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The Coalition [Multiplayer, C'Verse '05]

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Czcw Title Cage Match: snap Dragon © Vs Fox Mask Vs Fumihiro Ota

Czcw Xtreme Ladder Match: plague © Vs Remmy Skye

Czcw Tag: The Gilbert Brothers © Vs the Fly Boys

Prince Adam Vs brendan Idol

frankie Perez Vs Flying Jimmy Foxx

Citizen X Vs valiant

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Citizen X
opens the show to a jeering crowd, coming out in a suit and tie as he raves at the audience about how they crave anarchy but they refuse to face it when he confronts them with it.


"All of your heroes and all of your favorites, you come to see them and gawk like onlookers at a car crash as they throw themselves around the ring for you... but when I do it?!" he screams as the audience just boos him louder and louder.


He continues ranting for a moment until the boos begin to turn to cheers. He thinks the cheers are for him until
emerges at ringside.


"Oh, here we go, another hero," Citizen X scoffs as Valiant enters the ring; he looks shocked when the dirty blonde fan favorite snatches the mic from his hands.


"Shut up!" he begins to a cheap pop. "No one here gives a damn about what you have to say, I certainly don't give a damn about your anarchy nonsense!"


The pair go back-and-forth on stick for a couple of minutes before Valiant has heard enough, and he begins their opening bout with a dropkick while Citizen X is still mid-sentence.




Valiant starts the match off hot, and, to the delight of the crowd, maintains control for good portions of the relatively short match. In a flip-flop of normal match psychology, Citizen X gets a hope spot where the crowd boos him mercilessly and continues for his time in control until Valiant takes back over. In the end, though, Citizen X picks up a decisive win with his E-Wave finisher.









After some entertainment in the opener, we get down to something a little more CZCW-flavored: hybrid wrestling at its finest. Flying Jimmy Foxx might play up an arrogant character, but the crowd loves him for his high flying; on the flip side, Frankie Perez is a hard-hitting striker, loved for his no-nonsense approach in the ring. On paper, these two shouldn’t click in the ring, but the crowd was into everything they were selling from the start. The action even spilled outside the ring in the early going, Foxx going to the top and diving onto Perez with a somersault plancha. Eventually, though, Perez was able to ground the high flyer and the closing moments of the match saw Perez pick up a big win with his impressive Perfect Parity finisher.









A match for the ages this was not; it was just barely a match for CZCW, Prince Adam the plodding heel dominating the much smaller Brendan Idol. Despite the match being more in-line with a USPW offering, there is undeniably something about Adam’s presence and star power-- he doesn’t have it in the ring yet, but he certainly has
. Prince Adam picks up the win after devastating Idol with The Rack.










The anticipation in the crowd was high as the ring crew brought out a few ladders before the match, and they were stirring heavily by the time Remmy Skye and Plague had made their entrances for the bout. Remmy Skye had come up just short of being the inaugural Xtreme Champion in October, but he lost out in the four-way scramble match that had also included Insane Machine and Frankie Perez and saw Plague become the first title holder. This ladder match quickly turned into one of the car crashes Citizen X had mentioned earlier, Plague and Skye throwing anything and everything at one another in an attempt to incapacitate the other man long enough to climb a ladder and retrieve the belt.


After an opening sprint in the ring, the match carries over into the crowd and back to the ringside area where the ladders finally get involved, Skye pulling one down onto Plague as he attempts to reenter the ring. After a series of close calls and high spots, Remmy Skye finally appears to have the match one, slowly climbing up the ladder as the crowd cheers him on. But it’s all for nothing in the end, Plague sliding back into the ring just as Skye reaches the apex-- and he pushes the ladder over! Skye hangs onto the ladder as long as he can before plummeting off the top and crashing through two previously stacked tables on the outside!


The crowd is absolutely buzzing after this car crash encounter, even as Plague sets the ladder back up and climbs to the top to retrieve his Xtreme championship.











The Fly Boys have been on a roll ever since coming to CZCW, winning a series of featured bouts that included tag team matches, singles matches, and three-way matches with both Boys participating. Their only defeats to this point have come from one another in the three-way matches, Donnie J winning one that also included Snap Dragon before he won the Coastal title and Jimmy P victorious in an encounter that featured Insane Machine. But, here, they are going after their first CZCW gold as they take on CZCW stalwarts The Gilbert Brothers.


The ensuing match isn’t unlike one of their old TCW Cruiserweight division encounters, involving a more classic flavor of high flying than the modern style but still highly entertaining. The live crowd eats it up, firmly behind The Fly Boys even when The Gilbert Brothers are in control of the match-- especially when Joe tries to take a swing at Jimmy P with his hockey stick. The missed swing proves to be the turning point, and it isn’t long after that before Jimmy P finishes Joe off with a Surf’s Up for the win and the titles!










Following the ladder match, the ring crew begins to clean up and assemble the cage. The crowd pops big for the appearance of “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota, who has yet to appear in CZCW despite being released from TCW months prior along with The Fly Boys. Fox Mask is out next, followed by the Coastal Champion, Snap Dragon. The three men circle each other to begin the match, and showcase a few three-man spots including a dazzling selection of lucha moves where each competitor would whip one of the others out of sequence as the other two flipped and reversed each other before coming to a stalemate as the crowd roared their approval.


From there, Fox Mask and Ota worked one-on-one for a bit while Snap Dragon recovered from a big slingshot into the cage. Ota pulled out a lot of his signature spots against The King of the Coastal Zone, but stopped short of his cartoonish TCW karate chop sequence, waving it off with a wag of his finger, which also popped the crowd. Eventually, Fox Mask gained control and wound up whipping Ota into the cage as he had previously done to Snap Dragon… but Dragon had recovered, and was there to catch Ota in one of his beautifully flowing suplexes. Fox Mask and Snap Dragon then square off to a roaring crowd, heading to the center of the ring as Ota sells the suplex near the side of the cage.


Then, the real chaos begins as Fox and Dragon begin incorporating the cage into their spots. They spend several minutes bouncing off the cage and throwing each other into the cage and climbing the cage and jumping off the cage. Eventually, Ota reintroduces himself into things and we’ve got three-way chaos going on in the cage! Ota and Snap Dragon do their first work together of the match during this sequence after whipping Fox Mask into the cage in a spot where he flies over the top rope and collides with the steel. During this portion of the match, Ota hits Snap Dragon with his Ninja Strike finisher, but Fox Mask breaks up the pinfall at two.


Fox Mask works over Ota, eventually springing off the cage for momentum during his Fox Flip Off DDT but before he can go for a pin on Ota, Snap Dragon comes out of nowhere to blindside Fox Mask. More work between the pair allows Ota to recover from the finisher and then, as the crowd stirs, Ota climbs the cage while Fox and Dragon work. In a clip that will be part of CZCW highlights for years to come, Ota dives from the top of the cage onto Fox Mask and Snap Dragon with a moonsault press! It takes a moment for all three men to recover, Ota eventually crawling on top of Snap Dragon for the pin.



















Snap Dragon manages to kick out at two and a half! Ota is slow to get up, but when he does, he walks right into a Fox Hunter by Fox Mask! Fox Mask with the pin now.
























Snap Dragon breaks it up just before 3! Ota rolls to the side of the ring again, Dragon pulling up Fox Mask as we cross the twenty minute mark of the match. DRAGON’S BREATH!































Snap Dragon retains in Cage Chaos!










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“Look DJ, I’m not saying you have to like it but I am now officially calling the shots so I’m asking you to get on board, kid”


DJ was Danny Jillefski, the former owner of USPW and it was clear he wasn’t thrilled about the current state of affairs with what was his company. He had worked tirelessly over the past four and a bit years to bring them to where they currently stood in the wrestling world and he wasn't keen on having his creation meddled with.


“We’ve survived four and a half years without needing to rely on anyone else for support. We are the fastest rising company in the country and we did that without any God damned alliances! They’re a relic. A symbol of a by-gone era and we don’t need them, Sam.”


Sam was Sam Strong, arguably the biggest star the industry has ever seen and the new controlling owner of USPW after having recently left his spot as head booker of TCW.


“That’s where you’re wrong Danny. We do need them. And if we don’t need them well I want them! I’ve got no ill-will towards Richard or Tommy or any of the guys that I’ve made a hell of a lot of money with, for and from over the years but we’re in a time period where everyone is greedy and hungry for more. More talent, more money, more exposure and everyone wants a monopoly on the business. Eventually, they’ll soak up all the talents on the independents and there won’t be much left. This is a way of preserving some of it.”


If you looked at the career trajectory of Sam Strong you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a completely different person. He hopped from big company to big company starring in marquee main events and making money for 30+ years without ever really giving much of a thought to any company that wasn’t National. Time can change a man though. Sometimes time and a conversation with a long-time friend and rival can change a man too. Have you ever found yourself in that situation where you’re with friends, you’ve had a few drinks and the conversation always turns to “We should buy a bar!”. Sam and Rip Chord had always joked about what they’d do when they eventually retired from the squared circle and the conversation always came back to “We should run our own companies”. Well, now a narrative and situation was forming where they could run their own companies in a positive and supportive fashion rather than in competition with each other.


“Look, kid, it’s happening with or without your blessing. You’re a big part of this place. It obviously wouldn’t be here without you and I’m not trying to erase history. I just want to continue creating it and this is unequivocally the best way of doing that going forward.”


"It's not going forward, Sam. It's a leap back in time. It's a risk."


"And what would this business be without taking the occasional risk? Think about it, DJ."


The lumbering figure in the corner that was Giant Redwood had stood quietly and bobbed his head from side to side following the conversation as though he were watching a tennis rally. He let out a big sigh and mumbled to the room,


"Does this mean I'm no longer booking?"</div?>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>UNITED STATES PRO WRESTLING PRESENTS!!!</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

USPW Tag Team Title match</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Mick Muscles in action!</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Patrick Cool vs Sheik Mustafa</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>T-Rex vs Cheetah Boy</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Johnny Bloodstone © vs Darryl Devine</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

USPW National Title match</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

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</span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Force © vs Corporal Doom</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;">

USPW Championship match</span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Picks:</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

Savage Fury © vs The Hillbilles </span></span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>(USPW Tag Title Match)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

Mick Muscles vs ???</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

Patrick Cool vs Sheik Mustafa</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

T-Rex vs Cheetah Boy</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

Johnny Bloodstone © vs Darryl Devine </span></span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>(USPW National Title Match)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

The Force © vs Corporal Doom </span></span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>(USPW Championship Match)</em></span></span></p>

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<p><strong>Savage Fury ©</strong> vs The Hillbilles (USPW Tag Title Match)</p><p>

<strong>Mick Muscles</strong> vs ???</p><p>

Patrick Cool vs <strong>Sheik Mustafa</strong></p><p>

T-Rex vs <strong>Cheetah Boy</strong></p><p>

Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk vs<strong> Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood</strong></p><p>

<strong>Johnny Bloodstone ©</strong> vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)</p><p>

<strong>The Force © </strong>vs Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)</p>

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<p><strong>Savage Fury </strong>© vs The Hillbilles (USPW Tag Title Match)</p><p>

<strong>Mick Muscles</strong> vs ???</p><p>

Patrick Cool vs <strong>Sheik Mustafa</strong></p><p>

<strong>T-Rex</strong> vs Cheetah Boy</p><p>

<strong>Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk</strong> vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood</p><p>

<strong>Johnny Bloodstone</strong> © vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)</p><p>

<strong>The Force </strong>© vs Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

The Hillbillies def. Savage Fury © (USPW Tag Title Match)</p><p>

Mick Muscles def. ???</p><p>

Sheik Mustafa def. Patrick Cool</p><p>

T-Rex def. Cheetah Boy</p><p>

Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood def. Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk</p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone © def. Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)</p><p>

The Force © def. Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)</p><p>


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<p><strong>Savage Fury ©</strong> vs The Hillbilles (USPW Tag Title Match)</p><p>

Mick Muscles vs <strong>???</strong></p><p>

Patrick Cool vs <strong>Sheik Mustafa</strong></p><p>

<strong>T-Rex </strong>vs Cheetah Boy</p><p>

<strong>Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk</strong> vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood</p><p>

<strong>Johnny Bloodstone ©</strong> vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)</p><p>

<strong>The Force © </strong>vs Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)</p>

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Savage Fury © vs The Hillbilles (USPW Tag Title Match)

Mick Muscles vs ???

Patrick Cool vs Sheik Mustafa

T-Rex vs Cheetah Boy

Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood

Johnny Bloodstone © vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)

The Force © vs Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)

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Saturday Week 2, December 2005

South East, USA.

Attendance: 5,000 (Sell out!)

Show Rating: 56


<hr color = black>




"Free Bird" plays out and begins to slowly fill the air of the Fairgrounds. The fans are unfamiliar with the song in the context of USPW and a sense of anticipation builds throughout those in attendance. The rumours have been picking up for weeks and as the music cuts to the driving rock section Sam Strong unveils himself to the fans who let out a resounding roar of approval generally more suited to rock stars. The American Icon is in USPW!


He embarks on a promo that hypes all things red, white and blue as only the Icon can and how fitting it is that he is now the man in charge of USPW! Strong announces that change is necessary if all companies wish to develop and grow and that USPW is no different but an announcement is coming that will change the future of USPW and the industry. He closes by hyping up the three title matches taking place this evening and leaves to another ovation.

Rating: 96



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Savage Fury [vs] The Hillbilles

(USPW Tag Title Match)


The Hillbillies might not look like much to a non USPW fan but here in the South East, they have a special place in the hearts of the fans as they appeared dancing and clapping along to "Hillbilly Rock" by The Woolpack. They only lost the Tag Team titles last month and are here for an immediate rematch. Savage Fury have begun their third reign with the belt and were looking keen and mean.

The sheer size of Al & Pete made it difficult for Java & Tribal Warrior to inflict their usual fare of slamming damage to their opponents but they beat them with clubbing blows to wear down the babyfaces. The end came when the referee was distracted with Tribal & Pete grappling on the outside which left Java an opportunity to clobber Al with a steel chair shot and put him away with a Greetings From The Island


Winners: Savage Fury (Savage Fury make defence #1 of the USPW Tag Titles)

Rating: 34


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Mick Muscles [vs] ???


Mick Muscles arrived not knowing who his opponent would be tonight but the former bodybuilding powerhouse has rarely been troubled in his few years with the company and whether by hook or crook usually comes out on top. His opponent was a 320lb Hispanic hero in the form of Puerto Rican Power who was making his USPW debut. Muscles appeared slightly unnerved as there aren't many people bigger than he. The two went at it for an exciting four minutes that ended up being very one-sided as the debuting heavyweight rag-dolled Muscles around the ring like he weighed 50lbs. One Atomic Full Nelson later and this was over as the crowd roared its approval.


Winner: Puerto Rican Power

Rating: 29


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Patrick Cool [vs] Sheik Mustafa


Patrick Cool came into this one as only the cocky young 20-year-old can but was quickly left licking his wounds and being humbled at the hands of Sheik Mustafa. Cool may have had youth on his side but Sheik is still as mean as they come and locked in his Mustafa Victory to make the youngster tap out swiftly


Winner: Sheik Mustafa

Rating: 27


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'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex [vs] Cheetah Boy


Cheetah Boy has a loyal but small pocket of fans who are rooting for him in USPW. T-Rex doesn't care if he has anyone rooting for him, The hulking powerhouse is only concerned with inflicting pain and hurting people and that's just what he did here. Cheetah Boy gave it everything he could using a variety of high-flying attacks to get the giant down but he was simply and continuously swatted away. T-Rex toyed with his prey a bit longer before ending the affair with the Jurassic Crush.


Winner: 'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex

Rating: 46


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(Post-Match Segment)


T-Rex roars his own approval to those in attendance after his impressive display but is interrupted by an enormous, young chiselled figure who slowly marched to the ring with a crown adorned on his head. Prince Adam is a young powerhouse who calls CZCW his home and is making waves in the South West but he's clearly looking to make an impact here. He enters the ring and stands face-to-face, or rather face-to-nose, with T-Rex. Adam is big but still shorter than T-Rex but he didn't look intimidated in the slightest. The stand-off settled and the duo was separated but not before T-Rex cried 'Next Month!'


Rating: 32


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(Pre-Match Promo)


Emma Chase stands looking as bubbly and gorgeous as ever beside her client and friend Tom. E. Hawk. She holds a microphone in her hand and begins to proudly shout about how it's apt that an American Icon like Sam Strong is in USPW because Hawk is on his way to becoming a Native American Icon and is sure to be the next big thing in the business. They're joined by Captain USA. The veteran is full of energy and bursting with pride as he struts in his star-spangled suit and claims that he's excited at the prospect of teaming with the youngster and delivering a good old-fashioned butt-kicking to their upcoming opponents.


Rating: 55


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Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk w/Emma Chase [vs] Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood


The two muscular heavyweights of Hawk & Rushmore did most of the heavy lifting in this one with both constantly exchanging slugging blows to the other. The bad guys utilised some tags to their advantage and seemed to show great chemistry in working together with Redwood using his humungous size to put some wear and tear on Hawk. The babyfaces rallied with USA getting the hot tag and hyping up the crowd. Redwood cut off the comeback however and looked set to finish things but Chase was up on the apron and caught the attention of the giant. Before Redwood could get to her though USA had recovered and put away Redwood with a Hail to the Chief for what was an unlikely victory.


Winners: Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk

Rating: 34


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'The Submission Demon' Johnny Bloodstone © vs 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine

(USPW National Title Match)


These two have been plugging away at each other for the past 5 months in a series of good encounters. Bloodstone came into this one entering his fourth month with the belt after ending Devine's run of thirteen months back in August.

The longest match of the night was a change of pace from the usual brawls as this was a much more technical affair. A very even encounter, similar to their previous, met its end when Bloodstone snatched on the Bloodstone mutilation which had Devine screaming in pain but refusing to quit. Referee Shane Stones left it as long as he could but called for the bell fearing major injury to Devine.


Winner: 'The Submission Demon' Johnny Bloodstone (Bloodstone makes defence #3 of the USPW National Title)

Rating: 38


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(Pre-match Promo)




Rating: 55


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The Force © vs Corporal Doom

(USPW Title Match)


'The Battle of The Republic' plays out through the speaker system in the Huntsville Fairgrounds and the dastardly heelish Corporal Doom marches to the ring. The fans want to boo the Corporal but don't want to be seen to boo a patriotic anthem. Doom marches on uncaring of their sentiments.

The crowd quickly livens up though when a pounding drum beat pulses through the crowd and The Force comes sprinting to the ring. He slides into the ring and wastes absolutely no time in clobbering the Corporal with wild punches. This is followed up with a series of clotheslines and we're off to the races. Doom attempts to recover but is met with a vicious chop that sent him tumbling through the ropes and to the outside.


The Force follows after him and continues to lay in heavy chops on the outside that has Doom reeling against the guardrail. Force plays up to the crowd and whips them into excitement but Doom takes the opportunity to rake the eyes of Force and whip him into the steel steps. Doom rolls Force into the ring and slaps on a cobra clutch submission as he looks to make The Force submit. He holds it for a minute and continues to apply more and more pressure but The Force refuses to give in and somehow manages to reach the ropes.


Doom is incensed at this and rolls to the outside to pick up a steel chair but referee Shane Stones swiftly follows him to try and take it off him. As he does this someone enters the ring in camouflage attire with camouflage face paint. He waits for The Force to rise to his feet before flooring him immediately with a skull-crushing big boot and then picking him up to plant another one before vacating the ring and laying low out of sight of the referee. Doom throws away the chair and re-enters the ring where he picks up The Force and plants him with a Corporal Punishment! He makes the cover as Stones counts to three. We have a new Champion to end 2005!


Winner: Corporal Doom (Corporal Doom wins the USPW Title)

Rating: 53


End Show




Quick Pick Results:

Savage Fury © vs The Hillbilles (USPW Tag Title Match)

Mick Muscles vs Puerto Rican Power

Patrick Cool vs Sheik Mustafa

T-Rex vs Cheetah Boy

Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk vs Danny Rushmore & Giant Redwood

Johnny Bloodstone © vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Title Match)

The Force © vs Corporal Doom (USPW Championship Match)

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Three individuals met in a small office space on the 18th floor of the Kennedy Building, a tower that overlooked one of the busiest streets in Queens. The New York Wrestling Office, as it is legally known as, is where the decisions get made regarding New York City Wrestling, the largest and most popular wrestling promotion in New York State.


“Word got out about the alliance.”


Emma’s words lit up the room.


“I’m not sure what you mean, Em,” responded Derek Bradford, founder and owner of NYCW, better known in the ring as The Stomper.


“In Philly last week, I overheard some of the boys talking about it. Mitch Naess was one of them, and you know how tight he is with Phil Vibert.”


“Well, they were going to find out eventually,” Derek said.


“The boys don’t care too much, but the office...the feeling is different,” said Emma.


Marvin Earnest chimed in, “Screw them.”


Marvin Earnest is everything about what wrestling would be if the SWF didn’t succeed. He holds a very traditional pro wrestling philosophy while still embracing change and adapting to the times. He is the lead commentator and assistant booker for both New York City Wrestling and Mid Atlantic Wrestling, the two most renowned traditional regional companies in America.


He continued, “They are the epitome of what’s wrong with wrestling today anyway. More than SWF, more than TCW. At least Richard and Tommy admit what they are. DAVE wants to be counterculture, to be the beacon of light for real wrestling fans...while doing whatever they can to be accepted into the mainstream. And hell, look at ‘em, it’s working. TV deal across the East, ten thousand seat arenas…”


“They could crush us, Marv,” interrupted Emma. “I’m worried about this.”


Derek spoke up, “I get the concern, but if we don’t do this, the writing is on the wall. How many more months can we operate in the largest market in the world with our product? How many more times can the SWF or TCW come here and draw 40,000 people with their hip new style, before we go under? Who would go see Tommy Cornell vs. Liberty, and then come buy a ticket to see Whistler vs. Travis Century?”


“We aren’t far from Vibert's home territory,” said Emma. With these new deals he’s cutting, he has the cash to hurt us. He could sign our guys away, keep us out of arenas, whatever he wants.”


Derek stroked his beard and peered out the window overlooking the beautiful concrete jungle below.


“Well, let’s see what Vibert is made of.”



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New York City Wrestling closes out their 2005 schedule with another edition of NYCW Empire Wrestling! Hailing, as always, from the Weston Gymnasium in Queens!


The main event will see longtime rivals go at it, as NYCW Empire Champion American Buffalo, aided by his manager Emma Chase, will defend the title against Joey Minnesota! Joey is a one-time Empire champion who, after four years with NYCW, is desperate to take down the monster and begin his second reign. American Buffalo is a three-time titleholder, and has been nearly unstoppable this reign, thanks to the help of Emma Chase and her Chase Agency. Emma has found a way to reel in her monster, and unleash him at the perfect moments.


The NYCW Tag Team titles are on the line in a three-way tag team match! Conniving champions Wiley Coyote will have to put up their belts against both The Sting (the Chase Agency’s Roger Dodger and Sammy The Shark) and American Made Men (Whistler & Mr. America)!


Nevada Nuclear will battle the Masked Mauler in what will be a heated contest!


NYCW Empire Wrestling will also feature the debuting Riley McManus, who has been making waves across the eastern independent scene at just 19 years old!



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NYCW Empire Championship: American Buffalo © vs. Joey Minnesota

NYCW Tag Team Championships: Wiley Coyote © vs. American Made Men vs. The Sting

Nevada Nuclear vs. The Masked Mauler

Honest Frank vs. Riley McManus

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This looks really interesting and something that could pull me back into TEW. (Have always wanted to do a group project)


NYCW Empire Championship: American Buffalo © vs. Joey Minnesota

NYCW Tag Team Championships: Wiley Coyote © vs. American Made Men vs. The Sting

Nevada Nuclear vs. The Masked Mauler

Honest Frank vs. Riley McManus

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NYCW Empire Championship: American Buffalo © vs. Joey Minnesota

JM is my all time fav wrestler in a promotion in any time period. Get the belt on him.

NYCW Tag Team Championships: Wiley Coyote © vs. American Made Men vs. The Sting

Keep it on the champs for now.

Nevada Nuclear vs. The Masked Mauler

Want an Iron Claw!?! victory. But Nevada has more potential.

Honest Frank vs. Riley McManus

Honest Frank is too smart to be beaten by a kid.

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Saturday Week 3, January 2020

The Weston Gymnasium, Queens, New York - 197 Fans

Show Rating: 48


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Wiley Coyote © vs. American Made Men vs. The Sting

Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite won the NYCW Tag Team titles in October, and prepared for their first defense here. Unfortunately, their competition was stiff, as they had to take on two different teams! In the early stages, Wiley Coyote and The Sting took care of American Made Men, leaving them lying in waste on the outside. The champions dismantled The Sting, but before any decisive moves could be made, Mr. America and Whistler returned and were able to isolate Wiley Steinway and hit him with the Liberty Strike (a la Magic Killer) for the victory and the tag team gold!


Wiley Coyote were visibly furious, and got into a screaming match with The Sting up the ramp as the new champs celebrated!


Winner: American Made Men (NEW CHAMPIONS)

Rating: 36

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The teenage ring announcer was preparing to announce the next contest when TRAVIS CENTURY came to the ring. He was yelling at the kid the whole way down the ramp and through the ropes. He yanked the microphone out of the kid's hands and shooed him away.


"YOU ARE ALL SINNNERS! The here in Queens, New York are sinners! Here, in the Weston Gymnasium, the Almighty has given me the absolute honor to bestow His grace unto you."


The crowd jeered at the insults 'bestowed' upon them.


"I come in peace, my dear friends! I am only here to bring you the glory you so desperately need! You smoke, you drink, you have premarital intercourse...SHAME! No more!"


The boos grew louder.


"If you relieve yourself from such enterprises, only then will you be worthy of His time! Blessed be the fruit, my dear friends. Blessed be the fruit!"


And with that, Travis Century flashed a smile and walked back up the ramp.


Rating: 37


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Honest Frank vs. Riley McManus


Riley McManus has been one of the hottest unsigned acts along the East Coast. Known as "The Georgia Bulldog," Riley is looking to make a name for himself in the biggest wrestling market in the world. Tonight however, his opponent was the much-more experienced Honest Frank, who was able to put him away in just under ten minutes.


Winner: Honest Frank

Rating: 25


Even worse for Riley McManus, Honest Frank took to the microphone after the match.


"So this is the future superstar, huh? 'The Georgia Bulldog,' right? Well my friend, I guess you're just all bark and no bite!"


With those words, Frank was preparing to lift Riley up for a powerbomb, but from the back came...

















The Remarkable Steve Flash sprinted to the ring with a chair in hand, scaring off Honest Frank. Steve helped Riley to his feet and gave him a respectful nod. Riley responded with a handshake and some quiet words.


Rating: 20

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The teenage ring announcer returned to the ring, this time much more jittery. He looked around himself a couple times before announcing that the New York Wrestling Office would like to introduce their newest signing. A man from the Coastal Zone in California. A man well beyond his years in talent. He is...




























The young hotshot from Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling has traveled to the other coast to New York City Wrestling! Valiant thanked the ring announcer and took the microphone.


"West Coast to East Coast. Surfing to snowboarding. This afternoon, I had the best pizza of my life. New York style ain't New York pizza."


The crowd popped at the mention of their lovely pizza.


"The New York Wrestling Office contacted me a few weeks back, told me they saw what I've been doing out west, and offered me a spot here in the Big Apple. At first man, I was like nah, I'm just a Cali kid living out my dream. But then, it hit me guys, it really did. I get to go to NEW YORK CITY? The home of Frank Sinatra? The 'concrete jungle?' The hottest wrestling city in the world!"


Again, the crowd loves it when a wrestler puts them over.


"I told the Office, yes I will be there dude! And here I am! The Office gave me a minute or two here to let you guys know that I will be sticking around, just give me a few pointers on some more solid pizza stops!"


Rating: 33


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Nevada Nuclear vs. The Masked Mauler


Simple match here, with the two workers trading offense throughout. Mauler's experience got him the upper hand, but in the end it was Nevada Nuclear who would come out on top following a Meteora and elbow drop!


Winner: Nevada Nuclear

Rating: 25


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Before the main event, Emma Chase led her Chase Agency crew to the ring: Grandmaster Phunk, Roger Dodger, Sammy the Shark, and the NYCW Empire Champion American Buffalo.


Emma told the New York crowd that she was introducing two new members of the Chase Agency, a renowned tag team known across the independent wrestling scene. They are....

























Damian Carvill and Owen Love! Emma thanked the two of them for coming to New York City Wrestling and she was excited to be at their service.


Carvill spoke about seeing Emma on his television, and seeing the fire in her eyes. The tenacity in her voice. She is the best manager in the world, if you ask him. That is why they are so privileged to be in the Chase Agency alongside these other men.


Emma thanked the Blondes again for joining, but also said she wanted to mention something else. She said that the Blondes aren't exactly additional members to the Agency, they're here to take some spots. And with that, Grandmaster Phunk and Roger Dodger were ambushed! The Blondes, Sammy and Buffalo put the boots to them!


After a beatdown, Emma told her former clients that they have been a disappointment since the beginning! She called Carvill and Love because she wants WINNERS in her Agency, not scrubs like those two! Emma instruced the Blondes and Sammy to take out the trash, because American Buffalo has a title match!


Rating: 59


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American Buffalo © VS. Joey Minnesota


Joey Minnesota is perhaps the best wrestler not signed by a major company. His technical prowess and skills with his hands are second to none. Even with those, American Buffalo was simply too much to handle tonight. His strength outmatches Joey's skills, and in the end, American Buffalo hit a Powerslam and Dominator on Joey for the clean pinfall win!


Winner: American Buffalo ©

Rating: 48


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The Coalition Forms



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Four men sat at a round table, cigar smoke rising from three of them and each with a glass of scotch immediately in front of them on the table.


“Men, I think you know why Rip and I called you here,” spoke the first man, pulling a cigar from his cheek. Sam Strong set his aged hands along the side of the table and took a moment to look each man in the eyes. He knew Rip Chord… everyone in the wrestling business knew Rip Chord.


Chord had recently opened his own wrestling promotion, Mid Atlantic Wrestling, where he hoped to train the future generation of wrestlers. Rip nodded himself, taking the last sip of his scotch and then topping himself off from the bottle in the middle of the table.


“Well, I just want you all to know that it’s not just an idea anymore, and that I’ve got some skin in the game now myself,” Strong continued as he turned his gaze to the mustachioed ginger sitting across from him, Cliff Anderson, owner of CZCW. “I’ve recently purchased USPW… talks about joining up with us led to other things, and I’ve purchased the controlling shares. So, we’re all equals here, all on equal footing, all with an equal chance.”


“I like that,” said the gravelly-voiced Stomper following a draw from his own cigar. “NYCW has always been a bastion for talent, it’s only right we have a place in this.”


“CZCW, too,” Anderson added. “My guys go on to TCW and SWF, some of ‘em go up to Canada… I just want to give the audience a good show for their money every time.”


“You and your talent are going to be a big part of this,” Strong assured him. “We all work together, we all have a say.”


“It’s not always worked in the past, but we all want the same thing here,” Chord interjected as he sat his cigar on the side of an ashtray nearby on the table. “Cornell just bought TCW, and Eisen’s company is as big as it ever was right now. Most of the guys our audiences are familiar with can only be seen on TV now, so we have to assure audiences that they’re going to get their money’s worth every time… and The Coalition brand is going to do that for all of us.”


“Man, a national alliance… whouda thunk it?” Stomper grins as he tucks his cigar between his lips again.


“One recognized champion, one recognized set of tag champions,” Anderson adds after a sip of scotch. “Talent sharing… the whole concept has even helped us lock in some guys to written deals!”


“That’s right,” Strong nods as he opens a folder on the table to show off a list of names, among them Steve Flash, Tom E. Hawk, and The Fly Boys. “These men have agreed not to sign exclusive deals with Cornell or Eisen for a while to help us build credibility.”


“So, we’re all set then?” Rip Chord asks as he raises his rocks glass. “We announce it to the world on New Year’s Eve.”


The men all nod in agreement and raise their glasses in toast.


“To The Coalition?” Strong suggests.


“To The Coalition!” Stomper, Anderson, and Chord reply cheerfully.


They all take a drink and sit their glasses down, some going for their cigars again while others reach for papers on the table.


“So, it’s all set then? We crown the first North American Champion at the inaugural Rip Chord Invitational?” Anderson asks as he pulls out a flyer for the event.


“That’s right,” Chord answers as he exhales a thick cloud of smoke. “Two talents from NYCW, two talents from CZCW, two from Sam and USPW, and two homegrown MAW guys. Eight men, one night, one winner and one champion.”


“I’ve already talked to my guys about the tournament,” Anderson says. “They couldn’t be more thrilled to represent CZCW and have their chance at history.”


“We’ll start to announce the first couple of guys for the Invitational when we make The Coalition announcement, then reveal the rest as the days go by and anticipation builds,” Chord tells the group.


“Promoting talent ahead of time is key to our promise to the audience,” Strong says. “Especially when we’re promoting any of our titles.”


“I agree, prestige is something greatly lacking on the indies,” Anderson nods. “We have to be accountable to people who spend their hard earned dollars to come see us.”


Stomper lets out a hearty belly laugh and snuffs out his cigar in the ashtray, reaching over to pat Anderson on the shoulder.


“Happy holidays, boys,” the bearded veteran booms. “It’s gonna be a good year!”


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He leaned on the apron of the ring he got at a discount from Shane Sneer. It was an old SCCW ring. 18x18. Softer than the rings that Eisen loved to use in the North East. Inside the ring, Jean was supervising two students who were locking up. Both had potential. One was a 6’10” monster of a man. JeMarcus was his name. The nineteen year was a Wisconsin native that had relocated to Baltimore to train with Rip. His sparring partner was Justin Sanders. Significantly smaller, Justin had Asian heritage and despite only being 5’7” -- he had something about him that screamed he could be a star. He also had a natural technical inclination. JeMarcus was a big scary bastard but wasn’t necessarily going to be a great bell-to-bell wrestler. Justin could be a great wrestler and a great worker. There was a difference there.


Rip scratched at the three day old beard growth on his chin. His lower back ached. His knees ached. His shoulders ached. All of him ached. It was his daily existence. Aching. It was the price he paid for a career that almost hit forty years. A career that had taken him all around the world and made him a household name. He had been somebody, but he had almost pissed that away. Just like he’d almost pissed Betty away. If he hadn’t gotten sober when he did, he probably would have. She was a good woman. A better woman than he deserved really. If it hadn’t been for her...He didn’t like to think what the outcome would be.


Rip watched as JeMarcus lifted Justin high into the air. Justin was damn near eight feet in the air because of the wingspan of the three hundred and sixty pounder. JeMarcus drove Justin down and Justin took a great bump. Jean gave an instruction and Rip leaned back.


When he decided to hang up the boots, Tommy had told him that he wasn’t going to need him on the payroll any more. That was fine with Rip. He wanted to be off the road. He wanted to be doing this. He wanted to do The Bootcamp and run Mid Atlantic Wrestling. He wanted to play his part in saving pro wrestling, since he had almost killed it. That was Rip’s dirty little secret. He had been the last great territory star. He could have fought off Richard Eisen’s destruction of territorial wrestling. He could have led the opposition. He could have… but the money could pay more bills than his pride could and Lord knows Rich paid him a small fortune. Rip had paired with Sam Strong and the two of them effectively killed the wrestling business as it had been. They killed small promoters making money.


When Rip thought about it, he kicked himself. The wrestling business had been so easy before that. When he was based in Texas, he was a star across the whole state. He was paid primarily in cash. He was on television. He was a part of a closed community of men who didn’t fit in anywhere else. Man they f***ed that up. In making it a global commodity, they weren’t outlaws anymore. When Rip got a DUI, it was a big deal. The local cops didn’t just let him go because they wanted to see him hit Nero with the DDT on Thursday. Now it was a news story. His affairs weren’t something he could keep away from Betty. They were something he had to admit to. He had to admit to being a lousy husband and a bad father but a great drunk.


“Run that spot again.” Rip said when JeMarcus hit a move that he thought they were going to call the Beast Driver. The Beast JeMarcus Cannon. 6’10”. Man, Rip was going to do things with him. Things here in Stanley Hall in Baltimore. It was all Rip could do. It was his penance. He had sinned. He had confessed and now he had to do his penance. The Bootcamp was his Hail Mary. MAW was his Our Father. The North American Wrestling Coalition was his Rosary.


Pro Wrestling needed to be saved. There needed to be a spot for all the different styles. Cliff had his hard hitting action out on the beach on the West Coast. Stomper had his throwback up in New York. Sam was taking over down south and here was Rip. Pro wrestling. It was going to be bloody and physical. The only way he could save his legacy was to save pro wrestling. Nothing else mattered.



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Mid Atlantic Wrestling returns to its home arena, Stanley Hall, for another great night of professional wrestling action. If you’re in the Baltimore area, you do not want to miss this show -- as it is Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s final show of 2005.


Earlier this week, it was announced that Mid Atlantic Wrestling is apart of the brand new North American Wrestling Coalition, but what does that mean? The only way to find out is to be in the building!


The Night of the Champions promises to live up to its name as both of Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s titles will be on the line. In our main event, Mean Jean Cattley looks to defend the Mid Atlantic Championship for the first time when he takes on the whitehot Mainstream Hernandez. The Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles are on the line when Natural Storm put the titles up for grabs against the Karen Killer led Rock City Stars.


Plus, rising star Erik Strong takes Mr. Submission Al Coleman, Antonio Del Vecchio takes on Ricky Douglas and we see six new wrestlers to Mid Atlantic Wrestling all making their debut here.


Tickets are available at MidAtlanticWrestling.com, at Stanley Hall, Main Event Comics, Big Stevie’s Games, and the Book Den.



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Night of the Champions

Friday, Week 4, December 2005


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MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP: Mean Jean Cattley © vs. Mainstream Hernandez

MID ATLANTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Natural Storm © vs. The Rock City Stars

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Mr. Submission” Al Coleman

The Remus Twins vs. The Gods of Thunder

Antonio del Vecchio vs “Straight A” Ricky Douglas

The Grapplers vs. The Ring Generals

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MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP: Mean Jean Cattley © vs. Mainstream Hernandez

MID ATLANTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Natural Storm © vs. The Rock City Stars

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Mr. Submission” Al Coleman

The Remus Twins vs. The Gods of Thunder

Antonio del Vecchio vs “Straight A” Ricky Douglas

The Grapplers vs. The Ring Generals

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MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP: Mean Jean Cattley © vs. Mainstream Hernandez

MID ATLANTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Natural Storm © vs. The Rock City Stars

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Mr. Submission” Al Coleman

The Remus Twins vs. The Gods of Thunder

Antonio del Vecchio vs “Straight A” Ricky Douglas

The Grapplers vs. The Ring Generals

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