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Code to break the pop cap

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Would it be possible to get a remote assistance code created and put in that removes the popularity cap from workers? I appreciate the cap is in there for reasons, but for those of us who would rather push our projects without this limitation (even though it absolutely would be "cheating" in the eyes of a purist), this would be very much appreciated.
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Would it be possible to get a remote assistance code created and put in that removes the popularity cap from workers? I appreciate the cap is in there for reasons, but for those of us who would rather push our projects without this limitation (even though it absolutely would be "cheating" in the eyes of a purist), this would be very much appreciated.



It's not so much "cheating" as it is game-breaking and I think that's the reason why a lot of players (myself included) don't want to see the removal of pop caps. No pop caps leads to too much overness which leads in turn to sky high wages, refusals to do jobs, micarders being offered creative control in bidding wars, etc. In an earlier build of TEW 2020, the pop caps were different and my company of 60 workers had 30 major stars, 6 or 7 of whom had 100 pop despite some of them not being booked much better than 70/30. I had to abandon that save two years in because the game world became unplayable.


I get that you want to push your own guys and sometimes a pop cap gets in the way, but it does that in real life too. WWE tried for years to get Roman over but his "pop cap" got in the way until he turned heel. This is where momentum comes in. Even a worker capped out around 80 can still be a viable main eventer for any company in the world if they have good momentum.

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Would it be possible to get a remote assistance code created and put in that removes the popularity cap from workers? I appreciate the cap is in there for reasons, but for those of us who would rather push our projects without this limitation (even though it absolutely would be "cheating" in the eyes of a purist), this would be very much appreciated.


It's possible, but it would need to be reapplied every time you reload the save game and it would likely lead to an unplayable game world given that the concept of capped popularity is baked into the game mechanics; there'd be nothing to counteract its removal so you'd end up with a massive imbalance.

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It's not so much "cheating" as it is game-breaking and I think that's the reason why a lot of players (myself included) don't want to see the removal of pop caps.


That is why I'm suggesting it as one of the technical help codes, such as the "make everyone unemployed" or "set your owner approval to excellent".


No-one would be forced to.

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It's possible, but it would need to be reapplied every time you reload the save game and it would likely lead to an unplayable game world given that the concept of capped popularity is baked into the game mechanics; there'd be nothing to counteract its removal so you'd end up with a massive imbalance.


Gotcha - thank you for the information!

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Isn't there already a workaround for the pop cap for an individual worker?


As I understand (and censor this somehow if I'm not allowed to express it, but I did see this in the forum somewhere), you can simply go into the in-game editor, max out a worker's pop in all areas, save and close the save, reload the save, and go back and reset the pop back to the previous numbers. Once you've done that, the pop cap should be "busted". At least that's how I understand it. That way, you can have your personal project worker have unlimited popularity without removing the caps for everybody.



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You may have to advance to the next day. I haven't used it, but it seems like that might be what I read, too.




That’s how it previously worked in the series, for 2020 pop caps are recalculated constantly and therefore would need to be broken constantly hence Adam saying


It's possible, but it would need to be reapplied every time you reload the save game
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How about a way to disable it for an individual worker? So that someone who wanted to relive the mid 80s wouldn't have Hulk Hogan capped at 80 (or have to raise his stats to absurd levels to prevent it).


Doing it per individual (along with a warning box stating the consequences of widespread use as Adam stated every time a user does it) would prevent people from breaking their games. If someone goes crazy with it and their game is unplayable that's on them.


Bottom line is a game is supposed to be fun. If someone wants a scenario where an icon is an icon (Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock etc.) I think its ok to accommodate that if possible.


Edit: This would only be available in the regular editor, not the in game one. It would basically force that worker's destiny roll to be a good one. Putting it in the in game editor might lead to game breaking actions. I get the need to try to prevent that as it leads to disgruntled players.

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Would it be possible to add a choice in the editor like with potential had in TEW16 for destiny role where it can be set as random, high, low etc. This would allow keeping most workers random and setting certain to make sure they don't get a bad role ala Hogan, Flair, The Rock.


That's already there, essentially, in the skills tab in the editor with the potential.

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How about a way to disable it for an individual worker? So that someone who wanted to relive the mid 80s wouldn't have Hulk Hogan capped at 80 (or have to raise his stats to absurd levels to prevent it).


Doing it per individual (along with a warning box stating the consequences of widespread use as Adam stated every time a user does it) would prevent people from breaking their games. If someone goes crazy with it and their game is unplayable that's on them.


Bottom line is a game is supposed to be fun. If someone wants a scenario where an icon is an icon (Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock etc.) I think its ok to accommodate that if possible.


Edit: This would only be available in the regular editor, not the in game one. It would basically force that worker's destiny roll to be a good one. Putting it in the in game editor might lead to game breaking actions. I get the need to try to prevent that as it leads to disgruntled players.


I'd say if you're playing a RW mod and Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock don't have the skills required to be a megastar than the mod is being unjustly harsh on them. If their star quality and charisma stats are high, they're popularity caps are going to be high. (Along with being in a high company, the popularity caps change as the broadcast reach of the company changes).


It's also important to note that the popularity cap is a soft cap.





As their skills develop (charisma and star quality tend to be the most important) and they're on a good broadcaster, their caps go up.

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