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2011 - Summer of Punk BETA Release!

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BETA V1.3 (04/03/2021)


Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/qi52gge0x9e2vd7/SOP2011+Data.rar/file


Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/w3ibl26d9nmfgtd/2011GFX.rar/file


If you already downloaded the graphics pack yesterday then you don't need to re-download, there have not been any changes to that today.


Appreciate the update man! This the broadcaster update?

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Loving the work you have put into this so far. Looking at the 1.3 version, what I am seeing is in Ring of Honor you have some guys viewed as unimportant based on their popularity and while that can definitely be the case for your Adam Cole's and Kyle O'Reily's at this time, it also has applied to Steen, Generico and The Briscoes and while those talents aren't mega star, I'd definitely look at bumping their popularity up in ROH so that they are well known or recognizable at least.
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Thanks to TEWdb.com for the suggestion of the new name for the mod. This should save any future confusion between mine and Genadi's mod.


The full release will be renamed... TPM




Good to take matters in own hands and change the name. Going to install it right now.

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Had the briefest of brief looks last night. Thought there were a load of errors with WWE titles, but it's just my memory from this time was lacking, probably because I think I've blocked everything WWE related from my mind since 2007 :D


However, John Cena is set to have been figurehead for a month, but it should be 4/5 years.


Anything else I find, I'll report back on.

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I use Paul Levesque as avater, but cannot change him to wrestler

Alexa Bliss is in the DB as her ringname not her real name


Levesque can be changed to an active worker in the in-game editor, but definitely something to look at.


Another thing that needs to be looked at is race. Both Hugo Sanovich and Carlos Cabrera are listed as Pacific Americans and Booker T and Dwayne Johnson are listed as white.

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Levesque can be changed to an active worker in the in-game editor, but definitely something to look at.


Another thing that needs to be looked at is race. Both Hugo Sanovich and Carlos Cabrera are listed as Pacific Americans and Booker T and Dwayne Johnson are listed as white.


Haha, oh god. Ill check that out mate.

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Levesque can be changed to an active worker in the in-game editor, but definitely something to look at.


Another thing that needs to be looked at is race. Both Hugo Sanovich and Carlos Cabrera are listed as Pacific Americans and Booker T and Dwayne Johnson are listed as white.


True, but it was something I noticed ;) and I like the idea that I can let him make the decision instead of doing a work around. But thats a personal thing.

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There’s a couple of lesser-known people who were around at this time for reality show NXT not in the mod that could be added. Lucky Cannon and Jacob Novak should be added, Novak with a month left on his deal. Micheal Tarver should be in WWE still as well, with a month left too, he wasn’t let go until later in June.
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<p>Kurt Angle needs to be taken out of Immortal as he didn't join them until August 2011, Ken Anderson needs to be added to Immortal instead of Angle,</p><p> </p><p>

Some other workers were still employed by IMPACT, like Orlando Jordan, Nigel had returned to IMPACT in May but was gone by June 17th, and he didn't return to ROH until August, per wikipedia. Amazing Red should be in IMPACT under Sangriento, his masked luchadore gimmick, as he was employed by them until August. Since this seems to be based on the first week of June, Rob Terry is not in British Invasion for this go around, until late June when he does help Williams and Magnus, who are the only two members, so I'd maybe take Terry out of it.</p><p> </p><p>

Kurt is a face at this point, Jeff Hardy is on hiatus because of the Victory Road incident.</p>

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Good stuff, going to make Stone Cold " active" I think. Have him "come out of retirement" to face Punk at Mania.





I'm not going to write a big prologue, you all know what this mod is all about, it starts in June 2011, right before Punk became #1 contender.


If you are not familiar with the Summer of Punk, you can read about it here - https://bleacherreport.com/articles/834377-cm-punk-revisiting-the-summer-that-was


Still little tweaks and extras to add, still lots of pictures to cut for the correct timeframe, but while I do this this you guys might as well have the data to play around with and provide me with as much feedback as possible :D


Credit to Cpt Charisma for his TEW2020 October Real World Data which was used as a base. Thanks to TheWho for his title belt Picture pack. Thanks to everybody that contributed to the gif/sticker pack.


BETA V1.4 (05/03/2021)


Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/u0qv816y4us6ykq/TPM2011.rar/file


Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/w3ibl26d9nmfgtd/2011GFX.rar/file

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