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How long have you been here?


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I came to a crazy realization today, that I've been around, not consistently, on GDS forums for a long long time.

I've been around since the EWR days, into the first TEW (which was a different company that released it or something?) and I've been on several iterations of forums through all that.

According to the forums, I registered here on September 8, 2004. So its been almost 19-years here alone. I think I got into EWR near-er the beginning too. So I've spent well over 20-years enjoying Adam's work. And 19-years enjoying GDS' work which weirdly makes them my favourite game publisher I suppose.

So, I was just wondering what other old-timers are kicking around?


Edited by MrCanada
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I believe it was late 2006 or early 2007. I got sick of waiting for someone to translate Fire Pro Wrestling 2's promoter mode and wound up finding out about TEW 05. I tend to be a lurker rather than a user, so I may have joined later than I remember.


EDIT: Just realized that I could look and see the date I joined, lol. It was May of 2007

Edited by The Swanton825
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I've officially been apart of GDS since 2016, but the truth is I've played their games since 2007.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry I never joined the forums prior! But I was so engrossed playing TEW 2005, and EWR, because it took me till 2016 to actually be able to purchase a "new " GDS game.

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2013, which was also my first TEW. I had played EWR with friends a couple of years beforehand. My former nick here was 'Smasher1311'. Makes me cringe reading what I would post when I first came in :p but I'm really glad to have been a part of this community for so long.

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  • 7 months later...

Okay it's been a looooong time, I remembered making a few render requests and I have done some roleplays... I'm doing better on RPs and sometimes creative blocks come around now and then... I was around in 2008, the computer I had at the time, 7 years since, it became obsolete...so I'm currently using a cellphone for Internet etc lol...but I have been playing wrestling games mainly WWE but I'm open-minded on other promotion games...oh yeah I'm still trying to find my previous posts on here and no such luck 🤷🏼

Edited by TymmG
Forgot to add a last thing to say
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Even though I don't post much, I've been part of the online community since November 2005.  I've been playing Ryland games since the release of Extreme Warfare 2... whenever that was..  I think that came out when I was like 11 or 12????

Wow, I've been a fan for almost 30 years!  

Any one know the exact date Extreme Warfare 2 was released?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Joined on May 15, 2020, so this coming May will mark four years since I joined, though I only started posting regularly when I started doing my Rise of a Star diary and posting my belt renders.  My involvement with Ryland games started with EWR, then I bought TEW 2010 (though I later lost the activation key for it after I bought a new computer in 2016) and now have TEW 2020 (both in disk form, along with a few other games, and as a download).

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  • 3 months later...

God damn. Been in the community 20 flippin' years. Thanks for that. :(

Joined the other boards in May 2004. Hung on to EWR for far too long and didn't jump in to TEW until I think the 07 or 08 release. Can't remember which I played first. Lurked around the .400 and GDS forums until August 2007 when I joined.


Way to make a guy feel old. 😐

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  • 2 months later...

November 21, 2005, over 6000 posts :D But I too was playing the games before that, EWR, EWD, EW5000/6000 (can't remember which). Those were the days. It would be cool to see the old screenshots, what the games looked like and so on, just for nostalgia's sake.

It's really one of a kind legacy that this game series has, I have no other game or game series that comes even close.

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