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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Intern Derek arrives fresh from laundering all of his underwear, the stress of dealing with Nuclear and his "friends" proving to be so very difficult for his nearest and no longer whitest.  Intern Derek has in his hand a sheet of paper with the League's schedule on it and a couple of drops of what we are assured is ketchup, with several names underlined.  We are quietly told that these are the results for next week's show, according to some of Nuclear's closest friends who are very good at predicting the future, especially when it comes to surprise results.  You are then encouraged to forget that you heard any of this.  The floor has more ketchup on in than you are comfortable with.  Intern Derek's eyes are sweating profusely.  His therapist is strangely attracted to fishes, or so he has been told.




(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 447)

(2) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 440) vs. (5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 439)

(1) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 448) vs. (4) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 430)

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 446) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 429)


(1) Daniel Simmons (2-0, OVR 448) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (1-1, OVR 431)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-0, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 432)

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 433) vs. (8) Blood River (0-2, OVR 449)

(4) Billy Norris (1-1, OVR 444) vs. (3) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 431)


(8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 426) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (2-0, OVR 479)

(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 447) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-2, OVR 426)

(4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 436) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (1-1, OVR 437)

(6) Diamond (1-1, OVR 438) vs. (3) Erick Gibson (1-1, OVR 431)


(6) Monty Dhillon (1-1, OVR 448) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 409)

HARDCORE MATCH: (5) Sterling Silver (1-1, OVR 439) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 410)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Christian Priest (0-2, OVR 452) vs. (3) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-1, OVR 403)

(8) Jimmy Anarchy (0-2, OVR 427) vs. (4) Devil's Delight (1-1, OVR 403)

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I’m a day behind in getting things done—getting old sucks, my back refused to let me sit in anything not a recliner last night—so here are my picks before I start the top three divisions.

ALPHA: McDonald, Mastachas, Nuclear, Weathers

BETA: Simmons, Ouilette, River, Norris

GAMMA: Blackfield, Tornado, Rodriguez, Gibson

DELTA: Dhillon, Hida, Abernathy, Delight

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Update: just to keep everyone on the same page:

The one Delta match I could run last night crashed the game twice in a row.

I am picking up extra hours on the overnight for at least a day, maybe up to a week, which kills my free time dead.

I’ll provide further updates when I know how long this OT thing is going to run but it’s entirely possible I may push the schedule back a week because of work issues. Just floating that out there now. I’m going to try not to do that but the possibility does exist.

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Update the second:

They want me to be ready to step in again overnight since one of the people may not show up for the same hours I did yesterday. And I thought I was done with my job interfering with GDS stuff in the winter. 😝

So here’s the official verdict:

Week Three is being pushed back a week, and will air on either the 25th or 26th. 

Weeks Four through Seven are also being pushed back a week.

Tag Team Turmoil will now air mid-week between Weeks Seven and Eight. Any training after Week Seven will be applied to the Week Eight matches in order to get the schedule back on track, as I can jump right from Week Seven into TTT with the same stats, and run both shows basically back to back.

If you have yet to make predictions or send a training PM for Week Three, you now have an extra week to do so. NEW DEADLINE IS 11:59 PM EASTERN US ON FEBRUARY 24. If you’ve already sent a PM and want to change your mind, or made predictions already, I will allow these changes for this week only due to my circumstances.

I’m hoping that after the weekend my work schedule goes back to some normalcy and my office job stops having me work overtime due to staffing levels.

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(3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 447)

(2) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 440) vs. (5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 439)

(1) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 448) vs. (4) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 430)

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 446) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 429)


(1) Daniel Simmons (2-0, OVR 448) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (1-1, OVR 431)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-0, OVR 450) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 432)

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 433) vs. (8) Blood River (0-2, OVR 449)

(4) Billy Norris (1-1, OVR 444) vs. (3) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 431)


(8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 426) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (2-0, OVR 479)

(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 447) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-2, OVR 426)

(4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 436) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (1-1, OVR 437)

(6) Diamond (1-1, OVR 438) vs. (3) Erick Gibson (1-1, OVR 431)


(6) Monty Dhillon (1-1, OVR 448) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 409)

HARDCORE MATCH: (5) Sterling Silver (1-1, OVR 439) vs. (1) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 410)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Christian Priest (0-2, OVR 452) vs. (3) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-1, OVR 403)

(8) Jimmy Anarchy (0-2, OVR 427) vs. (4) Devil's Delight (1-1, OVR 403)

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In the interest of transparency:

11 out of 16 matches are done. I got through 10 last night before my back decided to protest the chair I was sitting in. Remaining GMPC bouts will be done tonight, and we are on track for a Saturday show post.

I had no time to work on anything this past weekend as I worked 25 hours of overtime over the three-day weekend (President’s Day here in the US was Monday). So yesterday was the first chance I’ve had since last Tuesday to do anything League related.

This whole adulting thing kinda sucks, to be honest. 🤣

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 V1I70uc.jpg (8) Jimmy Anarchy (0-2, OVR 427)


(4) Devil's Delight (1-1, OVR 403) 54miFm6.jpgxJrKs53.jpg

Our opening match of the night lasted a shade over seven minutes, and ended in rather controversial fashion.  Anarchy baited Devil’s Angel onto the apron and as the ref turned to deal with her, Anarchy went low on Delight, a vile uppercut dropping Delight in her tracks. The oblivious ref turned around in time to count the fall, missing everything that had happened, and Anarchy nets his first win of the season in an underhanded manner.

Jimmy Anarchy (1-2) def. Devil's Delight (1-2) via Pinfall (Any Means Necessary) in 7:02.  Rating: **

Changes for Jimmy Anarchy:  OVR + 3.80, XP + 483.38, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR -0.07, XP + 120.84, moderate damage to head



 AOP9il0.jpgNldKaI4.jpg (7) Christian Priest (0-2, OVR 452)


(3) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-1, OVR 403) 8CXZgHS.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We stay in the Delta Division now with a submission match. The long-time British indie-scene veteran, Lord Robert Abernathy, takes on Christian Priest in our second bout of the night.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, is Abernathy actually a lord as he claims?

Bob Sinclair: My sources seem to believe so, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: “Sources?” Reddit doesn’t count.

Bob Sinclair:  …moving on. Priest’s at a disadvantage in this contest—he isn’t known for any submission holds, while Abernathy—

Frankie Garnett: That’s “His Lordship” to you!

Bob Sinclair: --Abernathy does have an STF finisher in his repertoire.  We’ll see if he gets a chance to use it, though, as the bell sounds to get this match underway!



(00:03) Abernathy hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(00:10) Abernathy hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:14) Priest blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:18) Abernathy hit an Eye Poke

(00:22) Priest broke a Top Wrist Lock

(00:36) Priest applied a Side Headlock

(00:40) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(00:54) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(01:02) Abernathy avoided an Open Handed Slap.

(01:06) Abernathy hit an Eye Poke

(01:10) Priest countered a Hammerlock with an Eye Poke

(01:24) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(01:27) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(01:31) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(01:35) Priest hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:43) Priest applied a Hammerlock

(01:49) Abernathy avoided a Chop Block.

(01:53) Priest blocked a Top Wrist Lock

(01:57) Priest escaped a Hammerlock

(02:05) Abernathy applied a Hammerlock

(02:09) Abernathy hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(02:16) Abernathy hit a Neckbreaker

(02:20) Abernathy hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(02:25) Priest blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(02:44) Abernathy applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(03:03) Priest rolled through a Top Wrist Lock

(03:07) Priest hit an Open Handed Slap

(03:10) Priest hit a Punch

(03:17) Priest hit a Running Forearm Blow

(03:31) Priest applied a Choke Hold


Bob Sinclair: The faster pace of this season’s Delta Division means that every wrestler has to be on constant guard—one mistake is all it could take to put the lights out in a hurry!

Frankie Garnett:  Which won’t be a problem for His Lordship, he’s just lulling Priest into a false sense of security!

Bob Sinclair: It’s a dangerous game to be playing with so little room for error.

Frankie Garnett: Those are the most exciting games to play!



(03:36) Abernathy blocked a Legdrop To Groin

(03:45) Lord Robert Abernathy very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(03:50) Priest broke a Stomp To Groin

(03:56) Priest hit a Roundhouse Punch

(04:10) Priest applied a Choke Hold

(04:18) Priest hit a Splash

(04:22) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:39) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(04:45) Priest picked up Abernathy

(04:49) Abernathy slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(05:03) Abernathy applied a Top Wrist Lock

(05:20) Abernathy applied a Kneeling Cravate

(05:37) Priest broke a Cravate

(05:41) Abernathy countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Kick To Knee

(05:55) Abernathy applied a Cravate

(06:11) Abernathy hit a Piledriver

(06:16) Priest broke a Choke Hold

(06:19) Abernathy countered a Strong Forearm Strike Flurry with a Throat Thrust

(06:29) Abernathy hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(06:35) Abernathy picked up Priest from behind

(06:39) Priest broke the British Suplexes

(06:51) Priest hit a Double Underhook Powerbomb

(06:55) Priest hit a Seated Back Kick

(07:01) Priest picked up Abernathy

(07:17) Priest hit a Shoulder Breaker

(07:27) Priest picked up Abernathy

(07:30) Abernathy countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Punch

(07:38) Abernathy applied a Hammerlock

(07:52) Abernathy applied a Top Wrist Lock

(08:02) Abernathy hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown


Frankie Garnett: See? I told you, Bob! His Lordship got Priest napping and now the end is drawing near!

Bob Sinclair: Except that Priest is still too fresh, Frankie, for that STF to come into play.

Frankie Garnett: Well, just give it a minute then!



(08:06) Abernathy hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:15) Abernathy picked up Priest

(08:23) Priest avoided a Begging Off Low Blow.

(08:29) Priest hit a Low Blow

(08:42) Priest got a near submission

(08:47) Priest broke an Implant DDT

(08:59) Priest hit a Hammerlock Powerbomb

(09:10) Priest got a near submission

(09:14) Priest blocked a Front Facelock

(09:18) Priest stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Abernathy

(09:24) Priest hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(09:37) Priest got a near submission


Bob Sinclair: And now we see the perils of Priest not having a good submission move in his arsenal.  He’s having a hard time applying…what is he trying to apply there?

Frankie Garnett: Crossface chicken wing, maybe? It’s either that or a moss-covered three-handled family gredunza.

Bob Sinclair: …I’m not even going to ask.



(09:41) Priest broke a Hammerlock

(09:44) Abernathy countered a Powerbomb with a Forearm Blow

(09:48) Abernathy hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(10:02) Abernathy applied a Top Wrist Lock

(10:07) Priest stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Abernathy

(10:10) Abernathy countered a Judgement with a Forearm Blow

(10:15) Priest broke an Inverted Atomic Drop

(10:24) Abernathy avoided a Strong Charging Forearm.

(10:34) Abernathy hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(10:53) Abernathy applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(11:15) Abernathy hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(11:19) Abernathy hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:23) Priest blocked a Legdrop To Groin

(11:27) Priest rolled through a God Save the Queen

(11:35) Priest applied a Hammerlock

(11:40) Abernathy rolled through a Top Wrist Lock

(11:45) Priest broke an Implant DDT

(11:55) Abernathy avoided a Running Forearm Blow.

(12:01) Abernathy hit a Low Blow

(12:11) Abernathy hit a Headbutt To Groin

(12:25) Abernathy used a Get Up Taunt

(12:41) Christian Priest just got planted by a spine-breaking Shatterfall!

(12:45) Priest slipped out of the back of a God Save the Queen


Bob Sinclair: I am not sure how in the world Priest had the wherewithal to get out of that submission after that huge spinebuster!

Frankie Garnett: Pure, dumb luck, Bob. It won’t last. Finish this, Your Lordship!



(13:01) Priest hit a Full Nelson Bomb

(13:05) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(13:18) Priest hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(13:22) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(13:26) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(13:30) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(13:43) Priest got a near submission

(13:47) Priest broke a Kneeling Cravate

(13:54) Priest hit a DDT

(14:06) Priest got a near submission

(14:23) Abernathy applied a Kneeling Cravate

(14:52) Christian Priest just got planted by a spine-breaking Shatterfall!

(14:57) Priest escaped a God Save the Queen


Bob Sinclair: Are you sure that’s luck, Frankie?

Frankie Garnett: Oh, sure. Act like you know something.



(15:15) Lord Robert Abernathy connects with a series of British Uppercuts!

(15:19) Priest broke a Stump Piledriver

(15:29) Priest applied a Backbreaker Hold

(15:49) Lord Robert Abernathy just got Canonized by the right arm of Christian Priest!


Bob Sinclair: Priest looking for that same hold again…no, wait a minute…he’s made it a sleeper hold instead! Simple and in this case, it may be effective enough!

Frankie Garnett: His Lordship has not moved at all since that lariat, Bob. How can he submit if he’s unconscious?!

Bob Sinclair:  Referee’s discretion, I’d think…and as I say that, the ref checks Abernathy’s arm and calls for the bell!  Abernathy is unable to respond to the referee, and it’ll go in the books as a submission victory for Christian Priest, in what has to be a bit of an upset!

Frankie Garnett: Upset, my shapely fat behind! His Lordship just got robbed by that peasant of a ref, Bob! Heads are going to roll for this, just wait and see!


Christian Priest (1-2) def. Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2) via Submission (force submission) in 16:04.  Rating: ****

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 6.85, XP + 669.00, minor damage to head

Changes for Lord Robert Abernathy:  OVR + 1.62, XP + 242.25, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (4 [1 this season] for Christian Priest, 1 [1 this season] for Lord Robert Abernathy)



 va4qjuU.jpg (5) Sterling Silver (1-1, OVR 439)


(1) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 410) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

Hida came out swinging at the opening bell.  She hit Silver with everything but the kitchen sink—mainly because the promoter of The League knew better to keep one under the ring—and had Silver in danger fairly early on.  But Silver, the consummate veteran, fought back as she had Hida’s Eternal Violence well scouted.  After the third miss on Eternal Violence, Silver kicked up the tempo of the match and Hida struggled to keep up. A top rope splash into a top rope fist drop into a spear proved to be the combination here, as Silver manages to keep Hida down in a match that never went outside, never used weapons, and was only a slight letdown from that monster of an second bout.

Sterling Silver (2-1) def. Kichi Hida (2-1) via Pinfall (spear) in 12:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR + 5.29, XP + 526.33, minor damage to head

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 0.73, XP + 131.58, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (6) Monty Dhillon (1-1, OVR 448)


(2) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 409) wtKjCIc.jpg

With the minor upset moments ago, the door was open for Molina to claim sole possession of the Delta Division lead.  This was competitive, if not terribly exciting, in which the two highlights were Dhillon breaking out of the corner after a half-dozen forearm blows to lay out Molina with a Livewire Lariat, and the very end of the match, in which Molina took down Dhillon with a chop block and applied his submission finisher to earn the tap out victory, and remain undefeated in the Delta Division heading into week four.

Lucas Molina (3-0) def. Monty Dhillon (1-2) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 11:04.  Rating: **

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 4.03, XP + 485.31, minor damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.33, minor damage to head



 0rDaDU8.jpg (6) Diamond (1-1, OVR 438)


(3) Erick Gibson (1-1, OVR 431) xd5Rq8a.jpglimej5G.jpg

Persistence was the name of the game for Diamond, who needed seven attempts before she could land the 24 Karat Kiss.  Gibson wasn’t able to muster a lot of offense in between attempts, and this ended up being little more than a lengthy squash despite a few lucky shots from Gibson ringing Diamond’s bell a few times.

Diamond (2-1) def. Erick Gibson (1-2) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 12:45.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.91, XP + 512.45, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.89, XP + 128.11, minor damage to head



9wxABJw.jpg (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 436)


(5) Jun Onoo (1-1, OVR 437) zTBxNBX.jpg

Onoo brought his size into play early and often, battering Rodriguez from one side of the ring to the other.  An implant DDT from Rodriguez actually netted three just shy of nine minutes in, but the ref waved it off after seeing Onoo’s foot under the bottom rope. It was the wakeup call for Onoo, who immediately stormed into action. In the end, however, Rodriguez was able to avoid the one IMPACT Driver attempt Onoo got off, and took to the offensive, his technical arsenal enough to wear down Jun until a Harmony of Dissonance sealed the deal in a Match of the Night contender.

Diego Rodriguez (2-1) def. Jun Onoo (1-2) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 13:58.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 5.42, XP + 606.35, minor damage to head

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 0.75, XP + 151.59, minor damage to head



 giFlbJV.jpg (1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 447)


(7) El Tornado (0-2, OVR 426) LTFF6jR.jpg

The author saw a new match summary remark after this match, which will likely describe it better than he can: “A swiftly executed one-sided demolition job.” Tornado got at most three blows in before Nakamatsu ran away with it.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0) def. El Tornado (0-3) via Pinfall (Emperor’s Fall) in 4:42.  Rating: *

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 2.59, XP + 508.38, no notable damage

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR -0.79, XP + 127.09, minor damage to head



ayWv1C3.jpg (4) Billy Norris (1-1, OVR 444)


 (3) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 431) N0Y594C.jpg

While not exciting, it was at least competitive. Clat looked like he was going to take the win after a springboard senton, but Norris was able to kick out at two. A flurry of high-speed offense from both men followed, and eventually it was Clay who blinked first, falling victim to a Down Under Disaster  a few seconds past the thirteen-minute mark.

Billy Norris (2-1) def. Markus Clay (1-2) via Pinfall (Down Under Disaster) in 13:08.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 4.14, XP + 632.20, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -0.07, XP + 158.05, minor damage to head



OOiJTFx.jpg (6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 446)


 (8) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 429) VfA2MW8.jpg

The advantage was Weathers’ to begin with—he had no qualms about laying someone out with a paur of brass knucks if the need came to. Pulsar didn’t even have that in his back pocket. So while the result went basically as expected, it wasn’t for lack of effort on Pulsar’s front. He never got Weathers into a position to attempt to bust him open. It took Weathers about three minutes to finally hit a stump piledriver in just the right way to draw blood and hand Pulsar his third loss of the season.

Big Scott Weathers (2-1) def. Pulsar (0-3) via First Blood (stump piledriver) in 11:16.  Rating: ***

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 5.46, XP + 788.79, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 1.67, XP + 197.20, moderate damage to head



IgD64Oj.jpg (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 433)


 (8) Blood River (0-2, OVR 449) T127n44.jpgdTs8j7q.jpg

A bit of a step down from the previous match, this started close…but it became evident soon enough that Gross was not going to be denied. He had a solution for a fair portion of River’s offense, and in the end decided to risk the disqualification, hit his opponent low, and hook both legs as the ref begrudgingly counted to three. River continues to struggle after his promotion from the Gamma Division, falling to 0-3 on the season.

Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1) def. Blood River (0-3) via Pinfall (begging off low blow) in 9:19.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 3.93, XP + 629.81, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.45, no notable damage



 AAdEYyr.jpgZThYhej.jpg (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-0, OVR 450)


 (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 432) ginc2gw.jpg

Just barely above a squash thanks to the amount of offense Stevens put in, this was Ouilette’s match from the jump. The French man was never in danger, and despite missing Le Petit Mort a handful of times, a spinning elbow blow would be enough to keep Stevens down for the count. It’s a surprise to some that Ouilette is 3-0 on the season, and placing himself as a strong contender for promotion to the Alpha Division.

Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0) def. Terrance Stevens (0-3) via Pinfall (spinning elbow blow) in 11:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 4.03, XP + 630.97, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.74, minor damage to head



 ha8RmaF.jpg (1) Daniel Simmons (2-0, OVR 448)


 (5) Angela Wassermann (1-1, OVR 431) ZCYwviV.jpg

A good, even match that could have gone either way by the end, this was a worthy contender for Match of the Night.  Simmons was ready for Wassermann’s stump puller, getting out of it early enough before any serious damage could be done.  Same could not be said for her inverted figure four, though, which she held on to for a good fifteen or twenty seconds before breaking the hold just prior to him reaching the ropes.  She would not attempt her cross arm breaker, and that would prove to be the deciding factor as Simmons eventually applied the ankle lock, and forced the tap from Wassermann just shy of fifteen minutes into the contest.

Daniel Simmons (3-0) def. Angela Wassermann (1-2) via Submission (Quitting Time) in 14:56.  Rating: ***

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 5.50, XP + 686.09, minor damage to head

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 0.76, XP + 171.52, minor damage to head



 FqeSGy6.jpg (1) Nuclear Templeton (2-0, OVR 448)


 (4) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 430) p54rf5F.jpg

It seems like Nuclear has started to figure things out this season.  He let Mitchell wear herself down in the early parts, keeping it close otherwise, and pounced when the moment was right, and in a big way.  A Power Surge into a Radiation Spike into a Radiation Leak was enough to batter Mitchell to the point where she tapped out before an Armageddon Lariat could come. Nuclear moves to 3-0 and, for the moment, remains atop the Alpha Division.

Nuclear Templeton (3-0) def. De'siree Mitchell (1-2) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 13:21.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 729.61, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.40, minor damage to head



 hlph25Q.jpg (2) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 440)


(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 439) iLs7NYn.jpg

Staying in the Alpha Division, Mastachas needs to win to maintain pace with Nuclear atop the standings. If Nuclear’s occasional partner knocks off Mastachas, Templeton rolls into week four alone atop the standings. And for the first five minutes of the match, Mastodon looked ready to squash Mastachas and move on. Mastachas didn’t know what had hit him, and it took another minute or two before he started finding a way back into the match, looking to deplete Mastodon’s stamina with rest holds and the like. By the time Mastodon figured out the gameplan, it was too late. A desperation Cull the Weak went for naught, and Mastachas managed to chain Olympus Rises into the Wrath of Zeus, and going right into the pin nullified any hope Mastodon had of an adrenaline surge. Mastachas joins Templeton at 3-0, and remains on pace for a pivotal week six showdown with Nuclear for the Alpha Division lead.

George Mastachas (3-0) def. The Mastodon (1-2) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 12:38.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 729.10, no notable damage

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.27, minor damage to head



TxXkh5U.jpg (3) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 452)


 (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 447) e8cytyP.jpg

It is the author’s opinion that this match should have been a Match of the Night contender. It was close for the opening dozen minutes, until McDonald started to get a bit of an offense gap going. A few attempts for Brandy with a Twist failed, allowing O’Hallister a chance to fight back. Fight back he did, wearing down McDonald enough to allow an attempt at the Dream. She broke free though, and on her fifth attempt in the match she finally landed her twisting face crusher, and a few seconds later denied O’Hallister his first win of the season. It’s a shame the critics—most notably Maven Deltzer—didn’t think too highly of the bout.

Brandy McDonald (2-1) def. Mel O'Hallister (0-3) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 17:58.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.42, XP + 732.94, minor damage to head

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR -0.08, XP + 183.23, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 426)


(2) Brian Blackfield (2-0, OVR 479) RdUenQh.jpg

Main event time in the Gamma Division, and all the pressure on young Indigo Rose here as she is next to face the juggernaut known as Brian Blackfield. She was quite simply not up to the task. Perhaps she was still injured from the last two weeks, as Blackfield simply steamrolled through her en route to a squash win to end week three's festivities.

Brian Blackfield (3-0) def. Indigo Rose (0-3) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 8:28.  Rating: *

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 2.74, XP + 510.28, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR -0.83, XP + 127.57, minor damage to head






1.  Nuclear Templeton:  3-0, ATV 13:24, (AMR 2.000), OVR 451.67

2.  George Mastachas:  3-0, ATV 16:36, (AMR 2.333), OVR 443.88

3.  Brandy McDonald:  2-1, ATV 14:46, (AMR 2.000), OVR 456.70

4.  Big Scott Weathers:  2-1, ATV 18:03, (AMR 2.667), OVR 451.51

5.  The Mastodon:  1-2, ATV 21:32, (AMR 2.667), OVR 439.08

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  1-2, ATV 17:56, (AMR 2.667), OVR 430.18

7.  Mel O'Hallister:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.667), OVR 446.85

8.  Pulsar:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.333), OVR 430.34



1.  Daniel Simmons:  3-0, ATV 12:47 (AMR 2.333), OVR 453.95

2.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  3-0, ATV 12:59 (AMR 2.667), OVR 454.04

3.  Billy Norris:  2-1, ATV 12:05 (AMR 2.000), OVR 448.20

4.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-1, ATV 13:30 (AMR 2.333), OVR 437.05

5.  Angela Wassermann:  1-2, ATV 14:21 (AMR 3.333), OVR 432.01

6.  Markus Clay:  1-2, ATV 11:01 (AMR 2.333), OVR 430.84

7.  Terrance Stevens:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.333), OVR 432.16

8.  Blood River:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 449.27



1.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  3-0, ATV 8:48, (AMR 1.667), OVR 449.18

2.  Brian Blackfield:  3-0, ATV 11:52, (AMR 1.667), OVR 481.97

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-1, ATV 10:23, (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.85

4.  Diamond:  2-1, ATV 11:59, (AMR 1.333), OVR 440.84

5.  Erick Gibson:  1-2, ATV 5:59, (AMR 1.333), OVR 430.24

6.  Jun Onoo:  1-2, ATV 7:25, (AMR 2.000), OVR 438.13

7.  El Tornado:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.667), OVR 424.98

8.  Indigo Rose:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 425.53



1.  Lucas Molina:  3-0, ATV 10:33 (AMR 2.333), OVR 413.22

2.  Sterling Silver:  2-1, ATV 11:59 (AMR 2.667), OVR 443.95

3.  Kichi Hida:  2-1, ATV 9:28 (AMR 3.000), OVR 410.92

4.  Jimmy Anarchy:  1-2, ATV 7:02 (AMR 2.333), OVR 431.06

5.  Lord Robert Abernathy:  1-2, ATV 7:29 (AMR 2.667), OVR 405.06

6.  Devil's Delight:  1-2, ATV 8:29 (AMR 1.667), OVR 402.99

7.  Monty Dhillon:  1-2, ATV 12:20 (AMR 2.667), OVR 447.96

8.  Christian Priest:  1-2, ATV 16:04 (AMR 3.333), OVR 458.60



1. Eternal Phoenix: This week: 12. Official Score: 34

1. Croquemitaine: This week: 13. Official Score: 34

3. ShadowedFlames: This week: 9. Official Score: 28

4. Derek B: This week: 10. Official Score: 27

5. SeanMcG: This week: 0. Official Score: 19




(1) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-3, OVR 447)

(5) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 439) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 457)

(4) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 452) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 430)

(2) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 444) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 430)


(3) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 448) vs. (8) Blood River (0-3, OVR 449)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 431)

(1) Daniel Simmons (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 432)

(5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 432) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1, OVR 437)


(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0, OVR 449) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 482)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 442) vs. (5) Erick Gibson (1-2, OVR 430)

(4) Diamond (2-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 425)

(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 438) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 426)


(2) Sterling Silver (2-1, OVR 444) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 413)

(8) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 459) vs. (6) Devil's Delight (1-2, OVR 403)

(7) Monty Dhillon (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2, OVR 405)

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 411) vs. (4) Jimmy Anarchy (1-2, OVR 431)



Edited by ShadowedFlames
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H-h-h-hi!  Intern Derek, still here and very much still alive!  Some of Nuclear's friends are very upset that some of the matches last time didn't go the way they had expe... uhhh, hoped they would.  Cost them some moolah, that's for sure.  Nuclear will obviously win his match, so now he and his friends are expecting other people to pick up the wins where they want them to so that everyone can make some money.  And so that Intern Derek can carry on doing all his favourite things, like breathing, and definitely not screaming for help from a rooftop at every given opportunity!





(1) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-3, OVR 447)

(5) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 439) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 457)

(4) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 452) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 430)

(2) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 444) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 430)


(3) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 448) vs. (8) Blood River (0-3, OVR 449)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 431)

(1) Daniel Simmons (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 432)

(5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 432) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1, OVR 437)


(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0, OVR 449) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 482)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 442) vs. (5) Erick Gibson (1-2, OVR 430)

(4) Diamond (2-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 425)

(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 438) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 426)


(2) Sterling Silver (2-1, OVR 444) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 413)

(8) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 459) vs. (6) Devil's Delight (1-2, OVR 403)

(7) Monty Dhillon (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2, OVR 405)

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 411) vs. (4) Jimmy Anarchy (1-2, OVR 431)

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Kichi could be coming down to earth after a hot start, and Lucas just keeps on truckin'. Also third week in a row Kichi is in a dead heat for second place in match ratings. It's a matter of time until she scores the big one. Now, to the promos.


Let's see here...Miss Hida isn't angry. Remember, she never promised victory. She promised pain. Indeed, she thanks Sterling Silver for the excellent fight and looks forward to hurting each other again the next time they meet. Ah, so someone explained the League's schedule to her. Well right then. You ought to know Miss Hida's spiel by now for Jimmy Anarchy. The Carnival of Violence is coming to his town. He'd better impress her. Or she'll beat him unconscious. You know, more than she was already gonna.

Lucas Molina, now the only undefeated member of Delta, doesn't even want to talk about Monty Dhillon. He tapped out like everyone else. End of story. Though how Sterling Silver appears to want to play spoiler between him and Kichi Hida is, well, interesting. Because yes, Lucas watches the show and keeps track of the standings. It's part of his weekly preparations. He was curious to see if the two of them would go neck and neck until they met in the ring. Silver is the one who put a stop to that. So, interesting. He's not going to lose focus just because he's in the sole lead, though. The League is a marathon, not a sprint. But if he's telling the truth, he doubts Silver is in his league anyway. He'll see her in the ring.



(1) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-3, OVR 447)

(5) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 439) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 457)

(4) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 452) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 430)

(2) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 444) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 430)


(3) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 448) vs. (8) Blood River (0-3, OVR 449)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 431)

(1) Daniel Simmons (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 432)

(5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 432) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1, OVR 437)


(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0, OVR 449) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 482)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 442) vs. (5) Erick Gibson (1-2, OVR 430)

(4) Diamond (2-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 425)

(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 438) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 426)


(2) Sterling Silver (2-1, OVR 444) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 413)

(8) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 459) vs. (6) Devil's Delight (1-2, OVR 403)

(7) Monty Dhillon (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2, OVR 405)

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 411) vs. (4) Jimmy Anarchy (1-2, OVR 431)

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Squeaking in before the deadline....




(1) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 452) vs. (7) Mel O'Hallister (0-3, OVR 447)

(5) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 439) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 457)

(4) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 452) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 430)

(2) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 444) vs. (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 430)


(3) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 448) vs. (8) Blood River (0-3, OVR 449)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 431)

(1) Daniel Simmons (3-0, OVR 454) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 432)

(5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 432) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1, OVR 437)


(1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0, OVR 449) vs. (2) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 482)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 442) vs. (5) Erick Gibson (1-2, OVR 430)

(4) Diamond (2-1, OVR 441) vs. (7) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 425)

(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 438) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 426)


(2) Sterling Silver (2-1, OVR 444) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 413)

(8) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 459) vs. (6) Devil's Delight (1-2, OVR 403)

(7) Monty Dhillon (1-2, OVR 448) vs. (5) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2, OVR 405)

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 411) vs. (4) Jimmy Anarchy (1-2, OVR 431)

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4ZAKk1I.jpg (3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 411)


 (4) Jimmy Anarchy (1-2, OVR 431) V1I70uc.jpg

This week’s opening match broke down quickly into a striking contest, with Anarchy giving as good as he got for about six minutes. The problem is that Hida went low on him, kept up the pressure, and eventually landed her running knee strike to pick up her third win of the season in a match that wasn’t as compelling as any other one Hida had been in this season.  Anarchy, meanwhile, continues to struggle after being relegated from Gamma Division.

Kichi Hida (3-1) def. Jimmy Anarchy (1-3) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 9:21.  Rating: **

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 3.93, XP + 484.49, minor damage to head

Changes for Jimmy Anarchy:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.12, minor damage to head



vz0qqDp.jpg (7) Monty Dhillon (1-2, OVR 448)


 (5) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-2, OVR 405) 8CXZgHS.jpg

While Abernathy did get some offense in, it wasn’t nearly enough. Dhillon took the advantage three minutes in, and never looked back en route to evening his record for the season. This match was about on par with the previous one, putting this show off to a rather dull start, never mind the powerbomb coming right after a blatant low blow.

Monty Dhillon (2-2) def. Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3) via Pinfall (Empire Bomb) in 7:48.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.84, XP + 483.74, no notable damage

Changes for Lord Robert Abernathy:  OVR -0.07, XP + 120.94, minor damage to head



 zTBxNBX.jpg (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 438)


 (8) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 426) 2X2r9qf.jpg

Rose seemed to have an inherent advantage, being far more in shape than Onoo, but the size advantage was enough for Onoo.  A press powerslam, which saw Rose come dangerously close to landing on her head again, was the difference maker as Onoo won while technically behind in the contest. Rose’s woes continue, now down to 0-4 on the season and looking destined for Delta at this rate.

Jun Onoo (2-2) def. Indigo Rose (0-4) via Pinfall (press powerslam) in 10:50.  Rating: **

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 4.01, XP + 557.98, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.50, no notable damage



AOP9il0.jpgNldKaI4.jpg (8) Christian Priest (1-2, OVR 459)


 (6) Devil's Delight (1-2, OVR 403) 54miFm6.jpgxJrKs53.jpg

This match seemed to barely get started before it was over—the curse of the new Delta Division rules. Delight actually had the advantage for a few minutes, even connecting with her enzuigiri-like kick to the shoulder, Hellborne Rising, but before she could wear down Priest enough to attempt the submission finisher, he stormed back, Canonized Delight, and scored the pin within about a minute and a half. This was our first match that could have reached Match of the Night status, if only it wasn’t so short in the bottom division. Ut would also turn out to be the only other ***-rated match of the evening.

Actual game-speak for a minute though—remember when I said last week that Anarchy/Delight crashed like three times before it finished? I think I figured out the reason why, and it has to do with manager contracts.  I tried something different with Devil’s Angel, and signed her to a contract with The League overall.  Because I’m running each division under its own promotion now, whenever she’d try to interfere the game would crash because I think the database was looking for something in the sub-promotion that would relate to contract status. I say that because when I added the Delta Division as a contract and tried running it with Delight under manual control, I was able to get her manager to interfere three times before being ejected.  None of the other managers have had this issue before for as little as they interfered, so I think they’re safe. But if it happens again, this is my reminder to self to make those changes. Who knew running The League with different rules for divisions would require troubleshooting the game itself?

Christian Priest (2-2) def. Devil's Delight (1-3) via Pinfall (Canonized) in 8:38.  Rating: ***

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 5.03, XP + 524.49, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR + 0.70, XP + 131.12, minor damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (4) Diamond (2-1, OVR 441)


 (7) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 425) LTFF6jR.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We go to the Gamma Division for our next bout—

Frankie Garnett: Wait, Blackfield’s match is already up?

Bob Sinclair: No, Frankie. It’s only the fifth match of the card.

Frankie Garnett: Then bother me when the important stuff gets here.

Bob Sinclair:  …as I was saying, it’s El Tornado facing the First Lady of The League, Diamond, in our next bout. Tornado is looking to avoid an 0-4 start and being desperately behind in the race to avoid relegation to Delta, while Diamond’s at 2-1 and can remain in the hunt for promotion behind the aforementioned juggernaut that is Brian Blackfield.

Frankie Garnett:

Bob Sinclair: And as Frankie apparently is going to take an unpaid break here, the ref calls for the bell and we are underway!



(00:04) El Tornado broke a Front Facelock

(00:08) El Tornado hit a Kick To Thigh

(00:11) El Tornado hit a Bell Clap

(00:25) El Tornado applied a Candado

(00:35) Diamond very easily avoided a Kick To Thigh.

(00:44) Diamond hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(00:48) El Tornado broke a Standing Arm Bar

(01:02) El Tornado applied a Candado Invertido

(01:08) Diamond very easily avoided a Kick To Thigh.

(01:17) Diamond hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:26) Diamond hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(01:35) Diamond hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:43) Diamond applied a Hammerlock

(01:57) Diamond applied a Top Wrist Lock

(02:01) Diamond hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:05) Diamond hit an Open Handed Slap

(02:08) Diamond hit a Jab Punch

(02:11) Diamond hit a Punch

(02:21) Diamond hit a Seated Face Plant

(02:36) Diamond hit a Stomp Flurry

(02:49) Diamond hit a Running Senton

(03:02) Diamond hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(03:06) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:11) El Tornado broke a Stomp To Groin

(03:18) El Tornado hit a Running Clothesline

(03:22) Diamond fought back against being picked up

(03:29) Diamond hit a Running Forearm Blow

(03:33) Diamond hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(03:41) Diamond picked up El Tornado

(03:51) Diamond hit a Spear

(03:56) Diamond got a one count


Bob Sinclair: Holy moly, this one almost ended in a hurry! You’d almost have to go back into the older League days, where the record I believe is still 50 seconds for a match, to see one ended that quick!

Frankie Garnett: …that was Phoenix losing, right?

Bob Sinclair: Of course you’d chime in when you get a chance to disparage the guy who’d eventually be our boss.

Frankie Garnett: Facts are facts, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: Which you’ll “conveniently” forget about when it suits you, Frankie…



(04:00) El Tornado blocked a Knee Plant

(04:07) Diamond hit a Knee Plant

(04:13) Diamond hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(04:20) Diamond hit a Running Forearm Blow

(04:24) El Tornado stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Diamond

(04:28) El Tornado hit a Kick To Knee

(04:31) El Tornado hit a Forearm Blow

(04:39) Diamond very easily avoided a Lucha Bump.

(04:44) El Tornado broke a Women's DDT

(04:47) El Tornado hit a Bell Clap

(04:50) El Tornado hit a Jab Punch

(04:53) El Tornado hit a Puñetazo

(04:57) Diamond slipped out the front of a Candado

(05:00) El Tornado countered a Running Forearm Blow with a Forearm Blow

(05:06) Diamond very easily avoided a Kick To Knee.

(05:10) El Tornado blocked a Women's DDT

(05:20) El Tornado very easily avoided a Spear.

(05:24) El Tornado hit a Kick To Knee

(05:31) Diamond very easily avoided a Kick To Thigh.

(05:47) Diamond hit a Stump Piledriver

(05:47) El Tornado started to bleed

(05:52) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(06:01) Diamond crashes and burns, the swanton missed!


Bob Sinclair: High risk, but no high reward there! Diamond had an opportunity and took a fraction of a second too long!

Frankie Garnett:  …

Bob Sinclair: And back to the silent treatment. Fine.



(06:05) El Tornado hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:18) El Tornado hit a Running Senton

(06:24) Diamond moved out of the way from a Slingshot Senton Bomb.

(06:31) El Tornado countered a Running Knee Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(06:48) El Tornado hit a Slingshot Splash

(06:52) El Tornado hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:05) El Tornado hit a Running Half Senton

(07:09) El Tornado hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:17) El Tornado picked up Diamond from behind

(07:25) Diamond very easily avoided a Swinging Rope Blast.

(07:32) Diamond hit a Knee Plant

(07:40) El Tornado's jaw just got jacked up by Diamond!

(07:53) Diamond hit a Running Half Senton

(08:00) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(08:07) Diamond hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(08:12) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(08:17) El Tornado stopped a Diamond in the Sky by rushing Diamond

(08:22) El Tornado climbed down off the top rope

(08:26) Diamond kicked El Tornado away

(08:33) Diamond used a Top Rope Predator's Taunt

(08:40) Diamond used a Top Rope Predator's Taunt

(08:48) Diamond hit a Second Rope Dropkick

(08:57) El Tornado easily avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(09:04) El Tornado hit a Running Clothesline

(09:10) Diamond moved out of the way from a Springboard Guillotina.

(09:17) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(09:23) Diamond picked up El Tornado

(09:28) El Tornado broke a 24 Karat Kiss

(09:31) El Tornado hit a Forearm Blow

(09:34) El Tornado hit a Bell Clap

(09:41) El Tornado hit a Running Clothesline

(09:45) El Tornado hit an Elbow Drop

(10:02) El Tornado hit a Slingshot Guillotina

(10:06) El Tornado got a one count


Bob Sinclair: And now it’s Tornado trying to get a quick fall here, but to no avail as Diamond still has some fight in her.  At this point it’s going to be who makes the next major blunder; both combatants are ripe for the taking here.

Frankie Garnett:  …



(10:10) Diamond broke a Lucha Spinning DDT

(10:14) El Tornado broke a Stump Piledriver

(10:24) El Tornado hit a Rana Pinfall

(10:24) The referee was out of position to count the pinfall

(10:28) El Tornado got a two count

(10:32) El Tornado leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(10:35) Diamond countered a Top Rope Flying Clothesline with a Punch

(10:40) El Tornado broke a Sunset Flip

(10:46) El Tornado hit a Dropkick To Knee

(11:03) El Tornado hit a Pescado

(11:09) Diamond moved out of the way from a Springboard Guillotina.

(11:13) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(11:26) Diamond hit a Running Half Senton

(11:33) El Tornado countered a Seated Back Dropkick with a Legsweep Kick

(11:43) Diamond moved out of the way from a Springboard Guillotina.

(11:56) Diamond hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(12:03) Diamond hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(12:13) Diamond picked up El Tornado

(12:25) El Tornado feels the full impact of Diamond's 24 Karat Kiss!


Bob Sinclair: That landed flush, and Diamond quick into the cover, both legs hooked: one…two…three! The First Lady scores the victory and remains within reach of the division lead regardless of what happens in the main event tonight!

Frankie Garnett: So Blackfield’s the main event? I have to be here all day for this?!

Bob Sinclair: Yes, Frankie. You have to do the job you’re being paid to do.

Frankie Garnett: Man…this being responsible thing sucks.


Diamond (3-1) def. El Tornado (0-4) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 12:29.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 5.32, XP + 720.47, no notable damage

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 0.74, XP + 266.37, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (2 [1 this season] for Diamond, 2 [1 this season] for El Tornado)



va4qjuU.jpg (2) Sterling Silver (2-1, OVR 444)


 (1) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 413) wtKjCIc.jpg

Back to the Delta Division for the last time tonight, and a golden opportunity by Silver went for naught as she could not press her early-match advantage into a win. Her best offense was a springboard guillotina that didn’t even net a two count. Molina, though, needed three tries before finally getting his finisher applied—this one right after Greetings from San Juan—and the Delta Division leader keeps his unblemished record for another week.

Lucas Molina (4-0) def. Sterling Silver (2-2) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 8:20.  Rating: **

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 3.87, XP + 484.00, no notable damage

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.00, minor damage to head



ZCYwviV.jpg (5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 432)


 (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-1, OVR 437) IgD64Oj.jpg

This one came within a breath of being a full-on squash match. Gross wasted no time going to the attack, at one point hitting Wassermann with about a dozen rear crossface blows. Surprisingly, he did not go for the submission this week, instead relying on an implant DDT to get the job done. Gross was never in danger—in fact he looked barely winded at all00as he continues to stake his claim for promotion back to the Alpha Division.

Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1) def. Angela Wassermann (1-3) via Pinfall (implant DDT) in 10:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 4.02, XP + 630.80, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.70, minor damage to head



9wxABJw.jpg (3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 442)


 (5) Erick Gibson (1-2, OVR 430) xd5Rq8a.jpglimej5G.jpg

An evenly contested, if otherwise dull, contest in the Gamma Division saw Gibson take an early advantage. However, all of the time he spent in the offseason sitting behind his desk instead of staying in match shape did him in this week, as Rodriguez used his superior conditioning to simply let Gibson wear himself out before applying the Discordant Melody for the submission victory.

Diego Rodriguez (3-1) def. Erick Gibson (1-3) via Submission (Discordant Melody) in 11:29.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.05, XP + 558.34, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.58, minor damage to head



hlph25Q.jpg (2) George Mastachas (3-0, OVR 444)


 (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 430) VfA2MW8.jpg

First match in the top flight this week, and another competitive but not very exciting bout.  Mastachas had an edge, hitting Olympus Rises about nine minutes in, but his follow-up failed miserable and gave Pulsar a chance to fight back. And the luchador did just that, chaining a number of speedy moves in a row before hitting a springboard guillotina. Unlike Sterling Silver earlier in the night, though, he managed to connect enough to score the three off of it, and earn his first win of the season in what has to be considered a mild upset.

Pulsar (1-3) def. George Mastachas (3-1) via Pinfall (springboard guillotina) in 11:59.  Rating: **

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 4.08, XP + 728.63, no notable damage

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.16, minor damage to head



OOiJTFx.jpg (4) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 452)


(6) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 430) p54rf5F.jpg

Barely a breath above a squash, Mitchell left no doubt this week. A pair of Goal Line Stands preceded the (eventual) All Out Blitz. Never mind that Mitchell needed five attempts to hit it. She wasn’t in any danger as she finally put Weathers down and evens her record on the season.

De'siree Mitchell (2-2) def. Big Scott Weathers (2-2) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 13:34.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 4.17, XP + 729.77, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.44, minor damage to head



ha8RmaF.jpg (1) Daniel Simmons (3-0, OVR 454)


(7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 432) ginc2gw.jpg

No maybes about this one, it was a total squash. Simmons dominated the match, as division leaders tend to do, and put Stevens away just after the ten minute mark with a submission. Nothing else really to report here.

Daniel Simmons (4-0) def. Terrance Stevens (0-4) via Submission (Quitting Time) in 10:18.  Rating: *

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 2.81, XP + 577.89, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR -0.86, XP + 144.47, minor damage to head and body



AAdEYyr.jpgZThYhej.jpg (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-0, OVR 454)


 (6) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 431) N0Y594C.jpg

Brought out of squash territory by a flurry of offense late in the contest, Ouilette showed Simmons that he was not about to give up his share of the best record in the division so easily. Granted, he had help from Cecile Corinne, who tripped up Clay leading to the finale, but the record books show a win for Ouilette to remain undefeated, with an unwritten assist to Cecile Corinne.

Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0) def. Markus Clay (1-3) via Pinfall (Fleur de Lis) in 11:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 4.04, XP + 504.81, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.75, minor damage to head



ayWv1C3.jpg (3) Billy Norris (2-1, OVR 448)


(8) Blood River (0-3, OVR 449) T127n44.jpg  dTs8j7q.jpg

This one ended before it really got started. Norris, who is normally one of the speedier wrestlers in The League, seemed outclassed by River and never got out of first gear. The cultist went back to his roots and took out Norris with a high-speed attack, a slingshot legdrop doing the honors as he finally nets his first win in the Beta Division. 

Blood River (1-3) def. Billy Norris (2-2) via Pinfall (slingshot legdrop) in 6:38.  Rating: *

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 2.67, XP + 575.79, no notable damage

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR -0.81, XP + 143.95, no notable damage



iLs7NYn.jpg (5) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 439)


(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 457) TxXkh5U.jpg

Easily the best match of the night in the Alpha Division so far, it still wasn’t up to League MotN standards as it seemed to be a standard wrestling match. Smaller opponent gets early advantage, breaks out her rarely-seen signature, the Hang Over, manages to hit her finisher. Monster gets adrenaline rush, pushes smaller wrestler to brink of defeat, is too gassed out to fend off second finisher, reigning champion wins in the longest yet not most exciting bout of the night.

Brandy McDonald (3-1) def. The Mastodon (1-3) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 20:28.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.56, XP + 734.74, minor damage to head

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR -0.08, XP + 183.68, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



FqeSGy6.jpg (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-0, OVR 452)


(7) Mel O'Hallister (0-3, OVR 447) e8cytyP.jpg

All the pieces were in place for a standard Nuclear squashing of a smaller opponent, especially one who had still not notched his first Alpha Division win yet.  O’Hallister, true to his fashion, proceed to tell Nuclear to pull the other one and took the fight to the Alpha Division leader, putting the larger man in danger early. A low blow into a DDT into his finisher on the first try was enough to keep Templeton down for three, and last season’s Beta Division division champion finally earns his first win in the top division.

Mel O'Hallister (1-3) def. Nuclear Templeton (3-1) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 11:07.  Rating: **

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 4.03, XP + 728.00, no notable damage

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.00, minor damage to head



giFlbJV.jpg (1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-0, OVR 449)


(2) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 482) RdUenQh.jpg

Top two in the Gamma Division clash in our main event, and Nakamatsu had an early advantage that didn’t last. As with so many matches this week, this underwhelmed, and Blackfield spent little time doing things that wouldn’t lead to an eventual victory. The Scotland Destroyer got to make an appearance this week, and the streak moves to 18 straight as Blackfield’s unprecedented run of dominance continues.

Brian Blackfield (4-0) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 9:57.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 3.96, XP + 557.49, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.37, minor damage o head







1.  Nuclear Templeton:  3-1, ATV 13:24, (AMR 2.000), OVR 451.60

2.  George Mastachas:  3-1, ATV 16:36, (AMR 2.250), OVR 443.81

3.  Brandy McDonald:  3-1, ATV 16:40, (AMR 2.000), OVR 461.26

4.  De'siree Mitchell:  2-2, ATV 15:45, (AMR 2.500), OVR 434.35

5.  Big Scott Weathers:  2-2, ATV 18:03, (AMR 2.500), OVR 451.44

6.  Mel O'Hallister:  1-3, ATV 11:07, (AMR 2.500), OVR 450.88

7.  Pulsar:  1-3, ATV 11:59, (AMR 2.250), OVR 434.42

8.  The Mastodon:  1-3, ATV 21:32, (AMR 2.500), OVR 439.00



1.  Daniel Simmons:  4-0, ATV 12:09 (AMR 2.000), OVR 456.76

2.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  4-0, ATV 12:33 (AMR 2.500), OVR 458.08

3.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  3-1, ATV 12:38 (AMR 2.250), OVR 441.07

4.  Billy Norris:  2-2, ATV 12:05 (AMR 1.750), OVR 447.39

5.  Blood River:  1-3, ATV 6:38 (AMR 1.750), OVR 451.94

6.  Angela Wassermann:  1-3, ATV 14:21 (AMR 3.000), OVR 431.94

7.  Markus Clay:  1-3, ATV 11:01 (AMR 2.250), OVR 430.77

8.  Terrance Stevens:  0-4, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 431.30



1.  Brian Blackfield:  4-0, ATV 11:23, (AMR 1.750), OVR 485.93

2.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  3-1, ATV 8:48, (AMR 1.750), OVR 449.11

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  3-1, ATV 10:45, (AMR 2.000), OVR 445.90

4.  Diamond:  3-1, ATV 12:09, (AMR 1.750), OVR 446.16

5.  Jun Onoo:  2-2, ATV 9:07, (AMR 2.000), OVR 442.14

6.  Erick Gibson:  1-3, ATV 5:59, (AMR 1.500), OVR 430.17

7.  El Tornado:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 425.72

8.  Indigo Rose:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.250), OVR 425.46



1.  Lucas Molina:  4-0, ATV 10:00 (AMR 2.250), OVR 417.09

2.  Kichi Hida:  3-1, ATV 9:26 (AMR 2.750), OVR 414.85

3.  Monty Dhillon:  2-2, ATV 10:04 (AMR 2.500), OVR 451.80

4.  Sterling Silver:  2-2, ATV 11:59 (AMR 2.500), OVR 443.88

5.  Christian Priest:  2-2, ATV 12:21 (AMR 3.250), OVR 463.63

6.  Jimmy Anarchy:  1-3, ATV 7:02 (AMR 2.250), OVR 430.99

7.  Lord Robert Abernathy:  1-3, ATV 7:29 (AMR 2.500), OVR 404.99

8.  Devil's Delight:  1-3, ATV 8:29 (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.69



1. Eternal Phoenix: This week: 11. Official Score: 45

2. Croquemitaine: This week: 9. Official Score: 43

3. Derek B: This week: 13. Official Score: 40

4. ShadowedFlames: This week: 9. Official Score: 37

5. SeanMcG: Official Score: 19




CAGE MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461)

(2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451)

(8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439) vs. (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452)

(7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451)


(1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457) vs. (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458)

(6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447)

(7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441)

TABLES MATCH: (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452)


SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446) vs. (4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449)

(7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425)


(4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444) vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452)

(2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415) vs. (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464)

(1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431)



  • Thanks 1
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Eh, don't feel like doing the promo stuff this week.



CAGE MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461)

(2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451)

(8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439) vs. (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452)

(7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451)


(1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457) vs. (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458)

(6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447)

(7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441)

TABLES MATCH: (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452)


SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446) vs. (4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449)

(7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425)


(4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444) vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452)

(2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415) vs. (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464)

(1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431)

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CAGE MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461)

(2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451)

(8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439) vs. (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452)

(7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451)


(1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457) vs. (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458)

(6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447)

(7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441)

TABLES MATCH: (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452)


SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446) vs. (4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449)

(7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425)


(4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444) vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452)

(2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415) vs. (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464)

(1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431)

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Sometime later the mail is opened in The League's office, with a somewhat red stained envelope having nothing more than some names





CAGE MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461)

(2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451)

(8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439) vs. (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452)

(7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451)


(1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457) vs. (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458)

(6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447)

(7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441)

TABLES MATCH: (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452)


SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446) vs. (4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449)

(7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425)


(4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444) vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452)

(2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415) vs. (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464)

(1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431)

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Slightly off topic:

Remember that Tag Team Turmoil happens after Week Seven. Y’all are welcome to pick any GMPC to team with with the exception of Brandy McDonald. Diamond’s already claimed her and are looking to repeat as TTT Champs.

Anyone not paired after Week Seven will be assigned a partner—last season’s if available, otherwise it’ll be at random.


EDIT: Brian Blackfield and Yoshii Nakamatsu have been claimed as well since this post was made.


SECOND EDIT: Reverend Johnny Gross has also been claimed.


THIRD EDIT: Jean-Paul Ouilette has also been claimed.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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CAGE MATCH: (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461)

(2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451)

(8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439) vs. (1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452)

(7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451)


(1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457) vs. (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458)

(6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432) vs. (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447)

(7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441)

TABLES MATCH: (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431) vs. (5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452)


SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446) vs. (4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449)

(7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425)


(4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444) vs. (3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452)

(2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415) vs. (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464)

(1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431)

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 8CXZgHS.jpg (7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-3, OVR 405)


(6) Jimmy Anarchy (1-3, OVR 431) V1I70uc.jpg

The opening contest was surprisingly even, given the skill sets of the two men involved.  Anarchy seemed well-poised to counter any actual wrestling that Abernathy attempted, while His Lordship was able to absorb most of the blows Anarchy could throw at him.  The finish seemed to come out of nowhere, though. Abernathy tried for a second time to hit his Shatterfall spinebuster, but for the second time Anarchy shifted his weight to instead get Abernathy in a pinning predicament, and this time he held on for the full three. Abernathy seemed livid, but the decision would stand and Anarchy earns an unorthodox second win this season.

Jimmy Anarchy (2-3) def. Lord Robert Abernathy (1-4) via Pinfall (countered Shatterfall) in 13:24.  Rating: **

Changes for Jimmy Anarchy:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 486.43, minor damage to head

Changes for Lord Robert Abernathy:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.61, moderate damage to head



wtKjCIc.jpg (1) Lucas Molina (4-0, OVR 417)


(8) Devil's Delight (1-3, OVR 404) 54miFm6.jpgxJrKs53.jpg

Despite being hopelessly outclassed in the technical game—Delight’s a natural aerialist after all, ravages of her life be damned—she managed to give Molina as much as he wanted.  Arguably the highlight of the match was Molina countering Delight’s Hellborne Rising straight into Greetings from San Juan.  Delight would not recover from this, and a couple of minutes later tapped out to the Molina Bodylock. Molina moves to 5-0 and is quietly forming up a season that would make Brian Blackfield look to take notes.

Lucas Molina (5-0) def. Devil's Delight (1-4) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 12:41.  Rating: **

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 486.09, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.52, minor damage to legs



LTFF6jR.jpg (7) El Tornado (0-4, OVR 426)


(8) Indigo Rose (0-4, OVR 425) 2X2r9qf.jpg

This chronicler of events must admit, this was not on his Week Five bingo card.  Rose wins in “a most uncompetitive squash match that went on longer than expected.”  Rose stormed out of the gate, surprising Tornado (who normally sets the pace) and hit her variated DDT to get the pin on the first go of it.

Indigo Rose (1-4) def. El Tornado (0-5) via Pinfall (Blood From a Rose) in 5:27.  Rating: *

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 2.62, XP + 508.76, no notable damage

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR -0.80, XP + 127.19, no notable damage



ginc2gw.jpg (8) Terrance Stevens (0-4, OVR 431)


(5) Blood River (1-3, OVR 452) T127n44.jpgdTs8j7q.jpg

Stevens desperately wanted this win, for obvious reasons. 0-5 is not a start that’s conducive to avoiding relegation.  And for about 9 minutes, Stevens looked like he was going to get it. He had River in trouble, and slid a table into the ring.  He would be made to atone for this act by getting beat down by River long enough to be set on top of the table, and then be put through it with Crimson Regret.River seems to be heating up, winning two straight after starting the season 0-3, and perhaps there is hope for him to stay in Beta at the minimum next season.

Blood River (2-3) def. Terrance Stevens (0-5) via Table Break (Crimson Regret) in 11:59.  Rating: ***

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 5.28, XP + 684.10, minor damage to head

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 0.73, XP + 171.03, no notable damage



N0Y594C.jpg (7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 431)


(3) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-1, OVR 441) IgD64Oj.jpg

The way this one started, you’d never think it was a Match of the Night contender.  Gross dominated the opening minutes and looked to be well on his way to a squash. As he went for a Come to Jesus, though, Clay’s counter of a kick to the knee connected flush with the kneecap of Gross. The result was Gross hobbling for the rest of the match as he barely put any sort of weight on the affected leg (though tests later would show no lingering damage). Three quick minutes later, Clay landed a springboard senton and hooked the good leg. Gross couldn’t get enough oomph with the bad one to break the pin, and Clay steals a win to further his chances in staying in the division!

Markus Clay (2-3) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (3-2) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 10:56.  Rating: ***

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 5.2, XP + 683.39, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 0.72, XP + 170.85, no notable damage



ZCYwviV.jpg (6) Angela Wassermann (1-3, OVR 432)


 (4) Billy Norris (2-2, OVR 447) ayWv1C3.jpg

After two Match of the Night contenders in a row, this was a total letdown.  Norris was never in any sort of danger. A boomerang DDT busted Wassermann open, a spear only got a one count, but the follow-up spear was enough to keep Wassermann down for the pin.

Billy Norris (3-2) def. Angela Wassermann (1-4) via Pinfall (spear) in 8:55.  Rating: *

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 2.76, XP + 577.10, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.84, XP + 144.28, minor damage to head



4ZAKk1I.jpg (2) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 415)


 (5) Christian Priest (2-2, OVR 464) NldKaI4.jpgAOP9il0.jpg

A Match of the Night contender, this one degenerated in the end to both wrestlers throwing bombs at each other and seeing who would get hit the hardest.  Hida was first to go to her ending arsenal, but numerous attempts at Endless Violence came up empty; while Priest failed to land Judgement and his Canonized lariat on a few occasions.  He had no trouble landing Iconoclasm, though, and it was a short while after the second that he finally hit the lariat, and fell on Hida for the three-count and a hard-fought victory. For anyone interested, since I think the summary doesn’t do the ending few minutes any justice, I’m including the full match below but without commentary.



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:10) Priest avoided an Eye Poke.

(00:13) Priest hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(00:17) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(00:17) The referee warned Priest

(00:20) Priest hit a Punch

(00:23) Priest hit a Kick To Gut

(00:27) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:31) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(00:44) Priest hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(00:54) Kichi Hida very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(00:58) Hida hit a Knee Drop

(01:02) Priest fought back against being picked up from behind

(01:14) Priest hit a Forearm Flurry

(01:18) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(01:26) Hida very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(01:30) Hida hit a Face Rake

(01:34) Hida hit a Knee Lift

(01:38) Priest blocked a Women's DDT

(01:44) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(01:48) Priest blocked a Women's DDT

(01:52) Priest broke a Women's DDT

(01:56) Hida blocked a Roundhouse Body Punch

(02:12) Priest hit a Shoulder Breaker

(02:20) Priest hit a Splash

(02:27) Priest used a Face Rub Taunt

(02:36) Priest picked up Hida

(02:41) Hida broke a Stump Piledriver

(02:44) Hida hit a Kick To Gut

(02:53) Hida hit a Punch Flurry

(02:57) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(02:57) The referee warned Hida

(03:03) Hida hit a Roundhouse Punch

(03:06) Hida hit a Punch

(03:11) Priest broke a Women's DDT

(03:21) Hida avoided a Strong Charging Forearm.

(03:26) Priest blocked a Vertical Body Press

(03:32) Hida hit a High Knee

(03:36) Priest broke a Choke Hold

(03:40) Christian Priest is testing Kichi Hida's faith with that chop!

(03:52) Priest hit Seated Knuckle Punches

(03:52) The referee gave Priest a stern warning

(03:56) Hida stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Priest

(03:59) Hida hit a Punch

(04:02) Priest countered a Roundhouse Body Punch with a Punch

(04:14) Priest hit a Double Underhook Powerbomb

(04:22) Priest picked up Hida

(04:36) Christian Priest sends Kichi Hida to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!

(04:41) Hida stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Priest

(04:45) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(04:52) Hida hit a Women's DDT

(05:00) Hida picked up Priest

(05:04) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(05:13) Hida hit a Punch Flurry

(05:18) Priest blocked a Women's DDT

(05:28) Hida hit a Discus Clothesline

(05:33) Priest broke a Headbutt To Groin

(05:45) Priest hit a Hammerlock Powerbomb

(05:53) Priest picked up Hida

(05:57) Hida countered a Judgement with a Face Rake

(06:05) Priest avoided a Low Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(06:08) Hida countered a Double Underhook Powerbomb with a Kick To Gut

(06:12) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(06:17) Priest blocked a Women's DDT

(06:27) Hida hit a Discus Punch

(06:31) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(06:41) Hida picked up Priest

(06:51) Priest avoided a Low Blow.

(06:56) Hida broke a Judgement

(07:02) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(07:12) Hida hit a Discus Punch

(07:26) Hida used a Get Up Taunt

(07:32) Hida hit a Roundhouse Punch

(07:38) Hida hit a High Knee

(07:43) Priest fought back against being picked up

(07:49) Hida countered a Triple Forearm Blow with a Roundhouse Body Punch

(07:53) Priest broke a Women's DDT

(07:57) Christian Priest is testing Kichi Hida's faith with that chop!

(08:10) Priest hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(08:14) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(08:24) Kichi Hida very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(08:32) Priest avoided a Funhouse Stomp.

(08:36) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(08:42) Hida avoided a Forearm Blow.

(08:49) Priest countered an Eternal Violence with a Flapjack

(08:57) Priest picked up Hida

(09:11) Christian Priest sends Kichi Hida to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!

(09:20) Priest picked up Hida

(09:25) Hida slipped out the front of a Double Underhook Powerbomb

(09:29) Hida hit a Face Rake

(09:36) Priest countered a High Knee with a Running Cheating Roll Up

(09:41) Priest got a two count

(09:51) Hida broke a Judgement by falling on top of Priest

(09:56) Hida got a two count

(10:08) Priest countered a Low Blow with a Triple Forearm Blow

(10:13) Hida stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Priest

(10:20) Hida hit a Women's DDT

(10:25) Priest blocked a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(10:44) Hida applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(10:44) The referee gave Hida a stern warning

(10:48) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(10:54) Priest avoided a Funhouse Stomp.

(10:58) Hida countered a Judgement with a Face Rake

(11:06) Priest avoided an Eternal Violence after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(11:15) Hida avoided a Canonized.

(11:21) Priest countered an Eternal Violence with a Roundhouse Body Punch

(11:27) Kichi Hida just got Canonized by the right arm of Christian Priest!

(11:31) *** Priest got a three count on Hida



Christian Priest (3-2) def. Kichi Hida (3-2) via Pinfall (Canonized) in 11:31.  Rating: ***

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 5.24, XP + 525.99, minor damage to head

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 0.73, XP + 131.50, minor damage to head



VfA2MW8.jpg (7) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 434)


(6) Mel O'Hallister (1-3, OVR 451) e8cytyP.jpg

Bob Sinclair: It’s an Alpha Division clash up next for us, as a pair of 1-3 wrestlers face off in what could be an early preview of the race to avoid relegation in a couple months.  Pulsar looks to ground the reigning Beta Division champion, Mel O’Hallister.

Frankie Garnett: Okay, Bob, something I have not been able to figure out here. Why are we having an Alpha Division match in the first half of the  show? Shouldn’t they be, I dunno, at the end?

Bob Sinclair: So you’re saying that Brian Blackfield should be on earlier in the show when he’s you know, currently undefeated in The League?

Frankie Garnett: Yes! It means I can stop caring faster!

Bob Sinclair: And I wonder how you still have a job sometimes. In any case, both men are in the ring and look ready. The bell sounds, and we are underway in this Alpha Division contest!



(00:03) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(00:10) O'Hallister avoided a Knife Edge Chop.

(00:24) O'Hallister applied a Cravate

(00:31) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:35) O'Hallister hit a Stomp

(00:45) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(00:49) O'Hallister broke a Knee Pull

(00:53) O'Hallister hit an Eye Poke

(00:56) O'Hallister hit a Forearm Blow

(01:03) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:23) O'Hallister applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:31) Pulsar got a rope break to stop a Choke Hold

(01:38) O'Hallister applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:45) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:49) O'Hallister hit a Knee Drop

(01:59) Pulsar got a rope break to stop a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(02:04) Pulsar blocked a Jab Punch

(02:14) Pulsar easily avoided a Slap To Chest.

(02:21) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(02:28) Pulsar hit a Knee Pull

(02:38) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:52) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(03:06) O'Hallister applied a Choke Hold

(03:06) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(03:26) O'Hallister applied a Rear Chinlock

(03:30) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop

(03:44) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(03:48) Pulsar broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:55) Pulsar hit a Legsweep Kick

(03:59) Pulsar hit a Guillotina

(04:05) Pulsar picked up O'Hallister

(04:08) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(04:15) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(04:22) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.


Bob Sinclair: Early advantage has to go to O’Hallister at this point. He’s been able to weather anything Pulsar’s thrown at him and give back just as good if not a little more.

Frankie Garnett: And yet you’re always reminding me that wrestling matches are not judged on points, Bob. Being hypocritical much?

Bob Sinclair: Where in that last sentence did I say that there were judges involved? If you’d watch the actual match you’d see O’Hallister has been on offense mor than his opponent!

Frankie Garnett: Bah. Details.



(04:26) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:40) O'Hallister applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(04:47) Pulsar countered a Seated Back Kick with a Legsweep Kick

(04:51) Pulsar hit a Guillotina

(05:01) Pulsar picked up O'Hallister

(05:04) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(05:07) Pulsar hit a Kick To Gut

(05:11) Pulsar hit a Kick To Thigh

(05:18) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(05:38) Pulsar applied a Rear Chinlock

(05:42) Pulsar hit a Knee Drop

(05:51) Pulsar hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(05:55) Pulsar hit a Knee Drop

(06:01) Pulsar picked up O'Hallister

(06:06) O'Hallister blocked a Puñetazo

(06:13) Pulsar hit a Legsweep Kick

(06:17) O'Hallister blocked a Knee Pull

(06:24) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Quebrada.

(06:29) Pulsar broke a Headbutt To Groin

(06:35) Pulsar hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(06:45) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(06:50) Pulsar blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(06:59) Pulsar very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(07:05) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(07:24) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:24) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(07:36) Pulsar countered a Mounted Punch Flurry with a Legsweep Kick

(07:44) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(07:51) O'Hallister hit a Knee Pull

(07:58) Pulsar countered a Mounted Punch Flurry with a Legsweep Kick

(08:05) Pulsar hit a Half Senton

(08:14) O'Hallister avoided a Seated Back Dropkick.

(08:24) Pulsar very easily avoided a Running Knee Lift.

(08:31) O'Hallister countered a Running Knee Lift with a Knee Plant

(08:41) Pulsar very easily avoided a Roundhouse Body Punch.

(08:49) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning Head Scissors

(09:02) Pulsar hit a Running Half Senton

(09:09) Pulsar hit a Half Senton

(09:22) Pulsar hit a Running Half Senton

(09:35) Pulsar hit a Running Senton

(09:42) Pulsar hit a Half Senton

(09:52) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Springboard Senton Bomb.


Frankie Garnett: He got greedy!

Bob Sinclair: Pulsar went high-speed once too often and O’Hallister finally had the timing figured out. Now he needs to claw back into the match and get back the momentum that Pulsar took from him.



(10:06) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(10:10) O'Hallister hit a Measured Knee Drop

(10:21) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(10:25) Pulsar slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(10:30) O'Hallister blocked a Swinging Rope Blast

(10:39) O'Hallister avoided a Swinging Rope Blast.

(10:43) Pulsar countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Kick To Thigh

(10:55) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning DDT

(11:12) Pulsar hit a Slingshot Guillotina

(11:17) Pulsar got a one count

(11:23) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(11:33) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Flying Clothesline

(11:38) Pulsar got a one count

(11:46) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(11:56) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Top Rope Cross Body Press after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.


Bob Sinclair: The third time was not the charm as Pulsar takes to the air one time too often! He landed hard on the mat, and may have cracked a rib!

Frankie Garnett: It’s a known fact that these luchador types have hollow bones, Bob. How else do you explain the ease with which they fly about the ring?

Bob Sinclair:  I cannot believe the sentence I just heard from your mouth, Frankie. Give me a break!



(12:10) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(12:14) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(12:28) O'Hallister applied a Body Scissors

(12:32) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(12:43) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(12:47) O'Hallister hit a Running Knee Drop

(12:58) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(13:05) O'Hallister picked up Pulsar from behind

(13:09) Pulsar blocked a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(13:19) O'Hallister hit a Russian Legsweep

(13:23) Pulsar fought back against being picked up from behind

(13:27) Pulsar hit an European Uppercut

(13:37) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(14:03) Mel O'Hallister looking for the submission here with the Irish Clover!

(14:16) O'Hallister got a near submission

(14:23) O'Hallister hit a DDT

(14:32) O'Hallister picked up Pulsar from behind

(14:42) Mel O'Hallister grabs Pulsar by the head...and a quick move to the mat later, Pulsar experiences the Dream of the Emerald Isle!


Bob Sinclair: This one’s academic, folks—cover, one…two…three!  O’Hallister earns the victory in a war that has the fans in attendance here at The Aerie up on their feet and applauding!

Frankie Garnett: Did they really have to go that hard, Bob?

Bob Sinclair: When every win counts, Frankie, you do what you have to. O’Hallister gives himself some breathing room at the lower end of the division with a much-needed victory tonight!


Mel O'Hallister (2-3) def. Pulsar (1-4) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 14:46.  Rating: ****

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 6.73, XP + 1002.40, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 1.60, XP + 363.10, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1 this season] for Mel O'Hallister, 2 [1 this season] for Pulsar)








va4qjuU.jpg (4) Sterling Silver (2-2, OVR 444)


(3) Monty Dhillon (2-2, OVR 452) vz0qqDp.jpg

Monty Dhillon (3-2) def. Sterling Silver (2-3) via Pinfall (hammerlock powerbomb) in 10:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.98, XP + 484.94, no notable damage

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.23, minor damage to head and body



 zTBxNBX.jpg (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 442)


(2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-1, OVR 449) giFlbJV.jpg

Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-1) def. Jun Onoo (2-3) via Last One Standing (Emperor’s Fall) in 7:35.  Rating: **

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 3.83, XP + 556.19, no notable damage

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.05, minor damage to head



 9wxABJw.jpg (3) Diego Rodriguez (3-1, OVR 446)


(4) Diamond (3-1, OVR 446) 0rDaDU8.jpg

Diego Rodriguez (4-1) def. Diamond (3-2) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 20:16.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 5.89, XP + 610.12, moderate damage to head

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 0.82, XP + 152.53, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body and arms



 iLs7NYn.jpg (8) The Mastodon (1-3, OVR 439)


(1) Nuclear Templeton (3-1, OVR 452) FqeSGy6.jpg

I actually remember the ending to this one, now that I think about it. Mastodon’s Cull the Weak was countered by a Tactical Nuke, then into a Power Surge and then a Radiation Leak for the submission. I mainly recall this because of the one signature counters another spot.

Nuclear Templeton (4-1) def. The Mastodon (1-4) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 12:52.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.13, XP + 729.26, no notable damage

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.32, minor damage to head



hlph25Q.jpg (2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 444)


(5) Big Scott Weathers (2-2, OVR 451) OOiJTFx.jpg

George Mastachas (4-1) def. Big Scott Weathers (2-3) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 16:32.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.34, XP + 731.90, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR -0.08, XP + 182.98, minor damage to head




p54rf5F.jpg (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 434)


(3) Brandy McDonald (3-1, OVR 461) TxXkh5U.jpg

De'siree Mitchell (3-2) def. Brandy McDonald (3-2) via Cage Escape (All Out Blitz) in 16:58.  Rating: ***

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 5.64, XP + 793.23, minor damage to head

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 1.55, XP + 198.31, moderate damage to head



limej5G.jpgxd5Rq8a.jpg (6) Erick Gibson (1-3, OVR 430)


(1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 486) RdUenQh.jpg

This is the one match I do remember the majority of.  By all rights Blackfield should have won this by the ten-minute mark. Gibson was gassed and hadn’t generated much offense. But Gibson had Blackfield’s Highland’s Wrath well-scouted, avoiding it on four occasions and getting enough offense in between attempts that Blackfield found himself in danger as well. After the fifth attempt at the submission finisher failed for Blackfield, Gibson managed to lock in a front guillotine, center of the ring, and somehow keep the grip tight despite being blown up stamina-wise. With realistically a 10% chance to actually get a submission, Gibson managed to make Blackfield pass out before a rope break could happen. (Blackfield rolled a 43 when he needed 102+ to escape.) Erick Gibson will be the answer to the League trivia question of “Who was the first person to score a victory over Brian Blackfield?” and many betting pools were devastated by this result, as hardly anyone expected Erick Gibson to be the one to actually pull off the upset of the year.

Erick Gibson (2-3) def. Brian Blackfield (4-1) via Submission (force submission) in 15:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 4.27, XP + 560.44, minor damage to head

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR -0.08, XP + 140.11, minor damage to head



ha8RmaF.jpg (1) Daniel Simmons (4-0, OVR 457)


(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-0, OVR 458) ZThYhej.jpgAAdEYyr.jpg

Daniel Simmons (5-0) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-1) via Pinfall (Blue Collar Driver) in 15:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 4.30, XP + 633.93, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR -0.08, XP + 158.48, minor damage to head






1.  Nuclear Templeton:  4-1, ATV 13:16, (AMR 2.000), OVR 455.73

2.  George Mastachas:  4-1, ATV 16:35, (AMR 2.200), OVR 448.15

3.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-2, ATV 16:09, (AMR 2.600), OVR 439.99

4.  Brandy McDonald:  3-2, ATV 16:40, (AMR 2.200), OVR 462.81

5.  Mel O'Hallister:  2-3, ATV 12:56, (AMR 2.800), OVR 457.61

6.  Big Scott Weathers:  2-3, ATV 18:03, (AMR 2.400), OVR 451.36

7.  Pulsar:  1-4, ATV 11:59, (AMR 2.600), OVR 436.02

8.  The Mastodon:  1-4, ATV 21:32, (AMR 2.400), OVR 438.93



1.  Daniel Simmons:  5-0, ATV 12:55 (AMR 2.000), OVR 461.06

2.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  4-1, ATV 12:33 (AMR 2.400), OVR 458.00

3.  Billy Norris:  3-2, ATV 11:02 (AMR 1.600), OVR 450.15

4.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  3-2, ATV 12:38 (AMR 2.400), OVR 441.79

5.  Markus Clay:  2-3, ATV 10:58 (AMR 2.400), OVR 435.97

6.  Blood River:  2-3, ATV 9:18 (AMR 2.000), OVR 457.22

7.  Angela Wassermann:  1-4, ATV 14:21 (AMR 2.600), OVR 431.10

8.  Terrance Stevens:  0-5, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.200), OVR 432.03



1.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-1, ATV 8:30, (AMR 1.800), OVR 452.94

2.  Brian Blackfield:  4-1, ATV 11:23, (AMR 1.800), OVR 485.85

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  4-1, ATV 13:08, (AMR 2.200), OVR 451.79

4.  Diamond:  3-2, ATV 12:09, (AMR 2.000), OVR 446.98

5.  Jun Onoo:  2-3, ATV 9:07, (AMR 2.000), OVR 442.07

6.  Erick Gibson:  2-3, ATV 10:38, (AMR 1.600), OVR 434.44

7.  Indigo Rose:  1-4, ATV 5:27, (AMR 1.200), OVR 428.08

8.  El Tornado:  0-5, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.800), OVR 424.92



1.  Lucas Molina:  5-0, ATV 10:32 (AMR 2.200), OVR 421.21

2.  Kichi Hida:  3-2, ATV 9:26 (AMR 2.800), OVR 415.58

3.  Monty Dhillon:  3-2, ATV 10:08 (AMR 2.400), OVR 455.78

4.  Christian Priest:  3-2, ATV 12:04 (AMR 3.200), OVR 468.87

5.  Sterling Silver:  2-3, ATV 11:59 (AMR 2.400), OVR 443.81

6.  Jimmy Anarchy:  2-3, ATV 10:13 (AMR 2.200), OVR 435.15

7.  Lord Robert Abernathy:  1-4, ATV 7:29 (AMR 2.400), OVR 404.92

8.  Devil's Delight:  1-4, ATV 8:29 (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.62



1. Eternal Phoenix: This week: 11. Official Score: 56

2. Croquemitaine: This week: 10. Official Score: 53

3. Derek B: This week: 12. Official Score: 52

4. ShadowedFlames: This week: 7. Official Score: 44

5. SeanMcG: This week: 10.  Official Score: 29




LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Nuclear Templeton (4-1, OVR 456) vs. (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 448)

(6) Big Scott Weathers (2-3, OVR 451) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-2, OVR 463)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Mel O'Hallister (2-3, OVR 458) vs. (8) The Mastodon (1-4, OVR 439)

(3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 440) vs. (7) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 436)


TABLES MATCH: (3) Billy Norris (3-2, OVR 450) vs. (1) Daniel Simmons (5-0, OVR 461)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-1, OVR 458) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-2, OVR 442)

(6) Blood River (2-3, OVR 457) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 431)

(5) Markus Clay (2-3, OVR 436) vs. (8) Terrance Stevens (0-5, OVR 432)


(2) Brian Blackfield (4-1, OVR 486) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (2-3, OVR 442)

TABLES MATCH: (1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-1, OVR 453) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (4-1, OVR 452)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-2, OVR 447) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-4, OVR 428)

(8) El Tornado (0-5, OVR 425) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-3, OVR 434)


(4) Christian Priest (3-2, OVR 469) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (2-3, OVR 444)

(3) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 456) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (2-3, OVR 435)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-4, OVR 405) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (5-0, OVR 421)

(8) Devil's Delight (1-4, OVR 404) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (3-2, OVR 416)


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LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Nuclear Templeton (4-1, OVR 456) vs. (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 448)

(6) Big Scott Weathers (2-3, OVR 451) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-2, OVR 463)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Mel O'Hallister (2-3, OVR 458) vs. (8) The Mastodon (1-4, OVR 439)

(3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 440) vs. (7) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 436)


TABLES MATCH: (3) Billy Norris (3-2, OVR 450) vs. (1) Daniel Simmons (5-0, OVR 461)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-1, OVR 458) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-2, OVR 442)

(6) Blood River (2-3, OVR 457) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 431)

(5) Markus Clay (2-3, OVR 436) vs. (8) Terrance Stevens (0-5, OVR 432)


(2) Brian Blackfield (4-1, OVR 486) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (2-3, OVR 442)

TABLES MATCH: (1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-1, OVR 453) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (4-1, OVR 452)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-2, OVR 447) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-4, OVR 428)

(8) El Tornado (0-5, OVR 425) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-3, OVR 434)


(4) Christian Priest (3-2, OVR 469) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (2-3, OVR 444)

(3) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 456) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (2-3, OVR 435)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-4, OVR 405) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (5-0, OVR 421)

(8) Devil's Delight (1-4, OVR 404) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (3-2, OVR 416)

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Intern Derek's family are out there somewhere, wondering why he hasn't been in touch with them for a while now.  Completely unrelated to that, a mysterious JOhn Doe is in a hospital wrapped in bandages, mumbling to themselves and just saying a bunch of names over and over and over.... The League somehow understands what is happening....




LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Nuclear Templeton (4-1, OVR 456) vs. (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 448)

(6) Big Scott Weathers (2-3, OVR 451) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-2, OVR 463)

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Mel O'Hallister (2-3, OVR 458) vs. (8) The Mastodon (1-4, OVR 439)

(3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 440) vs. (7) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 436)


TABLES MATCH: (3) Billy Norris (3-2, OVR 450) vs. (1) Daniel Simmons (5-0, OVR 461)

(2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (4-1, OVR 458) vs. (4) Reverend Johnny Gross (3-2, OVR 442)

(6) Blood River (2-3, OVR 457) vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (1-4, OVR 431)

(5) Markus Clay (2-3, OVR 436) vs. (8) Terrance Stevens (0-5, OVR 432)


(2) Brian Blackfield (4-1, OVR 486) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (2-3, OVR 442)

TABLES MATCH: (1) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-1, OVR 453) vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (4-1, OVR 452)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-2, OVR 447) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-4, OVR 428)

(8) El Tornado (0-5, OVR 425) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (2-3, OVR 434)


(4) Christian Priest (3-2, OVR 469) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (2-3, OVR 444)

(3) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 456) vs. (6) Jimmy Anarchy (2-3, OVR 435)

(7) Lord Robert Abernathy (1-4, OVR 405) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (5-0, OVR 421)

(8) Devil's Delight (1-4, OVR 404) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (3-2, OVR 416)


As for tag team partners, Nuclear hates tag team partners.... he'll take whoever the highest ranked person is that is left that hasn't beaten him this season and they had better not let him down, OR ELSE!!!

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