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(DOTM) New York is Always a Good Idea (Cverse)

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey

Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought

Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation

The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde

Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton ©

Valiant might win but again no title change!


EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC ©

Surely we are not going into another period of hot shooting the tag titles.


EEE Intercontinental Title: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

You know Prime Time has been on the short side of the stick in this feud on most the PPV’s so it feels like his time


George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey

Anyway say we need a rubber match?


Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

Can’t bring him in with the hint of the backstory and not have him go over unless you beat Fro down after a quick win


The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought

This match and the subsequent title match to follow is really stacking the deck up against Honest Frank Jr. Could it be a double loss night?


Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation

Could be a very rough night for team Canada


The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

The boys have been reduced to the retirement home


The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde

The Eagle is on a little push run


Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler

Angry has been on a real negative roll of late and with his declining ability it’s justified. So Heart and Soul continues the Angry slide

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EEE Supershow: Anniversary Bash

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton ©

Calling another weird one, I think Valiant was always the guy to dethrone Newton (for the same reasons I called him winning in the past - he's a big name you want in your history books. Him losing here might fear you gut the rest of his merch sales.

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC ©

The VCC train is chugging strong.

EEE Intercontinental Title: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

Pryde becoming a 2x champion, to set up for the rubber singles match where Jack can finally beat Pepper one on one (having a reason for Pepper to fight him now).

George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey

This was a tough call, but I feel like for Georgie to be "they guy" he needs to beat Vessey one on one clean at least in their second match up.

Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

For Frantic Ali to be anything he kind of needs this win. Fro is bulletproof anyway, guy can lose a million matches and still put on a banger with anyone and always be a threat to win.

The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought

Poor Frankie's going to have a no-good very bad start to his year.

Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation

Hard to imagine either of the faces being pinned by a Stone Foundation guy at this point.

The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Biggins are on their farewell tour on their backs.

The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde

Eagle for World title.

Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler

Mauler is just clearly above Gilmore on the card right now.

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton ©

Truth is that you don't need to make Valiant champ to make money. Some dodgy ending might give him the win but not the title to extend the feud, but realistically he needs to do the honourable thing in this feud

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC ©

No reason for these to go back

EEE Intercontinental Title: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

I can easily make a suggestion for all three - but I really don't think the Pryde / Pepper feud needs the title. I don't think I'm right, and expect a good six month reign from Pryde, but I feel Frank putting someone else over who needs the win more would be more beneficial

George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey

Another tough call, and I'm not sure Trapesi will be winning the feud, but he needs a victory somewhere along the line

Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

Ali should win, but I'm calling this a DQ

The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought

No way Frank's winning both matches, but I may have the wrong defeat!

Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation

Worth checking to see if the Stones can crack their knuckles again, but realistically the faces have this

The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

If this is going to be a tag team, I'm here to see it

The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde

Monty seems to be falling quicker than I thought he would after his injury

Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler

But not as quickly as Gilmore

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey

Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought

Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation

The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde

Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler

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New York City… where paper anniversaries equal money…



EEE Supershow: Anniversary Bash
Sunday, Week 4, February 2025
Greenwalt Dome, New York City, New York
Attendance: 48,330

TAG TEAM MATCH: The Fantastic Express vs. Honest Frank Jr & Dreadnought
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Fantastic Express defeated Honest Frank Jr and Dreadnought in 9:48 when Rafe Sashay pinned Honest Frank Jr with a Fantastic Flashbang.
Rating: 76

Notes: Honest Frank and Dreadnought are a fantastic team in theory… The Fantastic Express are just a fantastic team in practise. It didn’t seem smart to have one of our hottest acts get beaten in their own type of match. But my word what a stellar opener to the show. These four let it all hang out and the crowd lapped it all up. Dreadnought of course remains unpinned. I’m so happy to have got his push right this time around.

SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. Monty Trescarde
In a decent match, The Eagle defeated Monty Trescarde in 9:33 by pinfall with a Freedom Slam.
Rating: 65

Notes: Battle of the Midcard here. I didn’t like to say it out loud, but the wins and losses in these matches really didn’t mean anything. These two were in good spots for both ourselves and them here and I didn’t have any plans to move them barring something strange happening.

SINGLES MATCH: Angry Gilmore vs. The Masked Mauler
In a decent match, The Masked Mauler defeated Angry Gilmore in 10:06 by pinfall with a Piledriver.
Rating: 64

Notes: I had not done The Masked Mauler proud since the transition from NYCW to EEE, so a clean win against a legendary former World Heavyweight Champion seemed the least I could do. I wasn’t quite sure why I was struggling to get his push going properly though. Perhaps he was one of the victims of our success.

TAG TEAM MATCH: The Biggins Boys vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shaffer & McManus defeated The Biggins Boys in 10:25 when Trent Shaffer pinned Bart Biggins with a Heart Burn.
Rating: 66

Notes: It is incredible to me that The Biggins Boys, who I’d been earmarking for retirement were still around almost a year later. There was never any hope of them winning here, especially not against two of our most under-utilised stars. Shaffer and McManus are two perennial main event stars who have been over-shadowed by the arrival and ascention of the likes of Aaron Andrews, Valiant, Davis Wayne Newton and previously George Trapesi. I think it’s almost time to reshuffle them into main event relevance again, but that begins with victories like this.

EEE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton vs. Honest Frank Jr (c)
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated Prime Time Jack Pryde and Honest Frank Jr in 10:11 when Pepper Pelton pinned Prime Time Jack Pryde with a handful of tights. Pepper Pelton wins the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 73

Notes: Potentially an upset, but I liked the idea of including the Intercontinental Title into the long-running feud between the former Cross River Connection buddies. The fact that Honest Frank Jr loses the title without being pinned keeps him relatively strong, although I will need to find alternative plans for him in the medium term. A good match between these guys too, which is a result.

EEE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Twin Powers vs. The VCC (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The VCC defeated The Twin Powers in 10:26 when Ray Cavalero pinned Bulldozer Brandon Smith with a Vessey Locks. The VCC make defence number three of the EEE World Tag Team.
Rating: 70

Notes: The VCC continue the long-term plan to establish them as a tag team to be feared. They weren’t, on balance, better than The Twin Powers or The Fantastic Express, but they were the champions and that, in this company, means a great deal. Good match-ups always help with progress of popularity.

SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali
In a decent match, Frantic Ali defeated Fro Sure in 10:26 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver following interference from Cali Slick.
Rating: 73

Notes: Big win for the newcomer as he uses his partner to get the win over the constantly superb Fro Sure. As a performer he rarely puts a foot wrong and his matches are always slightly higher-rated than I expect them to be, even against relatively new workers like Frantic Ali. I’m not sure if what sort of legs this feud has, but for now the heels have the upper hand.

SINGLES MATCH: George Trapesi vs. Cameron Vessey
In a superb match, Cameron Vessey defeated George Trapesi in 27:59 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II.
Rating: 82

Notes: Well, well, well. These two can certainly bring the goods in the ring. Nearly half an hour of a match and neither man looked like they needed to slow down. The Man gets the clean win at the end of their war, and while the feud may be one-sided, the quality of matches continues to be very high.

TAG TEAM MATCH: Aaron Andrews & Charlie Corner vs. The Stone Foundation
In a good match, Aaron Andrews and Charlie Corner defeated The Stone Foundation in 10:24 when Aaron Andrews pinned Michael Stone with a Flying Body Press.
Rating: 74

Notes: I wanted to test The Stone Foundation in a match against two of our better and more popular workers and it was pretty damned successful all round. Obviously they were never really going to beat Charlie and The Ace, but they gave a good performance and continue to establish themselves in the tag team division. One of these days I’d have to give them a short run with the titles to firmly establish their presence.



Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton (c)
The hyper-popular Valiant finally gets a big-time main event shot for the World Heavyweight Title. Valiant works the headlock to start and boots DWN down, but goes after The Stone Fonudation and that allows Newton to attack with a chair, but Valiant no-sells it and they head back in. DWN pounds away in the corner and puts Valiant down with an elbow, then drops knees before missing an elbow. Valiant comes back and whips Newton around the ring, then backdrops him out of the corner. Catapult into the post. Corner clothesline gets two and Valiant goes AERIAL, but DWN catches him coming down. Valiant shakes it off and slams him, then drops the elbows before going up AGAIN. Newton slams him off the top to take over, and goes to work on the back of the legs. Clothesline hits and Valiant goes tumbling to the floor. DWN chokes him out with the TV cable and back in keeps pounding the back. Boston Crab, and DWN uses the old Thom Barrowman trick of having Christopher Stone push on his head for leverage, but Valiant makes the ropes. DWN stays on the back and goes up with a flying kneedrop, but The Stone Foundation actually distracts the ref while DWN is covering. It still gets two. The Champ retrieves another chair and hits Valiant right in the top of the head. With Valiant stumbling, DWN slaps on the STF, which seems to signal the end for Valiant, but feeding off the energy of the crowd, who are rabidly supporting him at this point, he makes the comeback. Big clothesline, followed by diving splash to take out The Stone Foundation and back in followed by the aiming of his hands and the delivery a huge V-Split. A three-count later and we have a new champion. Again.
In a superb match, Valiant defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 10:59 by pinfall with a V-Split. Valiant wins the EEE World Heavyweight Title.
Rating: 81

Notes: And with that; Valiant finally ascends to the throne and does it dominantly and in a quick match for a main event. Crowd reaction made this a great showdown rather than the in-ring prowess, which was carried by DWN. I’ve been playing hot potato with the World Heavyweight Title as we have our third champion in the first two months. But Valiant’s overness and merchandise sales meant we couldn’t not keep him in the main event.


OVERALL RATING: 79 – 0.40 (202,716 buys)



Next time… the build to Empire Royale 2025 begins…

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Prediction Results For EEE Anniversary Bash 2025

1. DinoKea - 8/10

1. Herrbear - 8/10

1. John Lions - 8/10

1. Theheel - 8/10

5. KyTeran - 7/10

6. eayragt - 6/10

6. ToastyCenturion - 6/10

8. smw88 - 5/10


Overall Prediction Standings - Season 2

1. John Lions - 14/18 (78%)

2. DinoKea - 13/18 (72%)

2. ToastyCenturion - 13/18 (72%)

4. Herrbear - 12/18 (67%)

4. KyTeran - 12/18 (67%)

4. Theheel - 12/18 (67%)

7. eayragt - 11/18 (61%)

8. smw88 - 9/18 (50%)

9. Scottie - 5/8 (63%)


John Lions returns to the top following a tied first place this time around with Theheel, Herrbear and DinoKea. The undercard was broadly quite predictable, but the hotshot nature of the main event threw people somewhat. And there were plenty of arguments to be made for a number of these matches going either way. Still Valiant ascends to the top in somwhat shocking manner. Almost like this was the original plan from the outset. :)


And we roll onto my personal favourite event Empire Royale, where there's plenty to play for in a match filled with surprises and very difficult to predict outcomes.

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New York City… where it’s almost time for our favourite event of the year…


Empire Royale was just around the corner and we had plans. Oooo, we had lots of plans for it. But before then it was a monthly visit to the accounts department, where to my surprise we had lost $12,823,646, when I enquired what had happened to the $7,500,000 marked up as EPC and a similar value marked as EN, they seemed sheepish and told me that I had to speak to Larry Vessey about it. I made a note to do that and quickly checked the overall balance and was pleased that we still had over $1m in the bank, even after the mysterious transfers. But Larry had apparently emptied our war chest and hadn’t told anyone, most importantly me, about it.


Monthly Merchandise:

1. Valiant - $229,166 (+$18,009)

2. Aaron Andrews - $174,007 (-$4,766)

3. Prime Time Jack Pryde - $117,968 (+$10,680)

4. Charlie Corner - $61,172 (+$408)

5. Fro Sure - $39,729 (-$4,705)

6. George Trapesi - $39,695 (+$715)

7. Davis Wayne Newton - $38,460 (+$4,784)

8. Zippy Deverell - $20,961 (+$3,877)

9. Rafe Sasay - $14,226 (+$2,450)

10. Cameron Vessey - $11,145 (NEW)


Another big step forward for both Valiant and Prime Time Jack Pryde, who were increasing at such a rate that they couldn’t be ignored as top-level stars at this point. While I waited for Larry to return my call, I flicked through the latest Pro Wrestling Reporter on the coffee table and noticed an article headlined ‘Tough Justice.’ Tommy Cornell’s son; Tommy Cornell Jr had debuted straight out of the 21CW training dojo and signed a year-long exclusive written contract with 21CW themselves. The kid apparently had bags of potential and would no doubt be a big name in the years ahead.


Finally, the day before the next All Star Wrestling taping, I received word that Arcadia had agreed to a new three-month extension and would be trialling us in Prime Time. It meant we had to deliver higher ratings, but the financial benefits were enormous. When Larry had insisted on hot-shotting the title onto Valiant, I had been reluctant at first. But everything seemed to be working exactly as he had planned.



EEE All Star Wrestling #53
Friday, Week 1, March 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 12,692

[*]ANGLE: Valiant is out to Living in America playing and the World Heavyweight Title over his shoulder. He gets in the ring to rapturous applause and simply says ‘We did it!’ and confetti falls from the ceiling. He knows that President Keith has made a triple threat match for the number one contenders slot tonight. He wishes luck to The Ace, Charlie Corner and Cameron Vessey and he’ll see the winner at Empire Royale.
Rating: 86

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Angry Gilmore & The Eagle vs. The Stone Foundation
In a decent match, The Stone Foundation defeated Angry Gilmore and The Eagle in 12:23 when Michael Stone submitted Angry Gilmore with a Stone Ankle Stretch.
Rating: 68

[*]ANGLE: Fro Sure is backstage with Thom Barrowman. Unlike normal, he’s not his happy, laid-back self. He’s serious. And in a short interview he promises that Frantic Ali and Cali Slick shouldn’t have reminded him of past. Be careful what you wish for.
Rating: 87

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Bradley Blaze vs. Monty Trescarde
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Monty Trescarde defeated Bradley Blaze in 11:49 by pinfall with a Cash Bonus.
Rating: 62

[*]ANGLE: We cut to Davis Wayne Newton in his executive suite with The Stone Foundation who are towelling themselves after their win. He’s looking at shrimp as it flops in his hand. He then drinks from his champagne flute and spits it out.
“What is this, store-bought sparkling wine?”
“Only winners get the good stuff,” Christopher Stone says.
“What’s your point?”
“You lost,” Michael Stone replies.
“Listen to me; I brought you in here. And I didn’t do that so you could tell me what I already know.”
“So what you going to do about it?” Christopher asks.
DWN throws the glass away and marches off.
Rating: 82

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Wild Dogs vs. The Twin Powers
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Twin Powers defeated The Wild Dogs in 10:15 when Andrew Harper pinned Billy Chase with a Stereo Powerbombs.
Rating: 60

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton barges into President Keith’s office and interrupts a meeting he’s having with Cameron Vessey. DWN demands he’s added to the number one contenders match tonight. Keith says he can’t do that at this stage. Vessey raises his hand as he stands to face DWN. The Man looks DWN up and down and says with a smirk ‘It’s cool, you can add him.’ Newton says ‘thank you’ but is a little perturbed by the stare Vessey is giving him.
Rating: 99

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Chip Martin vs. Dreadnought
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Dreadnought defeated Chip Martin in 5:31 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.
Rating: 54

[*]ANGLE: Backstage Honest Frank Jr is distraught at losing the title, which is why he wasn’t out with Dreadnought. He can’t believe the title was stolen from him by that little monster Pepper Pelton. Just then The Perfect One wanders by and gives Frank Jr a nod and a wink as he strokes his new title. Rating: 86

[*]NO.1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. Charlie Corner vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Davis Wayne Newton
In a superb match, Charlie Corner defeated Aaron Andrews, Davis Wayne Newton and Cameron Vessey in 9:49 when Charlie Corner pinned Davis Wayne Newton with a Corner Cutter following interference from George Trapesi against Cameron Vessey.
Rating: 78

[*]OVERALL RATING: 83 – 1.25 (940,599 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.03 (17,146 buys)


Even having inserted himself into the number one contenders match, DWN couldn’t live up to his own expectations and this allowed Corner to sneak his way into his first major title match on a big show. The news for the week was relatively slow, with the exception of USPW signing Ekuma, which was a big signing in more ways than one. TCW hadn’t been dormant either signing Austin Smooth and Sione Tokoeka too, which were two good signings for them.



EEE All Star Wrestling #54
Friday, Week 2, March 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 12,662

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton is out with a somewhat disinterested looking Stone Foundation. He heads to the ring to complain about his treatment last week. Not only has Valiant cheated to win his title, he’s then been screwed out of his rematch. It’s a conspiracy! (the Stone Foundation roll their eyes). He won’t stand for it and he demands satisfaction. Valiant is out to respond and he understands DWN’s frustration. But that’s life. Sometimes you get knocked down and it’s a measure of a man how he responds. DWN looks at Valiant like he’s insane. Valiant goes on that he’d love to give him his rematch, but he’s already got a number one contender in Charlie Corner and he’s also wrestling tonight already. ‘Against who?’ DWN asks infuriated. George Trapesi comes out with The VCC. ‘With me!’
Rating: 91

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Fantastic Express vs. Dreadnought & Big Jon Walker
In a decent match, The Fantastic Express defeated Dreadnought and Big Jon Walker in 12:21 when Rafe Sashay pinned Big Jon Walker with a Fantastic Flashbang.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: In the parking lot, stood by a beautiful car are Frantic Ali and Cali Slick. Thom Barrowman approaches them for comment on the Fro Sure situation. They say it’s nice to see Fro Sure letting the mask slip a bit and showing the world who he really is. Barrowman pushes for more concrete answers and information, but they just laugh it off. But they’re happy to say they’ve signed contracts to stay in EEE for the foreseeable. And they’re going to make it their job to reveal exactly who Fro Sure is.
Rating: 79

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Brett Biggins vs. ‘The Stud’ Phil Anders
In a decent match, Phil Anders defeated Brett Biggins in 10:06 by pinfall with a Hangman's Neckbreaker.
Rating: 60

[*]ANGLE: ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton approaches Prime Time Jack Pryde backstage. And aware that his old foe can’t touch him because of the court order, he makes sure to be as obnoxious about his title win as possible. Each time; Prime Time looks like he’s going to attack, but The Perfect One warns him of the order. Pepper then leaves looking very smug because he’s got a title defense coming up now.
Rating: 87

[*]EEE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: The Eagle vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated The Eagle in 11:46 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Pepper Pelton makes defence number one of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 71

[*]ANGLE: In the locker room Bryan Vessey, George Trapesi and The VCC are discussing the upcoming World Title shot. The VCC slap their belts and tell Trapesi that together they could have all the gold. When Riley McManus and Trent Shaffer enter. Trapesi instinctively stands up to face them.
“Oh hey… Star…” McManus says with a smirk. “Long time no see. I see you’ve changed again. Always trying to figure out who you are aren’t you?”
“What do you want McManus?” Trapesi fires back.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Shaffer replied. “What’s with the hostility. We’re not here to steal your mask or anything.”
“Yeah already done that,” McManus says with a laugh. “But you don’t need to worry, we’re not after you this time. We’re after them. They’re the World Tag Team champions and we’re a team now. So we figured, why wait around. Let’s go straight for the gold. I mean, we’re already the best team in the country.”
The VCC stand up alongside Trapesi, but Bryan steps in-between them. “Listen, my boys are fighting champions and if you want a shot, you got it. At Empire Royale it’ll be you vs. them for the gold. Now can you leave, we’ve got other things to do right now. Two big matches tonight.”
“Oh yeah, we heard about your World Title shot,” Shaffer says.
“Don’t choke… Star. And don’t you two idiots lose those titles before we can take them from you,” McManus adds before they leave.
Rating: 91

[*]EEE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Stevie Stanley & Flip Simpkins vs. The VCC (c)
In a decent match, The VCC defeated Stevie Stanley and Flip Simkins in 12:08 when JP Barnham submitted Stevie Stanley with a Golden Scissors. The VCC make defence number four of the EEE World Tag Team.
Rating: 65

[*]ANGLE: Both Trapesi and Valiant get long, elaborate entrances.
Rating: 85

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: George Trapesi vs. Valiant (c)
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Valiant defeated George Trapesi in 10:09 by pinfall with a V-Split following interference from Cameron Vessey. Valiant makes defence number one of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 79

[*]ANGLE: With the match over, Cameron Vessey continues to beat down Trapesi until The VCC make the save.
Rating: 73

[*]OVERALL RATING: 81 – 1.26 (949,567 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (11,638 buys)


And with that, I receive word from production that Arcadia have made it clear that we are now eligible for regional battles with USPW and SWF. This was a massive change and one which had me slightly worried. TCW I was fine beating regularly. But USPW and SWF were the true big boys of professional wrestling, who consistently put out fantastic events week-in-week-out.


With limited time and increased stress from the higher expectations, I sent my new PA to see the NYCW show for me and give me details. It looks like it was a decent show headlined by Pablo Rodriguez defeating James Prudence to retain the NYCW Tri-State Regional Title. The only other thing of note was the Samoan Wrecking Crew continuing their tag team dominance by beating the hugely talented Fabulous Ones to retain the NYCW Tag Team Titles.



EEE All Star Wrestling #55
Friday, Week 3, March 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 12,463

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey is out alone. He doesn’t like losing. In fact, he doesn’t make of habit of ever losing without immediately proving it was an error. An error in the universe. People will of course say that he didn’t lose, he had his win stolen by a former roadblock in George Trapesi. And that’s fine for other people, but not for The Man. Therefore he’s challenging Charlie Corner to a match tonight. He’s not interested in the number one contenders spot, we’ll just win the Empire Royale. But he wants to know… no, he needs to know that he’s better.
Rating: 86

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Sandman Winks
In a decent match, Fro Sure defeated Sandman Winks in 9:45 by pinfall with a Sure Thing.
Rating: 72

[*]ANGLE: After the match Fro Sure stalks the ringside and pulls up a chair at the announce table. He points out that he knows Cali Slick and Frantic Ali are fighting next and he wants them to know he’s watching them.
Rating: 80

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Biggins Boys vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali
In a decent match, Cali Slick and Frantic Ali defeated The Biggins Boys in 7:50 when Cali Slick pinned Brett Biggins with a Slick-Back.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: After the match Fro Sure leaves the announce table and squares up to the two men who’ve been out to get him. Strangely, they just smile at him and then leave with Fro Sure following.
Rating: 85

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Honest Frank Jr
In a decent match, Honest Frank Jr defeated Alistair Shufflebottom in 7:34 by pinfall with a Roll The Dice.
Rating: 62

[*]ANGLE: George Trapesi is backstage and he knows this will be his first ever appearance in the Empire Royale. It’s an endurance match, where there are no friends, only enemies. He’s ok with that. He’s not the same as he was a year ago and this year he’ll be doing whatever it takes to get back where he belongs. In the main event. In fact, he’s already drawn his number so that he can have the maximum time to prepare.
Rating: 90

[*]SINGLES MATCH: George Trapesi vs. William Jetterson
In a decent match, George Trapesi defeated William Jetterson in 7:35 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat.
Rating: 65

[*]ANGLE: Before their match; Cameron Vessey enters the locker-room. He offers Charlie Corner a handshake. He knows this is the young kid’s biggest match, and he promises not to break any bones… unless he steps out of line.
Rating: 84

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Cameron Vessey
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Cameron Vessey defeated Charlie Corner in 22:12 by pinfall after using a foreign object.
Rating: 78

[*]OVERALL RATING: 80 – 1.29 (967,694 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (11,496 buys)


Cameron Vessey is a fantastic worker, with a fascinatingly in-between face/heel character, but that match against Charlie Corner… well, I expected better to be fair. Perhaps Charlie wasn’t ready for the main event just yet. Then again, I’ve been wrong about these things before. Not to mention Mitch Naess was still working for PSW on the third Thursday of the month, which hurt our ratings. I wasn’t panicking yet, but Arcadia sent me a strongly-worded note telling me they expected better shows. Fair enough.



EEE All Star Wrestling #56
Friday, Week 4, March 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 12,257

[*]ANGLE: Valiant is out to talk about Empire Royale and what it takes to be a true American Hero. It takes grit, determination and above all else heart. If you have those things, then you can win over the people. And with the people behind you, you can achieve anything. Valiant then looks up to the Executive Suite before addressing Davis Wayne Newton. He hopes that the former champion has stopped sulking. Because there’s a big event this Sunday. And for a man like DWN it’s a big opportunity. One he has the talent and skill to take, but only if he has the heart. DWN watches on, but doesn’t respond.
Rating: 87

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Spike Sylvain
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Prime Time Jack Pryde defeated Spike Sylvain in 11:29 by pinfall with a PrydeFall.
Rating: 74

[*]ANGLE: Backstage Valiant bumps into Charlie Corner. Valiant tells him its ok to be nervous. But come Sunday just give it your best shot. Valiant believes in him, just do your best. That’s all the people can ask. Corner replies with “It’s cool bro, I’m not nervous. I’m just wondering what to do for a celebration party.”
Rating: 92

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Denny King
In a decent match, Charlie Corner defeated Denny King in 11:51 by pinfall with a Corner Cutter.
Rating: 69

[*]ANGLE: Prime Time is cooling off, but it’s time to draw his number for the Empire Royale. He smiles broadly. The Perfect One wanders by;
“What number did you draw?”
Prime Time just smiles.
“Good is it?”
Prime Time just smiles.
“I hate you.”
Prime Time just smiles.
Rating: 89

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Eagle & Angry Gilmore vs. Trent Shaffer and Riley McManus
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shaffer & McManus defeated The Eagle and Angry Gilmore in 12:12 when Riley McManus pinned The Eagle with a Slingshot Suplex.
Rating: 71

[*]ANGLE: After the match The VCC lead by George Trapesi storm the ring for the beatdown. Trent manages to bail and leaves McManus to take the beating.
Rating: 79

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Bryan Jewett vs. The Masked Mauler
In a decent match, The Masked Mauler defeated Bryan Jewett in 12:11 by submission with an Iron Claw.
Rating: 64

[*]ANGLE: The Twin Powers each draw their numbers and neither looks happy, until they compare. This causes them to laugh. Billy looks at the numbers.
“What is wrong with you two?”
They heavily pat him on the back, sending him flying out of shot.
Rating: 90

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Aaron Andrews & Valiant vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Cameron Vessey
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton and Cameron Vessey defeated Aaron Andrews and Valiant in 10:24 when Cameron Vessey pinned Valiant with a Vessey Driver II.
Rating: 80

ANGLE: After the match The Twin Powers and The Stone Foundation storm the ring to attack Valiant and Andrews. This brings out Charlie Corner and Fro Sure for the save, which in turn brings out Cali Slick and Frantic Ali. It a full blown brawl in the middle of the ring with everyone taking turns to beat each other up and throw opponents from the ring. In the end Valiant is the only men standing as the others begin to circle before attacking again.
Rating: 74

[*]OVERALL RATING: 82 – 1.27 (957,243 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (11,449 buys)


Much better show from us and no complaints from Arcadia make me very happy. But with that it was time for the Empire Royale 2025. We were hoping for a show for the ages, especially as one of our apparent new competitors; SWF, had just signed Joffy Laine. That was a big signing, because we knew how good a talent he was and that was when we didn’t have much of an audience.


EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale:

Runner-Up of Royale:

3rd Place in Royale:

4th Place in Royale:

Most Eliminations:

Longest Run:

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali


Next time… thirty men, over the top rope, let’s goooo…

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EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Pepper Pelton

4th Place in Royale: Jack Pryde

Most Eliminations: Dreadnought

Longest Run: DWN


EEE World Heavyweight Title: Valiant © def. Charlie Corner

Corner ain't ready. Plus, it'd be a tonne of hot potatoing


EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus def. The VCC ©

Trent and Riley have a short title run before a betrayal leads to a feud


EEE Intercontinental Title: ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton © def Bradley Blaze

No chance Bradley wins this


Street Fight: Fro Sure def. Frantic Ali

Win trading

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EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

4th Place in Royale: Prime Time Jack Pryde

Most Eliminations: Dreadnought

Longest Run: Davis Wayne Newton

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

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Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: Prime Time Jack Pryde

3rd Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

4th Place in Royale: Aaron Andrews

Most Eliminations: Dreadnought

Longest Run: Pepper Pelton

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali


If DWN had retained the title I would be 100% behind Pryde, but I'll have to go for the obvious answer. I'm voting once more for a McManus victory as well, so that's guaranteed to not happen...

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Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

4th Place in Royale: Aaron Andrews

Most Eliminations: Dreadnought

Longest Run: Davis Wayne Newton

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

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Well this is the first time in a while where I don't feel very confident about my picks, but in a good way. Biggest surprise is the unexpected storyline with Fro Sure, it's been the first time I've actually enjoyed him as a character and I'm excited to see where it goes.


EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

4th Place in Royale: Prime Time Jack Pryde

Most Eliminations: Andrew Harper

Longest Run: George Trapesi

I along with others feel like this is Vessey's to lose, and I wasn't originally set on that. However, I think it makes a lot of sense since any other heel that could match up with Valiant either lost already or is tangled in something else. I think Georgie runs the gauntlet in this one since it's his first ever, and I think Vessey gets help from the Twin Powers who both enter back to back and run the show for a while. I originally put down Dreadnought getting most elims but I don't see where he fits into that.

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

Charlie Corner's been unimpressive to me, and Valiant at this point in his career has only been able to hold up his end with an equally skilled dance partner. I think this match ends up severely underwhelming.

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

I think McManus and Shaffer both have some juice left to squeeze in the main event scene, and that Riley turning on Shaffer to be a good guy again is perfect. It all comes full circle with him learning he needs an edge from Denny King, and now carrying that edge over into being a good guy.

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

No shot, Blaze gets one last chance to see if he can put his name in people's mouths.

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

Fro wins, but Ali truly gets the moral win by making Fro show off his violent side that he has been downplaying.

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EEE Empire Royale 2025


Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

4th Place in Royale: Aaron Andrews

Most Eliminations: Dreadnought

Longest Run: George Trapesi


EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

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EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: Aaron Andrews

3rd Place in Royale: Honest Frank Jr

4th Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

Most Eliminations: Dreadnaught

Longest Run: George Trapesi

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

Corner is there yet and while Valiant might be a transition champion, we are waiting for the Vessey vs Valiant match for a change


EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

I’d love to see this team succeed but there is always a wrench in things with them


EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

This one has me scratching my head a bit. Not about who wins, but why?


Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

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EEE Empire Royale 2025

Winner of the Royale: Cameron Vessey

Runner-Up of Royale: George Trapesi

3rd Place in Royale: Prime Time Jack Pryde

4th Place in Royale: Davis Wayne Newton

Most Eliminations: Dreadnaught

Longest Run: Aaron Andrews

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus vs. The VCC ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton ©

Street Fight: Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali

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New York City… where the buzzer sound means your next enemy is upon you…



EEE Empire Royale 2025
Sunday, Week 4, March 2025
Greenwalt Dome, New York City, New York
Attendance: 46,770

ANGLE: Larry Vessey’s gravelly voice gives a voice over to a video graphic highlighting still images of wrestlers.
“Featuring: ‘The Canadian Hero’ Davis Wayne Newton… Prime Time Jack Pryde… Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews… Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer… ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton… Fro Sure… Cali Slick… Frantic Ali… ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus…’The Bully Enforcer’ Andrew Harper… Honest Frank Jr… ‘California Cool’ Charlie Corner and The MONSTER Dreadnought. It’s a thirty man, over-the-top rope spectacular. It’s time, for the Royale… it’s time for the Empire Royale… No cheese.”

We then cut to the announce table with Mitch Naess and Emma Chase.
Naess: “That’s right folks, it’s that time of year once again. We are live from the magnificent Greenwalt Dome for the second Empire Royale.”
Chase: “We’ve got all titles being defended tonight and then the big one. The over-the-top rope Empire Royale; where it’s every man for himself. Partners become enemies and every man will be looking out for themselves and vying for the prestigious World Heavyweight Title shot at Starclash II.”
Naess: “That’s right Emma. Last year’s winner Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews will be hoping luck strikes twice as he got the draw of the hugely important number 30.”
Chase: “It’s a huge opportunity for all thirty competitors. And I’m having trouble picking my favourite.”
Naess: “For me it’s got to be The Ace. He’s got the experience and the talent to go all the way.”
Chase: “Twist my arm and I’ll go with ‘The Monster’ Dreadnought. I know he’s not the favourite, but I can’t see anyone being eliminating that Monster if he doesn’t want to be thrown out.”
Naess: “Good pick Emma. But without further ado, let’s go to ringside for the first match-up…”
Rating: 75





Bradley Blaze vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton (c)

It’s fair to say that of all the matches on the card, this was the most predictable in terms of outcome and in fact the most disappointing in terms of quality. Bradley Blaze is arguably the most under-utilised worker on the entire roster, but we wanted to give him a shot at something and he delivered quite nicely. The disappointment of the match was ‘The Perfect One’ who couldn’t quite live up to his own lofty expectations in a match not including Prime Time.
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated Bradley Blaze in 10:16 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Pepper Pelton makes defence number two of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 64

Notes: Definitely a disappointment of a match. I really shouldn’t have expected better from these two, but Pep’s inability to carry lesser workers to better matches is an issue for him in the long term. Still, it did it’s basic job in getting the crowd up for the rest of the show. So at least it wasn’t a complete disaster.




Shaffer & McManus vs. The VCC (c)

The latest addition to the tag team division are, in their own right, two incredibly talented stars. The fact they are both World Champions tells you everything you need to know about them. So going into a match against one of the top teams in the company, they would still be considered favourites. But Shaffer and McManus’ arrogance is what causes them trouble. Despite dominating the match-up they cannot help but cheat and bend the rules. Eventually, the highly proud VCC lose their cool temperaments and start fighting fire with fire. After numerous infractions from both teams, the referee sees JP Barnham hitting McManus with a chair causing the challengers to win by disqualification.
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shaffer & McManus defeated The VCC in 22:19 when JP Barnham was disqualified while fighting Riley McManus.
Rating: 71

Notes: I wasn’t about to change things up just yet, especially with our incredibly complicated tag team tournament plans in the months ahead, but this was a good match-up as McManus and Shaffer continue to show their talent in all areas of the professional wrestling world. Part of my missed them both in the main event proper, but with people this talented, we could always heat them back up when necessary.



Fro Sure vs. Frantic Ali
Notes: Another fantastic match in a series of them between these two. And yet another example of Fro Sure delivering top quality match-ups against any opponent in any situation. He really is a star in the making and I don’t see how long we can realistically hold him back from taking the next step other than the fact the main event is packed with more popular stars.

In a rematch between the two old friends, now bitter enemies; Fro Sure brings a level of fire and determination rarely seen. Whatever Frantic Ali and Cali Slick have been doing has clearly tapped into something he’s long-buried. Frantic Ali actually looks a little apprehensive at various points throughout the match as Fro Sure continues a brutal and relentless assault. Ali is able to kick out of anything thrown at him, until Fro Sure delves into his trunks and pulls out a set of brass knuckles and with the referee distracted by Cali Slick trying to warn him about the weapon, Fro Sure blasts Ali with them and pins him. With the match over Cali Slick slides in to defend his partner and Fro Sure blasts him too. The crowd aren’t sure how to react to such obvious heelish behaviour.
In a good match, Fro Sure defeated Frantic Ali in 9:40 by pinfall after using a foreign object.
Rating: 80



Charlie Corner vs. Valiant (c)[/b]

California Cool Charlie Corner has had quite the year. All starting with victories over Trent Shaffer and Angry Gilmore, followed by a solid Intercontinental Title reign all the way to here, his first major World Heavyweight Title shot on a major show. The weight of the situation is clearly not lost on him as he struggles early to get a foothold against the far more experienced opposition. Valiant controls early, but leaves Corner to make a series of thrilling comebacks, which get the crowd into it. But there is definitely a sense that he’s not ever going to get the win, which hampers the overall feel and flow of the match. Despite putting up a brace fight, Corner is unable to deal with the offense of the champion and a V-Split later and the match is over.
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Valiant defeated Charlie Corner in 9:42 by pinfall with a V-Split. Valiant makes defence number two of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 74

Notes: That was the first, somewhat disappointing match in the last year for Charlie Corner. The audience give them both a polite round of applause, which the match deserved, but the heat never reached the levels we’d hoped for and this would probably mean Corner needs more time in the main event scene before we put him in a big spot like this again. It also didn’t bode well that Valiant was unable to lift the match to greatness, which is something we definitely need our World Champion to do. But I had learnt long ago that when Larry has ‘his guy’ in a title-holder position, dumping him rarely ends well.



President Sam Keith is in the ring holding the EEE Empire Royale Trophy Plate.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to be able to award this trophy to the winner of tonight’s second annual Empire Royale match. The rules are straight-forward enough; two wrestlers will start in the ring and every two minutes a new wrestler will enter. Elimination occurs when someone is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. Once all thirty men have entered, the remaining wrestler left in the ring will be declared the winner of the Empire Royale and will be awarded a World Heavyweight Title shot at Starclash II in the Greenwalt Dome. So, without further ado, let us know find out… WHO DREW NUMBER ONE…

“Every word I say is what I mean…”

Entrant 1: Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Woah, we have ourselves a monster at number one. Bulldozer Brandon Smith came out of last year’s Empire Royale with the record for most eliminations in a single match with six. Entering at number one means he has the opportunity to eliminate all twenty-nine other competitors. He looks happy about the carnage he’ll be able to inflict, while Billy ‘The Brain’ Keelan walks him to ringside and, as per a new rule this year, may wait outside the ring until their client is eliminated. With the monstrous former tag team champion in the ring, it’s time to find out the second entrant.

“Every word I say is what I mean…”

Entrant 2: Andrew Harper

Oh my, the Bully Enforcer and the other half of The Twin Powers tag team comes out alone. He looks every bit as happy as Bulldozer. It seems unfeasible that these two won’t team up and bring destruction to anyone else who enters. Harper enters the ring and fist-bumps Bulldozer. The bell rings and, shockingly, the two men start circling one another. Outside the ring Billy Keelan is going berserk as the two giants start laying into one another. Even more amazingly than them living by the ‘every man for himself’ rule, is that they both seem absolutely delighted to be knocking seven bells out of one another. The crowd appreciate the violence too. And after two minutes of brutal chops and kicks, the two men stop as the counter counts down. It seems that they do plan on teaming up, and will only fight each other when it’s only them in the ring. 3… 2… 1…

The long-forgotten guitar riff to Fortunate Son blares out… “Some folks are born, made to wave the flag…” Surely it can’t be…

Entrant 3: Thom ‘One Man Army’ Barrowman

Mitch Naess: “Our fellow broadcaster has dusted off his boots and has clearly decided now is the time to get back amongst it.”
Emma Chase: “Well it’s good to see he’s completely lost his marbles. The Twin Powers haven’t liked him since the beginning, I expect they’re going to eat him up.”

Thom Barrowman, after a methodical walk, slides in the ring and explodes with a double clothesline on The Twin Powers, which sends them reeling. The two hoss’ attempt to regain control with some heavy-handed punches, but Barrowman seems to be channelling himself from ten years ago as he ducks and weaves his way around their slow attacks and delivers hit after hit to the champions. It looks like he’s got Bulldozer on the ropes, but Harper makes the save. But Barrowman isn’t interested in slowing down as he reverses the attack and unbelievably attempts to ease both men out at the same time. This proves to be a mistake though as The Twin Powers get their bearings and start to attack. The counter hits zero as the crowd chant along and the buzzer goes.

“It’s just one of those days, where you don’t want to wake up…”

Entrant 4: Angry Gilmore

And here comes another man with no love lost for the former tag team champions. Looking as Angry as ever; Angry Gilmore hits the ring at high speed and saves Barrowman from elimination and begins beating down Bulldozer Brandon Smith in the corner. Barrowman meanwhile is able to overpower Andrew Harper and has him in the opposite corner. Gilmore and Barrowman irish whip both men into the centre of the ring where they collide and get knocked down. The grizzled veterans are able to seize the opportunity and continue to beat the two big men down.

“And this one is for the champions…”

Entrant 5: Rafe Sashay

One half of The Fantastic Express hits the ring and runs straight up to the top rope and lands a high-flying crossbody on Andrew Harper, whose only just crawled back to his feet. Joining in with Gilmore and Barrowman, Sashay has a lot of pent-up aggression for The Twin Powers. It seems that having both of them in there is not a benefit as everyone else has ganged up on them. Gilmore holds up Harper and Sashay goes to deliver a Superkick; but Harper ducks and Sashay nearly takes off Gilmore’s head. Seizing on the moment of miscommunication; Andrew Harper grabs the back of Gilmore’s trunks and hurls him from the ring, but is quickly eliminated himself by Thom Barrowman who has sneaked up behind him and dumped him. Harper is outside the ring looking furious as begins to tear apart the announce area in frustration.

Elimination: Angry Gilmore (by Andrew Harper), Andrew Harper (by Thom Barrowman)
Remaining: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Thom Barrowman & Rafe Sashay

The Exodus Theme by Ernest Gold plays…

Entrant 6: ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

The Perfect One is taking his time heading to the ring, happy to let Bulldozer Smith take a beating from Rafe Sashay and Thom Barrowman. He circles the ring while the others fight and once Bulldozer is off his feet; Pep slides in and starts a fast beatdown on Rafe Sashay, leaving him standing toe-to-toe with Thom Barrowman. After the most obvious low-blow imaginable, Pepper hits him with the Fisherman’s Suplex, but releases and then runs Barrowman to the ropes, but the wily veteran grips hold of the ropes to stop himself from being eliminated.

“It’s bugging me, Grating me…”

Entrant 7: ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey

Oooo, a low draw from one of the most dominant new members of the Empire Elite Entertainment roster. Most would be disappointed with that number, but Cameron Vessey looks like he always does; focused and ready for action. He tapes up his sparring gloves and rolls into the ring immediately shoots a takedown on Rafe Sashay. Despite his own high speed, Sashay cannot escape the fluid motion of attack from Vessey, who moves from half-mount to full mount and then starts raining down blows on the defenseless Fantastic. When he’s sure he’s had enough, Vessey slings his near-limp body over the top rope. On the other side of the ring; Thom Barrowman is fighting off both Bulldozer and The Perfect One. Vessey opts not to attack and instead waits while the three men continue their brawl.

Elimination: Rafe Sashay (by Cameron Vessey)
Remaining: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Thom Barrowman, Pepper Pelton & Cameron Vessey

“I finally know why I can’t get an answer…”

Entrant 8: JP Barnham

Barnham is looking for a better showing than last year as he enters the ring with eyes for only one man; Cameron Vessey. Being a technical expert himself, he happily engages in a quick-fire back and forth with The Man. When it looks like Barnham might just be getting an Vessey; Vessey goes low and attempts to mount his opponent. But a now-free Thom Barrowman kicks Vessey in the head, before being dragged back to the corner and double-teamed by Bulldozer and The Perfect One. The countdown appears and the crowd chant along again…

Gojira tai Mosura (Remix) kicks in…

Entrant 9: Dreadnought

The Monster is here and everyone in the ring has suddenly switched their attention to him. He marches to the ring and steps in over the top rope. There is a moment as Dreadnought weighs up his opponents and then they attack him. Big boot takes down Barnham, Chokeslam for The Perfect One and a release powerbomb takes out Thom Barrowman. He turns his attention to Cameron Vessey who eyes him for a moment and then drops to the mat and rolls out the ring. Dreadnought follows The Man and then turns to face the only man standing in the ring; Bulldozer Brandon Smith. The energy picks up in the arena as two of the biggest men in the promotion square up to one another. They trade heavy hits and then each run off the ropes to knock down the other, but neither man moves. They go back to trading blows and Dreadnought becomes the first man ever to start gaining the advantage over Bulldozer. With each heavy blow, Bulldozer is pushed closer to the ropes and just as he’s preparing clothesline the behemoth out; Thom Barrowman chop-blocks the back of Dreadnought’s knee. Getting to his feet quickly; Barrowman hits the final blow on Bulldozer Brandon Smith, sending up and over the top rope and out. Momentarily delighted by the elimination, he turns to see Dreadnought has risen. The Monster scoops up the veteran and slams him over the top rope onto the hard apron and out the ring. He then grabs the still knocked down Barnham and casually Chokeslams him, before picking him up and tossing him too. The Monster is on fire!

Emma Chase: “I would like to change my prediction from Cameron Vessey to Dreadnought.”
Mitch Naess: “By the time this is over you will have picked everyone in this thing!”
Emma Chase: “Seriously though, who can eliminate The Monster? No one, that’s who!”

Elimination: Bulldozer Brandon Smith (by Thom Barrowman), Thom Barrowman (by Dreadnought), JP Barnham (by Dreadnought)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey & Dreadnought

“California Looo-ove!”

Entrant 10: Charlie Corner

California Cool has picked a terrible spot to entire the Empire Royale. In the ring Dreadnought is stalking The Perfect One, who is just running around to avoid him, while outside the ring Cameron Vessey is using the no disqualification element of the match to leave those in the ring to it. Weighing up the two options, Corner switches from a walk to a run and clobbers Vessey outside. He then rolls him into the ring directly in front of Dreadnought who stops his chase of Pelton to scoop up Vessey and deliver a crashing Powerbomb. During the action, Corner slides into the ring and attacks The Perfect One as the two men pair off to do battle. Dreadnought is overwhelming Cameron Vessey and picks him up into a Bearhug, but Vessey applies a headlock and slowly The Monster drops to a knee and then to the ground. Corner meanwhile is laying a beating on Pelton as the countdown hits zero.

Regulate by Warren G kicks in…

Entrant 11: Frantic Ali

One half of The Boys from the West Side hits the ring and goes straight for Corner, leaving the back-and-forth battle between Vessey and Dreadnought well alone. He peels Corner off of Pelton and drags him to the middle of the ring before hitting a Running Yakuza Kick. The Perfect One taps him on the shoulder to give him a high five and finds himself getting beaten to a pulp by Frantic Ali who the commentators note is used to working alone.

“Irooooo-oooooonnnnnn MAN!”

Entrant 12: The Eagle

Decked out in his face paint and with a look of concentration on his face The Eagle begins laying siege to everyone in the ring. He even goes after Dreadnought. Vessey happy to have a break from the monster, sits in the corner of the ring to catch his breath while The Eagle and Dreadnought take it in turns to chop each other’s chests with neither man backing down. Dreadnought takes a step back after a particularly heavy chop from The Eagle and then gets hits in the face with a Superkick from The Perfect One, which takes him clean off of his feet and the countdown ticks down again.

“Wah-ah-ah-ah!” blares through the arena as Down with the Sickness by Disturbed plays.

Emma Chase: “I recognise that music!”
Mitch Naess: “So do I Emma, so do I, could it be?”
Emma Chase: “God I hope not…”


The man thought lost in the wilds of Japan has returned to New York City. His brilliant green hair and mad facial expressions are back to as he pointedly marches to the ring. Upon entering he starts laying a beating on everyone in the ring; hitting a Stump Piledriver on a groggy Dreadnought, before turning to face The Eagle. It seems he’s gesturing to The Eagle that they should team up and The Eagle agrees. Together they hit Dreadnought with clubbing blow after clubbing blow. They then pick him up and push him towards the ropes. Seeing the opportunity present itself, they are joined by The Perfect One, Frantic Ali and Charlie Corner. Slowly, so slowly The Monster is Vesseyd over the top and as he reaches the peak of an arc to go out, Cameron Vessey chops Corner’s legs out from under him. Dreadnought then he punches Ali whose gripping the other and then with an almighty push… Dreadnought shoves all other wrestlers to the ground in a single move and beats his chest in rage as the countdown signals another entry…

Entrant 14: Fro Sure

The King of Funk sprints to the ring and launches himself at Frantic Ali, clearly not content with the beating he gave him earlier. He’s a house on fire as he lands blow after blow. Dreadnought; confused that he’s been ignored by the new entry, turns his attention to Animal Harker and The Eagle. He delivers a double clothesline to them and then picks them both up to a standing position and tosses both at the same time. Charlie Corner is next, receiving a big boot to the face before being unceremoniously booted over the top rope. Only Corner holds onto the top rope to pull himself back into the ring while Dreadnought tries to get between Fro Sure and Frantic Ali. He gets a Superkick from Fro Sure for his troubles, and Fro Sure turns his attention back to Frantic Ali. Dreadnought turns to Cameron Vessey, who wags his finger and Dreadnought, acknowledging the help from earlier blasts Charlie Corner in the face.

Elimination: The Eagle (by Dreadnought), Animal Harker (by Dreadnought)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought, Charlie Corner, Frantic Ali & Fro Sure

“I finally know why I can’t get an answer…”

Entrant 15: Ray Cavalero

The other half of The VCC hits the ring and goes straight for Dreadnought, which goes about as well as you’d imagine. The Monster hurls Ray at the ropes, but he comes back with a fast clothesline which again rocks Dreadnought, but doesn’t knock him down. Ray then leaps up and grabs The Monster in a headlock, the only proven way so far to slow him down. Fro Sure meanwhile appears to be taking his time in hurting Frantic Ali in one corner. In another Cameron Vessey is chopping Corner’s chest. After the third one; California Cool falls to his knees. Vessey hoists him up onto the top turnbuckle and then The Perfect One delivers a high-angle dropkick to Corner’s face which knocks him clean out the ring and out of the match.

Elimination: Charlie Corner (by Pepper Pelton)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought, Frantic Ali, Fro Sure and Ray Cavalero

Regulate by Warren G kicks in again…

Entrant 16: Cali Slick

As the big man from the Southside of the West Coast heads to the ring, Fro Sure looks up from the borderline torture session he’s inflicting on Frantic Ali. Fro Sure scoops Ali onto the tope rope and then kicks him in the face to eliminate him. He lands at Cali Slick’s feet, who slaps him to wake him up and the two enter the match together. They put a beating to Fro Sure, who cannot stand up to them both. With the numbers on their side, it’s easy from Ali and Slick to eliminate The King of Funk. Frantic Ali, being badgered by the referees leaves to continue the revenge assault; while Cali Slick goes straight after Ray Cavalero.

Elimination: Frantic Ali (by Fro Sure), Fro Sure (by Cali Slick)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought, Ray Cavalero and Cali Slick

The Fight Song from Atlanta kicks in as the crowd stands up…

Entrant 17: ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus

McManus rushes the ring and interrupts Cali Slick’s attack on Ray Cavalero to take over himself. Cali looks annoyed and tries to shove The Georgia Bulldog, who shoves him back and he steps back into Dreadnought. With McManus focusing on one half of the tag team champions; Dreadnought is visibly angry about Cali Slick and smashes him with a Lariat. As Dreadnought then angrily forces a dizzy Cali Slick towards the ropes; Riley McManus has picked up Ray Cavalero into a Slingshot Suplex, making sure to carry him to another rope and dump him over the top. Opposite Dreadnought has single-handedly lifted the giant Cali Slick up and over. McManus and Dreadnought turn to face one another and charge. Unaware that Cameron Vessey and The Perfect One have got to their feet. Pelton lands a dropkick on Dreadnought while Vessey tackles McManus down and the four men begin fighting each other and before long all four man are down in pain.

Elimination: Ray Cavalero (by Riley McManus), Cali Slick (by Dreadnought)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & Riley McManus

Entrant 18: The Masked Mauler

Walking to the ring holding his hand in a claw is the Heart and Soul of Empire Elite Entertainment. He gets in the ring and marches around sizing up each of the men. Eventually he decides to target Dreadnought and applies the dreaded IRON CLAW!?! Only Dreadnought is not having any of it and despite the Claw being applied, The Monster begins to stir and stand up. With unbelievable power he lifts The Masked Mauler up with the Claw still applied and tosses him over the top rope.

Elimination: The Masked Mauler (by Dreadnought)
Remaining: Pepper Pelton, Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & Riley McManus

“I can’t stand it, I know you planned it, I’m gonna set it straight, this Watergate…”

Entrant 19: Prime Time Jack Pryde

Bombing down to ringside as his music blares out, Prime Time wastes no time in going straight for ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton. The two exchange rapid-fire punches at one another, with Prime Time getting the slight Vessey. After the final blow, Prime Time steps back and hits a Cutter on his former best friend. Picking him up; Prime Time carries him over to the ropes and starts to ease him out, but Riley McManus creeps up behind them both and pushes them. Both Prime Time and The Perfect One end up on the apron and both punch McManus at the same time. Dreadnought charges at the two men on the apron though, but the former Cross River Connection both drop and pull the top rope down at the same time… only Dreadnought has stopped his charge one step short of the ropes. When Prime Time and The Perfect One stand back up, he grips them both by the throats. What The Monster hasn’t noticed is Cameron Vessey lurking behind him. Gripping the gigantic competitor by the back of the legs and with all the energy remaining in his body, Cameron Vessey tips Dreadnought over the top rope and to the outside before collapsing in exhaustion himself. The Perfect One smiles in relief before BAM. A Superkick from Prime Time eliminates Pep and then Prime Time gets back into the ring, making sure to laugh at Pep who is angry on the outside.

Elimination: Dreadnought (by Cameron Vessey), ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton (by Prime Time Jack Pryde)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Riley McManus & Prime Time Jack Pryde

“And this one is for the champions…”

Entrant 20: Zippy Deverell

The other half of The Fantastic Express hits the ring, full of energy and sees Prime Time Jack Pryde stood opposite. Prime Time, with a long history with the tag team, points at Riley McManus and Cameron Vessey. Zippy smiles and the two former foes team up to lay a beatdown on the villainous Vessey and the untrustworthy Georgia Bulldog. Prime Time points to the ceiling and together the two of them deliver a Prime Time Perfection to McManus. And then switch it up and hit a Fantastic Flashbang on Cameron Vessey. Momentarily they high-five one another and then try to ease both men out. As the buzzer sounds on zero.

Tax Man by The Beatles plays…

Entrant 21: Monty Trescarde

Strutting to the ring with a scowl, he wipes his feet on the apron and gets in the ring moving around the ring adding blows to Prime Time and Zippy. He doesn’t stop there though as he hits a Cash Flow on McManus and Vessey to knock them both down again. With all other men down, he focuses his attention on Zippy Deverell and tries to eliminate him by easing him out over the ropes.

“Can you remember, remember my name…”

Entrant 22: Honest Frank Jr

The second generation superstar is in no rush to get in the ring. He circles while Monty continues to try and ease Zippy out. Once he’s away that no eyes are on him, Frank gets in and dumps both Monty and Zippy at the same time. Only Zippy has held onto the top rope and is flailing around, when one of his feet hits the floor. He is able to pull himself back in and under the bottom rope while Honest Frank Jr takes his time to beat on an already down and out Prime Time Jack Pryde. Zippy leaves him to it and goes after both McManus and Vessey, taking turns to stomp them both.

Elimination: Monty Trescarde (by Honest Frank Jr)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Riley McManus, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Zippy Deverell & Honest Frank Jr

“Beating, Heart still beating for the cause…”

Entrant 23: Christopher Stone

The technical expert and one half of The Stone Foundation; Christopher Stone hits the ring and immediately goes for Riley McManus, hitting him with a series of superb, technically proficient moves. A Backbreaker, an Inverted Atomic Drop, a Middle-Rope Elbow, a Snap Suplex and then he applies The Stone Lock; twisting McManus who screams in agony. Cameron Vessey meanwhile has overpowered Zippy and has him in a Vessey Lock. He looks over at Christopher, who looks back and they both nod to one another in acknowlVesseyment of each others move and they let go at the same time. Slowly they move towards one another and the fight is on. Fast-paced chain wrestling ensues with neither man getting a sustained advantage. Despite their despicable behaviour of late; the audience can’t help but appreciate the display of technical skill on display.

“Hey Ho! Let’s go…”

Entrant 24: Spike Sylvain

EEE’s resident punk rocker charges to the ring like a ball of nervous energy. He kicks Christopher Stone in the head and follows with a dropkick to Cameron Vessey. He then launches himself at speed towards Honest Frank Jr in one corner and climbs the ropes to hit a high-angle elbow to Prime Time. As he buzzes around the ring like a maniac, he climbs the top rope again, against the pleas of Mitch Naess and Emma Chase. While lining up another elbow on Cameron VEssey; Christopher Stone runs against the ropes causing Spike to lose his footing and tumble down and out of the ring.

Elimination: Spike Sylvain (by Christopher Stone)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Riley McManus, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Zippy Deverell, Honest Frank Jr & Christopher Stone

With the other four men down, Christopher Stone and Cameron Vessey circle one another and they fist-bump each other in recognition of the others skill before going back to the fast-paced chain wrestling against one another. The buzzer interrupts the showcase.

“You say you’re tired waitin by the telephone…”
Entrant 25: Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer

Shaffer hits the ring at speed and, ignoring Stone and Vessey goes straight for Zippy Deverell to stop him beating on his friend and partner Riley McManus. What a fantastic time for Trent to get a number for both him and McManus. Having dusted himself off, the duo begin moving around the ring attacking anything that moves. Slingshot Suplex for Vessey, a Heart Burn for Stone. They gang up on Zippy Deverell and following a Lariat from McManus; Shaffer grabs him by the back of his head; yells some insults at him and tosses him unceremoniously out of the ring. Next they turn their attention to Honest Frank Jr and deliver a Heart Burn and then Riley tosses him too. The duo look dominant. Christopher Stone and Cameron Vessey have got to their feet and they face down Shaffer and McManus.

Elimination: Zippy Deverell (by Trent Shaffer), Honest Frank Jr (by Riley McManus)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Riley McManus, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Christopher Stone & Trent Shaffer

The countdown signals the entry of another wrestler and the buzzer sounds as the spotlights appear at the entrance…

Symphony No. 9 by Dvorak begins to play.

Entrant 26: Davis Wayne Newton

The former World Heavyweight Champion appears in a lemon yellow sequined robe. He re-robes and slides into the ring alongside Christopher Stone and Cameron Vessey, which gives Shaffer and McManus pause from their planned attack. With DWN loving the reaction to his appearance, he turns to goad the crowd and then spins Cameron Vessey around and pokes him in the eye, drops to his knees and gets a low blow. Christopher Stone looks shocked and DWN just shrugs before charging across the ring to attack Riley McManus, pushing him towards the ropes. Christopher, still in shock is blasted with a Superkick from Prime Time, whose just got back to his feet. And Shaffer tries to stop the DWN assault, beating the former World Champion down. Trent’s eyes then drift to Riley McManus who is teetering over the top rope. Trent casually wanders past and gives McManus the little push needed to send him out.

Elimination: Riley McManus (by Trent Shaffer)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Christopher Stone, Trent Shaffer & Davis Wayne Newton

“The drama, the trauma. Don’t pay the Prima Donna!”

Entrant 27: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews

Like a man possessed, Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews charges the ring. For the second year in a row he’s found himself with a plum draw in the Empire Royale. And he tosses his black leather jacket as he hits the ring and it’s Crossbodys for everyone. DWN goes down, Christopher Stone is knocked out the ring, but under the top rope. Cameron Vessey, exhausted and battered gets a Flying Leg Lariat to knock him down again. Even Prime Time Jack Pryde gets hit with one. Only Trent Shaffer remains standing and it’s a series of big punches from The Ace on him, forcing him to the ropes and a Lariat knocks him out. In the meantime Christopher Stone has re-entered and tries to steal an elimination by dumping Andrews, but The Ace is wise to the attack and the two get into a chop war as all eyes look to the entrance and countdown ticks down.

Elimination: Trent Shaffer (by Aaron Andrews)
Remaining: Cameron Vessey, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Christopher Stone, Davis Wayne Newton & Aaron Andrews

“Beating, Heart still beating for the cause…”

Entrant 28: Michael Stone

The bruising power wrestler of The Stone Foundation joins his brother in the ring and helps him immediately fight off The Ace. Together they hit The Stone Drop on him and reunited, they help DWN back to his feet. They then turn their sights to and delivery a beating to Prime Time. Canada’s Finest have united for the first time in the match and it’s late. Very late. This is only bad news for those remaining. The Canadians line-up on one side of the ring, while Prime Time, The Ace and Cameron Vessey find themselves opposite. Just as it looks like a big brawl will erupt; Christopher Stone offers a space on the opposite side to Cameron Vessey. DWN looks incredulously at his stablemate, but Christopher insists that it’s a good idea. Slowly Vessey walks to the other side and turns around, leaving Prime Time Jack Pryde and Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews in a four-on-two match-up. Andrews and Pryde are psyching themselves up for the fight of their lifetimes when the clock counts down and the lights dim…

and Sirius begins to play…

Entrant 29: George Trapesi

Trapesi comes steaming down the aisle to the delight of the crowd, jumping up to the apron and leaping into the ring alongside Prime Time and The Ace. He aims his finger pistol at Cameron Vessey, (who looks exhausted and a little worried), pulls the imaginary trigger and charges. The seven men in the ring collide in an insane moment. With Trapesi targeting his foe Vessey, Prime Time attacking DWN and Aaron Andrews taking on both members of The Stone Foundation. Trapesi, fresh and full of rage quickly gets the better of Cameron Vessey and hits a devastating Star Maker Lariat to his exhausted opponent. DWN overpowers Prime Time and after a Michinoku Driver has the young superstar down. He turns in time to see Trapesi lifting the dead-weight of Vessey slowly over the ropes, although he lands on the apron. DWN hits Trapesi with a Shining Wizard to the back of his head to seemingly save Vessey from elimination, only to turn around and Thrust Kick Vessey in the head and out. DWN leans over the ropes and yells at Vessey about not taking his record and then lets out a big laugh.

Elimination: Cameron Vessey (by Davis Wayne Newton)
Remaining: Prime Time Jack Pryde, Christopher Stone, Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews, Michael Stone & George Trapesi

With Vessey out, Trapesi turns his attention to the man who eliminated his target; DWN. The two men engage in a vicious brawl while across the ring Andrews has received help in his battle against The Stone Foundation from Prime Time Jack Pryde. Things seem to be heating up as the clock hits zero for the last time in the evening…

The lights go out as This is America by Childish Gambino hits. The LarryTron shows a city, which breaks and crumbles as a cloud sweeps through it violently and the words ‘DESTROYER’ appear in white…

Entrant 30: Eddie Howard

‘The Destroyer’ Eddie Howard has arrived in Empire Elite Entertainment. The veteran performer heads to the ring with some veteran swagger, while inside all other participants have stopped and are watching his arrival. Howard walks up the steps and gets into the ring, with all six others opposite. As if planned, they all charge this new and dangerous opponent. He ducks the attack of DWN, stiff clotheslines Prime Time and Aaron Andrews. It’s a big boot for Trapesi and he is finally hit by The Stone Foundation, who Irish Whip him into the ropes and roars back with a double clothesline. DWN has come back for more, but is Pressed into the air, dropped and caught into a slam. Howard then spies both Michael and Christopher Stone by the ropes and delivers a crashing double clothesline again and turns back to block the attack of Trapesi. The Stone Foundation are both dangling on the top rope by the tips of their fingers, neither man actually eliminated. Across the ring Howard hits a huge Spear on Prime Time and then lifts Trapesi in the air and brings him down in a Seated Powerbomb. DWN, having recovered from the attack finds himself by the dangling Stone Foundation. He’s looking at their fingertips, which have gone white from holding on for dear life. Looking back over his shoulder Christopher yells “Don’t you dare Davis!” DWN raises his eyebrows as he continues to stare at the two prone teammates. On the opposite side the combination of Prime Time, Aaron Andrews and Trapesi have all ganged up on Howard and between them they’re able to hurl him towards DWN in an Irish Whip. DWN turns in time to see Howard crash towards him and he instinctively drops to the mat and pulls down the top rope as he goes. Howard crashes out over the top to the floor. When DWN lets go of the rope, it ricochets up and both members of The Stone Fonudation are eliminated too.

Elimination: Eddie Howard (by George Trapesi), Michael Stone (by Davis Wayne Newton), Christopher Stone (by Davis Wayne Newton)

DWN gets to his feet and realises he’s face-to-face with George Trapesi, Prime Time Jack Pryde and Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews, we turns to The Stone Foundation and begs them to get in and help him, but they’ve got no interest and walk aware in disgust.


Final Four

Prime Time Jack Pryde, Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi

DWN falls to his knees and begs as the three men opposite approach. They don’t stop and despite DWN managing to low blow Prime Time; Trapesi and Andrews start beating the former World Champion down. They whip him into the ropes and hit a double shoulder barge to send him flying. Despite the punishment, DWN keeps getting up to fight. Andrews and Trapesi continue to have their way with him, including hitting a superplex into a top rope splash. Trapesi, buoyed by the assault gets to his feet and rushes up the ropes on the other side, but Prime Time has come too and springboards off the middle rope and lands a Pele Kick on the side of Trapesi’s head and he tumbles out of the ring to the floor. DWN, seizing the opportunity; pokes Andrews in the eye and kicks him hard down low, causing him to crumple to the floor. DWN turns, but Prime Time is already on his way over and lands a crashing dropkick to the head of DWN which sends him flying. Fired up, Prime Time screams at DWN to ‘Bring it!’ and the Canadian Hero walks a few steps forward before flopping forward and landing on his face. The Ace, whose only now noticed that Trapesi is out, shoves Prime Time who retaliates with a punch which levels him. Prime Time then lifts Andrews to the rope to throw him out, but DWN has regained enough of his senses to dump Prime Time from behind. Andrews however held on long enough and re-entered the ring. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews, both tired and beaten, square off in the middle of the ring. The two trade punches, which Andrews wins and he picks up DWN in a scoop slam. He then runs off the ropes and hits a Crossbody to knock his opponent back down. Scooping him up, Andrews goes for a Powerbomb, but DWN rolls through the other side and pushes Andrews so that the momentum carries him into a kneeling position and DWN hits a nasty Shining Wizard. He picks up the dazed Ace and begins to tip him over the top rope, but Andrews uses his legs to vice DWN and drag him over the top with him. Both men land on the apron and begin chopping one another in a test of manliness, which Andrews looks like he’s winning, when DWN blocks a chop he specifically asked for, drops to his knees on the apron and once again goes low. Andrews is in agony with one hand gripping the top rope as he sways back and forth. Finally, with the last of his energy Davis Wayne Newton kicks Andrews hand away and he falls with a thump to the floor as DWN enters the ring and celebrates his victory.
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton won a battle royal in 63:52. The other members of the 'final four' were Aaron Andrews, Prime Time Jack Pryde and George Trapesi, with Aaron Andrews being the final elimination. Dreadnought got the most eliminations over the course of the match; Cameron Vessey set the record for surviving the longest. Davis Wayne Newton wins the EEE Empire Royale.
Rating: 80


OVERALL RATING: 81 – 0.42 (210,265 buys)



That was much better than last year and I am feeling tired, but delighted with the result when my production department let me know that in our first ever National Battle, we finished last out of three in the USA.




Next time… the aftermath of the Empire Royale…

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Prediction Results For EEE Empire Royale 2025

1. DinoKea - 6/10

1. MisterRomanini - 6/10

3. eayragt - 5.5/10

3. Herrbear - 5.5/10

3. KyTeran - 5.5/10

3. Theheel - 5.5/10

7. John Lions - 4.5/10

7. ToastyCenturion - 4.5/10


Overall Prediction Standings - Season 2

1. DinoKea - 19/28 (68%)

2. John Lions - 18.5/28 (66%)

3. ToastyCenturion - 17.5/28 (63%)

3. Herrbear - 17.5/28 (63%)

3. KyTeran - 17.5/28 (63%)

3. Theheel - 17.5/28 (63%)

7. eayragt - 16.5/28 (61%)

8. smw88 - 9/18 (50%)

9. Scottie - 5/8 (63%)


This was always going to be the toughest. As such, if you got someone in the Final Four, but in the wrong place I gave you 0.5 points. A lot of people choosing Cam, which tells me I probably should've gone with him. But I just love me some DWN.


Big congrats to DinoKea and MisterRomanini on their joint victory in the toughest of all tough prediction events. And a special congrats to DinoKea alone for tacking the lead at the top by a whopping 0.5 points.

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New York City… where friends argue…


I was at in the room with Larry listening to him drone on. This was strange for me, because I’d always treated him with a certain level of respect. I guess I was in a bad mood. The meeting, now with him, Sam Keith, Troy Tornado, Thom Barrowman and Angry Gilmore was fizzing with energy. But they weren’t discussing business matters, they were talking about upcoming shows, stories and matches. I hadn’t spoken for about fifteen minutes, instead choosing to listen to all their new ideas and ‘wonderful’ plans. When they reached the main event of Starclash II, I finally interjected.


“This isn’t your job,” I said flatly. The room fell silent. “I mean, I appreciate your excitement levels and some of your ideas have been good. But this is not why this meeting is happening. I am the Head Booker; this is my arena. You do what I tell you.”

“And I’m the owner,” Larry said sharply.

“You’re the CEO, but that means you specifically have too much else to do to be focusing on things like bookings. There’s expansion talk around, we might looking to run a show outside of New York. Logistics, marketing, backstage production, finances, NYCW and whatever project you’re running behind the scenes that ate up $7m of our bank balance.”

Larry looked at me and narrowed his eyes. I knew the look, he was winding up for a shouting match; only when he spoke it was in a very calm and measured tone, “Ok then, we’ve given you some ideas drawing on our literal decades of experience, now you get to take what you want and run with it. You’re the Head Booker, so head book. And we can go back to just enjoying the no-doubt top-quality entertainment you’re about to present.”

“I’m going to expand The Stomper Invitational. Our great story-telling strength at the moment is our tag team division, so I’m going to spend the next two months running multiple teams against one another with the final happening at Starclash.”

“Fair enough,” Larry said. “What about the main event.”

“Don’t worry,” I sneered back. “Valiant is in it.”

“Valiant is our biggest star and a box office smash, I suggest you don’t worry about that and instead focus on delivering our best shows in the weeks ahead. We’re in Prime Time on Arcadia now.”

“I will when we go back to putting story above profits!” I fired back.

“I’m just doing MY job,” Larry said coolly. “I’d recommend we all do the same.”


Well, that was frosty. Despite the focus being on our own jobs, I wanted to check in on the monthly merchandise figures:


Monthly Merchandise:

1. Valiant - $388,102 (+$158,936)

2. Aaron Andrews - $198,082 (+$24,075)

3. Prime Time Jack Pryde - $156,583 (+$38,615)

4. Charlie Corner - $65,594 (+$4,422)

5. Davis Wayne Newton - $60,321 (+$21,861)

6. Fro Sure - $41,549 (+$1,820)

7. George Trapesi - $39,426 (-$269)

8. Zippy Deverell - $25,048 (+$4,087)

9. Rafe Sasay - $16,137 (+$1,911)

10. Cameron Vessey - $13,610 (+$2,465)


With the main event currently being slated to be Valiant and Davis Wayne Newton, we had our two most profitable face and heel vying for the belt. That seemed a good position to be in, even if Valiant wasn’t necessarily my first choice. But, we were running a business I guess.


As part of my plans to extend the Stomper Memorial Cup; for those not part of an obvious tag team, we randomly drew tag team partners so that everyone in the company could participate. We even brought up some teams from NYCW to give them a run-out on TV. Alongside this, we ran a competition on the official website where fans could Fantasy book the 32-man, lethal lottery Stomper Memorial Cup Brackets. I was about to flood our company with new workers and teams and it was going to be a struggle to keep the wheels on the clown car. But we were Prime Time now, so it was a good opportunity to push some new workers and get the audience ready for the future, not that Valiant was going anywhere, any time in the next two months at least.



EEE All Star Wrestling #57
Friday, Week 1, April 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 10.975

[*]ANGLE: We open the show with the whole locker room watching as President Sam Keith stands at the front giving a speech about the upcoming BIGGEST Stomper Memorial Cup of all time. There will be 30 teams competing. The VCC receive a first-round bye by virtue of being the current EEE World Tag Team Champions. The Biggins Boys also receive a bye as they won last year’s tournament. Everyone who is part of a team have been entered into the tournament automatically; for all other competitors they have been entered into a random draw, with their partners being picked until none are left. Keith then welcomes a number of NYCW wrestlers as well as some of the ‘top stars from the independent circuit.’ He then asks if anyone would like to be the first to draw a partner. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton steps forward patting his belt. He reaches into the golden chest and pulls out a plastic ball. He opens it and looks in disbelief at the name. President Keith takes the name and smirks before saying; “Intercontinental Champion; Pepper Pelton will be teaming with… Prime Time Jack Pryde.” Prime Time laughs momentarily, but then it dawns on him and he looks every bit as upset as The Perfect One. “But that’s not tonight, because ‘The Perfect One’ will be facing Fro Sure for the Intercontinental Title tonight too.” The rest of the locker room then begin drawing names. Angry Gilmore picks a name and smiles, before seeking out ‘One Man Army’ Thom Barrowman.
Rating: 85

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Angry Gilmore & Thom Barrowman vs. Karl Greyjoy & William Jetterson
In a terrible match, Angry Gilmore and Thom Barrowman defeated Karl Greyjoy and William Jetterson in 5:46 when Thom Barrowman pinned Karl Greyjoy with a Guided Missile.
Rating: 44

[*]ANGLE: Backstage The Stone Foundation enter the locker room where they find Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews lacing his boots alongside Jason Patterson. They look at their opponents and laugh, before walking off speaking in Canadian. The Ace tells Patterson to follow his lead and do his best.
Rating: 88

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Aaron Andrews & Jason Patterson vs. The Stone Foundation
In a decent match, The Stone Foundation defeated Jason Patterson and Aaron Andrews in 7:55 when Christopher Stone submitted Jason Patterson with an Alabaster Agony after blatantly cheating.
Rating: 66

[*]ANGLE: Shaffer and McManus hit the ring ahead of their match. But they’ve got words for The VCC. They better be fighting champions and put the belts on the line throughout the tournament. They like the idea of claiming the titles and the cup. Because their awesome. So bring-out whichover scrubs they’ve got to face.
Rating: 85

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: The Heartbreak Express vs. Shaffer & McManus
In a decent match, Shaffer & McManus defeated The Heartbreak Express in 8:27 when Riley McManus pinned Johnny Needham with a Slingshot Suplex.
Rating: 64

[*]ANGLE: Fro Sure is looking at a name on a piece of paper when Jaylon Martins enters, full of beans. He introduces himself, but tells Fro that he can call him “J-TRAIN. WOO WOO!” Behind them Cali Slick and Frantic Ali burst into laughter.
Rating: 88

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Quick City Kingpins vs. Honest Frank Jr & Phil Anders
In a terrible match, Honest Frank Jr and Phil Anders defeated Quick City Kingpins in 6:11 when Phil Anders pinned Derrick Crump with a Hangman's Neckbreaker.
Rating: 52

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey is backstage with Chip Martin. Vessey tells him in no uncertain terms that he expects to win. And Billy Keelan adds; if CV doesn’t win, it’ll be because Martin has let the team down. Martin squares up to Keelan and says that “As long as your old lapdog pulls his weight, they’ll be fine.” Keelan looks furious, but Vessey looks impressed.
Rating: 84

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Team Iron vs. Cameron Vessey & Chip Martin
In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Cameron Vessey and Chip Martin defeated Team Iron in 6:08 when Chip Martin pinned Velocidad Jr with a Super Kick.
Rating: 64

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated Fro Sure in 10:26 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex following interference from Frantic Ali. Pepper Pelton makes defence number three of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 80

[*]OVERALL RATING: 81 – 1.26 (949,367 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.03 (17,116 buys)


Team Iron, The Quick City Kingpins and Karl Greyjoy all get their moment on the main show and the results are decent for such young and unknown workers. The Heartbreak Express were just sitting there on the independent scene kicking their heels, so I brought them in. Despite a somewhat disappointing career to date, I’m impressed enough to send them down to NYCW and see if Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders can spin some magic with them. The overall response to the show was borderline what Arcadia demanded for Prime Time, but we couldn’t afford a dip in that quality otherwise we’d be in real trouble. It seemed the right choice to run a World Heavyweight Title match in the main event of episode 58. Bring out the big guns.



EEE All Star Wrestling #58
Friday, Week 2, April 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 10.500

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: The Twin Powers vs. Spike Sylvain & Monty Trescarde
In a decent match, The Twin Powers defeated Spike Sylvain and Monty Trescarde in 8:12 when Andrew Harper pinned Spike Sylvain with a Spike Slam.
Rating: 68

[*]ANGLE: After the match Billy Keelan gets on the microphone. He thinks it’s disgusting that not only did Thom Barrowman break his word about coming out of retirement, but that he’s targeting his clients. Luckily he knows that Barrowman has always looked up to Bulldozer and Harper; mainly because they’re so tall. But if they try and stop the path of dominance of The Twin Powers in this tournament, he promises they’ll retire Barrowman and his middle-aged and crazy buddy too.
Rating: 70

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: The Fantastic Express vs. Bryan Jewett & Taylor Mitchell
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Fantastic Express defeated Bryan Jewett and Taylor Mitchell in 7:53 when Rafe Sashay pinned Bryan Jewett with a Fantastic Flashbang.
Rating: 58

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: The Wild Dogs vs. Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze
In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Eddie Howard and Bradley Blaze defeated The Wild Dogs in 8:27 when Bradley Blaze pinned Ace Youngblood with a Dallas Drop.
Rating: 48

[*]ANGLE: George Trapesi and The VCC are backstage with Bryan Vessey when a bleach blond man with expensive-looking glasses enters.
“You must be Leonardo Fry.”
Fry looks at himself in the mirror and plays with his hair, “Yup.”
“Well look,” Trapesi says. “We’re teaming up tonight, and I thought…”
“Don’t mess up,” Fry says dismissively. “This is my big chance. Try and warm-up before the match. You look stiff.”
Trapesi tenses his muscles in an attempt to intimidate the young worker.
“See,” Fry says in response. “Too tense. Loosen up old man and watch The Fry Guy do his thing.”
Rating: 82

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: George Trapesi & Leonardo Fry vs. The Razorbacks
In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, George Trapesi and Leonardo Fry defeated The Razorbacks in 7:34 when Leonardo Fry pinned Jamarr Green with a Flash Knee Smash.
Rating: 46

[*]ANGLE: Backstage Prime Time Jack Pryde and ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton are staring in silence at one another in the locker room. After a relatively long period, Prime Time breaks the silence;
“We should probably talk tactics.”
“Don’t attack me.”
“A reminder that you betrayed me Pep.”
“It’s The Perfect One now.”
“Alright… Perfect One. Don’t attack me.”
“Don’t attack me.”
The two go back to staring at one another.
Rating: 85

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Fro Sure & Jaylon Martins vs. Denny King & Alistair Shufflebottom
In a decent match, Fro Sure and Jaylon Martins defeated Denny King and Alistair Shufflebottom in 7:43 when Jaylon Martins pinned Alistair Shufflebottom with a Flying Forearm.
Rating: 64

[*]ANGLE: From up in his Executive Suite; Davis Wayne Newton is wearing his best Italian suit. He’s not wrestling tonight after his heroic, legendary and historic victory. So he’s not in the tag team tournament. Instead he’s focusing on becoming a three-time World Champion. He hopes Valiant is as laser-focused as he is. He doesn’t want to have to change his training to fit a new champion. He asks for confirmation of what he’s saying from The Stone Foundation, who don’t respond.
“Guys, come on. Is this about the Empire Royale again?”
“You eliminated us,” Christopher Stone snaps.
“Of course I did,” DWN says softly. “That’s the whole point of the match.”
“You said if we were all in we’d eliminate everyone else and then fight each other for the win.”
“I know I did, but come on! It’s every man for himself and if we’d done that, you’d have teamed up against me. I like you guys, but I’m not an idiot.”
The Stone Foundation do not look pleased.
Rating: 83

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Valiant (c)
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Charlie Corner defeated Valiant in 10:09 when Valiant was disqualified when Davis Wayne Newton ran in and attacked Charlie Corner.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: After the match Davis Wayne Newton along with The Stone Foundation beat-down both Valiant and Charlie Corner.
Rating: 85

[*]OVERALL RATING: 74 – 1.11 (835,118 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (11,587 buys)


Well that was a disaster. I’m not entirely sure how Valiant and Charlie Corner could deliver so poorly in an all-out match. On the positive side; Leonardo Fry has got the sort of charisma and character to become a star around here. But his in-ring ability was problematic, but good to identify strong talent early in their careers. Davis Wayne Newton is an absolute Megastar character for us now, consistently knocking it out the park on promos.


After the show, I received an urgent summons to the boardroom in the Flat Iron Building. Having got a limo there, I walked in to find a room drenched in half-darkness and Larry sat alone with his tie undone and a scotch in his hand.


“Everything alright boss?”

“No, no it isn’t,” he replied.


“What’s going on?” I asked and immediately regretted it.


Larry threw a clipped bundle of papers across the table and gestured for me to read them. He was right, this was bad news. Inside was a detailed report explaining that EEE was in free fall. Due to a variety of reasons, we had lost our growth momentum and the predictions had us slipping back down from where we came. Reports and questionaires to customers on Arcadia and the PPV companies showed that we weren’t considered a ‘Major Wrestling or Entertainment company’ and in fact the highest praise we had was that we weren’t small.


“We’re not a big company, but we’re not small?” I asked, looking for clarification.

“We’re medium. And heading down. This is going to affect everything we do in the next 3 months. That means regardless of quality of show there’ll be no growth. No extra income, a decrease in advertising and overall more cost and smaller profit.”

“What do we do about it?”

“Nothing to be done. Not by you anyway.”

“What does that tone mean?”

“It means,” Larry said. “That I’m going to have to spend more time dealing with this and less on anything else. You’re on your own for the next few months. But a warning, and I don’t want to do this, but any more missteps from the booking side of things and we’ll have to deal with them separately. This isn’t personal, it’s business. You do what I pay you to do and we’ll be fine.”


I sat in my apartment late that night and I cried. I didn’t want to, but the tears started and never stopped. Thank God I’d been able to get through the day without anyone seeing it. Despite my anger and frustration, I watched the highlights of the NYCW show. If nothing else it was nice to be reminded of a happier time, where things didn’t feel like life or death. When it was just a small team, working together to build something; not just a company, but a movement. To prove that we all belonged with the big boys.



NYCW March Into Manhattan 2025
The Ministry, New York City
1,000 (SOLD OUT!?!)
The Fabulous Ones defeated Samoan Wrecking Crew to win the NYCW Tag Team Titles – 54
Ray Snow defeated Jay Silver to retain the NYCW Nationwide Title – 53
James Prudence & Texas Hangman defeated Captain Canada & Bowden Snoop – 48
Christian Plotcheck defeated Karl Greyjoy – 36
Porkchop Patterson defeated Astro - 32
Marco Gonzalez defeated Melvin Walkinshaw – 32
Velocidad Jr defeated Jason Patterson – 36
Derrick Crump defeated Blue Dragon - 40


It made sense to get the titles off the Samoan Wrecking Crew and The Fabulous Ones were a team being earmarked as future superstars, so that was a good main event. As I scrolled through my phone, eating a slice of Chicago deep dish pizza, the sauce slopping everywhere, I read an article talking about how Eddie Howard and Dreadnought were training together. Christ. There was a time when I knew everything that was happening with all the boys. Now I was reading about it like some common fan, like a mark, like a schnook. Then I realised… next week was the first show we planned to do outside of New York City… we’d have to go with the biggest main event I could think of… Another World Title defense…


I drifted into an uneasy sleep.





EEE All Star Wrestling #59
Friday, Week 3, April 2025
Wisconsin Gardens, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Attendance: 9,998

[*]ANGLE: ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton gets an elaborate version of his entrance and comes out in a Green Bay Packers jersey to the delight on his hometown crowd. He gets on the microphone and says what an honour it is to kick-off the first show outside of New York City. He then runs down NYC, while talking about his love of Green Bay, Cheeseheads and Wisconsin. He then introduces his partner. Prime Time comes out and the crowd boo him mercilessly. The Perfect One says he’s not happy about the team-up, but Wisconsin folks are hard-working types and that’s what he’ll do, no matter who he’s partnered with. Prime Time’s expressions while Pepper plays the hero are priceless. And ends p interrupting and pointing out that Wisconsin is nice, but across the Cross River is Minnesota… the best state in America.
Rating: 97

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Flip Simpkins & Ben Williams vs. Cross River Connection
In a decent match, Cross River Connection defeated Flip Simkins and Ben Williams in 11:34 when Pepper Pelton pinned Ben Williams with a Fisherman's Suplex.
Rating: 66

[*]ANGLE: Charlie Corner is backstage with The Masked Mauler. Corner is pretty laid back about their upcoming tag match, but Mauler keeps repeating the phrase “Stomper!” with increasing anger and frustration. Even he can’t handle just how cool’ California Cool Charlie Corner is.
Rating: 80

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: The Masked Mauler & Charlie Corner vs. Samoan Wrecking Crew
In a decent match, The Masked Mauler and Charlie Corner defeated Samoan Wrecking Crew in 11:56 when The Masked Mauler pinned Loa Afu with a Piledriver.
Rating: 56

[*]ANGLE: Cali Slick and Frantic Ali are in the parking lot by a different nice car to last time. Cali comments that they’re lucky that Ali’s grandma is so rich and Ali responds by telling Cali to shut up about his grandma. It’ll ruin their image. The two then pretend to be intimidating and tough.
Rating: 83

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 1: Stevie Stanley & Sandman Winks vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali
In a decent match, Cali Slick and Frantic Ali defeated Stevie Stanley and Sandman Winks in 11:35 when Cali Slick pinned Stevie Stanley with a Slick-Back.
Rating: 58

[*]ANGLE: Chip Martin is backstage with Cameron Vessey and an irate Billy Keelan.
“No listen to me kid,” Keelan says. “You won last time. But we’ve got a tougher match tonight. You don’t get to just yell at me for asking perfectly legitimate…”
Martin puts his hand in Keelan’s face and stops him talking.
“We won before, we’ll win again tonight. No thanks to you. All I need you to do is make sure your show pony over there keeps up his end of the bargain.”
Martin leaves and Keelan looks about ready to blow. But Vessey tells him to wait behind. He’s off to do his best show pony work.”
Rating: 86

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: Honest Frank Jr & Phil Anders vs. Cameron Vessey & Chip Martin
In a decent match, Cameron Vessey and Chip Martin defeated Honest Frank Jr and Phil Anders in 10:01 when Chip Martin pinned Phil Anders with a Super Kick.
Rating: 67

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: Animal Harker & The Eagle vs. Dreadnought & Big Jon Walker
In an extremely short match, Dreadnought and Big Jon Walker defeated Eagle and Animal in 2:55 when Big Jon Walker pinned The Eagle with a Monster DDT.
Rating: 47

[*]ANGLE: Valiant and The Ace are backstage commiserating Andrews loss in the Stomper Cup. Valiant asks if a World Heavyweight Title shot will cheer him up? Andrews looks shocked and after checking if it’s ok, and Valiant agreeing, they head to the ring. In the background Davis Wayne Newton looks completely baffled.
Rating: 87

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. Valiant (c)
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Valiant defeated Aaron Andrews in 10:21 by pinfall with a V-Split. Valiant makes defence number four of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 75

[*]ANGLE: After the match Davis Wayne Newton and The Stone Foundation attack, but Andrews and Valiant are expecting it and rebuff Canada’s Finest.
Rating: 92

[*]OVERALL RATING: 78 – 1.11 (839,785 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (10,789 buys)


That… was not what we needed. On the coach-ride home, I received a call from Larry who hadn’t come with us as he tried to stem the tide of problems, apparently Arcadia had been in touch with him about the show. The figures were in and it wasn’t good enough. They’d issued us with a final warning. Dammit. Masked Mauler VI then called me to say that Cheerleader Nicki, of all people, had handed her notice in. I couldn’t blame her really, since she’d left Trapesi’s side her clock was ticking. To be honest, the way I felt, I understood and made a note to send her a gift to say thank you for all the work she’d done over the years.




I had one more show left before our next Supershow: The Climb and we had a massive tournament to keep working through.



EEE All Star Wrestling #60
Friday, Week 4, April 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,341

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton is out with The Stone Foundation. Tonight his boys are going to destroy last year’s Stomper Memorial Cup winners The Biggins Boys. And then they’re going to go on to win the whole thing at Starclash II. An event which will forever be remembered for the main event, where he The Canadian Hero from Toronto… Ontario… Canada will become a three-time champion. The Stone Foundation look less than thrilled about DWN talking about himself on their big night. But regardless, the talk brings out Valiant, who is enthralled by DWN’s speech. But he knows that neither of them have anything on for Supershow: The Climb. So he recommends they have themselves a good old-fashioned Gang Wars match. He’ll even let him choose his opponents. In fact, why wait. Let’s do it tonight. DWN doesn’t seem keen on the idea.
Rating: 95

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. Charlie Corner & The Masked Mauler
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Eddie Howard and Bradley Blaze defeated Charlie Corner and The Masked Mauler in 8:30 when Bradley Blaze pinned The Masked Mauler with a Dallas Drop.
Rating: 60

ANGLE: Fro Sure and Jaylon Martins approach Cali Slick and Frantic Ali backstage. Fro Sure wants them to know that he’s happy about facing them in the tournament. And tonight, he’s going to take out all of his frustrations on them. They wanted him to be honest about who he is. Well tonight, they get their wish. J-Train adds a “Woo Woo!”
Rating: 83

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: Fro Sure & Jaylon Martins vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Fro Sure and Jaylon Martins defeated Cali Slick and Frantic Ali in 8:10 when Jaylon Martins pinned Cali Slick with a Flying Forearm.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: After the match Fro Sure continues the assault and won’t stop even as the ring fills with referees and backstage staff. Even J-Train looks concerned by the ferocity of the assault.
Rating: 74

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: Leonardo Fry & George Trapesi vs. Dreadnought & Big Jon Walker
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Dreadnought and Big Jon Walker defeated Leonardo Fry and George Trapesi in 5:57 when Dreadnought pinned George Trapesi with a Dread Bomb.
Rating: 59

ANGLE: After the match, Honest Frank Jr gets in the ring with a message for The VCC and The Fantastic Express and the Cross River Connection. His boys are coming for them and when he… he means, they, win all the gold they’re going to have a celebration the likes of which the world has never seen.
Rating: 80

[*]STOMPER CUP ROUND 2: The Biggins Boys vs. The Stone Foundation
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, The Stone Foundation defeated The Biggins Boys in 6:22 when Christopher Stone submitted Brett Biggins with an Alabaster Agony.
Rating: 60

GANG WARS MATCH: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Pepper Pelton & Cameron Vessey
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Valiant, Aaron Andrews and Prime Time Jack Pryde drew with Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey and Pepper Pelton in 22:24 following a double disqualification.
Rating: 79

[*]OVERALL RATING: 80 – 2.24 (1,682,457 viewers), PPV Canada and Japan 0.02 (10,764 buys)


Before he’d even summoned me to the boardroom, I knew what was coming. The show, despite being top-filled with a huge amount of talent, couldn’t do what I needed them to do. With a big show at the weekend, I found out the news that Arcadia had dropped the show from their network. We’d also been blacklisted from negotiating with any other networks for a year. I had no idea where to go from here…


EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali


Next time… The Climb and Larry doesn’t lose his mind…

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EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali

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EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali

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In the last week, i have read and now caught up with the current post. Such a fantastic job of managing NYCW, then EEE. A great dynasty and such an easy read.


EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali

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Yowch. A valiant attempt to bring in some new talent, although doing it at the same time as Valiant was champion doesn't seem to have worked.


Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

My first instinct was to look at the draw last show and see that the face team got a bigger upgrade than the heel team, so pick theh faces. But then I looked at DWN and Vessey on the heel team, and couldn't do it.

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Sometimes having a title shot while in the middle of a feud doesn't work out

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

We love to see them together, even agitating one another

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

I'm doubling down on McManus, even though I can't remember the last time he won two events back to back.

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Mainly due to the lack of other faces that I've predicted to win. The Foundation can afford to drop this

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

A veteran resurgence in this competition isn't unheard of, but I don't think so

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

Am I crazy?

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali

Great to see Animal back, even if he loses

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Very much enjoying the direction you are going. Up until recently I've played TEW where I would just reload the save if an injury happened or a match flopped, and my most recent save I've bucked that and creatively it's been the best thing I've ever done. The bump in your growth makes sense from a narrative perspective so I'm interested to see where you go from here.


EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr

My prediction for George's ironman run was a miss, and then he got pinned by Dreadnought in a tag match. I feel like the guys who turned NYCW into EEE are getting a bit pulled out of the spotlight for the new toys. I (kayfabe obv) hope that you yank the rug out from under Valiant, because whatever extra he makes in merch does not make up for the money lost on everything else.

EEE Intercontinental Title: Fro Sure vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton

Fro and Pep have history, and if Fro's winning the title, it'd be on a night where the Perfect One is pulling double duty.

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection

Can't see the CRC beating the Fantastics when they hate each other. I think this is their cup to lose.

Stomper Cup Quarters: The VCC vs. Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Trent & McManus were goading the VCC to defend the titles the whole way through, so I can see them cheesing a win then demanding a title shot later down the line.

Stomper Cup Quarters: Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze vs. The Stone Foundation

Going a bit wild with my last two picks. Bradley Blaze has been "on tv" way too much being an absolute jabroni, and Eddie Howard had a big debut but couldn't even break into the final 4 of an event designed for the big debut at #30 to get there. Don't see The Stone boys losing.

Stomper Cup Quarters: Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore vs. The Twin Powers

Am I crazy? Gilmore's whole storyline has been trying to find a partner worthy of him, and he found one in a veteran, not a youngster. I think they cheese a win and then get summarily pounded in a rematch with both their careers on the line.

Charlie Corner vs. Dreadnought

Corner's been disappointing, all aboard the Dreadnought train.

The Eagle & The Animal vs. Cali Slick & Frantic Ali

Eagle & Animal I was hoping for great things and then they got squashed. Expecting them to get squashed again :(

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EEE Supershow: The Climb

Gang Wars: Davis Wayne Newton, Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr def. Valiant, Aaron Andrews & George Trapesi

EEE Intercontinental Title: ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton © def. Fro Sure

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Fantastic Express def. Cross River Connection

Stomper Cup Quarters: Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus def. The VCC

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Stone Foundation def. Eddie Howard & Bradley Blaze

Stomper Cup Quarters: The Twin Powers def. Thom Barrowman & Angry Gilmore

Dreadnought def. Charlie Corner

Cali Slick & Frantic Ali def. The Eagle & The Animal

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