your injury and was able to make you pass out briefly in the hold. But it was enough to score the pinfall victory and Valentine became the
Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
You certainly did not go into the match in top form.
Wahoo: This is a sport. And, as with any sport, sometimes you have to wrestle with injuries. I gave it my all. But in the end I could not finish the job. But there's no excuses in this business. You either win or you lose and I lost.
I know I'll face Valentine another day with the title on the line. I'll work hard to make sure there's a different outcome next time.
Eric: Why do you think Tully Blanchard hit you with that chair after your match with him? Do you think there was some kind of conspiracy involving Tully Blanchard and somebody else?
Wahoo: I don't know about any conspiracy and frankly I'm not worried about one. The bottom line is Tully smashed that steel chair into my knee.
And, I want to let Tully Blanchard know something.
Wahoo gestured for the camera to get a close-up of his face.
Wahoo: Tully, you and me have a long history together. We've had brutal and often bloody matches in arenas all over the place.
So, if you think I'm gonna let this slide because you're not wrestling regularly in AWA, guess again.
I'm gonna hunt you down, Tully. I don't care if we battle in AWA rings or if I have to track you down in the NWA or elsewhere. Just know this. I'm coming for you, Tully. And I won't rest until I've extracted my pound of flesh from you.
I'll fly around the globe if I have to to square off against you once again inside the ropes. We'll have another of our trademark stiff battles that will be even more unforgiving than they have in the past.
You're on notice Tully. I'm coming. And I won't rest until I pay you back for what you did to me tonight.
Eric: There you have it. Thank you for your time, Wahoo, under these trying circumstances.
Camera close-up of Bischoff.
Eric: This has been Eric Bischoff reporting from the locker room after the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
Greg Valentine is the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
Pic aired of a steel cage with the caption: NEXT... STEEL CAGE RAGE!!!
TV MAIN EVENT (STEEL CAGE MATCH): Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper
Sounds of police sirens filled the arena as The Trooper made his way down the face aisle to a strong pop from the crowd.
Trooper was all business and not slappoing hands with fans or handing out little souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.
Trooper climbed into the cage and walked around.
Loud boos then filled the 'Boat as Zbyszko made his way to the ring down the heel aisle.
Zbyszko made his way to the ring and checked out the steel structure and pulled on some of the mesh before entering the cage.
Ref called for the bell.
Crowd already buzzing.
Announcers pointed out that you could not win by exiting the cage.
The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and struggled to gain the advantage when The Trooper suddenly gained the upper hand and threw Zbyszko off and Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Zbyszko up and the two engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up with the same end  result. Zbyszko up slowly and the two men circled one another again and just before locking up, Zbyszko turned, walked over to the door, climbed out on the apron and demanded to be let out of the cage. Crowd booed loudly. As Zbyszko yelled at the AWA official who held the key to the cage door to open it, Trooper came up behind Zbyszko and slammed Zbyszko's head into the cage door. Zbyszko stunned. Trooper pulled Zbyszko back into the ring, whipped Zbysko into the ropes and blasted Zbyszko coming off with a big clothesline. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Trooper popped the downed Zbyszko with a couple of head shots and then beat the back of Zbyszko's head repeatedly on the mat to the delight of 90% of the fans. Trooper snapped Zbysko up and threw Zbysko head-first into the cage. Zbyszko hit the cage and spun around and staggered right into a huge right hand from The Trooper. Trooper hit Zbyszko with a suplex and then went for a jumping elbow smash but Zbyszko rolled out of the way and Trooper crashed to the mat. Both men to their feet and Trooper walked right into a jumping spin kick to the chest from Zbyszko. Trooper crashed back down to the mat. Zbyszko dropped down on top of Trooper and started blatantly choking him in front of the ref. Ref counting. Zbyszko broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4 and then repeated it, breaking again at the count of 4. Trooper holding his throat. Zbyszko up and stomped away on Trooper. Zbyszko snapped up Trooper and threw Trooper head-first into the cage. Trooper bounced back and crashed to the mat. Zbyszko snapped Trooper up and nailed Trooper with a swinging neckbreaker. Zbyszko for the cover. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Zbyszko  raked Trooper's face with his boot laces. Trooper up and fell over next to the ropes. Zbyszko moved in an caught Trooper with some well placed kicks and Trooper fell out onto the apron and then Zbyszko dragged Trooper's face across the unforgiving steel mesh. Trooper down on the apron. Ref ordered Zbyszko back and ref started the 10-count. Trooper to his knees and now bleeding. Zbyszko ignored the ref as Trooper was getting to his feet and Zbyszko grabbed Trooper, ran him down the apron and slammed Trooper's head into the top ring bolt that connects the post to the turnbuckle. Trooper leaned back against the cage. Zbyszko moved in and caught Trooper with a couple of deliberate head shots and pulled Trooper back into the ring through the top and middle rope. Zbyszko whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch Trooper coming off with a backdrop but Trooper dropped to a knee and belted Zbyszko with an uppercut to the jaw. Zbyszko stunned as the fans popped like corn. Trooper moved in on Zbyszko and Zbyszko went to punch Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch try and fired away on Zbyszko with punches. Zbyszko on stagger street. Trooper whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and caught Zbysko coming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Trooper up and waited for Zbyszko to get to his feet and Trooper charged in an popped Zbyszko with another flying shoulder tackle. Zbyszko crashed back to the mat. Zbyszko started getting to his feet as Trooper moved in and Zbyszko grabbed the front of Trooper's tights, dropped own and pulled Trooper front-first into the buckles.
A message appeared on the screen: MORE ACTION TO COME!!!
Commercials (3 minutes)
Match was re-joined in progress...
Zbyszko was holding the upper hand. Zbyszko caught Trooper in the sleeper. Trooper struggled to free himself from the hold. Trooper started to fade. Trooper found the strength to lunge over and drop down and Zbyszko slammed head-first into the top buckle and Trooper was freed from the hold. Zbyszko spun around in the corner and Trooper fired away on Zbyszko with kicks and punches. Trooper whipped Zbyszko into the opposite buckles and charged in and pulverized Zbyszko with a running clothesline. Zbyszko limp in the corner. Trooper yanked Zbyszko out of the corner and and pulled Zbyszko out on the apron and violently slammed and then dragged Zbyszko's head across the steel mesh.
Blears: Lee, one thing a lot of people don't realize is that when steel mesh fencing is made, there are often imperfections that we call small barbs that are on the mesh. They can tear up flesh.
Zbyszko down on the apron. Ref ordered Trooper back into the ring and began the 10-count on Zbyszko. Zbyszko slowly made it to his feet with the help of the cage and was now bleeding. Trooper moved in and repeatedly slammed the back of Zbyszko's head into the cage and pulled Zbysko back into the ring. Trooper hoisted Zbysko up in the gorilla press position and threw Zbyszko head-first into the cage. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Zbyszko kicked out. Crowd groaned. Trooper snapped up Zbyszko and threw Zbyszko head-first into all four sides of the cage. Zbyszko staggered. Trooper ran, hit the ropes and came off with a flying shoulder tackle and Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zbyszko kicked out. Crowd groaned. Trooper reached down and started to pull Zbyszko up when Zbyszko stunned Trooper with a jaw breaker to the top of the head. Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Zbyszko up and grabbed Trooper's legs and flipped over on top of Trooper for the pin. 1...2... Trooper bridged out and, after a brief struggle, caught Zbyszko in a backslide for the pin. 1...2...thr... Zbyszko kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Trooper caught Zbyszko with a kick to the gut. Trooper went to whip Zbyszko into the ropes but Zbyszko reversed and sent Trooper flying head-first into the cage. Trooper spun around and Zbyszko caught Trooper with a kick to the gut. Zbyszko then hoisted Trooper up and nailed Trooper with a piledriver. Trooper down. Zbyszko for the cover. 1...2... Trooper got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Zbyszko up, grabbed the top rope and stomped away on the injured Trooper. Zbyszko broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Zbyszko snapped Trooper up, whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch Trooper coming off with a clothesline but Trooper and Zbyszko clotheslined each other down to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting.  Both men stirred as the count grew. Both men up and Zbyszko started climbing the cage to escape even though you could not win that way. As Zbyszko was about to try and climb over the structure, Trooper climbed up next to Zbyszko on the top rope. Trooper caught Zbyszko with a couple of punches followed by slamming Zbyszko's head into the top of the cage. Zbyszko lost his balance and crotched himself on the top rope and fell back into the ring. Trooper dropped to the mat. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the corner but Zbyszko reversed and sent Trooper into the other direction and Trooper slammed into the ref. Ref slammed against the buckles and crumpled to the mat. Trooper against the ropes and hurting. Zbyszko moved in and pounded Trooper in the back. Zbyszko went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Zbyszko coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Zbyszko crashed to the mat holding the goods. Trooper went over and checked on the ref. Zbyszko crawled over and low-blowed Trooper and Trooper crashed to the mat grabbing the jewels.
Mixed crowd reaction as the masked mystery man made his way through the crowd, climbed over the barricade chain and walked up to ring side with a weapon in his hand.
Marshall: The cage was put up to specifically keep this man from interfering!
Blears: Where there's a will, there's a way.
Zbyszko up and saw the masked man and the masked man slipped a weapon through the mesh and it fell to the apron. Mystery man fled the area through the crowd and was booed. Zbyszko went over and picked up the weapon.
Marshall: It's nunchuks! We know Zbysko's into martial arts!
As Zbyszko spun the nunchuks around in an impressive display, The Trooper recovered enough and was getting to his feet. Ref recovering in the corner. Zbyszko turned and went to go after Trooper but Trooper charged at Zbyszko and blasted Zbyszko with a  tackle. Crowd popped as Zbyszko lost the weapon. Trooper up and picked up the weapon and held it like he was going to hit Zbyszko with it but instead tossed the weapon aside. Zbyszko up and Trooper charged in and nailed Zbyszko with a flying shoulder tackle. Zbyszko slowly up and Trooper again popped Zbyszko with another flying shoulder tackle. Trooper backed up and waited for Zbyszko to get to his feet one more time. Zbyszko slowly, painfully up and Trooper charged at Zbyszko and nailed him with a third straight flying shoulder tackle. Zbyszko crashed to the mat and flatlined. Trooper covered Zbyszko and hooked the leg as the ref recovered enough and crawled over. 1.....2.....3! Loud pop from the crowd as the ref called for the bell. Trooper rolled off of Zbyszko and laid there for a few seconds before getting to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.
WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 15:06 (Match Air-time: Approx. 12 minutes.)
Old School Fan: 3/3
Lord Byron: 2/3 (Missed: Top Guns)
DHK 1989: 2/3 (Missed: Top Guns)
OSF! Stand up and take a bow! You got a perfect score! SPEECH! SPEECH! 🧐
Here's your award, OSF!
Kenny Everett 30-second Theater:
Edited by piperrulz
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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(Verne Gagne's final set of  All-Star Wrestling tapings.)
(# - Aired on another AWA program.)
(3rd Taping)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT - (From the Round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament):
Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Don Muraco vs. Cactus Jack
PWH Champion Greg Valentine wrestles
An interview with Wahoo McDaniel that took place after the final round of the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim
Tommy Jammer sees action
Tom Zenk wrestles
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Sheboygan.
Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Chris Griffin via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher
Fernandez primarily got a negative reaction from the fans but also had his supporters.
Nelson: Manny Fernandez, you dominated young Mr. Griffin.
Manny: What else did you expect from me? That punk was no match for the Raging Bull. I knew it as soon as I saw him that this was gonna be an easy win.
Nelson: Last time I interviewed you, you said some pretty controversial things...
Manny: If telling the truth is controversial then I'm controversial.
The Mestizo people are finally stepping up and demanding to be acknowledged in this country.
We have a voice now. And that voice is only gonna get louder and more demanding as our numbers grow in America.
The way I look at things is like this: Do what's best for my people first and foremost. The gringos can look out for themselves just like we do. Not my job to help 'em.
I'm a fighter for the Mestizo people.
And it's important to remember something: We didn't cross the border! The border crossed us!
Nelson: Do you have any issues with any of the gringos, as you call them, here in the AWA?
Manny: Not right now. But, I'm sure I'll a problem with some of 'em down the road. The gringos can't help themselves. They cause problems where there weren't problems before. It's part of their nature.
In this ring I fight for the brown people. Where would this country be without us? We do all the hard, backbreaking work for little pay and even less respect.
In the ring, I can teach the gringo to respect us with my fists. It seems like violence is the only thing many of them understand.
Loud boos from the crowd.
Nelson: That was Manny Fernandez.
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO SPEAKS!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro' footage from the end of the Tully Blanchard-Wahoo McDaniel match at the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim.
# Both men slowly to their feet and Tully caught Wahoo with a kick to the gut that doubled Wahoo over. Tully clubbed Wahoo in the back and Wahoo went down again. Tully put the boots to Wahoo. Just before Tully snapped Wahoo up, he looked over at Valerie.
Tully picked up on a mic.
Tully: This is for you, Valerie!
Tully picked up Wahoo for a bodyslam but Wahoo stunned Tully by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans exploded like Mt. St. Helen in 1980 in Washington State.
Tully in stunned disbelief. Wahoo still down. Tully left the ring as Wahoo slowly made it to his feet feeling the effects of the stiff match. Tully grabbed a folding steel chair at ringside from next to the announcer's table and folded it up. Wahoo facing away from Tully, Tully climbed back in the ring with the steel chair and smashed Wahoo in the outside of the left knee area with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat in agony holding his left knee. Tully tossed the chair. Valerie quickly left ringside and headed back up the heel aisle. Tully looked down at Wahoo as the ref stepped in to stop the violence and increase the peace. Tully tossed the chair, climbed out on the apron and raised his fists in the air facing the crowd Before dropping to the floor and heading back up the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd as the ref checked on the downed Wahoo in the ring.
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd an interview with Wahoo McDaniel that was done after the final of the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim in February.
# Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff, with mic in hand, and Wahoo McDaniel in the locker room.
Both men were seated. Wahoo was still in his black singlet and had his left boot off but the sock still on and had an ice pack wrapped around his left knee.
Eric: Chief Wahoo McDaniel, a tough loss in the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship  tournament tonight against Greg Valentine.
How does the knee feel right now?
Wahoo: It's really painful, Eric. And the worst of the pain hasn't even begun. It's gonna be a tough night to get to sleep. The knee is swelling and it might be the size of a grapefruit tomorrow.
Wahoo winced and grabbed his knee.
Eric: After Tully attacked you with the chair after your second round match, many people did not think you'd be able to wrestle, let alone beat, Col. DeBeers. But you fought through the pain in the match and defeated the Colonel.
Then, it was time to face Greg Valentine. Valentine's the master of the devastating hold the figure four leglock. He took advantage of your injury and was able to make you pass out briefly in the hold. But it was enough to score the pinfall victory and Valentine became the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
You certainly did not go into the match in top form.
Wahoo: This is a sport. And, as with any sport, sometimes you have to wrestle with injuries. I gave it my all. But in the end I could not finish the job. But there's no excuses in this business. You either win or you lose and I lost.
I know I'll face Valentine another day with the title on the line. I'll work hard to make sure there's a different outcome next time.
Eric: Why do you think Tully Blanchard hit you with that chair after your match with him? Do you think there was some kind of conspiracy involving Tully Blanchard and somebody else?
Wahoo: I don't know about any conspiracy and frankly I'm not worried about one. The bottom line is Tully smashed that steel chair into my knee.
And, I want to let Tully Blanchard know something.
Wahoo gestured for the camera to get a close-up of his face.
Wahoo: Tully, you and me have a long history together. We've had brutal and often bloody matches in arenas all over the place.
So, if you think I'm gonna let this slide because you're not wrestling regularly in AWA guess again.
I'm gonna hunt you down, Tully. I don't care if we battle in AWA rings or if I have to track you down in the NWA or elsewhere. Just know this. I'm coming for you Tully. And I won't rest until I've extracted my pound of flesh from you.
I'll fly around the globe if I have to to square off against you once again inside the ropes. We'll have another of our trademark stiff battles that will be even more unforgiving than they have been in the past.
You're on notice Tully. I'm coming. And I won't rest until I pay you back for what you did to me tonight.
Eric: There you have it. Thank you for your time, Wahoo, under these trying circumstances.
Camera close-up of Bischoff.
Eric: This has been Eric Bischoff reporting from the locker room after the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
Greg Valentine is the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
Pic aired of Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... THE Z-MAN!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Tom Zenk won a squash match over Dwight Yokam via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher
Zenk came down the face aisle to a decent response from the fans.
Nelson: Tom Zenk, unfortunately you weren't able to emerge the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in the tournament down in Anaheim.
That begs the question: Where does Tom Zenk go from here?
Zenk: Well... I've got to move forward. There were 16 excellent competitors in the tournament and only one could emerge the champion.
But, I'm optimistic, Larry.
I'm looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead here in 1990.
I still feel really positive about my chances to win a championship this year.
Fair amount of cheers.
Zenk: To say that 1989 was an interesting year for me would be an understatement.
The one thing I can tell you and these great fans out here is that I fought the good fight. I had my setbacks. But I also had my share of big victories and I'm looking to build on that.
Nelson: We know you'll have continued success here in the AWA during the year.
Tom Zenk,everybody!
Decent crowd response for Zenk.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed the hot feud Zenk had with Col. DeBeers in 1989 and early here in 1990. Said he believes Zenk could certainly hold gold before the year is over.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Sheboygan.
Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Randy Travis via pinfall with his Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the buckles, opponent bounces out and Jammer catches them in a powerslam)
Jammer came down the face aisle to a modest amount of cheers.
Pic aired of Greg valentine with the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... THE NEW CHAMP!!!
Greg Valentine (PWHC) won a squash match over Leonard Sly via submission with his figure four finisher
Valentine came out to 90% boos but also had his fans.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, you were the last man standing in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.
You defeated four tough competitors in Bruce Hart, Jake Milliman, Carlos Colon and Wahoo McDaniel to win the title.
You have to proud of your accomplishment that night in Anaheim.
Valentine: I'm very proud of my performance in the tournament, Nelson!
You had some of the greatest talent in professional wrestling taking part in the tournament and I outlasted them all!
There was not a man more deserving to be champion in that tournament than me!
Nelson: Some would say Tully Blanchard injuring Wahoo during the tournament gave you an advantage in the final.
Valentine: Let all the armchair experts, who could never even hope to be pro wrestlers themselves, run off at the mouth! They think they know everything about this sport when, in fact, they know nothing!
Boos from the crowd.
Valentine: Listen to these people booing greatness!
The only way they could ever become a wrestling champion is either in their dreams or making a belt out of construction paper, tin foil and scotch tape and strutting around with it on as if they really accomplished something!
What happened between Tully and Wahoo is none of my business! There's obviously some long-simmering bad blood there!
I worked on Wahoo's leg with the precision of a master craftsman, Nelson! The people saw a master of his craft at work!
This belt was made for a man like me!
And I have a message for World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!
Sarge! This belt makes me the number one contender for the World Championship!
I'm coming after you Slaughter! And when the smoke clears, you'll be looking at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion and the NEW AWA
World Champion!
More boos from the crowd.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, everybody!
Valentine held up his newly won strap and paraded around in the ring to less than stellar support from the fans.
Split-screen pic aired of Muraoc and Cactus with the caption: NEXT... WILD TIMES AHEAD!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Cactus Jack (w/o Tommy Rich) vs. Don Muraco
Muraco came down the face aisle to the ring  to a good ovation from the fans.
Jack came down the heel aisle to mostly boos but also had his fans.
The match was a short, wild affair with both men dishing out punishment on each other.
End of the match saw Cactus on the offensive. Jack had worked over Muraco and whipped Muraco into the corner. Jack charged in and Muraco charged out of the corner and flattened Jack with a running clothesline. Crowd popped. Jack slowly made it to his feet and Muraco caught Jack in the fireman's carry position and blasted Jack with a Samoan Drop. Jack in bad shape as the fans popped like Mr. Cryosote. Muraco got up and gestured it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. As Muraco grabbed Jack, Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle to boos and hit the ring and attacked Muraco from behind. Ref called for the bell.
Rich pounded away on Muraco as Jack recovered and joined in the attack. The two hammered away on Muraco, whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a double clothesline. Muraco crashed to the mat. Crowd popped as Wahoo, now fully recovered from Tully's chair attack at the tournament, charged down the face aisle, hit the ring and started battering Rich and Cactus with punches. Wahoo then peppered Rich with knife-edge chops to the chest. Jack recovered and jumped Wahoo and they now had the advantage. Muraco recovered and jumped into the fray and the four started brawling. Ref again called for the bell to no avail. Jack and Rich got the upper hand and pounded on Muraco and Wahoo and went to whip Muraco and Wahoo into each other but Muraco and Wahoo reversed and sent Jack and Rich slamming into each other as the fans popped. Jack and Rich on stagger street USA. Wahoo blasted Rich with a huge chest chop and Rich slammed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Muraco pummeled Jack with punches and Jack fell against the ropes. Muraco charged in and pulverized Jack with a running clothesline that sent Jack over the top rope and crashing to the floor to more cheers.
Muraco and Wahoo looked around from the ring and then left and dropped to the floor and Larry Nelson was waiting for them at ringside with mic in hand.
Nelson: Don Muraco! Wahoo McDaniel saved you from what could have been a terrible beating at the hands of Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich!
Muraco: Larry! The Chief's always got my back and I've got his!
Nelson: Wahoo...
Wahoo: Don, I think you know the question I'm about to ask you. We haven't tagged together for a while. We were on a real good run.
Do you wanna get back together and finish what we started in the tag team division?
Muraco wiped the sweat off his face.
Muraco: Chief, I've never had a better tag team partner than you. We were on quite a roll before we decided to go our separate ways as singles.
To answer your question: Yes! Let's reunite and finish the job as a tag team!
The pair briefly hugged and looked out at the cheering crowd.
Nelson: You heard it here first! Wahoo and Muraco are back together as a tag team!
More cheers.
WINNER: Muraco - DQ - 4:31
Pic aired of Stewart battling Riki Choshu in the round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament with the caption: NEXT... EAST VS. WEST!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped for next week on the program: The steel cage match pitting Larry Zbyszko against The Trooper.
Nelson then intro'd the TV main event.
TV MAIN EVENT - From the Round of 16 of the PWHC Tournament: Jonnie Stewart vs. Riki Choshu
Choshu came down the face aisle to the ring to a modest ovation because most of the people in the crowd did not follow Japan wrestling.
Stewart came down the heel aisle to the ring to strong boos but had his fans.
Stewart climbed in the ring and took the ring mic from ring announcer Larry Nelson.
Fans already booing.
Stewart: The 'Wrestler of the 90's' begins his march into history.
Riki Choshu! Prepare to be my victim #1! You're the first step on my way to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!
More boos.
Choshu dominated early and made Stewart look foolish with a series of amateur-style wrestling moves and takedowns. Stewart eventually fought his way back into the match and took control. Stewart took a couple of shortcuts to maintain the advantage. Match then turned into a see-saw battle with some exciting near falls.
End of the match saw Stewart with the advantage. Stewart worked over Choshu with head and body shots. Stewart whipped Choshu into the buckles and charged in and nailed Choshu with a jumping back elbow smash to the chest. Stewart popped Choshu with a series of forearms strikes to the side of the head. Choshu staggered out of the corner. Stewart clubbed Choshu in the back with a forearm smash and then raked Choshu's eyes across the top rope, breaking the illegal move before the ref could count 5 and DQ Stewart. Stewart whipped Choshu into the ropes and caught Choshu coming off with a dropkick. Choshu crashed to the mat. Stewart stomped away on Choshu, picked Choshu up and bodyslammed him. Stewart went out on the apron and mounted the top rope in the corner and came off with a flying elbow smash but Choshu rolled out of the way and Stewart slammed to the mat. Crowd cheering. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Stewart slapped Choshu across the face and Choshu responded with a rapid-fire slap attack to the face of Stewart that ignited the crowd. Stewart stunned and Choshu caught Stewart in a crucifix and took Stewart over for the pin. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned. Choshu stomped Stewart, snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the corner but Stewart reversed and sent Choshu crashing into the buckles. Stewart briefly shook out the effects and caught Choshu with a left jab to the chest. Stewart then mounted the middle rope and popped Choshu with a series of three deliberate head shots. Choshu then grabbed Stewart around the waist and charged out of the corner and popped Stewart with an inverted atomic drop Stewart crashed to the mat holding the jewels. Choshu moved in and caught Stewart in a leglock and, after a brief struggle, turned Stewart over into the move Choshu innovated, the sharpshooter. Stewart writhing in pain and trying to not submit. Crowd cheering on Choshu. Stewart inched towards the ropes still locked in the hold. Stewart slammed his fists on the mat in agony and then continued moving towards the ropes. Stewart finally made it close enough to get his right hand on the bottom rope to force a break. Choshu snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed, caught Choshu coming off, stepped back, dropped down and hit Choshu with a hot shot across the top rope.  Choshu snapped back and crashed to the mat holding his throat. As the ref  checked on Choshu, Stewart turned and placed his left foot on the middle buckle and adjusted his left knee pad. A piece of what looked like metal was sticking out at the top of the pad. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Choshu got to his hands and knees and Stewart moved in and stomped Choshu in the back of the head, snapped Choshu up, whipped Choshu into the ropes and caught Choshu coming off with a his questionable flying knee to the gut finisher. Choshu crashed back to the mat. Stewart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. An exhausted Stewart rolled off of Choshu as Choshu grabbed his gut. Stewart to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Stewart raised one finger in the air signaling that's one win before leaving the ring and heading back up the heel aisle.
WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 11:18
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