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SMASH: Will Bump For $$$

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“Beer, please.”


Today was not turning out to be a good day.


“Hello? Beer, please.”


Jet lag made everything a million times worse but complaining about it didn’t seem to be an option. There was no one to complain to for one thing. He was surrounded by people but drinking alone. Or trying to at least.


“I’d like a beer, please.”


The bar heaved. Everyone from loud obnoxious jocks to cackling harpies all pressing up against it in an effort to be noticed by the solitary barman. At 5’8” and a little under 150 pounds, Little Spike Dudley steadied himself on his stool and attempted to remove himself from an over-eager armpit.


This sucked. He cursed the wrestling convention promoter who’d cancelled at the last minute and then disappeared. With no reason now to be in LA and no flight scheduled until the morning Spike was stuck shouting over the throng of nobodies and wannabes. At least I fit in, he told himself.


His naturally blond hair, bleached lighter, straggled across his face and reached down to his tie-dyed shoulders and classic denim dungarees. Not a single person recognised him. Not one single per-


“Hey, I know you. It’s you, isn’t it? Ah, it’s you. I know it’s you.”


Spike grimaced and turned slowly on his stool. He just wanted a beer and to be left alone. A beer and to try and soften this jet lag. He tried to remember if he’d brought a pen. He cursed the convention promoter again. Stuck in a packed, faceless LA bar he’d found the one wrestling fan who’d remembered him...


“I knew it was you. You’re Garth from Wayne’s World, right? Right? I loved your films, man. You were incredible. Do that thing you do with the doughnuts.”


And standing before Spike was a clearly shit-faced Jerry Springer. The Jerry Springer. Not just drunk - hammered. Obliterated. Spike took in the plain black t-shirt, jeans, black Wayne’s World baseball cap and, not for the first time tonight, questioned what he was doing here. Springer was barely able to stand, his Wayne’s World convention pass swinging from his neck like a pendulum. Despite himself, Spike considered looking for a doughnut.


“Ahhhhhh” said Jerry.


Spike wondered if he was being filmed.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhh….” he repeated.


Spike hadn’t watched The Jerry Springer Show in years - was it still even on? Everyone in America had been into that thing. They all knew the format: exploit the controversy, set up the pieces then ignite the fuse. And man did those fights kick off. During wrestling’s 90s renaissance, for the casual TV viewer, there was little to distinguish between The Springer Show and the Monday Night Wars.


“Ahhhhh,” said Jerry, finally settling on a point, “they don’t make films like they used to. Or television. This place... sucks. Come on, I know somewhere. I’ll buy you a beer.”


And with that Jerry Springer put his arm around a jet-lagged Spike Dudley and marched him out of a Los Angeles bar and into the unknown.




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<img src="
alt="Shawn-Michaels-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Matt-Hardy-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="D-Von-Dudley-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Chuck-Palumbo-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Sean-O-Haire-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mark-Jindrak-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Justin-Credible-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Shannon-Moore-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Billy-Kidman-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="D-Lo-Brown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Crowbar-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mosh-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Mark-Henry-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Spike-Dudley-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Brock-Lesnar-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Randy-Orton-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Nova-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Frankie-Kazarian-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Kaz-Hayashi-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Jimmy-Yang-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Yoshihiro-Tajiri-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Alex-Shelley-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Chris-Sabin-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Paul-London-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Brian-Kendrick-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Johnny-Stamboli-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Chris-Hero-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Jimmy-Rave-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Nigel-Mc-Guinness-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Jerry-Springer-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Eric-Bischoff-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Christy-Hemme-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Ted-Di-Biase-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Tito-Santana-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Scott-D-Amore-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Dawn-Marie-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Francine-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Don-Callis-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Daffney-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Becky-Bayless-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Talia-Madison-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Joey-Styles-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Bobby-Heenan-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Unknown-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="Jack-Doan-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Tim-White-100" border="0">



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<img src="
alt="HOW-1" border="0">


This isn’t important but if you want a backstory/rambling explanation then click below.


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<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


The key moment in my appreciation of wrestling as a fan, as far as I’m concerned, is the death of WCW and ECW coming within months of each other in 2001 and the WWF standing atop a desolate wasteland with no competitor in sight. A lot of fans got into wrestling around this time but for me, and many others, it was time to tap out. This isn’t a diary about bashing Vince or the WWF. Honestly. It’s been done many times, by better writers and, for me, it just isn’t fun to write about. Millionaire becomes billionaire and the wrestling landscape gets choked to the equivalent of a Starbucks monopoly. No thanks.


So what do we do? We do what everyone does and go to that happy place and create a world where things are different. And that’s what this is: an alternate reality. ECW didn’t go out of business. Fusient Media didn’t pull the plug on Bischoff and WCW. Shane didn’t show up on Nitro. Paul E didn’t show up on Raw. DDP wasn’t given that hideous stalker gimmick.


The hows, wheres and whys can be interesting but this basically boils down to scraping the barrel. How do we find a way to keep those companies alive while reducing the dominance of McWrestling long enough for the landscape to be something else? I tried and honestly... it didn’t really work. Vince still came out on top, and by some distance. But let’s tell the story anyway.


I took a 2001 database… ooh, spoiler to anyone reading any of my diaries for the first time – I don’t play TEW ‘20. Nothing against it, it looks great. I’ve just never moved on from 2016 and it’s where my heart is.


“Don’t try and change me, baby.”
<img src="
alt="Comic-Book-Guy-100" border="0">


I took a 2001 database with the intention of simming for three years, but first, Vince dies. No wait, it’s been done. And I want him in it. Ok, he… gets divorced. And Linda takes him to the cleaners. And to pay for the divorce... he has to sell all the additional non-WWF assets/intellectual property to keep McMahonland afloat. Does that work? I don’t care. It’s not important. Please concoct any rational story amongst yourselves that lands us at the point where WCW and ECW exist (just) and all the workers have the option to use the names they’re most commonly associated with even if they no longer work for Vince. And that’s the only time I’ll ask you to suspend your disbelief for the sake of the story. I promise.


Well, probably.




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<img src="
alt="HOW-2" border="0">


Less rambling this time and with a breakdown of the big companies and names.


If this might be interesting, click below.


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<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


So… 2001 database… and the Big 3 are stripped back to their key figures as the US wrestling scene enters a period of turmoil. By that I mean all other contracts are deleted. We’ve got three years of simming ahead but let’s see who started where...



<img src="
alt="WWF-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Vince-100" border="0">

Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, The Rock, Pat Patterson, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Bruce Pritchard, Michael Hayes, Michael Cole, Mike Chioda and Earl Hebner.


Interestingly no Shane. Or Taker. No Linda, obviously.



<img src="
alt="WCW-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Eric-Bischoff-100" border="0">

Eric Bischoff, Sting, Ric Flair, Diamond Dalls Page, Chris Kanyon, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes, Nick Patrick, Charles Robinson.


Where to start? Would anyone have stuck around for Bischoff? DDP would have. Sting probably but only because he (rightly) didn’t think McMahon would be a good career option. I doubt Flair would have stayed but his name’s right there, so...



<img src="
alt="ECW-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Heyman-100" border="0">

Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Rhino, Joey Styles, Francine, Dawn Marie, Danny Doring, Roadkill, John Finegan.


The painful rebuild. Who would’ve been last to turn out the lights at Viking Hall? I purposefully kept the big names away like RVD and The Dudleys. They were always going to move. Dreamer would’ve stayed and I’d like to think The Sandman would’ve too. Rhino was the last World and Television champion so that made sense. And Doring and Roadkill were the Tag champs, so, erm… hey, I like them.



Other notables -


Steve Austin had a falling out with Vince and had his contract terminated by mutual agreement to go and become a TV and film star – on hiatus.


Shawn Michaels lost his smile again. Did he ever really find it? He’s on hiatus and working through his personal problems.


Hollywood Hulk Hogan actually went and set up his own promotion in Hollywood. After literally hours of brainstorming he settled on naming it… Hollywood Wrestling. Jimmy Hart’s there and I think Ed Leslie is selling refreshments. Brian Knobbs is probably around somewhere.


Bret Hart became disillusioned with the wrestling industry after WCW, but he doesn’t like to talk about it. He returned to Canada and set about trying to rebuild his father’s old territory with Calgary Stampede Wrestling. Davey Boy went with him as did Jim The Anvil. Roddy Piper’s still going and is their Main Event guy. I can’t see any problems there.



So I set the database up with those changes and simmed it for three years. Linda McMahon died (presumably of a broken heart) as did Ron Harris (no idea). Bret’s Calgary promotion also died and was bought out by Vince. I’m sure he took particular joy in that one. Bret’s now working in Mexico for a start up company. ECW is holding steady as the number three promotion. And WCW… well they’re still in second place but they’ve lost a lot of ground and some not inconsiderable money. Vince’s WWF has just pulled away… and it’s cost Easy E his job. Eric Bischoff is unemployed. Again.



Here’s who the stars are as we prepare to begin:


<img src="
alt="WWF-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Rock-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Flair-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Booker-T-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Undertaker-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Steiner-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="WCW-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Sting-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Jarrett-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Buff-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Kanyon-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Douglas-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="ECW-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Christian-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Edge-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Bradshaw-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="D-Von-Dudley-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Vader-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="HW-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Hogan-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Big-Show-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Sean-O-Haire-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mero-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mosh-100" border="0">

<img src="
alt="ROH-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Doring-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mikey-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Mamaluke-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Amazing-Red-100" border="0"> <img src="
alt="Brian-XL-100" border="0">



As 2001 finally ticked to January 1st 2004 Jerry Springer pulled the trigger that made Little Spike Dudley the booker of SMASH Wrestling. And here we start our story.




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The key moment in my appreciation of wrestling as a fan, as far as I’m concerned, is the death of WCW and ECW coming within months of each other in 2001 and the WWF standing atop a desolate wasteland with no competitor in sight. A lot of fans got into wrestling around this time but for me, and many others, it was time to tap out.


True of a lot of folks, who decided that no wrestling on Monday nights was a lot better than WWF "sports entertainment" on Monday nights.

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McKeon Pavilion, Moraga, CA

3,500 SELL OUT



Dark match

Jimmy Rave (w/Talia) vs Frankie Kazarian


Rave beats Kazarian with a handful of tights.


Rating: D-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Joey Styles alongside the legendary Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, here to welcome you to the very first episode of SMASH Wrestling’s Crash TV. If you like action, then you’re in the right place. This is professional wrestling at it’s most intense!


Heenan: Styles, the pleasure is all yours. It’s great to be here, wherever I am. If I’ve never been here before it’s great to be back.


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


The Jerry Springer Show theme plays and introduces the owner of SMASH as he strolls to the ring and takes a microphone. The “Jerry! Jerry!” chants are audible.


Springer says that he is to introduce a new era in professional wrestling and live tv entertainment. “Anything can and will happen and if it sounds too wild to be true then you need to get down here and see it for yourself, folks.”


He then introduces the General Manager of SMASH… Eric Bischoff!


Bischoff states there’s a lot to fit in but the big announcement is that in three days time SMASH will hold Light The Fuse, live on Pay Per View, and crown the first SMASH World champion in a Fatal Four Way match. The GM hasn’t decided who is going to be in the match yet but-


He is interrupted by the familiar ‘Sexy Boy’ theme and the appearance of ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels.


Michaels makes it clear he expects to be in that Four Way match and at the top of every card SMASH puts on a tv screen.


Rating: B


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


D-Von Dudley vs Randy Orton


Big opening match and both men do not disappoint. Back and forth brawling slows down with a Sustained Chinlock from Orton. Near falls apiece before D-Von hits his Lifting Reverse DDT for the win.


Joey: Great elevation and D-Von drives Orton into the mat! This one is over.


Rating: B-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Dawn Marie is backstage with the Natural Born Thrillers - Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire and Mark Jindrak - and they are all determined to make it big in SMASH. She notes the camera present in the room. She faces it directly, with ample cleavage showing, and says that she’ll be doing everything she can to get her boys the title shot in the main event at Light The Fuse. She then tells Palumbo and O’Haire to prepare for their match tonight.


Rating: C-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


D’Lo Brown vs Chris Hero (w/ Talia)


A short match primarily to showcase the talents of D’Lo and remind people that he was considered a very good wrestler not that long ago. Joey and Heenan put him over big on commentary. D’Lo wins with his Lo Down Frog Splash.


Rating: C-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang are out on the rampway taunting and booing D’Lo Brown. They call him “washed up” and a “has-been.”


Heenan: I like these guys. They speak their minds. Shouldn’t take long.


Hayashi and Yang challenge D’Lo to find a partner and face them at Light The Fuse. They laugh and tell D’Lo that there is no way he will manage this in three days. D’Lo puts his fists up, ready to fight, but Hayashi and Yang are already leaving.


Rating: E+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Brock Lesnar (w/ Don Callis) vs Alex Shelley (w/ Becky Bayless)


Lesnar dwarves Shelley and doesn’t even wait for the ring bell to attack. He hits huge clubbing blows and throws Shelley around like a rag doll. Shelley attempts to rally but Lesnar hits an enormous German Suplex that has the MCMGer seeing stars. He drags Shelley to his feet and hits the F5 for a quick victory.


Joey: No one is doubting the courage of Alex Shelley but Brock Lesnar is an absolute monster. Mercifully this one is over.


Heenan: Hit him again.


Rating: D+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Brock Lesnar looks as if he is leaving the ring but he pauses and steps back through the ropes.


Joey: Lesnar with evil intentions.


Lesnar looks to inflict more punishment on Alex Shelley but in slides Chris Sabin with a steel chair. He stands between Lesnar and Shelley and tells the monster “No further.” Becky Bayless helps Shelley out of the ring as he is struggling to stand. Sabin tells Lesnar he wants him at the PPV. Lesnar, laughing, accepts.


Rating: D+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Shannon Moore and Paul London


Palumbo and O’Haire make their size advantage count and look to finish the match early. Palumbo hits a vicious backbreaker for a near fall. Moore and London fight back with some fast-paced offence culminating in stereo dives to the outside onto the NBT. Moore calls for the Corkscrew Senton but Palumbo strikes with a Superkick and O’Haire lands the Seanton Bomb for the victory.


Joey: Just too big. Too big and too powerful. Let’s go backstage to Christy Hemme who is with Shawn Michaels.


Heenan: Take your time. They’ll be a while scraping Shannon Moore off the mat.


Rating: C


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Christy catches Shawn Michaels backstage and asks if he’s had chance to talk to Eric Bischoff yet. HBK tells her it’s none of her business, but yes, he and Eric have an understanding and that as SMASH’s number one star he looks forward to a profitable relationship with the GM. Justin Credible and Francine walk past and Shawn calls them over. He tells Justin they’ve got Matt Hardy and Little Spike Dudley in the main event and he’s not expecting any trouble. He then turns to Christy, “You still here? Get out of my space!”


Rating: C-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Billy Kidman vs Nova


This looks to be a fast-paced encounter between two men with a tendency for high flying. Nova attempts to ground his opponent with some creative offence and Kidman fights back with a huge crossbody from the top rope. Both men trade near falls, Nova coming close with a Scream Machine.


Joey: This is the action packed debut edition of Crash TV for SMASH Wrestling. Both men with something to prove and pulling out all the stops.


Kidman attempts the back suplex but Nova rolls and lands on his feet. He hoists Kidman up in an Electric Chair in preparation for another Scream Machine but Kidman counters with a victory roll for the three count.


Rating: C-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Shawn Michaels and Justin Credible (w/Francine) vs Matt Hardy and Little Spike Dudley


This is a wild brawl between all four men. Michaels and Credible manage to isolate Spike from his partner and dominate the match. Spike holds on after taking some brutal offence. He eventually makes the tag to Hardy who battles both Credible and HBK at once, nearly pinning Credible with a Side Effect. The finish comes as Spike attempts an Acid Drop on HBK but, with Francine distracting the ref, Credible nails Spike in the head with the Singapore cane and Michaels drops the onrushing Hardy with a Sweet Chin Music. Credible covers Spike as the ref turns back and gains the three.


Rating: B-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Justin looks to attack Spike again and this brings out D-Von to save his brother.


Joey: D-Von arguing with both Credible and Michaels now. Oh no!


D-Von turns to Michaels and takes a Superkick from Credible, dropping to the mat. Palumbo and O’Haire hit the ring but Kidman is right behind them. It all looks set to explode until Eric Bischoff comes out to tell everyone he’s made up his mind who will fight for the SMASH World title at Light The Fuse.


Heenan: Here we go.


Bischoff announces Michaels vs Hardy vs O’Haire vs Kidman for the vacant World title. He also books D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible. And then laughs at the prone Spike and tells him not to bother showing up.


Rating: C+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Joey: Ladies and gentlemen that’s all we’ve got time for. Thank you for watching the premiere of Crash TV and we hope you’ll join us in three days time for our debut pay-per-view Light The Fuse. For Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan and myself, goodnight everybody!


Heenan: So why did you walk out on ECW?


Joey: Wait, what?


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Show Rating: C+


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<img src="

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SMASH World Championship - Fatal Four Way

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy vs Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman


D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible


Mystery Partner Match:

D'Lo Brown and ??? vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang


Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin


Shannon Moore vs Mark Jindrak


Mark Henry vs Johnny Stamboli


Insanity Project vs Nova and Kazarian




Predictions welcome


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SMASH World Championship - Fatal Four Way

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy vs Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman


D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible


Mystery Partner Match:

D'Lo Brown and ??? vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang

Mystery partner - Mark Henry


Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin


Shannon Moore vs Mark Jindrak


Mark Henry vs Johnny Stamboli


Insanity Project vs Nova and Kazarian

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SMASH World Championship - Fatal Four Way

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy vs Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman

Well clearly the smart money is on HBK and if he doesn’t go over he might lose his smile. On the other hand he may never agree to lose the title…


D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible


Mystery Partner Match:

D'Lo Brown and ??? vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang

Mystery partner - The return of Johnny B Badd


Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin

Even here in this era there is no doubt about this one


Shannon Moore vs Mark Jindrak


Mark Henry vs Johnny Stamboli


Insanity Project vs Nova and Kazarian

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<p>SMASH World Championship - Fatal Four Way</p><p>

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy vs Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> - I hesitated wondering if it was too obvious a choice but I've just got to imagine that you want as many eyes on the product as possible early doors and he is probably your best bet for that.</p><p> </p><p>

D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D-Von</strong> - I think D-Von, with the probable help of Spike and or maybe even another mystery Dudley arrival. Potential future challenger for the title?</p><p> </p><p>

Mystery Partner Match:</p><p>

D'Lo Brown and ??? vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D'Lo and ???</strong> - I think this is a safe bet for outcome but the question is who the ??? is. Assuming they are not someone we can see already like Mark Henry (N.O.D ties), then I think we could presume its likely to be a face character. If they are going to tag in the future I think they would possibly need slightly better mic skills or a good gimmick to give something to the team. Then knowing yourself I think you're probably going with either ECW or WCW alumni so after inputting all that in to my brain I've come to the guess of Al Snow.</p><p>

Probably because Al Snow and D'Lo rhyme and I like the idea of Al shaking and swaying the mannequin Head like D'Lo used to on his entrance.</p><p> </p><p>

Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brock</strong> - Someone better get Sly Stallone and Sandra Bullock out here dressed like in Demolition Man because were gonna get a report of a 1-8-7 Murder. Death. Kill.</p><p> </p><p>

Shannon Moore vs Mark Jindrak</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Jindrak </strong> - The Palumbo/O'Haire/Jindrak trio will want some starting momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs Johnny Stamboli</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Henry</strong> - I'm hoping for a bit of a build to make a step up in competition for Brock in a few month's time</p><p> </p><p>

Insanity Project vs Nova and Kazarian</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Insanity Project</strong> - They may need a leader type (eg Raven) or possibly a manager (eg Sinister Minister) but I still think they should pick up the win as a recognised team. Plus I think Nova / Kaz are destined to be staples of a workhorse undercard (for a possible future secondary title) in the future rather than a team.</p>

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<img src="

https://i.ibb.co/XxzwGXt/BUY-IN-Light-The-Fuse.jpg" alt="BUY-IN-Light-The-Fuse" border="0">



Alex Shelley (w/Becky Bayless) vs Nigel McGuinness


Shelley beats McGuinness with a Shellshock.


Rating: D


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Little Spike Dudley and Paul London vs Resident Ego (Chris Hero and Jimmy Rave) (w/Talia)


London pins Rave with a Shooting Star Press after an Acid Drop from Spike.


Rating: D+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


<img src="https://i.ibb.co/QX89bV7/SMASH-Light-The-Fuse-NEW-158.jpg" alt="SMASH-Light-The-Fuse-NEW-158" border="0">

Pepsi Coliseum, Indianapolis, IN

8,200 SELL OUT



Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the very first Pay Per View from SMASH Wrestling! It’s Saturday night and we are ready to LIGHT THE FUSE!!


Heenan: You’ve been practising that haven’t you?


Joey: We have a huge night lined up and will crown the first SMASH World champion in our Fatal Four Way main event. But first let’s head to ringside and the boss man, Jerry Springer.


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


The Jerry Springer Show theme plays and introduces the owner of SMASH. He acknowledges the “Jerry! Jerry!” chants with a smile.


Springer says how proud he is to stand in the ring, live on Pay Per View, and be a part of change. He tells the fans that they are witnessing history and they are here at the beginning of something great. He admits to not being knowledgeable about modern wrestling but that he is a fan of entertainment.


Jerry: ... and through seeing all the hard work and guts and dedication of the men and women in this company… I am entertained. I am a fan of SMASH Wrestling!


The crowd cheer but they’re cut off by a huge, piercing scream.


<font color="#02A1E3">Reveal</font>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


<img src="

https://i.ibb.co/P11GfZ8/Daffney-100.jpg" alt="Daffney-100" border="0"> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/4SjQ9fc/Crowbar-100.jpg" alt="Crowbar-100" border="0"> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/nfhtyXt/Mosh-100.jpg" alt="Mosh-100" border="0">


Daffney strides towards Jerry and screams at him again. Springer looks visibly afraid, especially when he realises the Insanity Project, Crowbar and Mosh, are creeping round to the sides of him. He is saved however by ‘

’ by the Beastie Boys and the arrival of Nova and Kazarian.


Rating: D


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Insanity Project (w/Daffney) vs Nova and Kazarian


Crowbar and Nova kick of the Pay Per View in fine fashion with some neat exchanges. Crowbar, for a psycho hardcore wrestler, is not afraid to mix it up with some technical wrestling. Nova counters and responds in kind. Mosh is happiest when he’s brawling and finds a willing participant in Kazarian. All four men hit their signature moves and Mosh takes out Nova with a Mosh Pit for the win.


Heenan: I think Roddy Piper wants his skirt back.


Joey: Will you stop?


Rating: D+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Mark Henry vs Johnny Stamboli


Joey: Two newcomers making their SMASH debut live on Pay Per View!


Henry and Stamboli waste no time in hitting each other, standing in the centre of the ring trading blows. Johnny The Bull is a young man of chiselled muscle but Henry is just huge, raw power. Several big shots rock Stamboli and Henry capitalises with an enormous Falling Powerslam. Stamboli is done but Henry follows up with a splash and makes the cover for three.


Heenan: Stamboli’s just had a house fall on him.


Rating: D+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Don Callis is backstage in a locker room with Brock Lesnar. He talks direct to the camera about how Lesnar is going to mash Chris Sabin to a bloody pulp.


Callis: Sabin, take a selfie and send it to all those girlfriends of yours. Send it to your mother back home in Detroit. Hell, send it to Alex Shelley. Because when Brock Lesnar is finished with you, no one is going to recognise you. Life is tough, kid. Welcome to the big leagues.


Rating: D


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Brock Lesnar (w/ Don Callis) vs Chris Sabin (w/Becky Bayless)


Lesnar looks confident. He wants to get his hands on Sabin but the MCMGer is doing a good job of evading.


Joey: Sabin is light on his feet and looking to keep some distance here.


Heenan: The last thing he wants is for this to turn into a wrestling match.


Sabin makes quick darting attacks trying to take Lesnar off his feet. Lesnar reads the gameplan though and crashes into Sabin with a shoulder tackle sending him to the floor. Sabin is quick but Lesnar is exceptionally agile for a man his size and catches Sabin again with a hard clothesline. Sabin rallies and is able to stun Lesnar with an enziguri.


Joey: Chris Sabin is doing everything he can to keep his attacks focused and at a distance. And a big dropkick takes Lesnar off his feet!


Heenan: He needs more. Sabin needs to… uh-oh.


Sabin flies from the top rope but Lesnar is able to pick him out of the air and hoist him across his shoulders in one fluid movement. F-5!!! And the ref counts three.


Rating: C+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Mark Jindrak (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Shannon Moore


Another big guy/small guy dynamic in this one.


Joey: Jindrak, 6’6” of muscle, versus the rebel and outcast that is Shannon Moore.


Heenan: Every day’s Halloween for this kid.


Jindrak hits heavy but Moore looks to fly at every opportunity. There’s some fine technical wrestling, which may have surprised some viewers, before Jindrak attempts his Back Suplex Side Slam, aka, the Mark of Excellence.


Heenan: Dumb name.


Shannon rolls through though and lands a Facebuster for a two count. With Dawn Marie screaming encouragement at ringside Jindrak powers back and wears Moore down with a series of big moves. He hits a Diving Clothesline from the top for a close fall.


Joey: That almost took Shannon’s head off.


Heenan: Would he have noticed?


Jindrak attempts a suplex and Moore shifts his body weight to counter and roll through with a small package for the win.


Rating: C


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Joey: Shannon Moore celebrates a well deserved vic-


<font color="#02A1E3">Reveal</font>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


<img src="

https://i.ibb.co/Jxxh3Hf/Chuck-Palumbo-100.jpg" alt="Chuck-Palumbo-100" border="0">


Chuck Palumbo slides into the ring and hits Moore with a devastating Big Boot to leave the punk flat out on the canvas.</summary></details></details></tr></table></details>

Rating: C-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang hit the ring and get in the mic. They taunt D’Lo Brown telling him no one would tag with such a loser. Yang appears to have an idea and whispers something to Kaz.


Hayashi: My friend here has some compassion and sympathy for you, D’Lo. He says if you come out now and admit you are a loser, live in front of all these idiots and everyone watching at home then we will let you walk back without an ass-kicking.


“You're looking at the real deal now - woooo!

Gonna kick your sorry ass out on the street.”


D’Lo hits the stage to his classic ‘

’ theme and looks pumped up. He tells Hayashi and Yang that he is not backing down and would enjoy kicking both their asses single handedly, but…


<font color="#02A1E3">Reveal</font>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


<img src="

https://i.ibb.co/HxKZgGW/D-Lo-Brown-100.jpg" alt="D-Lo-Brown-100" border="0"> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/MfMr0dR/Yoshihiro-Tajiri-100.jpg" alt="Yoshihiro-Tajiri-100" border="0">


D’Lo: I have found someone who’ll enjoy it just as much: ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Yoshihiro Tajiri!


Tajiri hits the stage and both men run down the ramp as Hayashi and Yang scatter from the ring.


Rating: D-


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


D’Lo Brown and Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang


Brown tears into Hayashi and bounces him round the ring with chops, punches and scores a close fall with a leg lariat. All four men see action in the ring and, after some double-teaming behind the ref’s back, Hayashi and Yang have D’Lo in trouble. Brown holds on and makes the tag to Tajiri who cleans house with hard kicks and a wicked Brainbuster on Yang. D’Lo hits the Frog Splash and Tajiri covers for the three.


Rating: C


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Christy Hemme is backstage attempting to get an interview with Shawn Michaels but he ignores her and marches straight past into Eric Bischoff’s office. Christy sticks around long enough to hear HBK shout at the GM, complaining about having to complete with three other men for the World title. Bischoff tries to calm Shawn down and pointedly closes the door in Christy’s face.


Rating: C+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


D-Von Dudley vs Justin Credible (w/ Francine)


Credible attacks D-Von before the bell but the Dudley brother is quick to respond and very quickly the match becomes a brawl outside the ring and into the crowd. Francine yells at the ref to restore order and with the official’s attention diverted Credible strikes D-Von with the Singapore Cane busting him open. Credible takes the match back to the ring and dictates the pace, stomping on D-Von and choking him in full view of the ref. He lands a very near fall from a Superkick and continues beating on a bloodied and staggered Dudley.


Joey: Justin’s enjoying himself. He’s got D-Von right where he wants him.


Credible lands a second Superkick and signals for the That’s Incredible. D-Von reverses it though and holds Credible upside down... until Credible reverses it another 180 degrees. As he does, D-Von’s leg swings round and takes out referee Jack Doan. Credible lands the move but no one is there to count the fall. Justin is slapping the ref but nothing is happening… until...


<font color="#02A1E3">Reveal</font>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary>


<img src="

https://i.ibb.co/L9m8V1H/Spike-Dudley-100.jpg" alt="Spike-Dudley-100" border="0">


Joey: It’s Spike! Little Spike Dudley is here!


Heenan: They’ll let anybody into this place.


Spike hits the ring, ducks the oncoming clothesline and lands the Acid Drop on Credible! D-Von drapes an arm over Justin just as the ref comes to and counts three.


Heenan: D-Von Dudley should be disqualified. He kicked the referee in the head! And what business does that runt Spike have being out here?!


Rating: B


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


SMASH World Championship


Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy vs Sean O’Haire (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Billy Kidman


Joey: This has been a night of incredible action. Professional wrestling at it’s finest. It’s time for out main event. We are going to crown the first SMASH World champion!


Heenan: This is another level. This is the main event, the big bucks. And here comes my pick – they just don’t get any better than this guy.


I think I'm cute.

I know I'm sexy.

I got the looks.

That drives the girls wild...


Joey: Shawn Michaels has been away from the ring for almost six years. He’s been telling everyone that he is still ‘The Showstopper.’ Tonight we find out.


Heenan: One of the greatest of all time. It’s a travesty that he has to compete with three lesser men. Bischoff should have made the right call and presented Shawn with the belt right here tonight.


Joey: That’s not the way SMASH is run, Brain, and HBK is about to find out he’s in a fight. Fatal Four Way rules, all 4 men legal at the same time.


The match starts at a fast pace and the crowd are into it. Matt Hardy attempts a Twist of Fate early on O’Haire but is shut down. Michaels seizes the opportunity to catch O’Haire with a schoolboy but the count is broken by Kidman. O’Haire stands out as the biggest and strongest competitor in the match but Michaels, is wily and looking to cut every corner to achieve victory – Hardy lands a Side Effect on Kidman but it’s HBK who gets across first to make the cover. Just a two. All four men battle, pulling out all the stops. The crowd seem split between rooting for Hardy and the returning icon Michaels. Matt catches HBK’s Sweet Chin Music and hits the Twist of Fate, only for O’Haire to break the cover. The crowd are on their feet. O’Haire and Hardy battle on the apron, jousting for position, when Michaels drills both with a double clothesline that sends them crashing to the floor…


Joey: Kidman off the top!!!


Billy Kidman flies from the top rope but Michaels takes a step and connects with the Sweet Chin Music.


Heenan: He caught him mid-air!


Kidman is out, Michaels makes the cover and the ref counts three before Hardy can break the pin.


Rating: B+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Heenan: We have our World champion! My man, ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels. Stick with me Styles, you may learn something.


Joey: We have our champion and we have had one hell of a night here at SMASH Light The Fuse. We’ll see you again on Monday at Crash TV. For Bobby Heenan and myself, goodnight everybody!


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>


Show Rating: C+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(184, 0, 0);"></div>

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Really enjoyed the world building and first shows.

Interesting you were able to grab a bunch of real names straight away, from the intro I was expecting something else (probably less names and more car crash style), Should we expect Austin to appear in the future...

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Mystery partner - Mark Henry

This was definitely a consideration.


I’m predicting a long title run for the Heart Break Kid.

Could be, could be.


I think Dustin Rhodes

I would've loved Dustin but he's not available.


Looking at your default roster, I think Insanity Project are Crowbar & Mosh.

Very good! I was very happy when you wrote this.


Well clearly the smart money is on HBK and if he doesn’t go over he might lose his smile. On the other hand he may never agree to lose the title…

There may be trouble ahead. But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance...


Mystery partner - The return of Johnny B Badd

Ha! Love it!


Shawn Michaels - I hesitated wondering if it was too obvious a choice but I've just got to imagine that you want as many eyes on the product as possible early doors and he is probably your best bet for that.

This is true. He was the only real candidate. He is so far ahead of everyone else and I'm trying to make that part of his character.


D-Von - I think D-Von, with the probable help of Spike and or maybe even another mystery Dudley arrival. Potential future challenger for the title?

D-Von is definitely in the running to challenge. Absolutely.


D'Lo and ??? - I think this is a safe bet for outcome but the question is who the ??? is. Assuming they are not someone we can see already like Mark Henry (N.O.D ties), then I think we could presume its likely to be a face character. If they are going to tag in the future I think they would possibly need slightly better mic skills or a good gimmick to give something to the team. Then knowing yourself I think you're probably going with either ECW or WCW alumni so after inputting all that in to my brain I've come to the guess of Al Snow.

Probably because Al Snow and D'Lo rhyme and I like the idea of Al shaking and swaying the mannequin Head like D'Lo used to on his entrance.

Al Snow would be great. He's on my shortlist but he's with Vince and unless they decide not to renew there's no way I'll be able to get him. Also, great reasoning, ha.


Brock - Someone better get Sly Stallone and Sandra Bullock out here dressed like in Demolition Man because were gonna get a report of a 1-8-7 Murder. Death. Kill.

I think I've seen Demolition Man but I really can't remember.


Insanity Project - They may need a leader type (eg Raven) or possibly a manager (eg Sinister Minister) but I still think they should pick up the win as a recognised team. Plus I think Nova / Kaz are destined to be staples of a workhorse undercard (for a possible future secondary title) in the future rather than a team.

Right on the money. I looked into Sinister Minister recently and he's tied up somewhere (I think he's at ECW on a written deal). I've always been big on Daffney though so she'll do fine here.


Thanks to everyone who commented with their predictions.

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Really enjoyed the world building and first shows.

Interesting you were able to grab a bunch of real names straight away, from the intro I was expecting something else (probably less names and more car crash style), Should we expect Austin to appear in the future...


Thank you man.


I was shocked that some names were available. Matt Hardy, for example, was at a regional company on a PPA. Others like D-Von were with ECW (cult) but not on a written. I had hoped of getting Christian and Big Show but as soon as I bid Vince swooped in. I was like "Really, you've had 3 years and not shown one bit of notice... gah."


I think Austin is an option. He's still on hiatus but would listen to offers, I think. The problem is Jerry Springer has put an age cap in place and I've already broken it once to get HBK. Secondly, he's an even bigger star than Shawn (and tons more expensive) and I don't know how I'd book (story-wise) with 2 guys who basically need protecting all the time.


There's also another really, really big name that is available but would present the same problems. Of course Vince could just decide he's interested as soon as I make a bid... man I love this game.

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Two fun matches.

I probably have more of a soft spot for Nigel than Alex Shelley (relating to him being part of probably the best match I've ever seen live) so I hope they both have stuff planned even if it's in the distant future.

I'm glad the Rave / Hero team have a name as it feels like there is a future for them and establishing teams early doors will pay off in the future if belts are introduced.


Main Card


Starting a PPV with a promo gives it a very ECW feel to me (and specifically N2R 99) not that it's a bad thing and was probably important to set the scene on your first PPV event. Jerry Springer makes for a fun GM although I get Russo vibes as I believe the story goes that his booking in the late 90s was inspired by the Springer show.


Insanity Project picking up the win is good to see and Daffney definitely fits in the valet / manager position.


Henry looking strong also feels like the right decision and I look forward to seeing what his role will be in the future.


Don is a great foil for Lesnar (in the absence of Heyman) and I could totally see him cutting that promo. The match was a bit more competitive than I expected but as the MCMG might be your most recognised and over team it was probably a good decision on your behalf.


Moore winning was probably the biggest shock of the night so I am intrigued to see how it plays out. Palumbo getting some heat back for his trio works and maybe sets up a tag of some kind on an upcoming show?


Tajiri was a pleasant surprise and I was on the button with the ECW alumni shout. My spidey sense wondered if he was going to turn and side with Yang and Kaz. Who knows what the future brings?


The D'Von and Credible match was a lot of fun and gave me 99-01 vibes with the ref bump etc. Spike getting involved was fun too. I wonder how Credible will react?


Glad to see HBK won and the match sounded a lot of fun. I feel like your big job might be building up credible opposition for him. While you have a couple of potential main event level opponents (Hardy, Lesnar, Henry) I am confident you will elevate others in the future.


Overall thoughts


I enjoyed the show on the whole and would definitely be encouraged to tune in to the next show or event as a fan.


Styles and Heenan have unlimited potential and are already great.


You have set a good tone with the first TV and PPV that gives SMASH a unique tone so far (albeit with elements of other companies influence in there)

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Definitely great to see a new BC diary! And this world is already interesting for sure. The idea of Eric trying to control Shawn at this time is fun too.


Springer being involved made me interested to google the show. I knew it was long running but there was just under 5000 episodes! So at least that gives you an aim, to make it Jerry's longest running show.

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Two fun matches.

I probably have more of a soft spot for Nigel than Alex Shelley (relating to him being part of probably the best match I've ever seen live) so I hope they both have stuff planned even if it's in the distant future.

I'm glad the Rave / Hero team have a name as it feels like there is a future for them and establishing teams early doors will pay off in the future if belts are introduced.


Main Card


Starting a PPV with a promo gives it a very ECW feel to me (and specifically N2R 99) not that it's a bad thing and was probably important to set the scene on your first PPV event. Jerry Springer makes for a fun GM although I get Russo vibes as I believe the story goes that his booking in the late 90s was inspired by the Springer show.


Insanity Project picking up the win is good to see and Daffney definitely fits in the valet / manager position.


Henry looking strong also feels like the right decision and I look forward to seeing what his role will be in the future.


Don is a great foil for Lesnar (in the absence of Heyman) and I could totally see him cutting that promo. The match was a bit more competitive than I expected but as the MCMG might be your most recognised and over team it was probably a good decision on your behalf.


Moore winning was probably the biggest shock of the night so I am intrigued to see how it plays out. Palumbo getting some heat back for his trio works and maybe sets up a tag of some kind on an upcoming show?


Tajiri was a pleasant surprise and I was on the button with the ECW alumni shout. My spidey sense wondered if he was going to turn and side with Yang and Kaz. Who knows what the future brings?


The D'Von and Credible match was a lot of fun and gave me 99-01 vibes with the ref bump etc. Spike getting involved was fun too. I wonder how Credible will react?


Glad to see HBK won and the match sounded a lot of fun. I feel like your big job might be building up credible opposition for him. While you have a couple of potential main event level opponents (Hardy, Lesnar, Henry) I am confident you will elevate others in the future.


Overall thoughts


I enjoyed the show on the whole and would definitely be encouraged to tune in to the next show or event as a fan.


Styles and Heenan have unlimited potential and are already great.


You have set a good tone with the first TV and PPV that gives SMASH a unique tone so far (albeit with elements of other companies influence in there)


Thank you for this amazing write up. Absolutely excellent analysis and I really enjoyed reading it.


There will definitely be ECW influences in this diary, whether intended or not. The Russo vibe I think was planned for. I like the idea of the hotshot TV guy not knowing anything about wrestling but wanting to make a TV show - Springer seemed to fit. I heard that Russo was big into The Springer Show as well.


I'll bring Daffney in to any game where possible. She's great. Pairing with Crowbar just makes sense. Stay tuned on that one. Mark Henry too, stay tuned on him.


Callis as a budget Heyman was the best I could do but it's going ok so far. He's not great stats-wise but Lesnar's menace grade carries any segment he's in and Don is improving. If ECW goes under I would really like to see if I could get Paul E in. I think Vince will get him though.


Love Tajiri. Always have, always will. There's a few more ECW guys I want to bring in but they're off limits at the moment. I was happy I managed to get D-Von and Credible and it made sense to throw them into a match together. D-Von especially has good stats.


HBK is *the* guy. No one else is at his level or even close to it. You're not wrong, it's a genuine problem but I'm enjoying trying to find ways around it. Hopefully have some interesting matches coming up with him.


Thank you again for your analysis. Really appreciated.

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Definitely great to see a new BC diary! And this world is already interesting for sure. The idea of Eric trying to control Shawn at this time is fun too.


Springer being involved made me interested to google the show. I knew it was long running but there was just under 5000 episodes! So at least that gives you an aim, to make it Jerry's longest running show.


Thank you Mr Ape! Bischoff has no chance of controlling HBK. None at all. :D


5000?? I will do my best. :D

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