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AI Generated Cornellverse Content

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Long time no see! Had some free moments recently and wanted to continue the India re-renders.

Bullet Babu Meon | Gahtir Salim | Kashmir Singh | Kolkata Jai

BulletBabuMenon.jpg.5b83e493c9368938cb7c8919ec0fff01.jpg GahtirSalim.jpg.eae114ec6a7b4e910b24d7bf571eaf21.jpg KashmirSingh.jpg.6a1c5c2321383d2fc2bfbe9275ef7407.jpg KolkataJai.jpg.53c3a7d166dca20dc2e5817125fe0f71.jpg

Kumar Kong | M1 | Manas Bakshi | Mean Streets Mohan

KumarKong.jpg.3c547d20d1419f79eea3c82b950ee534.jpg M1.jpg.5196032cd38a3beab9779506e1e78fef.jpg ManasBakshi.jpg.eb479dd86624bf6be6c6ac51ad9bd690.jpg MeanStreetsMohan.jpg.c458defc65f31ee66e9278d3b1520938.jpg



BulletBabuMenon-Copy.png.9037b4a12506620ca591056b178e8d76.png GahtirSalim-Copy.png.d04986305d12e33a8360aa1c14bba83f.png KashmirSingh-Copy.png.f3d4dc082a3573a8d0123cbae9c3ec76.png KolkataJai-Copy.png.d3ab0ef2a8c9f958b799a093d298f450.png KumarKong-Copy.png.70327bc90cbf02c099e8cb5067a75c5b.png M1-Copy.png.ed5f46e34f122cd7f924baa06b534c37.png ManasBakshi-Copy.png.b24f24e59eb05c46807541aed9b549b8.png MeanStreetsMohan-Copy.png.4602eac75f66c267802e9197eaf6f08e.png

Cutting Room Renders


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14 hours ago, Peria said:

Some more from my save. CV97 in mentioned that I was going to do something stupid after I tackled all of the Indian workers and try and re-create the free pictures. I probably won't end up posting all of them because some might not be the same gimmick-wise, but I can post some every so often.


CVFP White Male 001

Oof that's gonna be a project and a half lol. Grand idea, I salute thee.

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3 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

Oof that's gonna be a project and a half lol. Grand idea, I salute thee.

really like this one tof people who like introduce futur worker i thi this guy was the perfect profile to create descendance for the blazing flames brothers and be on swf or tcw future pupils

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I have a question,

I been trying since last night to re-create this photo on Bing as I'm trying to create my TCW version of the ROH/TNA American Wolves/The Wolves. I have nearly everything correct, just looking for the prompt for the hairstyle.

If the creator is in the thread, could you assist me in the prompt you used as I'm looking to create this photo with the wrestlers wearing jackets with fur on the hoods.


Thank you in advance, 


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6 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

Oof that's gonna be a project and a half lol. Grand idea, I salute thee.

Thanks to you and the others who wished me well/showed interest. But honestly though! I admit, it isn't something I'll hyper-focus on or anything. It's just something I'll passively do throughout. If I end up somehow finishing this entire daunting task, that'd be cool. If not I guess a lot of free AI pics got made, win/win I suppose.


image.jpeg.fe7acd5b251257361e2eecf3041ab932.jpeg  image.jpeg.51dd25ed576e6aa769a1b1b6fd644ce2.jpeg

CVFP Black Male 001 | CVFP Black Male 002

image.jpeg.4567f0716f196b0bff1ac67b8dd77826.jpeg  image.jpeg.7e94e9af247fedd33a3179d0155fd517.jpeg

CVFP White Male 002 | CVFP White Male 003


image.jpeg.35bbbdaaf2d080115d14a754c37c361c.jpeg  image.jpeg.7620d8be72db59a0c608f09ae038328b.jpeg

CVFP Asian Male 001 | CVFP Asian Male 002


I had to do something different for Asian Male 002, because that was originally Keisuke Amaya III's render. So that's why it doesn't look super close. Might re-do Asian Male 001, as I did it super late a few nights ago and it isn't exactly lined up, but I'm not too fussed by it right now. One of the major issues I foresee is how generic some of these guys look. Also have some more non-free picture workers:


image.jpeg.55de0d151fe860fbd7caaf623d21e6a4.jpeg  image.jpeg.a4da1d697126807e14d73bf5bea2af3e.jpeg

Kalu Owusu | Louis Figo Manico



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So Bing has been naughty and refusing to work for me lately so I haven't been able to do as many as I'd have liked but here's what I got before it went down again.. it ain't much. Extremely frustrating lol.

Nicky Gilbert


Doug Vallence


Also did another Captain Wrestling II as I was trying out new styles but it didn't change much


Re-positioned and color-corrected Frogue Element


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So I've done a few more CVFP workers. The question I gotta ask: Should I get a bit more creative with these? Seeing some of these.. it's going to be interesting to differentiate them from each other. I mean some of these can be generic looking, that's fine. I'm just thinking as there are like 290 while male free pictures.. I'm going to have to do something, y'know? Anyways, here are some I did that I'm decently happy with.


image.jpeg.385e74da2ec9c7d8cd223621d031a08a.jpeg  image.jpeg.946cf63717fa52f3302dda1251995744.jpeg

CVFP Asian Male 003 | CVFP Asian Male 004



CVFP Black Male 003


Edit: Almost forgot the Huntress Makiko I did, I took her name literally.



Huntress Makiko 

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And yet again Bing is down again after I've only gen'd a few people up. Anyone else having problems like this?

I've come to realize that I really dislike generating women. They always come out looking like super models and look like clones of each other. There's no way to get just an average looking woman- and it doesn't seem to matter what I input. The only ways to fight it is if they're meant to be somewhat intimidating, muscular or ugly. If anyone has any tips for generating normal, textured, and different women- I'd love to hear how you do it as generating some of them is not very creatively fulfilling lol.

Autumn Gleeson


Rebecca Richey


Ollie Freedman


Kal Wayne


Kian Owens (Wayne)




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1 hour ago, Peria said:

So I've done a few more CVFP workers. The question I gotta ask: Should I get a bit more creative with these? Seeing some of these.. it's going to be interesting to differentiate them from each other. I mean some of these can be generic looking, that's fine. I'm just thinking as there are like 290 while male free pictures.. I'm going to have to do something, y'know? Anyways, here are some I did that I'm decently happy with.

Hmm. Could always take the unused gens from actual characters you're generating, and make some of those into generic portraits if they look different enough from the desired rendition. I was thinking about doing this as well quite some time ago, and made up a spread sheet of different facial features and outfit ideas (if any) like this:

  • Eyes: deep-set, narrow, wide, expressive, winking, small, Asian, glazed/watery, etc
  • eye: color: blue, green, unnatural, etc
  • head/face: angular, narrow, squared, chiseled, soft, rounded, etc
  • nose: large, straight, crooked, hooked, roman, etc
  • mouth/lips: pursed, thin, full, duck (idk), etc
  • body: ripped, average, skinny, large, etc
  • extras: none, rugged, bruised, scarred, tattooed, etc
  • clothing: none, formal, punk, chic, etc
  • hair: short, long, medium-length
  • expression/demeanour: friendly, menacing, cocky, cool, etc
  • any more

I'd then get a random.org to pick one from each category, input that into the ai generator and add anything else I think of. Just my two cents lol

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4 hours ago, Peria said:

So I've done a few more CVFP workers. The question I gotta ask: Should I get a bit more creative with these? Seeing some of these.. it's going to be interesting to differentiate them from each other.

When I saw you were doing the free pics my first thought was "great" second thought was "that could get boring"!

I think some basic looking not great free pics are needed to make the good ones stand out, but from observing it looks like AI can struggle with boring and nondescript! 

It's been a while since I looked at the default free pics and I can see why you struggle, I use VisiPics to find duplicate images, and that program always thinks the free pics are duplicates. looking at just the blackmale free pics for example and over half of them are similar looking bald guys.

personally I would say keep the majority a bit boring for free pics, but you're doing this for fun and you don't want to get burnt out if it's not enjoyable so who am I to say!

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10 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

Hmm. Could always take the unused gens from actual characters you're generating, and make some of those into generic portraits if they look different enough from the desired rendition. I was thinking about doing this as well quite some time ago, and made up a spread sheet of different facial features and outfit ideas (if any) like this:

  • Eyes: deep-set, narrow, wide, expressive, winking, small, Asian, glazed/watery, etc
  • eye: color: blue, green, unnatural, etc
  • head/face: angular, narrow, squared, chiseled, soft, rounded, etc
  • nose: large, straight, crooked, hooked, roman, etc
  • mouth/lips: pursed, thin, full, duck (idk), etc
  • body: ripped, average, skinny, large, etc
  • extras: none, rugged, bruised, scarred, tattooed, etc
  • clothing: none, formal, punk, chic, etc
  • hair: short, long, medium-length
  • expression/demeanour: friendly, menacing, cocky, cool, etc
  • any more

I'd then get a random.org to pick one from each category, input that into the ai generator and add anything else I think of. Just my two cents lol

These are all excellent ideas, honestly I've been getting as lazy as I can with the generic ones and usually the AI just spits out the most average looking (in terms of gimmick, they're all hot) people. Though I mean with guys you can kind of make em look more rugged. About the women thing, dude... I find if you add muscular or rugged or bulky, rotund, large, etc... that's it. They cannot be skinny and "average" looking. It is just not allowed. If you even try, Bing assumes you're being sexist or racist or whatever. I tried suggesting adding scars everywhere to a female wrestler and Bing suddenly was like "wooo buddy, bit weird huh?" So what can ya do? AI tech is just not quite there in terms of like... making people look more like people lmao. So yeah I feel you, making women is tough. My Huntress Makiko I wanted to make her look a bit rugged and the AI refused. That was the best I could get in like 30 tries.


7 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

When I saw you were doing the free pics my first thought was "great" second thought was "that could get boring"!

I think some basic looking not great free pics are needed to make the good ones stand out, but from observing it looks like AI can struggle with boring and nondescript! 

It's been a while since I looked at the default free pics and I can see why you struggle, I use VisiPics to find duplicate images, and that program always thinks the free pics are duplicates. looking at just the blackmale free pics for example and over half of them are similar looking bald guys.

personally I would say keep the majority a bit boring for free pics, but you're doing this for fun and you don't want to get burnt out if it's not enjoyable so who am I to say!


Yeah, I think for the most part it was a battle of "Do I add my own spin on it" or "Do I just make the generic free pic a generic free pic" because if I spin it it won't really be default. Thanks I think I'll keep it simple. 

Edited by Peria
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3 hours ago, Peria said:

These are all excellent ideas, honestly I've been getting as lazy as I can with the generic ones and usually the AI just spits out the most average looking (in terms of gimmick, they're all hot) people. Though I mean with guys you can kind of make em look more rugged. About the women thing, dude... I find if you add muscular or rugged or bulky, rotund, large, etc... that's it. They cannot be skinny and "average" looking. It is just not allowed. If you even try, Bing assumes you're being sexist or racist or whatever. I tried suggesting adding scars everywhere to a female wrestler and Bing suddenly was like "wooo buddy, bit weird huh?" So what can ya do? AI tech is just not quite there in terms of like... making people look more like people lmao. So yeah I feel you, making women is tough. My Huntress Makiko I wanted to make her look a bit rugged and the AI refused. That was the best I could get in like 30 tries.

YEAH, exactly. I was trying to generate a small and ripped female wrestler called Psycho Cinders a while back


and I was trying to look more hardcore, i.e bruised up, scars, a scuffed Cinderella-like dress covered in barbed wire and "red splotches" and it kept coming back at me with supermodels or it would just outright reject to generate anything, and it was more often the latter than the former. I got so frustrated and just gave up. I tried with ChatGPT's AI but that's even MORE strict. Like I get they need to be careful with what people can generate, but come on now.

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Fixed my issue (kind of) with Bing being down. I had to switch from Firefox to Chrome for it work so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Quiz Master


Quizzical Mark Question


SubUrban Legend





(different heel look)


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Excellent work dude!


Here are the Avatars that I'm sure have been done hundreds of times already, I did the whole set but I wasn't really... happy with a few of them. I'll post those at the bottom though.


image.jpeg.7ead44fb00b7fc3314e84081bc38d0ad.jpeg image.jpeg.06d9371b4c1a7274e57bdafb44cceb4b.jpeg

Kate Avatar | Lucy Avatar (this one sucked doing for no reason)


 image.jpeg.9ceb30ded328191a8bfea4dde85dcd76.jpeg image.jpeg.8af219eb16d6bfe55a1f3211269b27af.jpeg image.jpeg.c314300a7d4390463105c35756cae7b8.jpeg 

David Avatar | Hardcore McAvatar | Axl Avatar


  image.jpeg.8528c6251a771ea3bf3a4d918003f69f.jpegimage.jpeg.5fa793e9bd60dffe90b8fcee7dcae2cd.jpeg image.jpeg.e0800b5678c97591300b5954eb31133a.jpeg image.jpeg.c600d89a2aa3a34531ab9a6866fc24c6.jpeg

KP Avatar | Jack Avatar & Alt | Big Tex Avatar 


 image.jpeg.bd61381869638b1265e1c54f94359352.jpegimage.jpeg.7760ad55049db0f892d65ab6518d1024.jpeg image.jpeg.027b1055d7e43a5e444763936c47533c.jpeg

Great Avatar | El Avatar & Much Cooler Alt 


Here are the ones that sort of sucked.


image.jpeg.935ab815de9c0e3dff61bac141726c78.jpeg image.jpeg.71e0c4f72dd3278dd2fcaeb041a16253.jpeg image.jpeg.a4a87af708810466e16743843d5a8b7f.jpeg

Professor Avatar | Sheik Ali-Avatar | Masked Avatar


So these three I just didn't put much effort for various reason. Professor Avatar was just weirdly shaped and difficult to line up for no reason? Like my 5-6 re-dos were just mid. I chose this one in a way to settle. Sheik is Iranian and the prompts were blocked and after 10 tries I just took this one. I could have changed it a bit but it was like... idk. Masked Avatar was declining and had little motivation to do him fully, so I just kinda did some generic prompt and took the first one that looked okay. Lol. So yeah, ta-da!


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Some more just before I go to sleep.

JT Ace


Tombstone (this guy was a nightmare to do for some reason. Kept turning into a vampire)


Turner Crash


Spiffy Stan Standish & Alexander Banks



Tennessee William (not originally who I was intending to make these for, but I think they fit)


Stable: The Three Amigos


Will Beaumont, Tye the Innovator, Christian Blithe, Jaime G





if you spotted any wrong text, I'll remind you that you actually didn't >:)

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Even more before it crapped out on me again.



Stable: LiberTeen (second one is AltCornellverse-inspired as Montgomery Croft owns the group.)


CJ Romeo, Frankie Libertine, George Ozley, Raymond Royce, Montgomery Croft






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Some excellent work as always man. Getting a bit better myself and decided to re-do all the renders I'm seeing a lot more. While doing that I figured I'd go ahead and just re-do the free pictures I've done, before I get too far along.


CVFP_AsianMale_001.jpg.9eaf42373e7331e04a02dffae7e9d609.jpg CVFP_AsianMale_002.jpg.c66f19c73740447898f74037031e041b.jpg CVFP_AsianMale_003.jpg.5821da4e4bb38298476f90b55ed35434.jpg CVFP_AsianMale_004.jpg.355324c0375361bcc44cb7002b5b9ec6.jpg CVFP_AsianMale_005.jpg.8afbe83586a781c5f1b68ae4647f84fb.jpg

CVFP Asian Male 1-5



CVFP Black Male 3-5 (#5 was taking me ages... it was brutal.)



CVFP White Male 4-5 (I struggle-ish to get these proportionate.. these are presentable)

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Samoan Wildboyz

Akima Brave, Toma




The Waverunners, Jesse Tasman & Surfer Dude Lucas



Tyrant (why are we here? Just to suffer?)


Nathan McKenzie


Rahmel Goode




Richie Fox


The Original Three Amigos (from the DefaultVerse)

Heath Murdock, Horton Ravenwood, Cole Taylor





Mac Guffin (I didn't need to do any others, this one is perfect for me)


Brittini Burke


Melissa Abernathy




Rennaya Rives


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image.jpeg.7ceb11aa3ed05f3c6ba66f7027e20629.jpeg image.jpeg.95dacc81a3c7c32133956828739b444d.jpeg

CVFP Asian Male Announcer 1-2


I probably won't work/focus on the non-workers. But just did these two for fun. I was working on DEVIL Karube and it physically hurt my soul so I had to take a break. 


 image.jpeg.7b2b8071e1b5e754a35819a26d0a93a0.jpeg image.jpeg.fb48f1396edc6614206156776c476bbe.jpeg image.jpeg.3cc0569ce29e54bd3596b70f120561ba.jpeg image.jpeg.cbad01340be419e510cb56ce48558ab6.jpeg

Marcos Flores | Kozue Kawashima | James Prudence | Jack Griffith (did I post this one already?)







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52 minutes ago, Peria said:

image.jpeg.7ceb11aa3ed05f3c6ba66f7027e20629.jpeg image.jpeg.95dacc81a3c7c32133956828739b444d.jpeg

CVFP Asian Male Announcer 1-2


I probably won't work/focus on the non-workers. But just did these two for fun. I was working on DEVIL Karube and it physically hurt my soul so I had to take a break. 


 image.jpeg.7b2b8071e1b5e754a35819a26d0a93a0.jpeg image.jpeg.fb48f1396edc6614206156776c476bbe.jpeg image.jpeg.3cc0569ce29e54bd3596b70f120561ba.jpeg image.jpeg.cbad01340be419e510cb56ce48558ab6.jpeg

Marcos Flores | Kozue Kawashima | James Prudence | Jack Griffith (did I post this one already?)







I gotta say man you are killing it. Your style is great and it's awesome you're doing free pics.

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5 hours ago, RocheBag said:

I gotta say man you are killing it. Your style is great and it's awesome you're doing free pics.


Thank you! I have extreme doubt and anxiety about posting these things so its nice to hear that. I mean granted its AI art and me just cutting it and such, but yeah I appreciate it but Heinzreich essentially set me up and I've just been winging it, dude is so good lmao!



image.jpeg.2666b52661cd6e6ef6c17a7d55a5e94b.jpeg image.jpeg.6680e970dcf609e8a9f1a1d2b5cf018d.jpeg  image.jpeg.91a5a2053b0b0570eb2898d0485ff75f.jpeg image.jpeg.91740e490b579bf0d29a33d26c82bc23.jpeg

CVFP White Male 6-9


CVFP_HispanicMale_001.jpg.fb8ce9c7e171bf046a0d56991523982d.jpg CVFP_HispanicMale_002.jpg.f26808bd0b4f026d47480fc97a8a8d9e.jpg image.jpeg.966bea4e14cdf162db3b15d01dc6401f.jpeg

CVFP Hispanic Male 1-3.

Edited by Peria
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3 hours ago, Peria said:


Thank you! I have extreme doubt and anxiety about posting these things so its nice to hear that. I mean granted its AI art and me just cutting it and such, but yeah I appreciate it but Heinzreich essentially set me up and I've just been winging it, dude is so good lmao!



image.jpeg.2666b52661cd6e6ef6c17a7d55a5e94b.jpeg image.jpeg.6680e970dcf609e8a9f1a1d2b5cf018d.jpeg  image.jpeg.91a5a2053b0b0570eb2898d0485ff75f.jpeg image.jpeg.91740e490b579bf0d29a33d26c82bc23.jpeg

CVFP White Male 6-9


CVFP_HispanicMale_001.jpg.fb8ce9c7e171bf046a0d56991523982d.jpg CVFP_HispanicMale_002.jpg.f26808bd0b4f026d47480fc97a8a8d9e.jpg image.jpeg.966bea4e14cdf162db3b15d01dc6401f.jpeg

CVFP Hispanic Male 1-3.

Ah you're too kind, but it looks like you're doing well enough alone! And like you said, it's just AI art and we're just cutting and editing it- we doin' the same s*** lol. Love that Marcos Flores btw


Outback Jack


The Apocalypse, Warmonger & Hatemonger
(I was gonna put HATE on his forehead but apparently HATE is a naughty and banned word for Bing 🙄 so I changed it to HATRED)
(so I also did some alts for Hatemonger that say FEAR instead of HATRED)



(SO I was in a discord call with my friends while I was doing these. Below is the result of my friends rotting my brain away. Enjoy lol)


Mace Mueller


Christopher Gerard


The Brat Pack, Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III



Blaze Maximum


Brodie Lachlan & Rose Wills





I don't know if anyone else gonna get those satisfied feelings from this, but I was obsessing over how everything lines up perfectly with this
edit: noticed I had music playing after I uploaded it. woopie


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CV77 California Pro Wrestling - AI Rerenders

Lord William Lancaster - Tina Sapphire - Sheila Longstar_alt - Sheila Longstar

William Lancaster.jpgTina Sapphire.jpgSheila Longstar_alt.jpgSheila Longstar.jpg

Ramon Santana - Paula Peller - Mitsugu the Wolf - Matthew Cinder

Ramon Santana.jpgPaula Peller.jpgMitsugu the Wolf.jpgMatthew Cinder.jpg

Larry Love - Kinuko Saromi - Jose Machado - Eugenio Montez

Larry Love.jpgKinuko Saromi.jpgJose Machado.jpgEugenio Montez.jpg

Elizabeth Shaker - Don Juan Martinez - Danger Will Roberts - Ann Baker

Elizabeth Shaker.jpgDon Juan Martinez.jpgDanger Will Roberts.jpgAnn Baker.jpg

Chin Wan


Edited by BigDPW
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