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WrestlesaurusX: If Wrestling's Fake Explain THIS! (Tverse)

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The story so far...

It has been a long six months since the Martian Queen's invasion of Earth at the head of her Kaiju Death Army was drawn into pitched combat with the forces WrestleX Air Force. As the world prepares to mourn the lives lost to her most infamous enforcer Lobster Warrior, let's have a look at the various scores that will no doubt be settled at what's meant to be a vigil for the lost...

The rivalry between Air Chief Marshal Westminster and Lobster Warrior has been intense since our war with the invaders has gone to the squared circle, with the Marshal only barely averting multiple attempts by the Warrior to devour innocent bystanders...and also that one jerk from the AWF who keeps showing up (more on him later). The latter has resulted in the highest cost for Westminster as his intervention led to him losing an arm to the horrible beast's slavering jaws. But the joke was on the decapodal delinquent as Westminster returned with a cybernetic arm the next month and proved instrumental in helping Behemoth and the Mighty Mutant Power Beetles forcing the Queen herself to retreat for reinforcements and send her army into disarray! With the memorial for Warrior's victims on the horizon Westminster has declared his intent to chain himself to the very trophy commemorating the anniversary, but will this act of conviction just serve him up like a seafood special?

The Martian Queen wasn't the only baddie on the loose, the vile Venusian attempted to capitalize on the war by establishing his criminal enterprise known as the Cosmic Cartel alongside the mysterious mobster Starface and the loose cannon hitman ROOSTER-3000. Opposing them were patriot par excellence Big Al and his Extraterrestrial Amigo The Visitor, eager to keep the WrestleX War Zone crime-free. They faced an uphill battle with the numbers out of their favor, but with a cunning disguise as Blue Man, The Visitor managed to apprehend Venusian and goaded his minions into a battle with Venusian at ringside in a LAZER SHARK CAGE specifically designed to hold LAZER SHARKS, impregnable in every way! Will their desire to save their boss be the Cartel's undoing, or have Venusian's hints there's an even bigger boss pulling the strings come into play?

The do-gooder team of the Mighty Mutant Power Beetles have gained themselves quite a reputation as noble warriors since the war for Earth's survival began. However, with great popularity comes enemies...and also stalkers in the case of Power Beetle Rose whose had to deal with the unwanted advances of The Nightmare from the Lagoon! Threatening the life of some hot dog guy who hangs around sometimes, the Nightmare has forced Rose into a bout with her hand in marriage on the line...it's kinda skeevy not gonna lie but we all know Rose is up to the task! Meanwhile nominal leader of the group Power Beetle Magma has successfully made the mercenary Brutus cancel his contract with the Martian Queen and the wouldbe monarch in her absence, King Kongor, has decided that Magma must be squashed to legitimize his reign! Can Magma bring the fire or will the King rule the roost? Finally...ok honestly Power Beetle Grass seems to have been going through a lot lately, managing to only rack up wins when teaming with his fellow Beetle Ghost. The last straw for the short-tempered bug came when he was in the middle of the ring by Yukito and has challenged the affable entertainer to a boxing match of all things. With the timid creature pressured by his comrades into accepting the bout we don't have high hopes for the fuzzy friend but it'd certainly not be a good look if Grass lost.

This guy...screw this guy. He started showing up around February attempting to recruit kaiju for his 'Uncle Johnny's' wrestling organization. We've already told you how this robbed Westminster of his favorite right arm, but this guy just doesn't seem to learn because he's declared that the Memorial will see the debut of a brand new 'Brand Ambassador' for his company. Like...read the room, jerkwad.

Finally the only rivalry that could match Westminster vs Lobster nears its climax. From the start Pinatadon has menaced the WrestleX War Zone with his irradiated bonking stick, with a special ire towards the turncoat Behemoth! With the assistance of the Queen, Pinatadon has ambushed his former comrade multiple times, getting an edge over the plum-colored powerhouse again and again and seemingly putting him on the shelf until he reappeared to help Westminster and the Beetles force the Queen to retreat into space! The rage has only grown with the Queen's top enforcer since and the two bitter enemies will face off in the deadly...




WrestleX Presents:
Memorial For The Victims Of Lobster Warrior

Radioactive Bonka Stick On A Pole Match
Behemoth vs Pinatadon

Power Beetle Magma vs King Kongor

Power Beetle Rose vs The Nightmare From The Lagoon

Might Mutant Power Beetles (Aqua, Earth, Ghost) vs Aquasaur, Militant Centipede, & Nautilus

The Venusian in a LAZER SHARK CAGE @ Ringside

Big Al & The Visitor vs The Cosmic Cartel

Boxing Exhibition

Power Beetle Grass vs Yukito

Air Chief Marshal Westminster vs Lobster Warrior

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A Pteroid dynasty only means one thing, this is going to be fun.

Radioactive Bonka Stick On A Pole Match
Behemoth vs Pinatadon

Power Beetle Magma vs King Kongor

Power Beetle Rose vs The Nightmare From The Lagoon

Might Mutant Power Beetles (Aqua, Earth, Ghost) vs Aquasaur, Militant Centipede, & Nautilus

The Venusian in a LAZER SHARK CAGE @ Ringside
Big Al & The Visitor vs The Cosmic Cartel

Boxing Exhibition
Power Beetle Grass vs Yukito

Air Chief Marshal Westminster vs Lobster Warrior

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WrestleX Presents:
Memorial For The Victims Of Lobster Warrior

Radioactive Bonka Stick On A Pole Match
Behemoth vs Pinatadon

It's only fitting for the Pinatadon to be hit with the Bonka Stick; though maybe not so hard that he breaks open and candy spills out.

Power Beetle Magma vs King Kongor

King Kongor is too strong to fight one on one.

Power Beetle Rose vs The Nightmare From The Lagoon

I think TNFTL's obsession over Rose costs him the match.

I'll pick Lagoon 

Might Mutant Power Beetles (Aqua, Earth, Ghost) vs Aquasaur, Militant Centipede, & Nautilus

I think the Martian Queens absence will cause some dissention amongst the invaders and the Power Beetles superior teamwork will win them the match.

The Venusian in a LAZER SHARK CAGE @ Ringside
Big Al & The Visitor vs The Cosmic Cartel

While I'm not hesitant to vote against the power of the LAZER SHARK CAGE, I still think the Cosmic Cartel will find a way to steal this.

Boxing Exhibition
Power Beetle Grass vs Yukito

Poor Yukito, Grass wins but at what cost?

Air Chief Marshal Westminster vs Lobster Warrior

Lobster Claws can't cut Steel Cybernetic Arms, at least I hope they can't for the sake of humanity.

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WrestleX Presents:
Memorial For The Victims Of Lobster Warrior

Radioactive Bonka Stick On A Pole Match
Behemoth vs Pinatadon

Power Beetle Magma vs King Kongor

Power Beetle Rose vs The Nightmare From The Lagoon

Might Mutant Power Beetles (Aqua, Earth, Ghost) vs Aquasaur, Militant Centipede, & Nautilus

The Venusian in a LAZER SHARK CAGE @ Ringside
Big Al & The Visitor vs The Cosmic Cartel

Boxing Exhibition
Power Beetle Grass vs Yukito

Air Chief Marshal Westminster vs Lobster Warrior

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