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WCW 2001: 'Bout Time I Elevated To Claim My Own Throne!

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PPV buys reality sets in for Shane McMahon

WCW PPV buys for Bash at the Beach were up 17K on last month's The Great American Bash, but still around 1.45M less than they secured at the debut return of Big Bang! 

High-ranking members of the WCW team thought that The Great American Bash may have been a fluke blip, but it seems that the reality of WCW's situation is that it was Big Bang! the debut PPV that was the anomaly. It would seem to make some sense that the big return PPV got a lot of buys and it seems that a lot of people who did buy it just weren't captivated enough to get back into WCW at this moment in time. 

Given in recent months Nitro has been averaging just under 800K viewers it would see quite optimistic to have expected the 2.5M PPV buy-rates to continue especially with monthly PPVs with a roster that currently has nowhere near the star power of WWF or even WCW in it's past glory. 

If Shane is serious about ever getting WCW back to competing with WWF in any serious manner it would seem the reality of how monumentally challenging that will be in both the short and long term may now be setting in. It is thought that Shane McMahon is still optimistic about his investment in WCW though and believes they can continue the limited growth they've had in the 3 months since he has been running the company. 

Edited by PH71
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Nitro Episode 14: 

Wednesday 01 August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,673 crowd from Omaha, Nebraska

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Scott Hudson & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway'

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from Nebraska! 

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

We see Scott Hall's Bentley pulling up outside the front of the ramp 

Tony says it looks like we're kicking things off with the newly crowned WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, who in large part thanks to that bastard The Sandman, won, or should I say, stole the world title off Booker T at Bash at the Beach. 

Scott Hall gets out of the car largely to boos. 

The Sandman, with singapore cane in hand, accompanies Scott Hall to the ring, occasionally turning to the top of the ramp pretending to threaten anyone thinking about coming out to fight them. 

Scott Hall gets in the ring with Sandman just behind him. 

"Nebraska... hey yo!" says Scott Hall in the ring holding the Big Gold Belt that he's won for the first time in his career. 

"You know a few weeks ago, Roddy Piper told me that money can't buy history... well from where I'm standing... that money I spent on Jimmy here bought me a place in the history books... I know a lot of the fans, a lot of the boys in the back, Shane McMahon, Booker T, Dallas Page... I'm sure you'll all be asking the question... why, Scott, why? Why'd you go into business with a guy who's beat 50 shades of s*** out of half the roster, chocked out your boss, shown such disrespect to WCW... well the question is, WHY NOT go into business with a guy like that?"

Sandman laughs

Scott Hall continues... "You see, after the go home Nitro show before the PPV I was in a bar not far from the show in New Mexico... and who do I see walk in... but Jimmy Sandman here. He told me all about how Shane McMahon robbed him of a chance to win a WCW contract at Bash at the Beach... the New Mexico Screwjob might have screwed Sandman out of a shot at being on the WCW roster... but Shane... just like Bret screwed Bret... Shane screwed Shane! You screwing over Sandman gave me the business opportunity of a life time... I was looking for a driver and Jimmy here was looking for a job and a way into WCW"

"Now, I'm the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in my career... and Jimmy here is a member of the roster, under contract with me, so he doesn't have to walk the line of what Shane McMahon and the WCW top brass wants... he just has to walk the line of what I want... and what I want is to hang onto this championship for as long as I feel like it" 

Scott Hall clicks his fingers, The Sandman doesn't look super happy at this but Hall calls him over to give him a piece of paper from his pocket. Sandman gets the paper from his pocket. 

Scott says "Yo, Jimmy, can you read?" 

Sandman looks annoyed but says yes. 

"Read what that says" 

The Sandman on the mic says "This contract, signed between Scott Hall and James 'The Sandman' Fullington is legally binding, but it contains a free release clause at which at any time James 'The Sandman' Fullington may cease employment with Mr Hall should a full-time contract with either WCW or the WWF present itself" 

Scott Hall says "thanks, that's enough Jimmy" 

Scott Hall continues "you see Shane, what that means is, there's a real easy way for you to hurt my chances of keeping this title around my waist. As at any time you can offer Jimmy a full-time WCW contract and I'll let him take it free of charge, because I'm such a gentleman. But the thing is Shane, I know that your pride can't allow you to do that. You see, your father, Vince, sure he's got pride, but he knows when there's business to be done, even if it's against someone that's wronged WWF or the McMahon family, if it helps his business it's worth doing that deal. But you Shane, you allow your pride and desperation to be one of the boys and a tough guy to cloud your judgment. You won't give Jimmy a deal, I know that, but that only helps me anyway!" 

"You see Shane... it's clear to me why your father didn't trust you with his legacy, you're not just a bad businessman but you're a coward too and-

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes out on the top of the ramp looking angry. 

Shane says that this week was meant to be a big week in WCW history. Off the back of the 3rd succesful WCW PPV under my ownership this show was meant to be a celebration of WCW and to look forward to the debut of WCW Panic! on Friday night... now look Scott... I don't have any issue with you winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship... I brought you into this company to make a difference at the top level... I took a chance on you... I trusted you... and to win, no, to steal the top prize in professional wrestling the way you did... you spit right in my face!" 

Scott says you hired The Bad Guy! You wanted The Bad Guy... this is who I am... you should've been careful what you wished for! 

Shane says he can't take the championship off of Scott Hall, nor can he revoke Scott Hall's contractual right to a driver... but he can make things very difficult for Hall and Sandman... if the boys in the back won't already make it very difficult. 

Shane says speaking of the boys in the back, I'm sure you're aware that 2 men more than any others aren't very happy with you. I've told Booker and Diamond Dallas Page to wait in the back as I don't want tonight's show to descend into any further chaos and anarchy... but what I can do is give the people of Nebraska and WCW fans watching around the world what they want to see in tonight's main event...

So tonight, in the main event, it will be SCOTT HALL putting the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Booker T and DDP in a rematch of Bash at the Beach!

Fans cheer at the idea of this

Scott Hall in the ring laughs and gets Sandman to get another piece of paper from his pocket which he gives to Scott Hall.

Hall gets back on the mic and says "You know Shane, I thought you might pull something like this tonight... well let me tell you, as a good friend of mine once said many times... that doesn't work for me brother! You see my contract stipulates that if in the event I win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, which as you can see, I did, it stipulates that regardless of whether I was the champion or challenger, I am under no obligation to offer an automatic rematch to whoever lost in the title match... so what that means is Shane, there will be no automatic rematch for Booker T or Diamond Dallas Page tonight... if either of those chumps wants to challenge me... they will have to earn it!" 

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Booker T comes storming out and says if he has to earn a shot to win his title back he'll do whatever it takes! 

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

Page gets on the mic and says I've been screwed out of a title match two times in 3 months since WCW came back... I won't be screwed again!

Shane McMahon looks angry but then says "That's fine Scott, if that's how you want it... then tonight the main event of Nitro, to determine the number 1 contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship will see Booker T take on Diamond Dallas Page-

WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com)

Shane looks annoyed, as do Booker and DDP as Bischoff comes onto the stage with them.

Eric says "before you book another match between Booker T and DDP to decide who can face Scott Hall for a title shot... as the General Manager of WCW, Shane, let me say, you keep booking a lot of matches without talking to me about them first. And look I respect the hell out of you kid, but you're new to this promoter, shtick, you get me? I took WCW to the top of the world... and if you let me help you I can do it again... now I'm not going to tell you what to do... I'm not even saying Booker T and DDP don't rightfully deserve the chance to get another shot at the title... but as the General Manager of this company my job is also to make sure the boys in the back feel that if they work hard, if they win matches then WCW is the place that will reward them with opportunities. So what I'm saying Shane, is we should give Booker and DDP their chance to become number 1 contender in tonight's main event, but we should also give a chance to 2 other guys in the back who since WCW came back have both worked hard, won matches and shown they deserve a shot at the title! 

Shane McMahon says fine, I don't disagree with any of that Eric, who did you have in mind?

Eric says there's one man who's experienced at the top level, one of the best technical wrestlers of his generation but he's never quite won the big one... Curt Hennig!! 

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

Curt Hennig comes out and stares down Scott Hall and the other two guys

And another man who has been in the hottest form of anyone in WCW since WCW came back... the innovator of offence... Kanyon!! 

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

Kanyon comes out, smiles at DDP and then glares at the others around him. 

Shane says... I like that Eric... I like it a lot! 

Okay, well then Nebraska, your main event tonight... a Fatal Four Way match... the former champion Booker T, takes on Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Kanyon! 

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Shane McMahon, Booker T, DDP, Eric Bischoff, Curt Hennig and Kanyon - (95 rated) 


A video package hyping the debut of WCW Friday Night Panic! is played advertising that the first match announced for the show will see Juventud Guerrera defend the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship against Nova


JJ Dillon interview with WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera

JJ says well Juventud you're still the champion of the Cruiserweight division, some will say that you cheated in order to retain that title at Bash at the Beach what do you say to that? 

Juvi says Chavo's family wrote the book on cheating and he only did what he had to do as Chavo would've done the same to him anyway. Juvi says if Chavo or anyone else in the Cruiserweight division as a problem what that they can come speak to him! 

JJ says it's just been announced that the first ever match on WCW Friday Night Panic! will be Juventud defending the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship against Nova of the b.w.o, what do you make of that? 

Juvi says he welcomes the challenge! He knows the spotlight will be on him on Panic! but that's okay, when you're one of the best wrestlers in the company at the top of your game it's only natural you get put in high pressure situations. Juvi says he's sure he will have a great match with Nova and walk out still the champ! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Juventud Guerrera - (59 rated) 


Match 1: 

Jason Jett vs Rob Van Dam (with Steve Alfonso) - If Jason Jett wins he earns a future WCW United States Championship match 

WCW Jason Jett 2nd Theme - "Jason Jett Theme" (Rec.) (youtube.com)

WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com)

This match gets a decent amount of time to open the show. Rob Van Dam is in fine form after defeating Lance Storm to retain his title at Bash at the Beach. Jason Jett brings a lot of energy and enthusiasm at this big opportunity for him but in the end RVD just has too much for him.

Rob Van Dam wins via pinfall - (8.31) - (74 rated) 


Eric Bischoff on screen addressing the audience from the back

Bischoff says as General Manager of WCW he's keen to ensure that hard work is rewarded. He's sure there are many tag teams wondering who The Nu Road Warriors will face next as they look to keep the WCW World Tag Team Championships. Bischoff says over the next few weeks there will be a tag team tournament to determine who will become the number 1 contenders. 

Later tonight in the first Semi Final we will see Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda face off against Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak, then next week on Nitro we will see the second Semi Final, with Team Canada in action against The F.B.I 

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff (63 rated) 


'Dr Death' Steve Williams promo with Jimmy Hart

Jimmy Hart hypes up Steve Williams' undefeated streak since returning to WCW. Jimmy says 'Dr Death' will destroy anyone who gets in his way! Fit Finlay thought he could cheat Death but he got sent back to Ireland! 

Steve Williams says he will stop at nothing to take what he's deserved all of his career

Suddenly we see Hugh Morrus come into set

Hugh Morrus squares up to 'Dr Death' and says if we're talking about what people deserve than we should be talking about Hugh Morrus. Morrus says he's been in WCW through the good and bad, 'Dr Death' thinks he can come crawling back from Japan every now and then when he feels like it... well he better watch out as Hugh Morrus as his eye on him! 

Freestyle segment with 'Dr Death' Steve Williams, Jimmy Hart and Hugh Morrus - (42 rated) 


Match 2: 

Akira Hokuto (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs Cynthia Lynch - If Cynthia Lynch wins she will win a future shot at the WCW World Women's Championship

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

Cynthia Lynch already in the ring as Akira Hokuto makes her entrance. The commentators mention that Cynthia Lynch has recently been given a development contract with WCW where she will train with WCW and also be loaned out to smaller regional promotions to get more experience in the ring, but what a chance she has tonight against the champion in a non-title match!

Lynch is no match for Hokuto who gets a relatively rapid fire win. Hokuto gets the win via the Dragon Sleeper.

Akira Hokuto wins via submission - (5.05) - (35 rated) 


After the match 'Sinister' James Mitchell gets in the ring with a mic. Akira speaks for about 30 seconds in Japanese on the mic to a fair amount of booing.

James Mitchell says what his client is trying to say is that she is too good for the women's division in WCW. She has already beaten the best WCW had to offer in Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. She has beaten the best Hawaii had to offer in Malia Hosaka. She has beaten one of the best young prodigies in Japanese women's wrestling in Meiko Satomura. She puts out the challenge to Sable, you're the boss of women's wrestling in WCW, who do you have next for me?! 

Born To Be Wild (youtube.com)

Sable comes out looking a bit annoyed at being called out but equally quite happy to be out in the spotlight and like she might have been waiting for this moment.

Sable says she's glad that Akira Hokuto is up for the challenge of more competition. Sable says the match with Meiko Satomura at Bash at the Beach was great, but at Mayhem live from Maryland later in the month, she wants the women's title match to top it. 

So on that note Sable says she's gone out and brought to WCW one of the best stars in all of women's wrestling across the world... a former champion in Mexico who Akira Hokuto may well remember...

WCW Vampiro Theme (youtube.com)

Arn Anderson says, what? Vampiro? Is he competing in the women's division now?!

Vampiro returns to WCW but he's not alone as alongside him is a woman in a luchador mask. At the top of the entrance way Vampiro says he was backstage at Bash at the Beach having been in talks with Johnny Ace about returning to WCW, when Sable asked him if he could make a few calls to connections in Mexico. 

Vampiro says he was only too happy to oblige and he's proud to bring into WCW with him the former CMLL World Women's Champion, LA DIABOLICA! 

La Diabolica on the mic speaks in Spanish in an angry tone.

Vampiro says July 30 1994... Akira Hokuto made the biggest mistake of her life... Akira ended La Diabolica's reign as CMLL World Women's Champion... you came to my company in Mexico and took the title that put me on the map... well now I will have my revenge... as at Mayhem I take your WCW World Women's Championship! 

Freestyle segment with Akira Hokuto, 'Sinister' James Mitchell' Sable, Vampiro and Akira Hokuto - (53 rated) 


Real Talk with Roddy - Roddy Piper interview with Team Canada

Piper says well well well... Lance the world is wondering if that loss to Rob Van Dam at Bash at the Beach has given you some level of humility after being put in your place

Lance Storm laughs at this.

Put in my place?? Lance asks crossly. Humility? Rob Van Dam got lucky at Bash at the Beach... let's be honest... that happens in wrestling sometimes. But Rob Van Dam, our story isn't ended, somewhere, sometime, I will take that WCW United States Championship back... but if I can be serious for one moment Roddy, sometimes in life unexpecteed opportunities present themselves and that's exactly what has happened tonight with Team Canada being given a chance to win a tournament to be number 1 contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championships

Piper says well yes, Lance, it was a great win at Bash at the Beach for Mike Awesome and Carl Oulett over Terry Funk and Christopher Daniels, some might even say that when Bischoff named Team Canada as in this tournament he may have even meant Awesome and Oulett, but from what I understand you intend for this tournament to be competed in as yourself and Mike Awesome? 

Lance Storm looks annoyed and goes to answer, but Mike Awesome says he'll answer for him. 

Mike Awesome says Lance is the leader of this group, not you Roddy, Carl was brought in as the enforcer of this group and will be used as and when at Lance's discretion. If you or anyone else has a problem with that you can shove it up your ass!!

Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo come into shot. Elix Skipper says Mike Awesome shouldn't be squaring up to an announcer and legend like Roddy Piper.

Awesome laughs at him and says oh look if it isn't 'Prime Time' Elix Skipper! 

Lance Storm adds that since Elix Skipper left Team Canada he isn't prime time, he's barely getting any TV time. Since he left Team Canada he's 'Graveyard' Elix Skipper! 

Kid Romeo gets annoyed defending his tag-team partner. Lance Storm says if Kid Romeo is so tough, he'll see him in the ring later tonight, Kid Romeo agrees to the challenge.

Skipper says he left Team Canada as he'd had enough of the Canadian outlaw shtick... Skipper says he's back embracing being American but if he ever feels like changing sides he'll be sure to let them know. 

Mike Awesome says Skipper better watch himself as Carl Oullet gets in Skipper's face before Skipper and Romeo walk off

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Team Canada & Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo - (46 rated) 


DDP and Kanyon

DDP and Kanyon in the back. There appears to be a bit more tension between them than usual.

DDP says you know Chris, whatever happens in the main event, I wanna wish you good luck tonight, brother.

Kanyon says he respects that but this is such a huge opportunity for him in his career tonight that he's not sure he can wish DDP luck back as he needs all the luck he can get if he's going to secure the win tonight.

DDP says he understands before they reluctantly bump fists

Freestyle segment with DDP & Kanyon - (85 rated) 


The Sons of the South promo

In a quick promo 'The Sons of the South' David Flair and Erik Watts reiterate that they're not here in WCW based on nepotism but because they worked harder than everyone else! 

They say tonight they have a huge opportunity against The Nu Road Warriors and they're going to show the WCW tag team division that they're not a joke! 

Freestyle segment with The Sons of the South (41 rated) 


Match 3: 

The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) vs The Sons of the South (David Flair & Erik Watts) - If The Sons of the South win they get a future shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championships 

WCW Erik Watts Theme "Grid-Iron Train " (youtube.com)

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

The Sons of the South come out determined to prove their worth but The Nu Road Warriors seem to have built up chemistry and confidence after recent big wins and they prove no match for The Sons of the South

The Nu Road Warriors win via pinfall - (4.31) - (45 rated) 


Eric Bischoff backstage with Johnny Ace in Shane's office

Eric and Johnny are talking about the Vampiro signing. Johnny mentions that the first Turner contract target of Shane's should be available on the roster from Nitro next week. Bischoff says that's good news. 

Chavo Guerrero Jr suddenly bursts into the office. 

Chavo says he got cheated out of the chance to become WCW World Cruiserweight Champion at Bash at the Beach... Juvi cheated so he should get a rematch on Panic! not that bum Nova from the b.w.o

Bischoff says Nova has put in some good performances in recent weeks so he deserves a shot. Johnny Ace agrees but says Chavo did seem to get cheated at Bash at the Beach.

Bischoff says fine, how about this, next week on Nitro, you will face the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, whether it's Juventud or Nova, in a non-title match... if you win that match then you will get another shot at the title.

Chavo is unsure but ultimately agrees and shakes hand with Bischoff. 

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, Johnny Ace and Chavo Guerrero Jr - (55 rated) 


Steve Corino contract signing 

We come back from commercial break where Shane McMahon is in the ring where there is a table with a contract on it. 

Shane on the mic says this wasn't the outcome he hoped for or wanted, but as a businessman he's as good as his word... so here to sign on and officially become part of the WCW roster... the first ever WCW FXtreme Television Champion... Steve Corino...

ECW Steve Corino - "Old School Style" Titantron (youtube.com)

Steve Corino, with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship comes out with his manager, Don Callis, both of them looking very smug as we see the first member of The Extreme Alliance to get their own entrance with their own theme song coming out from the back. 

Corino and Callis get in the ring and sit on the chairs opposite Shane McMahon who doesn't look happy.

Don Callis goes through the contract, he pauses several times arguing about certain things. 

Shane McMahon says a critical point of the contract is that as long as Steve Corino is the WCW FXtreme Television Champion he will be contractually obligated to defend the title at least 4 times per month. 

Don Callis is a bit unhappy at this, but Corino says that means he'll be on TV or PPV almost every week, you can't buy that kind of exposure! 

Don Callis and Steve Corino then leave the ring. 

Shane McMahon then says he's pleased to announce the commentary team for WCW Friday Night Panic! debuting on Friday. 

Shane says the commentary team will be headed up by WCW's own Scott Hudson who will be announcing full-time on Friday nights starting from this Friday. He will be joined by Stevie Ray. FX were keen to have different announcers for each show to differentiate the shows a bit and Shane was happy for this to happen. Shane says a replacement for Scott Hudson for Nitro will be announced at the start of Nitro next week...

Shane then says none of what has happened with Panic! could have been possible without Shane's great working relationship with FX's Consultant Producer for Friday Night Panic!

Shane says to show his gratitude he wants to bring out J.C Bonsignore from FX to give him the props that he deserves from the WCW crowd...

ECW Classic/Original Theme Song (youtube.com)

Wait a minute, says Tony Schiavone. 

What's going on here asks Arn?? 

The crowd, announcers and Shane McMahon are shocked to see Joey Styles come out from the entrance way. Don Callis and Steve Corino are just at the top of the ramp, and seeing Joey, they look at him, seem to get what's happened and they just laugh. 

Joey Styles?? What's that little pipsqueak doing here? asks Tony. He seemed to be a key a mouthpiece for The Extreme Alliance, particularly The Chair Swingin' Freaks, but the last few weeks he's not been anywhere to be seen... Don Callis at Bash at the Beach said he didn't know what had happened to him.

Joey Styles with a mic eventually gets into the ring. Shane still doesn't seem to get what's going on. 

Shane says what's going on?? Where's J.C Bonsignore from FX?? 

Joey Styles laughs at him and says, you know, for such an esteemed businessman, you don't seem to put much effort into finding out who you're doing business with. What? You couldn't do one Google search on the internet to see who you were talking to? I AM J.C Bonsignore you idiot! 

Shane looks shocked

FX contacted me as they wanted Friday Night Panic! to be a slightly edgier show aimed at a younger demographic and guess who has experience in helping produce a show like that?? Me!! So guess who's your new Consultant Producer for FX for your new show? ME!!! 

Joey Styles says the first order of business is the announce team... Joey says unlike some people I don't wish to rob anyone of a job... so Scott Hudson... don't worry buddy you can still be at the announce desk. Stevie Ray? Sure he'll do on there you can keep him too. But as the Consultant Producer for FX I feel that the announce desk at Panic! will need someone a bit more experienced at calling quick, exciting and sometimes violent content... you know who I've decided would fit the bill for that? ME!!! 

Oh God says Tony. Scott Hudson groans. 

And I've got another surprise for you Shane, says Joey. For the debut of Panic! I've invited 4 very special guests to have front row seats to the show. 

No, says Shane, no Joey, you can't do that! 

I can and I will, says Joey. At Panic! In the front row will be the 4 remaining members of The Extreme Alliance... Axl Rotten... Balls Mahoney... Tommy Dreamer... and Sabu!!! 

You can't hire them! says Shane. I have hiring veto! You can't hire anyone to work for WCW without my permission! 

That's true says Joey, but you don't have to be contracted to WCW to perform on a WCW show... so you better be careful what you wish for Shane! See you on Friday, partner! 

And with that Joey Styles walks off and leaves with Shane McMahon in the ring looking pretty shocked at what's just happened.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Steve Corino, Don Callis and Joey Styles - (72 rated) 


Harlem Heat segment backstage 

Booker T, Sharmell and Stevie Ray are in the back 

Booker T looks miserable. He says without the WCW World Heavyweight Championship he feels like he's nothing. Scott Hall and The Sandman stole everything from him.

Sharmell gets a bit annoyed and says you've still got your girlfriend and your brother? 

Stevie Ray says Booker needs to stay focused. He's got a chance tonight to become number 1 contender and get the title back straight away, then he'll be a 5 time Champion! 

Booker T says he still wants revenge on The Sandman for what he did. Since he likes driving so much maybe he was the guy who run him over to cost him the WCW United States Championship. 

Stevie Ray tells Booker not to worry about Sandman for now. Stevie Ray says he will deal with Sandman. 

Sharmell congratulates Stevie Ray on getting the commentary job for Panic! but Booker T seems so miserable he barely acknowledges this.

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat and Sharmell - (74 rated) 


Match 4: 

Hugh Morrus vs Jimmy Yang (with Kaz Hayashi) 

Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

WCW Jung Dragons 2nd Theme Song - "Gong/Shakuhachi" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

This match is a dominant win for Hugh Morrus who gets back into form with a bang. 

Hugh Morrus wins via pinfall - (4.31) - (43 rated) 


After the match Hugh Morrus continues beating on Jimmy Yang. Kaz Hayashi gets into the ring and tries to protect his partner but Hugh Morrus eventually overwhelms him too.

AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com)

'Dr Death' Steve Williams storms to the ring and Hugh Morrus bails and gets out of there shouting at Steve Williams as he heads back to the locker-room. 

Freestyle segment with Hugh Morrus, Jung Dragons & 'Dr Death' Steve Williams - (31 rated) 


Vampiro is backstage in the locker-room. He shakes hands with La Parka and is chatting to him in Spanish when Billy Kidman comes over. 

Billy says well, well well, if it isn't another washed up star of WCW's past. You know Vampiro, you're lucky that Shane McMahon picked up this company, because if we'd been bought out by the WWF you'd have never got a look in on their roster. Just look at you man. You used to be the gothic, scary juggalo freak-show. Unpredictable. Unorthodox. Nobody knew what you were going to do or who you were going to go after next. 

Look at you now. You're a washed up, injury-ridden, over-weight has-been.

Vampiro gets in Kidman's face. 

Kidman says, what? Am I lying? Your big comeback to WCW after being gone like a year is coming out as the manager of a CMLL luchadora?! I'm not angry man, I'm not trying to start something with you... but I am disappointed. Kidman then walks off. 

La Parka says something to Vampiro in Spanish. Vampiro mutters under his breath "I'll show you who's a scary juggalo freak-show..." 

Freestyle segment with Vampiro, La Parka and Billy Kidman - (54 rated) 


JJ Dillon with Psychosis and Super Crazy

JJ asks The MexiCruisers where they go from now in the tag team division after what was surely a disappointing loss for them at Bash at the Beach. 

Psychosis starts talking to JJ in Spanish, which JJ doesn't seem to understand, when suddenly Steve Corino and Don Callis barge into set. 

Don Callis says "Discuple, mi Amigos!" "Sorry, boys, but we have an exclusive announcement for Friday Night Panic!" 

The MexiCruisers look very unhappy at being pushed out the way.

JJ Dillon is asking what's going on.

Don Callis says Shane McMahon wants my client, Steve Corino, to defend the WCW FXtreme Television Championship at least 4 times a month, well, if that's what he wants, that's what he's going to get. But if he thinks my client is going to defend that title on Nitro, well he's got another thing coming. You see Panic!, ran by Joey Styles, I think that's where the cool cats fight. 

Steve Corino says that's right Don, you see, I'm going to make Friday Night Panic! the Friday Night Steve Corino show! And so I'm putting out the challenge... call it what you like... but I like to call it the  'Steve Corino Open Challenge' and let me tell you how that's going to work. 

I don't believe that just anybody should get to challenge me for this WCW FXtreme Telvision Championship, JJ, no no. You see if you want to challenge for this you have to have championship credentials. And so here's the rules for entering the Steve Corino Open Challenge. If you've ever been the WCW World Television Champion before, you can step up and challenge me and we'll fight it out for the title under Old School standard wrestling rules. But I'm a nice guy, I'm not just limiting it to WCW World Television Champions... no, no... you see I'm also opening it up for anyone who has been either the WCW World Hardcore Champion or the ECW World Television Champion... but here's the twist JJ... if you challenge me as a former WCW World Hardcore or ECW World Television Champion... then your title match against me will be in a no-disqualification match! 

Corino and Callis then walk off, but not before Corino says "adios, amigos!" to the MexiCruisers who are still standing there looking annoyed. 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Steve Corino, Don Callis & The MexiCruisers - (45 rated)


Match 5: 

Kid Romeo (with Elix Skipper) vs Lance Storm (with Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet) 

WCW THEMES: Kid Romeo "Hey, Hey Romeo" (youtube.com)

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

This is a fairly open match with Kid Romeo getting in a decent amount of offence against Storm. Skipper tries to keep Awesome and Oulett at bay on the outside but the numbers game helps Storm in the ring and leads to him getting the win via the Sharpshooter. 

Lance Storm wins via submission - (7.04) - (63 rated) 

After the match Storm refuses to give up the submission, Skipper runs in the ring and gets Storm off. Soon after this Awesome and Oulett get in the ring, Skipper quickly helps Romeo out the ring and they make a run for it with the numbers too much for them.


Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak and Stacy Keibler in the medical office.

A doctor is telling Shawn Stasiak he's still quite banged up from the street fight with Kanyon at Bash at the Beach and it his advice that he doesn't compete tonight.

Stacy agrees with the doctor, she says Shawn has to look after his health for the long-term, but Shawn Stasiak says tonight is a big opportunity for Stasiak & Jindrak to get a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championships so he will not forfeit the match. 

Freestyle segment with Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak and Stacy Keibler - (51 rated) 


Shane Helms is in the gym where Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo can be seen working out. 

Sean O'Haire spots Helms for a bench-press and when Helms is done he asks him how he's doing after his loss to Kidman at the PPV.

Helms says he feels like the last few months have been a really rough drop-off for him. He lost his title. Thought maybe he could form a great new tag team with Kidman but then Kidman turned on him, then he lost to him too. Helms says he feels like he's lacking direction. 

O'Haire says sure, we know the feeling, but I'm sure you know that Shane.

Shane Helms says he doesn't know what he's going to do next. He's worried for his career in the company. He doesn't feel as confident anymore. 

O'Haire says to Helms that whatever happens at least Helms has achieved his childhood dream of being a pro wrestler.

Helms says when he was a kid his dream wasn't to be a wrestler. When he was a kid he wanted to be a superhero. He wanted to be like Spiderman, or Batman or The Green Lantern, he wanted to be a hero, who never doubted himself and always did the right thing.

Sean O'Haire says Shane has to be his own hero now. Real life ain't no comic-book story, but the longer you sit around feeling sorry for yourself the worse you'll feel. The more you let your anxiety take over it will be like a hurricane attacking your mind. But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, Shane. 

Shane Helms is lost in thought then says, sure, thanks Sean, you're a real pal.

Freestyle segment with Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms - (62 rated) 


Match 6: 

Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak (with Stacy Keibler) - Semi Final of Tag Team tournament to determine number 1 contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championships

Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com)

WCW Shawn Stasiak 4th Theme Song - "Stasiak Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

In the previous iteration of this match Stasiak & Jindrak came out on top. Windham & Rotunda look determined to get the win and the opportunity that comes with it. 

It's a fairly even match but it's clear from the start that Stasiak is still banged up from the Street Fight with Kanyon at the PPV which saw him get a flatliner to pavement on the street.

Half-way through the match Stasiak tags in Jindrak and gives up. Stasiak is on the outside in pain, he kicks the steel ring steps in annoyance and then walks off with Stacy Keibler rushing after him.

Jindrak looks a bit surprised by this. The match turns into a handicap match and Windham & Rotunda are in full control, with Windham eventually getting the win.

Windham & Rotunda win via pinfall - (6.14) - (51 rated) 

Windham & Rotunda progress to the final


WCW World Tag Team Championship number 1 contender tournament

Windham & Rotunda defeated Stasiak & Jindrak 

Team Canada vs The F.B.I next week live on Nitro


Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso) cutting a promo 

RVD says he proved at Bash at the Beach and earlier tonight that as WCW United States Champion he is the man to beat in this company! Rob Van Dam says he's the hardest working person in the company and he won't back down from any challenge from anybody. 

RVD says he's beaten some of the best that WCW have to offer and he's putting out a challenge to anyone to step up! 

Bill Alfonso says Rob might have to be careful what he wishes for, at the moment he should just take each week as it comes and enjoy wrestling week in week out on national television as not everyone gets that chance.

RVD say sure Fonzy. But I'm serious. Anyone watching thinking you can take this title off me, I dare you, STEP UP! 

Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam - (69 rated) 


In the parking lot we see Scott Hall with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt getting into his Bentley with The Sandman in the driver's seat.

Scott Hall says come on Jimmy, I'm on commentary for the main event, let's get going, brother.

Suddenly, Stevie Ray comes bursting into shot. Scott Hall looks surprised and asks what the hell Stevie wants. Stevie says he doesn't want you Scott, I want to speak to your driver, is that allowed sucka? 

Scott Hall says you better make it quick

Stevie Ray says there's a lot of the boys in the back who say I'm beat up and past it. They're saying I'm only taking a job on commentary for Panic! because my best days are behind me and I got to find a new path once I can't go anymore. Well that maybe true, Sandman, but I'm not done yet... what you did to my brother at Bash at the Beach don't sit right with me, so I'm putting out the challenge... Friday night on Panic!... Stevie Ray vs The Sandman! Now can you dig that sucka?! 

Sandman looks to Scott Hall for approval. Scott Hall says as long as you're fit to drive me by Wednesday I don't give a damn, Jimmy.

Sandman looks at Stevie Ray and says "well then, looks like you're on, "sucka!" 

Freestyle segment with Stevie Ray, The Sandman and Scott Hall - (65 rated) 


Match 7 / Main Event: 

Booker T (with Sharmell) vs Curt Hennig vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Kanyon - Fatal Fourway to determine the number 1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall comes in with The Sandman driving him in the Bentley. Scott Hall makes his way and joins the commentary team with The Sandman waiting in the car by the side of the entrance way. 

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

As Booker T makes his entrance he is making comments about Scott Hall to Scott Hall and then makes some comments to The Sandman in the car too.

In the ring Curt Hennig looks cool and composed.

Kanyon looks nervous, DDP is talking to him, perhaps discussing tactic but Kanyon isn't listening to him and is trying to focus.

Booker T gets to the ring and the match begins. 

This match gets a decent amount of time and all 4 guys come out of it looking like they could get the win at various points during the match. Scott Hall on commentary refuses to put over any of the guys in the match saying he's sure he can beat any of them. 

The match comes to a close when Kanyon and DDP for the first time in the match are staring off against each other. DDP wants to shake Kanyon's hand first but Kanyon bats it away. They fight for a good 1 minute with Booker T and Curt Hennig battling on the outside.

Kanyon gets the better of DDP, DDP goes for a Diamond Cutter but Kanyon counters by letting him fall to the mat. DDP gets back up and Kanyon puts him in the Flatliner, but DDP counters and hits a suplex. When DDP gets up Booker T is right there, he nails DDP and then just like at Bash at the Beach he manages to hit a Scissor Kick on DDP and looks like he has the win, but Curt Hennig is back in the ring and Curt Hennig grabs Booker and dumps him out the ring. 

Kanyon is back up on his feet and he sets Curt Hennig up for the Flatliner... but Curt Hennig manages to counter and his the Perfect Plex and has the pin on Kanyon! 

DDP has now rolled out of the ring after being taken out by the Scissor Kick. 

The ref counts as Booker T runs back into the ring with Sharmell screaming encouragement but... 1-2-3!!!  

Booker T manages to break up the count but it's too late! Curt Hennig has the win! 

Curt Hennig wins via pinfall - (9.59) - (71 rated) 

The show ends with Booker T, DDP and Kanyon looking gutted at having come up short, but Curt Hennig stands victorious and stares down Scott Hall who comes off commentary to stare down his old NWO buddy.


Show Rating: 81
1.03 TV rating (776K viewers)


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Friday Night Panic! Episode 1: 

Friday 3rd August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,464 crowd from Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

We see the announcers with Joey Styles hyping up his role as FX's Consultant Producer for Friday Night Panic! he says his role is to show Shane McMahon how to run a real wrestling show, not any of that hokey rasslin sports entertainment business! 

Scott Hudson heavily sighs to that and Stevie Ray complains about having to work with this guy

Joey then confirms as this is a wrestling show every week we will start off with a wrestling match! What a concept! And for you fans to first match of Panic! will see the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera, put his title on the line! 


Match 1: 

Juventud Guerrera (c) vs Nova (with Blue Meanie and Blueberg) for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 

WWE - bWo Theme (youtube.com)

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Juventud comes out to the entrance ramp with Super Crazy and Psychosis but Juventud waves them away and says he's got this despite the b.w.o at ringside. 

This is an exciting match with lots of high-spots and technical wrestling to start off WCW Panic!'s run as a show on WCW. Nova comes out of it looking pretty good as the underdog. Juvi manages to take out both Blueberg and Blue Meanie at various points of the match and despite Nova getting in a decent amount of offence Juvi eventually gets the win with the Juvi Driver.

Juventud retains via pinfall - (8.09) - (63 rated) 

After the match Chavo Guerrero Jr can be seen at the entrance ramp staring Juvi down. Scott Hudson hypes up Juventud vs Chavo next week on Nitro. Joey Styles berates him for promoting a match on Nitro. 


Real Talk with Roddy Piper and The Sandman

In a pre-recorded interview we see The Sandman on Real Talk with Roddy

Roddy Piper says to The Sandman that since he left The Extreme Alliance and joined forces with Scott Hall there's been a lot of talk in the industry and among fans and the boys alike that The Sandman has sold out. What does he say to that? 

The Sandman looks p****ed off at this.

Sandman says "You know, yeah I've had some calls, some texts, from people I thought were friends or associates or whatever, they're all saying they don't know what's gotten into me teaming up with Scott Hall. They've said I looked like a vital part of The Extreme Alliance or ECW's legacy, an anti-authority figure, the next Steve Austin raging against the McMahon machine, whatever, but the fact of the matter is none of these people, none of these fans, none of The Extreme Alliance were stepping up to pay my mortgage, to put food on the table for my family, Roddy." 

Roddy Piper says but what about The Extreme Alliance, weren't you all one big team to get hired together? What happened to that? Is it fair to say you turned your back on those guys? 

Sandman laughs and says "Yeah, look Roddy I heard a lot of people talking saying that they were hoping this was all some long-term ECW invasion type angle of WCW... that there would be some dream card or something down the line... I made it very clear this was all about getting on TV and forcing ourselves back into the wrestling business at all costs. The fact of the matter is Shane McMahon screwed me out of the chance to win that WCW FXtreme Television Championship and get a WCW contract the easy way, maybe that was out of pride or fear of me, or whatever, but when Scott Hall offered me a second chance at getting onto the roster, as his driver, sure is that something I ever thought I'd be doing? No, but sometimes you gotta do whatever it takes. You know Roddy, I'm 38 years old, I'm not even 10 years younger than you, look at you you're retired now, I'm banged up too, but the difference between me and you is I ain't made s*** in this industry. Whatever I was making in ECW, when Paul E actually decided to pay me, if the check didn't bounce, was nowhere near the money you've made in this industry. I'm not a rich man, people say how could you sell out on your principles, well when you start running out of money sometimes your principles are all you've got left to sell!" 

Piper says you've already made a lot of enemies in WCW. Booker T, DDP, Shane McMahon himself, most of the other boys in the back, hell even The Extreme Alliance probably aren't too happy with you right now. 

Sandman says The Extreme Alliance can kiss my ass! That b**** Don Callis doesn't care about Dreamer, Sabu or The Freaks, and if they don't know that yet then they're too stupid to realise it. Steve Corino only cares about Steve Corino, and I don't blame him for that, I'd do the same in his position... but if the boys in The Extreme Alliance or the rest of the WCW locker-room have a problem with me... that's just fine! Stevie Ray, he's a talker, hell there's a reason he's at that damn announce desk, but he knows he ain't got what it takes anymore and later tonight I send a message to Booker T, to DDP, The Extreme Alliance, Shane McMahon and anybody else who's got a problem with me in the back.... they can me The Sandman, The Sellout, Jimmy, Hardcore Hak... it don't make no difference to me, Roddy! The bottom line is I'm here to take what's mine and if anyone wants to stop me they better step up! 

Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and The Sandman (65 rated) 


Curt Hennig promo

A brief clip of Curt Hennig winning the number 1 contender Fatal 4-way on Nitro is shown and Scott Hudson hypes up Curt Hennig being the new number 1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. 

Curt Hennig says he's busted his ass in this business for 20 years and whilst he's sure he's not got too many left he's going to make every match count! 

Curt says him and Scott go way back, they were AWA World Tag Team champions back in 1986 (a picture is shown of this on screen) and then we joined forces again in the NWO here in WCW. 

Curt says I've known you since the start of your career Scott. I know how hard you've worked, how good you are, but what you got to remember is everything you learnt about this business, about how to wrestle, you learnt it from me! 

I respect you and I was proud more than anyone when you won the big one for the first time in your career... but I will seal my legacy by winning that title from you! 

Freestyle segment with Curt Hennig - (68 rated) 


Joey Styles at ringside with a live mic is now at the front row of the crowd and he comes over to Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and The Chair Swingin' Freaks, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney.

Joey Styles says tonight live on Panic! We've got my good friends and associates in The Extreme Alliance, not here as violent outlaws, but as honoured guests! Now none of these 4 hard-working, good, decent men have yet got contracts in WCW, but I'm sure as Executive Consultant at FX for Panic! we can see to it that these men get some TV time and matches in the weeks to come on this fine Friday night programming

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes out and stands up to Joey Styles at ringside staring down against the remaining members of The Extreme Alliance. Shane says that you, Don Callis, Steve Corino and The Sandman might have weaselled your way into this company, but I will make it my mission to ensure none of these guys ever get a job with WCW! Mark my words Joey, as long as I am owner of this company, nobody else from The Extreme Alliance will become a full-time member of the WCW roster!  

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Joey Styles and The Extreme Alliance - (81 rated) 


Match 2: 

Stevie Ray vs The Sandman 

Stevie Ray 1st WCW Theme 'Rap Sheet' (youtube.com)

Stevie Ray gets up from the commentary desk. Scott Hudson wishes him luck. Joey Styles who's back at the desk says he doesn't wish him well and hopes he breaks a leg out there. 

As Stevie Ray's theme is still playing we see Booker T come out and he replaces Stevie Ray at the announce desk for this match, much to Scott Hudson's joy and Joey Styles disdain.

Sandman Theme (youtube.com)

The Sandman's new WCW theme plays. Despite now being able to come out from the ring entrance instead of the crowd, the camera cuts to the crowd where we see The Sandman coming through the crowd with Singapore cane and a beer in hand. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. 

The Sandman eventually gets into the ring, this match is a regular match so the referee tells Sandman he can't have the kendo stick for the match. Sandman doesn't look happy but he puts the cane down and the match begins.

Despite it being a regular match this is much more a of a brawl/fight than a wrestling match. With Booker T egging him on at the announce desk Stevie Ray is hot and determined to get some revenge for his brother in this match and prove he can still go in the ring and isn't just an over the hill commentator. 

Stevie Ray does a fair bit of damage to The Sandman but as the match goes on The Sandman starts working on Stevie Ray's legs and tiring him down. At one point The Sandman keeps a submission in long after Stevie Ray has grabbed the ropes and Booker T rushes off commentary to shout at the ref about it.

When the ref is talking to Booker T at the apron facing away from the action The Sandman manages to hit the White Russian Legsweep with the kendo stick onto Stevie Ray. He discards the kendo stick and then shouts at the ref for the pin and the ref quickly turns back round to count the 1-2-3! 

The Sandman wins via pinfall - (7.30) - (59 rated) 

After the match Booker T looks furious and stares down The Sandman. The Sandman laughs at him, leaves the ring and goes out through the crowd.

Booker T helps Stevie Ray to the back and Joey Styles laughs suggesting he doesn't think Stevie Ray will return to the announce desk tonight. Scott Hudson gets up to check Stevie is okay.


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo promo (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell)

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo cut a pre-recorded promo on AJ Styles and Air Paris. James Mitchell says a few weeks ago they suffered the most embarrassing loss of their career as Chuck Palumbo got pinned by a little rookie AJ Styles. Mitchell says Air Raid got lucky and Chuck Palumbo will make amends for this great embarrassment. 

Chuck looks a bit annoyed but channels the anger at Air Raid. Palumbo says next week on Panic! he challenges AJ Styles to a 1-on-1 match 
where he will restore the respect that he and O'Haire lost. 

Sean O'Haire says the haters are saying we never should have been champions. That we only got where we were because of how jacked we are and that we're just green bodybuilders who don't belong here. But you know they're wrong Chuck. And you'll prove them wrong next week... and I'm just telling you what you already know

Freestyle segment with Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo & 'Sinister' James Mitchell - (57 rated) 


Scott Hall promo

Scott Hall cuts a short promo where he says he's looking forward to defending his title... he says he's not surprised that over-promoted losers like Booker T and Kanyon couldn't get the job done. He respects DDP but he thinks DDP's best days are beyond him... Curt... I respect you too brother... but I'll see you on Wednesday at Nitro, where you'll find out to challenge for this championship when it's round my waist, you've got to be better than perfect, brother! 

Scott Hall promo - (84 rated)


Match 3 / Main Event / The Steve Corino Open Challenge

ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Steve Corino comes to the ring with Don Callis

Joey Styles reminds viewers of how the Steve Corino Open Challenge will work

Each week Steve Corino will defend his WCW FXtreme Television Championship vs anyone who has previously been the WCW World Television Champion, WCW World Hardcore Champion or ECW World Television Champion.

If the competitor was a former WCW World Television Champion the match will take place under standard rules. 
If they were the WCW World Hardcore Champion or ECW Television Champion it will be under NO-DQ rules. 
if the competitor has been WCW World TV and the Hardcore or ECW TV champion as well, then it is dealer's choice and they can choose.

Steve Corino on the mic says he doesn't know if anyone has the guts to come out and take me on and be the first man that I embarrass on my way to being the top star in WCW and this industry today! 

ECW Super Crazy Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Joey Styles hypes up ex-ECW Alumni and former ECW World Television champion Super Crazy, who comes out with Psychosis. Scott Hudson mentions how Steve Corino disrespected The MexiCruisers during their allotted interview time on Nitro and it looks like Super Crazy is looking to get one over on Steve Corino in revenge right now.

The Steve Corino Open Challenge - Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Super Crazy (with Psychosis) for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship - NO-DQ match 

This match kicks off the Steve Corino Open Challenge with a bang. Corino brings a lot of technical, mat based aggression to the table whilst Super Crazy brings his high-flying, dare-devil style to it. Don Callis interferes at one point where Super Crazy gains an advantage, Psychosis then takes out Don Callis but then Psychosis gets taken out by a stiff piledriver on the outside from Corino. After this Super Crazy hits a massive dive from the outside and clatters Steve Corino.

There's not a great deal of weapons used in the match despite the NO-DQ rules, but Steve Corino gets the win when he puts Super Crazy in a Cross-Face Chicken Wing. Super Crazy manages to grab onto the ropes with a trailing leg, which would usually mean a rope-break, but as it is NO-DQ, Steve Corino just keeps it locked until eventually Super Crazy has no choice but to tap.

Steve Corino retains the title via submission - (9.51) - (72 rated) 

The show ends with Steve Corino holding his title victorious


Show Rating: 75
0.93 TV rating (700K viewers)

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WCW confirm sequel for Mayhem video game!

Ahead of WCW's August PPV, due to air live from Baltimore, Maryland, WCW owner and CEO, Shane McMahon today confirmed that he has sealed a deal with Electronic Arts to produce a sequel to WCW's popular video game Mayhem of which the PPV takes it's name from. The original Mayhem game was released in 1999 on the Sony Playstation and later brought out on the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Colour.

The game has a confirmed release date in late August 2002 which will coincide with next year's PPV edition of Mayhem which will take place in an as of yet unconfirmed location. It is reported there were already some plans for a WCW Mayhem 2, but they were shelved when the future of the company became in doubt. Shane McMahon is keen to promote WCW and also to increase potential revenue streams and so the idea of a sequel to Mayhem was one he was very excited about.

As we can exclusively reveal the cover stars include former 4 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Booker T, as well as the current WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Bad Guy' Scott Hall. The current WCW United States Champion, Rob Van Dam, also gets onto the cover, alongside Diamond Dallas Page, Kanyon and Curt Hennig, who will challenge Scott Hall for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at the Mayhem PPV later this month in Baltimore.

It is thought the full roster for the game as well as more information about features and match types will be available nearer the time of release. The game will release initially on Sony's new Playstation 2 console, with hopes to also roll it out on PC, Nintendo's GameCube and Game Boy Advance, as well as Microsoft's as of yet unreleased new Xbox console.

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Vampiro back in WCW

Vampiro returned to Nitro this past week as part of angle where Sable introduced WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto's next opponent, Mexican luchadora, La Diabolica. 

It is thought that this was a way of introducing La Diabolica to the WCW audience and that there aren't plans for Vampiro to be her full-time manager. 

Vampiro has reportedly signed a 2 year contract with WCW and is thought to be back full-time with WCW after not being seen on WCW programming since November 2000.

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Speculation mounts ahead of Nitro as to who the new face at the announce desk will be

It was announced last week on Nitro that Scott Hudson would be joining the WCW Friday Night Panic! announce team which debuted last Friday night with Joey Styles, Hudson and Stevie Ray. 

Shane McMahon compared a 3rd person will join Tony Schiavone and Arn Anderson which will be confirmed at the start of this coming Nitro. 

WCW fans are rife in speculation as to who this mystery man could be. Given the obvious dislike between him and Tony Schiavone it seems unlikely that Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan will make a return to the Nitro commentary booth. Some believe that Dusty Rhodes could return but others believe given he has just started his own company, Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling, it seems unlikely he would commit to going on the road across the country with the Nitro crew. Some fans have said they hope that it will be Jerry 'The King' Lawler, who departed the WWF in February 2001 in large part due to his wife Stacy 'The Kat' Carter's firing, but most have dismissed this with many thinking Jerry Lawler will probably return to WWF at some point in the next few months.

There has been some whispers that the replacement could actually be an internal one. Don Callis has experience from his time in ECW, although some believe in storyline it wouldn't particularly make sense for Shane McMahon to give him such an important role. Others believe Eric Bischoff may fancy a return to the announce desk, although given he's been acting as the General Manager for WCW onscreen this also doesn't seem particularly likely. Whilst both JJ Dillon and Roddy Piper currently have on-screen roles as interviewers there is certainly an argument that either one of them could slot in and do a pretty good job on commentary. Jimmy Hart and Terry Taylor are also currently in the company and could feasibly do a job there too. 

In terms of former WCW employees, Jeremy Borash has been a figure given as someone who could potentially make a return in the position. Jim Cornette is currently head booker at OVW, but perhaps he could be tempted to make the jump if the money and terms where right. Mike Tenay could also potentially be in line for a return to WCW, with one of his former announce colleagues, the iconic Larry Zbyszko another name batted around by WCW fans.


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Nitro Episode 15: 

Wednesday 08 August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,088 crowd from Portland, Maine

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Arn Anderson & ??? 


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway'

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from Portland! 


We go straight to Shane McMahon who is at the top of the entrance ramp ready to address the crowd

Shane says he's proud the announce the newest member of the WCW Nitro commentary booth.. I'm pleased that my relationship with this man helped to get the deal over the line... he is a bonafide hall of famer and absolute legend of this business... he is one of the best to ever do it both in the ring and at the announce desk... I'm sure he's someone who WCW fans probably never thought they'd see on an episode of Nitro or at the broadcast table in WCW generally... ladies and gentleman, give it up for JERRY 'THE KING!!!' LAWLER!!! 

Jerry "The King" Lawler 1993 - "The Great Gate of Kiev" WWE Entrance Theme (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone and Arn Anderson sell it as a huge surprise/shock and stand up to applaud and greet Jerry Lawler at the announce desk after he's taken in some of the audience shock/applause and given Shane McMahon a handshake/hug. 

Once he gets to the desk Jerry Lawler says hell has frozen over as he's here on WCW Nitro! It's like we're through the looking glass he says. 

Tony then says we're starting off your very first WCW Nitro match straight away Jerry so strap in!


Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon and Jerry Lawler (94 rated) 


Match 1: 

Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson) vs Kid Kash (with Jamie Knoble) 

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

Kid Kash's 2005 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Kash Money" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

As Kidman comes out with Torrie Wilson, Tony asks Jerry how familiar he is with the WCW roster, Lawler says he's familiar with a fair few of them, some not so much but he's sure there are some he'd like to become much more familiar with in the coming weeks - he says this just as the camera pans on Torrie Wilson - Tony Schiavone seems to sigh and says "oh brother"

The match itself is a high-flying action packed match to kick off the show. Kid Kash puts in a pretty good showing. At one point Tony hypes up Kid Kash as a former ECW World Television champion and Lawler laughs and says it doesn't matter what he did in Extremely Crappy Wrestling, Tony, this is the big leagues kid! 

After just over 5 minutes Kidman manages to get the the win with a Shooting Star Press. Arn Anderson praises Kidman and says the kid is in good form, the sky's the limit for him here in WCW! 

Kidman wins via pinfall - (5.54) - (55 rated) 


After the commercial break we see a Bentley driven up to the top of the stage

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship comes out with his driver, The Sandman and they both make their way to the ring.

Schiavone hypes up Scott Hall as the reigning champion, how do you feel about that Jerry? Jerry says he always liked Razor Ramon, he was a good kid, Tony corrects him and Lawler laughs and apologises. 

On the mic in the ring Scott Hall says Hey Yo, I can see an old familiar face now at the announce desk. Scott says there's only one King in WCW and he's holding the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. 

Scott Hall says he's not here to waste anyone's time, least of all mine, so Curt, I know you're back there, I know you're gonna want to confront me face to face like the man you are... and hey I respect that... but get your ass out here, boy, because we've got some talking to do

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

Curt Hennig comes out with a mic

It's Mr Perfect! Jerry says excitedly before Tony cuts him off and corrects him.

Scott starts talking but Curt cuts him off. Curt Hennig says he's sure Scott's got a lot to say for himself, he always did, but sometimes you don't know when to shut up and listen Scott! Curt comes into the ring and offers to shake Curt's hand. The Sandman looks at Scott as if to ask if he wants him to wreck Curt, but Hall shakes his head and gives Curt a handshake.

Curt says he know Scott Hall is "The Bad Guy" and that he likes to play mind-games with his opponents to get in their head or he'll use The Sandman or whoever else is on his side at the time to get the advantage. But Scott, we're better than that, we've known each other the best part of like 20 years, brother, I'm pleased for you that you won the big one, hell maybe I don't have what it takes to take that belt off you... but at Mayhem, I don't see why we can't agree to just let the best man win. No stupid mind games. No bull**** beef to hype up the match or any petty interference. 

At Mayhem, why don't we just have you... me... and a steel cage! And the best man wins! 

The crowd pop at this 

Scott Hall says he likes Curt's idea... he does like it... and like he's said before he respects Curt for what he did for him at the start of his career in AWA... but Curt... I have a better idea. You see, throughout our careers it's not often been Scott Hall vs Curt Hennig. Buddy, you were a mentor to me, a teacher to me, I don't want to have to fight you, brother... we belong side by side... not on the opposite sides of the ring. So here's my proposal for you, Curt.

At Mayhem, it's Scott Hall vs Curt Hennig, sure you earned it... but when that bell rings, brother... you hit the deck... you hit the deck and let me pin you. 1-2-3! 

Curt looks at him as if to say why would I agree to that?

Scott says, but listen Curt, you do that and I'll make you the star you've always wanted to be! If you take the fall... I'll make you into the next best guy on the roster. You see the way I see it I reckon you can take that hippie Van Dam... you can be the WCW United States Champion... we'll be one of the greatest power duos that WCW has ever seen... I'll be top of the mountain as WCW World Heavyweight Champion... you'll be WCW United States Champion... hell we can take the WCW World Tag Team Championships too... even The Sandman here could take that Extreme Television title or whatever it's called... what do you say Curt, don't make me fight you, brother, I want to help you... really I do... I overcame my demons... together, we can get you on the right side of the tracks too.  

Curt looks like he's thinking about it and then he says "I'LL NEVER JOIN YOU SCOTT!" Curt says he's worked his whole career to get this kind of opportunity... to win the big one... to prove to his family and his peers and more importantly himself that he's one of the best to ever do it... and I'll be damned if I give it up just to play second fiddle to a guy that I mentored and trained!! 

Scott looks regretful and then nods to The Sandman.

Curt gets his fists up but The Sandman has his Singapore Cane and eventually Curt is overwhelmed by the blows and once he's on the floor Scott Hall starts kicking him too

Tony says that damn Sandman! Jerry Lawler asks why the guy from Extremely Crappy Wrestling is with Scott Hall. It's a long story says Arn.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Wait a minute! says Tony. The former champ is here! 

Booker T runs to the ring and makes the save, fighting off Scott Hall and The Sandman to help out Curt Hennig. 

Booker helps Curt up as The Sandman and Scott Hall look on angrily from outside of the ring. Booker T is shouting all kinds of things at The Sandman who is laughing at him.

WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com)

Bischoff comes out with a mic and says it's time to restore a bit of order to proceedings tonight. The way I seem to see it, is that the fans here in the arena seemed to like the idea of Curt Hennig and Scott Hall in a cage! 

Fans cheer

Scott looks very angry at this.

But Scott, I respect that you maybe aren't so keen on that. Well here's what I'm thinking. Whilst we're sorting out dirty laundry it seems that Booker and Sandman you've got a bit of heat between yourselves too, huh? Well how about at Mayhem, we don't just have Scott Hall vs Curt Hennig... but we also have Booker T vs The Sandman!! There's a lot of guys in the back that would like to see The Sandman take a beating... and I see nobody better to do that than the former 4 time WCW champion, Booker T! 

The Sandman seems like he's happy to fight Booker T right here, right now.

But here's how it's going to go, Eric continues.

The main event of Nitro here in Portland, Maine tonight... SCOTT HALL and THE SANDMAN... will be in tag team action against CURT HENNIG AND BOOKER T... the crowd pop and Booker and Curt look happier at this than Scott and Sandman.

But that's not all, Bischoff continues. So this is how it's going to go... if Scott Hall and The Sandman win the match... then they can decide the match stipulations for their respective matches with Curt Hennig and Booker T at Mayhem... Scott Hall and The Sandman seem pretty happy at this

BUT... if Curt Hennig and Booker T win the main event... then THEY will decide the stipulations! 

Curt Hennig and Booker T look pretty happy at this development, whilst Hall and Sandman look slightly less keen.

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Curt Hennig, Booker T and Eric Bischoff - (68 rated) 


Juventud Guerrera promo with Super Crazy and Psychosis in the background

Juvi says Chavo! If you can beat me tonight then sure you can get another shot at the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship... but tonight baby it's a Cruiserweight Lumberjack match! So if you think you're gonna pull any of your usual tricks you got another thing coming, Chavo! 

Super Crazy and Psychosis shout some encouragement in Spanish

Freestyle segment with The MexiCruisers - (59 rated) 


Match 2: 

Don Harris (with Ron Harris) vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart)

After commercial break it's time for the 2nd match of the night. 

Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

Hugh Morrus comes out for the match to sit on commentary, Jerry Lawler asks if Hugh Morrus is his Christian name.

TNA: 2005 Harris Brothers Theme (Big Twins) (youtube.com)

'AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com)

Jerry Lawler hypes up Steve Williams as a proper fighter 

There has been a fair few squash matches with Steve Williams in recent weeks where nobody can live with his strength and power. To be fair to Don Harris the brawling style of Williams actually works in his favour to some extent as he absorbs a lot more damage that other guys haven't been able to when facing Williams.

The announcers put over Harris who also has help from his brother Ron at ringside, but eventually Steve Williams hits him with a massive clothesline and gets the win.

'Dr Death' wins via pinfall - (5.08) - (50 rated) 


After the match Hugh Morrus rises to his feet and heads towards the ring. Ron Harris slides into the ring and starts fighting with Steve Harris, who after just having fought struggles to keep up with him. Hugh Morrus races into the ring and starts beating on Williams too. 

Dr Death is outnumbered! shouts Tony as Jimmy Hart watches on shouting in anger.

Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com)

Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, who just last week won a spot in the final of the number 1 contenders for the WCW World Tag Team championships race to the ring and make the save fighting off Hugh Morrus and Don Harris as Williams gets back to his feet.

The 6 men exchange angry words as Hugh Morrus and The Harris Brothers head for the back

Freestyle segment with Steve Williams, The Harris Brothers, Hugh Morrus and Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda - (37 rated) 


The F.B.I promo

Ahead of their Semi Final match for the Number 1 contender tournament for the Tag Team titles Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke, with Johnny Stamboli in the background cut a promo on Team Canada.

Guido says he knows everyone thinks we're just in this tournament to make up the numbers but we won the Tag Team titles in ECW and we got what it takes to win them here too! Team Canada, later tonight we show you how we do it Italian style baby! 

Freestyle segment with The FBI - (37 rated) 


JJ Dillon interview with DDP and Kanyon

JJ says, DDP, Kanyon, a tough break in the main event of Nitro last week in your respective bids to become number 1 contender to Scott Hall

DDP says yeah neither of us got it done, but that's the way it goes at the top. There's small margins in this game, JJ, you know that. I'll pick myself back up and go again. I know Chris is disappointed, but-

Kanyon interrupts DDP. Kanyon says it's easy for you to be disappointed, Page. You've 3 world titles on your resume, a lot of tag team titles, US title runs, hell you were TV champion too... you got a grand slam Hall of Fame career here in WCW... I ain't got nothing! 

Page laughs and says look Chris, I got 14 years on you man, you're still a young man in this game... you're one of the best on the roster... you got fight, you got heart, you got desire... you've got all the tools to top what I've done here... sometimes you just gotta keep your head in the game that's all. 

Joey Styles comes into the set, DDP and Kanyon eye him suspiciously. Joey says oh hey guys, hey, I'm just inviting you to sit in the front row instead of the back onPanic! this Friday. I can't book you in a match of course as neither of you are in great form, but FX would really appreciate guys with your star power to be front and center... well certainly yours at least Page, to come along and check the show out from the front row. I'm sure one day we could even get you booked on it too. 

Styles walks off.

Kanyon looks annoyed at Styles. Page laughs and says maybe that's just what you need Chris, to just sit back and enjoy wrestling as a fan again, just for one night. 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, DDP, Kanyon and Joey Styles - (79 rated) 


Match 3: 

As we come back from the break 'Sinister' James Mitchell has joined the announcers, with the WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto, also sitting at the announce desk. 

April Hunter vs La Diabolica

April Hunter Theme (youtube.com)

La Bamba (youtube.com) (I couldn't find any theme for La Diabolica on Youtube so I've gone for La Bamba)

In the luchadora's first match in a WCW ring La Diabolica puts in a good performance as she runs rings around the inexperienced April Hunter. La Diabolica gets the win with a Power Bomb.

La Diabolica wins via pinfall - (4.52) - (30 rated) 

After the match James Mitchell starts saying we'll have to see how La Diabolica fares when she faces a more experienced opponent. Akira Hokuto starts ranting in Japanese in what doesn't seem particularly pleasant to La Diabolica. 


Eric Bischoff backstage in Shane's office with Sable. Bischoff is criticising Sable once again. Eric says Sable is like a lot of the marks on the internet who watch wrestling and like to criticise but never make their own wrestling shows. Eric says the women's division is going to bomb on Sable's watch and then she'll have to go crawling back to the other McMahon... I'm sure he'd like that too, Eric says. 

Sable is not happy and says she believes actions speak louder than words and that whilst it will take a while to get there she has a 1 year plan and by the end of the year she hopes the WCW women's division is the envy of the wrestling world. 

Bischoff gets in her face and says he doesn't like her, he doesn't like women's wrestling, but the good thing is she can't bring in her husband or anyone else to do anything to him... none of the boys in the back will dare touch me given I can ruin their career's just like that... so I suggest you stay out of my way! 

Freestyle segment with Sable and Eric Bischoff - (59 rated) 


Vampiro promo

Vampiro in a recorded promo addresses the WCW locker-room and fans alike.

Vampiro said people think he's gone soft... people think his career is over and he's just a manager now... Vampiro says that couldn't be further from the truth... Vampiro says Billy Kidman said he thought I used to be Unpredictable. Unorthodox. A gothic, scary, juggalo freak-show. 

Well if it's a Freak Show you want... it's a FREAK SHOW you will get! 

Tony mentions Vampiro's in action later tonight against Evan Karagias but our next match tonight is the WCW World Tag Team Championship number 1 contender semi final match between Team Canada and The FBI... with the winner to face Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda next week on Nitro in the final.

Vampiro promo - (53 rated) 


Match 4: 

Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (with Carl Oullet) vs The F.B.I (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) (with Johnny Stamboli) - Semi Final of the WCW World Tag Team Championship number 1 contender tournament

Road Warriors Entrance Video (youtube.com)

The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) come out to watch the match on commentary.

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 2nd Titantron (with 2nd Theme) (youtube.com)

Guido and Mamaluke come out fighting in this match. They are the underdogs but both put in a solid performance against Storm. Once Mike Awesome gets into the match they struggle though as neither Guido or Mamaluke can cope with his sheer size and power. Stamboli tries to help them at ringside but he ends up in a scuffle with Oullet at one point which sees them both ejected from ringside. 

Storm's technical prowess and Awesome's power eventually overwhelms The FBI and they get the win when Mike Awesome delivers an Awesome Bomb to Tony Mamaluke

Team Canada wins via pinfall - (6.57) - (64 rated) 

After the match Team Canada walk down the entrance ramp and point to The Nu Road Warriors on commentary indicating they believe the titles practically have their name on it.

They've got the U.S Express to deal with first though, eh boys says Lawler. Tony says you can't call them that here! 


As we return from the commercial break we see Buff Bagwell in the ring with a microphone with Buff Daddy V alongside him. 

Buff Bagwell starts his promo saying he wasn't on television last week because he was recovering from injuries sustained by members of The Extreme Alliance at Bash at the Beach in his bid to become WCW FXtreme Television Champion

Bagwell says he's been getting a lot of hate since that PPV with people saying as the sole WCW representative he failed the company, the fans, the boys, the legacy of WCW by not getting the win...

Buff Bagwell says it wasn't his fault what happened and it wasn't his fault he lost! He says there's even been some fans saying they wished that Shane hadn't renewed his WCW contract recently and some who wished that the competition had picked him up instead... well Buff says, let me tell you, I WISH I HAD TOO!!! 

Tony on commentary is shocked, Lawler pipes in that the chance would be a fine thing. 

Bagwell says he wasn't representing WCW at the PPV... he didn't care about the fans, the boys, he only cared about himself and getting that title for himself! Bagwell says people keep talking about the legacy of WCW and the legacy of the NWA and Crockett Promotions that's the history of WCW... Bagwell says he couldn't give two s***s about some hick rasslers from years gone by! 

Buff Bagwell says the WCW Hall of Fame is full of a bunch of no-name hacks from years ago that nobody cares about. Buff Bagwell says he's better in the ring and he's got a better body than any of Lou Thesz, Verne Gagne, Eddie Graham and Harley Race.

Fans boo. 

He says any Hall of Fame with loser Japanese guys like Antonio Inoki, or a wannable native American, Wahoo McDaniel, or a failed football player like Ernie Ladd ain't no place I ever aspire to be. 

Bagwell says he's a 5 time WCW World Tag Team Champion, he's got championship pedigree! But he don't get no respect round here! People don't talk about Buff Bagwell as a WCW legend... a wrestling icon... well by the time my run in this company is over and done with... you better believe it... people will now that I'm the real deal! 

Fans boo 

You see the problem with WCW fans is they're the reason this company went downhill to start with. WCW fans... hell, wrestling fanaws generally.. you all want some big underdog story... you all want someone who's relatable to cheer for... instead of cheering for guys like Ric Flair, or Jerry Lawler (Lawler pops at this)... you'd rather cheer for some fat, disgusting loser like Mick Foley or Dusty Rhodes! 

Fans boo

Buff Bagwell says fans should look up to Bagwell as he's a real life superhero with the body of a god. Dusty Rhodes might have had a the body of a god... well... a big fat Buddha maybe! Really? That guy is in the hall of fame? But not Buff Bagwell?? Well it doesn't matter, because by the time I'm finished in WCW I'm going to be a world champion... which is something that no good fat, washed up old loser ever managed and-


Wait a minute! says Tony

Is that? It is!! It's 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, he's back here on Nitro, back home in WCW!! 

Dustin Rhodes comes steaming out to a big pop from the crowd. 


Dustin has a mic and he says Bagwell... I think I've heard enough from you tonight! So how about this... you want to come out here and get some cheap heat by disrespecting my father... a man who's done more in the wrestling industry than you could do in 10 lifetimes... you think you're such a tough guy.. you think you're a future champion... well I'm back here in WCW and I'm looking to make a statement of intent... so how about next week, live on Nitro, you go 1 on 1 with 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes!
Buff Bagwell laughs at the suggestion and says you think you can just waltz right in, jump the queue and face one of the top stars in the company?! I don't think so Goldy! 

Lawler laughs and says he understand that reference! 

Bagwell says if Dustin wants to fight Bagwell 1 on 1 he'll have to prove he can go with him first... so how about next week on Nitro, we make it a tag team match. Buff Daddy V and Buff Bagwell... vs 'The Un Natural' Dustin Rhodes and well Dustin just about anyone you can find who will team with you. I think you might be one of the only people in that locker-room more unpopular than me, brother, you see the boys think you're a freak... they don't respect you... so good luck finding someone to team with! 

Dustin says he'll see Bagwell next week! 

Freestyle segment with Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V and Dustin Rhodes - (66 rated) 


Terry Funk and 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels being interviewed by JJ Dillon

JJ asks them how they're doing after the loss to Team Canada in the Tables Elimination match at Bash at the Beach

Terry Funk says he won't lie to the people, he's banged up, he don't know how long he can keep going... but he's a fighting man from a fighting family and so long as he can still go and inspire the future of this business, guys like Daniels here, then I'll still keep going.

Fit Finlay comes into set with Dave Taylor and Tajiri.

Finlay laughs down at Funk and says so you're a fighting man, hey, Funker? I respect that about you, I do... but this rookie green boy, Daniels... I don't know about you son. I don't think you belong here... I think you should go back to the indies.

Daniels gets in Finlay's face and says he respects what Finlay has done in this business but he won't let anyone walk over him... if Finlay thinks he doesn't belong here, he's more than happy to prove him wrong. 

Finlay says we'll see about that, son, then him, Taylor and Tajiri walk off.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Terry Funk, Christopher Daniels and Fit's Fight Club - (46 rated) 


Match 5: 

Evan Karagias (with Shannon Moore) vs Vampiro

WCW 3 Count 1st Theme Song - "Can't Get You Outta My Heart" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Karagias and Moore do the 3 Count dance in the ring

WCW Vampiro Theme (youtube.com)

Vampiro comes to the ring with a big bottle of Faygo looking disgustedly at 3 Count in the ring

Tony on commentary says you can't get much of a bigger clash in styles here. Evan Karagias of the boy band 3 Count taking on the gothic juggalo Vampiro. Lawler says, wait this freak is a male prostitute? Really? He gets a lot of work dressed like that, huh? Tony says no no you're thinking of jiggalow Jerry. 

Evan Karagias puts in a good performance in this match with Shannon Moore urging him on at ringside to try and get the win. But this is Vampiro's big return and he's keen to impress. Over the course of the match he gets on top of Karagias and eventually hits the Michonoku Driver to get the win.

Vampiro wins via pinfall - (6.22) - (57 rated) 


After the match Vampiro drinks some of his Faygo and then looks at the camera smiling. Suddenly the lights go out and a different theme starts playing. 

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

When the lights come back on the music is still playing and we see Vampiro forcing an entire big bottle of Faygo down Evan Karagias's mouth, eventually he starts choking and Vampiro lets the rest of it pour all down Karagias.

By this point Moore has got in the ring to make the save. Vampiro punches Moore, then kicks him in the mid-section before DDT'ing him on the mat. 

Vampiro laughs at the camera again as he goes over to Karagias. The lights go back off. 

When the lights come back on Vampiro and Evan Karagias are both gone.

Jerry Lawler says Nitro sure is a strange place...


Booker T and Curt Hennig in the back (with Sharmell) 

Curt Hennig is thanking Booker for making the save earlier in the show and hopes there are no hard feelings between them after the main event last week. Booker  says hey dog, I won't lie and tell you I'm not annoyed it ain't me in that title match at Mayhem, but let's let bygones be bygones for now Curt, I don't like those guys, you don't like those guys, if being here has taught me anything over the years it's that you gotta stick together against guys like Scott Hall or you'll get buried by them! 

Curt agrees and says he's hoping they can get the win so he gets the Cage match which will mean Sandman can't interfere in his match. Curt asks Booker what kind of match he'd go for with The Sandman at Mayhem... Booker says oh don't worry dog I got plans for that cat! I'm gonna go old school on his ass! Once I'm done with him at Mayhem, ain't no way he's getting into my business again! 

Freestyle segment with Booker T and Curt Hennig - (78 rated) 


Match 6: 

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Juventud Guerrera - Cruiserweight Lumberjack non-title match - If Chavo Guerrero wins then he will get a rematch for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 

At ringside we see basically the whole cruiserweight roster. Super Crazy and Psychosis are already there. We see Nova and Blueberg, Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke out there despite competing earlier in the night, Christopher Daniels, Shane Helms, Tajiri, The Jung Dragons, Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo, Mikey Whipwreck, AJ Styles & Air Paris, as well as Mike Sanders and David Flair. 

Jerry Lawler says Goldberg is looking well, has he been working out? as the camera pans onto Blueberg

WCW Chavo Guerrero Last Theme (youtube.com)

Ahh, we've got some Latino Heat, hey?! says Jerry on commentary.

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Juvi comes out with the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship. 

This match is a bit chaotic with the lumberjack gimmick as at various points both Juventud and Chavo are sent to the outside with various moves and dives. 

Chavo and Juvi both go for a lot of roll-ups and quick pins but neither can seem to get the win. 

The match comes to it's conclusion when due to Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke inadvertently falling onto Tajiri when they catch Chavo when Juvi hurricanrana's him out the ring Tajiri starts fighting with Guido and Mamaluke. Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor come running out and get involved in the fight, as do Super Crazy and Psychosis and then Johnny Stamboli comes out to back his friends in The FBI too. 

Tajiri is still hot at being taken out and he poison mists Johnny Stamboli who then takes out both Super Crazy and Psychosis when he's blinded. Juvi notices this and gets distracted shouting at Stamboli. Chavo uses this distraction to roll Juvi up for the 1-2-!

But Juvi kicks out at 2 and gets straight back up but he when he runs straight at Chavo, Chavo gets him up and nails him with a Gory Bomb before going for the pin... and this time he gets it! 

Chavo Guerrero Jr wins via pinfall - (10.05) - (60 rated) 

Chavo Guerrero Jr will get a rematch for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship

After the match Juvi looks shell-shocked at the defeat as the fighting on the outside comes to a conclusion with road agents and other members of the back getting involved to break it up.


Rob Van Dam is chilling in the backstage area with his WCW United States Championship chatting to Meiko Satomura when Mikey Whipwreck comes into shot.

Mikey says hey Rob, don't mean to intrude, RVD says don't worry man, gives him a hug and says what's up Mikey?

Whipwreck says he saw RVD's promo on Nitro last week saying he's the man to beat around here and he wants someone to step up... well Rob, I respect you man, but I want to show the world I wasn't just a fluke in ECW... consider this me stepping up... how about it... this Friday Night on Panic! you put your WCW United States Championship on the line... AGAINST ME!!!!

Meiko says something to Rob in Japanese and he replies back quickly before addressing Mikey.

You know what Mikey? I always respected the fact that you got heart... you got guts... and you know what buddy, you got a United States Championship match on Friday! 

RVD shakes Whipwreck's hand who looks happy with himself.

Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam, Meiko Satomura and Mikey Whipwreck - (85 rated) 


Match 7 / Main Event: 

Curt Hennig & Booker T (with Sharmell) vs Scott Hall and The Sandman - Whichever team wins will get to decide the stipulations for their respective singles matches at Mayhem

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Well Booker T and Curt Hennig coming out separately but they seem to be on the same page tonight, says Tony.

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall comes out with The Sandman driving him in The Bentley.

Well you have to question the team dynamics here, The Sandman won't get his own big entrance tonight on Nitro. Well he's just the Driver, Tony, says Jerry Lawler, he's not the star here... if everyone's driver got their own entrance we'd be a 3 hour show and nobody needs 3 hours of Nitro!

This is a hard hitting match that goes about 10 minutes long. Booker T takes a lot of damage from Sandman and Hall during the early stages, but Hennig eventually gets the hot tag and gets his side back in the match. Booker T tags back in but doesn't seem 100 percent fit. 

He hits a Book-End on Sandman but Sandman kicks out at 2. Hall tags in and dominates Booker who can't get back to Hennig to tag in. After a few more minutes Booker ends up getting the hot tag again and Hennig gets them back in the match.

Whilst the ref is distracted Sandman whacks Booker with the Singapore Cane on the outside and he screams in pain.

Stevie Ray comes out, not looking too good but he gets down and whilst Hall is the legal man and distracted by Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig perfectly rolls up Scott Hall and gets the surprise victory! 

Curt Hennig and Booker T win via pinfall - (9.49) - (69 rated) 

Booker and Sandman look in the ring. Booker looks surprised that Hennig got the job done, as does Sandman and Hall. 

Well, says Tony, a perfect victory for Curt Hennig and Booker T tonight! And that means they will get to decide the stipulations for Mayhem... perhaps a night to forget for The Bad Guy as I think he may just well be seeing a Steel Cage in a few weeks time in Baltimore! 


Show Rating: 80
1.04 TV rating (782K viewers)


Edited by PH71
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Friday Night Panic! Episode 2: 

Friday 10th August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,464 crowd from Manchester, New Hampshire 

Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

Joey Styles on commentary welcomes fans to Friday Night Panic! live in New Hampshire, where tonight we have a stacked 1 hour show! 

We start off with our opening bout which sees Chuck Palumbo in action with rookie AJ Styles!


Match 1: 

AJ Styles (with Air Paris) vs Chuck Palumbo (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell)

AJ Styles Theme (Old Theme) (youtube.com)

WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com)

Sean O'Haire comes out with Palumbo and Mitchell, with O'Haire joining the announcers at the commentary table for this match. 

AJ Styles puts in good performance against a much stronger and bigger guy. He got the upset pin against Palumbo when Air Raid beat them a few weeks ago and at points during the match it looks like he could potentially pull off another upset, but as the match goes on the superior size of Palumbo is just too much.

AJ Styles launches himself off the ropes at one point and Palumbo catches him countering it into a Black Hole Slam and getting the win.

Chuck Palumbo wins via pinfall - (6.20) - (54 rated) 

After the match 'Sinister' James Mitchell smiles at ringside and Sean O'Haire comes down to the ring. Air Paris gets in the ring to check on AJ. Chuck Palumbo seems to size him up but doesn't do anything, then Sean O'Haire gets in the ring and hits Air Paris with a Widow Maker. 

The camera pans to DDP and Kanyon who are watching the show from the front row with some popcorn. 


Dustin Rhodes pre-recorded promo

Dustin says he's back in WCW with a point to prove. 

If Buff Bagwell wants him to find a tag team partner then he'll do just that. 

Next week on Nitro, Buff Bagwell's dreams of becoming a champion will turn into a nightmare!

Freestyle segment with Dustin Rhodes - (66 rated) 


Real Talk with Roddy segment with Shawn Stasiak (with Stacy Keibler) 

Roddy Piper says to Shawn Stasiak that he's not had a great run as of late. He lost to Kanyon in a Street Fight at Bash at the Beach and last week on Nitro, Windham & Rotunda got a big win against Stasiak and his partner Jindrak, with Stasiak walking off at the end of the match... Piper asks Stasiak how he plans to get out of this rough patch.

Stasiak says he doesn't believe in rough patches. Stasiak says sure he's lost a few matches, but it was all that no good damned Kanyon's fault... but Stasiak has moved past that now... with Stacy in his corner and Mark as his right hand man and tag-team partner... the sky is the limit for Shawn Stasiak in WCW. 

Roddy says he admires his optimism, but there's a fine line between optimism and delusion...

Stasiak says Piper needs to lay off the crack pipe, the only one deluded round here is him and anyone else who is questioning Stasiak's credentials... Shawn says he'll get back to winning ways in no time at all and he'll soon have gold around his waist

Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and Shawn Stasiak - (56 rated) 


Match 2 / The Steve Corino Open Challenge

ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Steve Corino comes to the ring with Don Callis and his WCW FXtreme Television Championship

Joey Styles reminds viewers of the Steve Corino Open Challenge rules

If the competitor was a former WCW World Television Champion the match will take place under standard rules. 
If they were the WCW World Hardcore Champion or ECW Television Champion it will be under NO-DQ rules. 
if the competitor has been WCW World TV and the Hardcore or ECW TV champion as well, then it is dealer's choice and they can choose.

Steve Corino on the mic says Super Crazy got humbled last week under NO-DQ rules. Is anyone even crazier than Super Crazy? 

Reno WCW Custom Entrance Video (youtube.com)

It's Reno! says Scott Hudson. Former WCW Hardcore Champion, this match will therefore be competed under NO-DQ rules much like last week was. Yeah, well done smart-ass says Joey. 

The Steve Corino Open Challenge - Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Reno for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship - NO-DQ match 

This match resembles more of a brawl than a fight. Neither guy really uses weapons at any point in the match but they both fight quite dirty, with Stevie Ray putting over how that Reno cat used to be an amateur wrestling, I don't know if Corino wants to wrestle this guy on the match he's got a fair amount of size on him. 

Corino uses strikes at one point but Reno out matches him strength wise so this is also unwise. Eventually as the match goes on Don Callis throws in a lead pipe and Corino manages to use this to his advantage, nailing Reno a few times with the pipe and busting him open. Eventually Corino manages to get Reno in a Crossface submission and Reno who is already busted open struggles to deal with this and after about 15-20 seconds of Corino brutally locking it in Reno is forced to tap out. 

Steve Corino retains his title via submission - (9.40) -  (48 rated)

We pan to DDP and Kanyon who seem begrudgingly impressed by this display


Shane McMahon segment where he hypes up the Mayhem PPV coming up and also plugs the new Mayhem video game coming out next year, Mayhem Volume II where he shows the cover and hypes up how excited he is for it to be released.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon - (93 rated) 


Quick video package hyping the main event where Rob Van Dam defends his WCW United States Championship against Mikey Whipwreck after Whipwreck answered RVD's challenge for anyone to step up and face him.


Match 3 / Main Event: 

Rob Van Dam (c) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Mikey Whipwreck for the WCW United States Championship 

ECW Mikey Whipwreck Custom Titantron - YouTube

WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com)

Whipwreck gets a respectable response from the crowd but the place goes nuts for RVD when he comes out. 

Joey Styles says it's Mr Friday Night here on Panic! 

This match actually goes quite long, well over 10 minutes, with these two guys both looking to steal the show.

Rob Van Dam gives Whipwreck a fair amount of offence in this match with RVD seemingly trying to tease some fans into thinking Whipwreck might pull off a huge upset. Despite being face vs face this match gets a decent reaction and at some times even though the fans are totally for RVD some of them are almost hoping they seen an upset just the shock of it and a potential title change.

Towards the end of the match though Whipwreck's much inferior stamina comes into play and RVD manages to run rings around him. 

RVD eventually manages to hit a massive spin-kick, the Five Star Frog Splash and then he gets a well deserved win.

Rob Van Dam retains via pinfall - (13.21) - (74 rated) 

After the match RVD is celebrating and doing the R-V-D pose when suddenly he gets jumped as Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and The Chair Swingin' Freaks, who were seemingly in the front row of the show climb the barrier and start attacking him. 

Scott Hudson is shocked saying why on earth are The Extreme Alliance targeting RVD? 

Stevie Ray gets up from the desk to deal with it as Joey Styles is excitedly calling the action, when the camera pans to DDP and Kanyon! 

DDP and Kanyon climb over the barrier and they rush into the ring to make the save. 

DDP fights off Dreamer, whilst Kanyon is like a man possessed clearing house with Balls and Axl both clotheslined over the ropes and Sabu gets out of the ring before he can get to him. 

The 4 remaining members of The Extreme Alliance look on laughing, as the show ends we see Sabu point at a now agitated and back to this feet Rob Van Dam and Sabu points to the WCW United States Championship! 


Show Rating: 75
0.93 TV rating (700K viewers)

Edited by PH71
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WHAT?! Jerry 'The King' Lawler signs for WCW

The wrestling world was left shocked this Wednesday night, as one of the pivotal voices of WWF in recent years, Jerry 'The King' Lawler, showed up on Nitro after having signed a 3 year contract with WCW.

Lawler quit the WWF earlier in the year after his wife, Stacy 'The Kat' Carter, was released, with Vince McMahon granting 'The King's wish when he asked to leave in protest. 

Many long-time WWF fans expected Lawler to eventually return to the company in some capacity, but given he has now signed a long-term contract with WCW which will see him commentate on Nitro and PPV events, that seems very unlikely now. Some fans are unhappy that this won't see a return of the beloved team of Lawler and Jim Ross, but early signs suggest Lawler and Schiavone could be one that WCW fans come to enjoy. 

It is thought that Shane McMahon's relationship with Lawler helped get the deal over the line and aside from the money and terms on offer, without Shane's input and rapport with 'The King' he may not have signed with WCW. McMahon's only concern with signing Lawler to the team was his desire to promote a serious women's division, which he thought Lawler could potentially damage a bit given his love of a crude remark, but it is thought that Lawler has just been advised to tone it down a little during the actual matches within the women's division. 

Edited by PH71
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On 2/8/2024 at 8:49 AM, Nobby_McDonald said:

I like this Shane McMahon led WCW.


Thanks Nobby, glad you're enjoying it so far!

Have to give a lot of credit to @MrCanada once again as the database he's made is really one of the most enjoyable I've played in a while. I'd got quite burnt out with TEW generally with modern day saves, 00s, 90s, 2010s etc it felt like I'd done everything to death but this has really gotten me back into TEW is probably the most in-depth I've planned/booked shows before. In the simulations I've done 2-3, 5 years ahead it seems like it continues to be fairly detailed as it goes on so providing I stay interested I should be able to get a lot of game-play out of this save too. 

Also, as a side note, are you the Nobby_McDonald from the Football Manager forums/OTF? 

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2 hours ago, PH71 said:


Thanks Nobby, glad you're enjoying it so far!

Have to give a lot of credit to @MrCanada once again as the database he's made is really one of the most enjoyable I've played in a while. I'd got quite burnt out with TEW generally with modern day saves, 00s, 90s, 2010s etc it felt like I'd done everything to death but this has really gotten me back into TEW is probably the most in-depth I've planned/booked shows before. In the simulations I've done 2-3, 5 years ahead it seems like it continues to be fairly detailed as it goes on so providing I stay interested I should be able to get a lot of game-play out of this save too. 

Also, as a side note, are you the Nobby_McDonald from the Football Manager forums/OTF? 

I hope you do get a lot of long term enjoyment from this dynasty.

Do you have any experience of the Real World Chronicles in TEW 2020?

And yes I am Nobby from the Sports Interactive forum. I'll get more active there again too soon and should get back into FM with the 2025 version, partly because of it seems to be having a lot of new things and changes almost like a sequel and partly because women's football is being added. I'm hoping I can add my 8 year old daughter to the Stoke City youth set up. She trains with Stoke City Girls youngest group though doesn't play for them (yet?)

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11 minutes ago, Nobby_McDonald said:

I hope you do get a lot of long term enjoyment from this dynasty.

Do you have any experience of the Real World Chronicles in TEW 2020?

And yes I am Nobby from the Sports Interactive forum. I'll get more active there again too soon and should get back into FM with the 2025 version, partly because of it seems to be having a lot of new things and changes almost like a sequel and partly because women's football is being added. I'm hoping I can add my 8 year old daughter to the Stoke City youth set up. She trains with Stoke City Girls youngest group though doesn't play for them (yet?)


I had an AEW save that I was having some fun with in the Real World Chronicles, but it kind of burned me out from actually watching the real product so I ended up getting a bit bored of the save. I think with WWE I prefer to play as them in years gone by as I stopped regularly watching around Wrestlemania 33 (around 2017 maybe?) so I find them hard to play as and also anything more than 3-4 hours of TV in a single week is a bit much for me. I think that was another issue with the AEW save, would have been okay with Dynamite and Rampage, but with Collision as well it was a bit much.

I think with this dynasty I'm aiming to just keep it at 3 hours of TV per week to avoid burn-out. I think 3-4 hours is a nice amount for any wrestling show anyway to be fair.

That's cool, I thought I recognised the name but it took me a while to place where from. Small world! Not sure if you'd remember but my Username over there is PaulHartman71. Always enjoyed a read of your threads on the Careers Forum! All the best with your daughter at Stoke, that would be very cool for you if you could add her as a regen in the women's youth set-up 😁


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On 2/7/2024 at 10:36 PM, PH71 said:



WHAT?! Jerry 'The King' Lawler signs for WCW

The wrestling world was left shocked this Wednesday night, as one of the pivotal voices of WWF in recent years, Jerry 'The King' Lawler, showed up on Nitro after having signed a 3 year contract with WCW.

Lawler quit the WWF earlier in the year after his wife, Stacy 'The Kat' Carter, was released, with Vince McMahon granting 'The King's wish when he asked to leave in protest. 

Many long-time WWF fans expected Lawler to eventually return to the company in some capacity, but given he has now signed a long-term contract with WCW which will see him commentate on Nitro and PPV events, that seems very unlikely now. Some fans are unhappy that this won't see a return of the beloved team of Lawler and Jim Ross, but early signs suggest Lawler and Schiavone could be one that WCW fans come to enjoy. 

It is thought that Shane McMahon's relationship with Lawler helped get the deal over the line and aside from the money and terms on offer, without Shane's input and rapport with 'The King' he may not have signed with WCW. McMahon's only concern with signing Lawler to the team was his desire to promote a serious women's division, which he thought Lawler could potentially damage a bit given his love of a crude remark, but it is thought that Lawler has just been advised to tone it down a little during the actual matches within the women's division. 

Big pop seeing Lawler and Schiavone together!

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3 hours ago, PH71 said:


I had an AEW save that I was having some fun with in the Real World Chronicles, but it kind of burned me out from actually watching the real product so I ended up getting a bit bored of the save. I think with WWE I prefer to play as them in years gone by as I stopped regularly watching around Wrestlemania 33 (around 2017 maybe?) so I find them hard to play as and also anything more than 3-4 hours of TV in a single week is a bit much for me. I think that was another issue with the AEW save, would have been okay with Dynamite and Rampage, but with Collision as well it was a bit much.

I think with this dynasty I'm aiming to just keep it at 3 hours of TV per week to avoid burn-out. I think 3-4 hours is a nice amount for any wrestling show anyway to be fair.

That's cool, I thought I recognised the name but it took me a while to place where from. Small world! Not sure if you'd remember but my Username over there is PaulHartman71. Always enjoyed a read of your threads on the Careers Forum! All the best with your daughter at Stoke, that would be very cool for you if you could add her as a regen in the women's youth set-up 😁


I remember you from SI Paul followed your career in the career sub forum. Don't remember much about them now though 😂

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18 hours ago, StanMiguel said:

Big pop seeing Lawler and Schiavone together!

The picture (apart from the custom nitro logo added) is actually legit from a UWF show in 2001. I’d never seen the picture before but came upon it by chance when googling Jerry Lawler 2001 😂

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Dustin Rhodes back in WCW!

Dustin Rhodes, formerly 'Goldust' in WWF, made his return to WCW this past week on Nitro returning in a segment which looks set to kick-off a feud with Buff Bagwell.

Rhodes is one of the first AOL-Time Warner contracts that has expired since Shane McMahon took over WCW and he was thought to be quite keen to land Rhodes, who he had worked with in WWF previously. It is not thought that WCW had any competition, with WWF thought to be content with their current roster as things stand. 

With many more AOL-Time Warner contracts set to come up in the next 12 months it remains to be seen if either WWF, WCW or potentially a promotion in Japan or elsewhere will pick up some of wrestling's top stars who are currently sitting at home getting paid top money to not wrestle.

Rhodes will be in a tag team match with Buff Enuff next week on Nitro, there are rumours as to who his tag-team partner may be for the show, with some speculating we could see a surprise return to WCW TV for a WCW Hall of Famer.  

Edited by PH71
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Nitro Episode 16: 

Wednesday 15 August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,200 crowd from Portland, Oregon

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway'

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from Oregon! 

And we've got a heck of a show for you tonight. In our main event we have the final of our WCW World Tag Team Championship number 1 contender tournament, with Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda going up against Team Canada

Jerry Lawler says that should be a good one Tony, we've also got Curt Hennig and Booker T set to reveal their respective match types at Mayhem against Scott Hall and The Sandman! 

But right now, says Arn, we open tonight's show with a tag team match, Buff Bagwell laid down the challenge to the returning Dustin Rhodes last week. It will be Buff Enuff vs Dustin Rhodes and his mystery opponent...


WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Buff Bagwell comes out with Buff Daddy V looking smug. They get into the ring and Buff Bagwell cuts a quick promo about how he suspects this to be a handicap match as he doubts anyone would want to team with 'The Unnatural' Dustin Rhodes. 


Dustin comes out and says tonight he will show the world that the legacy of WCW is not about, nor should the future of WCW be about over-hyped, over-rated, over-confident jerks like Buff Bagwell. Bagwell wants to take a dump on the legacy of WCW, the NWA, Jim Crockett Promotions... well tonight, my tag-team partner is a legend of the NWA, Jim Crocket Promotions and a WCW Hall of Famer... my partner tonight... is my father the 'American Dream' DUSTY RHODES!! 




What?!?! says Jerry

I think Buff Bagwell might have bitten off more he can chew here, adds Tony. 

Dusty Rhodes - The Pursuit 2 (By: Steve Martin) (NWA Pro Wrestling Entrance Theme 1987-1988) (youtube.com)

Dusty Rhodes comes out to a big pop alongside his son. He grabs the mic and says well tonight, baby, Buff, what you gotta learn is that it is a privilege and it's an honour to get the chance to work on national television for a company like W-C-W baby. When you knock WCW, when you're locking the history of Jimmy Crockett, the NWA, WCW, you're knocking me! And let me tell you summat, Buff Daddy, the bottom line is my boy Dustin, he's more wrestlin' talent, more wrestlin' skill in his little toe, than you got in your whole body! And the other bottom line, is tonight, the Rhodes Family kick your ass to the ground, baby! 

Freestyle segment with Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes - (75 rated) 


Match 1: 

Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell & Buff Daddy V) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes & 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes

This match opens the show with a decent amount of interest in the returning Rhodes teaming with his Father. Dustin Rhodes wrestles most of the match against Buff Enuff, starting well and dominating Buff Daddy V before Buff comes in and Dustin's aggression gets the better of him as Buff gets back into the match. 

Dustin eventually gets worn-down but Dusty Rhodes gets the hot tag when Buff Daddy V is the legal man and he has a nice fight with the big man. At one point Buff Daddy V smashes Dustin off the apron and he goes crashing down to the outside. Buff Enuff use this to their advantage and isolate Dusty Rhodes. Buff hits a Blockbuster and Buff Daddy V prevents Dustin from getting back in the ring as he whips him into the ring post, through the steel steps and they get the win.

Buff Enuff win via pinfall - (8.22) - (53 rated)  


After the match Buff calls to Buff Daddy V who picks up the steel steps and brings them into the ring. Dustin Rhodes is still groggy recovering on the outside of the ring whilst Buff Bagwell brings Dusty Rhodes to his feet. Buff Daddy V stands tall in the ring holding the steel steps and Buff whips Dusty in his direction and Buff Daddy V smashes 'American Dream' with the steps! 

Good God! says Tony Schiavone in horror on commentary. 

That's gonna hurt in the morning! says Jerry Lawler. 

Buff Enuff walk off laughing as Dustin Rhodes eventually manages to get into the ring and check on his father who seems to be busted wide open and bleeding. Lots of medics, as well as Terry Funk and Terry Taylor come rushing out to check on Dusty Rhodes. 


As we return from break Tony Schiavone and Jerry Lawler advise the fans that during the break Dusty Rhodes was stretchered out of the arena and we hope to have a medical update at some point later in the show. 

We see Sable in the back in her office.

Billy Kidman barges in with Torrie Wilson

Billy says it's not right to Torrie and other women in the locker-room that Vampiro brings some random woman from Mexico and she just gets a shot against Akira Hokuto's title right away. Torrie looks a bit uncomfortable but also like she agrees with Kidman.

Sable says La Diabolica is a seasoned pro and former champion in Mexico. With all due respect to Torrie she's still at the start of her career and hasn't proved anything to anyone yet.

Torrie asks for a chance to prove herself.

Sable says, okay then, later tonight, Torrie you will go 1-on-1 with La Diabolica! If you beat her, then maybe we can talk...

Freestyle segment with Sable, Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson (41 rated) 


Hugh Morrus promo with The Harris Twins.

Hugh Morrus says 'Dr Death' Steve Williams thinks he's such a tough guy! Well the way I see it, if you're so tough, how about we finally have ourselves a match later tonight on Nitro? But here's the deal 'Dr Death', why don't we make things a bit more interesting and make it a 6 man tag team match? I got the Harris Twins here who would quite like to beat you down too boy! 

So later tonight, how about it 'Dr Death'? Hugh Morrus and The Harris Twins vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams and his boys Windham and Rotunda!

Oh but wait... Hugh says and laughs.

Your boys are a bit busy tonight in the main event aren't they? Oh no. Well I guess if you want to get your hands on me in a match then you'll have to go it alone! 

If you're a real man, a real fighter, you'll still show up to face us! 

Freestyle segment with Hugh Morrus & The Harris Twins (50 rated) 

Tony Schiavone says that Hugh Morrus is a coward! He knew that 'Dr Death's buddies were busy tonight, he's just too scared to face him on even playing ground!


Match 2: 

Fit Finlay (with Dave Taylor and Tajiiri) vs Terry Funk (with 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels) 

Tony Schiavone says Terry Funk requested this match after some smack talk from Fit Finlay backstage at Nitro last week... a match between two experienced pros, legends of the business, it should be an interesting one! 

Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Terry Funk - Theme (youtube.com)

This match is a nice mix between a brawl and a technical wrestling match with both men giving it all they have. Inevitably the action spills to the outside at various points with Tajiri, Dave Taylor and Christopher Daniels all getting involved. 

The match ends in a double-count out when both Finlay and Funk continue to brawl on the outside and the referee counts them both out. When he does so they both look in the ring surprised and angry, but then they carry on fighting.

The match ends in a double count-out - (5.50) - (43 rated)

WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com)

Eric comes out and says it's not a great look for two experienced pros, two road agents to be fighting out of control like this. Eric says next week they will settle this nonsense. It will be Fit Finlay and a partner of his choosing versus Terry Funk and Christopher Daniels in a Tornado Tag match!


When we return from commercial break we see Rob Van Dam in the ring with Bill Alfonso and the WCW United States Championship. 

Rob says I'm not a big talker and I'm not here tonight to mince my words. Sabu! You want to put your name on the map in WCW by coming after me... by coming after MY United States Championship?! I know The Extreme Alliance, me, WCW, we're not all on the best of terms, but if you wanted a shot at my title all you had to do was ask!!! I'm not afraid of beating anyone's ass, you should know that by now, but you thought it would be fun to jump me when my back is turned? You're better than that Sabu, but if you want to sink to that level then I'm more than happy to make sure you DROWN!!!

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes out and says he understands why Rob is mad at Sabu, but Sabu is not contracted and never will be contracted to WCW, so he will not be letting Rob Van Dam put that WCW United States Championship on the line against Sabu or any other member of The Extreme Alliance.

RVD is annoyed. He says, look Shane, when you hired me, you said you saw me as the biggest rising star in the industry today... the future of wrestling... I think everyone will admit, I back up the talk... are you saying you don't think I can beat Sabu in a 1-on-1 match? 

Shane says he is sure that Rob can but the point is a moot one as he won't be booking that match for Nitro, or for any other WCW event and---

Joey Styles, with Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freaks pop up on the big screen.

Joey says oh hey Shane old buddy old pal. You see, you see what you're forgetting here is that as FX's Consultant Producer for Friday Night Panic! on FX... I have voting rights and a lot of sway as to what gets booked on that show. You see FX's goals are to get as many people tuning in to Friday Night Panic! on FX as possible... now whilst Sabu isn't a WCW wrestler, I can still book him or any other free agent or independent contractor to perform in a match on Panic! if I see fit.

Now if you won't book Rob Van Dam vs Sabu on Nitro and get a nice rating boost for it, or hell, maybe even sell a few PPVs by having it at Mayhem, then I'll sure as hell book it for Friday Night Panic! instead 

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

DDP comes out with Kanyon and Mikey Whipwreck

DDP has a mic and he looks up to Joey and The Extreme Alliance and says "to hell with a title shot! If you bozos think you're still making the demands around here... you gotta 'nuvva thing coming, boys!" 

Kanyon takes the mic from him and says the way I see it, Shane, Joey, Bischoff, whoever the hell is booking these shows at this point, there's 4 of us (camera shows RVD, then DDP, Kanyon and Whipwreck) and there's 4 of you (flashes back to 4 remaining members of The Extreme Alliance)... if we're booking matches for Friday Night Panic!, well how about we have a 4-on-4 tag team match so DDP, RVD and Mikey Whipwreck and I can kick your asses all the way back to Philadelphia!!! 

Rob Van Dam is keen.

The fan seem keen.

Shane says he's got no problem with that.

Joey Styles says well you're on! Friday Night, The Extreme Alliance will show who runs WCW!!! 

Freestyle segment with RVD, Shane McMahon, DDP, Kanyon, Mikey Whipwreck, Joey Styles and The Extreme Alliance - (87 rated) 


Standing by in the back we have JJ Dillon with Team Canada ahead of tonight's big main event tag team number 1 contender match! 

JJ Dillon in the back with Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouelett)

JJ asks Storm if there's more pressure on them than Windham/Rotunda tonight. Windham/Rotunda have all the experience, tag team championship pedigree, does Storm feel like Team Canada has more to prove? 

Storm is outraged.

Look JJ, if I can be serious for one moment, Windham/Rotunda are past their best. If anyone has anything to prove tonight it's them. They have to prove to Shane McMahon then he shouldn't let them go and hang up their boots! 

Mike Awesome adds that they've got full confidence that they will DESTROY Windham & Rotunda tonight and then go on to Mayhem to claim the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts for the first time.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Team Canada - (47 rated) 


Match 3: 

Scott Hall (with The Sandman) vs Jamie Knoble (with Kid Kash) 

Jamie Knoble is already in the ring, with Kid Kash waiting at ringside, when Scott Hall makes his entrance in the Bentley with The Sandman driving him

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall on the mic says he's about to send a message to Curt Hennig that it doesn't matter what match type you want at Mayhem. Whether it's a normal match, no disqualification match, cage match - you cannot beat me, brother.

Scott Hall spends much of the match with Jamie Knoble toying with him. He dominates the match but his casual approach to getting the win is not lost on the commentary team. At one point Jamie Knoble manages to attempt a roll-up and almost gets a surprise 3 count but Hall kicks out to save his blushes. At this point Hall gets really angry and hurls Knoble out the ring who crash lands onto Kid Kash who catches him taking theme both out. 

As the referee is arguing with Scott Hall about what he's just done we see The Sandman stamp on the face of Knoble multiple times whilst the ref isn't looking. The Sandman then rolls Knoble into the ring. 

Knoble eventually gets to his feet and Scott Hall hits the Razor's Edge to get the win, cockily pinning Knoble by putting one foot on him.

Scott Hall wins via pinfall - (6.31) - (77 rated) 

After the match Scott Hall continues to keep his foot on Noble, putting some pressure down and laughing at him as The Sandman stands guard with his Kendo Stick, Kid Kash attempts to intervene but can't get near him due to The Sandman.

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

Curt Hennig comes out and claps Scott Hall. 

Great victory champ, another impressive display, Scott. But you showed tonight why I can't risk any interference at Mayhem... so you better believe this Scott... at Mayhem, live from Baltimore, Maryland... it's going to be me and you in a steel cage! 

Scott Hall acts cocky and pretends like he isn't bothered. 

Curt says he's got someone else to announce a match which I'm sure you'll love too Scott.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Booker comes out with a mic, shakes Curt's hand and says... Scott... I ain't done with you yet, not for a long shot, but if I have to take out your driver before I can get to you or hell, if Curt beats you at Mayhem I ain't even need to get to you sucka... but Sandman... you talk a good game... you walk a good game... you've been in more hardcore matches than me in ECW, ain't nobody doubtin' that, but have you been in more FIGHTS than me Dog? I don't think so! 

You see, Sandman, at Mayhem I'm gonna kill 2 dogs with 1 stone, if you dig. At Mayhem, it's gonna me you and me... in a Parking Lot Brawl match! 

Sandman looks intrigued

Booker says at Mayhem, I'm gonna take you out so bad, Scott Hall's gonna have to find himself a new driver, and get this Dog, I'm gonna put you through the window of that Bentley that your boy loves so much! So in 1 night, Scott, I'm gonna take out your driver and your car! Now can you dig that...sucka?!? 

As we go to commercial break Scott Hall looks furious. Curt Hennig laughs and Sandman looks intently at Booker.

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Curt Hennig and Booker T - (76 rated) 


JJ Dillon standing by with Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda

JJ says earlier tonight Team Canada had fighting talk for you regarding your match in tonight's main event, what's your mentality going into that match?

Barry Windham says their mentality going into that match is we've been there and we've done it all... we've not been champions together in WCW before, but we're going to give everything to make that reality become a dream

Mike Rotunda says on the subject of dream, all our best to The Dream, what happened to him tonight was uncalled for! 

Barry agrees, and says there's a new generation in WCW who think they can get what they want by being bullies and not playing by the rules and respect... the NWA... Jim Crockett Promotions... WCW... they were built on honorable men who got the job done when the time came to it. 

And tonight, JJ, Windham and Rotunda will book their spot at Mayhem and get ourselves a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championships! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda - (50 rated) 


Dustin Rhodes promo

Dustin cuts a quit promo outside of a local hospital where he says his father is in a stable condition but he's beat up real bad. Dustin says, Buff Bagwell, if you know what's good for you then you won't even show up next week on Nitro, because if you do then you better hope that a hospital is the worst place that I put you! 

Dustin Rhodes promo - (65 rated) 


Match 4: 

La Diabolica vs Torrie Wilson (with Billy Kidman) 

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

Before the match Akira Hokuto comes out with James Mitchell who again sit on commentary for the match

La Bamba (youtube.com)

Torrie Wilson - A Girl Like That (Official Theme) (youtube.com)

This match showcases La Diabolica's luchadora skills once again with the inexperienced Torrie Wilson struggling to keep up with her. At one point it looks like Torrie might get back in the match but then Kidman screams from ring side. He seems to be caught up in the ring apron and seems convinced someone is grabbing him, but he manages to get out of it. 

La Diabolica uses the distraction to hit a Power Bomb on Torrie Wilson and get the win

La Diabolica wins via pinfall - (4.17) - (31 rated) 

After the match Billy Kidman looks annoyed and helps Torrie out of the ring. La Diabolica poses for the fans when Akira Hokuto jumps her from behind! 

Akira Hokuto starts beating down La Diabolica, the commentators says this is a very 'Sinister' tactic that James Mitchell appears to be egging on! 

Meiko Satomura - "My Own Destiny" (NXT UK THEME) (youtube.com)

Wait a minute, that's Meiko Satomura's music!

Meiko makes the save as her former opponent Akira Hokuto dashes out the ring as Meiko enters it to save La Diabolica

Freestyle segment with La Diabolica, Akira Hokuto and Meiko Satomura - (41 rated) 


Chavo Guerrero Jr and Juventud Guerrera sit down interview with Roddy Piper

Piper starts off by saying you two boys have been at it the last several weeks or so now, where does this end, Chavo?

Chavo says this ends at Mayhem when I take back the WCW World Crusierweight Championship for the 3rd time!

Juvi says you're still like Lieutenant Loco, Chavo, there's no timeline where you're taking this championship from me

Piper says to Juvi, well hey, he pinned you last week on Nitro.

Juvi gets hot and says Chavo got lucky due to a distraction. At Mayhem, there is no distractions, just me, you, in the ring, you can try and cheat all you like Chavo but you can't cheat destiny and the WCW World Cruiseweight Championship is my destiny, baby! 

Piper says you've both pinned each other in recent weeks, so in order to ensure there is a definite winner at Mayhem, Eric Bischoff has decided on a stipulation for the match at Mayhem

Both men look interested at this

Piper says at Mayhem it will be a 2 out of 3 Falls match! 

Chavo says that's great, I can beat you twice and put this to bed!

In your dreams, Chavo! says Juvi as the two men get off their chairs and square up with Piper forcing them apart.

Freestle segment with Roddy Piper, Chavo Guerrero Jr & Juventud Guerrera - (56 rated) 


In the locker-room area we see Vampiro. 

Shannon Moore comes into set and starts asking Vampiro where's my boy Evan? You took him! What have you done with him? 

Vampiro says calm down kid, I haven't kidnapped your boy. 

You're a liar! says Moore. Ain't nobody seen him around since you did you weird, freaky stuff last week, I ought to beat your ass right now!

Vampiro says woah, woah, kid. Here's what I can do for you. I MIGHT know some information about why your "boy" doesn't want to "hang" with you anymore, you dig?

If you can beat me next week live on Nitro, I'll tell you everything you wanna know, how's that? 

Moore says Fine, but I'm watching you, Vampiro! I know you're up to no good! 

Billy Kidman suddenly comes in as Moore is leaving. Kidman is hot and says to Vampiro he knows that he was behind the weird stuff that distracted him in Torrie's match earlier. 

Vampiro says he's got better things to be doing than hiding under the ring to get involved in your girlfriend' matches, Kidman.

Kidman says she's my fiancée actually! 

Vampiro laughs and says my advice to you Kidman is to stop getting your knickers in a twist and stay out of my way...

Freestyle segment with Vampiro, Shannon Moore and Billy Kidman - (48 rated) 


Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

Hugh Morrus comes out with Don and Ron the Harris Brothers. 

On commentary Tony and Jerry Lawler speculate as to what exactly the match we're about to see will be. Hugh Morrus laid out the challenge to 'Dr Death' to a 6 man tag team match, but his friends Windham and Rotunda are in the main event, unable to team with him now.

Hugh Morrus in the ring says 'Dr Death' should come on out here and face them like a real man!

AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com)

'Dr Death' comes out with Jimmy Hart and Jimmy says they've found a team who for tonight. 'Dr Death' says you messed with these kids and now they're ready to get their own back on you Hugh! I could beat you and the Harris boys by myself, but if I can get some help from some younger guys, why not? 

WCW Jung Dragons 2nd Theme Song - "Gong/Shakuhachi" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

It's the Jung Dragons! says Tony. It was Hugh Morrus who beat down on these kids a few weeks ago leading to 'Dr Death' making the save, tonight they've saved him from a handicap match! 


Match 5: 

'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) & The Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang) vs Hugh Morrus & The Harris Brothers (Don & Ron Harris) 

'Dr Death' starts the match and goes about getting to work on Don Harris. Ron Harris eventually gets the tag and at one point the Twins hit a double-team move on Harris that takes him down a bit. Only when Williams seems weaker does Hugh Morrus come into the match with his power and energy it overwhelms Williams.

Jimmy Yang eventually gets the hot tag but after a minute or so he gets dominated by Morrus. He manages to get a hot tag to Hayashi who does a bit better. 

The Harris Brothers meanwhile on the outside get 'Dr Death' and between the two of them they whip him into the front row barrier to the side and he goes crashing through it ending up on the outside in a big mess with Jimmy Hart checking up on him. 

Meanwhile in the ring Hugh Morrus hits a No Laughing Matter moonsault on Kaz Hayashi, clears out Jimmy Yang and then gets the pin.

Hugh Morrus & The Harris Brothers win via pinfall - (6.17) - (50 rated) 

Well, he wasn't pinned, but it's a defeat here tonight on Nitro for 'Dr Death' Steve Williams says Tony Schiavone as we see 'Dr Death' still in a bad way on the outside. 


JJ Dillon interview with The Nu Road Warriors

JJ asks ahead of the main event do you guys have any preference who you face out of Team Canada or Windham & Rotunda? 

Road Warrior Animal says at the end of the day it doesn't matter who we face we're ready to defend these belts with everything we got, right, Dog? 

Road Warrior Dog says that's right Animal, we're still a new team, hell it feels like sometimes we're not quite there yet on the same page, but at Mayhem it don't matter if it's either of those boys or hell even both of them we don't care we're the greatest tag team in the world today and if you're not down with that we got 2 words for you...

Animal asks him if he's even allowed to still say that let alone the rest of our old catchphrase 

Dog says oh Suck It, Animal! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon & The Nu Road Warriors (57 rated) 


Match 6: 

Curt Hennig vs La Parka

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall gets driven out by The Sandman to join the commentary booth for this match. 

On commentary Scott says Hey yo, King and then starts saying he's out here scouting the competition. 

WCW Mr. Perfect 2nd Theme "Road To Glory" (HQ) (youtube.com)

WCW La Parka 1st Theme Song - "Parental Advisory: Explicit Acts" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Curt Hennig is a little distracted knowing that Scott Hall is there with The Sandman standing guard with the Kendo Stick but he still manages to get a good technical wrestling match out of La Parka.

This match gets a decent level of time and La Parka gets a bit of offence in but in the end Curt Hennig eventually gets the win with the Perfect Plex

Curt Hennig wins via pinfall - (6.58) - (59 rated) 

After the match we see Scott Hall come off commentary with The Sandman and they look like they're heading down to the ring. Curt Hennig has his fists up ready for the fight when Booker T comes out with a steel chair.

Scott Hall and The Sandman see this. Sandman looks keen to get in a fight with Booker but Scott Hall tells him to stand down and they head to the Bentley and drive out the arena. Curt Hennig comes down and shakes Booker T's hand as they walk off the stage talking. 


The Extreme Alliance promo

In a pre-recorded promo Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freaks cut a promo ahead of the 4 v 4 match on Panic this Friday

Tommy Dreamer says on Panic! The Extreme Alliance shows the world that we're here to stay... we send a message to everyone at WCW and FX that we deserve to be here! 

The Chair Swingin' Freaks say they heard DDP talking about investing in Yoga... well you're gonna need a lot of Yoga just to be able to get out of bed in the morning once we're done nailing you with chairs this Friday night!

Sabu says he and Rob have a lot of history... and sooner rather than later he's going to show the world why he was ALWAYS better than Van Dam by taking the WCW United States Championship from him... Sabu says his Uncle and trainer The Original Shiek was a United States Champion several times over all across the country... it runs in his blood... and sooner rather than later Rob Van Dam's blood will run and Sabu will possess the WCW United States Championship! 

Freestyle segment with The Extreme Alliance - (51 rated) 


Match 7: 

Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (with Carl Ouellet) - The winner will become the Number 1 contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championships 

Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com)

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone mentions how it's been an actioned packed Nitro tonight, but we must have a winner here tonight in this main event. 

This match is a great tag-team match with both teams at the top of their game. They both go all out to try and get the win and a coveted shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championships which neither side have had yet in the Shane McMahon era of WCW.

As the match goes on there are several false finishes, Carl Ouelett ends up getting ejected from ringside and as the show is coming to the end we have Lance Storm and Barry Windham as legal men. 

Barry Windham has Storm in a dangerous position but Lance Storm counters and gets Windham in the Canadian Maple Leaf submission and then Mike Awesome comes storming into the ring and smashes Mike Rotunda off of the apron to prevent him getting involved.

Storm has Windham right where he wants him, Windham is trying to wriggle his way out of it, but he just can't seem to do it. 

Windham is defeated and he has no choice but to tap... he raises his hand to start tapping and-


Wait a minute! says Tony. 

I think... I think before Windham had tapped this match went to a 15 minute time limit draw!

WHAT?! says Jerry Lawler.

Well since the Shane McMahon era every match on Nitro has had a 15 minute time limit, we've not seen any match go that long but it looks like... it has... this match has ended in a draw and I think that's the end of the show

What does that mean for the WCW World Tag Team Championships, asks Arn

I think we'll have to answer that question on Friday Night Panic! says Tony as the show goes off air with Lance Storm looking dismayed and Barry Windham not sure what's happened.

Team Canada and Windham & Rotunda go to a 15 minute time-limit draw - (69 rated)


Show Rating: 78
1.01 TV rating (759K viewers)

Edited by PH71
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Friday Night Panic! Episode 3: 

Friday 17th August 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,200 crowd from Boise, Idaho

Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

Joey Styles on commentary welcomes fans to Friday Night Panic! live in Idaho, where tonight we have a stacked 1 hour show! In our main event tonight we see THE EXTREME ALLIANCE of Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freak in a multi-man no-disqualification falls-count anywhere tag team match against the supposed "best" that WCW has to offer in Rob Van Dam, Mikey Whipwreck, DDP and Kanyon...

We'll also have another edition of the Steve Corino open challenge and later tonight will also see the debut of a team apparently now calling themselves "The Hounds of Hades"...

"But first of all!" interrupts Scott Hudson, much to Styles' annoyance, we have a big announcement off of the back of the shocking ending to Nitro on Wednesday that saw our WCW World Tag Team Championship Number 1 Contender tournament end in a 15 minute time-limit draw. And I'm told that Eric Bischoff has made it official - next week live on Nitro, to open the show, it will be Team Canada vs Windham & Rotunda in a rematch to determine who will face The Nu Road Warriors at Mayhem! And that's not all, we're told that The Nu Road Warriors themselves will be action next week on Panic! in a warm-up match for Mayhem, in a non-title match they will be up against Semi-Finalists of the Number 1 contender tournament... The F.B.I!


ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Joey, you know what time it is! 

Steve Corino comes to the ring with Don Callis and his WCW FXtreme Television Championship

Joey Styles reminds viewers of the Steve Corino Open Challenge rules:

If the competitor was a former WCW World Television Champion the match will take place under standard rules. 
If they were the WCW World Hardcore Champion or ECW Television Champion it will be under NO-DQ rules. 
if the competitor has been WCW World TV and the Hardcore or ECW TV champion as well, then it is dealer's choice and they can choose.

Steve Corino and Don Callis stand in the ring. 

Don Callis says so far nobody has even come close to going toe to toe with Steve Corino

Corino says he dares someone with real championship pedigree to come out and make the fans actually believe he might lose this one. Corino says he's the hottest thing on television and the crowd here in Idaho can't wait to see who he will brutalise next. He says maybe the WCW roster just doesn't have what it takes to compete with-

WCW: "Sugar" Shane Helms [Theme Song] - "Vertebreaker" (youtube.com)

It's Shane Helms! says Scott Hudson. 

This kid here he can really go! adds Stevie Ray

A former WCW World Hardcore Champion so this match will be competed under No-DQ rules, but Helms of course most recently the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion too, Scott says. 

Joey says Helms hasn't been on the most run recently having lost his WCW World Cruiserweight Championship to Juventud Guerrera and then a successive PPV loss when Billy Kidman got the better of him, a win tonight against Corino to take the WCW FXtreme Television Championship home would certainly put him back on the map in WCW and the whole wrestling world! 


Match 1:

The Steve Corino Open Challenge - Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Shane Helms for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship - NO-DQ match 

Shane Helms starts the match seeming like he has a real point to prove. He has superior speed and energy straight out the gates which takes Corino by surprise a bit. Helms gets a lot of momentum and gets some high spots in early on and Corino is a bit rattled by this. Don Callis manages to get him composed again by shouting some instructions at him and when Corino is at the corner groggy he gets passed an object by Callis.

What was that he just passed him?! demands Stevie Ray.

I didn't see anything! says Joey. Plus it's a No-DQ match, Stevie, the rules are that there are no rules! 

As Shane Helms runs to a groggy Corino in the corner to hit a flying crossbody Corino manages to nail him with whatever it was that Callis gave him right in the face. 

Helms immediately clutches his face and falls to the ground in pain.

Corino dashes the weapon and it is revealed to be a screw-driver.

Oh come on! says Scott Hudson in dismay.

Tell me I didn't just see that?! says Stevie Ray. That's a real tool that Don Callis has given his guy there and can I just say, I don't know if I can say this but to hell with it I think that damn Don Callis is one hell of a tool himself! 

Joey Styles points out that Shane Helms seems to now have a crimson mask across his face as Steve Corino begins to stomp on him and with this all of the momentum goes to Corino's way.

Helms still puts up a fight once he manages to get to his feet but his face is covered in blood now which makes it harder to see and clearly drains a lot of energy from him. Helms fights back but eventually Corino gets the better of him and hits him with an Old School Expulsion before getting the 1-2-3

Steve Corino retains via pinfall - (8.15) - (60 rated) 

As we go to commercial break we see Shane Helms defeated wearing a crimson mask of blood


Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso), DDP, Kanyon and Mikey Whipwreck promo

RVD, DDP, Kanyon and Whipwreck cut a quick promo ahead of the main event clash with The Extreme Alliance tonight. DDP and Kanyon say they have a lot of frustration they want to take out. Mikey Whipwreck says he know those guys always thought they were better than him but look at me now, I've got a WCW contract and you ain't, because I'm reliable, I turn up to work on time and I give everything every night, you guys think the world owes you everything but it doesn't owe you nothing!

RVD says he'll show tonight that Sabu can't hang with him and he'll pin him tonight to show he's no competition for him and the WCW United States Championship

Freestyle segment with RVD, DDP, Kanyon and Whipwreck - (76 rated) 


Booker T promo 

Booker T says on Nitro... Scott Hall and The Sandman thought they could take out Curt Hennig before his title shot at Mayhem... but that's just the kind of person you are Scott, you're a coward! Sandman, you're a sell-out, you're a thug and at Mayhem I'm going to make sure you can't ever operate a vehicle again! 

If either of you clowns try any funny business to me or Curt Hennig next week on Nitro, you better believe you're gonna get kicked in the head! Now can you dig that suckaaa?!?!

Booker T promo - (94 rated) 


Match 2: 

The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria) vs The MexiCruisers (Psychosis & Super Crazy) 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

Mexicools - theme and Titantron Video (youtube.com)

Well, Scott Hudson begins. We've seen vignettes advertising the debut of this team in WCW... Dawn-Macaria, formerly Dawn-Marie, who now claims to be a descendent of the Greek God of the Underworld Hades, she's now dubbing herself The Queen of the Underworld and she's brought along the Hounds of Hades with her. 

The Hounds of Hades come out wearing metal Hound masks which they take off when they get to the ring. Dawn-Macaria is wearing an elaborate black corset.

A difficult first match in WCW for Djinni Parisi and Saemon Daemon against The MexiCruisers who have pulled off some impressive wins in the Shane McMahon era of WCW, of course a bit of experienced tagging in ECW previously as Joey will be aware of. Joey says he's never heard of The Hounds of Hades before, but they look a lot like Simon and Swinger. 

This match gets a decent amount of time with both teams showing off their strengths. Super Crazy and Psychosis get in a lot of high-spots and have the upperhand for a decent portion of the match. 

Psychosis seems to be in control of Djinni Parisi, when suddenly Dawn-Macaria at ringside gets onto the apron and in an ominious expression starts chanting something in a Demonic like language. 

Stevie Ray says damn son she sounds like my ex-wife!

Psychosis and the commentary team are wondering what on earth is happening when Dawn-Macaria casts her arms up and the turn-buckles fire-pyro go on for a few seconds. Super Crazy is sent flying off the apron trying to dodge the pyro. The lights briefly go pitch black and when we come back up Psychosis takes a massive Flapjack DDT, which on commentary Scott Hudson says he's heard they're calling that "The Shades of the Dead"

Djinni Parisi is the legal man and he gets the 1-2-3

The Hounds of Hades win via pinfall - (7.15) - (48 rated) 

Well, says Scott Hudson, a shocking win for more reasons than one here, the highly rated MexiCruisers have lost to the debuting Hounds of Hades, but you have to question how much of that was down to the interference or I guess higher, or would it be lower power that Dawn-Macaria called upon to get them the win? 

Either that or she's providing some special services to some cat in the production truck, if ya feel me? says Stevie Ray, as Scott Hudson appears to try not laugh


Scott Hall promo

Scott Hall cuts a pre-recorded promo where he tells Curt Hennig it doesn't matter what gimmick their match is at Mayhem. The bottom-line is you can't beat me Curt. You know it. I know it. Your son, Joe, knows it. There's no shame in losing to a Top Guy like me Curt, but since you've p***ed me off now, at Mayhem, you're not just going to lose to me, you're going to get destroyed by me... by the time our cage match is done, Curt, you might just never wrestle again! 

Scott Hall promo - (70 rated) 


Curt Hennig promo

Curt Hennig cuts a promo in response where he says Scott, you can talk as big as you like, the bottom line is you've never delivered at the top level when you've been by yourself. If you had your buddy The Sandman in your corner, sure maybe you'd have a chance, but in that Cage in Baltimore, Maryland you're just going to be trapped in there alone. It's gonna be me, you, and the voice in your head telling you that by yourself you're not good enough to get the job done! 

I'll see you on Nitro for the contract signing, Champ!

Curt Hennig promo - (64 rated) 


Match 3: 

No-DQ Falls Count Anywhere - Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso), Mikey Whipwreck, DDP & Kanyon vs The Extreme Alliance (Sabu, Tommy Dreamer & The Chair Swingin' Freaks (Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) 

ECW Mikey Whipwreck Custom Titantron - YouTube

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com)

Whipwreck, Kanyon, DDP and Van Dam all come out with a variety of weapons.

Joey Styles says the hastily assembled sort of WCW alliance make their way to the ring tonight but they're going to be facing a well-oiled machine in the form of The Extreme Alliance - the hottest independent contractor free-agents in all of wrestling! 

ECW Classic/Original Theme Song (youtube.com)

The Extreme Alliance come out with a variety of weapons much like their opponents.

The match itself is complete mayhem.

Chaos ensues more or less straight away as the fight between all 8 men takes place across the arena and in the ring. 

At one point Sabu absolutely batters RVD with a ladder which takes RVD out of the match for a long time. 

DDP and Kanyon brawl with Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney, with neither men particularly getting the better of each other.

The match is ultimately won by Mikey Whipwreck when he takes a dive from several rows up within the arena seating onto the floor below where Axl Rotten is laying prone on a table. Whipwreck destroys Axl, the table and himself and the referee nearest to them counts as Whipwreck is just about covering Rotten. 

DDP, Kanyon and Dreamer and Mahoney are still brawling with chairs and other weapons and their fight isn't really resolved but they're so far from Rotten/Whipwreck at the time that The Extreme Alliance members are unable to break it up.

Sabu is still beating up RVD with a ladder in the ring when the match draws to a close.  

RVD, DDP, Kanyon and Whipwreck win via pinfall - (11.23) - (75 rated) 

As the match draws to a close Whipwreck/Rotten are still out of it, DDP and Kanyon and Dreamer/Mahoney exchange angry words as they're separated and Sabu sits perched on top of a ladder holding the WCW United States Championship whilst RVD is down below with Bill Alfonso below whistling angrily at Sabu


Show Rating: 78
1.02 TV rating (766K viewers)

Edited by PH71
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With just 1 week to go until WCW's upcoming Mayhem PPV we take a look at the current announced card: 


Scott Hall (c) vs Curt Hennig for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in a Steel Cage match

Booker T vs The Sandman in a Parking Lot Brawl 

Akira Hokuto (c) vs La Diabolica for the WCW World Women's Championship

Juventud Guerrera (c) vs Chavo Guerrero Jr for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match


It is thought that several more matches will get announced for the PPV across Nitro and Panic! this week, with a rematch to determine The Nu Road Warriors' opponents for the WCW World Tag Team Championships set to open Nitro, as Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda take on Team Canada. 



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WWF Summerslam 2001 results


'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (c) defeated Triple H, The Rock and Chris Jericho in a Fatal 4-Way Cage match to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title - (99 rated) 

Kane defeated Kurt Angle - (94 rated) 

The Undertaker defeated Billy Gunn in a Hell in a Cell match - (86 rated) 

Big Show defeated Tazz to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title - (76 rated) 

Ivory defeated Trish Stratus to retain the WWF Women's Title - (60 rated) 

Rhyno & The Dudley Boyz defeated Hardcore Holly & The A.P.A - (73 rated) 

Matt Hardy defeated Perry Saturn to retain the WWF European Title - (72 rated) 

Test defeated Rikishi in an I Quit Match to retain the WWF Hardcore Title - (74 rated) 

Molly Holly defeated Terry Runnels in a Tables match - (52 rated) 

Haku & Raven defeated Steve Blackman & Spike Dudley - (65 rated) 

Crash Holly defeated Jerry Lynn and Scotty 2 Hotty in a Triple Threat match to win the WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (59 rated) 


Jacqueline defeated Jazz - (47 rated) 

Val Venis defeated K-Kwik - (64 rated)


91 Rated

44,000 live attendance in the Mid West region

6.29 rating (3.37 million viewers) 


A pretty strong looking Summerslam card. 

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