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Alternative CornellVerse 2022 Mod (VERSION 1.05 RELEASED 19 OCT 23)

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Just had my favorite experience in this mod arguably ever in a random watching play through. I was testing an alliance between a few feds to see how it would affect their growth when this news story popped up.

”Sammy Bach and Dharmah Gregg have broken up when it was revealed that Gregg was having an affair with Nate Johnson”

Ho-Ly Smokes. That is like the holy grail of funniest thing that could possibly happen in this universe. Sammy getting kharmic justice for being a dick, Nate Johnson sleeping with his bosses beautiful significant other for the 2nd time in his career. I immediately took over  running DAVID and ran the following story


Sammy, the DAVID champ and owner, decided he’s going to try to humiliate Nate on the way out, booking him to wrestle each other in a DAVID career vs Title match.  He sent word to his agents to say he’d make him look good in defeat, but truthfully he planned to shoot on Nate and catch him by surprise and knock him out in the ring. This plan failed miserably in 3 ways.


1. Sammy expected the DAVID crowd to cheer him and boo Nate for the situation. Instead, they made fun of Sammy and cheered Nate (who was accompanied to the ring by Sammy’s now ex), weirdly respecting him for sleeping with his bosses wife in two different promotions. To make it worse, a certain 4 letter word that starts with c and ends with uck was chanted multiple times at Sammy, something that was shared all over the Internet.

2. Nate expected Sammy to shoot on him, and once it became clear that Sammy was turning this into a legit fight, shot right back. Sammy seemingly great over estimated how touch he was, as Nate landed a clean shot at his jaw, knocking Sammy out cold only 27 seconds in the match.


3. The inexperienced ref, not given word what the plan was before the match, panicked to get Sammy medical attention, ending the match and declaring Nate the winner.


So in the span of a week, Sammy got cheated on by his girlfriend in a very public matter, got shown up when he attempted to kick his ass, and lost his title to the man who his girlfriend cheated on him with in 27 seconds on television. But the weirdest part is: the angle got over like crazy. Nate’s popularity among old DAVE diehards skyrocketed, with many calling the angle would have fit perfectly in the old DAVE. For the first time the promotion actually has momentum, and Sammy fears if he fires him or gets rid of him the fans will tune out the promotion for good. Sammy’s star power took a massive hit, being viewed mostly as a joke at this point.



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12 hours ago, juan_historico said:

Just came by again here to say: what a drag is to modify the DB. I just want to expand a little bit adding RMW and Ryujin to the game. Then i added the workers. Then i had to modify the bios of suchs workers, adding the contracts, changing the job history, adding some relationships, adding tag teams, etc, etc ,etc...

My conclussion: what a fantastic job lavelleuk is doing here. You don´t  really appreciate until you try yourself jajajajaja

PS: twaking all that stuff i just realise a little mistake, for everyone who wants to change it. The RMW Gold Rush Tournament was not set to the Gold Rush even, instead is set up to the Colorado Cup. 

That's weird as I am just starting RMW myself. But yeah, it really does drag lol

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11 hours ago, El Dragon said:

”Sammy Bach and Dharmah Gregg have broken up when it was revealed that Gregg was having an affair with Nate Johnson”

Ha, that's awesome. I can see the DAVID fans eating that up, and other fans going online refusing to believe it's not a work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if I just hadn't checked in a while, or if the new TEW has brought in some new people, but I just saw this mod has reached over 3000 downloads! Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to give it a go!

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I've been playing it for about a month. Well done mod.

It runs a little slower due to how huge it is. I started with LUXE but am currently applying to other open booking positions (this run was always going to be a bit of a wandering run). I'm about 1 year and 8 months into the save and am having a lot of fun.

I will say that I did do a test save to see if I could survive all the negative personalities in LUXE. It didn't go well and I ended that run in about 8 months. So this time I chickened out and let them all go on day 1, lol.

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8 hours ago, VBigB said:

I've been playing it for about a month. Well done mod.

It runs a little slower due to how huge it is. I started with LUXE but am currently applying to other open booking positions (this run was always going to be a bit of a wandering run). I'm about 1 year and 8 months into the save and am having a lot of fun.

I will say that I did do a test save to see if I could survive all the negative personalities in LUXE. It didn't go well and I ended that run in about 8 months. So this time I chickened out and let them all go on day 1, lol.

Yeah the slowing loading time is unavoidable sadly. The game world really evolves so much better with a deeper database, especially at a lower level to give unknown rookies work. When I played TEW (before modding took over my life...) I always had Football Manager on at the same time, so personally loading times don't bother me as I book a show, play a few matches, book a show, matches etc

I am glad you checked LUXE out, they are a good challenge! 


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I'm sure this will come as no surprise, but I have had a couple of people ask so - I will be moving the '26 mod to TEWIX

I am planning to convert the '22 mod over to TEWIX too, although I assume everyone will be playing the default data to start anyway.

I don't have an official plan, but I suspect I will do a pretty basic conversation to start, then look at heights and weights as I come to them on '26, same as move descriptions, new event dates and things. Obviously I would have to see them in action but things like inner circles and members of the creative teams may come later, but I will see how many people actually use the alt '22 mod compared to the default data and '26 version before deciding on that

Sounds like the game is perfectly capable of running without them filled out pre-save anyway tbh

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That's great to hear!

I haven't decided what I want to do for IX yet, I've been playing your 2018 mod and it's been a fun 2 year game but unsure if I want to convert that to a database and bring it over or finally start the 2022 mod which I loved all the stuff you did with it if you're doing a conversion.

We'll see, but imo your CVerse world is my personal Canon CVerse post 2016 lol. 

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Glad to see 26 is coming to TEW IX. With how much political stuff you put in your mods, I have no doubt it will be greatly enhanced by all of the new options even if those parts of the mod are still unknown.

I can't even imagine how USPW 18 or DAVID 22 would've looked like with that system. 

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1 hour ago, AlanMaths677 said:

We'll see, but imo your CVerse world is my personal Canon CVerse post 2016 lol. 

Thank you! I've been modding so long can I barely remember what was actual canon and what wasn't lol

20 minutes ago, Shooltra said:

I can't even imagine how USPW 18 or DAVID 22 would've looked like with that system. 

Yeah it would have been very interesting, especially the inncer circle stuff. It's funny as a few of the features announced are things I have pictured for the mod, but that now would be official. Just today having tag team/clients more likely to have relationships and having wrestling schools be affiliated with promotions is stuff I have done in the mod, but that now line up with how the game works. Which is nice lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Alt CVerse 2026 Help

I am guessing people will be busy playing the demo/game when the come out so I thought I would post this now

With all the changes going into the new game, mixed with me doing all the work off a non-gaming laptop that I am pretty sure is dying due to overuse, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me by running a test save of the 2022 database on TEWIX.

I am planning on converting the '22 version over, but to look at things like new relationships, how they form, how many etc it will help to see some 4-year run throughs from 2022 so I can see the sort of game world I should be trying to create. The same thing goes for how unemployed workers develop now, I try to keep this mod looking close to how the CVerse would develop in a save, but with the increased independent shows now it would be very helpful to see how things develop in a watcher save to know how stats and pop should look, as well as much experience and respect will go up.

Same goes for finances, as I have them higher than I would like really as new promotions instantly died and smaller companies would go bankrupt etc, so again looking at the new way of financing would be huge for me too.

If anyone is willing to help please let me know. There isn't a rush, but I know for some people with top spec PC's running a four-year watcher can be done easily when you're not even at the computer. But I am pretty sure it was doing four-year watchers that killed my old laptop, and that has destroyed multiple batteries lol

Edited by lavelleuk
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10 hours ago, El Dragon said:

I'd be willing to help out when the game releases. For 22 it still takes a while for my game to do a 4 year, but I imagine that's pretty true for most PC's with this mod. Can certainly try.

Thank you, I appreciate that!

I have to admit, I always assumed on gaming PC's or Laptop's TEW just flew by, I didn't know it was limited on how quick it could go. I always knew I was making the mod big, but with my very limited knowledge of tech I always assumed TEW ran on any strong PC or laptop would load like a breeze...I was wrong apparently lol

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Just now, Amyzyng said:

Heyo, I'd be more than happy to run a test save of the DB on IX if you're looking for a bigger sample size

Heck, I wouldn't mind running multiple if that would be helpful

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I hate to be "that guy". But the official 2022 update to the C-Verse just reminds me how much better your version of it is, man. There's actual change, there's barely any inexplicable retirements just because they became 40. It feels more real to how wrestling actually is currently and not something stuck in time or what not.

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6 hours ago, Chikbot said:

I hate to be "that guy". But the official 2022 update to the C-Verse just reminds me how much better your version of it is, man. There's actual change, there's barely any inexplicable retirements just because they became 40. It feels more real to how wrestling actually is currently and not something stuck in time or what not.

Gotta agree. I've been playing the AltVerse for so long that I was shocked how bare the default was when looking at the IX beta.

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3 hours ago, The Inquisition said:

Also, @lavelleuk since modding is able to be done externally, if you need help converting heights/weights/etc to match the CVerse then let us know. I'm sure some of us would be willing to chip in to help migrate the mod across in any small way we can :)

Thank you! Someone has already offered too, I am actually just looking now at what will be needed. Guessing there is a thread somewhere but real dates are going to be horrible to do, as it'll be six years worth of title changes I'd have to work out real dates for, and even weights I'd have to check if I changed someone's size or body type, so can't be the same as default lol

I'll likely release a beta version soon as I work on all that, can be a beta mod for the demo!

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Help With Mod

Just a quick one - I realized when converting workers to their default heights, weights, DOB that any workers who don't have the same names as anyone in the default data wouldn't have been done. If anyone notices any workers like that feel free to comment here or shoot me a DM

Off the top of my head I have a few (below) but I know there are lots so any help is hugely appreciated

Sayeed Ali/East Side Assassin

James Chester/Jimmy Chipolata

Assassin/new name

Arthur Dexter Bradley/new name

Champagne Lover/Antonio Maxi Marquez

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