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(DOTM) New York is Always a Good Idea (Cverse)

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New York City… where The Fabulous Ones have arrived…


Good profits in-bound and a very rosy-looking merchandise month:


Monthly Merchandise:

1. Davis Wayne Newton - $422,295 (+$110,444)

2. Aaron Andrews - $275,174 (+$77,483)

3. Valiant - $209,157 (-$40,658)

4. Prime Time Jack Pryde - $201,143 (+$12,147)

5. Charlie Corner - $76,119 (+$408)

6. Zippy Deverell - $68,975 (+$6,689)

7. Fro Sure - $53,036 (-$10,557)

8. George Trapesi - $46,330 (-$309)

9. Cameron Vessey - $42,474 (+$62)

10. Rafe Sasay - $41,287 (+$1,577)


I think it’s safe to say at this stage DWN has become full-blown face and is absolutely raking it in for both us and himself. And with the debut of The Fabulous Ones; who we will be de-masking shortly, the sky is the limit.



EEE All Star Wrestling #81
Friday, Week 1, October 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 10,015

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton is out with the two masked men from Sunday and they head to the ring.
“Ladies and gentlemen; I’m baaaaack. Now, I’m not the World Heavyweight Champion, which is a shame… but, I have evened the odds. You see with Generation Alpha running roughshod and constantly holding everyone else down. So once again, I had to make some calls. Luckily for me… and all of you New Yorkers I still have a lot of sway. And I did, what I do best. You’ll notice these two sparkling specimens either side of me. Tanned, ripped and happy to join the team. I am a proud Canadian, so when The Stone Foundation left me to join Silver Spoon Daddy’s Boy, it hurt. It bruised my ego. So I thought to myself ‘Hey Champ, what you gonna do about that?’ and the answer came to me in an instant. So I called one of my friends up North and they pointed me down the road from here. To New York City Wrestling and the reigning champions there. Some know them as The Fabulous Ones. But we’re done pretending to be what we are not, aren’t we boys? Why don’t you take off the masks and show them who you are… where you come from…

This is Jackson and Daniel, but you’ll all of heard their parents. Especially the treacherous Stones. Because these two are… The Fabulous DeColts. We are the new and improved Canada’s Finest, but being that Generation Alpha has around a million members, we’re not done yet. Alongside The Fabulous DeColts we also have one of the fastest-rising Canadian stars in the world of professional wrestling…

Robby Griffin…”

Generation Alpha now need to watch their backs, because they’re not the only show in town.
Rating: 78

[*]EEE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Eddie Howard vs. Honest Frank Jr (c)
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Honest Frank Jr defeated Eddie Howard in 9:40 by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also had Prime Time Jack Pryde run in and attack Honest Frank Jr. Honest Frank Jr makes defence number one of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 73

[*]ANGLE: Honest Frank Jr grabs a microphone. He’s back where he belongs, with the title around his waist. It was a hard fought battle against Prime Time, but he’s proven once again that he’s the best in the business at what he does. There’s a lot of talk about new eras being ushered in, but once again he’s being overlooked. But from this point on, he’s going to make sure that everyone learns his name once and for all.
Rating: 86

[*]GANG WARS MATCH: Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew
In a decent match, Big Jon Walker and The Texas Roughriders defeated Joey Fili and Samoan Wrecking Crew in 9:50 when Bradley Blaze pinned Joey Fili by using underhanded tactics. During the match we also had Monty Trescarde run in and attack Big Jon.
Rating: 56

[*]ANGLE: After the match Monty Trescarde and the New School Principals hit the ring to deliver a swift beatdown to the Texans.
Rating: 69

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Valiant vs. Frantic Ali
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Valiant defeated Frantic Ali in 9:43 by pinfall with a V-Split.
Rating: 69

[*]ANGLE: After the victory, Valiant calls out Chip Martin. He is impressed that the lackey of Generation Alpha got himself a win. Shame it came from the hard work of ‘The Monster’ Dreadnought. Martin was an irritation to him before, but now that he’s a BIG STAR, he’s got all of his attention.
Rating: 84

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Combat Club vs. Shaffer & McManus
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Shaffer & McManus defeated The Combat Club in 9:46 when Riley McManus pinned JP Barnham with a Slingshot Suplex following interference from Bulldozer Brandon Smith. During the match we also had Charlie Corner run in and attack McManus.
Rating: 77

[*]GANG WARS MATCH: Canada’s Finest (Davis Wayne Newton & The Fabulous DeColts) vs. Generation Alpha (Chip Martin & The Stone Foundation)
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Canada's Finest (Davis Wayne Newton, Daniel DeColt and Jackson DeColt) defeated Generation Alpha (Chip Martin, Michael Stone and Christopher Stone) in 10:15 when Jackson DeColt pinned Chip Martin with a DeColt Stampede. During the match we also saw Cameron Vessey run in and attack Newton, and Valiant also attack Martin.
Rating: 80

[*]ANGLE: After the match Canada’s Finest & Generation Alpha get into a huge brawl.
Rating: 83

[*]OVERALL RATING: 81 – 3.41 (2,609,487 viewers)


Yes, we are igniting the long-running DeColt and Stone rivalry, but in actual in-ring wrestling rather than company wars. Robby Griffin was a decent pick-up, but he very much represents the counter-point to Chip Martin. It’s a shame I couldn’t get his brother too, but thems the breaks.


The Fabulous DeColts
Jackson DeColt & Daniel DeColt
Entrance Music: Dvorak Symphony No. 9
The sons of Jack and Steve DeColt respectively; Jackson and Daniel form the third generation of wrestler superstars. Combined they are The Fabulous DeColts and bring with them a wealth of training, upside and experience for two such young performers. Originally signed straight to NYCW, they quickly rose through the impressive tag team ranks and won the NYCW Tag Team Titles within a year of debuting and have now progressed to the main roster. Much like their forebearers, they have been immediately embroiled in a feud with The Stones in a battle which should put both teams firmly on the map. Jackson is the talker and mat-based impresario, whereas Daniel is more of an athletic, high-flying master although struggles on the microphone.


Aside from our new debutants, we received some hilarious and well-timed news as Ernest Youngman, current TCW World Heavyweight Champion had just signed a big-money contract with USPW. This was utterly hilarious news.



EEE All Star Wrestling #82
Friday, Week 2, October 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,794

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton starts the show flanked by The Fabulous DeColts and Robby Griffin. He’s looking forward to Robby’s debut next week. But more than that, it’s so nice to have backup against Generation Alpha. Being a Lone Wolf is great, but sometimes the numbers are too much. But at Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025, he’s going to be finishing things in a steel cage and when the dust has settled, he’ll be back at the top of the mountain.
Rating: 86

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Bryan Jewett vs. Dreadnought
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Dreadnought defeated Bryan Jewett in 10:26 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: Aaron Andrews and Charlie Corner are looking to take out their frustrations against the biggest cowards in all of Empire Elite Entertainment. So they are telling the two of them to find a friend, because they’re going for a Gang War.
Rating: 86

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Alistair Shufflebottom & Ben Williams vs. The Twin Powers
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Twin Powers defeated Alistair Shufflebottom and Ben Williams in 9:40 when Andrew Harper pinned Ben Williams following Stereo Powerbombs.
Rating: 60

[*]ANGLE: The Combat Club launch a vicious attack against The Twin Powers and the rest of the Keelan Family backstage. With Harper and Bulldozer beaten down, the Club apply vicious submission moves to them.
Rating: 76

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Denny King
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Fro Sure defeated Denny King in 9:32 by pinfall with a Sure Thing.
Rating: 79

[*]ANGLE: President Keith is in his office and he says while he enjoys the zeal of Davis Wayne Newton, the number one contender’s spot is not his to claim, but he appreciates the thought. In reality a lot goes into choosing the number one contender and actually a lot of that is to do with wins and losses. With that in mind, the two best records of recent months are former champion; Valiant and… the undefeated monster… Dreadnought. So at Halloween Hell, we’re going to have a Fatal Fourway match for the EEE World Heavyweight Title.
Rating: 82

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Cali Slick
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Prime Time Jack Pryde defeated Cali Slick in 9:31 by pinfall with a PrydeFall.
Rating: 81

[*]ANGLE: Prime Time Jack Pryde comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Honest Frank Jr. The two are fired up and ready to tear each other limb from limb, when The Eagle appears and hits the ring and attacks them both.
Rating: 86

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Cameron Vessey (c)
In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Cameron Vessey defeated Seiji Jimbo in 10:01 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II. During the match we also had Davis Wayne Newton run in and attack Vessey. Cameron Vessey makes defence number seven of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 80

[*]OVERALL RATING: 81 – 3.75 (2,818,463 viewers)


And after all the good news, we then found out that we’d risen to big again. That is how you do that. We had a better footing this time and hopefully we could stay this size for at least six months and in that time save the money to increase the EEE Network and then if we ever did fall back down, we could attack it again from an even stronger position. Two steps forward, one step back. It might cause some issues, but we had to keep going.



EEE All Star Wrestling #83
Friday, Week 3, October 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,794

[*]ANGLE: The Stone Foundation are out and they’re here to kick-off the show, because they want their shot at the tag team titles. So if those cowardly Fantastic Express will accept, they’re ready. This brings out The Fabulous DeColts. Jackson points out that wrestling history is littered with their families dominating. And now that legacy feud has been passed onto Empire Elite Entertainment. They’re not going anywhere until The Stone Foundation take them on in a match. Christopher Stone says they’re not here to give out charity matches to boost the importance of just anyone and they need to stay out of their way, or they’ll do to the DeColts what their parents did to their parents.
Rating: 81

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Robby Griffin vs. Cali Slick
In a decent match, Robby Griffin defeated Cali Slick in 6:27 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.
Rating: 65

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Bradley Blaze vs. The Masked Mauler
In a poor match, Bradley Blaze defeated The Masked Mauler in 6:30 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop.
Rating: 67

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Spike Sylvain
In a decent match, Charlie Corner defeated Spike Sylvain in 9:41 by pinfall with a Corner Cutter.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: Trent Shaffer and Riley McManus are going around backstage to find themselves a third member for the Gang Wars match. They come across The Keelan Family and Trent doesn’t seem that keen on dealing with his old manager, but Riley convinces him. After a suspicious back-and-forth, Keelan agrees to loan ‘The Perfect One’ to the two of them for the match.
Rating: 92

[*]SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. William Jetterson
In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The Eagle defeated William Jetterson in 10:30 by pinfall with a Freedom Slam.
Rating: 51

[*]ANGLE: Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman heads into the locker room where The Fantastic Express and Cousin Solly are playing video games. He comments on the upcoming World Tag Team Title match and how he’s not sure The Fantastic Express have enough help. He’s there to offer the services of Billy Keelan to them. They laugh and tell The Kid to take a hike and go get some backup. They’re having a Gang Wars match, tonight. Cousin Solly looks less keen.
Rating: 81

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Marcus English vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton
In a decent match, Pepper Pelton defeated Marcus English in 9:31 by pinfall with a Michaelerman's Suplex.
Rating: 62

[*]ANGLE: In President Keith’s office, Cameron Vessey and Dreadnought have come for a meeting and the normally cool Cameron Vessey is visibly angry. He says defending the title against three men at once is such an obvious attempt to get the title off of him. The President says he understands the champion’s frustration, and while facing three men is tough, perhaps he could talk to his own bodyguard and ask him to pull out. Cameron looks at Dreadnought, who very slowly shakes his head. Rather than argue further, Vessey tries to ask to have one of the others removed, but Keith points out it out of his hands.
Rating: 87

[*]GANG WARS MATCH: Solomon Gold & The Fantastic Express vs. The Keelan Family (Danny Hagman & The Twin Powers)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Keelan Family (Danny Hagman, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Andrew Harper) defeated Solomon Gold and The Fantastic Express in 10:29 when Danny Hagman submitted Solomon Gold with a Steel Curtain after interference from Billy Keelan. During the match we also had The Combat Club run in and attack Harper and Bulldozer.
Rating: 71

[*]OVERALL RATING: 76 – 3.66 (2,745,719 viewers)


All that was left was the go-home show for Halloween Hell. And a slow news week let me rattle through plans in double-quick time.



EEE All Star Wrestling #84
Friday, Week 4, October 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,491

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey is out with Dreadnought. He’s spoken to The Monster and they’re both on the same page, aren’t we? Dreadnought stands impassively and Cameron opts not to push the matter. So they’re treating this as a tag team match. And they will win and Vessey will be the one getting the pinfall. Isn’t that right Dready? Dreadnought again doesn’t move. This brings out Valiant and Davis Wayne Newton together. They’ve been the worst of enemies before, so they know exactly what’s what for the title match. But it’s going to be fun watching the partners in the ring fighting one another, because they’ll bet them a shiny dollar that they do.
Rating: 85

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman
In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Danny Hagman defeated Seiji Jimbo in 9:57 by submission with a Steel Curtain.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: After the match Cousin Solly appears at ringside. Before anything can happen the rest of The Keelan Family appear to support Hagman and Solly retreats.
Rating: 72

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Combat Club vs. New School Principals
In a decent match, New School Principals defeated The Combat Club in 9:56 when Sandman Winks submitted Ray Cavalero with a Deep Sleep.
Rating: 69

[*]ANGLE: After the match Big Jon Walker and The Texas Roughriders hit the ring and beatdown New School Principals.
Rating: 59

[*]SINGLES MATCH: George Trapesi vs. Frantic Ali
In a decent match, George Trapesi defeated Frantic Ali in 9:37 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat.
Rating: 72

[*]ANGLE: After the match, Aaron Andrews and Charlie Corner come down to the ring and ask Trapesi to be their third in the Gang Wars match and it’ll be a good chance to get his hands on The Perfect One. Trapesi doesn’t mind beating up the other two too. There’s a bit of history there. The Ace asks for tips for the main event match against The Talent tonight.
Rating: 82

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Bryan Jewett vs. Monty Trescarde
In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Monty Trescarde defeated Bryan Jewett in 10:12 by pinfall with a Cash Bonus.
Rating: 55

[*]ANGLE: The Fantastic Express are backstage and they’re questioning was Cousin Solly was doing? He says he’s aiming to give a beatdown to Hagman. They tell him not to do that, it’s not a good idea to make too many enemies. He needs to use his head a little more.
Rating: 86

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Aaron Andrews drew with Trent Shaffer in 10:03 following a double disqualification after Riley McManus, Pepper Pelton, Charlie Corner and George Trapesi rushed the ring.
Rating: 89

[*]OVERALL RATING: 86 – 3.83 (2,874,974 viewers)


Jimbo gets added to the roster official.



Seiji Jimbo
Entrance Music: Hold Out
From the Land of the Rising Sun comes the mysterious and enigmatic Seiji Jimbo. Debuting in Empire Elite Entertainment as a high-profile International Star, Jimbo has struggled to match the incredible pace and talent of the New York City-based company. But with a personal trainer helping him improve daily it won’t be long before success follows the technically-gifted, tough-hitting superstar. Once he has settled, the sky will be the limit for him.


The dye was cast and it was time to roll.


EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick


Next time… Hell on All Hallow’s Eve…

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

A Dreadnought win would be amazing, but I feel like Vessey will pick up the scraps after Dreadnought does the damage. I'm not saying he's going to be happy about it

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

Well, he's got it again, so I guess he keeps it

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

This would be a booking decision unlike ones you normally make, but I think it would really stir the pot in this feud

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

If Pepper abandons his colleagues, the numbers will begin to count against McManus and Shaffer. Am I starting to bet against McManus just as yuo get behind him?

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

I think Fro Sure's performances can keep him hot, and I'd like to see Danny win, but I feel that this will give Fro a little legitimacy that he's lost recently

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

He needs a few more wins to get up to the popularity of the rest of this feud

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Unless there's a reversal in fortune I'm not expecting

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Big John's going to struggle if he loses too many PPV's in a row

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

He deserves a win, right?

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

I feel like the obvious conclusion with DWN's talk earlier in the month is that he beats Vessey in a cage, but that's not happening tonight. This is just to set up that all's not happy in paradaise for Gen Alpha, with Dreadnought clearly indicating that he wants the World title.

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

Heart says Eagle, head says Frank.

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

I think Stone Foundation get the win not in a classic 2v2 match, giving them tons of mileage where they can fight the DeColts 1-1 (which is where I see the DeColts getting their first title win) and Fantastics 1-1. With Dreadnought indicating he wants more, I think you have to cash out on the "GenAlpha with all the gold" moment now before it's too late.

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Until I'm proven otherwise, Trapesi exists to eat pins.

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Hagman's been slow to get back into ring-speed, so what better opponent then the jobbing master himself, Fro Sure.

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

Chip got a big pin last month, but can't see Robby jobbing in his debut, esp if the rest of the Canadians are losing.

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

The Twin Powers are on borrowed time, but the Combat Club have done nothing and being aligned with Georgie has brought them more time on their backs than anything else.

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

Cali Slick seems to have found a nice role as the "heel Fro Sure" where he can put over anyone big time in singles action while losing.

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025


EEE World Heavyweight Title: Dreadnought def. Davis Wayne Newton, Valiant and Cameron Vessey ©

I'm like 2% confident on this one, but it feels like you want to put Dreadnought at the top of the card.


EEE Intercontinental Title: Honest Frank Jr © def. The Eagle and Prime Time Jack Pryde

I wouldn't understand the point of yo-yoing the title and The Eagle is just a midcard guy going nowhere


EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Stone Foundation def. The Fabulous DeColts & The Fantastic Express ©

Predicting these guys to win is going to be the death of me


Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi def. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Because all these faces lost last week


Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman def. Fro Sure

Danny is getting built up and Fro Sure is treading water


Robby Griffin def. Chip Martin

I always go for a strong debut


The Combat Club def. The Twin Powers

Somehow Combat Club seem to have kind of become jobbers, but Twin Powers are near their twilight


Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders def. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Monty is just a jobber with more name value. New School Principals are building name but could easily get stuck at the same level


Seiji Jimbo def. Cali Slick

Cali Slick is not winning this one


IDK how I feel about last show. On the one hand 2/9 is a pretty terrible score. But on the other hand I did (somehow) hold onto that top spot that I've just barely been clinging to for the last 3+ in game months.

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

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EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

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Damn can’t believe I forgot to post on the last show. I was in the running for top 2-3. Well here goes nothing anyway


EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

This is really a compelling match. I generally am not a big fan of these type of matches because these are often a cluster-bleep. But this has a good story with lots of angles. There are so enticing personal issues or intrigue between them.


EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

The Eagle takes the fall as I don’t see a hot switch back.


EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

I think the time is right, to move things forward.


Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Faces get the win


Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

It’s time for Fro to really get going heading into the new year. For whatever reason the injury and time off haven’t helped the Kid at all.


Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

I probably should go with Chip but can’t see all of DWN’s side losing


The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Time for the Keenan Family to reboot. They’ve been on a downward spiral for awhile and Keenan doesn’t like losers. I’d like to see his stable re-emerge in the new year.


Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

The Texans are going somewhere, the new school group isn’t.


Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

Time is about up for Cali….tick tock

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: The Eagle vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Trent Shaffer, Riley McManus & Pepper Pelton

Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals

Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick

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EEE Supershow: Halloween Hell 2025
Sunday, Week 4, October 2025
Weston Square Garden, New York City, New York
Attendance: 40,011

SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick
In a bout that had decent wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, Seiji Jimbo defeated Cali Slick in 9:49 by submission with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 54

Notes: A win. Finally a win for the International Star. He’s struggled since debuting, but this represents a turning point. Cali Slick is not a small man, so to have Jimbo defeat him was quite the visual. It was clean as a whistle too. Match was sub-optimal in quality, but comes off the back of zero storyline and almost no build-up. Plus everyone has to start somewhere.

GANG WARS MATCH: Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Monty Trescarde & New School Principals
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Big Jon Walker and The Texas Roughriders defeated Monty Trescarde and New School Principals in 10:08 when Bradley Blaze pinned Sandman Winks with a Dallas Drop.
Rating: 57

Notes: This is where careers are made. In the fires of the lower-midcard. As teams and individuals build-up momentum from successful feuds they can move up the card and actually establish themselves. Neither The Roughriders or New School Principals were ready to take the next step yet, so having them feud among themselves was the best I could offer. But I liked both teams future if things broke right for them.

SINGLES MATCH: Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin
In a decent match, Robby Griffin defeated Chip Martin in 10:14 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.
Rating: 62

Notes: Oh my. This was a disappointing match for two guys who I thought might be able to carve out a niche for themselves in the midcard. Chip Martin has somewhat disappointed since receiving his push alongside Generation Alpha and his lack of immediate success has meant the attempts to piggyback Griffin along with him were stuttering. Very disappointing from both men to be honest.

EEE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Stone Foundation vs. The Fantastic Express (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Stone Foundation defeated The Fabulous DeColts and The Fantastic Express in 10:28; the order of elimination was The Fabulous DeColts first, and then The Fantastic Express following interference from Danny Hagman. The Stone Foundation win the EEE World Tag Team.
Rating: 73

Notes: The big win for The Stone Foundation. They step in and claim victory against two top teams and looked every bit the champions in waiting. Their slow and steady ascent to championship material has been truly spectacular and they deserve a little run with the titles. I’d argue that The Fantastic Express are still the top team in the company, but you can’t have them on top all the time.

SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Danny ‘The Kid’ Hagman
In a good match, Fro Sure defeated Danny Hagman in 10:02 when Danny Hagman was counted out after being attacked by Rafe Sashay.
Rating: 76

Notes: Instant revenge for The Fantastic Express and a way to protect Danny in defeat to Fro Sure who absolutely needs to start clawing together some wins and momentum. The match was actually superb until this point as I question whether we should’ve had a clean finish. As Fro Sure matches always are. He’s the most talented man we have whose never even really sniffed a legitimate shot at the title.

TAG TEAM MATCH: The Combat Club vs. The Twin Powers
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Twin Powers defeated The Combat Club in 9:45 when Andrew Harper pinned Ray Cavalero following Stereo Powerbombs.
Rating: 65

Note: These two are sort of intertwined in my mind. Despite the title reigns of both, there is an element of being forgotten, or moved out of title consideration to them both. The Combat Club always struggled without being wrapped up in a bigger storyline, whereas The Twin Powers were well past their sell-by-date, but still had enough juice for the win.

EEE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. The Eagle vs. Honest Frank Jr (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Honest Frank Jr defeated Prime Time Jack Pryde and The Eagle in 9:44 when Honest Frank Jr pinned The Eagle while using the ropes for leverage. Honest Frank Jr makes defence number two of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 70

Notes: Rather than running another match-up between these two, it made more sense to introduce a rogue element. And other than The Mauler, there’s nothing more rogue than The Eagle in EEE. Frank Jr cheats his way to pinning Eagle and retaining the title, despite domination throughout from Prime Time Jack Pryde. Can’t argue there.

GANG WARS MATCH: Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner & George Trapesi vs. Pepper Pelton, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Pepper Pelton and Shaffer & McManus defeated Aaron Andrews, Charlie Corner and George Trapesi in 9:52 when Riley McManus pinned Charlie Corner with a Slingshot Suplex.
Rating: 77

Notes: ‘The Perfect One’ and others from The Keelan Family best the heroes in a traditional Gang Wars match. Match was really good throughout with no obvious weak links and the story told was one of a group of struggling anti-heroes finally beating the heroes, clean, in the middle of the ring. The fact that ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus got the pinfall over Charlie Corner showed our faith and respect for the man whose been with us since the start.



Davis Wayne Newton vs. Valiant vs. Dreadnought vs. ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey (c)
Four-way trashtalk to start and the faces clean house, but DWN immediately turns on Valiant and throws chops in the corner. Valiant comes back with a Michaelerman's suplex for two, but DWN gets a neckbreaker and Generation Alpha storms back in and dumps them. Vessey and Dreadnought slug it out, and Dreadnought clotheslines him to the floor, where Valiant adds a shot and sends him back in. Vessey gets tripped up by Newton, but Valiant comes over for the brawl and Vessey baseball slides everyone. DWN slams him on the floor and heads up for a moonsault onto the rest of the gang. Back in, it's Vessey and DWN, who clothesline each other. Valiant also comes back in, via the top, with a legdrop onto both of them. That gets two. Dreadnought catches Valiant with a lariat and stomps on everyone, then gets rid of Vessey and DWN and goes after Valiant. Backbreaker gets two. A Stomp and Kneedrop get two. Valiant comes back and slugs away in the corner, but charges and hits the post and he's out again. This brings DWN back in, and he throws chops at Dreadnought and gets the flying forearm, only to walk into a Leg Lariat from Vessey that gets two. Dreadnought rolls DWN up for two. Vessey and Dreadnought decide to stop and collaborate, whipping Newton into the corner and stomping away on him. Valiant crawls up and they launch him into the table to get rid of him again for a while. Gen Alpha take turns on DWN in the corner and get a double backdrop, and it's a double Boston Crab. Valiant breaks it up and starts throwing shoulderblocks, and that gets rid of DWN. Backdrop suplex for Vessey and the V-Split follows, but now DWN and Dreadnought team up and pull Valiant out of the ring and into the post. DWN sends Dreadnought into the post too, just because you can't trust him. He tries to piledrive Dreadnought through the table, but Vessey saves with a chair, and then turns on his own partner as well. Back in, Vessey charges with the chair, but gets caught in the STF as a result. Vessey makes the ropes, so Valiant catches the returning Dreadnought instead. DWN saves and cradles Valiant for two, then gets the forearm and makes the comeback with atomic drops on everyone. Vessey and Dreadnought get the heave-ho, and Newton goes up, but has to stop and take out Vessey. Flying elbow for Vessey instead, and another one for Dreadnought seems likely to follow, but Valiant follows him up and tries an Suplex off the top. Vessey and Dreadnought team up to bring them both down and it's a four-way car wreck. Vessey tries the Vessey Driver II on Valiant, but DWN breaks it up, so Dreadnought hits DWN with the Dread Bomb. Vessey DDTs Valiant for two. Vessey tries to spear Valiant, but runs into Dreadnought, and Valiant V-Splits Dreadnought, but is Superkicked by DWN, who then superkicks Vessey, who falls onto Valiant and pins him.
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Cameron Vessey defeated Valiant, Dreadnought and Davis Wayne Newton in 12:24 when Cameron Vessey pinned Valiant with a Superkick from Davis Wayne Newton. Cameron Vessey makes defence number eight of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 78

Notes: How is THAT for a finish? High-paced with all four men getting involved, forming alliance, betraying those alliances and doing everything they can to win the big one. The fact that the champion held on to the title throughout such a match is testament to his ability and a bit to his luck. His constant battles with Dreadnought also made a nice sub-story too.


OVERALL RATING: 77 – 0.33 (166,283 buys)



With the month ended and the year drawing to a close, despite all the issues we’d experienced and the sheer number of times I’d failed in tasks set by Larry, we were cruising along nicely. We made $1,229,891 profit despite the continued collapse of both the economy and the wrestling industry and I remained very hopeful heading towards the final two months of the year. If I could avoid anymore failures, everything would work out nicely.


Next time… the build to Battle Games and a surprising break-up…

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Prediction Results For EEE Halloween Hell 2025

1. John Lions - 8/9

2. eayragt - 7/9

2. KyTeran - 7/9

2. Theheel - 7/9

5. Herrbear - 6/9

5. kanegan - 6/9

5. ToastyCenturion - 6/9

8. DinoKea - 5/9

8. Scottie - 5/9

8. smw88 - 5/9


Overall Prediction Standings - Season 2

1. eayragt - 62.5/93 (67%)

2. DinoKea - 62/93 (67%)

3. John Lions - 61.5/93 (66%)

4. KyTeran - 60.5/93 (65%)

5. ToastyCenturion - 58.5/93 (63%)

5. Theheel - 58.5/84 (70%)

7. Herrbear - 54.5/93 (59%)

8. smw88 - 50/83 (60%)

9. kanegan - 40/56 (71%)

10. Scottie - 38/55 (69%)

11. neslo24 - 6/9 (67%)


We have a change at the top of the season rankings as eayragt surges into the lead with 0.5 points more than DinoKea. A tough couple of months mean DinoKea's vice-like grip has slipped, which only makes the remaining predictions more important.


Big congratulations to this month's champion John Lions (what is this; season 1?) who drags himself back into contention after a difficult sophmore season so far.

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New York City… where the boss can only stay mad for so long…


I’ll admit it, I’d forgotten about the goals set out by Larry. I was so in my own creative run that I hadn’t considered whether I’d kept certain workers at the right popularity OR if I’d hired people of the wrong style. My plan, as it always was, was to keep being successful and not sweat the small stuff.


Monthly Merchandise:

1. Davis Wayne Newton - $423,793 (+$1,444)

2. Aaron Andrews - $292,047 (+$16,873)

3. Prime Time Jack Pryde - $201,290 (+$147)

4. Valiant - $188,686 (-$20,471)

5. Charlie Corner - $76,127 (+$8)

6. Zippy Deverell - $69,064 (+$89)

7. Fro Sure - $53,593 (-$557)

8. George Trapesi - $46,330 ($0)

9. Rafe Sasay - $43,285 (+$1,998)

10. Cameron Vessey - $42,566 (+$92)


Battle Games was next and I was determined to keep the streak and improved growth and success going.



EEE All Star Wrestling #85
Friday, Week 1, November 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 10,198

[*]ANGLE: Generation Alpha, minus Dreadnought, are out. Cameron Vessey is here to celebrate with The Stone Foundation, and for those wondering Dreadnought is taking a well-earned break after the punishment he took on Sunday. But the important thing for now is that he managed to overcome all the odds to remain unpinned and YOUR reigning and defending World Heavyweight Champion. And here comes… Honest Frank Jr. He respects Vessey and the whole of Generation Alpha. And he notices that they’ve got all the titles except one. He understands that to be a member of Generation Alpha you need to be a Second Generation Superstar, which he is. And you need to be a winner, which he is. So he’s offering his services as a member on a trial basis. They ignored him a few months ago, but now they can’t ignore him. Because he’s the best there is… this brings out Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrew, Prime Time, DWN and Fro Sure. They beat up Honest Frank Jr and then storm the ring for a big brawl with Generation Alpha.
Rating: 90

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Cali Slick
In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Seiji Jimbo defeated Cali Slick in 4:57 by submission with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 42

[*]ANGLE: President Sam Keith makes the main event for tonight as Frank Jr and Cameron Vessey will take on Aaron Andrews and Fro Sure. We’ll also see The Stone Foundation defending the World Tag Team Titles against The Texas Roughriders and that match; is next.
Rating: 75

[*]EEE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Texas Roughriders vs. The Stone Foundation (c)
In a decent match, The Stone Foundation defeated The Texas Roughriders in 10:21 when Christopher Stone submitted Bradley Blaze with an Alabaster. The Stone Foundation make defence number one of the EEE World Tag Team.
Rating: 56

[*]ANGLE: After the match The Fabulous DeColts continue to the beatdown of the champions, posing afterwards as DWN comes out to congratulate them.
Rating: 78

[*]SINGLES MATCH: George Trapesi vs. Frantic Ali
In a decent match, George Trapesi defeated Frantic Ali in 9:55 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat.
Rating: 66

[*]ANGLE: Eddie ‘The Destroyer’ is backstage and he came to EEE because he heard that this was where the Big Boys play. Well he’s a big boy, but he doesn’t play; he Destroys. When looking for someone to destroy, it’s important to target someone important… maybe even, the Heart and Soul of the company. So The Masked Mauler is first on the hit list.
Rating: 83

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Marcus English vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton
In a decent match, Pepper Pelton defeated Marcus English in 10:25 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: After the match, ‘The Perfect One’ gets on the microphone. Since he left Prime Time behind, he has been waiting for his shot at the Big Gold Belt. He’s a former Intercontinental Champion, a former tag team champion and a former Stomper Memorial Cup winner. Yet he sees these other people come in and take his spot. Time and time again. He’s sick of it. He’s noticed the latest; Seiji Jimbo has flown in from Japan and now he’s all anyone is talking about. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. He’s going to destroy the Japanese Superstar and book his place in the main event.
Rating: 81

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Aaron Andrews & Fro Sure vs. Cameron Vessey & Honest Frank Jr
In a superb match, Aaron Andrews and Fro Sure drew with Cameron Vessey and Honest Frank Jr in 9:54 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.
Rating: 84

[*]OVERALL RATING: 74 – 3.35 (2,515,818 viewers)


Bringing back the classic ‘I don’t want anyone to lose, so we’ll stick with a draw’ booking that is my trademark at this stage. After the show, Emma Chase of all people came to speak to me. She seemed a little upset, but mainly stoic. It turns out that she and Valiant had split up. Part of me wanted to ask when they’d actually started dating because I don’t remember seeing them actually talk to each other. But I thanked her for letting me know and promised to keep an eye on it.



EEE All Star Wrestling #86
Friday, Week 2, November 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,537

[*]ANGLE: Up in the Executive Suite in the Balcony of The Empire Ballroom; Canada’s Finest are having the time of their life. They’re talking about how it won’t be long before Generation Alpha are destroyed at their hand. The DeColts have The Stones under control and Robby Griffin will deal with the annoying pipsqueak Chip Martin and that just leaves… The Monster Dreadnought. Davis Wayne Newton has his eyes set on the big lad, if he’s still part of their team. And like a big tree, he’ll topple him. Canada’s Finest then question whether Dreadnought will ever come back.
Rating: 87

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Fantastic Express vs. Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold
In a decent match, Danny Hagman and Solomon Gold defeated The Fantastic Express in 9:59 when Rafe Sashay was counted out while fighting Solomon Gold.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey looks a little frustrated backstage. There’s still no sign of Dreadnought and he’s angrily yelling orders at The Stone Foundation and Bryan, when Eddie Howard wanders by looking for The Masked Mauler. Cameron yells at him to get out and The Destroyer does not take that well and the two men start fighting.
Rating: 79

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Combat Club vs. Shaffer & McManus
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shaffer & McManus defeated The Combat Club in 9:44 when Riley McManus pinned Ray Cavalero with a Slingshot Suplex.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: Prime Time Jack Pryde is being interviewed backstage by Angry Gilmore. He’s asked about the Intercontinental Title and his inability to win it back. Prime Time is understandable frustrated that his title is around the waist of the weaselly little suck-up Honest Frank Jr and now he sees he’s trying to parse that into membership to the Silver Spoon Club. Gilmore asks if he’ll be pursuing the Intercontinental Title and before he can answer Trent Shaffer interrupts. He grabs the microphone and starts ranting and raving about Aaron Andrews getting into the main event scene, despite losing to him and his partner a number of times. Prime Time watches momentarily and then clobbers Shaffer from behind and goes back to Gilmore to answer… “I’ll never stop chasing success.”
Rating: 75

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Alistair Shufflebottom & Ben Williams vs. The Twin Powers
In a poor match, The Twin Powers defeated Alistair Shufflebottom and Ben Williams in 5:31 when Andrew Harper pinned Ben Williams with Stereo Powerbombs.
Rating: 45

[*]ANGLE: Big Jon Walker is now with Angry Gilmore. He’s asked about his past with the company, but he doesn’t care about the past. Being a big, proud Texan man, he’s just looking for a fight. A chance to prove he’s the toughest hombre in all of Empire Elite Entertainment. And he’s noticed that Joey Fili has appeared from… wherever he’s come from. Big Jon loves that test of strength that Polynesian wrestlers provide. So he’s looking to take him and his buddies on at the first opportunity.
Rating: 80

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Spike Sylvain
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Prime Time Jack Pryde defeated Spike Sylvain in 10:22 by pinfall with a PrydeFall. During the match we also had Riley McManus run in and attack Pryde.
Rating: 72

[*]ANGLE: Fro Sure is backstage in the locker room with Eddie Howard. He’s there to wish luck to The Destroyer and to tell him not to worry, he’s got his back and will accompany him to avoid interference from the rest of Generation Alpha. Howard thanks him.
Rating: 87

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Eddie ‘The Destroyer’ Howard vs. ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey (c)
In a good match, Cameron Vessey defeated Eddie Howard in 10:01 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II following interference from The Masked Mauler. Cameron Vessey makes defence number nine of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 75

[*]OVERALL RATING: 69 – 3.23 (2,423,569 viewers)


We were on a roll to Battle Games, but that main event was… not great. Eddie Howard had been something of a disappointment for me so far. I’d keep trying because of his exemplary CV, but blimey, what a stinker of a main event. Elsewhere The Stone Foundation informed me that their cousin David Stone had signed a big money contract with EILL of all people. I told them not to get any ideas and they smiled momentarily before raising an eyebrow. With the upcoming big negotiations with half the roster, I wanted to set expectations as low as possible before spending all of Larry’s money.



EEE All Star Wrestling #87
Friday, Week 3, November 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 8,788

[*]ANGLE: Fro Sure is out and he’s feeling himself these days. It hasn’t been the year he’d hoped for. His past came back to haunt to him, so he beat that away. He then found himself face-to-face with THE Monster and… well the less said about that the better. And now he finds himself once again propelled towards the top. And the next natural step is gold. Honest Frank Jr may be trying to gain entry to Generation Alpha and that simply cannot be allowed to happen. Therefore he’s throwing out a challenge, for tonight to the Intercontinental Champion. He’s called The Funk… now he gets the Thunder.
Rating: 87

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Charlie Corner & Valiant vs. Denny King & William Jetterson
In a decent match, Charlie Corner and Valiant defeated Denny King and William Jetterson in 9:38 when Charlie Corner pinned William Jetterson with a Corner Cutter.
Rating: 64

[*]ANGLE: The Fabulous DeColts have their first interview with Angry Gilmore. They’re men of history and they have been raised to hate The Stone Family. It’s not business to them, it’s personal and they’re programmed to destroy everything involving and relating to The Stones. Therefore joining Davis Wayne Newton was a no-brainer for them. And now, the great battle begins. They’re not going to stop until Generation Alpha are completely destroyed.
Rating: 77

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Twin Powers
In a decent match, The Fabulous DeColts defeated The Twin Powers in 6:24 when Daniel DeColt pinned Bulldozer Brandon Smith with a Swooping Moonsault.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: Big Jon Walker has the backing of his Texan bretheran and tonight they want the Polynesians. Yee-haw!
Rating: 63

[*]GANG WARS MATCH: Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Big Jon Walker and The Texas Roughriders drew with Joey Fili and Samoan Wrecking Crew in 10:30 following a double disqualification.
Rating: 56

[*]ANGLE: ‘The Perfect One’ is telling Seiji Jimbo to get his life together and use that broken English to find himself some friends, because at Battle Games he’s putting together an incredible team of fighters.
Rating: 81

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Simon Ice vs. The Masked Mauler
In a decent match, The Masked Mauler defeated Simon Ice in 10:47 by pinfall with a Piledriver. During the match we also had Eddie Howard run in and attack Mauler.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey isn’t worried about Canada’s Finest. But he wants it dealt with quickly. So he’s empowering Chip Martin to take the rest of the team and fight them, this Sunday… in the first ever eight-man Battle Games Match.
Rating: 83

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Honest Frank Jr defeated Fro Sure in 11:35 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Honest Frank Jr makes defence number three of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 78

[*]OVERALL RATING: 79 – 3.71 (2,787,626 viewers)


Yet another main event with less bang and more fizzle. It was incredible how much we’d grown that a 78 main event was a disappointment. But when even Fro Sure can’t break 80, there’s a problem. Slow news week though, so we charged into the go-home show.



EEE All Star Wrestling #88
Friday, Week 4, November 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 8,867

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey, Chip Martin and The Stone Foundation are out with Bryan Vessey. They’re here to talk about the Battle Games match and how this is Chip Martin’s first real chance to shine in leadership. As they’re talking Canada’s Finest attack from the audience. It’s carnage in the ring and before long; Chip Martin is alone in the ring. The Fabulous DeColts hit him with a high-low and then Davis Wayne Newton puts his ankle in the chair and jumps off the top rope to smash Martin’s ankle to bits. This brins out Dreadnought, finally. He gets in the ring and after a quick look of anger towards Cameron Vessey, he attacks Canada’s Finest with a double-chokeslam to the DeColts. He then turns his attention to Robby Griffin who he tosses out of the ring, over the top rope and through the announce table.
Rating: 84

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Eddie Howard vs. Monty Trescarde
In a decent match, Eddie Howard defeated Monty Trescarde in 10:02 by pinfall with a Crash And Burn. During the match we also had The Masked Mauler run in and attack Howard.
Rating: 62

[*]ANGLE: After the match The Masked Mauler sets about assaulting Eddie Howard, but he fights back and before long to two brawl backstage.
Rating: 67

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Combat Club vs. The Magic Boys
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Magic Boys defeated The Combat Club in 9:48 when Kingsley Christopher pinned JP Barnham by using underhanded tactics.
Rating: 52

[*]ANGLE: President Keith is sad to inform us that Chip Martin and Robby Griffin have been taken to hospital and therefore are ruled out of the Battle Games match. He is in discussions with Davis Wayne Newton and Bryan Vessey about potential, suitable replacements.
Rating: 79

[*]SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. Joey Fili
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joey Fili defeated The Eagle in 9:37 by pinfall with a Spinning Back Fist.
Rating: 53

[*]ANGLE: Cameron Vessey is furious about the treatment of Chip Martin. A young performer with a bright future. Honest Frank Jr comes in to offer his services, but Cameron says it’s not the time for ringers and cometh the hour, cometh the man. He’s The Man and he’s the fourth entrant to Generation Alpha’s team.
Rating: 87

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Eddie Howard & Fro Sure vs. Samoan Wrecking Crew
In a decent match, George Trapesi and Fro Sure defeated Samoan Wrecking Crew in 10:18 when Fro Sure pinned Loa Afu with a Sure Thing. The match also had a lot of interference: Honest Frank Jr targeted Fro Sure, JP Barnham attacked Afu, and finally Trent Shaffer interfered against Trapesi.
Rating: 74

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton has demanded a match with Dreadnought cand The Man tonight. And he’ll be backed up by The Fabulous DeColts and their fourth man for Battle Games… Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews. Despite their history together, he had to go for the best man for the job. Nothing stops the war to destroy Alpha.
Rating: 78

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Davis Wayne Newton & Aaron Andrews vs. Cameron Vessey & Dreadnought
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Andrews drew with Cameron Vessey and Dreadnought in 9:39 following a double disqualification after all members of Canada’s Finest and Generation Alpha storm the ring.
Rating: 79

[*]OVERALL RATING: 79 – 2.98 (2,240,157 viewers)


And with that, we set the final card.


EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys


Next time… it’s the last of the Big Four for 2025…

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Eayragt, you appear to have something of mine and would ask you promptly return it.


Knew I shouldn't have back Dreadnought, but it was too fun of an option not to pick.


EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation def. Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts

I just get this feeling for a Generation Next win, maybe with some Frank interference


Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi def. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

I just feel like having the faces win here makes sense, even if Riley is getting a slight push


The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers) def. Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner

Despite the Keelan Family's main men getting old, they seem pretty efficient at getting wins


Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express def. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Solomon Gold switched teams real quick


Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders def. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

Texans are rising up the card


The Eagle & The Combat Club def. Denny King & The Magic Boys

I'm not brave enough to back Denny King to win

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Eayragt, you appear to have something of mine and would ask you promptly return it.


Don't worry, I can throw this one away pretty quickly. Also, I'm not around next week, so the door is open for the field to take over.


Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous Stones vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

One side is dripping in gold. Logic dictates the other side wins

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

No idea, easy case for both sides. But Trapesi is on one side, so its easy to pick the other team

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Pepper can get his win back next month

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Sure, they could lose and win the 2 rematches next month, but they shouldn't have to

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

Happy to see them keep on rolling on

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

Youve got me to pick The Combat Club to win a PPV. How have you done that?

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EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

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Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

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EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

I feel that the tension between Dreadnought and Cameron may cost them.


Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

I feel that this can go either way, but I feel that there is more storyline potential with the faces winning.


Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Pepper can get his win back later.


Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

I like Mauler, but I don't have much hope for his team.


Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

Whenever I see Samoans in EEE predictions, they usually lose.


The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

The Combat Club hasn't been having the best of luck lately and The Eagle usually loses as well.

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Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

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EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation

Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus

Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)

Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold

Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew

The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys

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EEE Battle Games 2025

Battle Games Match: Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews & The Fabulous DeColts vs. Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation


Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus


Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)


Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold


Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew


The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys



Question - Did I see Cousin Solly in a match against the Fantastic Express. I know there was a little tension but did I miss something?

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EEE Battle Games 2025
Sunday, Week 4, November 2025
Weston Square Garden, New York City, New York
Attendance: 30,357

GANG WARS MATCH: The Eagle & The Combat Club vs. Denny King & The Magic Boys
In a decent match, The Eagle and The Combat Club defeated Denny King and The Magic Boys in 9:35 when Ray Cavalero pinned Newquay Brown with a Belly To Back Suplex.
Rating: 49

Notes: The Combat Club were due some winning after a terrible year for them. They’ve lost so much momentum as to be the de facto whipping boys of the division, with enough talent and popularity to be important enough to lose. Denny King is someone we occasionally like to bring up, but he is way past his sell-by-date at this stage. The match itself was… poor.

GANG WARS MATCH: Big Jon Walker & The Texas Roughriders vs. Joey Fili & Samoan Wrecking Crew
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joey Fili and Samoan Wrecking Crew defeated Big Jon Walker and The Texas Roughriders in 9:43 when Joey Fili pinned Bradley Blaze after using a foreign object.
Rating: 58

Notes: Joey Fili’s addition has raised the profile of the Samoan Wrecking Crew, although Loa Laki is struggling to improve despite years of experience. Afu has great upside and is increasing his talents weekly, so it was time to give them another shot at fame. The Texas Roughriders are a great new team, but you can’t push everyone all the time. Match was better than the last, but still disappointing.

GANG WARS MATCH: Eddie Howard & The Fantastic Express vs. The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold
In a decent match, Eddie Howard and The Fantastic Express defeated The Masked Mauler, Danny Hagman and Solomon Gold in 9:52 when Zippy Deverell pinned Solomon Gold with a Spinning Bulldog.
Rating: 74

Notes: Some measure of revenge for the Fantastics here and a pick-up win for Eddie Howard. He was someone we thought would be a big signing for us, but it didn’t quite work out. Still, because of his pedigree, we’d keep working on ways to get him involved where we could. As for poor old Mauler… he just can’t catch a break.

GANG WARS MATCH: Seiji Jimbo, Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton & The Twin Powers)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Seiji Jimbo, Valiant and Charlie Corner defeated The Keelan Family (Pepper Pelton, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Andrew Harper) in 10:26 when Seiji Jimbo submitted Andrew Harper with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 70

Notes: There is a chance, that I completely wasted Jimbo on his arrival. A look at his talent and history tells me he’s actually something of a big deal and I just had him jobbing to people for a month. I have at least learnt my lesson and he’s now on a win-streak that is seeing him climb the card quickly in no small part because of his incredible in-ring talent. The cracks are showing on The Keelan Family, especially The Twin Powers who are looking more and more like old men every day.

GANG WARS MATCH: Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde & George Trapesi vs. Honest Frank Jr, Trent Shaffer & Riley McManus
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Fro Sure, Prime Time Jack Pryde and George Trapesi defeated Honest Frank Jr and Shaffer & McManus in 21:47 when Fro Sure pinned Trent Shaffer with a Sure Thing.
Rating: 77

Notes: This is quite the collection of talent and a match which would headline most shows, but here in EEE its’ the secondary match. Considering the talent on display the match rating is actually a little disappointing. Even more disappointing to fans of Shaffer and McManus who saw them climbing high and then crumble away a bit. But things were tricky with the contract negotiations beginning soon. There was no point putting over workers who may not still be with us by the end of the year.



Aaron Andrews & Canada’s Finest (Davis Wayne Newton & The Fabulous DeColts) vs. Generation Alpha (Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought & The Stone Foundation)
A lot is intertwining stories reach a head here as one of the most dominant factions in EEE history take on an attacking force of multiple former world champions and rookie sensations. The crowd are ready, the announce team are ready and the roof nearly comes off the place when The Ace and Canada’s Finest make their way to the ring.
Aaron Andrews immediately decides to start the match himself, with Dreadnought stepping up for Alpha. So they slug it out and Andrews surprisingly wins that, but Dreadnought gets a backbreaker. Andrews suplexes him onto the top rope and slugs away in the corner before following with a knee. Dreadnought fires back with his own punches in the corner, but Andrews slips out and punts him from behind. They slug it out between the rings and Andrews clotheslines him into the other ring. Dreadnought puts him down with a gutbuster and slugs away on the mat. They slug it out and Christopher Stone is the next one in for Gen Alpha, but Andrews fights them off until Christopher beats him down with knees. Dreadnought and Christopher double-team Andrews with kicks on the ropes, but Andrews keeps fighting until Dreadnought hits him with a series of forearms while running back and forth. They beat Andrews down, but Jackson DeColt saves and it’s go time.
Big boot for Christopher and he superkicks him into a lariat, then superkicks Dreadnought and suplexes Christopher onto Dreadnought. Christopher tries to slow him down with a guillotine, but Jackson slams him into the cage while Andrews recovers and beats on Dreadnought. The crowd love a spot with Jackson hitting Christopher with forearms between the rings while Christopher keeps bouncing up for more, and Michael Stone is next in for Gen Alpha. He hits Andrews with kicks on the cage and then batters Jackson down. The Stone Foundation with the high-low on Jackson and Stone Attack on Andrews, and Michael is confident that they’ve got this under control and he lets Cameron Vessey outside know it. Although then he makes the mistake of trash-talking Daniel DeColt from the ring, which feels like a bad idea. Generation Alpha beats down the babyfaces, but Daniel DeColt comes in and he looks pretty damned angry. Double bodypress for The Stone Foundation and then the slingshots onto them with another one, throwing them around. Finally all three Gen Alpha members manage to get him down and beat him on the mat. Jackson makes the save for his cousin and The Fabulous DeColts fight off Gen Alpha, but here comes Cameron Vessey as the last in for Gen Alpha.
Generation Alpha all back off to one ring and we get a big slugfest, which leads to Michael going low on Daniel DeColt. And then, finally, Davis Wayne Newton enters the match to a monster pop. Pop-up powerbomb on Michael, package backbreaker on Christopher, and he powerbombs Michael onto Christopher for good measure. Vessey charges to avenge his stablemates, but gets hit with a Cutter. The Fabulous DeColts grab Dreadnought and throw him onto the other members of Alpha, and Andrews hits the draping DDT on Christopher. Everyone piles up in the ring and Andrews hits them all with a flying bodypress, but then Christopher dives off the top with a flying knee onto Daniel’s leg and goes to the kneebar. Jackson saves with a moonsault for two, but Michael moonsaults HIM for two. And then DWN with a swanton on Michael for two, but Vessey saves with a superkick. Daniel goes up and Dreadnought brings him with down with a top rope Demon Bomb, and The Stone Foundation hit the High-Low on him and pin, but are interrupted by a saving DWN. Another High-Low on Jackson, but DWN makes the save and then tries a Piledriver on Vessey on the middle of the rings. Vessey escapes and manages to hit a Vessey Driver II and everyone is dead in the ring. Generation Alpha are up and try to attack The Ace, but can’t keep Andrews down, and he comes back with running knees on Dreadnought and Michael on opposite sides of the ring. Vessey cuts him off with a Lariat, but Andrews gives him Running Knees as well. They head to the top and Vessey fights off Andrews, then climbs to the top of the cage while Jackson takes care of Dreadnought with a chokeslam. Christopher tries a Triangle Choke, but DWN saves with a frog splash on Christopher. Daniel DeColt powerbombs Michael Stone, but collapses through echaustion and we’re left with Cameron Vessey and Aaron Andrews slugging it out on top of the cage. And then Andrews brings him down with a hiptoss off the top of the cage and onto the prone body of Michael Stone. From the top The Ace lines up and hits a Flying Cross Body all the way into the ring and looks to have nearly killed Michael Stone, and he hooks the legs for the three count.
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton, Aaron Andrews and The Fabulous DeColts defeated Generation Alpha (Cameron Vessey, Dreadnought, Michael Stone and Christopher Stone) in a Battle Games match in 30:21 when Aaron Andrews pinned Michael Stone following a Flying Cross Body.
Rating: 83

Notes: Woof.


OVERALL RATING: 78 – 0.27 (137,834 buys)



A healthy $1,123,804 profit means we head towards the end of the year in much better situation than we were in around Starclash II. But ahead was the month of negotiations with a number of our top stars. Things were going to get messy.


Next time… The great resigning…

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Prediction Results For EEE Battle Games 2025

1. ToastyCenturion - 5/6

2. eayragt - 4/6

2. Herrbear - 4/6

2. KyTeran - 4/6

5. DinoKea - 3/6

5. smw88 - 3/6

5. Theheel - 3/6

8. John Lions - 2/6


Overall Prediction Standings - Season 2

1. eayragt - 66.5/99 (67%)

2. DinoKea - 65/99 (66%)

3. KyTeran - 64.5/99 (65%)

4. John Lions - 63.5/99 (64%)

4. ToastyCenturion - 63.5/99 (64%)

6. Theheel - 61.5/90 (68%)

7. Herrbear - 58.5/99 (59%)

8. smw88 - 53/89 (60%)

9. kanegan - 40/56 (71%)

10. Scottie - 38/55 (69%)

11. neslo24 - 6/9 (67%)


ToastyCenturion comes up big in the penultimate competition of the year; congratulations. Meanwhile at the top eayragt finds a way to edge very slightly ahead of DinoKea, but the scores are so tight it could all change in the final prediction. And actually I don't think I'm wrong in saying with the controversial element of the last month, there's big, wild swings ahead which could bring anyone into contention.

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New York City… where you live until a better offer comes along…


The monthly merch figures were positive again, with money-spinner Davis Wayne Newton officially King of Merch, but far play to Aaron Andrews who was fast approaching him. I was enjoying reading through the detailed figures, glad that the company were making more money, when someone contacted me about a house show we ran the night before. Big Jon Walker had broken his leg. Bugger.


Monthly Merchandise:

1. Davis Wayne Newton - $428,424 (+$4,631)

2. Aaron Andrews - $333,953 (+$41,906)

3. Prime Time Jack Pryde - $238,389 (+$37,099)

4. Valiant - $166,797 (-$21,889)

5. Charlie Corner - $81,528 (+$5,401)

6. Zippy Deverell - $76,458 (+$7,394)

7. Fro Sure - $56,109 (+$2,516)

8. George Trapesi - $46,330 ($0)

9. Rafe Sasay - $43,285 (+$412)

10. Cameron Vessey - $43,480 (+$914)


I spent the rest of the week negotiating with the huge number of workers whose contracts were due for renewal. Most were far more popular now that when we’d signed them and it occurred to me that we were probably going to have to break the bank… AND avoid them signing with USPW, SWF or TCW as well. On top of that; Larry was still not impressed with some of my actions this year and we had a show to build to.



EEE All Star Wrestling #89
Friday, Week 1, December 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 7,747

[*]ANGLE: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews is out, and he’s out to brag. The Man put together a seemingly unstoppable team of second and third generation wrestlers. The finest of the fine, the cream of the crop and still, they lost to The Ace and bunch of Canadians. How embarrassing. But you know what’s going to be more embarrassing? Because he got the winning pinfall, he’s already been given a shot at the EEE World Heavyweight Title… tonight. So The Man better lace up his boots, because his reign of terror is over.
Rating: 86

[*]SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. Joey Fili
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joey Fili defeated The Eagle in 7:58 by pinfall with a Spinning Back Fist.
Rating: 48

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Marcus English vs. Dreadnought
In a decent match, Dreadnought defeated Marcus English in 7:45 by pinfall with an Onrushing Terror.
Rating: 62

[*]ANGLE: Backstage Charlie Corner and Valiant approach The Twin Powers and they’re surprisingly calm. They’ve seen Bulldozer Brandon Smith hobbling around. They know his knees are shot and it’s probably time to pack it in. But they appreciate that he’s a fighter and won’t listen to them. But he should listen to his partner and they call on Andrew to ‘have a word’ and bring him the glass of whisky and a gun. It’s time to take the old dog out to the shed and say goodbye. Bulldozer is furious and demands a match tonight.
Rating: 79

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Alistair Shufflebottom & Ben Williams vs. Danny Hagman & Solomon Gold
In a terrible match, Danny Hagman and Solomon Gold defeated Alistair Shufflebottom and Ben Williams in 10:24 when Solomon Gold submitted Ben Williams with a Gold Standard Sleeper. During the match we also had Rafe Sashay run in and attack Hagman.
Rating: 51

[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton is in the Executive Suite with the rest of Canada’s Finest and they’re celebrating. The first nail in the coffin of Generation Alpha has been hammered in. Now they just need to lower the coffin in the ground. From behind them; Dreadnought attacks and lays waste to all of them.
Rating: 90

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. William Jetterson
In a decent match, Fro Sure defeated William Jetterson in 10:09 by pinfall with a Sure Thing.
Rating: 76

[*]ANGLE: In the locker room of Generation Alpha, Honest Frank Jr is pitching for him to join them and complete their set of holding all the titles at the same time. Cameron Vessey keeps asking who he dad was, and what did he do in his career. Honest Frank Jr reminds him, again, that his dad is actually a four-time holder of the title over Vessey’s shoulder. That’s tied for the most reigns ever. Vessey point out that to win it four times, he must have lost it four times too. Honest Frank Jr promises to prove himself again next week.
Rating: 82

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Valiant vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Valiant defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 6:08 by pinfall with a V-Split.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: After the match Andrew Harper hits the ring to take out Valiant, but is met by Corner and the four men brawl backstage.
Rating: 80

[*]EEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey
In an exceptional match, Cameron Vessey defeated Aaron Andrews in 10:17 by count out after Dreadnought attacked Andrews outside the ring and left him destroyed through a table. Cameron Vessey makes defence number ten of the EEE World Heavyweight.
Rating: 89

[*]OVERALL RATING: 86 – 3.06 (2,296,050 viewers)


The first loss of the process occurred after the show as Angry Gilmore; former World Champion and stalwart of the roster officially moved on, having decided not to accept our contract offers. On top of this piece of bad news; Valiant dislocated his shoulder, meaning we’d have to be careful with him for a few weeks. Finally, we weren’t the only ones struggling with the re-signing process as Scythe signed with SWF. Big move that one. After a week of negotiation it was becoming clear that we weren’t going to be able to keep all of our talent. So contingencies had to be made. Even worse, at the news of the failures, Larry had stopped responding to my calls and he was nowhere to be found in the office.



EEE All Star Wrestling #90
Friday, Week 2, December 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 8,766

[*]ANGLE: George Trapesi opens the show and he’s calling out his old rival… ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus, who answers the call. Trapesi admits that the two of them have a long and storied history. They’ve beaten each other time and time again, sometimes for the World Heavyweight Title, sometimes just because they hate each other so damn much. McManus nods in agreement and grins. But it feels like there’s more than a little resentment in Riley. More than a little anger that his career hasn’t gone the way he’d have hoped after showing so much promise. Trapesi understands that. So he suggests the two of them do what they do best and fight. Put on a show for the ages. A match to make or break their careers. What do you say? McManus thinks for a moment and then says, he’ll agree, but a simple match isn’t enough. They have to go somewhere they’ve never been before. So he’s upping the ante. They’ll fight providing the two of them put it all on the line… their careers. McManus wants a Loser Leaves Town match… Trapesi seems to baulk for a moment, and then he agrees. This brings out President Sam Keith. He respects both men and there’s nothing he loves more than the spirit of competition so he’ll add his own flavour to things. As a bonus, whichever man wins gets a title shot at any time they wish against any champion. He wishes them both good luck.
Rating: 83

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Cowboy Leon Dooley
In a decent match, Seiji Jimbo defeated Cowboy Leon Dooey in 6:03 by submission with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 52

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: The Fantastic Express vs. William Jetterson & Spike Sylvain
In a decent match, The Fantastic Express defeated William Jetterson and Spike Sylvain in 6:11 when Rafe Sashay pinned William Jetterson with a Fantastic Flashbang. During the match we also had Solomon Gold run in and attack Sashay.
Rating: 70

[*]ANGLE: Backstage Trent Shaffer confronts Riley and asks what he thinks he’s playing at? Riley explains that the two of them are two of the best in the business, but they haven’t sniffed a legitimate World Title Shot in too long. Sometimes you have to put it all on the line and go for broke. He is a World Champion and if he’s not good enough to beat The Star, then he doesn’t belong on the roster. Trent thinks he’s lost his mind.
Rating: 90

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Andrew Harper
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Andrew Harper defeated Charlie Corner in 10:16 by pinfall with a Spike Slam after Billy Keelan interfered.
Rating: 71

[*]ANGLE: Trent Shaffer approaches George Trapesi who is working out backstage. He knows they’re enemies and have been for as long as he can remember (“You cost me the title the moment you arrived and my mask,” George tells him). But he can’t seriously be considering putting it on the line. He’s worried that Riley has lost his mind, but Trapesi explains that he gets it. And he agrees. At this Trent loses his temper and demands a match tonight. He can’t do something stupid if he’s too injured. Trapesi tells him to bring it.
Rating: 84

[*]GANG WARS MATCH: Canada’s Finest (Robby Griffin & The Fabulous DeColts) vs. Generation Alpha (Chip Martin & The Stone Foundation)
In a decent match, Canada's Finest (Robby Griffin, Daniel DeColt and Jackson DeColt) drew with Generation Alpha (Chip Martin, Michael Stone and Christopher Stone) in 9:52 following a double count out.
Rating: 78

[*]ANGLE: Honest Frank Jr tells Cameron Vessey to watch the upcoming match as he’s about to prove to them all that he deserves to be in Generation Alpha.
Rating: 86

[*]EEE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Simon Ice vs. Honest Frank Jr (c)
In a decent match, Honest Frank Jr defeated Simon Ice in 10:02 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Honest Frank Jr makes defence number four of the EEE Intercontinental.
Rating: 71

[*]ANGLE: Prime Time Jack Pryde is talking with Trapesi backstage about his decision and if he’s sure he wants to risk it. He tries to remind him that McManus usually has the best of him and Trapesi points out “Not when it really matters.” Trapesi leaves to head to the ring and ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton enters. Prime Time asks him what he wants and The Perfect One wants a chat.
Rating: 83

[*]SINGLES MATCH: George Trapesi vs. Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, George Trapesi defeated Trent Shaffer in 10:29 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat following a botched run-in from Riley McManus who accidentally hits Trent Shaffer.
Rating: 82

[*]ANGLE: After the match The Georgia Bulldog delivers a vicious beatdown to Trapesi.
Rating: 83

[*]OVERALL RATING: 83 – 3.01 (2,264,262 viewers)


And we’ve got the ball rolling on the first match-up proper for EEE Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow. Yes it was a bit wordy for an event, but it fit the theme of the show to a tee. Still no word or sign of Larry this week either. I was starting to get worried, but his secretary told me he was out for business for the next few weeks and to carry on like normal without him.



EEE All Star Wrestling #91
Friday, Week 3, December 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,911

[*]ANGLE: Aaron ‘The Ace’s Andrews is out. It’s great to be in New York City. He realises that Cameron Vessey is The Man. There’s no point pretending otherwise. Sure he’s surrounded himself with some of the best talent in the world. But he’s confident that DWN and Canada’s Finest have them taken care. And believe him, he never thought he’d be relying on DWN to help him out. But needs must when the devil drives. And Vessey is the devil. He’s the perfect combination of savy, smart, talented and a moral black hole. There is nothing he won’t do to keep his title. And The Ace can respect that, but Vessey needs to understand, when you’re facing Aaron Andrews, you’re facing a multiple-time world champion. A man who has overcome everything in his life and come back from terrible mistakes. There is nothing he fears and heading into Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow, The Ace is going to do what he always does this time of year. Win the World Heavyweight Title.
Rating: 84

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Ben Williams vs. The Masked Mauler
In a terrible match, The Masked Mauler defeated Ben Williams in 9:50 by pinfall with a Piledriver.
Rating: 46

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Marcus English & Simon Ice vs. The Magic Boys
In a terrible match, The Magic Boys defeated Marcus English and Simon Ice in 8:19 when Newquay Brown pinned Simon Ice with a Magic Marker.
Rating: 48

[*]ANGLE: Honest Frank Jr is in Generation Alpha’s locker room talking to The Man. He asks if they’re ready to take him on as a new member yet? Cameron says ‘it’s almost time… there’s just one thing left to do.’ Honest Frank Jr asks what it is? He’s ready to do anything they say, ready to overcome any obstacle, climb any mountain. Vessey says that’s good. But he works on a one-in-one-out system with Alpha. So if he wants in, he has to eliminate someone from the team. As such, at Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow, Honest Frank Jr just has to beat… ‘The Monster’ Dreadnought and the spot right next to him is open. ‘Good luck champ.’
Rating: 89

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton
In a decent match, Seiji Jimbo defeated Pepper Pelton in 7:37 by submission with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 61

[*]ANGLE: The Fabulous DeColts notice that The Stone Foundation are ducking them by facing The Combat Club later tonight, but it’s ok. They’ve officially requested a title match for Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow from President Keith. Keith enters the interview area at this time and tells them, they do indeed have the title shot… but not alone, The Fantastic Express are also involved. It’s a triple threat match for the EEE World Tag Team Titles.
Rating: 87

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Eddie ‘The Destroyer’ Howard vs. Denny King
In a decent match, Eddie Howard defeated Denny King in 10:16 by pinfall with a Crash And Burn.
Rating: 64

[*]ANGLE: After the match The Masked Mauler attacks Eddie Howard, who is able to fight him off and screams in rage for a match at Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow.
Rating: 67

[*]EEE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Combat Club vs. The Stone Foundation (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Stone Foundation defeated The Combat Club in 9:59 when Christopher Stone submitted JP Barnham with an Alabaster Agony. The Stone Foundation make defence number two of the EEE World Tag Team.
Rating: 75

[*]ANGLE: ‘The Perfect One’ is obviously upset about his defeat and he’s looking for Prime Time Jack Pryde. It’s not clear why he’s angry at his former best friend, but he is and can’t find him.
Rating: 88

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Aaron Andrews defeated Riley McManus in 11:58 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press following interference from George Trapesi.
Rating: 79

[*]OVERALL RATING: 80 – 3.05 (2,289,149 viewers)


Hugely disappointing main event right there as I would’ve expected those two to put on a barn-stormer of a match. It wasn’t bad or anything, just not as good as I’d hoped. But with just the go-home show left, we rattled on.



EEE All Star Wrestling #92
Friday, Week 4, December 2025
The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York
Attendance: 9,601

[*]ANGLE: Prime Time Jack Pryde is out with a microphone. He hears ‘The Perfect One’ has been looking at him, but he’s confused. They haven’t had anything to do with one another for months. Not to mention, he doesn’t currently have a title. So why? Why does Pep feel so angry towards him? He has an idea why. He’s pretty sure that Pep has realised, after all this time that when he turned on his best friend. When he broke up one of the most successful teams of all time that he thought he was owed something. More success perhaps? More money? But it hasn’t worked out like that. He’s burnt every bridge and now he’s lost to a new star on the scene. But rather than looking in the mirror, he’s decided to blame his old punching bag; Prime Time. Well, as always Pep, I’m here to clean up your mess. If you’re mad at me and want to take out YOUR failure on me, then I’m here. He’s spoken to President Keith whose granted the two of them a match. And when Prime Time beats Pepper again, he’ll have no one left to blame but himself.
Rating: 86

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Seiji Jimbo vs. Frantic Ali
In a decent match, Seiji Jimbo defeated Frantic Ali in 11:27 by submission with a Seiji Ocean Lock.
Rating: 57

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Robby Griffin vs. Solomon Gold
In a decent match, Solomon Gold defeated Robby Griffin in 9:51 by submission with a Gold Standard Sleeper.
Rating: 67

[*]ANGLE: Danny Hagman and Solomon Gold are in the offices of President Keith and they’re complaining about not being in the World Tag Team Title Match. Keith understands their frustration and as a way of saying sorry, he’ll give them a match for the number one contendership for the tag titles at Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow against… The Twin Powers AND Valiant & Corner. They don’t look happy.
Rating: 79

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Alistair Shufflebottom & Ben Williams vs. The Combat Club
In a poor match, The Combat Club defeated Alistair Shufflebottom and Ben Williams in 9:48 when Ray Cavalero pinned Ben Williams with double Vessey Locks.
Rating: 57

[*]ANGLE: Honest Frank Jr is back in the locker room and pleading with Cameron Vessey for a match against anyone other then Dreadnought? He’ll beat Chip Martin instead “Hey!” Chip chimes in. Vessey tells him that if it’s meant to be, he’ll win. But in order to check out Dreadnought up close… they can team together in the main event.
Rating: 87

[*]SINGLES MATCH: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Monty Trescarde
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Prime Time Jack Pryde defeated Monty Trescarde in 12:08 by pinfall with a PrydeFall.
Rating: 73

[*]ANGLE: Trent Shaffer is with Riley McManus backstage. And he’s tired of trying to talk him out of it. But he’s now offering his services to help, but McManus says no. He has to do this himself. Win or lose, they’ll be no one to blame or thank but himself. This is, as they say, it. He’s banning Trent from ringside. Trent says he has found himself in a match against Fro Sure, a win in which will boost him back to the top… and he hasn’t put his career on the line to do it. McManus wishes him luck and says that they’ll talk after Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow, but he needs some time alone for now. The two hug.
Rating: 84

[*]TAG TEAM MATCH: Fro Sure & Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dreadnought & Honest Frank Jr
In a superb match, Davis Wayne Newton and Fro Sure defeated Dreadnought and Honest Frank Jr in 11:49 when Fro Sure pinned Honest Frank Jr with a Sure Thing.
Rating: 90

[*]OVERALL RATING: 87 – 3.09 (2,319,086 viewers)


And we were set. Everything was in place and we were looking at a potential drop-down-drag-out affair. Ominously, Larry’s secretary had contacted me to ask for a meeting immediately after the show. I accepted and tried to put it to the back of my mind.


EEE Supershow: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

EEE World Heavyweight Title: Aaron ‘The Ace’ Andrews vs. ‘The Man’ Cameron Vessey ©

EEE Intercontinental Title: Dreadnought vs. Honest Frank Jr ©

EEE World Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous DeColts vs. The Fantastic Express vs. The Stone Foundation ©

George Trapesi vs. ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fro Sure vs. Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer

Valiant & Charlie Corner vs. The Twin Powers vs. Solomon Gold & Danny Hagman

Eddie Howard vs. The Masked Mauler

Seiji Jimbo vs. Joey Fili

Robby Griffin vs. Chip Martin

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. ‘The Perfect One’ Pepper Pelton


Next time… I really hate goodbyes…

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