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On 9/25/2022 at 5:15 PM, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

If you really, really feel like adding a whole lot of data, I'd say that any mod starting before the 1970's would be awesome: we already have a mod for the 30's, but then there's a huuuuge gap until the 70's without any mod, at least as far as I know.

Now, obviously that wasn't necessarily the era most people would know about/want to play, but it would bring us closer to the possibility of a mega-mod playable from the 30's to current day, and there are enough relevants things happening to make it interesting: the creation of AWA in 1960, the golden ages of French and Spanish wrestling in the 50-60's, the Rikidozan era in Japan, etc.

I was trying to get a 1964 one by looking at the great Birth of the WWWF addin for Journey of Wrestling, but records are sketchy back then

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Have to say somewhere between the years 79-86.  So many great jumping off points.  You start in 79 and can play the Tennessee war in Knoxville.  83 is the birth of Starrcade and the start of Vince going national.  1984 was really the last great year (maybe 85) of so many established territories like WCCW, AWA, CWF, Memphis, Portland and so many others.  An updated for TEW 2020 DOTT type mod would be amazing.


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Honestly, as you've already got loads of suggestions for time periods, my suggestion would be to not waste your time unless there's something YOU particularly want to create, because the amount of time it takes to even add one company will stun you if you haven't done it before and there's zero chance of keeping up with it if you're just making something others want. If that's the case you will eventually reach the point where you don't want to carry it on and by then you might already be hundreds of hours deep which is not a good feeling.

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23 hours ago, Questlove said:

Honestly, as you've already got loads of suggestions for time periods, my suggestion would be to not waste your time unless there's something YOU particularly want to create, because the amount of time it takes to even add one company will stun you if you haven't done it before and there's zero chance of keeping up with it if you're just making something others want. If that's the case you will eventually reach the point where you don't want to carry it on and by then you might already be hundreds of hours deep which is not a good feeling.

Exactly this. I will only work on mods that I find fun to do. A big reason for me dropping the RWC current day mod was because I wasn't a huge fan of current day wrestling and had started losing interest in it so it became more chore and less fun to update (for me). Even now I tend to only watch AEW Dynamite every now and again and the "Top 10" weekly WWE thing on YouTube from time to time. 

When you work on a mod from a time period you enjoyed, it is great fun and you will want to make it the best mod you possibly can. Unfortunately, it can become a huge chore if you start a mod you don't enjoy working on and like Questlove says, it is not a great feeling to think you've wasted hundreds of hours researching and building a mod that you lose interest in finishing.

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On 10/29/2023 at 12:16 PM, Questlove said:

Honestly, as you've already got loads of suggestions for time periods, my suggestion would be to not waste your time unless there's something YOU particularly want to create, because the amount of time it takes to even add one company will stun you if you haven't done it before and there's zero chance of keeping up with it if you're just making something others want. If that's the case you will eventually reach the point where you don't want to carry it on and by then you might already be hundreds of hours deep which is not a good feeling.

Could not agree more...the times I have just walked away saying "I have spent 80hrs this week on Cgaematch and Wrestlingdatabase...for what?" is astounding

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Working in a March 1988 mod (altough i'm having difficulties over if put WCW as a separate company or put a narrative on JCP to become WCW, altough at one point i was thinking of not putting WCW at all in case that the player plays AWA, WCCW or CWA, buying out JCP, which after thinking about a while, it... not a good idea at all)

But if you want my personal wishes....

February 1994 (a chance to put Lex vs. Yoko and Bret vs. Yoko/Luger in separate matches, do a better Wrestlemania X, Hogan is doing Thunder in Paradise and WCW is a few months away to hire him)

January 1995

January 2005: I want to do the Junior Division.... PROPERLY!

March 2002: You think that i'm nuts if i tell that i want the nWo to take over either Raw or Smackdown, so it can be WWE/nWo cold war?


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tbh i'd take anything that's a Real World mod with actual dedication and not just imported things mashed together with only slight tweaks to not make things look super fishy

because truthfully there's far too many CornellVerse/off-shoot CV mods and like 3 of them are the same exact concept and the rest r just other ppl's takes on it (which i don't mind, if u genuinely like it that's gr8!!!)

but a lot of the mods for this game are either dead and no longer updated real world mods that have some of the best years; unplayable mods with half of the industry (including wrestlers in their (arguably) peak) having super low stats; fantasy world mods that share the same concept with like 5 other mods

i get that making a mod is super time-consuming (including pic packs/accuracy/etc.) but i think that if you at least announce something and you're consistently giving announcements closer to release then there should be no problem with a lack of mods.. after all, tew is ur game and it's ur time to be creative

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13 hours ago, ianianianian said:

tbh i'd take anything that's a Real World mod with actual dedication and not just imported things mashed together with only slight tweaks to not make things look super fishy

because truthfully there's far too many CornellVerse/off-shoot CV mods and like 3 of them are the same exact concept and the rest r just other ppl's takes on it (which i don't mind, if u genuinely like it that's gr8!!!)

but a lot of the mods for this game are either dead and no longer updated real world mods that have some of the best years; unplayable mods with half of the industry (including wrestlers in their (arguably) peak) having super low stats; fantasy world mods that share the same concept with like 5 other mods

i get that making a mod is super time-consuming (including pic packs/accuracy/etc.) but i think that if you at least announce something and you're consistently giving announcements closer to release then there should be no problem with a lack of mods.. after all, tew is ur game and it's ur time to be creative

"Actual dedication". What a crappy thing to say about the work and hours modders put into data updates. I know plenty of people who have dedicated months if not years on mod creations so for you to come here and crap over the work we do is disrespectful and childish.

We support each others work here with constructive criticism.

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46 minutes ago, Fleisch said:

"Actual dedication". What a crappy thing to say about the work and hours modders put into data updates. I know plenty of people who have dedicated months if not years on mod creations so for you to come here and crap over the work we do is disrespectful and childish.

We support each others work here with constructive criticism.

To be fair, I think they were commenting on mods that break the whole "Don't import stuff from others mods without permission" rule thing. At least that's how I took it.

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2 hours ago, Fleisch said:

"Actual dedication". What a crappy thing to say about the work and hours modders put into data updates. I know plenty of people who have dedicated months if not years on mod creations so for you to come here and crap over the work we do is disrespectful and childish.

We support each others work here with constructive criticism.

my apologies in advance if u took it a whole 'nother way; raspymorten is correct when it comes to my intention

i understand how crazy frustrating things can be but it's kind of lazy if you just take things without asking / permission / give credit and whatnot

hard work should totally be recognised and thats not to say that majority of people here aren't hard workers either so again i apologize if i wasnt clear

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10 hours ago, ianianianian said:

my apologies in advance if u took it a whole 'nother way; raspymorten is correct when it comes to my intention

i understand how crazy frustrating things can be but it's kind of lazy if you just take things without asking / permission / give credit and whatnot

hard work should totally be recognised and thats not to say that majority of people here aren't hard workers either so again i apologize if i wasnt clear

Apologies if I took it the wrong way. I read it to mean something completely different. I agree, taking things from others and passing it off as your own is not acceptable.

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  • 4 months later...

Hate to revive this but I would love a 1999 or 2000 mod. I tend to want to play these years the most but as far as I am aware, there are no mods from these years. 

A question I have for modders is why don't more modders join up to make mods together? That way it's not just one person taking on all the responsibilities...

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2 hours ago, stratusfaction said:

Hate to revive this but I would love a 1999 or 2000 mod. I tend to want to play these years the most but as far as I am aware, there are no mods from these years. 

A question I have for modders is why don't more modders join up to make mods together? That way it's not just one person taking on all the responsibilities...

I cant speak for everyone but finding the right people to mod with is difficult. We used to have mod teams in the past but that was still 1 person "overseeing" and each person working on an area they were familiar with (ie I was part of a team called RaveX where I worked on the UK). Nowadays there are too many people who say "I want to help"  and then you never hear from them again. TBH I was very apprehensive in the beginning with SkyCrasher due to so many others letting me down but that has worked out brilliantly and I honestly don't think the 92 mod would be where it is without them so when you do find a person as dedicated to the mod (if not more) it can make the mod so much better bouncing ideas from each other and both ending up doing hours of research on niche parts of wrestling.

There's also people who want to "own" their mods so really don't want to give up any control over them, which is fine as well if they are putting in the work then its their choice.

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Also, while I never worked on TEW mods (or well, not published ones at least), I did work on some for other management games, and in general have done a lot of group projects at Uni and at work, so I have at least some experience when I say this: it can be very, very difficult to find people you have enough common ground with that you can agree on anything subjective.

For instance, Fleisch and SkyCrasher (apparently) have found in each other someone who sees modding the same way, so their work mesh particularly well together. However, if they were to add someone new to the team, that person might think workers from "their" area are massively better and should be upped 10-20 points when it's not the case, or argue over and over that people already in the mod should be much better/much worse than the actual consensus. Even if they might theorically be right (which, to be fair, I don't think is true considering how great the 92 mod is, but that's another debate), it'll make updating take much longer because while you're arguing on every detail, you're not adding new data. Add to that discussions on whether some people should be added, how they should be named (their most known name ? their first gimmick name ? their real name ?), which company does or doesn't belong, etc and it might end up not being worth trying to find someone to work with because the amount of time lost doing all of that might end up bigger than the amount of time gained by having someone to work with.

That's also why a project I wanted to consider at one point (having a mod with only debuting workers you could import in any other mod for long saves), is something that in practice will never really work: I'm not knowledgeable enough in lucha libre or old school puro to rate how talented X or Y would have been the day of their debut, and even if I was, there are odds I'd rate them too low/too high to mesh well with, say, A New Trust, Territory Daze or The Yes! Mod. Therefore, I'd probably need to make multiple mods with different starting dates, and I'm really, really not tempted to do that.

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9 hours ago, stratusfaction said:

Hate to revive this but I would love a 1999 or 2000 mod. I tend to want to play these years the most but as far as I am aware, there are no mods from these years. 

A question I have for modders is why don't more modders join up to make mods together? That way it's not just one person taking on all the responsibilities...

I can only speak for myself but I've thought about this a fair bit and really for me it comes down to wanting everything in the mod done "right" (a lot of it is subjective, but there's also some stuff that kind of isn't) and also wanting it all to be consistent and balanced as an overarching game world. I've worked with a few people who I agree with on almost everything and even then I've had stupid disagreements that lead to arguments because once you're that deep into doing a mod and it's like your baby, there is this need to have total control over it and that's just not conductive to equal workloads unless you totally trust those people to do everything at least very close to the way you would.

Ideally a mod like RWC would have a full team of people working on each area of the game world because it's nearly impossible to keep up with it all and ensure everything is up to date and accurate, but I haven't even considered it because it would be way too many cooks in the kitchen and too many people to have aligned in their thinking (not to mention logistically difficult anyway given that you have to give the data back and forth)

Edited by Questlove
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8 hours ago, Questlove said:

I can only speak for myself but I've thought about this a fair bit and really for me it comes down to wanting everything in the mod done "right" (a lot of it is subjective, but there's also some stuff that kind of isn't) and also wanting it all to be consistent and balanced as an overarching game world. I've worked with a few people who I agree with on almost everything and even then I've had stupid disagreements that lead to arguments because once you're that deep into doing a mod and it's like your baby, there is this need to have total control over it and that's just not conductive to equal workloads unless you totally trust those people to do everything at least very close to the way you would.

Ideally a mod like RWC would have a full team of people working on each area of the game world because it's nearly impossible to keep up with it all and ensure everything is up to date and accurate, but I haven't even considered it because it would be way too many cooks in the kitchen and too many people to have aligned in their thinking (not to mention logistically difficult anyway given that you have to give the data back and forth)

I echo a lot of the same sentiments here. I’ve also had numerous people offer to help with the areas that are my complete blind spots in the wrestling world like smaller Japanese feds and Joshi companies but when it came down to actually trying to press them to hammer down the stats for the workers and such they really couldn’t offer effective help, or at least in a way that would keep the game world balanced. I even came across someone that said, “well stats aren’t really my thing, I’d just rather have the workers available in the data” where for me I would rather have a more balanced and working game world.

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On 10/1/2022 at 10:46 AM, theeaglexiii said:

thecoolestjedi21 has been working on a year 2000 mod. He’s released a couple betas but sadly there’s been no updates since May.

2000 is definitely the year I’d like to see too, and whilst I wouldn’t want his thunder stolen it would be a shame if no finished mod for 2000 was created. 

Failing that a 99 mod would be great. Whatever the year, I’ll also echo previous sentiments to make the starting point at a pivotal moment in the year that sets the game up realistically for a quite a few months rather than defaulting to January

Just wanna pop in and say; I own no ownership over 2000 and if people wanna make a 2000 mod; I say more power to them, I’m a pretty slow guy with the mod, so it will be a while before I get something I deem playable going, but by all means take 2000 if that interests you, I took it up because it’s a great time period for wrestling  and super fun to get into

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