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INSPIRES: Komine's Revenge(Alt Cverse 2018)

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1. INSPIRE Japanese Title Fatal Three Way: Washi Tanaka (c) vs Willie York vs Sojuro Sen

2. INSPIRE Pure Title: Wael Hossam (c) vs Rhino Umaga

3. INSPIRE Strong Style Title: Buddy Garner (c) vs Li Bingci

4. INSPIRE Middleweight Title: Hitomaro Suzuki (c) vs Sotatsu Sarumura

5. Xtreme Corps (Taheiji Konoe & Mat Demons) vs Forbidden Alliance (Yorie Ippitsusai & Gaijin Pride)

6. Forbidden Alliance (Hiroyasu Gakusha/Toshiro Hyobanshi/Jimmy Cox) vs Pride Warriors (Masaru Ugaki/Akinori Kwakami/Alexander Robinson)

7. INSPIRE World Heavyweight Tag Team Title: The Burning (Tadiyuki Kikkawa/Tasuku Iesada) (c) vs Forbidden Alliance (Funakoshi/???)

8. INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title: INSPIRE Koiso (c) (of INSPIRE Fight Club) vs Kozue Kawashima (of Pride Warriors)

9. Who will be the partner of Funakoshi ???

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Attendance: 43478 @ Fukui Dome 


Match 1: INSPIRE Japanese Championship

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Washi Tanaka (c) vs Willie York vs Sojuro Sen

The first defense for Tanaka and he traversed the tough challenge as a Washi Explosion on York brought him the victory after 15 minutes.

Winner: Washi Tanaka (defense #1)

Grade: 57



Match 2: INSPIRE Middleweight Championship


Hitomaro Suzuki (c) vs Sotatsu Sarumura

This was the final frontier for Sarumura. In the past 2 months, he lost his Pure Championship and failed to win the Japanese title so this was a last resort. Sarumura almost had this won when he broke the Suzuki Lock and then applied his own Mounted Arm Lock which had Suzuki in trouble but Nakao and Yoemon, the two lackeys for Suzuki distracted the ref while a hooded figure sneaked in the ring and hit an exploder suplex to Sarumura on the turnbuckle as Suzuki stole yet another one. 

Winner: Buddy Garner (defense #3)

Grade: 55


After the match, Yoemon and Nakao came to congratulate their leader while the hooded man removed his cover to reveal



They were strong rivals two months before and now Kawagishi is helping Suzuki retain his belt!!!!!



Match 3: INSPIRE Pure Championship


Wael Hossam (c) vs Rhino Umaga

Umaga was on a similar place as Sarumura. In fact the entire Tribe was. They had failed to win any titles that they had contested this year so far and so frustration was at an all-time high. That being said, this was the best Pure Championship bout we had witnessed so far. Starting with Umaga's Unbreakable Sleeper forcing Hossam to take a rope break early on with Hossam managing to make it even after Umaga had to touch the ropes for breaking the Rear Naked Choke.

With 2 rope breaks a piece and the next one becoming the determining factor, Umaga's hold was dodged twice by Hossam who used his larger hands to force the RNC on the Samoan and forced him to go for a third rope break to avoid tapping out and thus taking the win via points when the stipulated 15 minutes ran out.

Winner: Wael Hossam (defense #6)

Grade: 80


Match 4: Xtreme Corps vs Forbidden Alliance Six-Man Tag


Taheiji Konoe/Ieshige Nishio/Takeshi Yamanaka vs Yorie Ippitsusai/Barry Kingman/Dean Daniels

The war between Xtreme Corps and Forbidden Alliance continues to rage on and since Funakoshi lost thrice to Konoe with the former WEXXV man not failing to brag about it every single moment, it was left to other members to shut him up but they were not upto the mark at all as the anti-establishment and hardcore mentality of Xtreme Corps saw them cruise to victory with Konoe hitting Ippitsusai with the Savage Cradle DDT.

Winner: Xtreme Corps

Grade: 59



Match 5: INSPIRE World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship


Tadiyuki Kikkawa/Tasuku Iesada (c) vs Funakoshi/SUKI

It was SUKI!!!!. Funakoshi's eternal rival had arrived in INSPIRES and what's more, he was teaming with his old foe. 

The sight of the two standing besides each other bewildered the champs a bit and they started the match on backfoot with both SUKI and Funakoshi taking turns to isolate Iesada and keep him down for long.

But once Iesada spinebustered Funakoshi and hot tagged Kikkawa, it was a completely different story as Kikkawa, fresher of the two, punished his opponents with big power moves, chokebombing Funakoshi and then vertical suplexing SUKI with a delay showing his power.

Miscommunication between Funakoshi and SUKI ultimately led to their downfall as Funakoshi went for a tag to SUKI who was not available as he was busy scuffling with Iesada and Funakoshi eats a Burning Lariat.

Winner: Kikkawa/Iesada (defense #1)

Grade: 81


Match 6: INSPIRE Strong Style Championship


Buddy Garner (c) vs Li Bingci

For Bingci, this was an opportunity to prove himself and for Garner, this was the moment where he would silence all those who would look down on his faction. We got a very physical match with both working very stiff and every strike or chop feeling real painful. Garner twice blocked the Bing-Xploder but Bingci finally had the last laugh when he was successful on his third attempt......










...... but Garner kicked out!!!!

Then we got a sick reversal segment as Garner grabbed hold of the limb of Bingci when he was locked in the Wall of China and overturned it for his own Garner Tendon Hold and then kept putting pressure on the same and Bingci had no choice but to tap out.


Winner: Buddy Garner (defense #3)

Grade: 73



Semi-Main : Forbidden Alliance vs Pride Warriors Six-Man Tag

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Hiroyasu Gakusha/Toshiharu Hyobanshi/Jimmy Cox vs Masaru Ugaki/Akinori Kwakami/Alexander Robinson

After losing the tag title last month that they had held for 8 months, Gakusha and Hyobanshi decided to focus on their solo careers. Their first challenge, going through Pride Warriors. Ugaki and Kwakami had failed to bring the World Heavyweight title to the faction and they were hungry for some success. We got a good match which would have been better but Cox and Robinson were off their game.

Gakusha finally took his first step towards a higher ceiling when he hit the Gakusha Golden Bomb on Kwakami.

Winner: Forbidden Alliance

Grade: 71



Main Event: INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship


INSPIRE Koiso (c) vs Kozue Kawashima

The final chapter. Koiso had overcome both Kwakami and Ugaki and now he was facing the leader of the Pride Warriors.

After a bit of trash talk by both, Kawashima shoved Koiso who shrugs off and then fireman carries Kawashima to the corner before peppering him with elbows and chops and then lifts him on his shoulders for a quick Koiso Cutter but Kawashima manage to get out rolling outside the ring. 

Koiso went after Kawashima outside but he ended up eating a pump kick and then sent face first to the ring post. He was rolled in the ring and Kawashima followed with knee strikes to the face. He went for a running boot but Koiso stopped him with a boot of his own. He went for the Koiso Cutter again but Kawashima countered into a swinging neckbreaker.

As the match reached it's climax, Kawashima hit the Kozue Clutch but the momentum forced both to go out of the ring. While coming back, it was Koiso who took the initiative as he hit a brainbuster before following up with the Koiso Cutter for the win. He had slayed all his three foes and standing tall at the end of this long D-Road tour.


Winner: INSPIRE Koiso (defense #15)





(151,445 buys on PPV Japan)

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The three month D-Road tour was a huge success for us. The start of a new season is always challenging but the Koiso vs Golden Warriors feud drew big time for us as we netted almost 1 million in profit. Some new stars were also elevated as Taheiji Konoe winning thrice against Funakoshi pushed him towards the main event and we are confident that he will be a bonafide main eventer in days to come. Wael Hossam is also on the run of his life, elevating the Pure title. We also had some exciting debuts but none more fascinating than SUKI, the former BCG mainstay who stood by his arch rival against us,

The whole success turned sour though as we got the news that WLW was categorized as Big in size, making them the largest company in Japan. Komine would not take this news in a good way i feared.

And just as i expected, i got a mail from the boss. Inside was an attachment which stunned me. I had not expected Komine to take this route but he had written a detailed report about the strategy to take his idea forward. But i was still struggling to come in terms with it.



is now part of


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I was slowly recovering from the news about SAISHO and i fully believed that they would be just pillaged but the actual mail that followed shocked me even more.

Komine wanted SAISHO to be a second brand to INSPIRE with separate rosters, separate titles and separate shows.

And then, he outlined the way forward. Our next show INSPIRE-verse will be a two day event and will feature the first ever televised draft Japan. We had seen EILL doing the brand split, 21CW in the process. But never before has it been done in Japan.

Not only that, Komine had also put plans in place to open the Fight Network, a INSPIRES owned network which will house both the brands shows. Also, apparently we are doing away with the tour shows and both the brands will have their own TV shows starting in a couple of months.

It seemed that us getting beaten by WLW lit a fuse inside Komine's head. What have i got myself into??





The first ever nationally televised draft live from Toyota Race Course and featuring plenty of matches

Coming Soon...................

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Sorry pal I was super busy the last days (again)

I like the idea of SAISHO beign some sort of a subsidiary of Inspire but I'm not keen on the idea of doing a draft with them to be honest. I know it's an alternate C-Verse diary but the "rawness" of Inspire is too strong imo to do a draft and stuff.

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5 hours ago, CGN91 said:

Sorry pal I was super busy the last days (again)

I like the idea of SAISHO beign some sort of a subsidiary of Inspire but I'm not keen on the idea of doing a draft with them to be honest. I know it's an alternate C-Verse diary but the "rawness" of Inspire is too strong imo to do a draft and stuff.

I hope i win you over. I envisioned that getting beaten by WLW would force Komine to take some extreme steps that's why this decision and also i wanted to run a proper draft and two separate brands in Japan for a long time now. Just bear with me, i hope you will like it. 

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Attendance: 55410 @ Tokyo Race Course


Our largest attendance till date, 55K odd people turned up at Tokyo Race Course to usher in the new era and witness the first ever draft in Japan.


Kaneie Komine and Mito Miwa enters the arena and addresses the crowd, welcoming them as they usher in the new era of INSPIRE. They announce that both of them will be in charge of INSPIRE and SAISHO brand respectively . 

We soon go down to business as Komine pulls the lever for the first INSPIRE picks and to no one's surprise




gets the World Heavyweight Champion Koiso and the All Asia Tag Team Champions Li Bingci and Oleg Doroskolov!!!!



Saisho gets the Middleweight Champion Suzuki, SS Yoemon and QK Nakao for their first picks.!!!!

INSPIRE Fight Club has been split. Suzuki is frustrated. He throws a fit but Commander Kawagishi comes up to him saying he had done his work in Destruction and now it is time for Suzuki to come good on his promise and give him another shot at the Middleweight Title. Suzuki reluctantly agrees and we have our first match.

Match 1: INSPIRE Middleweight Championship

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Hitomaro Suzuki (c) vs Commander Kawagishi

Kawagishi had earned this match after Suzuki had promised him if he helped retain against Sarumura in Destruction. With both of them being traded to SAISHO, the match made more sense. After a quick back-and-forth match, Suzuki managed to slap in the Suzuki Lock for yet another defense.

Winner: Hitomaro Suzuki (defense #4)

Grade: 54

After the match though, 


Sarumura comes wielding a cane and gets in a couple of shots to Yoemon and Nakao and then destroys Kawagishi before the IFC trio hightails it out of the ring as the big screen comes alive and announces that Sarumura has been drafted to INSPIRE!!!! 

What a relief for Suzuki & Co.




Next up are the SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Champions who are out there with the CEO of Saisho brand, Mito Miwa


Babau & Moroi, the Night Terrors!!!

Miwa announces that the next tag team to come through the entrance will be a debuting team for the SAISHO brand and will be challenging the Night Terrors for the tag titles right now.

As the entrance lights lit on, we got possibly the biggest shock signing of all time, a team so out of place with INSPIRE and SAISHO's brand of wrestling:


Tatsukichi Shichirobei and Toyokuni Hardcore, The Berzerkers!!

The former WEXXV Blood Brothers champions are here and they are challenging the Night Terrors on their debut night in SAISHO.


Match 2: SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Championship

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Night Terrors (c) vs Berzerkers

Night Terrors through everything on the two hardcore brutes but they were dismissive of the offense, punching themselves to show their bruteness and before the champs could come up with any countermeasures, Toyokuni hit Moroi with the Toyokuni Drill to win the titles on their first night for the company.

Winner: Berzerkers (new champions!!!)

Grade: 37




gets their next pick in as the Global Fight Empire makes their way to the ring. 

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Led by the INSPIRE Strong Style champion, Buddy Garner and followed by Van Den Leyne, Paul Hughes and Willie York.

Buddy Garner speaks about how INSPIRE will be fortunate to have GFE in their ranks and they are welcoming a new team in their group, who have been making waves in Europe and from the tough streets of Germany,

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Ralph Grimm and Lars Brecher, the German Machine!!!

They fight their debut match next

 Match 3: Tag Match

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German Machine vs Ant-Man/Mario da Silva

Grimm and Brecher showed their tag experience over first-time team Ant-Man and Mario da Silva. We got a decent international showcase as we had competitors from Germany, Canada and Brazil in this match-up. In the end, Brecher submitted Ant-Man with the Brecher Stretch to start their INSPIRE career with a win.

Winner: German Machine

Grade: 34


Match 4: Global Fight Empire vs The Burning

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Arjen Van den Leyne/Punisher Paul Hughes/Willie York vs Eiji Hamacho/Chuichi Sanda/Fukusubaru Inao

With the draft next showing that the entire Burning had been retained by INSPIRE, it was time for the good old six-man tag. Even though Sanda and Hamacho tried hard, Inao was the weakest link and GFE took advantage of it when Arjen van den Leyne pinned Inao with the Dutch Deluxe

Winner: Global Fight Empire

Grade: 49




the three champions cut a scathing promo about how they were the pinnacle of this company and wrestling and although they were disappointed about Suzuki, Yoemon and Nakao being drafted to SAISHO but they were sure that the trio would be waving the IFC flag high over there.

Komine comes out and says that INSPIRE is always and will be the pinnacle of professional wrestling but that is not only for INSPIRE Fight Club but for all the wrestlers that calls this place home and so for the first time ever, in the main event tonight, it will be champion vs champion, INSPIRE Koiso vs Buddy Garner. Let the bragging rights be settled in the ring.!!!

He also added that Gakusha, Hyobanshi & Gaijin Pride will remain with INSPIRE and Gaijin Pride will be the challengers for Bingci & Doroskolov's title tonight, the last time it will ever be fought.


Kikkawa and Iesada were passing by and laughed at the plight of Koiso and co., but Komine was quick to cut them off and inform them that they don't have a night off as they will be facing Hyobanshi and the latest addition to the Forbidden Alliance, a member who will be making his debut. As to who it is, they will have to wait just like everyone else till their match to know.


Match 5: INSPIRE All Asia Tag Team Championship


Li Bingci/Oleg Doroskolov (c) vs Gaijin Pride

The last time this belt was ever to be fought in INSPIRE and we got a pretty competitive match but Daniels and Kingman's advancing years were no match for the champions as they used their combat and MMA skills to systematically take down their opponents. A Wall of China from Bingci was locked in and Daniels had no choice but to tap.

Winner: INSPIRE Fight Club (defense #3)

Grade: 75



Pride Warriors are next to be drafted for INSPIRE and Kawashima rues about the fact that they suffered a heartbreak in their quest to take the title from Koiso but they are beaten, not defeated and they will keep running the show because they are the group that runs the place and to prove it, Kwakami will take on the newly solo Gakusha whose enthusiasm about his chances are becoming a nuisance.


Match 6: Singles Match

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Hiroyasu Gakusha vs Akinori Kwakami

Gakusha had already pinned Kwakami in the six-man tag match in Destruction seven days back but this time it was one on one. We witnessed a lot of action and Kwakami twice got close to a win with his K Clutch but Gakusha rolled out on the first attempt and in the second, he kicked out sending shockwaves through Kwakami and cheers in the crowd. A Gakusha Golden Bomb later, he beat Kwakami again for the second time in a row.

Winner: Hiroyasu Gakusha

Grade: 76


Semi-Main: INSPIRE World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa/Tasuku Iesada vs Toshiharu Hyobanshi/Takayuki 2K

It was Takayuki 2K, the new ace of GCG. He is in INSPIRE now. The new man impressed and turned a lot of heads tonight with his performance as he tackled the tag champions almost single handedly after Hyobanshi damaged a bad foot during an awkward landing which was taken advantage of as Kikkawa hit the Burning Lariat on him to retain.

Winner: Kikkawa/Iesada (defense #2)

Grade: 64



Main Event: Champion vs Champion


INSPIRE Koiso vs Buddy Garner

Garner was aggressive early with repeated uppercuts followed by a press slam where Garner put Koiso across the top rope so he was crotched on the rope. Koiso punched Garner and worked him over with chops and then went back into the ring. Koiso jumped off the top with nothing as Garner hit a sick uppercut. Koiso came back hitting a two-handed chop to the throat. They battled on the apron with Koiso doing an eye rake and then suplexed Garner off the apron to the floor so they both took a hard bump to the floor.

The match reached it's climax as Koiso went for a super Koiso Cutter off the top rope but Garner countered it into a piledriver. Koiso kicked out at two and then overturned the Garner Tendon Hold with a STF of his own as time ran out and crowd applauded the first ever main event draw in the history of INSPIRE.






(152,627 buys on PPV Japan)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Attendance: 55779 @ Tokyo Race Course


Match 1: German Machine vs Eizan Higuchi/Tarozaemon Kotara

After their debut last night, German Machine picked up yet another victory over opening level talent Kotara and Higuchi when they debuted their tag finisher, Deustch Morder on Kotara for the win.

Winner: German Machine

Grade: 47





Saisho gets the All Asia Champion Konoe, tag teams Forlorn Hope and Matt Demons 

A major get for SAISHO, they have got Xtreme Corps in their ranks, but 



Munemitsu Senmatsu and the INSPIRE Japanese Champion, Washi Tanaka is retained by INSPIRE.

Mito Miwa comes out to congratulate Xtreme Corps on joining SAISHO and mentions that Konoe will fight tonight in a title unification match with the SAISHO Ride the Tiger Champion, Nigel Svensson. While Konoe was unhappy, he took it on his chin and then called out the newly crowned Saisho Destiny Tag Team Champions, Berzerkers who won the titles last night and then hand them Xtreme Corps tshirts. Shichirobei and Toyokuni takes the shirts, throws a smile and then tears the shirts, raising the middle finger to Konoe which infuriates him and the Matt Demons starts beating down the champions following which Miwa announce the first title defense for Berzerkers, against Matt Demons


Match 2: SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Championship

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Berzerkers (c) vs Matt Demons

The champions were on the backfoot from the start as Matt Demons had beat them them up before the match but with crowd loving the two smiling brutes, they egged them on and Berzerkers overcame their initial setback to score some big moves like a wheelbarrow suplex from Toyokuni and a pop-up Samoan powerbomb from Tatsukichi. He finally brought the win with his patented Charge Boot to Yamanaka

Winner: Berzerkers (defense #1)

Grade: 54






Forbidden Alliance is Split, SAISHO gets Funakoshi, SUKI and Sojuro Sen

Funakoshi gets on the mic and says that if everyone thinks that splitting the Alliance will make them weaker, they are wrong. The Black side was always all about planning and numbers and so what if Forbidden Alliance is broken, the Black Alliance is now on the rise and so to enhance their power and spread their influence, Funakoshi has three new members who will be part of this Alliance:

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"Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii, Dynamite Narahashi & Blast Ikoma!!!


Match 3: Title Unification Match

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"All Asia Champion" Taheiji Konoe vs "Ride the Tiger Champion" Nigel Svensson

This was a pretty contrasting match-up as Svensson was known more his high technical prowess while Konoe was a brawler. We got a good match but Konoe had an X-factor, his gang and they were the difference maker, when Kojiwara sneaked a brass knuckles into the ring without referee seeing and Konoe blasted Svensson with it before hitting the Savage Cradle DDT for the win. 

Winner: Taheiji Konoe (defense #6)

Grade: 64




The Titans commence to the ring next led by the INSPIRE Pure Champion, Wael Hossam. 

He says that he is above this draft and brand split as he is the holder of the only co-branded championship here, the Pure Championship. So, he can enter any show he likes, kick ass and rack up title defences as he pleases. But he also understands that a group cannot run on the back of a single champion. So, he has brought in two fellow young Africans who have been making waves in Europe

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Rashid Lawal and Rahabad Lawal, the Nigerian Hit Squad!!!

They fight their debut match next


Match 4: Tag Match

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Nigerian Hit Squad vs Night Terrors

Night Terrors lost their title last night to Berzerkers who were making their debut. This time, they were facing another debutant in Nigerian Hit Squad and it was evident that the former champions momentum were in the toilet as they got dominated by the brothers when they hit their deadly finisher, the Nigerian Nail.

Winner: Nigerian Hit Squad

Grade: 37


Match 5: Six Man Tag


The Tribe vs Titans

Tribe and Titans renewed their rivalry with this six man tag match and it was Akima Brave who took revenge for his brother's defeat as he pinned Hossam with the Samoan Suplex

Winner: Tribe

Grade: 71



Semi-Main : Singles Match

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Takayuki 2K vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa

Last night Takayuki 2K made his debut in a tag team championship match where he lost his partner to injury. He vowed to take revenge and we got a fantastic match as Takayuki made an important statement, tapping Kikkawa out to his Persian Deathlock.

Winner: Takayuki 2K

Grade: 75



Main Event: Six Man Tag

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INSPIRE Fight Club vs Global Fight Empire

The war rages on as after last night's epic match that finished in draw, the two units meet again in six man tag. IFC got the better of their rivals again though as Oleg submitted York with the Cross Armlock. Koiso and Garner clashed repeatedly with both fighting all over the arena.

Winner: INSPIRE Fight Club





(113,134 buys on PPV Japan)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


Episode 1

Attendance: 10887 @ Tokyo Civil Stadium 


The new TV era of INSPIRE started with the first ever TV Show of the INSPIRE brand, named Fight Night. Uboshita and Kuroda did a hard sell of the show, re-iterating that it is indeed a new era and also plugged in the first ever INSPIRE brand's own PPV, the Brawl Fest which will takes place 4 weeks from now in June and the question that remains primary is who will challenge Koiso for the Heavyweight Strap?


Global Fight Empire (Lars Brecher, Ralph Grimm and Willie York) defeated Ant-Man, Mario da Silva and Tarozaemon Kotara in 14:49 when Lars Brecher submitted Tarozaemon Kotara with a Brecher Stretch.

Grade: 45

The first match of the show saw the new members of the GFE, the German Machine teaming up with their stable mate, WIllie York and easily defeating the rag tag team of Ant-Man, Mario Da Silva and Kotara. With the rumors of a six man title being unveiled soon which will be the second title after Pure Championship to not be brand specific, GFE would like to keep themselves in contention for the same and this was a step in the right direction.


The Burning (Chuichi Sanda, Eiji Hamacho, Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Fukusaburu Inao) defeated Global Fight Empire (Buddy Garner, Punisher Paul Hughes, Arjen Van Den Leyne and Oda Yakuta) in 14:55 when Tadiyuki Kikkawa pinned Punisher Paul Hughes with a Kikkawa Lariat.

Grade: 52

The other members of GFE led by Strong Style Champion, Buddy Garner went head to head with The Burning led by one half of the World Tag Team Champion Kikkawa and we witnessed a bloody brawl with GFE absolutely using their martial arts skills to beat their opponents black and blue but once Kikkawa was in his element, there was nobody to stop him as he finished Punisher with a single Kikkawa Lariat. With both of their titles to be up for grabs in the PPV, they will have to be at their best with multiple contenders in the roster.


Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Torajiro Sekozawa, Sotatsu Sarumara and Eizan Higuchi in 16:29 when Munemitsu Senmatsu pinned Torajiro Sekozawa with a Super Smash Lariat.

Grade: 57

Senmatsu started his life without his Xtreme Corps brethren who were all drafted to SAISHO (except Senmatsu and Japanese Champion Washi Heat) in a spectacular fashion as he won the first ever Four Corners Survival match of the TV Era. Some more of these and he may be in the line for a title shot.


The Pride Warriors (Akinori Kwakami, Masaru Ugaki and Alexander Robinson) defeated The Golden Alliance (Barry Kingman, Dean Daniels and Jimmy Cox) in 16:20 when Akinori Kwakami pinned Barry Kingman with a Red Star Neckbreaker.

Grade: 62

With Gakusha going solo, it was upto the remaining members of the now renamed Golden Alliance (as the former BCG members of the Forbidden Alliance had been drafted to SAISHO) to fight for stable supremacy but Pride Warriors were a step too far for Gaijin Pride and Cox as they fell prey easily.


Kwakami and Ugaki then cut a passionate promo, telling the audience that they may have lost in their attempts to pry the Heavyweight title away from the turncoat, INSPIRE Koiso but from now on, they will be teaming together in a bid to become the new World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions!!!!



INSPIRE Fight Club (Oleg The Destroyer, Li Bingci and INSPIRE Koiso) defeated Golden Alliance (Takayuki 2000, Hiroyashu Gakusha and Toshiharu Hyobanshi) in 18:29 when Oleg The Destroyer submitted Toshiharu Hyobanshi with a Cross Armlock. 

Grade: 76

Gakusha teamed up with his tag mate and new member, Takayuki 2K who joined them during the draft to take on the premier trio of INSPIRE, Koiso, Oleg and Bingci and Hyobanshi was the one who had to tap out to a Cross Armlock from Oleg after he used the ropes for illegal extra leverage which the ref conveniently didn't saw.


Gakusha was livid with Oleg's actions and he went after him and it soon turned out into a full blown brawl with all six men pummeling each other. The first TV main event ended with Gakusha hitting the Golden Bomb on Koiso on the ramp and taking a hard look at his belt.




(815,560 views on The Fight Network)

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After a long hiatus due to changing jobs, shifting houses and general personal overload, I am finally back and reviving this diary. The first episode of Inspire brand's TV show has been posted which will be followed by Saisho brand's TV show. I am tinkering with the TV show format so let me know if it works or if I need to add something. Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This save has died as my hard disk crashed badly and became completely dead and i did not had any backup so all my notes and writeups are gone. I am in the process of installing a new SSD and firing the game back on and diving into a new save which will be turned into a dynasty but until that time, thanks everyone who followed this and even got a DOTM so thanks again to everybody who followed this.

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