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Alternative CornellVerse 2022 Mod (VERSION 1.05 RELEASED 19 OCT 23)

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Just in case anyone missed it, the first version of the future worker mod is out. It has 114 new workers to debut from 2022-2025, as well as two new dojos.





Just an FYI, I won't be adding this mod as an official part of the 2022 mod for two reasons, I haven't been as strict on stats for these guys as I would be for the mod to keep balance (although there is nothing crazy, and also because the way the game works if someone is set to graduate from a dojo, the game still adds the normal amount of regen graduates. So for example, if a mod has 4 workers set to debut in 2022 for Supreme Wrestling University, the game will still create another four, meaning there are 8 graduates that year. That is something to think about when adding the mod - if you don't want to potentially overload some companies then maybe don't import the "graduate" section, however it shouldn't have too much of an effect, and a lot of the graduates are from dojos that aren't assigned to companies anyway :)


There are some really great characters, even if I wasn't the one to release it I would still highly recommend

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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 1.01 of the future worker add-on has been released and features 58 new workers and two new dojos (Cheeter Wrestling Academy and L'Académie de Lutte), taking the total to 172 workers and 4 training facilities. Remember to rename the data file “TEW2020”


Data File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pu57dbty3ogm14p/RENAME_-_TEW2020.mdb/file

Picture File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/afzveqyi66r9wj8/FUTURE-WORKER-ADD-ON.rar/file

The following downloads a list of all the free pictures used, to avoid duplicated worker pictures you should delete these in the Editor

Free Pictures Used List: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8zrxj19s6pzl46n/Free_Pictures_Delete.docx/file

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@KyTeran pointed out I managed to miss off a few tag teams

I have updated to file in the link to include the four tag teams below I left out of the data, so if you redownload these are the only things you have to import

Our Lady of Eternal Gyrations (Party Padre and Funk Monk)
The Galaxy Sisters (Sarah Galaxy and Brianna Galaxy)

The Big Top Babes (Gnarly Quin and Kiki T. Clown) 

The Dunking Dutchmen (Rik Dekker and Rob Dijkstra) 


Edit - wrong thread, this post was only for the add-on!

Edited by lavelleuk
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  • 5 weeks later...

Dude, cheers to anyone who had created a Russian Tag Team and called they "Karpin" and "Onopko". For everybody that doesnt know who they are, Karpin and Onopko were two russian football (soccer 🙄)  players from the 90`s. They made the bulk of their careers playing in Spain, (my Country) so i LMFAO as soon as i saw their names.

PD: I´m just about to finish my first year of a save with BHOTWG. As im too lazy to do a diary, but i want to sheer my feelings about the game, i probably put a recap of the year.

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20 hours ago, juan_historico said:

Dude, cheers to anyone who had created a Russian Tag Team and called they "Karpin" and "Onopko". For everybody that doesnt know who they are, Karpin and Onopko were two russian football (soccer 🙄)  players from the 90`s. They made the bulk of their careers playing in Spain, (my Country) so i LMFAO as soon as i saw their names.

PD: I´m just about to finish my first year of a save with BHOTWG. As im too lazy to do a diary, but i want to sheer my feelings about the game, i probably put a recap of the year.

Ha I get a lot of my new worker names from ex-footballers, so I glad you appreciate that!


I'd be to see how you're getting on in your save

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On 12/9/2022 at 11:30 AM, knkmaster69 said:

I think this might be the first time I've ever been tempted to play USPW in the CVerse! The idea of their collapse and causing their resurrection is so tempting even if TCW will always have my heart. Hmmm... so many good options! Absolutely love all of your hard work!

Thank you! I really like the USPW set up in 2022, there is the chance to make them huge again, or they could fall away into obscurity. I have seen both happen in test runs so it's nice to see what happens

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just downloaded the mod earlier and i'm loving it so far. trying to get into an INSPIRES save but i have a question about the brands. who's meant to appear on the brands/how exactly should people be assigned to them and how should they be used? can domestic brand workers appear on the international shows and vice versa?

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1 hour ago, M0xl3y said:

just downloaded the mod earlier and i'm loving it so far. trying to get into an INSPIRES save but i have a question about the brands. who's meant to appear on the brands/how exactly should people be assigned to them and how should they be used? can domestic brand workers appear on the international shows and vice versa?

There are some big events that are dual branded, the months with only one big event


The Domestic and Worldwide are mainly there because I see INSIRES touring globally, but at the same time touring Japan all-year round to keep their key fanbase. There is no real right or wrong way to assign workers to brands, but I did purposely try to make the Domestic brand more loaded as their pop in Japan is MUCH bigger, so you will need higher rated cards when promoting shows in Japan


It is the same reason some of the big events on the Worldwide brand are "lesser events" as the workers don't have the popularity to put on shows that will keep up with Japanese popularity. So for that reason I personally would have the less popular guys on the Worldwide brand, but with enough big names that you should meet the minimum requirements easily. I put a lot of the foreign workers on that brand for the same reason, a few Aussie guys who can give you a little extra  when touring that region can't hurt lol


Hope that makes sense!

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On 12/15/2022 at 8:58 PM, KingAj said:

Tried again now and it worked. Strange but oh well!

At least it's working now!

On 12/20/2022 at 7:31 AM, Jeindall777 said:

Just curious, how many teams participate in the Cornell Cup?

It doesn't say in the default data, I'd personally go for 16 with knock-out rounds on TV leading up to the PPV

On 12/20/2022 at 7:42 AM, Jaysin said:

Just for future reference so people don't have to rename a file, just compress it as a rar file. It's an extra step for you uploading it, but saves every person who downloads it an annoyance.

That's a good point tbh!

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I don't know why, but it took until today for me to realize that I didn't grab any of the September updates for this mod, meaning I was missing out on a lot of great future potential companies.  While looking through I realized that three of my company logos made into the mods and I got so giddy that some of my work has made it into such an excellent mod.

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4 hours ago, KyTeran said:

I don't know why, but it took until today for me to realize that I didn't grab any of the September updates for this mod, meaning I was missing out on a lot of great future potential companies.  While looking through I realized that three of my company logos made into the mods and I got so giddy that some of my work has made it into such an excellent mod.

Awesome! I appreciate the work you guys do with with graphics so I hope I did them justice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@lavelleuk I have a doubt: White Canvas won the war against Black Canvas, so why is less popular? Specially when i read the bios of people like Blast Ikoma and state that "He now adds his presence to big BCG events too" but, as WCG is smaller than BCG, when their shows are at the same date he choose to be with BCG. Shouldn´t be the other way to show that WCG its the hotter company even if BCG has more name recognition? 

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23 hours ago, juan_historico said:

@lavelleuk I have a doubt: White Canvas won the war against Black Canvas, so why is less popular? Specially when i read the bios of people like Blast Ikoma and state that "He now adds his presence to big BCG events too" but, as WCG is smaller than BCG, when their shows are at the same date he choose to be with BCG. Shouldn´t be the other way to show that WCG its the hotter company even if BCG has more name recognition? 

I can see where you are coming from, but I see it more as BCG imploding rather than WCG becoming more popular and putting them out of business. 


Masayuki Shiga himself wasn't a bad person, just a bad owner who got screwed over by his friend and booker Sanetoma Shiraishi, and so I see Shiga as wanting the best for wrestling and so handing over the reigns to Bunrakuken Torii before BCG's legacy was completely destroyed. They're still at a pretty similar level anyway, but with BCG having a seven-year head start and being around before the wrestling industry crashed I still see them as having the very sightly better name value.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Jeindall777 said:

Hi there, I'm planning to run a save of TCW. I'm just curious as to how many people participate in all of their Tournaments? 

Honestly, I always think you should just do what's fun for you. Personally I'd have the Azaria Trophy as a one-night only, 8-man tournament featuring the very top main eventers, with King Of Kings/Queen Of Queens having more rounds featured on TV. But if you find long tournaments boring, or like having groups and points systems then you should go for that. 


Personally I like once a year having a month of TV just being tournament rounds as it gives me a brief creative break lol

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So, I have gotten back into TEW recently largely due to this mid, and I have a few points I want to go over that haven’t been covered, because every bit of this mod is amazing and deserves some serious hype.

First off, the most impressive thing about this thing so far to me is just that every single company has there own hook to draw the potential player in. SWF finally evolving with a massive new main event scene, TCW with the constant supply of elite wrestlers, trying to rebuild USPW from the depths, Battles of Hell with its unique feel, trying to see how far you can get AAA, FCW, or RSW, all fascinating. And that’s not even trying to figure out if you can somehow save DAVID. And that’s just the US! Japan, England, and Australia have been covered by others, but there are two other regions that deserve praise as well (being rea so is Europe I just haven’t deep dived there yet)


Canada. Oh boy Canada. There is a lot to talk about CGC (they have the best announce team in wrestling who are massively popular to help segments out, and two legit main eventers and Ricky and Edd, but absolutely nothing behind them), ACPW (tons of talent but a real threat to be raided), and 4C as well as others, but the impending doom of NOTBPW is absolutely fascinating. It’s not a USPW fall, in which they were badly ran by an owner who just spent, spent, spent and ignored or even contributed to the issues backstage. Victoria got them to the top via amazing booking around great talent. All the way to 90 popularity in all of Canada. But now all her brothers (save one) have retired, and her husband is in BoH. The DeColts and Edd have left, Joanne is pregante, Sara is getting movie and tv roles too frequently to count on, and the crowd have turned against Amber and Bloodstone. You have one legit top act and it’s Alicia who wins so often it’s a meme. The 3 kids aren’t ready yet, and two of them are turning the entire locker room against each other. You’ve set up such a massive climb to not be in free fall popularity wise, the company had been staring off that cliff of time for so long and now they aren’t just over the cliff, they realized there parachute doesn’t deploy. I want to try saving that company so bad, because god it’s in a rough place. And I love it for it. 

And the second one: Mexico. Your Mexico ruuuuuules. You managed to open the doors wide open for the rise of 3 other feds while still maintaining SOTBPW as a massive promotion, but one that seems to be leaving the door open for contenders. In my saves SOTBPW has straight up not re-signed guys like Tigre and Americana. Not let someone else outbid them, legit didn’t even give an offer. So they are handing OLLIE, PCW, and Skull legit high end talent on a silver platter. 

I will say I’m an OLLIE diehard, and it’s never made sense to be how the company was falling in canon so hard, and you basically nailed why. Awesome talent base at the top of the card, even before the Velocidad addition. Gino is arguably the best wrestler in Mexico, Lucha and Extraordanario not far behind. Locking up there core is huge, as it can take them so far. I’ve had a blast raising there profile further, as they feel like such a natural rival for SOTBPW going forward.

And then there’s Skull. Oh Skull, you sleazy bastards. They feel like SPW turned up to an absurd degree. El Sucio is absolutely deplorable. A company that flaunts being as awful as possible. And while I might not player them, they are such perfect bad guys to book against. 

Basically, this mod rules all over the map. So many feds to play as.

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