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Ring of Faith: Austin 3:16 (A ThunderVerse Story)

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ROF BOND OF BROTHERHOOD: Curtis Windham & Daniel Azaria vs. The Street Survivors

"The Cardinal of Comedy" Papa Estandar vs. ?????

Judas Washington vs. Lenny Rhodes

"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. X

Kenny Rich, Matt Chase & Tracy Floyd w/Julia Justice vs. Orlando, Riptide & T-Bomb

Deadtective vs. Johnny Moore w/Kaylee Steiner

"The Gold Standard" Manny Floyd vs. Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage

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ROF BOND OF BROTHERHOOD: Curtis Windham & Daniel Azaria vs. The Street Survivors

"The Cardinal of Comedy" Papa Estandar vs. ?????

Judas Washington vs. Lenny Rhodes

"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. X

Kenny Rich, Matt Chase & Tracy Floyd w/Julia Justice vs. Orlando, Riptide & T-Bomb

Deadtective vs. Johnny Moore w/Kaylee Steiner

"The Gold Standard" Manny Floyd vs. Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage

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Chapter 3: Genesis


Before the show...


I couldn't believe it.


I was expecting fights. Destruction. A fire or two, maybe. At least one major crime taking place.


We had so many rules in place. Since it was a church building, there would be zero drugs, alcohol or tobacco. No one could even play music that had a single profanity in it. Everybody had to show up well before the show, because we needed all the help we could get in setting things up. There was no catering and no benefits.


And yet, the backstage area, which was really just an industrial kitchen, some storage areas and a couple of locker rooms inside a small gymnasium, was pretty peaceful. Everybody went about their business.


Lenny had found an old karaoke machine in one of the storage areas. The only songs on it were 1990s contemporary Christian music hits, so he and Riptide pulled off a rousing rendition of dc Talk's "Jesus Freak" for everyone.


I had expected the worst. Our fearless owner Cindy had apparently started some sort of war with Tylene Moore and AMAZON for simply... existing. We hadn't signed any female wrestlers yet, as Julie had just announced she was no longer going to be wrestling. Very much a people person, she was going to be a huge help in smoothing things over backstage in addition to her work as the timekeeper and semi-regular manager for me and Tracy


Kaylee showed up with Jack bragging about how much weight she had lost during the summer so far. But that was the extent of her pre-show contributions. I was expecting all sorts of terror, considering what had gone on back in Miami.


Soon enough, it was time to get going. The baptist church's youth minister gave some opening comments before handing the microphone over to Wesley. We had a pretty easy arrangement with the church: We pay to use the facility, we get the ticket revenue, they get a bunch of newcomers to invite to their Sunday services. The gymnasium was a familiar setup for most of us, so it would be just like any other small indy show we had done in the past.


Well, except for the fact that it was going to be bloodless, sexless, and swear-less, all while teaching all the little church kids in the seats to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. But maybe we had something up our sleeves for the older crowd, too.


And it was Cindy's idea to give them a big surprise in the opening match...




Montgomery, AL

Friday, Week 4, July 2021

95 fans in attendance



Wesley Johnson


Wesley opened the show by pumping up the crowd and telling them they were about to witness something that they had never seen before in professional wrestling. He did a great job of selling Ring of Faith like it was some real polished ministry, instead of a spur-of-the-moment decision by a former strip club empress who may or may not be trying to make a quick buck.



Julie Justice


After he introduced the two wrestlers for the opening contest, Julie walked over to him and whispered something in his ear. Wesley looked quite surprised before turning back to the crowd and booming...


Wesley Johnson:
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that this match... the very first one in Ring of Faith history... will be for... THE BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP!


Julie comes back to the ring carrying a black strap with gold plates. There's a giant cross in the center of it. Just... use your imagination here. We're limited in the graphics department right now.


Wesley really plays up the announcement. He's pretty good at improvising, which is helpful, because we didn't tell him this was happening beforehand. This news fires up both competitors, who are ready to put on a show and get all these nice folks locked into what we're doing from the very beginning.


(Cindy didn't want to tell them for maximum drama, but I quietly gave them the heads-up anyway. There's no telling what either of them would have done if they didn't get any warning.)









"The Gold Standard" Manny Floyd vs. Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage


Both Manny and Markus come up firing early, getting in good offense and pumping the crowd up. It's a pretty fast pace, which does the job in terms of getting the people in the seats involved. They both seem to click really well together, even though I don't think they've wrestled much in the past.


The match drags towards the middle. There's not much of a flow to it, which might be expected with two guys who aren't seasoned veterans of the business. The hometown crowd wants to see Markus, who played college ball right up the road in Tuscaloosa, become the first champion. This plays into Manny's hands, as he loves to be the arrogant heel.


Markus comes close to pulling off his patented finisher, The 'Bama Bounce, but Manny slips away each time like an agile prize fighter. He catches Markus off-guard and then clobbers him with a right hook. Markus sells like he's just been assassinated. Manny gets the cover and is crowned our first champion.


The crowd boos. Few people would have seen that coming. A bad guy first champion in the Bible company?


Manny Floyd defeats Markus Kage in 13:30 via Medal-Winning Right Hook to win the ROF Bible Belt Championship









After the dust settles from the title match, the mysterious Deadtective makes his way to the ring. The crowd does not know what to think of a man dressed like a noir mummy.


He gets the microphone from Wesley and begins explaining himself. He's the Deadtective, a former private eye who found himself on the wrong side of a gun when investigating the mob back in the '40s. But he was miraculously resurrected and has been working in the shadows ever since. Using his second chance at life, he investigates the dark powers that control our world.


Deadtective says he's come to Ring of Faith because he senses a great evil is wanting to destroy it from the inside out. And he has reason to believe that his first opponent in the squared circle tonight, along with his associate, is part of this great plot. By challenging him to a match, Deadtective is going to get closer to the truth.



Johnny Moore and Kaylee Steiner


Out steps his opponent, Johnny Moore. He's joined by Kaylee Steiner, who I'm praying doesn't do anything too outrageous with her character here. She's supposed to be seductive, but not too over-the-top like... well, she always is in real life. Johnny's job while coming down to the ring is to take cell phone pictures of Steiner, who is posing all over the gym to try to get the best lighting "for Insta."


Deadtective quietly stands in the ring, jotting down notes on a pad, while Johnny and Kaylee bark at the "ugly people" to get out of the way so they can get better angles for their shots. Johnny, ever the star of the show, is really good at this.


And now, a match between an undead detective and an Instagram couple.








Deadtective vs. Johnny Moore w/Kaylee Steiner


Cort, AKA Deadtective, is nothing to write home about in the ring. But he's new to this, and he's gotten the hard part out of the way... he's created a character that people will remember. He's got OK skills but won't screw up often and does a great job of keeping himself and others safe.


Johnny has a little more experience and can hit some decent moves. Still, these guys are pure entertainers, and this match was really about establishing who they are in ROF.


And Johnny is someone who is obsessed with being the perfect boyfriend for Kaylee. Towards the end of the match, Kaylee finally finds a way to use her feminine... charm?... to distract the reanimated corpse of an old detective. That's long enough for Johnny to take advantage and roll him up for the three count.


I hate to say it, but Kaylee was really good in this match. And she didn't do anything obscene!


Johnny Moore defeats Deadtective in 7:48 via quick roll-up after a Kaylee Steiner distraction










Kenny Rich, Matt Chase and Tracy Floyd vs. Riptide, T-Bomb and Orlando


My first match in Ring of Faith was designed to make the fans happy again after seeing two heels win back-to-back. Alright, that sounded arrogant. Even though Tracy and I were the two more popular guys in this match and the crowd seemed to at least know who we were more than the others, it was about getting the faces a victory.


Kenny, who plays country music on the side, wrote and recorded an entrance song for the three of us that got the fans hooting and hollering. He's a little rough around the edges at this point in his career, but that cowboy can brawl quite well. Everyone got around equal offense in this one, and Orlando had a couple of moments to shine with his ability to play to the crowd.


In the end, Tracy and I hit a double-team move in order to tag Rich in for his finisher, where he looks like he took T-Bomb's head clean off his shoulders. Score one for the good guys.


Kenny Rich, Matt Chase and Tracy Floyd defeated Riptide, T-Bomb and Orlando in 11:55 via Homestead Lariat from Chase






I didn't have much time to revel in the performance, because I had to make sure things weren't about to go haywire in the next segment.



Jack Appleton


Jack's music hits. We had to find some sort of Christian rap that he would agree to using, and we eventually settled on "Make War" by Tedashii. It's got a lot of yelling, which he enjoyed.


The yelling with the music lasted for a minute or so before he started yelling into the microphone about how he was the "Bulletproof Believer." He had been shot nine times in his life, but he was still here. He neglected to mention how many times he shot back, because he was too focused on his new message... one that showed that he had survived all of those attacks for a reason.


That reason, which he eventually got to at the end of his ranting, was to be an instrument of the Lord's punishment on those who do wrong. Bold claim, Jack. He finishes with a half-coherent retelling of Jesus overturning the money changers' tables in the temple, then barks at his opponent to face him in the ring.


Well, at least there were no profanities... and the fans at least looked really intrigued with this crazy man.







"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. X


I should have been even more nervous than I was.


Jack and X had worked with each other plenty of times in the past. But those were all in anarchic, anything-goes environments... not a church gymnasium that hosts Upward Basketball games on Saturdays and ladies Bible studies on Tuesdays.


They knew there wasn't going to be any blood. They knew there would be any weapons of any kind.


So, instead, they beat the living hell out of each other for nearly 10 minutes. By their standards, it was a pillow fight. By a lot of parents in the crowd, it was barbarian warfare.


But everything was going relatively OK until Jack found a table. It had a plastic tablecloth over it, like it had been used to serve refreshments at Vacation Bible School just days earlier. Jack threw X on top of it and then looked toward the heavens.








Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo.




The gym had a balcony.


I watched in pure horror as Jack made the quick run up the flight of steps, scaled the side, shouted "THIS IS FOR YOU, GRANDMA!" and dove elbow-first to the floor below.


X rolled out of the way. Jack went straight through the table. I heard four different women scream. Kids thought he was dead. A bunch of teenagers started jumping around in the aisles.


X picked up Jack's lifeless body and rolled him back into the ring. He went to pin him, but Jack kicked out at the last millisecond. The crowd that wasn't still frozen roared. Jack made his way back to his feet and started a comeback...


...and that comeback was quickly terminated by X hitting his trademark pop-up powerbomb in the center of the ring. The carnage, thankfully, was over.


X defeated Jack Appleton in 9:50 via XXX (Pop-Up Powerbomb)


We probably need to change the name of that move at some point.







Judas Washington vs. Lenny Rhodes


Putting Judas Washington in a match immediately after X and Jack went rogue wasn't my best decision. It might have guaranteed that this was the only card I would ever book in my life.


But the night was full of surprises.


Lenny immediately connected with the crowd. Kids loved his colored hair and bright tights. Older folks could see he was cool without being a tryhard. He was just a walking ball of charisma from Goose Creek, South Carolina.


Judas had the slowest walk to the ring I've ever seen. As death metal blared the background... from a Christian band, yes... he trudged like a zombie. When he got in the ring, he just leaned up on the turnbuckle and sat his head back like he was going to fall asleep. A woman near the back turned and asked her husband if this guy was "on drugs."


Possibly. Still, he was doing exactly what he was told to do.


During the match, Lenny's enthusiasm was a perfect foil to Judas' blank apathy. He expended energy only to counter what Lenny was trying. To his credit, Judas put on a really good performance.


The back-and-forth went on for several minutes before Lenny got some good shots in on Judas. That set him off, and it looked like he was going to rage his way into a crushing win over the popular babyface. But Lenny pulled off a nifty reversal of his own, moving that into his finisher and getting the three count. Crowd goes wild.


Lenny Rhodes defeated Judas Washington in 5:38 via Rhodes to Nowhere (Springboard Moonsault)







Lenny Rhodes


After the match, Lenny gets the microphone from Wesley and thanks the crowd for supporting him. He talks about how he hadn't been in a church since high school, but he was touched by how welcoming everyone was in the gym tonight. He says that means a lot.


Lenny continues by telling the fans that he wants to make them proud by winning the Bible Belt title and taking it off the hands of "that ungrateful loudmouth" Manny Floyd. The crowd cheers.



Judas Washington


But then, the lights in the gym go out. When they come back on, Judas is standing back in the ring, holding an index finger to the sky.


A woman's voice echoes throughout the gym.


Hello, Lenny. You seem to be talking quite a lot for someone who doesn't know what's coming to him...


Lenny Rhodes:
Wh-- Who are you?


I am... The Siren of The Seven. You have been marked, Lenny Rhodes. We see what you are trying to accomplish, and we are here to end it all... and to make Ring of Faith into our own image. You have met the first of us in the ring. But if you think you are going to come anywhere close to what you want, you will have to go through all seven of us.


Lenny Rhodes:
I'm not scared of you. I'm not scared of anyone. Not when I have all these great people behind me.
(crowd cheers)
I am going to defend this company that gave me a chance, and I am going to make sure that it can carry on its mission with pride. So I say... BRING ON THE SEVEN!


Oh, Lenny. Be very careful what you wish for. We'll see you soon...


The lights go back out. When they come back on, Judas is gone. It's just Lenny. He plays to the crowd even more as his music hits again and he exits.


Good job, kid. The people love you.







Papa Estandar


Papa Estandar comes out for his first Open Mic Open Challenge. He seems nervous at first, looking like he's still not quite sure if he can pull off the papal comedy gimmick inside a Southern Baptist church.


But he's a natural on the mic, and soon he has the church crowd laughing along to his jokes about various Old Testament characters. Some of them are pretty clever, I have to say.


Toward the end of his tight five, though, a scowling man pops through the curtain.



Teddy Windham


Teddy Windham is tired of this nonsense. He comes into the ring and offers to pay Papa Estandar to quit standup comedy, forever. When Estandar asks him how much he's willing to pay, Windham produces a few dollar bills, balls them up and promptly throws them right into Estandar's face.


A brawl breaks out! The match is on!







Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham


This was a perfectly solid match between a well-trained veteran who knows how to connect to a crowd with his oddball character and a second-generation talent who is still trying to find his voice in the ring.


Teddy does a great job of playing the sneering heel, even if his timing is a little off at times with Estandar. The two work through it for a good back-and-forth showcase. Estandar comes close to getting the win on several occasions.


The two have a counter fest of pins and reversals until Teddy finally and rather illegally gets the three count by having his feet across the bottom rope.


Referee Hunter Moss claims he didn't see anything when the crowd boos at the bell, and Teddy doesn't make things any easier for the zebra by slipping him a dollar bill on the way out of the ring. Something about money and churches.


Teddy Windham defeated Papa Estandar in 12:42 via illegal pin










Daniel Azaria and Curtis Windham vs. The Street Survivors (Duane Davies and Rick E. Waters)


Alright, time to learn a valuable booking lesson.


When you've got a crowd that has quite a few kids in it and you've already gotten everybody worn out with the balcony dive and the lights-out promo, don't make your main event too long.


These two teams would make for a great indy tag main event pretty much anywhere, especially in the South. This is where Daniel and Curtis currently work, and The Street Survivors are basically tag team royalty down here.


So, by most wrestling fans' standards, this was a fine way to end the show. But we started losing this particular crowd for a long stretch in the middle. Maybe the slow-building, back-and-forth tag team showcase wasn't the best way to wrap things up. It didn't help matters that Curtis seemed a little off his game, either.


The crowd snapped back to life in the final moments, seeing that we were approaching the top of the hour and the show just had to be over soon. Duane slingshot Daniel over for Rick's finisher and took home yet another set of belts in their illustrious careers.


The Street Survivors defeated Daniel Azaria and Curtis Windham in 18:31 via Rick E. Waters' Hardest Knock of Them All (Diving Spear) to win the ROF Bond of Brotherhood Titles






The crowd cheered The Street Survivors, who slapped hands with everybody as they went to the back. Wesley Johnson quickly brought things to a close before handing the microphone to the church's lead pastor, who thanked everyone for coming and made a joke about replacing the table that Jack broke. Or, at least, I hoped he was joking.


Then he mentioned that church staff members would be down front, among the wrestlers signing autographs and selling merch, to pray with anyone who wanted it.


Although the show went off well and didn't have too many incidents... I had the feeling I might need that prayer before too long.



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Chapter 3.5: Oh God, The Aftermath


Immediately after Genesis...



Jack Appleton
Patrick "X" Herzog


"I'm afraid to ask this... but what were you two thinking?!?!?"


Genesis had gone better than anyone, especially me, expected. The crowd seemed entertained. The church who hosted us was mostly pleased. No one got hurt, no one cursed loudly enough for any small ears to hear, and no one had a terrible night.


But that freaking table spot.


Jack and Patrick knew the deal. This wasn't going to be ECXW all over again. You couldn't bleed, you couldn't use weapons.


"After all we went over, you STILL decide to jump off a balcony and through a table?"


"Man, just chill. First of all, it wasn't even their table. It was one that we got before the show and gimmicked ourselves. No one left, no one shut the place down. A few white folks were scared, but that happens every time they go outside. So why are you yelling at me?"


"I'm yelling at you because you KNOW you weren't supposed to do that. And even before the spot, you two decided to do everything in the ring BUT make each other bleed. You could have jeopardized this whole company halfway through the first card! That's not what these people are paying to see!"


"And that's my fault?"


"It's gonna be your fault when we don't have any other place book us again! It's gonna be your fault when we're all scraping by on random indies again! It's gonna be your fault when you screw up your chance to scam your grandmother!"


Ooh, he didn't like that.


"You mention my Grandma again, we gon' have some real problems."


Maybe I had a death wish.


"Jack, you don't seem to understand that I'm trying to make sure you don't lose this job. You might be here because Cindy loves her niece, but you are not going to get in the way of her and her money. If you pull a stunt like this again, she'll send you packing right to Philly in an instant. Trust me."


"Just let it go, baby."



Kaylee Steiner


"Everybody in that building is going to remember that and remember you for the rest of their lives. Matt's probably just jealous."


"Kaylee, thanks for chiming in. I'm honestly surprised I have nothing to get mad at you over right now."


"Whatever. I know I did my job right. And Jack did, too."


"Just don't let it happen again, Jack. And don't put any ideas in his head, Kaylee."


I turned my head to X, who was blankly staring at the wall the entire time.


"Got anything to say, Pat?"




"You know, Cindy tells me that you two talk all the time... and I don't think I've ever heard you say a full sentence."


(grunts again)


"Sounds about right. Are we clear about the future, guys? No wild brawls, no jumping off of parts of the building?"


Jack just glared at me and walked away with Kaylee. Patrick quietly walked off.


At least neither of them attacked me. This time.


Before everybody left the gym, I made sure to praise Lenny for his performance. He seemed genuinely surprised that the crowd embraced him as much as they did. I told him he sealed the deal tonight... he was going to be a huge part of what we want to do.



Cindy Austin


Cindy came over during our conversation, praising her "sweet boy" for his back-and-forth with her on the microphone in the promo. He was appreciative but looked unsure of how to feel about extra attention from her. But, since she was a changed woman, the conversation didn't end with anything illegal being discussed.


Then it was the two of us, running down what had happened.


"I talked to Jack and Patrick about the table spot. I think they got the message, but I never really can tell with those two."


"The church people didn't get too mad about it, and it definitely is gonna get people talking when Johnny puts the matches on YouTube."


"Please don't encourage them, Cindy."


"What can I say, they're my guys."


While we only made $18 worth of merch sales... two teenagers bought t-shirts in what I'm sure to be some sort of irony thing... the gate revenue was pretty encouraging. Between that, the sponsors and the donations, we would come pretty close to breaking even in our first month.


"It's a start. I just hope another church will be able to find us and want to bring us in next month."


"So how did it feel to own a wrestling company whose first show didn't end in arrests or hospitalizations?"


"I know you still probably think this is some sort of joke, Matt. But I really enjoy being around these people. I talked to so many nice folks here. The kids were all excited. You even had some old wrasslin' fans down here impressed with the show, Mr. Booker."


"We've got a pretty good crew, when they're not doing something suicidal with church architecture."


"Well, thank you. I know it's just one show, but... this feels like it's going to be something really special. Don't you think?"


"Yeah... I think special is a pretty good word."
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ROF Exodus Preview



Ring of Faith Presents... Exodus


Saturday, Week 3, August 2021

First United Methodist Church Activities Center, Montgomery


After the success of its first show here in Montgomery, RING OF FAITH is staying in the River Region for this month's showcase... EXODUS!


EXODUS will be held on the third Saturday of August inside the Activities Center of the First United Methodist Church. Tickets are $8 each at the door. Doors open at 6 p.m. with a 7 p.m. bell time.


The main event of EXODUS will feature a three-way showdown to crown a new No. 1 contender for Manny Floyd's Bible Belt championship! Southern wrestling veteran Matt Chase will face second-generation star Teddy Windham and "The Cardinal of Comedy" Papa Estandar —*two competitors who had a heated battle that ended in controversy at GENESIS!


Also on EXODUS, "Limitless" Lenny Rhodes will face the next challenge from the mysterious Seven! Daniel Azaria will look to bounce back from his main event loss with Curtis Windham in a 1-on-1 showdown with the ever-popular Righteous Redneck himself, Tracy Floyd. Elsewhere on the card, we'll see Bond of Brotherhood champions The Street Survivors, Deadtective, Johnny Moore, Markus Kage and the Waveriders. And, of course, "The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton will be back in action!


You and your family won't want to miss RING OF FAITH... Wrestling with a Higher Calling!




#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: Matt Chase vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham

Lenny Rhodes vs. ?????

Daniel Azaria vs. Tracy Floyd

"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. Judas Washington

Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner

Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivors vs. Orlando and The Waveriders
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#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: Matt Chase vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham

I'm a big Estander fan and I hope he gets his win back here.


Lenny Rhodes vs. ?????

It's hard to bet against the temptation of ????, but Rhodes is clearly in line for big things.


Daniel Azaria vs. Tracy Floyd

I enjoy Floyd, but I think Azaria slots a bit higher on the card.


"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. Judas Washington

After last show how can anyone not be a believer?


Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner

I can't pass up on a mystery man twice.


Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivors vs. Orlando and The Waveriders

Kage needs a bounceback win, and he's got the most over faces on your roster in his corner.

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#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: Matt Chase vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham

I'm a big Estander fan and I hope he gets his win back here.


Lenny Rhodes vs. ?????

It's hard to bet against the temptation of ????, but Rhodes is clearly in line for big things.


I support this prediction

Daniel Azaria vs. Tracy Floyd

I enjoy Floyd, but I think Azaria slots a bit higher on the card.


"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. Judas Washington

After last show how can anyone not be a believer?


Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner

I can't pass up on a mystery man twice.


Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivors vs. Orlando and The Waveriders

Kage needs a bounceback win, and he's got the most over faces on your roster in his corner.


I support this predictions

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#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: Matt Chase vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham

Lenny Rhodes vs. ?????

Daniel Azaria vs. Tracy Floyd

"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. Judas Washington

Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner

Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivors vs. Orlando and The Waveriders

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#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: Matt Chase vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham


Lenny Rhodes vs. ?????

Whilst I do think Lenny falls in one of the matches, it won't be this one

Daniel Azaria vs. Tracy Floyd


"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton vs. Judas Washington

Excessive Christian Violence sees the match thrown out

Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner

I refuse to believe Johnny Moore and Kaylee Steiner have a friend/acquaintance that will partner with them...

Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivors vs. Orlando and The Waveriders

Markus gets that heat back

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<p>I knew it! Looking forward to show #2...</p><p> </p><p>

#1 CONTENDER FOR ROF BIBLE BELT CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Matt Chase</strong> vs. Papa Estandar vs. Teddy Windham</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">He's Matt Chase, baybay!</span></p><p>

<strong>Lenny Rhodes</strong> vs. ?????</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Lenny continues his battles with Cindy's minions</em></span></p><p>

<strong>Daniel Azaria</strong> vs. Tracy Floyd</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Azaria has to be the more wholesome of the two!</em></span></p><p>

<strong>"The Bulletproof Believer" Jack Appleton</strong> vs. Judas Washington</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>You like living life on the edge, don't you! This is a car crash waiting to happen!</em></span></p><p>

Deadtective and Kenny Rich vs. <strong>Johnny Moore (w/Kaylee Steiner) and A Mysterious Guest Partner</strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Makes up for ignoring the question marks above!</em></span></p><p>

<strong>Markus "The 'Bama Beast" Kage and The Street Survivor</strong>s vs. Orlando and The Waveriders</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Kage and the Survivors have the potential to dominate the promotion and as much as I like Orlando, I have never really warmed to the Waveriders.</em></span></p>

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