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WWF 1996: Attitude Adjustment!

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"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart Vs. Rocky Maivia

"The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst-Helmsley Vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid

"The Bizarre One" Goldust and "The Deranged" Mankind Vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero and "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker (it'll probably be a screwy ending, methinks...)


Those are my picks...

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Should clarify that it's one point for everything, and two for title matches/main events. Also, when there's bonus questions, they'll be two a piece as well unless stated otherwise.


I think I'm gonna run these till every major PPV, but with SummerSlam right around the corner, we can make it simple. Who ever wins, can choose the opening match for September's In Your House (from the list of superstars I'll send you when the time comes, of course :D).



falling_star: 3

James The Animator: 3

RKOwnage: 3

Helginho: 1

Summer: 1


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The New Rockers Vs. The BodyDonnas - Justice for Jannetty.




Jannetty: 1-0

Michaels: 0-0



Haha, I'll let you off, and appreciate the plug for my new project. I've been around these parts writing for 10 years now. I did have to question if it was me at first too :D


Lmao thanks dude! :p



This is really good! Did not expect a Goldust win in the main!


This is not a criticism, just a suggestion that might be the missing piece, but having the text more centered rather than needing to read all the way from the left to the right of the screen is a great way to make things look even better! A lot of writers, myself included, have a black border around our posts to keep things narrower and faster/easier to read. Again, not a criticism!


Push Vader to the moon!!


Haha Goldust had some serious momentum at this point and was still rather fresh, just coming off a five month IC title reign where he somehow managed to retain against The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker, before dropping it to Ahmed Johnson at KOTR (who was also super-hot at the time). Plus, Dustin rules.


And def will take that into consideration, though idk how to do it LOL -- just checked your dynasty and gonna get to reading as well. Looks really smooth. And constructive criticism ALWAYS welcome!


To the moon? We shall see. :cool:


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"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart Vs. Rocky Maivia - Rock can eat a loss here, Owen needs a title run.



"The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst-Helmsley Vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid



"The Bizarre One" Goldust and "The Deranged" Mankind Vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero and "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker - I like the chaos idea.

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"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart Vs. Rocky Maivia



"The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst-Helmsley Vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid



"The Bizarre One" Goldust and "The Deranged" Mankind Vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero and "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker

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"More RAW...

Than RAW !"


WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

August 1996 - Week One

Mirage Nightclub - New York, New York

6,000 in Attendance - SELL OUT!





Vader def. Who? in 2:16 by pinfall with a Vader Bomb. (56)

Who? and Vader have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match.


The Godwinns def. The New Rockers in 9:25 when Henry O. Godwinn pinned Leif Cassidy, following a Slop Drop. (54)

Phineas I. Godwinn was really off his game.





Televised Broadcast:


We open with ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper making his way toward ringside to a thunderous ovation! He informs us that WWF president, Gorilla Monsoon left him in charge tonight, being it's way way wayyy past his bedtime! He goes on to mention that Monsoon has a pretty damn big announcement to make, this coming Monday on Raw in regards to SummerSlam - and the vacant WWF Intercontinental Title! Piper also states that since last Monday's Raw ended in utter chaos, why not just throw all the culprits in one big melee tonight! It's gonna be: that dirt slob Mankind teaming with that sicko queer Goldust - against 'Wild Man' Marc Mero and The Undertaker!! (64)

Roddy Piper came across well.

A familiar theme is heard, as Hunter Hearst-Helmsley comes down to ringside, to a chorus of boos. He grabs a mic and while his civilized stature is still oozing, he gets a bit aggressive with 'The Hot Rod', stating that HE shoulda been in the Raw Invitational battle royal Monday night, but understands that we're only human and we all make mistakes. So in turn, the fair thing to do would be to just grant him a shot at 'The Heart Break Kid' right here tonight - for the gold!

Roddy then tells him to back up a second, and reveals on the big flat screen; footage from last night's live event in Philadelphia, PA - where Mr. Helmsley had a shot at Shawn's WWF Title. Here’s what happened:

*footage rolls of HBK warming up the band, SuperKicking Hunter's lights out, and scoring the fall!*

With a huge grin, he says that Helmsley CAN earn his way right back up the ranks in a few short moments, with a victory over Shawn Michaels' best friend, and the only son of a bitch in New York City tonight who just may be crazier than he is: SYCHO SID! (72)


Hype Video: Vader challenges Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title at SummerSlam! (71)



- Owen Hart def. Rocky Maivia in 8:33 by pinfall with a Victory Roll. Both Vince and Sunny were incredibly impressed with Maivia however, as he put up one hell of a fight against perhaps, the best technical wrestler in the world today. (64)

Owen Hart shone in this match.


Earlier: A clip is shown of Clarence Mason fighting for his fresh outta jail client, who's standing with his back turned, with a blue denim vest and long dark hair, against President Monsoon - who claims he'll have a decision by next week on Shotgun on whether or not he's gonna allow this ex-convict to be re-instated into the World Wrestling Federation. (37)


We're back in the boiler room with Mankind, Goldust and Marlena once again. Mankind both yells and whispers throughout, continuing to talk eerily about Sable, as Goldust and Marlena are both looking on and licking their lips. Goldust says for as much as he happens to like the 'Wild Man', the lovely lady by his side has more peaked his interest. He quotes Alicia Silverstone in 1993's 'The Crush' - before Mankind closes, claiming that after being looked down upon and spit on by the vile scum his whole life, he's finally gonna make light of it - at the expense of The Undertaker, by TAKING the one and only thing he holds so close... and so true. His music was also playing low in the background throughout the entirety of this promo. (74)




- Sycho Sid def. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley in 5:49 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. After the match, he psychotically threatened The British Bulldog into the camera, hollering; since he wants to pull the top rope down, now he's gonna pull Davey's dumb, muscle-head ass down! - straight down to HELL! (67)

This match got the crowd hotter.


Post-Match: As Sid exits, with Triple H still out cold, someone comes shoving through the audience, hops the guardrail, climbs to the top - and nails him with a soaring Frog Splash! The New York City crowd erupts, leaving both McMahon and Sunny baffled on commentary! With the audience still going absolutely ballistic, the pony-tailed youngster smirks, shrugs and takes off!

Just then, an angry Jim Ross makes his way over to the commentary booth, yelling at Vince, for not knowing who this man is! He carries on, saying that for the promoter of the number one company across the WORLD to NOT know who Rob Van Dam - one of the hottest, young commodities out there is - is just sad and pathetic! Sunny then chimes in, defending McMahon, claiming she doesn't know this man either. JR apologizes to her, emphasizing the difference: she's a fine young lady who's just getting her career started in this industry, but this guy's been at the head of TWELVE WrestleManias! He tosses the third headset down and walks off. (48)


Backstage: Austin has the Million Dollar Dream synched in on Piper - who's bleeding from the mouth! It seems as if he's had it locked in for a quite sometime now, as they're both on the ground and 'The Hot Rod' is motionless! Security and WWF officials finally come storming in, prying 'Stone Cold' off, as he yells into the camera - telling 'The Hitman' to look at his long-time friend now! Then claims that Bret couldn't do nothin', cause he's too CHICKEN SH*T to show up! Medical attention then arrives for Roddy, as Steve's getting dragged away. (68)


SummerSlam hype promo. (71)


We return from commercial with Jim Ross standing in the ring, as 'The Loose Cannon' Brian Pillman is making his way down, on a cane, which he threatens to use as a weapon, through a rough looking Manhattan crowd. He gets in the ring, calling New York City the filthiest rathole in America! He then states that he had a different running title in store for his brand new show, but after witnessing his tag team partner 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin put 'Rowdy' Roddy down for the count, he's decided to call the audible, and title this PILLMAN'S PIT!

He promotes Pillman's Pit - where anyone here in the WWF will have an open forum to come out here and speak their untold truth, before introducing his first ever guest: the one and only, Jim Ross!

JR claims that if you people want the TRUTH, well here it is! He spends s few minutes telling his story, how he gave up a good job down south, and a great opportunity in the NFL to come to the ever-so-glorious World Wrestling Federation, only to be put in a TOGA his first day on the job! Furthermore, he mentions his bell's palsy disease, pulls his glasses down and angrily asks if you think he likes the fact that his left eye is just about permanently shut??

And how just a few days later, he had to figure out a way to tell his family that the owner - that's right folks, the OWNER - of this company, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, had just fired his ass! From there, he gloats and says that he's the best play-by-play man out there! Vince knows it, these people know it, Brian knows it - EVERYBODY knows it!

Finally, he closes out by dropping a gargantuan bombshell, vowing this coming Monday night on RAW will mark the return of both - 'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel and 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon! Everyone in the Mirage goes bananas, including 'The Loose Cannon' himself! (47)

Brian Pillman came out of this looking excellent.

The performance of Jim Ross was good.


Backstage: Mr. Perfect conducts a pre-match interview with 'Wild Man' Marc Mero, who says tonight's the night - tonight's the night he gets his revenge on that golden FREAK! Hennig stirs the pot a little by asking if he believes he can trust The Undertaker, or if he's even here for that matter. Mero admits; though he don't know 'The Deadman' all that well, he knows his rivalry with Mankind runs deep, and he won't miss the opportunity to be here, and lay that other demented FREAK to rest! (70)


On RAW: Bret's major update hype. (74)


On RAW: Michaels/Bulldog hype. (74)




- Goldust and Mankind def. Marc Mero and The Undertaker in 12:12 when Goldust pinned Marc Mero with his feet on the ropes, after Marlena flashed him!

The Undertaker once again came charging down, going right for Mankind, but this time, about two dozen armed security were right there to break them up! Order was restrained for a bit, as both teams seemed to work rather fluently together. It wasn't long however, before the two went at each other again relentlessly - and more armed security rushed down to both separate, and eject them from the building!

The finish came when Marc had Goldust right where he wanted him, as he climbed to the top, looking to hit The Wild Thing - but just then, Marlena caused a major distraction by strutting towards him on the apron - and flashing him! This caused a stunned 'Wild Man' to lose his balance and land hard - right where the sun don't shine! He tumbldc into the ring, as his woozy opponent wass regaining consciousness. Goldust, the opportunist, positioned himself accordingly, stealing the three count for his team with his feet on the ropes! (77)

Marc Mero seemed off his game.

This match got the crowd hotter.


McMahon and Sunny close out a wild, unforgettable night, with some words of wisdom for Bret, saying that not only can they can speak for themselves, but also, all the World Wrestling Federation fans across the globe - "we all want 'The Excellence Of Execution' back in the squared circle as soon as possible!", before bidding us goodnight - and leaving us with this gem: (72)






Overall: 72.

Notes: This show lost us popularity in 11 regions.


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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I have a B-show SuperStars coming next, then the RAW preview will be up. And yes, I plan on keeping Shotgun an A-show as well for now. The first few were back then, but then it fizzled out into whatever the hell it became. I kinda liked that look and feel cause it was completely different - anyway, hope you all enjoyed!



falling_star: 6

RKOwnage: 5

James The Animator: 4

Dalton: 2

Lord Byron: 2

Helginho: 1

Summer: 1


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WWF SuperStars

August 1996 - Week One

Raleigh County Armory - Beckley, West Virginia

1,200 in Attendance - SELL OUT!





Mark Henry and Rob Van Dam def. Bart Batten and Brad Batten in 4:23 when Mark Henry pinned Brad Batten, following a Big Splash. (16)


Televised Broadcast:

- The BodyDonnas def. Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle in 6:09 when Skip pinned Christian Cage, following a Blonde Bombshell. (31)

The crowd were turned off by having a match outside of the pre-show between workers they don't have any investment in.

This match was a poor way to start the show and took away the crowd's initial enthusiasm.

This match cooled the crowd a little.


Shotgun Recap: Rocky Maivia gives 'The King Of Harts' a good run for his money, but falls just short. (42)


In-Ring: Todd Pettengill has a word with newcomer, Rocky Maivia, who starts off by saying hats off to Owen Hart, he's a great competitor, who comes from a great wrestling fami... (46)


Out comes fellow newcomer, Salvatore Sincere, who says he's out here simply to spread love and joy to everyone, including Rocky. Then tells them both to kick back and watch the real 'Blue Chipper' at work - maybe 'Mister-Aaa Miya-veeeya' could even learn a thing or two. Rocky smiles, and says he's always looking to learn, even if it's learning what NOT to do. He states that the stage is all his, before joining Jim Ross and Mr. Perfect on commentary. (33)


- Salvatore Sincere def. Barry Horowitz in 3:35 by pinfall with a Tilt-A-Whirl Bodyslam. After Perfect poked fun at Rocky throughout, he finally got him to admit toward the end that he wasn't too impressed. (14)

The crowd were turned off by having a match outside of the pre-show between workers they don't have any investment in.

This match cooled the crowd a little.


Recap: Goldust wins the RAW Invitational, and picks up the victory for his team on Shotgun, after Marlena flashes the 'Wild Man'! (44)

The lack of anything interesting happening in this segment was a problem. (umm... ok? 🤣)


Pre-Taped: Goldust and Marlena promo on Marc Mero, Sable and his WWF Title opportunity the night after SummerSlam. The Golden Age is here. (66)


Recap: Faarooq Asad attacks Ahmed Johnson, and puts him out of commission with a ruptured kidney! (71)


Backstage: Dok Hendrix has a word with Faarooq and Sunny, who claims it's out with the old and in with the new! Faarooq goes on by saying Skip is deadmeat tomorrow night, and that he's taking no prisoners here in the World Wrestling Federation! Sunny closes out with a message for President Monsoon: since her man put the Intercontinental Champion on the shelf - her man should also be awarded the Intercontinental Championship, so do the right thing. (52)


- Savio Vega def. Shane Helms in 2:30 by pinfall with a Caribbean Kick. (32)

Shane Helms and Savio Vega have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match.


Shotgun Recap: Sid defeats Helmsley with a Powerbomb - Rob Van Dam hits a FrogSplash from nowhere afterwards! (47)


Pre-Taped: Sycho Sid threatens The Bulldog - he can run but he can't hide! (73)


Pre-Taped: Hunter Hearst-Helmsley promo - wants a piece of Rob Van Dam. (52)


- Steve Austin def. Bob Holly in 3:43 by pinfall with a Stone Cold Stunner. (58)


RAW Recep: Mr. Perfect's interview with Shawn Michaels from his home in Texas. (69)


Pre-Taped: The Bulldog fires back at Sid - says to watch closely cause he's about to decimate this disgusting pig farmer, followed by his best friend, the boy toy, tomorrow! (68)


Graphic: Reminder that 'The Hitman' makes a major announcement on RAW tomorrow night. Owen Hart also joins in on commentary for our main event - enough about his lousy brother Bret, let's focus on a true big star in the Hart family, though he may not be the biggest, The British Bulldog! (68)


- The British Bulldog def. Henry O. Godwinn in 5:51 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. (61)




Overall: 49.

Notes: The fans were annoyed at the amount of non-wrestling segments that they had to sit through. - Oh well, kiss my ass lol


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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August 1996 - Week Two

Live from the Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, North Carolina!


Prediction Key:


Faarooq Asad Vs. Skip


Handicap Match:

The Bushwhackers Vs. "The Mastodon" Vader


WWF World Tag Team Championship:

The New Rockers Vs. The Smokin' Gunns ©


Justin Hawk Bradshaw Vs. "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker



The British Bulldog Vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels



- Plus, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts calls in to have a word with Vince - and the man who's done nothing but vehemently humiliate him as of late, Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

- Jim Ross has made a promise to deliver back 'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel and 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon to the World Wrestling Federation - can it be?!?!!

- Finally, we'll hear the major update, via satellite, in regards to the future of Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, and President Monsoon addresses what's to come for both SummerSlam, and the vacant WWF Intercontinental Title!



* I have a Vic Venom weekly news update coming next, including all the chaotic WCW results from the week off the heels of Hogan's shocking nWo turn, and first PPV appearance, which you literally gotta see (or read) to believe! :eek:

Good luck to all! *


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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"The BITE"

By Vic Venom

(August 1996 - Week Two)



Negotiations FAIL!

Looking to both add star power, while expanding globally at the same time, we reached out to two megastars this week to negotiate a potential deal. The first being ex pro-wrestler and Ultimate Fighting legend, Ken Shamrock, who's currently on hiatus from the business. And the second being Mexican sensation, La Parka, who decided to stay in his homeland, and sign a written deal with CMLL. Rest assured, our scouts here will still continue to have an eye on both down the stretch.


Talent Search Update!

As stated last week, we're looking to revamp our roster a bit, and feel we're well on the way to doing so, locking down third-generation rookie sensation, Rocky Maivia - the grandson of 'High Chief' Peter Maivia, and the son of former WWF Tag Team Champion, Rocky Johnson. We've also managed to come to terms with former ECW star, Rob Van Dam, whom some critics seem to believe is the next coming of 'The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Michaels. While that most certainly remains to be seen, we're happy to have both aboard.

In addition, we've also taken a chance on two pretty young and still very green talents outta the Toronto area who go by the names Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle. They've been brought in on a trial run, and will be evaluated personally, professionally, and in action at live events/on television in the coming months.


SummerSlam Spectacular!

With President Monsoon's SummerSlam announcement regarding the coveted Intercontinental Championship, it's being slated that this decision (along with everything else revolving around it) will indeed make this year's SummerSlam the single most spectacular in WWF history! And contrary to what Tammy may think is right, I can reveal this much - that belt will not just be automatically awarded to her man, Faarooq! Furthermore, good ol' Vic is hearing that there's still around 4/5 guys being seriously considered to be the next champion, and each passing day someone else becomes the odds on favorite in our war room!


A 'Perfect' In-Ring Return?

Word backstage is that even though Curt Hennig is highly regarded as a potential colour commentator, manager, road agent, or whatever out-of-ring role he were to choose in the World Wrestling Federation, rumor has it that he's been training and feeling good as of late - and could potentially be eyeing a return to the ring sooner than later. However, this is all hearsay at the moment, but if I were a gamblin' man, and happening to know Curt a bit personally... I'd put money on it, assuming he gets all the medical clearings needed. Which then would beg the question of where he would fit in, and how he would fare with this newer generation of superstars? One can only be left in wonder.



That's All For Now, Rats And Rattetes!

Now go do something with your lives.


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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Faarooq Asad Vs. Skip - Looks like the BodyDonnas are jobbers now.


Handicap Match:

The Bushwhackers Vs. "The Mastadon" Vader


WWF World Tag Team Championship:

The New Rockers Vs. The Smokin' Gunns ©


Justin Hawk Bradshaw Vs. "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker 8 years later this is a World Title match.



The British Bulldog Vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels - Going with a DQ here. Keep Bulldog strong.

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Loved seeing a diary on here actually tackling the initial Shotgun Saturday Night format! I used to love it too because I didn't have cable at the time, and Superstars got moved to USA Network in September 1996, so my only way to keep up with the WWF at the time was to either go to my late sister's house to watch Raw & flip over to Nitro at different points, or to watch Wrestling Challenge (which was shortened to Challenge and took on the recap magazine show format).


Needless to say, Shotgun Saturday Night was a breath of fresh air, though I did miss seeing any updates about what happened on Raw, and there was barely any hype leading up to the Royal Rumble & the February In Your House in Shotgun's initial format.


I loved that RVD debuted on Shotgun after hearing on Bruce Prichard's podcast how it was none other than Paul Heyman who hooked the WWF up with being able to secure the venues for Shotgun's initial live Saturday night run. Don't know if it was an intentional easter egg nod or not, but nice nonetheless. Loving what I'm reading thus far!

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WCW / ECW Results Archive

August 1996 - Week One


By: Vic Venom





WCW Monday Nitro (78)


Greg Valentine def. The Booty Man

Sting def. Mr. J.L.

Randy Savage def. Maxx Muscle

Harlem Heat def. The Blue Bloods to retain the WCW World Tag Team Titles

Arn Anderson def. Eddy Guerrero

Syxx and Diamond Dallas Page def. The Nasty Boys

The Dungeon Of Doom (Meng, Kevin Sullivan and The Giant) def. Jim Duggan and The Rock N' Roll Express.


That woulda been one hell of a main event back in 1982. Also, hell of a job promoting the WCW Vs. nWo angle without Hogan, Hall and Nash even being on the show.





WCW Saturday Night (38)


Disco Inferno and Jim Powers def. Kurasawa and Mr. J.L. by countout

Hugh Morrus def. Cobra

Pat Tanaka and Rough N' Ready def. Alex Wright and The James Boys by countout

Konnan def. Bunkhouse Buck





WCW Hog Wild (80)


Rey Misterio Jr. def. Mr. J.L. to retain the WCW World Cruiserweight Title

Earl Robert Eaton def. Konnan

Arn Anderson def. The Booty Man

The Dungeon Of Doom (Meng, The Barbarian and Kevin Sullivan) def. Eddy Guerrero and Harlem Heat

Chris Benoit def. Jim Duggan

The Outsiders def. The Steiner Brothers

Lex Luger def. Hulk Hogan to retain the WCW World Television Title

Ric Flair def. Randy Savage in a Cage Match to retain the WCW United States Title

The Giant def. Sting to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title


So let me get this straight. Fresh off the most shocking heel turn in the history of this business, and you job 'Hollywood Hogan' out in a TV Title match in his first PPV appearance bro? Not only that, but you also have Sting attack The Giant like a sore loser, afterwards in your main event? Maybe this non-sensical bizarro-land booking is just what we need to catch them in the ratings, because they're killing us right now.





ECW Hardcore TV (54)


Buh Buh Ray Dudley and Super Nova def. Sammy The Silk and D-Von Dudley

911 and Axl Rotten def. Raven's Nest (Brian Lee and Stevie Richards)

The Eliminators def. The Pitbulls to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles

Big Dick Dudley, Shane Douglas and Taz def. Mikey Whipwreck and The Gangstas





ECW The Doctor Is In (65)


Louie Spicolli def. Devon Storm

Buh Buh Ray Dudley def. The Blue Meanie

Matty Smalls def. Terry Gordy

Steve Williams and Mikey Whipwreck def. Raven's Nest (Brian Lee and Stevie Richards) in a Cage Match

The Eliminators def. The Gangstas to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles

D-Von Dudley, Shane Douglas and Big Dick Dudley def. Axl Rotten and The Pitbulls

Sabu def. Sammy The Silk in a Tables Match

Raven def. The Sandman, Taz and Too Cold Scorpio to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title


Break up The Dudleys, kill each other with light posts, and rely on tag matches. What the hell is this industry coming to bro?


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Faarooq Asad Vs. Skip - Looks like the BodyDonnas are jobbers now.


When weren't they? LoL



Loved seeing a diary on here actually tackling the initial Shotgun Saturday Night format! I used to love it too because I didn't have cable at the time, and Superstars got moved to USA Network in September 1996, so my only way to keep up with the WWF at the time was to either go to my late sister's house to watch Raw & flip over to Nitro at different points, or to watch Wrestling Challenge (which was shortened to Challenge and took on the recap magazine show format).


Needless to say, Shotgun Saturday Night was a breath of fresh air, though I did miss seeing any updates about what happened on Raw, and there was barely any hype leading up to the Royal Rumble & the February In Your House in Shotgun's initial format.


I loved that RVD debuted on Shotgun after hearing on Bruce Prichard's podcast how it was none other than Paul Heyman who hooked the WWF up with being able to secure the venues for Shotgun's initial live Saturday night run. Don't know if it was an intentional easter egg nod or not, but nice nonetheless. Loving what I'm reading thus far!


Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, I'm gonna try to keep this format rolling for a bit cause those early Shotguns were pretty wild for the time.


And good eye for the Easter egg! Truth be told, I'm lacking mid-card faces, lower-card heels and tag teams who are over haha - using RVD though should be super cool going forth. Obviously, he's made a great impact in just one single appearance, and is officially kicked off in a feud with Triple H!


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WWF Monday Night Raw

August 1996 - Week Two

Asheville Civic Center - Asheville, North Carolina

7,411 in Attendance




Televised Broadcast:


Via Satellite: Gorilla informs McMahon, 'The King' and the rest of the pro-wrestling world that there will be a 16-Man Tournament to crown a new World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion! He goes on to state that the first three opening round matches will take place at SummerSlam, with the other five taking place on the following Raw and Shotgun - and culminating with the finals at September's In Your House! At SummerSlam, you will see: The British Bulldog take on Sycho Sid in a first round match! Owen Hart takes on Savio Vega in a first round match! And last but not least, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley takes on the man who made a tremendous impact in his debut on the inaugural edition of Shotgun Saturday Night, Rob Van Dam, in a first round match!

Also, on the Free-For-All, a battle of the newbies, as Salvatore Sincere will indeed have his chance to teach Rocky Maivia a thing or two, live and in living color, when the two compete for a spot in the Intercontinental Title Tournament!

Just then, gets cut off by an angry 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, who takes Vince's headphones, and starts in with Monsoon, asking where his name is, claiming he won his last tournament, the 1996 King Of The Ring, and what the hell has he gotten for it?! Monsoon makes an odd comment, saying technically, Austin should be suspended indefinitely for his actions a mere two nights back on Shotgun, but he's decided to let it slide because 'The Hot Rod' had it comin'!

From there, Gorilla tells Steve that he did indeed have his name penciled in here for a Raw or Shotgun opening round match, so how about we go 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin against.... the 600lb plus, former World Wrestling Federation Champion, Yokozuna in the first round! And ya know what, since our foul-mouthed King Of The Ring is so eager to get on the Pay-Per-View, why not throw that match on the SummerSlam card too?

Austin states that he ain't afraid of no-damn-body. King Of The Ring, IC Champ, then he threatens to Monsoon that they both know what's next in that sequence - before slamming the headphones down and walking off.

President Monsoon leaves us with one last thing, before he was so rudely interrupted. Due to the absolutely disgraceful actions of both Goldust and Marlena as of late, and to be sure there's a definitive winner at SummerSlam, both Goldust and the 'Wild Man' will be locked inside a 15-Foot High Steel Cage - with both Sable and Marlena barred from ringside! Furthermore, Goldust's WWF Title opportunity the following night on Raw will be at stake - meaning if Marc Mero were to emerge victorious, it will be HE who challenges for the WWF Championship the very next night! And the loser, in turn, will move on to the Intercontinental Championship Tournament. (66)

Steve Austin came out of this looking excellent.



- Faarooq Asad def. Skip in 2:44 by pinfall with a Dominator. During the match, we also had Sunny distract Skip.

Pre-Match, Sunny grabbed a mic and claimed this is indeed her new man, and President Monsoon has assured her he will have a spot in the Intercontinental Title Tournament. She told Skip to please stop sending her roses and chocolates and apology letters, cause it's officially OVER! Lawler and McMahon both agree that Skip hasn't seemed himself as of late. (64)


Hype Video: Newcomer and 'Blue Chipper' Rocky Maivia, and his family history. (14)


Backstage: Marc Mero cuts a promo on Goldust, and his big opportunity at SummerSlam! Says that after all the low-blows, and abominable actions, justice has finally prevailed! And come SummerSlam, he, the 'Wild Man', and ruler of the jungle, in the good name of the lovely Sable - will lay that detestable golden FREAK to waste once and for all! (70)




- Vader def. The Bushwhackers in a Handicap Match in 3:41 when Vader decimated and pinned them both, following a Vader Bomb... on both.

Following the match, Vader set up to deliver another Vader Bomb, but both Cornette and Clarence Mason pleaded with him not to, hollering for 'The Mastodon' to save it for Shawn. (44)

Bushwhacker Butch was really off his game.


Audio: Jake 'The Snake' Roberts calls in. He's none-too-thrilled with the manner 'The King' treated his friend Aldo Montoya last week, and says he will be in New York City this coming Saturday, so if Jerry has any guts... to which Lawler cuts him off and responds, stating that if Roberts is in New York City on a Saturday Night, the only two things he'll be sure to see are his tag team partner Jim Beam, and the writing... on the floor! (64)



WWF World Tag Team Championship:




- The New Rockers def. The Smokin' Gunns in 6:24 via disqualification, when The Godwinns attacked Jannetty, just as he hit the Rocker Dropper on Billy Gunn and ostensibly had the titles won!

All hell breaks loose once again, minus The BodyDonnas this time! (53)

Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn got a tag team specialist bonus.


Via Satellite: Monsoon is back on the the feed, and says we're gonna resolve this mess with a Four Corners Tag Team Elimination Match at SummerSlam for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles! It'll be The Smokin' Gunns, defending against former champions, The BodyDonnas, former champions, The Godwinn family, and the team who just had them beat seemingly, The New Rockers! (43)


SummerSlam hype promo. (74)




- The Undertaker def. Justin Hawk Bradshaw in 3:33 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver. The Phenom was all business tonight. (65)

The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display.

Justin Hawk Bradshaw and Uncle Zebekiah have excellent chemistry together.

The great performance of The Undertaker really stood out.

This match got the crowd hotter.


Via Satellite: Bret Hart announcement - claims he's not retiring, and that he'll not only be at SummerSlam, but he'll also be the special guest referee for the Vader/Shawn Michaels match! He goes on, vowing to call the match right down the middle and to be sure there's absolutely no funny business - from either side. 'The King' then chimes in, asking how yellow he really is though, for avoiding the elephant in the room by the name of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin! Has 'The Hitman' been listening to what he has to say?!

Bret says he has been listening, Kingfish, and Steve Austin is one hell of a wrestler and talent, before getting a bit more heated:



"But if that no-good, stinkin' hyena's got something he wants to say to me face-to-face, he can do it right there next week - on Monday Night Raw!" (79)

The performance of Bret Hart was fantastic.

Bret Hart benefitted from having a groundswell of public support.

This angle got the crowd hotter.


Backstage: Austin grills Pillman for cheering 'The Hitman', as they're watching on a monitor, along with a bunch of other heels, such as Camp Cornette, Faarooq, Goldust, and Hunter Hearst-Helmsley. Brian reluctantly states that he's happy for Steve, cause right here next week - he finally gets what he's been calling for all this time! Owen encourages Austin as well, telling him to confront Bret and shut his stupid mouth up once and for all. (69)


Graphic: 'The King Of Harts' Vs. 'The Wild Man' on Shotgun! (64)


Graphic: Also, a WrestleMania XII rematch on Shotgun, when Austin and Savio go one-on-one - one more time! (54)


Backstage: Dok Hendrix gets a pre-match word with WWF Champ, Shawn Michaels, who starts off by being the very first one to officially welcome Bret 'The Hitman' Hart right back where he belongs, here in the World Wrestling Federation! He then states that he's no stranger to neither The Bulldog, or Camp Cornette, so therefore these two [in walks Sycho Sid and Savio Vega], alongside his mentor Jose and his Kliq will be watching closely for any dirty tricks that pencil-neck geek may have up his sleeve! Sid yells about keeping his eye on Vader, Savio says he'll be watching Owen, and Lothario claims if James E. gets stupid, he's not gonna hesitate to smack him in his mouth! (67)




- Shawn Michaels def. The British Bulldog in 7:48 via disqualification in a non-title match, when Vader and Owen Hart ran in and attacked Michaels.

All three put the boots to him, as Cornette barks orders! With Vader now, appearing to be setting Michaels up for a PowerBomb with the bell ringing continuously! (80)


Post-Match: Sid and Savio immediately hit the ring - saving Michaels from Camp Cornette's assault! Jose also had Cornette momentarily, but he managed to escape just before Lothario took his swing. (72)


In-Ring: Jim Ross, as promised, introduces ‘Big Daddy Cool’ Diesel and ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon! The entire arena erupts, as Diesel's music hits! The two come strolling out to a thunderous ovation - which quickly dims down to silence and some boos, leaving many of us in wonder.

JR starts yelling, and asking how do you like THAT, WWF?! There they are! Diesel! And Razor!




McMahon apologizes, and clarifies to the audience that that is NOT Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, before noting that we're out of time, as Raw goes off the air, with probably its most bizarre ending in its three and a half year history. (41)




Overall: 74.

Notes: This show gained us popularity in 11 regions.



* Wanted to involve more people on this show but sometimes it's tough with just one hour. It was loaded with big announcements though, and things are really starting to heat up as we head into the biggest party of the summer! Shotgun preview and revived SummerSlam card coming next.


Thanks for reading :D *


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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"More RAW...

Than RAW !"


August 1996 - Week Two

Live from the All-Star Cafe in New York, New York!


Prediction Key:


The Brooklyn Brawler Vs. Rob Van Dam


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. Savio Vega


"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart Vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero



- Plus, The Godwinns will have an open forum to tell their truth on this week's edition of Pillman's Pit!

- Also, President Monsoon's final decision on whether or not Clarence Mason's client will be allowed back into the World Wrestling Federation - after doing a stint in jail!

- And, tensions are sure to fly sky-high when both Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and Jerry 'The King' Lawler will indeed be under the same roof, as will 'The Heart Break Kid' and 'The Mastodon' for an in-ring face-to-face encounter, narrated by the one and only Mr. Perfect! Tune in for all this and a whole lot more, on this week's edition of Shotgun Saturday Night!



* Good luck, ya'll! *


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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WWF SummerSlam '96



WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart w/James E. Cornette vs. Savio Vega


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. "The Mighty" Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji


WWF World Tag Team Championship:

Four Corners Tag Team Elimination Match

The New Rockers vs. The BodyDonnas vs. The Godwinns w/Hillbilly Jim vs. The Smokin' Gunns © w/Sunny


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst-Helmsley vs. Rob Van Dam


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

The British Bulldog w/James E. Cornette vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid


For Goldust's WWF Title Shot The Following Night:

Steel Cage Match

"The Bizarre One" Goldust w/Marlena vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero w/Sable


Boiler Room Brawl:

"The Deranged" Mankind vs. "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The Mastodon" Vader w/James E. Cornette vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels © w/Jose Lothario


Edited by Trevor Belmont
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WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart w/James E. Cornette vs. Savio Vega


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. "The Mighty" Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji


WWF World Tag Team Championship:

Four Corners Tag Team Elimination Match

The New Rockers vs. The BodyDonnas vs. The Godwinns w/Hillbilly Jim vs. The Smokin' Gunns © w/Sunny


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

"The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst-Helmsley vs. Rob Van Dam


WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One:

The British Bulldog w/James E. Cornette vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid


For Goldust's WWF Title Shot The Following Night:

Steel Cage Match w/ Both Marlena And Sable Barred from Ringside!

"The Bizarre One" Goldust vs. "Wild Man" Marc Mero


Boiler Room Brawl:

"The Deranged" Mankind vs. "The Man From The Darkside" The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The Mastadon" Vader w/James E. Cornette vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels © w/Jose Lothario

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