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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the WCW Hotline Report! I'm Mean Gene Okerlund and do I have a ton of information to go over!


As was announced on WCW Monday Nitro this week, Nitro will be moving to a 2 hour broadcast beginning this coming week! This is a huge step and shows just how great the Monday night show has become!


There is a new young prospect named Rocky Maivia that has just broken into the wrestling scene. This kid is the son of former wrestler Rocky Johnson and scouts are apparently very high on him. He is yet to be picked up by any promotion, however, but we will keep an eye on where he lands for sure.


Sabu has been released by WCW.


Mae Young, Bob Caudle, and Paul Orndorff have announced their retirement from wrestling. All three have had very successful careers and we wish them all the best!


ECW Heavyweight champion Raven suffered a full elbow MCL rupture during a match this week. He apparently will be out of action for the next 6 months. This is a huge blow for ECW and Raven, who only won the title just last month. The title has since been declared vacant.


It would appear that the WWF is in full blown panic mode, as they have recently resigned several big names to contracts. The British Bulldog, 123 Kid, and Ted DiBiase have all signed new exclusive deals.


Folks, there is an additional huge name in the WWF that is up for contract negotiations. I cannot reveal the name but I can confirm that WCW has reached out to this star and made a contract offer. This would be a huge acquisition for WCW and would be a major, major blow to the World Wrestling Federation!


There was a ton of action on this week's WCW Saturday Night! Hulk Hogan demanded another World Title rematch against the Giant and claimed that he should be the #1 contender after the way the match ended on Monday Nitro. There was no answer from the Giant on Saturday Night and it would be no surprise if there were a confrontation this week on Nitro.


Scott Hall and Kevin Nash had a pre-recorded video where they proclaimed to be taking over WCW and said it was a huge mistake for Sting to get involved in their business. Over the last few weeks, we have seen the WCW Franchise stand up to these two intruders and tension is building heavily each week.


Brian Pillman issued a challenge to Eddie Guerrero for Slamboree in which he stated he wants a straight-up match with no gimmicks involved, just to see who the better man is and who will earn the United States title.


The new tag team champions American Males seem to have their work cut out for them, as a title match has already been set for Slamboree. The Faces of Fear will challenge for the titles at that Pay Per View.


After several weeks of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash attempting to get Diamond Dallas Page to walk beside them, and failing, it seems they've had enough. These interactions have resulted in the WCW fans warming up to DDP and it was full-scale support this weekend as Hall and Nash brutally attacked him. He was stretchered out of the arena as a result of the gang style attack.


In the main event of the night, Eddie Guerrero defended the US title against Arn Anderson. The match resulted in a disqualification as Guerrero was attacked by both Anderson and Brian Pillman. Lex Luger ran in to break up the attack, as he's had his own issues lately with the 4 Horsemen. Here are the results from Saturday Night!


US Title:

Eddie Guerrero (c) def. Arn Anderson by DQ


John Tenta def. The Bootyman


Tag Team Titles:

American Males (c) def. Ricky Santana & Bunkhouse Buck


Television Title:

Scott Steiner def. Lord Steven Regal (c)

by intentional count-out after Regal walked out of the match


Perry Saturn def. Sabu


Kevin Sullivan def. Jerry Sags


Wrath def. Disco Inferno



Here is the line-up for this week's WCW Monday Nitro!


Main Event:

Faces of Fear vs Sting & Lex Luger


Ricky Steamboat vs Earl Robert Eaton


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs Scott Norton


Scott Steiner vs Dean Malenko


World Title:

Wrath vs The Giant (c)


Mike Barton vs Steve Austin

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Week 2, May 1996

LIVE from the New Haven Coliseum - New Haven, CT

Attendance: 11,000 (SELLOUT!)




-Nitro goes straight into a cold opening this week. We're backstage where the Giant is walking, confidently with the world title strapped around his waist. Hulk Hogan comes into the screen, confronting the Giant and causing him to stop to stare at the Hulkster.-


Let me tell ya something, big man! I should be the one with that title strapped around my waist right now! I know it, you know it, and the whole world knows it! You proved to everyone in the entire universe that you're a coward and can't beat Hulk Hogan fair and square, dude!


- The Giant steps closer to Hogan, as the two are mere inches from one another. The Giant looks down at Hogan as Hogan grits his teeth -


See, that's where you're wrong - Hulkster.


You had to beat me! I didn't have to beat you!


And you couldn't beat me, could you? Step to the back of the line and wait your turn for next time, Hogan.


You're nothing but a low down, stinky, scaredy cat! I'm standing right here and I don't see a line, brother! So how about we just settle things right here, right now?!?


- Hogan pushes the Giant which starts the brawl. The two men clobber one another before a flood of officials come into view. The scene fades out and Nitro goes into it's intro video -

Rating: 85



- Nitro finally gets through the intro video and the packed arena is shown, followed by the regular pyro display. Cameras switch to the announce booth where Tony Schiavone welcomes everyone and says tonight is even more exciting than usual, as tonight begins 2 hours of Monday Nitro action! Tony barely finishes that statement before music hits the speakers. He tosses his hands up and looks to his colleagues as "A Man Called Sting" begins to play. The crowd roars even louder to life as Tony tells everyone that Nitro is action packed already! -



- Sting comes out with his best friend Lex Luger. The two make their way to the ring where they make their trademark taunts to the fans, who roar back in approval. The music begins to fade out and the Stinger has a microphone in hand -


Ya know, for the last few weeks, there's been a couple of guys running around here, interrupting matches, interrupting announcers, and just being an overall pain in the rear end!!!!


Well I can speak pretty freely not only for myself, but also for the Total Package here and say that I've hand just about enough of it! So rather than come out here and complain about it, I decided to step up to the plate because I AM WCW, and if anyone's gonna come in here and throw their weight around, they're going to have to deal with the Stinger!


So Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, seeing as there's two of you, I decided to talk to my best friend about it and, well, there's two of us......



So if the two of you want a fight, want a war, then how about you come out here and see how your odds are when you're up against someone your own size?!?!?



- The crowd, as well as the announcers, exclaim surprised joy and excitement. Sting and Luger pace around the ring, motioning for Hall and Nash to come out for a fight. As the time goes on, the crowd get louder and louder, which fires up the two in the ring even more. Finally, after some time, those cheers grow into 11,000 fans going absolutely wild as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash emerge from the curtain just off the side from the stage entrance. -




- Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay say that it appears we're going to have a fight as Hall and Nash slowly work their way to the aisle. Hall wiggles his fingers and pretends to look scared as Nash slowly stalks his way. Sting and Luger are now fully locked onto the two invaders, practically licking their chops in anticipation for a fight. Hall and Nash get about halfway to the ring when they stop and look at one another. Hall gives a motion to forget it while Nash laughs. The two back their way back up the aisle and toward the direction they came from. The crowd, once wild, now turns to heavy boo's as Sting and Luger are left looking on from the ring. Just before Hall and Nash exit back through the side curtain, they both laugh and waive at Sting and Luger, who are still in the ring. -

Rating: 95



Mike Barton vs Steve Austin

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Nitro had taken a quick commercial break and on return, holds its first match of the night. Austin was all business tonight as he entered the ring and went straight after the former Bart Gunn. It was a brawl the entire match, though Barton did an actually pretty great job at keeping up with Austin. Steve Austin caught Barton with a Stun Gun but rather than go for the pin, he picked Barton up and hit his new finish - The Stunner - for the pin at 7:24.

Winner: Steve Austin

Rating: 75




- Lex Luger is backstage walking through a hallway. He seems to still be a bit fired up from the earlier confrontation, or lack of, when he is suddenly attacked from behind -



- The Enforcer lays the boots in on a downed Luger, who never had a chance since being caught off guard. Lex is trying to get to his feet, but is sent back down to the cold concrete each time. After a few moments, officials, who are already earning their money tonight, rush into the scene to try and restore some order. Anderson is shoved off while the other half check on Luger as the segment closes out. -

Rating: 84



World Title:

Wrath vs The Giant (c)

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Some might have been surprised to see Wrath get a world title opportunity, but Mike Tenay explains that Wrath has been a formidable competitor on Saturday Night and Main Event programming for the last few months. WCW officials are reportedly very high on Wrath and think he has huge amounts of untapped potential. Heenan thinks tonight is now his "put up or shut up" time for Wrath to show what he's made of. People also are quick to forget about Wrath's size until he measured up to the Giant at the beginning of the match. It was never going to be an outright technical match, but both did a good job of bringing exciting brawling to the match. The Giant won the match at 9:57 with a Chokeslam.

Winner: The Giant

Rating: 71




We're backstage to a promo segment with Diamond Dallas Page. During his promo, he talks about Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. While he's speaking, the camera feed changes to footage from this past weekend's Saturday Night broadcast, where Hall and Nash are seen brutally beating DDP, which results in he leaving on a stretcher and ambulance. DDP says he's known Hall and Nash for years, even getting them their breaks in WCW years before and making them part of the Diamond Mine. DDP says he tried to stay out of Hall and Nash's way when they returned to WCW and let them do their own thing. Due to their past and traveling together and being friends, DDP didn't want to interfere, but then they decided to brutally beat him down on Saturday Night. DDP says they made an enemy that didn't need to be one, but you can't change the past. The only thing you can do is look to the future, and the future shows a Diamond Cutter waiting for Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.

Rating: 70



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- Nitro is back after another commercial and cameras are once again backstage where an all-out brawl has erupted between the Dungeon of Doom and the Nasty Boys. The announcers reflect that all hell has broken loose tonight and fights are taking place all over the arena. Tension has been high between the two teams after the Nasty Boys had injured fellow Doomer - Meng in a match. Cameras leave the backstage area as the two teams continue to fight and we're back out in the arena for the next match. -

Rating: 58



Scott Steiner vs Dean Malenko

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As unfortunate as the Rick Steiner injury was, Tony, Bobby, and Mike all think it could have been a hidden blessing for Scott, as he's wanted to branch out into his singles career for quite some time. Now is the perfect chance as both these men are going after the Television title. It was a competitive matchup but Scott Steiner's size proved to be too much for Malenko. Scott Steiner put him away at 13:22 with his very impressive Steiner Screwdriver for the pin.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Rating: 71




- Following the match and as Steiner celebrates his win, Mean Gene Okerlund steps inside the ring to meet Steiner for a post-match interview. Steiner takes a moment to raise his arms out at the fans as Mean Gene gets down to his questions. -


Scott Steiner, a most impressive win here tonight on Nitro! This past weekend on Saturday Night, you challenged Television champion Lord Steven Regal in a match for that title, only for him to walk out. You won the match by count-out, but you did not win the title...


Mean Gene, I want to take a second to wish my brother a fast recovery and you can bet that when he comes back, the Steiner brothers are gonna once again take over the tag team division! Until that time, I'm going to do whatever I can to get my hands on as many singles titles as possible, and that's starting with Steve Regal and the Television title!


Regal, you're nothing but a coward! You knew you were beat on Saturday Night, and that's why you walked outta the match! Well Regal, things ain't finished between us, and I want another shot at that title, and I want it at Slamboree!!! You can't run and hide and avoid me forever, and I got news for ya, the result at Slamboree is gonna be me as the new Television champion!

Rating: 87



 - After another quick commercial break, Mean Gene is now standing at the base of the ramp entrance, welcoming everyone back to Monday Nitro. Gene says he has another guest at this time, as he announces the United States Champion Eddie Guerrero! -



 - Eddie walks out to a decent reaction from the crowd and Gene starts the interview. He says that on Saturday Night, Brian Pillman issued a challenge to Guerrero for Slamboree, but in an odd request, he said he just wanted a straight match between the two just to see who the better competitor is. Eddie laughs and says he might have been born, but he wasn't born yesterday and he won't be falling for any of Brian Pillman or the 4 Horseman's tricks. Eddie says that the last thing Pillman wants is a straight up match with Eddie Guerrero, because he would lose. Eddie says he has no problem facing Brian Pillman at Slamboree and even doesn't mind putting the US title on the line, but he says it won't be just a simple 1vs1 match. Eddie says the match at Slamboree will be a ladder match! -

Rating: 91



Scott Norton vs Jim Duggan

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Duggan got his usual "USA" chants going which livened up the crowd, despite Scott Norton also being from the USA. Scott Norton had a convincingly dominating performance in this match, but those watching would have been shocked to see that Duggan actually had a slightly better performance than Flash Norton. In any case, Norton picked up the win with his Shoulder Breaker at 7:01.

Winner: Scott Norton

Rating: 60



Earl Robert Eaton vs Ricky Steamboat

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The announcers made light that this was Ricky Steamboat's first appearance on WCW programming since Uncensored, surprisingly enough. Steamboat showed great skill in the ring once again, in any case while Earl Robert was sadly, sadly, not keeping up. The match went a solid 13:59 which, thanks to Steamboat, was acceptable. The Dragon got the win with his beauty of a Flying Crossbody.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 73




- No sooner did the bell ring when Steve Austin hit the ring and wasted no time jumping Ricky Steamboat. A brawl ensued between the two wrestlers which found Steamboat gaining the upper hand, sending Austin flying over the top rope after a trademark chop to Austin. A furious Steve Austin retreated up the aisle and toward the back, giving Steamboat a mouthful the entire time. -

Rating: 83



Sting & Lex Luger vs Faces of Fear

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If there were two guys to rank close to Meng on the Meng-Manly-Meter, it would be Sting and Lex Luger. While this wasn't the best rated match on the show, it was definitely the loudest from the crowd. The Faces of Fear proved to be no slouches when it came to competing with the two well-known stars of WCW. The announcers also speculated if Scott Hall and Kevin Nash would be making another appearance in this match to distract Sting or Luger. This did not turn out to be the case though and ended up being a very competitive match between two teams, both proving to be worthy title contenders. The match went an impressive 16:26 and saw the known spot in the match where Sting hit a Stinger Splash on Meng while Luger got the Barbarian up in the Torture Rack for the win.

Winners: Sting & Luger

Rating: 70



Final Show Rating: 79



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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the WCW Hotline Report! I'm Mean Gene Okerlund giving you all of the latest news and rumors in the wrestling world!


There isn't much news to go through this week, but here are some highlights!


The WWF held their "In Your House" event over the weekend. The British Bulldog established himself as the WWF Champion by defeating Shawn Michaels in the main event. The only other notable match on that show was Bret Hart defeating Warrior which was rated by critics as a 99/100.


Terri Runnels, known to WCW fans as Alexandra York and married to former WCW wrestler Dustin Rhodes, is away on maternity leave. We wish her a healthy and happy leave.


The Ultimo Dragon has signed an exclusive contract with All Japan Pro Wrestling. WCW had made attempts at signing him, however, AJPW had won out during negotiations after WCW did not want to match what All Japan had offered.


In rather devastating news, young wrestler Chris Jericho, who is under exclusive contract with Mexican promotion CMLL, sustained a C7 Cervical Spinal Cord Compression and is expected to be out of action for over the next year. He suffered the injury during a match when going for his Lionsault and landing badly. This is devastating not only for Chris Jericho, but also CMLL, as he was a featured star in their promotion and just signed a new exclusive extension in November 1995. This means Jericho will barely be available for the duration of his contract.


There were quite a few developments at WCW Saturday Night over the weekend. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash again attacked Diamond Dallas Page. 


In a promo, Lex Luger stated that Slamboree would mark the final chapter in the on-going feud between Lex Luger and Arn Anderson, stating there are bigger problems ahead for WCW than Lex Luger vs the 4 Horsemen.


In other big news, the Nature Boy Ric Flair made a challenge to the Giant at Slamboree for the world title, which was accepted by the champion. 


For the last bit of news this week, I have received word through a confidential informant that a big name in WCW could be going on leave very soon! How will this impact WCW? Make sure to not miss out on further Hotline Reports!


Here are the results from this weekend's WCW Saturday Night as well as the card for the upcoming Monday Nitro!


Brian Pillman & Steve Austin def. Brad Armstrong & Mike Barton


Big Bubba Rogers def. Fit Finlay


Faces of Fear def. The Bootyman & Scott Armstrong


Lex Luger def. Sgt. Craig Pittman


Scott Steiner def. Earl Robert Eaton


Wrath def. Mr. JL


Perry Saturn def. Ricky Santana 



WCW Monday Nitro

Week 3, May 1996


Diamond Dallas Page vs Lex Luger


Arn Anderson vs Brad Armstrong


Tag Team Titles:

Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton) vs American Males (c)


Sting vs John Tenta


Dungeon of Doom (Rogers & Sullivan) vs Lance Storm & Scott Armstrong


Alex Wright vs Steve Austin


Ice Train & Tom Brandi vs Faces of Fear


Ricky Steamboat vs Dean Malenko

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 3, May 1996


Diamond Dallas Page vs Lex Luger


Arn Anderson vs Brad Armstrong


Tag Team Titles:

Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton) vs American Males (c)


Sting vs John Tenta


Dungeon of Doom (Rogers & Sullivan) vs Lance Storm & Scott Armstrong


Alex Wright vs Steve Austin


Ice Train & Tom Brandi vs Faces of Fear


Ricky Steamboat vs Dean Malenko

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Diamond Dallas Page vs Lex Luger

Arn Anderson vs Brad Armstrong

Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton) vs American Males (c)

Sting vs John Tenta

Dungeon of Doom (Rogers & Sullivan) vs Lance Storm & Scott Armstrong

Alex Wright vs Steve Austin

Ice Train & Tom Brandi vs Faces of Fear

Ricky Steamboat vs Dean Malenko

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Week 3, May 1996

LIVE from Trump Plaza - Tri State

Attendance: 16,407


Nitro kicks off this week with much fan fare! Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes welcome everyone this week as Tony says we are now less than 2 weeks away from Slamboree and that it is already shaping up to be a huge event! Every WCW title will be defended and Dusty thinks by sheer statistics, that means at least one title will change hands. Heenan says that Ric Flair is challenging the Giant for the world championship, though Hulk Hogan is sure to have something to say about that. Tony confirms that Hulk Hogan is in the building tonight and he agrees with The Brain, as Hogan has made claim to that title for the last several months. Tony also says that the "hostile takeover," as it's been referred to by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, also now referred to as the "Outsiders" appears to be rapidly heating up, as it has gotten the attention of Sting. There's a lot of action that's going to take place during 2 hours of Nitro, but first we're going to the first match of the night!



Ricky Steamboat vs Dean Malenko

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The crowd was excited for this match as both were eager to showcase their skill. Malenko hung with Steamboat quite well during the match but in the end, The Dragon's experience was able to hold the edge. Steamboat got the pin fall victory at 10:11 with a flying cross body.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 71




Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday night and things are heating up quickly! They're going to heat up even more with my next guest as he's trying to regain the United States championship at Slamboree! Join me in welcoming, a member of the 4 Horsemen, Brian Pillman!



- Pillman walks out alone as he heads toward Mean Gene, who awaits inside the middle of the ring. Pillman taunts some fans along the way but for the most part, seems focused here tonight as Gene gets his questions underway. -


Mr. Pillman, in just less than two weeks from now, you will have the opportunity to regain the United States championship as you take on Eddie Guerrero. The two of you have had quite the conflict as of late and it IS official, you two will compete in a ladder match!


Pillman: Mean Gene, I tried to challenge to just a one on one, straight up match between myself and Eddie Guerrero. As you mentioned, the two of us have gone through quite the battle with one another, and frankly, I've had enough of it! All I wanted was a chance to prove myself, prove my skill against an incredible performer like Eddie Guerrero. What happened Gene??? He doubted my sincerity! He doubted my integrity! He doubted ME, as a person! Gene, I just wanted a straight match between us to determine the best competitor. What did I get?? A completely different kind of match!


I asked for no gimmicks, and that's what Eddie Guerrero gave us all! He proved right then and there that he isn't a top competitor in WCW! He proved right there that he's not as good as me! He proved right there that he's afraid to face me in a straight match! That told me everything I needed to know about Eddie Guerrero - United States champion!


That's fine, because in less than two weeks time, Mean Gene Okerlund, it isn't going to be Eddie Guerrero - US Champion any longer. It's going to be Brian Pillman - United States champion and member of the 4 Horsemen!

Rating: 82




- After returning from a commercial break, we're in the backstage area where Lex Luger is seen arriving to the arena. Luger, with his bag slung over his shoulder, walks through the backstage area before he is stopped by something taking his attention. -




Well, well...


If it ain't big man Flexy Lexy.....You know, in the last coupla weeks, you've had a lot to say about me and my friend. You've been running around with that painted freak talking a lot of smack. You need to take a step back and realize, you don't have to join the same fight your buddy Sting is causing. It doesn't have to be your battle too, my man.


Luger: If you think for one second that I'm going to leave my best friend out to dry while two bullies like you try and push your way around WCW, then you've been chewing on too many toothpicks! There aren't two bigger WCW guys than myself and the Stinger, and you'll find out you're barking up the wrong tree!


Ok, ok....Suit yourself.



- Nash walks into the picture and just burns a hole through Luger with his glare. -


Don't say we didn't warn ya....You want to get in our business???



It's your funeral.

Rating: 100



Tom Brandi & Ice Train vs Faces of Fear

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While Ice Train has some pretty solid tag team experience, this was, by no means, a competitive match. In fact, this was more liken to a modern day gladiator match, seeing two sacrificial lambs get decimated by untamed beasts. Ice Train had a dreadful performance and the Faces of Fear easily won this at 6:42 with a Tongan Death Grip.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 50




Oh yeah baby....It's Saturday Wright Fever here to bring you great big German Bratwurst from Das Wunderkind!


- Que cheesy music followed by -


Oh, big bratwurst!


Alex Wright vs Steve Austin

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Alex Wright danced his way onto Nitro this week, unfortunately though, his opponent wasn't in the mood for dancing. Austin brought back his old "Dragon Slayer" tights that he had during his last feud with Ricky Steamboat and made pretty quick work of Das Wunderkind. Austin got the win at 7:49 after hitting a Stunner.

Winner: Steve Austin

Rating: 71



Dungeon of Doom vs Lance Storm & Scott Armstrong

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While Lance Storm certainly showcased some great talent, I don't think there was a shred of possibility that the Dungeon was going to lose this match. The story of this match centered around the brutality of the Dungeon of Doom and their goal of tearing apart the Nasty Boys at Slamboree. Sullivan got the win at 6:19 after a Double Stomp to Scott Armstrong.

Winners: Dungeon of Doom

Rating: 57




Scott Steiner is backstage for an interview in which he tells Steven Regal to get the Television title all shined up nice for him because he's going to take it from him at Slamboree.

Rating: 75



Sting vs John Tenta

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On paper, this doesn't seem like a very exciting match. In reality, and not completely all due to Sting, this match delivered on nearly all cylinders. Sting always delivers the crowd, but Tenta played the job of the mean monster perfectly. Whenever Sting would begin to mount an offense, Tenta would crash it all back down to reality with his size. Sting utilized his quickness, and Tenta would slow it back down like Sting hit a roadblock. The match was similar to how things went with the Giant, but Tenta isn't nearly as large. Sting was able to catch Tenta off the top rope with a Stinger Splash for the win at 9:51.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 80



Tag Team Titles:

Blue Bloods (Eaton & Taylor) vs American Males (c)

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The American Males wanted to show everyone that they're no fluke of champions. Similarly, the Blue Bloods wanted to show that they are legitimate contenders. This creates an issue when only one team can emerge victorious. When it all came down to it, the American Males displayed much better team experience and team work to come away with the win and a successful title defense at 7:59.

Winners: American Males

Rating: 60




- Mean Gene is backstage this time for another interview segment. He welcomes fans back from a commercial break and brings in Arn Anderson




A quick recap video is shown of Lex Luger's interview this past weekend on WCW Saturday Night where Luger says Slamboree will be the final chapter between Double A and the Total Package, as WCW has a looming storm headed its way. -


Arn Anderson, that was Lex Luger over the weekend on Saturday Night. He seems to think WCW has bigger problems on the horizon by way of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. What do you have to say about that?


What I've got to say? It's real simple, Gene. See, it ain't just as easy as saying "it's over." Anytime you're dealing with me or the 4 Horsemen. Lex Luger can say it's over all he wants, but the fact of the matter is this; Lex Luger, the Horsemen don't, and I don't, just go along with whatever you say we do....Or anyone else for that matter. When you decide to take on one Horseman, you take us all on. When you decide to get that target on your back, it's gonna stay there until each and every member of the Horsemen get to the point where they've had enough. Bottom line, Luger, it's over whenever I say it's over! So at Slamboree, maybe it will, maybe it won't.....It just depends.

Rating: 81



Arn Anderson vs Brad Armstrong

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This was another example of what doesn't look too exciting on paper translates into a much better result in reality. While Arn Anderson certainly had a lot to do with it, Brad Armstrong has shown over the last several weeks that he's no slouch in the ring, either. While Armstrong has done what he can to become a contender in WCW, it seems he always runs into key matchups like this one that derails him. It was a solid match but Anderson had too much momentum going his way. The Enforcer picked up the win at 11:06 with a Spinebuster.

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 80




- Nitro returns from its final commercial break to find Mean Gene Okerlund once again standing in the center of the ring. He introduces his final guest of the night, a man known around the world, a man who has sought after reclaiming the World Championship ever since World War 3, a man who seems to always get looked past contending for that title; 






The Hulkster comes out to a wave of red and yellow screaming fans as he makes his way to the ring. He does all of his typical Hogan taunts to the crowd and when he climbs in the ring, he cups his ear to all sides of the ring. The music fades out and Hogan takes his typical spot next to Mean Gene. -


Hulk Hogan, two weeks ago on this program, you took on WCW World Champion the Giant for that world title. That match ended in disqualification and you challenged him the following Saturday Night. Last week, the two of you again had a confrontation and all signs pointed to the two of you facing each other at Slamboree. You have made your intentions clear ever since World War 3 that you wanted to get the world title back. Then abruptly this past weekend on Saturday Night, the Nature Boy Ric Flair challenged the Giant to Slamboree which was accepted. That match has officially been signed to take place. Hulk Hogan, you must be furious! What do you have to do to get that title back???


Well ya know something, Mean Gene?!?!? As far as the world title goes, brother, that was my doing! Everybody knows that Hulk Hogan wants the World title back, and I was this *Motions with fingers* close to getting it back, dude! I wanted to take on the Giant and I wanted to chop him down like a big redwood tree, brother!


But something just didn't feel right.  I knew Ric Flair wanted to take on the Giant, and I gave him my blessing.


What??? You told Ric Flair to face the Giant? Why would you do that??


It's simple, Mean Gene. Ever since my war was fought against the Macho Man, something just didn't sit well with me, brother. The Macho Man and I have been through hell and back. We've put each other through so much unnecessary pain an agony, and it seemed to be never ending. Well it did end, Mean Gene. It ended at Spring Stampede along with the Macho Man's career. I'm not proud of it, Mean Gene. I'm not out here to brag about it, I'm not here to celebrate. It's been eating away at me like a bad disease! I can sleep at night, I can barely eat anything, I can't train the way I need to train, brother! The fact of the matter is that Hulk Hogan is in no right state of mind to challenge for the world title, dude. Ever since Spring Stampede, I've tried to contact the Macho Man. I've called him, I've written him letters, I've even stopped by his house. He refuses to talk to me, Gene. So what Hulk Hogan is going to do....What Hulk Hogan NEEDS to do, brother, is take some time away to get my head straight. I need to step away and try and reconcile with the Macho Man. I can't do that if I'm here every single week or challenging for the world title. I need to do the right thing, Mean Gene, and until then, Hulk Hogan won't be able to function the way I need to function....

Rating: 100



Diamond Dallas Page vs Lex Luger

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Both men spent some time at the beginning of the match feeling each other out. The announcers made the point that Diamond Dallas Page is no doubt feeling the effects of being brutally attacked by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash two weeks in a row at Saturday Night. They have attempted to have DDP join them, only to be denied. Luger ended up targeting the weakened back of Page, which firmly put him in control of the match. DDP did his best to mount an offense, but it wasn't enough against the established star. Luger got Page up in the Torture Rack and secured the submission win at 8:29.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 72



Final Show Rating: 80

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Week 4, May 1996

LIVE from the CoreStates Spectrum - Tri State

Attendance: 13,338


- Monday Nitro opens this week with their full on display of fireworks followed by the arena shots of the rowdy crowd. Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay welcome everyone as they recap Nitro from last week, highlighted by Hulk Hogan. Tony reminds everyone that Hulk Hogan stated he is taking time away from WCW to get his head on right after ending the career of the Macho Man Randy Savage, even saying he's going to try and reconcile with the Macho Man. He also reminds fans that Hulk Hogan claimed to give Ric Flair his blessing to go after The Giant and the World Heavyweight Championship. Bobby Heenan, always the Hogan cynic, says that Hulk Hogan is so anti-charity makes his donations in IOU's. He says Hogan doesn't have a sincere bone in his body and thinks he's setting up the Nature Boy. Tony tells us that Nitro is kicking things off right away this week with in-ring action! -


Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn

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The crowd were really into this opening match which featured two guys who really complimented each other's abilities. Mike Tenay said that while Saturn isn't well-known throughout the country, he is quite known in the Tri-State area as he's wrestled here for a few years. The hometown crowd was firmly behind Saturn, much to Malenko's displeasure. This caused the Man of 1,000's holds to get uncharacteristically aggressive in the ring. It worked to his benefit, apparently, as he caught Saturn in the Texas Cloverleaf and got the submission win at 12:11.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 74




- After a quick recap from this weekend's WCW Saturday Night where DDP had rather unpleasant things to say about Kevin Nash and where Ric Flair and the Horsemen proclaimed to be unworried about Sting or the Outsiders and are instead focused on Slamboree, we go backstage where Lex Luger is arriving to the arena. Luger heads inside the backstage area with his bag slung over his shoulder. 



Luger is suddenly attacked from the side by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Both Luger and his bag drop to the ground as the Outsiders, now labeled by commentary, start the attack. Tenay reminds fans that they have repeatedly been attacking Diamond Dallas Page the last couple of weeks on Saturday Night and after several confrontations with Sting and now Luger, it looks like their assaults will be appearing on Nitro as well. As the Outsiders continue their beat down, it is suddenly interrupted as another person runs in....




Diamond Dallas Page, to the announcers shock, runs in and chases Hall and Nash off. The Outsiders retreat off camera while DDP remains standing by the fallen Luger and yells at them. He leans down to check on Luger as Nitro goes to commercial break. -

Rating: 83



Hugh Morrus vs Mike Barton

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Following the commercial, Nitro's back in the ring for the next segment. This match didn't have nearly the reaction that the opening match had, though it did feature some solid brawling. Most would assume that Hugh Morrus would easily run away with this match, but in an impressive moment, Morrus went for a superplex only to get pushed off the top. Morrus crashed down and Barton then hit a Flying Headbutt at 9:52 for the pin fall victory. Mike Tenay added that Barton is one of several making a run for the Television title. We'll see if his momentum can continue.

Winner: Mike Barton

Rating: 59



Billy Kidman vs Scott Norton

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Nitro is very match-oriented to start this week, Tony Schiavone tells fans, unlike the WWF who has very boring promo's and interviews. He tells fans not to bother switching the channel because Raw's main event tonight between 123 Kid and Jeff Jarrett ends in disqualification. Mike Tenay tells fans that Scott Norton is another person gunning for the TV title, who's point is emphasized a moment later when he hits Kidman with a thunderous PowerBomb, getting the win at 7:08.

Winner: Scott Norton

Rating: 42




- The World's Favorite Announcer is backstage and ready to start an interview. Mean Gene hypes up Nitro thus far and says his next guests look to Slamboree to take on the Nasty Boys, in what's now confirmed to be a Street Fight. Last month at Spring Stampede, they had a Dungeon Match, and this month a Street Fight (Not much different other than name) as he welcomes in Big Bubba Rogers and Kevin Sullivan.


The Dungeon duo hype up what they're going to do to the Nasty Boys. Predictably, they're going to rip them limb from limb and regret that they ever injured one of their brethren, Meng. They predict that the Nasty Boys will cease to exist at Slamboree -

Rating: 64



John Tenta vs Mr. JL

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John Tenta is another wrestler that Mike Tenay claimed to be making a run at the Television title. There seem to be several competitors within WCW going after that title and Heenan thinks it's good for the overall undercard of WCW. "Not everyone can be world heavyweight champion" the Brain says. The match went longer than expected, but it was more due to Tenta toying with Mr. JL rather than it being a competitive match. Tenta got the win at 8:06 with an Earthquake Splash.

Winner: John Tenta

Rating: 49





- Backstage promo time with the Faces of Fear (feat. Jimmy Hart). Jimmy Hart does the talking here while Meng and the Barbarian stand behind him looking menacingly. Hart says that the tag team titles are coming home to the Faces of Fear and that the American Males need to be ready to look fear straight in the eyes because this Sunday will be a slaughter! -

Rating: 70



Wrath vs Ricky Steamboat

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This was another match that the crowd was firmly in to which mostly had to do with Ricky Steamboat. Bobby Heenan did suggest that Wrath could have a bright future, however, as he went toe to toe with the Dragon and wasn't intimidated by the veteran. Mike Tenay also suggests that Wrath could become a big player in the battle for the Television title. Wrath had an impressive showing, but in the end he couldn't defeat the Dragon, who's heading into Slamboree with a ton of momentum! Steamboat hit the cross body at 9:07 for the win.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 78



- The bell sounds and while Steamboat is getting his arm raised, Steve Austin slides in the ring and attacks. If the crowd was loud before, they're really loud now as an all-out brawl starts in the ring. Forearms and clubbing blows result from both Steamboat and Austin as they tangle up with each other. They make their way to all four corners, scratching, clawing, punching each other with neither man slowing down. Officials hit the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans who want to see these two go at it. Nitro fades to a commercial as officials try desperately to separate the two. -

Rating: 88




- Nitro returns from a commercial to the backstage locker room of Sting (or Luger). Luger is sitting down and icing the back of his neck while the Stinger is pacing around. It's clear that Sting is ready to get his hands on the Outsiders and the two discuss the attack earlier in the night. Sting says that he's had it and that Diamond Dallas Page happened to be in the right place at the right time. Lex Luger says it was nice that he intervened but he does have a long history with Hall and Nash. Sting thinks that they should have DDP join them in their defense of WCW. Lex Luger remains more on the fence, not knowing if DDP can be trusted. He suggests that DDP has shown some really bad tendencies not so long ago. Sting says that Lex Luger's no saint either and sometimes it takes a beating to know what's really important. The two continue to discuss whether or not DDP can be counted on as the scene fades out. -

Rating: 100



Blue Bloods (Earl Robert Eaton & Lord Steven Regal) vs Scott Steiner & Brad Armstrong

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While the team of Steiner and Armstrong may have been an odd pairing, their solid work inside the ring was not. Steven Regal spent the majority of the match avoiding Scott Steiner. During the match, a split screen of an interview from Saturday Night with Regal was played. He called Steiner the "bottom of the barrel" and didn't think he should spend his time having to defend the title against the likes of him. Steiner did finally get his hands on Regal at the end of the match, though Regal pulled some brass knuckles from his tights and knocked Steiner out. The Blue Bloods got the pin fall win at 11:44.

Winners: Blue Bloods

Rating: 72




- Up next, we hear a promo from the 4 Horsemen, who are backstage. The Enforcer looks as intense as ever, Ric Flair is all smiles and flashing the Horsemen sign, Brian Pillman laughs like a maniac, and Steve Austin stares intently into the camera with his eyes. Some might even refer to Austin as looking stone cold into the camera. The Enforcer starts off the promo. -


You know, for the past several weeks, the Horsemen and myself have had quite the issue with Lex Luger. Luger, it's true that we might have been through hell and back, and just when you know you're in my sights, you say that things are over between you and the Horsemen. Well you just might want to reconsider your plans post Slamboree, Luger, because like I said a couple weeks before, you don't just "say it's over" with the Horsemen and then clean your hands of it. There aren't bigger and more important issues going on in WCW that are larger than the 3 other men standing beside me! You think a couple of guys like Scott Hall and Kevin Nash come into WCW, say a few mean words, throw a few loose insults out causes a commotion??? Son, the 4 Horsemen have been around the block more times than Hall and Nash could even dream about. We've caused more damage, more carnage, than they can even fathom. As a matter of fact, an entire match called War Games was created just because of the Horsemen. Slamboree, Luger, won't be the end of our interaction, I can promise you that. If and when the time comes that we need to pay attention to Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, then it'll be the Horsemen that take care of that side problem.


Austin: Well see, that's just the thing Double A.....The Horsemen don't back down from anybody, and I sure as hell aren't afraid of Scott Hall or Kevin Nash. I ain't afraid, but I also don't really have a problem with the two of em, either. So until the day comes when they want to take issue with the Horsemen, I see no reason to get all twisted up about them beating up Sting or Lex Luger! My focus is on, and only on taking out Ricky Steamboat at Slamboree! After I'm through with him, my attention's going to be on getting ahold of some kind of gold here in WCW! I don't care what Scott Hall and Kevin Nash do because the only thing that matters in WCW is the Horsemen!


Pillman: I couldn't agree more, Steve! The Horsemen are the pinnacle of WCW and people can forget about anything else! Scott Hall and Kevin Nash aren't the Horsemen's problem. Eddie Guerrero and the United States title IS my problem! One thing is for certain though, and that's after Slamboree, the Horsemen are going to be about 50 pounds heavier after I win the US title and Ric Flair wins the world championship!!!!


Flair: Just when I didn't think things could look any better for the Horsemen, Slamboree is shaping up to be nothing other than the Horsemen's night! Double A is going to deal with Flexy Lexy. Brian Pillman's going to be the new United States champion!! Steve Austin's going to get rid of Steamboat, and Ric Flair's going to be the new worlds heavyweight champion!! Hulk Hogan had the gall to say on Nitro that he gave me the blessing to challenge for the title?!?!? Gave ME the BLESSING!?!? Let me tell everyone something right now, Ric Flair doesn't need the blessing of anyone to go after anything, especially the world heavyweight title! Hogan just thinks by saying that, he's gonna be first in line to go after the Nature Boy and the world title! I don't need your blessing, Hogan, and I don't need your acknowledgment! After I win the world title, you want to take on the Nature Boy??? Be my guest, but the fact of the matter remains, this Sunday, you're gonna be looking at a new heavyweight champion of the world!


Rating: 100



World Title:

Jim Duggan vs The Giant (c)

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Try as he might, Hacksaw Jim Duggan did his best to bring a challenge to the Giant, it just looked near impossible. The match resembled more of Duggan fighting a brick wall, because anything he tried stopped him in his tracks. Duggan tried running off the ropes for a shoulder block - Denied. Duggan tried running off the ropes for a clothesline - Denied. Duggan tried slamming the Giant - Denied...A clubbing blow to Duggan's back ended that venture. With Duggan on the mat, the Giant simply stepped on and over Duggan. Like a cat with a mouse, the Giant put Duggan in the corner where he subjected him to more punishment before finally putting him out of his misery at 8:09 with a Chokeslam.

Winner: The Giant

Rating: 74




- The Giant barely celebrates his win and lazily holds up an arm in celebration. Screams come from the crowd as Ric Flair rushes into the ring and quickly lays in an assault full of chops and punches, none which even phase the Giant. After several strikes, Flair's assault slows up and the Nature Boy gets a wide eyed look on his face, realizing his attack is having zero effect on the Giant. Flair eventually stops and stares up at the Giant, who gets his own wide-eyed look of intensity on his face before grabbing the Nature Boy by the throat with his massive vice of a hand. The Giant hoists Flair high into the air, holds him for a few seconds, and then drops him down to the mat. Flair it's out and the Giant just looks down at the Nature Boy. The Giant then looks up and roars out to the crowd as Nitro fades to a close with a question of how Ric Flair can possibly compete with the Giant this Sunday! -

Rating: 71



Overall Show Rating: 82 

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Slamboree 1996 Card:


United States Title

Ladder Match:

Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


World Heavyweight Title:

Ric Flair vs The Giant (c)


Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs American Males (c)


Strap Match:

Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat


Wrath vs The Bootyman


Street Fight:

Dungeon of Doom vs Nasty Boys


Lex Luger vs Arn Anderson


TV Title:

Scott Steiner vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Slamboree 1996 Card:


United States Title

Ladder Match:

Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


World Heavyweight Title:

Ric Flair vs The Giant (c)


Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs American Males (c)


Strap Match:

Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat


Wrath vs The Bootyman


Street Fight:

Dungeon of Doom vs Nasty Boys


Lex Luger vs Arn Anderson


TV Title:

Scott Steiner vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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United States Title

Ladder Match:

Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


World Heavyweight Title:

Ric Flair vs The Giant (c)


Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs American Males (c)


Strap Match:

Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat


Wrath vs The Bootyman


Street Fight:

Dungeon of Doom vs Nasty Boys


Lex Luger vs Arn Anderson


TV Title:

Scott Steiner vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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