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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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New Year Riot


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Lone Rider & Taniko Jo ~ Paul

To kick off the show Lone Rider and Taniko Jo come out to confirm that Lone Rider will take on the challenge laid out by Trehawke Phillips and will compete in an Outback Strap Match for his title tonight. He knows that people in the back still don’t consider him the SZW Australian Champion but he has a point to prove. His father Paul (Original Lone Rider) comes out to remind his son that he has nothing to prove and Trehawke hasn’t earned the match. He should focus his sights on whoever wins the New Year Riot at the end of the night. Lone Rider however doesn’t back down from the challenge tonight and looks forward to a new challenger being on the horizon, but he will focus on that after he beats Trehawke Phillips.


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Fuzzy Freeman vs Peril

A match to further show just how great I am. Actually, it was just to plug the streak and get me some ring time while my partner is elsewhere on the card. Fuzzy sadly losing in his debut match says it all about how I value him. Which after the match is a lot higher as he pulled out the best match I have seen from him and ended up putting on a decent showing. It also showed how far I had come as my only singles match up until this point was terrible in comparison.

Winner: Peril

Rating: 38


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Wild Youth

Delbert DeGeorge gets his in-ring moment to interview Wild Youth. The excitable Wild Youth get to comment on the fact they will be getting a tag-team championship match in the future but will have their hands full with the young tag-team of the Tahere Brothers. Giving a small credit to the fact they are developing but claim tonight will be a statement for the champions to watch their backs.


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Wild Youth vs Tahere Brothers

Wild Youth were to come out of this looking strong as they build up being the Number One contenders for the tag-team titles at a future date. The Tahere Brothers looked awful out there, especially Kelly with something of the worst performance I have seen. While Lance and Austin Tahere weren’t much better. Thank God Banky was there to make it a watchable match.

Winner: Wild Youth

Rating: 26


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Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper

A little backstage segment from the duo talking about the fact they will meet once again inside the ring during the New Year Riot match. Hoping that this will be the time that they can finally separate the pair and one of them will finally get an opportunity to face Lone Rider for the SZW Australian Championship. Both men show a ton of respect towards one another and end the segment by wishing the other one luck in the match tonight.



SZW Sydney Championship Match vs Career Match

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New Zealand Pit Bull vs Dizzy G

The match between two guys who go from teaming up together to facing off, one putting his title on the line, the other putting his career on the line. Although calling the retirement a few months ago it was clear where this match was heading. Dizzy G put in his best individual performance he has ever put on for SZW to help carry the match to a decent rating and ensure his former “mentor” would get a proper send off.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 34



Dizzy G

Dizzy G gets out of the ring leaving New Zealand Pit Bull looking up at the ceiling putting an end to his career. As the fans begin to cheer and thank New Zealand Pit Bull and the fans start to cheer “Thank You” over and over. Dizzy G interrupts on the microphone cutting the crowd off telling the fans that they are welcome. They are welcome for the performance that he just put on. They are welcome that he is still their SZW Sydney Champion and they are welcome that he just ended to career of a man who is not only dead weight within the company, but also has been a burden to him.



SZW Championship Match

Outback Strap Match

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Trehawke Phillips vs Lone Rider

The co-main event of the night was the first major stipulation match that our company has ever put on. It was to be an official Outback Strap match, which essentially was just a regular old strap match with a little flavour in the name paying tribute to Australia and to Lone Rider in a sense by calling it the Outback Strap Match. Trehawke heading into the match was still nursing an injury to his shoulder but was willing to work through it. His injury certainly slowed him down and it showed in his performance which did have an effect on the match, but thankfully Lone Rider stepped up and impressed once again with a strong performance for the night. 

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 41


SZW New Year Riot Match

Winner gets SZW Championship Match

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Adgee Cross vs Adrian McGhee vs Armando Guerrero vs Brown Snake vs Jake D’Angelo vs Lee Bawes vs Michael Rheur vs Michel Bernard vs The Kipper vs Warlock

Max Langstrom got his chance to show how much he loved battle royale style matches, although he wanted to do a 30 man rumble match, and stated this wasn't his best work. Still he did a great job putting the main event of the night together. This was a chance to debut the four other new talents in the ring and my first good look at each of them, with a feeling Lee Bawes made his Suplex Master gimmick look great as it hit centre stage. Meanwhile the actual story in the match was shown by Adrian McGhee being dominant eliminating three people. With the final four being Michel Bernard, The Kipper, Adgee Cross and Adrian McGhee. The Kipper and Adgee ended up eliminating one another as they battled on the apron leaving Michel Bernard vs Adrian McGhee. Adrian scored his third elimination of the match when he won setting his sights on the current SZW Champion.

Winner: Adrian McGhee

Rating: 42


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That was a pretty brutal appraisal of Warlock. Not that any of it was wrong, mind you. Between that and Paul giving his son creative control, I feel like his decisions are starting to get more questionable. Hopefully you can continue to navigate around his demands to keep SZW running well, and Paul Jr. will be willing to give up the belt once the time comes.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that Fuzzy and Toasty would make an excellent tag team once the latter recovers?

Also, HOW DO YOU LOSE A MIRROR WHILE PARKING? Saul really is just the worst.

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This felt like one of the strongest SZW cards yet with three high-stakes matches.

Everything between Cross and Kipper was executed perfectly, with them getting in one another's way so you can squeeze another challenger in before either of them get a shot at Lone Rider, and I'm intrigued by how it plays out and if one of them turns heel on the other to go on to challenge for the title as a heel. It was a good spotlight for McGhee too, being the beneficiary and getting a main event win to his name.

You got as much heat for Dizzy G as possible out of the difficult hand New Zealand Pit Bull dealt you. It felt fitting too that The Tahere Brothers had a bad showing too, reinforcing that he hadn't helped you out much.

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Adrian getting a match with Lone Rider is awesome, I didn't expect this so soon since both him and Rider have been staying in two different lanes for the past year. I'm expecting it to be Lone Rider's best match yet if they both show out. I've tried Fuzzy many times and he's never met my lower and lower expectations, so him pulling a solid match out of you either shows him looking good or shows how much Peril has improved in the last twelve months. Lone Rider with creative control should give you a fun challenge, hopefully his pop doesn't get too out of control and he refuses to job to anyone.


To your other new signings - Warlock should fill a role as a big monster to stand around looking scary and job, and he was probably cheap. Vortex and Blackwell I know very well and I think they'll be your top performers for a long time. Guerrero is a solid gatekeeper with fantastic performance skills, another good hand to train up the younger guys. Lee Bawes is a great addition. He's not as good in the ring as Rheur or Rubennick, he's not as good outside of the ring as Trehawke or Pit Bull, but he's perfectly solid at everything. 

The only signings I see struggling are The Tahere Brothers, who I think are already one foot out the door with the potential storyline they were brought in for not panning out, and Fuzzy, though that's just from my own experience as he seems to have made a fine showing in his debut.



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Kelly Tahere ~ Delbert DeGeorge

Kelly Tahere & Delbert DeGeorge almost ended up in a fight as Kelly was disruptive backstage and trying to wind up the commentator. Kelly thought it was hilarious, while I thought it was a real problem as DeGeorge had been nothing but amazing so far in the company. A stern talking to didn’t seem to have a positive impact on Kelly.


Behind the curtain I am excited to post up the next show as I have been creative the last day or so and booked all the way up to Sydney's Finest leaving me with Fully Loaded which is shaping up to be a very stacked card and then Final Chapter being the season finale with a few big matches already in the works for the company. 


@Aura I have to admit I have put Toasty and Fuzzy together as a tag-team before as Stoned Out they were the perfect pair to job out and fill in after amazing matches. I agree, Saul is the worst.

@619 I love the fact you are enjoying the storyline heading into the new year. I agree that I felt Dizzy G getting the heat on himself was perfect. Really liked how it closed that chapter of their feud. 

@John Lions I await your diary, but for real I always love your insight into the aussie scene. I can certainly say on this occasion it was Fuzzy being the inring general we all know he could be. As my own "Perils" talents certainly haven't improved drastically over the last year. I definitely agree with the assessment of Lee Bawes as he feels like a solid backbone to the roster at this stage, as I am almost at Final Chapter myself. He hasn't done anything special but is reliable, as is Armando Guerrero. You were right about a few other things, without spoiling much.. You were right, Vortex is a cheap hire. 

Edited by HiPlus
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Friday Night Crush


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Lone Rider & Taniko Jo ~ Delbert DeGeorge

The self-proclaimed fighting champion came out to give his thoughts on the challenge that is before him with the new number one contender Adrian McGhee. He looked forward to the upcoming match between himself and one half of the tag-team champions. Delbert DeGeorge bought up the feud between Kipper and Adgee Cross asking when either man would get a chance to fight for the championship. Taniko Jo interjected and kept the focus on Lone Rider and Adrian McGhee to be the next big marquee match for the title. Lone Rider said he wanted a match tonight, seeing as his future opponent has one tonight as well.


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Lone Rider vs Warlock

Warlock one of the signings I was less than impressed with coming into the new year would get his chance to mix it up with the SZW Australian Champion. Warlock didn’t look great in the ring, leading me to believe it was unlikely he would get a chance to mix it up with top talent. Once again Lone Rider showed how valuable he can be during matches carrying this one the entire time.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 36


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Dizzy G ~ XS

Dizzy G came out on the microphone delivering a rap about the tragic career of New Zealand Pit Bull to the boos of the crowd. The SZW Sydney Champion made it clear there were no challengers for him, after all Toasty ended up being injured for months on end and he retired New Zealand Pit Bull.

XS came out without his tag-team partner and announced he would like a chance to take on the champ for his title, which Dizzy G gladly accepted telling XS that he would end back up in the tag-team division.


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Peril vs Banky Bremner

I got myself on the card and was finding myself in rare air, as my win last month seemingly did wonders for my perception. Looking like a legitimate threat in the company I had become one of the most over acts. I got to face off against one half of The Wild Things and the number one contenders for the Tag-Team Championship. Banky was impressive but the overall match was a decent display by us both.

Winner: Peril

Rating: 36


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Lee Bawes vs Michel Bernard

The veteran of the suplex got a decent showing last month in the battle royale, this time he got the chance against the steady hand of Michel Bernard who had impressed greatly in the ring. Making this a brawl showed it wasn’t exactly in Michel’s wheelhouse of sorts as he was unable to carry the match, and Lee Bawes also struggled to make it a solid performance. 

Winner: Lee Bawes

Rating: 27




Brown Snake

Brown Snake came out once again talking about how he has come up short two times where titles were concerned and announced he is done coming up short. Perhaps he has been chasing the wrong titles and says he is setting his sights on the SZW Tag-Team Championship before introducing his tag-team partner for the night.


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Fuzzy Freeman & Brown Snake vs Two-Faced Bomber

The new team up of Fuzzy Freeman and Brown Snake debuted together as a duo in this match against one of the backbone tag-teams of the company in Two-Faced Bomber. One thing to come out of this match was the excellent chemistry between Brown Snake and Fuzzy Freeman together which reflected well as they came away with the win. This was surprising fact and may have the pair continue to team longer than I expected. 

Winners: Fuzzy Freeman & Brown Snake

Rating: 36


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross

The two men were backstage playing a game of chess against one another, a brief conversation about who eliminated who last month in the battle royale as they continued to play their game before coming to the realisation that the duo had drawn once again. Both men simply having to laugh at this point before The Kipper said he was done facing Adgee Cross in contests and that this wasn't even wrestling and they were still drawing in the result. 


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Armando Guerrero vs Adrian McGhee

This was a match set to steal the show between one of the new signings and someone I expected to do well in the ring and one of the better wrestlers from the last year in Adrian McGhee. Adrian McGhee got tired towards the end, but it certainly lived up to what it set out to do with both Adrian McGhee and Armando Guerrero both impressed.

Winner: Adrian McGhee

Rating: 45


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The Devoted Souls

I went out and joined my tag-team partner to congratulate him on his win and hand him his tag-team title. Before Adrian announced that while there were no championship matches at next months show, he wanted to show how dominant The Devoted Souls are. Next month they will take on the tag-team number one contenders Wild Youth, and the SZW Australian Champion at the same time. It will be a 3 on 3 match, and they will find an extra man in the back to make a cameo for The Devoted Souls.


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The six-man match will be interesting. I feel like Wild Youth may need to get one over the champions to cement themselves as a serious threat, but imagine McGhee is unlikely to lose his unbeaten run before facing Lone Rider, so I'm intrigued to see how it plays out. I thought the "no championship matches" line might be teasing Dizzy G joining them for the special attraction of having all the champions in one match, but perhaps he'll be needed on the undercard. I also wonder if this match might be a test of Lone Rider's new creative control.

It looked like the latest main event did a great number. I like that Cross and Kipper's story has plenty of room to breathe, while it's always nice to uncover tag chemistry. I'm also in awe of the fact you're fast approaching Final Chapter again too, and with plenty of matches and ideas still in reserve too it seems.

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If Trehawke's shoulder is healed up enough in time for the next show, I want to say that he'll be the third man for The Devoted Souls. I feel like he might still have some unfinished business with Lone Rider, and I think he'll fit the Souls tough guy vibe just fine. Also, I'm going to hope that the tandem of Brown Snake and Fuzzy Freeman is called Fuzzy Snakes, because that is a fun name.

In addition, I feel like Peril might have to have a sit-down with Pit Bull and have a serious talk about Kelly Tahere. Him being awful in the ring can be somewhat excused since he's a rookie. However, I'm pretty sure that he's caused problems backstage at every single show since he joined the roster. Austin may have potential, but I fear his brother could end up holding him back.

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Kelly Tahere ~ Lee Bawes

Kelly Tahere ended up in a fight backstage with Johnathan Wesker while Lee Bawes was antagonising Adrian McGhee. Lee Bawes was given a stern talking to, while Kelly copped a fine for his transgressions after all the drama from him in the last couple months. Really pushing the boundaries considering he doesn't have any value to the company.


@619 I have tried my best to keep certain talent away from others just so I can have matches that haven't occurred before with the roster. Being only monthly events makes that a lot easier to keep them as the stories can be built up over months instead of over weeks. I was glad by the chemistry as initially I wasn't going to have the tag-team work out and build a feud from there.

@Aura Definitely looking like a chat needs to happen in regards to Kelly if he keeps up with the backstage drama. 


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The Showdown


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross

The Kipper and Adgee Cross are backstage once again, this time Adgee appeared to have a basketball and was wanting to challenge The Kipper to a shootout. The Kipper instead rejects the request, saying his last five matches have all involved Adgee Cross.  That doesn’t include the chess match last month. He wants to move on, and Adgee should as well.


Adgee reminds The Kipper until one of them are the winner between the two that they aren’t allowed to compete for the SZW Australian Championship. The Kipper says he doesn’t care about that, he just wants a break from Adgee, before challenging him. In six months it will be SZW Fully Loaded, and they can compete in a Aussie Rules match which can only end by Pinfall or Submission ensuring that there is finally a winner between the two men and the winner can go on to face the SZW Australian Champion the following month at SZW Final Chapter.


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Trehawke Phillips vs Michel Bernard

Trehawke Phillips finally recovered from that injury to his right shoulder he sustained at the end of last year due to a botch by Kelly Tahere. He looked to get things back on track against the talented Michel Bernard in the ring. Michel like always carries whatever match he is in and results in a strong performance from both men.

Winner: Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 38




A video played for those in the arena hyping up the aerial threat that is Vortex. It was a highlight reel of him, that had caught my eye initially. He was explosive in the ring, fast and certainly liked to take high risk chances. The fade out ended with Vortex himself voicing over the lines at the end.

“I have made an impact every time I step inside the ring.”


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Jake D’Angelo vs Armando Guerrero

A matchup between two new talent who had yet to make an impact in the ring. Armando Guerrero the more veteran in-ring talent came out with a surprising win. This was an okay match between the two men showing they definitely have some value as signings.

Winner: Armando Guerrero

Rating: 34


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Brown Snake & Fuzzy Freeman

Brown Snake came out with his new tag-team partner Fuzzy Freeman. The two men hit the ring to the cheers of the crowd as Brown Snake got on the microphone Fuzzy Freeman made himself more comfortable at the ringside area joining the fans in watching his tag-team partner speak in the ring.

“Now I have heard all the terms for myself and Fuzzy. People have been calling us Fuzzy Snake thinking it’s cute, I have heard people yell Brown Fuzz at us, the term Caterpillar Club because what is a fuzzy snake really, that and Freeman is always munchin. All great ideas for our teamname, I even had some shirt ideas for them. Unfortunately, that man right there did not like any of your ideas.”

Brown Snake pointed out at his tag-team partner who looked incredibly confused as he sat on that barrier with a few of the fans. Brown Snake let out a laugh as he was on the microphone.

“I am just joking buddy, but together we came out with our name. We are S&S! We are Smokers n Suplexes.”


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Smokers & Suplexes vs Tahere Brothers

The new tag-team of Brown Snake and Fuzzy Freeman came out looking for their first win as an official tag-team and not just a pair of guys put together. Tahere Brothers still being really raw showed during the match but Brown Snake and Fuzzy Freeman were able to pull something out of decent out of them as they got a chance on the main show.

Winners: Smokers & Suplexes

Rating: 32




Dizzy G

Dizzy G came out to a chorus of boos and made sure to give the fans a chance to make themselves heard before he insulted them. After a short back and forth with the crowd he announced that he would be watching tonight’s contest, after XS named himself the challenger for the SZW Sydney Championship. He wanted a more up close and personal showing of XS’ ability in the ring before their match next month.

This was a really good segment by Dizzy G showing him growing on the microphone.


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Warlock vs XS

Warlock was one of the debuting stars this year and last month got a match with Lone Rider. He certainly wasn’t impressive and now it was XS’ turn to carry the match between himself and the veteran Warlock. The worst match of the night wasn’t too bad, but that was primarily due to Warlocks influence on the match who was exhausted towards the end.

Winner: XS

Rating: 29


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Blackwell Bush & The Devoted Souls

The Devoted Souls hit the ring first with Adrian McGhee talking about the fact he will be challenging for the SZW Australian Championship next month. I took the microphone to announce that we would still be taking on Wild Youth next month as well to continue our undefeated streak and our championship the SZW Tag-Team on the line, setting up two title matches for The Devoted Souls.

Finally, Adrian McGhee said we have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in past months and have had a fair few enemies in the back so we have had to go outside the company for a partner in tonight’s 3 vs 3 contest and we introduce Blackwell Bush.


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Blackwell Bush & The Devoted Souls vs Lone Rider & Wild Youth

A tag-team contest involving 5 men who would be fighting for titles next month and a new debuting wrestler in Blackwell Bush. This resulted in a stellar match with Bush, Adrian and Lone Rider all showing up with great in-ring performances. The finish came when Bush took out Lone Rider on the outside allowing Adrian McGhee to take out Lance Maddigan in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Blackwell Bush & The Devoted Souls

Rating: 47



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I definitely get wanting to hold some matches back as I fixate on that too: being wary of giving something away that could have more meaning at a later date, or not wanting to run the same combinations too often unless a fresh story element can be added.

I love what you did with the six man. Blackwell Bush was instantly established as a star by being in a match with all the title competitors and not looking like the spare part, instead being decisive to the finish. That also perhaps sets him up as a future challenger to Lone Rider.

The Kipper-Cross development was unique too, setting up the Final Chapter season finale so far in advance, plus you managed to build up a lot of new acts on this show's undercard: Vortex, Guerrero, S&S.

I'll finish with a shoutout to Kelly Tahere in case he finds this comment and picks a fight with me, as he seemingly doesn't need much provocation 😆

Edited by 619
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There's my boy Vortex! And with a hype package, too!


I'm already getting good vibes from the duo of Smokers & Suplexes. Maybe it's just me loving the dynamic, but the straightforward technician teaming with the goofy stoner sounds like an instant win for me. Even if I'm not sure how high their ceiling actually is yet.

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Kelly Tahere

Kelly Tahere once again was causing backstage issues this time around it wasn’t directed at the backstage area but towards the fans waiting to come into the show. Once it was all broken up and he made his way to the back I made a very clear statement and fired him for his actions. Something Trehawke Phillips was very vocal about his approval after being injured by Kelly back at Christmas Clash last year.


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XS ~ Lee Bawes

Meanwhile the backstage environment was lifted when XS and Lee Bawes were instructed to get drinks for the boys in the back by Paul after they had made a faux pas in the backstage area. Lee Bawes seemed more like he was happy to as he was just messing with his old friend Paul.



@619 Hahaha, I don't think you have to fear Kelly Tahere for the time being with him being released now. 

@Voeltzwagon Normally I am all good for some locker room antics, but every single month seemed a bit much for a guy who provides no value for the company. Not like Saul.. Saul provides great value. 

@John Lions Being a little further in the diary, you certainly get the sense as the year closes out a new wave of guys really make their mark in the company, and a lot of the older guys that couldn't cut it just are fill ins on the shows. 

@Aura I am glad you're enjoying Smokers & Suplexes with them suddenly finding chemistry, and me needing to find a role for Brown Snake for awhile. I hope they work out well in their role. 

@Tiberious Waiting on your diary, but I love the idea for Warlock needing a short rest mid match every time. I mean other people wont get it, but it makes me po. 


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Glory & Gold


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Adgee Cross ~ Trehawke Phillips

Trehawke Phillips was out in the ring talking about how he didn’t care what happens tonight, or who ended up being champion he was still deserving of a title shot. Being careful not to mention the number of chances he had already been given. Adgee Cross then came out interrupting Trehawke to remind him of said chances and said he was also on a road to redemption and wanted to make that claim himself. He wanted to show everyone backstage he deserves the shot, and he wants to be ready when he takes on The Kipper at Fully Loaded. He was going to start with Trehawke Phillips one of the biggest names in SZW, and as he pointed out a man that has been in the main event countless times. What better way for both men to show they deserve a shot at the SZW Australian Champion than by facing off in the main event next month.


SZW Tag-Team Championship

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Wild Youth vs The Devoted Souls ©

The first match of the night between Wild Youth taking on the champions for the titles. Set to be the first match was to allow Adrian McGhee to rest after the match long enough before competing for the SZW Australian Championship. This was a straightforward defence from the champions with the ending of the match seeing me pick up the win. Unfortunately, midway through the match Adrian McGhee hit the Loaded Glove on Banky Bremner a bit too hard and ended up fracturing his cheek bone. Causing some heat from the backstage guys.

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 36



Dizzy G

Dizzy G came out insulting the crowd before bringing up the fact he saw everything last month watching the match from XS. There isn’t anything he can throw at him that he hasn’t seen before and tonight it is all written in stone. The era of Dizzy G will continue to reign supreme. Dizzy G was getting better on the mic, slowly but steadily improving and definitely putting on the best angle of the night


SZW Sydney Championship

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XS vs Dizzy G ©

Second match of the night was set to be some fast-paced action between two of the younger guys on the roster. XS was allowed to actually contest the fight on even footing after the impressive showings as of late, giving the steady hand something to do. This was a good contest between the two men with Dizzy G performing well as champion, carrying on his impressive showing tonight.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 39


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The Kipper ~ Jake D’Angelo

The Kipper came out with a microphone in hand excited to see the crowd and talk about the fact he will be keeping his eye on the main event later tonight. It was still his chance to break away from his feud with Adgee Cross and wanted to get back in the winners’ circle. Creating an open challenge for anyone in the back to come take their shot at the former SZW Australian Champion. The man to come out and answer the challenge was Jake D’Angelo who didn’t have much to say on the microphone than to add that the only circle he is going into is the loser’s circle.


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The Kipper vs Jake D’Angelo

This was a showcase of The Kipper and he was in full display against the younger less talented Jake D’Angelo, but with a limited story build up I wasn’t expecting an amazing contest from the two. The Kipper was having an off night something he even commented when he made his way to the back, it was still a solid match.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 34





Another hype package for Vortex taking more of the high action tapes he had sent us before the last few frames showing his injury occurring as he dived to the outside of the ring before his voice breaks through the music as the screen fades to black.

“I know what it is like to sacrifice everything for this sport.”

This segment did a lot better than last months one which was good to see.


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Blackwell Bush vs Saul Rubennick

Saul Rubennick looked to be getting on the microphone to talk smack about his future opponent before Blackwell Bush made his entrance. This time no microphone time as he struggled and instead the moment, he hit the ring the two started exchanging blows as the bell rang. It was all Blackwell Bush for the majority of this one. What a surprise there was another person Saul was just unable to work with it seemed as he struggled to click with Blackwell in the ring.

Winner: Blackwell Bush

Rating: 36


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Lone Rider & Taniko Jo

Lone Rider came out to the ring and said while it didn’t feel right that his opponent would be facing off against him after he already had a match tonight, but he would do him the honour of going all out in their contest. After all, he is the fighting champion of this company and would continue to prove that. Taniko Jo talked up he has held the title for 168 days and defended it on three occasions and the streak would continue.



SZW Australian Championship

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Adrian McGhee vs Lone Rider©

The culmination of the night the streak of Adrian McGhee took on the title reign of Lone Rider. I had some hesitations heading into this as Lone Rider at the end of the day had creative control but to my surprise, he was happy to work with me and by me I quite literally meant it as I came out and provided enough of a distraction to allow Adrian McGhee to pick up the win. Although he didn’t object to the loss he was off his game during the match. However, the ending seemed to make up for it ending the show with a good contest.

Winner: Adrian McGhee

Rating: 45



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Wow, did not expect Adrian to walk away with the Australian title, especially after Lone Rider getting creative control. Glad to see it though, he's been putting in work with the head booker as his partner and he has a ton of fresh singles matches ahead. It makes given that Rider seems to still be a babyface, while the only popular guys who have been finding success are also both babyfaces (Kipper and Adgee).


I'm excited to see who Vortex throws himself at in his first match (maybe straight to Dizzy G?), and Blackwell effectively replacing Saul was satisfying, though disappointing the match wasn't better. Dizzy G and XS getting a solid rating is great, since XS was in danger of being overshadowed by Bernard (he still is, but the gap's a little smaller).



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I loved that main event as I fooled myself into thinking Lone Rider retaining was a formality. I figured McGree was just taking a break from the tag division to use his momentum to give the champion an impressive victory. He had the earlier match as an out for losing and Rider had discussed a rematch with Cross or Kipper, so I was completely caught out even though McGhee had been booked as strongly as anyone, so it was a perfectly plausible call.

It will be fun to see where you take it from here: if he establishes himself as a double champion, if Lone Rider gets the title back fairly soon or if McGhee takes his eye off your tag team. The only thing that appears certain is that he won't be brawling backstage with Kelly Tahere.

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And the reign of Adrian Two-Belts begins! Honestly, I was worried that Lone Rider might've been unreasonable with his creative control, but I'm glad to see that wasn't the case. Perhaps removing the title before he could get too big will prevent such a thing from becoming an issue.


Also, I just want to say that The Kipper has really impressed me so far. I had always assumed that he wasn't worth picking up due to his age and unimpressive-looking stats, but he's really proving to be a solid hand for the company.

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New Zealand Pit Bull ~ Austin Tahere

Backstage the mentor New Zealand Pit Bull was working with Austin Tahere closely and Pit Bull commented that Austin is doing well working on his psychology in the ring. Which is a good benefit as he now is alone in the ring following the release of his kayfabe brother Kelly and fellow New Zealand Pit Bull graduate.


@John Lions Again, thank you so much for the title pic of Adrian, it definitely seems like a swerve for Adrian to come away with the win but I wanted. It was the first major test for Lone Rider heading into his new contract and was exceptionally handled by him. Honestly all my doubts in regards to Lone Rider have been alleviated. XS has been impressive as he would normally be quite trash for me so I am happy to see him do well. Vortex will certainly have a big first match that is for sure. 

@619  I am glad the swerve is perceived as a positive one and not making Adrian a champion completely out of the blue. Making it an actual plausible contender for the championship. 

@Aura I can assure you it wasn't the creative control reason I flipped the title just purely for the storyline this year, although I was certainly expecting push back I am glad he went with the storyline. You are 100% correct, The Kipper has been everything I wanted from Saul and Trehawke to a lesser degree. Someone who can slot into the Main Event comfortably but also is okay doing the job. The Kipper is very much my Jericho to AEW. 

@newbiezness Vortex Hype indeed. 

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Eye of the Storm


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The Devoted Souls ~ Delbert DeGeorge

To open the show carrying both the SZW tag-team championships and the biggest prize in the company the SZW Australian Championship was Adrian McGhee and I. Delbert DeGeorge came to the ring to interview us. After the typical questions of how it feels to be the SZW Australian Champion, what it was like to be in the main event against Lone Rider in such a hard-fought match.

The fact that having two sets of titles puts a bigger target on the back of Adrian McGhee, which made Adrian laugh and deliver the close to the segment.

“We have two of the SZW Championships, the only person with a target on their back is the man who has the only title The Devoted Souls do not have. There is only one title left to capture and Peril’s left shoulder is looking mighty empty. Next month he should change that fact. Dizzy G the Devoted Souls are coming for you.”


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The Kipper vs Michael Rheur

The Kipper looked to continue his return against opponents not named Adgee and this time he faced off against Michael Rheur who has acted as solid mid card act thus far for the company. The two older wrestlers got the chance to kick off the show. Although I expected better The Kipper being off his game and Michael Rheur getting visibly tired towards the end of the match hurt it the final rating but still an okay match for the show.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 33


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The Runway ~ Smokers & Suplexes

Backstage The Runway looked to be practicing their struts down a red carpet that they had laid out in a hallway. The two men taking turns while the other cheered and pointed out what a good job their tag-team partner was doing. Eventually Fuzzy Freeman found himself walking down the red carpet in advertently as he walked down the hallway. Both XS and Michel complimented his form. Fuzzy clearly wasn’t sure what was going on as both members of The Runway encouraged him to walk the other way down the carpet. Brown Snake appeared and asked if the two men were trying to make a joke out of his tag-team partner.

Michel did well to defuse the situation, but it ended with Brown Snake telling The Runway that they would see them in the ring next month and prove that Smokers & Suplexes are ready for a shot at the SZW Tag-Team Champions.


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Armando Guerrero vs Dizzy G

Although Dizzy G had a match set for next month, he was in the ring focused on his current opponent. Dizzy had already retired one wrestling trainer this year and when he had the chance to talk smack in the ring he said he would do the same thing tonight, before finally pinning Armando Guerrero. This match worked really well with Armando Guerrero and Dizzy G having pretty good chemistry between the two of them.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 39



Dizzy G

Dizzy G grabs the microphone after the match letting the crowd boo as he hoists his SZW Sydney Championship up high in the air. He wants to address the challenge of The Devoted Souls. He is the last bastion hope for the company. He is the last hold out for the company. Guess what though, he doesn’t care about SZW, he doesn’t care about the fans. The only thing he cares about is his paycheck and next month taking on Peril will give him the biggest paycheck, so he accepts the match next month.


The added benefit he gets to end the undefeated streak of Peril, and he is accustomed to ending things just like he ended New Zealand Pit Bulls career.


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Lee Bawes vs Lance Maddigan

Lee Bawes hasn’t had a match since back in February on the main card and looked to continue his form of beating up on babyfaces that were down the card. This time he faced off against my roommate Lance Maddigan who was looking for something to do this month. Another pair of guys who showed to have good chemistry against one another, which is nice to see in the company.

Winner: Lee Bawes

Rating: 38




Blackwell Bush

Blackwell Bush a man who seemed to be on a mission in the ring with very little talking got some time on the microphone. He came out to voice his displeasure that even though he helped The Devoted Souls win their six man tag against Wild Youth and Lone Rider he wasn’t offered to become a member of the group, nor did he get a title shot like Adrian McGhee or Peril are getting. With that he called for his opponent to get out to the ring, he was frustrated.


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Blackwell Bush vs Johnathan Wesker

The Muscle Bomber himself came out to the ring looking for a match and boy did he get it. Blackwell dissected the bigger man breaking him down limb by limb not showing. This was a long match by our standards something Paul wanted to see if Blackwell Bush could translate his style against the guys lower on the card. Which he certainly did against Wesker who didn’t put in a good performance by any stretch of the imagination, but Blackwell made this a watchable affair.

Winner: Blackwell Bush

Rating: 41


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Paul ~ Lone Rider & Taniko Jo

Backstage Lone Rider was talking to his father asking when he would be booked for his title rematch, wanting to get his hands on Adrian McGhee earlier rather than later, and he didn’t want anyone interfering in the match. Paul tried to calm his son down stating he would get a chance soon enough, but it wouldn’t be happening tonight. Lone Rider said he doesn’t care when it happens, he is going to recapture his SZW Australian Championship when he gets the chance. 


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Trehawke Phillips vs Adgee Cross

The main event of the night was planned last month and involved Adgee Cross taking on a man he hadn’t ever faced in the ring which was surprising as Trehawke Phillips had been involved in the main event picture, as had Adgee Cross. Adgee Cross was a man on a mission as he came out to prove a point tonight and he did exactly that. He had such an impressive match. Trehawke Phillips certainly hampered this match a bit with his performance. Clearly his age is catching up to him these days.

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 40


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This felt like a star-making night for Dizzy G, even more so than his initial title win or retiring New Zealand Pit Bull. He got to position himself as the last standout against The Devoted Souls, achieve an impressive win in an even better match and keep his heat at the end by emphasising his selfish motivations.

I really liked the Runway/S&S interaction not just for setting up a match and helping build a tag division hierarchy but because it showcased their gimmicks too, while it was good follow-up for Blackwell Bush to not be happy that he'd been integral to that six-man win without receiving any reward for it.

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Okay, I'm just gonna point out that as soon as Kelly got the boot, Pit Bull praises Austin's development. I'm feeling like his brother's negative influence may have been holding him back before. With a chance to learn in-ring from some of the vets like Armando and Bawes, the guy could develop into something special for SZW.


Also, I did not expect Dizzy G to end up being the top heel of the company, but I am all for it. Going all-in on the disrespect and cocky attitude is working wonders, and giving him a unique edges compared to most of the other heels, who seem more like tough guys than smack-talkers. Being solid in the ring helps out too, and the guy could be one of the closest things you have to a complete package at the moment.

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