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The Monday Night Wars: Opposing Force

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The Rial Queens def. La Tigresa & Sakie Hasegawa (6:10)

Jean Pierre LaFitte def. Sir Mo (4:44)

Tenryu & Tanaka def. The Blu Brothers (10:11)


Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!
from the Tarrant County Convention Centre in Fort Worth, Texas
November 6, 1995

Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are on commentary for tonights show.

We start off with a replay from last week where Ahmed Johnson made his debut and slammed Yokozuna after the latter attacked Razor Ramon from behind.

Davey Boy Smith w/Jim Cornette vs. Marty Jannetty

The British Bulldog's Finishing Move
Marty fights out in the corner but misses an attack and ends up getting stomped while in the tree-of-woe position. Bulldog goes back to another chin lock but Marty fights out then catches Bulldog with a back elbow smash. Marty uses a blockbuster  then fires up after a jumping back elbow smash. Marty hits a DDT for a nearfall as Bulldog got his foot on the ropes but misses a charge in the corner and rams his shoulder into the post then Bulldog hits a running power slam for the win.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Dok is ringside with Cornette & Bulldog. Cornette talks about WWF President being forced into doing what is right by giving Bulldog another title shot. Cornette then said at In Your House they will show how Bulldog should have been champion all along and that the wildcard match at Survivor Series, Bulldog will take Shawn Michaels apart if Shawn tries to cross him. 

Waylon Mercy vs. Hector Guerrero

SUSPICIOUS TUMBLR on Tumblr: Waylon Mercy vs. Jeff Hardy (1995)
Waylon gouges Hectors face. Mercy stays in control as he puts Guerrero away with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb.

Winner: Waylon Mercy

Waylon then rolls Hector outside after the match and follows him out but runs out to an attack from Helmsley. Helmsley then hits the Pedigree on the floor.

We see another replay of Ahmed Johnson slamming Yokozuna. Vince said that Ahmed slammed 641 lbs. 

King Parson vs. Kama w/Ted DiBiase

July 2021 Wrestling Imagery. - Page 9 - The PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING - DVDVR  Message Board
King Parson is the former JCP/WCW wrestler Iceman King Parsons. Kama takes Parson down a few times. Kama hammers away and stays in control until he pins Roy with a straight right hand.

Winner: Kama

Video package hypes next week’s Razor Ramon vs. Psycho Sid Intercontinental Title match that has 1-2-3 Kid as the special guest referee. The title can change hands on a count out or disqualification. 

Bret Hart introduces his tag partner against Lawler and Yankem... 

Roddy Piper bottles himself to prove a point. on Make a GIF

Bret Hart & Roddy Piper vs. Jerry Lawler & Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS

WNW Retro Review First Watch RAW 1.29.1996 - WWE Wrestling News World
 Lawler tags and hits a few fist drops but is caught coming off of the top rope. Both men tag out then Bret runs wild and puts Yankem in the Sharpshooter. Lawler tries to run in but Piper takes him outside, the ref is not seeing Yankem tap out. The ref orders Piper back on the apron so Lawler grabs a chair and hits Bret but the ref turns around and signals for the bell.

Winner: Bret Hart & Roddy Piper

Piper & Bret chase Lawler out of the ring and to the back, the two pose together and shake hands.



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Blue Bloods def. Nasty Boys (6:10)

Chris Kanyon def. Cobra (2:05)

Booker T, Stevie Ray and Scott Norton def. Steve Armstrong, Scott Armstrong and Ricky Santana (7:33)


Welcome to Monday Nitro!!
from the The Freedom Hall Civic Center in Johnson City, Tennessee
November 6, 1995

Eric Bischoff, Steve 'Mongo' McMichael and Bobby Heenan are on commentary for tonights show.

Bischoff tells fans that Randy Savage still cannot wrestle per doctor’s orders. However, the Macho Man is in the building tonight and is looking for Lex Luger.

The Giant w/Jmmy Hart vs. Steve Keirn

The Giant Destroys Four Jobbers...plus the Greatest Cross Bodyblock in  Wrestling History! | WrestleCrap
Steve Keirn runs right into a chokeslam and loses in 15 seconds.

Winner: The Giant

Tonight’s show is an interactive telecast where fans can call 1-900-WCW and pay 99 cents to pick a wrestler from the “red locker room” to face a wrestler from the “blue locker room”. Sting tells fans that he wants Flair.

Kevin Sullivan w/Jmmy Hart vs. The Renegade

Hart tells the Renegade throughout the match that he is no Hulk Hogan. Sullivan bumps on some clotheslines and tries a slingshot splash from the apron. A blind charge gets the Renegade tied up in a Tree of Woe and Sullivan uses a double stomp off the second rope to win.

Winner: Kevin Sullivan

Flair is undeterred and he is ready to face Sting later in the evening if the fans choose them to face off.

Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

FearlessRiOT — Eddie Guerrero defended the WCW Cruiserweight...
Guerrero uses a victory roll but Benoit kicks out and resumes his assault, scoring a near-fall from a German suplex and Northern lights suplex, respectively. A slugfest wakes the fans up and when Benoit tries to suplex Guerrero into the ring, Guerrero reverses his weight in mid-air and gets a disputed win as Benoit’s foot is under the bottom rope.

Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Bischoff announces that Sting and Flair were picked by fans to face off in the next match.

Sting vs. Ric Flair

💪The Man Called Sting 💪 | The 70s 80s & 90s Amino
Flair quickly applies the figure-four but Sting powers out and Flair gets desperate, using a long eye rake on the floor and then trying to use a chair, which referee Randy Anderson thwarts. A foreign object is used moments later but Sting kicks out of that. A superplex and Scorpion Deathlock forces Flair to submit, and Sting refuses to release the hold after the bell.

Winner: Sting

WCW officials, Duggan, Johnny B. Badd, and Guerrero try to reason with Sting to break the hold, but he refuses. Sting eventually lets it go, only to come back into the ring and reapply the Scorpion Deathlock. Lex Luger walks into the ring and talks with Sting, convincing Sting to break the hold as the WCW babyfaces are puzzled as to why Sting would listen to Luger.


WCW World War 3 logo | Ring the Damn Bell
Okerlund interviews the Giant, Jimmy Hart, and Kevin Sullivan. WCW attorney Jody Hamilton reads a statement from Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel that says that Hogan is no longer champion but because of the dubious means by which the Giant acquired the title, the title is now vacant and will be awarded to the winner of the 60-man, three-ring, World War 3 battle royal.



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Welcome to ECW Hardcore TV!!
from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 7, 1995

Joey Styles is on commentary for tonights show.

The closing moments of Mikey Whipwreck beating the Sandman for the ECW Championship on last week’s show air.

Joey Styles tells viewers that the Sandman is incensed over losing the ECW Championship and has vowed revenge.

Gary Albright vs. Pablo Marquez & J.T. Smith

Albright wastes no time, he scores some quick close near-falls until Gary plants Smith with a slingshot powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Gary Albright

After the match the Sandman, hits the ring and wears out both Marquez & Smith with a Singapore cane.

A replay of Steve Austin’s Eric Bischoff impression on last week’s show airs.

Big Dick Dudley w/The Dudley Family vs. Don E. Allen

This is kept quick and short as Dudley squashes Don E and wins with a huge big boot.

Winner: Big Dick Dudley

Just like the opener, the Sandman comes in and canes Allen and Dudley.

Tag Team Match for the ECW Tag Team Championship and the ECW World Television Championship: Public Enemy© vs. Too Cold Scorpio© & The Sandman w/Woman

Surfer Sandman | The Worst of ECW
The Sandman tries to attack Rock before the match but is driven off by Grunge. Scorpio puts Rock through two tables with a moonsault near the broadcast position but doesnt cover until too late. Rock responds by superplexing Scorpio onto a table but an attempted Drive-By through a flaming table misses. Sandman uses the tag team title belt as a show of sportsmanship until clotheslining Grunge to take and win the titles. 

Winner: AND NEW ECW Tag team Champions Too Cold Scorpio & The Sandman

It really bothers me the way Joey Styles says hurricanrana. –  @shitloadsofwrestling on Tumblr
Styles says that more stipulations have been added to the 2 Cold Scorpio and Sandman-Public Enemy match at November to Remember. Not only is the ECW Tag Team Championship at stake but if Scorpio is pinned, he will lose the Television Championship. And whomever scores the winning fall in that match will wrestle Mikey Whipwreck later in the evening for the ECW Championship. 

Cactus Jack discusses his abstinence from illegal drugs and painkillers because he is an addict to hardcore wrestling.


Terry Funk tells Tommy Dreamer that wrestling will always be a sport to him regardless of what form it takes.



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Commando Bolshoi, Alundra Blayze and Kyoko Inoue def. Candi Devine, Amy Lee and La Tigresa (6:19)

The Hardy Brothers def. The Blu Brothers (8:44)

Tanaka def. Hakushi (10:12)


Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!
from the Ohama Civic Auditorium in Fort Omaha, Nebraska
November 13, 1995

Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are on commentary for tonights show.

Video package on the tumultuous friendship between Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid, with news of incidents on the house shows from this past weekend where Kid was mad. Therefore, WWF President Gorilla Monsoon concludes since he is unsure Kid can be impartial as a referee, tonight’s Razor Ramon vs. Psycho Sid match will be a non-title match.

Waylon Mercy vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Helmsley heads out and rams Mercy into the steps before rolling back into the ring to bow. He then grabs a chair and runs towards Mercy. Waylon grab a chair of his own and heads into the ring. Helmsley runs away on the outside before heading backstage with Mercy running after him.

Winner: Draw (Double Count Out)

Next in action will be Ahmed Johnson as we see the clip of him slamming Yokozuna then warming up backstage by curling a guardrail.

Ahmed Johnson vs. Big Matty Smalls

Ahmed Johnson? | Wrestlingfigs.com WWE Figure Forums
Ahmed nails Smalls with a spinebuster. He then puts Matty in a double underhook and hits a Tiger Bomb to get the quick win.

Winner: Ahmed Johnson

Vince interviews Ahmed at ringside. Ahmed calls out Sid and Bulldog, warning them not to “highstep” to the ring at Survivor Series and if they do he will break them.

A video package on Shawn Michaels career up to this moment airs that he narrates himself.

King Mabel w/Sir Mo vs. Tony Rumble

10 Worst Wrestlers In WWE Main Events – Page 10
Mabel roughs up Rumble, who gets taunted by Mo holding up the crown. Mabel hits a neck snap then hits a splash and finally puts him away with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Winner: King Mabel

@ovppodcast's video Tweet
Split screen interview with Diesel and Bret. Diesel calls Bret one of the best ever but now he has the belt and thinks he is pretty good himself. Bret believes he should still be champion since he never lost the title fairly. Diesel then brings up how Bret never asked for a rematch and said Shawn also gave him a run for his money, telling Bret not to “toot his own horn.” Bret says Diesel has done well against big guys his size but cannot match up with a technical wrestle like Shawn or himself. Bret says while Diesel is a great champion, he avoids technical opponents because that is where he struggles.

Clips from “Superstars” where Razor got disqualified costing him and Kid a shot at the Tag Team Titles.

1-2-3 Kid is the Special Guest Referee: Razor Ramon vs. Sycho Sid w/Ted DiBiase

MachoBusta — Sycho Sid vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley Monday Night...
Razor hits a knee lift then signals for the Razor’s Edge but Sid back drops him to the floor. DiBiase stomps away as Sid distracts Kid. Dean Douglas head down the aisle and attacks Razor. Razor just beats the ten count then gets beaten down once again by Sid. Sid hits a back suplex for a two count. Both men are down but Sid is up first and lands a big boot. Razor hits a flying bulldog for a two count. Razor then gets Sid up for the Razor’s Edge but Kid yanks Sid down then Sid boots Razor in the gut and hits a powerbomb as Kid uses a fast count to get Sid the win.

Winner: Sycho Sid

After the match, DiBiase comes into the ring and shoves a $5 bill in Razors mouth then Kid is shown leaving while holding Sid’s hand up the aisle.


Ross is backstage with Douglas, Cornette, Yokozuna, and Owen Hart. Ross asks Douglas why he attacked Razor, his partner at the Survivor Series. Douglas laughs but Razor runs in and attacks. Razor is held back by officials as the show ends.



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Chris Kanyon & Sabu w/The Shiek def. Nasty Boys (8:50)

Lord Steven Regal def. Dick Slater (7:07)

Booker T, Stevie Ray and Diamond Dallas Page def. Steve Armstrong, Scott Armstrong and Joey Maggs (10:13)


Welcome to Monday Nitro!!
from the The Dahlberg Arena in Missoula, Montana
November 13, 1995

Eric Bischoff, Steve 'Mongo' McMichael and Bobby Heenan are on commentary for tonights show.

Randy Savage vs. Meng w/Jimmy Hart

WCW Superbrawl V 2/19/1995 – Wrestling Recaps
 Savage attacks Meng from behind but that only keeps his Tongan adversary down for a short time, though, and lots of chops and chokes follow. After Meng misses a dive, Savage sends Meng into Hart, who has perched himself on the apron, and that cues the flying elbow drop for the finish. 

Winner: Randy Savage

After the bell, the Shark attacks Savage and Lex Luger runs out and destroys Savage’s left arm.

Chris Benoit vs. Riki Choshu

MachoBusta — Chris Benoit vs. Jushin “Thunder” Liger | WCW vs....
Both men go so fast and keep suplexing and chopping each other. Benoit busts out the rolling German suplexes, transitioning that into a dragon suplex to put the Japanese star down for the count.

Winner: Chris Benoit

Hogan says Sting might be a foe now that he is aligning himself with Lex Luger. He warns Sting that if he sides with the Dungeon of Doom then he will become his number one target.

WCW World Television Championship: Johnny B. Badd© vs. Eddy Guerrero

Johnny B. Badd with springboard plancha into the sand outside :  r/SquaredCircle
Guerrero counters Badd’s top rope sunset flip by rolling through it and he nearly wins the title after avoiding the Badd Mood. Frustrated, Badd busts out some right hands and Guerrero responds by brawling in turn. Guerrero fails to put Badd away after a slingshot splash and tornado DDT and the time limit expires. 

Winner: Time Limit Draw (10:00)

After the bell, referee Randy Anderson separates Badd and Guerrero, with their tempers still flaring. They do patch up their differences and shakes hands.

Okerlund interviews Kevin Sullivan, and Jimmy Hart. Hart worries about what he is going to do with his 200 Hulkamania jackets,  Sullivan hypes the Giant’s odds to win the World War 3 battle royal.

Sting vs. Dean Malenko

10 Times Wrestling Matches Got Weapons Wrong – Page 7
Malenko works on Sting’s left knee but when he goes for the Texas Cloverleaf, Sting small packages him for the win.

Winner: Sting

Okerlund interviews Sting, who says Hulk Hogan is no enemy of his. He reminds Hogan that he is the big dog in WCW.




Edited by StanMiguel
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Welcome to ECW Hardcore TV!!
from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 14, 1995

Joey Styles is on commentary for tonights show.

Cactus Jack says he is proud of Mikey Whipwreck for winning the ECW Championship. However, he blames the crowd for ruining his moment and tells them to get ready for the most boring match they have ever seen. Jack adds that he will take care of Tommy Dreamer by himself and does not need Raven in his corner to do it.

Backstage footage shows Dreamer holding a meeting with the Pitbulls and Taz and not wanting to talk to the camera.

Raven reminds Dreamer that their paths are intertwined and he feels his pain.

Tommy Dreamer w/Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack w/Raven

Tommy Dreamer | Wiki | Wrestling Amino
Jack also tries to lead the crowd in a “WCW” chant from the apron. Raven eventually makes his presence known by attacking Dreamer with a chair. That allows Jack to punish Dreamer with a series of fists. When referee Jim Molineaux cannot get Jack to return to the ring, Funk gets on the house mic and insults Jack and his family. That finally gets Jack to fight and things turn into a four-way brawl, with Stevie Richards and Beulah McGillicutty joining in. Jack refuses to use brass knuckles so Raven tapes them to Jack’s boot and Jack gives Funk a low blow. Raven urges Jack to use a chair, but Jack refuses and cannot put Dreamer away. When Jack finally picks a chair, Dreamer uses one of his own to counter and scores the victory.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer

fter the bell, Raven wastes no time running in and giving Dreamer a DDT. Jack also lays out Funk.

The Eliminators mock the Pitbulls, saying they are not scared of them. 

Rey Misterio Jr. & Rob Van Dam vs. Psicosis & La Parka

Rey Mysterio Was The Absolute Shit In The '90s – Unnamed Temporary Sports  Blog Dot Com
RVD gets a reaction after giving Psicosis Splash Mountain. RVD monkey flips Misterio into Psicosis sending a chair into his face. The end comes when Psicosis and La Parka try suicide dives but eat chairs and Misterio and Rob Van Dam follow with suicide dives of their own. 

Winner: Rey Misterio Jr. & Rob Van Dam

Cactus Jack smiles about breaking Tommy Dreamer’s bones in their last encounter. 

Bill Alfonso says he has taken worse beatings than what Tod Gordon can dish out so he is invincible. 

ECW November To Remember Logo by DarkVoidPictures on DeviantArt
A video package hypes November to Remember 



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ECW November To Remember Logo by DarkVoidPictures on DeviantArt
ECW November to Remember 1995
from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 18, 1995

Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven's Nest (Raven & Cactus Jack) w/Beulah McGillicutty
Singles match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Mikey Whipwreck© vs. Whoever scores the pin in Scorpio & Sandman vs. Public Enemy
Singles match with Beulah McGillicutty as special guest referee: Bill Alfonso vs. Tod Gordon
Tag team match for the ECW Television & ECW Tag Team Championships, whoever scores the pin will take on Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW World Championships later in the night: 2 Cold Scorpio© and The Sandman© w/Woman vs. The Public Enemy
Mexican Deathmatch: Rey Misterio, Jr. vs. Psicosis
The Pitbulls w/Francine vs. The Eliminators w/Jason Knight
Stevie Richards vs. El Puerto Riqueño
Taz vs. Jason Knight
Dances with Dudley 
w/Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Big Dick Dudley, Chubby Dudley & Sign Guy Dudley vs. Tony Stetson

Predictions are open!

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3 hours ago, StanMiguel said:


ECW November To Remember Logo by DarkVoidPictures on DeviantArt
ECW November to Remember 1995
from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 18, 1995

Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven's Nest (Raven & Cactus Jack) w/Beulah McGillicutty
Singles match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Mikey Whipwreck© vs. Whoever scores the pin in Scorpio & Sandman vs. Public Enemy
Singles match with Beulah McGillicutty as special guest referee: Bill Alfonso vs. Tod Gordon
Tag team match for the ECW Television & ECW Tag Team Championships, whoever scores the pin will take on Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW World Championships later in the night: 2 Cold Scorpio© and The Sandman© w/Woman vs. The Public Enemy
Mexican Deathmatch: Rey Misterio, Jr. vs. Psicosis
The Pitbulls w/Francine vs. The Eliminators w/Jason Knight
Stevie Richards vs. El Puerto Riqueño
Taz vs. Jason Knight
Dances with Dudley 
w/Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Big Dick Dudley, Chubby Dudley & Sign Guy Dudley vs. Tony Stetson

Predictions are open!

Uh who's el Puerto riqueno? 

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ECW November To Remember Logo by DarkVoidPictures on DeviantArt

Welcome to ECW November To Remember!!
from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 18, 1995

Joey Styles is on commentary for tonights show.

Dances with Dudley w/Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Big Dick Dudley, Chubby Dudley & Sign Guy Dudley vs. Tony Stetson

ECW Hardcore TV – April 1993 – Big Cal's World
Stetson makes quick work of Dances with Dudley after hitting him with a chair right after the bell.

Winner: Tony Stetson

Tony Stetson mocks Buh Buh so he powerbombs him.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley w/Dances with Dudley, Big Dick Dudley, Chubby Dudley & Sign Guy Dudley vs. Tony Stetson

TGRPromo2 | Wrestling Amino
Buh Buh takes the win after he flattens the Stetson with a Buh-Buh Bomb.

Winner: Buh Buh Ray Dudley

ECW owner Paul Heyman has the arena lights turned off and then turned back on to welcome Sabu back to ECW. The two shake hands and hug it out.

Taz vs. Jason Knight

Taz nearly breaks his neck on guardrail : r/SquaredCircle
Jason scoffs at Taz and eats a right hand, allowing him to quickly lock in the Tazzmission and win with a quick tap out.

Winner: Taz

During his entrance, Richards accepts a gift from someone in the crowd wearing a half t-shirt that reads “the Blue Meanie.”

Stevie Richards vs. El Puerto Riqueño

eggy — Joey: How does [Raven] keep a straight face for...
Ricano hits a few early high spots, only to miss a missile dropkick. After planting Ricano with a powerbomb, Richards calls for Meanie to get into the ring and talks him into doing a moonsault, which misses. Richards is not happy about that, but he still vanquishes Ricano with a Stevie Kick shortly thereafter.

Winner: Stevie Richards

After the match, Richards grabs Meanie by his hair and drags him back to the locker room

The Eliminators w/Jason Knight vs. The Pitbulls w/Francine

Jason runs interference behind the referee’s back that has no impact on Pitbull #1. The four-way brawl keeps going and Jason prevents the Pitbulls from winning after breaking up a cover after the Pitbulls plant Saturn with a superbomb-neckbreaker combo. Pitbull #2 takes Jason out and they hit the superbomb on Kronus to win.

Winner: The Pitbulls

Following the match, Jason attacks Francine. The attack earns Jason a chair shot but the Eliminators get their heat back by doing Total Elimination to The Pitbulls.

Mexican Deathmatch: Psicosis vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Powered By Blast Processing
Psicosis uses power moves to score fall after fall, going to a chair when Misterio gets up after three falls. But a moonsault on the chair cannot keep Misterio down as he gets the chair up when Psicosis tries another moonsault. The two brawl to the commentary position, with Misterio launching himself off to perform a flying hurricanrana and Psicosis fails to answer the bell.

Winner: Rey Misterio Jr.

Following the match, Jason welcomes Misterio back into the ring and insults him when Misterio refuses his managerial services. Misterio floors Jason with a spinning heel kick and headscissors. That triggers a beatdown by the Eliminators until 911 makes the save.

Scorpio accidentally spills some beer, Sandman canes him so New Jack takes his belt and spot.

Tag team match for the ECW Television & ECW Tag Team Championships, whoever scores the pin will take on Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW World Championships later in the night: The Sandman© & New Jack© w/Woman vs. Public Enemy

The participants do a dance off before they fight, and the Sandman steals the show with his moves. New Jack and the Sandman are a makeshift team so do not attempt any double team moves. Johnny Grunge makes a hot tag and Rock tries to hit a Drive-By on New Jack. But Public Enemy miscommunication occurs and the Sandman ends up scoring the winning fall after a White Russian Legsweep.

Winner: The Sandman & New Jack

A video package recaps the Tod Gordon-Bill Alfonso feud.

Singles match with Beulah McGillicutty as special guest referee: Bill Alfonso vs. Tod Gordon

Whole Fucking Arrival | Wrestling Amino
Alfonso attacks Gordon before the bell rings and then getting into it with McGillicutty, knocking her out with a clothesline. Gordon busts Alfonso open with a chair and cookie sheet and then knocks him out with a frying pan. However, there is no referee so Taz runs in to do it, but he stops at two, hits Gordon, and puts Alfonso on top.

Winner: Bill Alfonso

Taz gets on the house mic and ridicules the crowd for not caring about his neck injury while they cared about other ECW superstars that were hurt. Taz discusses how Alfonso is the only man who cares for him.

The Sandman starts making an entrance for the ECW Championship match against Mikey Whipwreck when he is attacked from behind by Steve Austin. Austin stun guns the Sandman on the guardrail and mixes in some shots with a chair and Singapore cane.

Singles match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Mikey Whipwreck© vs. Steve Austin

November to Remember 1995: Mikey Whipwreck scores a major on Make a GIF
Austin tears into Whipwreck and gives him no space to breathe. Austin gives Whipwreck a big boot and doing a leg drop for a near-fall. Whipwreck also kicks out of the stun gun, though, and then surprises Austin with a sunset flip off the ropes, pulling Austin’s tights down to secure the win. 

Winner: Mikey Whipwreck

After the bell, Austin beats on Whipwreck.

Sabu w/Paul Heyman vs. La Parka.

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu ECW Holiday Hell '95 on Make a GIF
Parka hits a modified facebuster, but Sabu is rescued when Dangerously puts his foot over the bottom rope. Sabu puts La Parka through a table with a somersault plancha and hits an atomic Arabian facebuster.

Winner: Sabu

Following the match, Sabu shakes La Parkas hand.

Terry Funk gets on the house mic and curses at Cactus Jack for what happened the last time at the ECW Arena where Funk was set on fire.

Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven's Nest w/Beulah McGillicutty

ECW Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk Flaming Iron!!! on Make a GIF
Jack removes his Dungeon shirt to display a “Forgive me, Uncle Eric” shirt that has Eric Bischoff’s face on it. Dreamer pulls the shirt over Cactus’ face and lay in blows. Everyone bleeds and Jack cannot pin Funk because there is no referee. Bill Alfonso and Taz come out, laying in some shots on Funk before Dreamer confronts them. Molineaux gets back into the ring and Dreamer lays out the heels. Terry Funk gets the pin on Raven after hitting him with a Piledriver onto a pile of chairs.

Winner: Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

Following the win, Jack and Raven beat up their opponents, with Raven DDTing Dreamer and Jack choking Funk with an audio cable. Raven does his crucifixion pose bloodied and with barbed wire around his head to end the show.




@Dawn 7/9
@DHK1989 4/9
@Ry guy 64 7/9

Thank you all for predictions for the show it means the world to me.


Total for 1995:

@Nobby_McDonald 10/53
@kanegan 19/53
@DHK1989 25/53
@Ry guy 64 27/53
@TardisMechanic 11/53
@Dawn 42/53
@Lord Byron 8/53
@Wrestling Machine 9/53

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Sorry i hadn't been logging into the forums regularly in the last couple of weeks due to work related intensive travel so missed out on your recent shows but a great November to Remember and the run of Mikey Whipwreck continues.

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Old WWF Survivor Series Logo by Wrestling-Networld on DeviantArt
WWF Survivor Series 1995
from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carlonia
November 19, 1995

No Disqualification World Title Match: Bret Hart vs. Diesel©
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Dean Douglas & Razor Ramon w/Mr Fuji vs. British Bulldog, Psycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels w/Ted DiBiase & Jim Cornette
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Royals (Jerry Lawler, Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & King Mabel) w/Sir Mo vs. The Darkside (Savio Vega, Waylon Mercy, Roddy Piper & Undertaker) w/Paul Bearer
WWF World Tag Team Championship: Smokin' Gunns© vs. Tenryu & Tanaka w/Bull Nakano
Goldust vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Bull Nakano, Aja Kong, Lioness Asuka & Tomoko Watanabe w/Tanaka & Tenryu vs. Alundra Blayze, Kyoko Inoue, Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita Asari
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Underdogs (Marty Jannetty, Rikishi Fatu, George Steel & Henry O. Goodwin) vs. The Bodydonnas (Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Prichard & 1-2-3 Kid) 
w/Sunny & Ted DiBiase

Predictions are open!

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Bret Hart
British Bulldog, Psycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels
The Darkside (Savio Vega, Waylon Mercy, Roddy Piper & Undertaker)
Smokin' Gunns
Bull Nakano, Aja Kong, Lioness Asuka & Tomoko Watanabe
The Bodydonnas (Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Prichard & 1-2-3 Kid)

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On 4/22/2024 at 7:39 PM, StanMiguel said:


Old WWF Survivor Series Logo by Wrestling-Networld on DeviantArt
WWF Survivor Series 1995
from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carlonia
November 19, 1995

No Disqualification World Title Match: Bret Hart vs. Diesel©
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Dean Douglas & Razor Ramon w/Mr Fuji vs. British Bulldog, Psycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels w/Ted DiBiase & Jim Cornette
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Royals (Jerry Lawler, Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & King Mabel) w/Sir Mo vs. The Darkside (Savio Vega, Waylon Mercy, Roddy Piper & Undertaker) w/Paul Bearer
WWF World Tag Team Championship: Smokin' Gunns© vs. Tenryu & Tanaka w/Bull Nakano
Goldust vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Bull Nakano, Aja Kong, Lioness Asuka & Tomoko Watanabe w/Tanaka & Tenryu vs. Alundra Blayze, Kyoko Inoue, Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita Asari
4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Underdogs (Marty Jannetty, Rikishi Fatu, George Steel & Henry O. Goodwin) vs. The Bodydonnas (Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Prichard & 1-2-3 Kid) 
w/Sunny & Ted DiBiase

Predictions are open!

I wont be able to run this show for another 10-14 days so predictions are open for a while, hope you all have a good day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Reggie Bennett, La Tigresa and Commando Bolshoi def. Lexie Fyfe, Amy Lee and Candi Devine (10:12)

The Hardy Brothers def. The Blu Brothers (8:04)

Jean Pierre LaFitte def. Tatanka (10:55)

Old WWF Survivor Series Logo by Wrestling-Networld on DeviantArt

Welcome to WWF Survivor Series 1995!!
from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carlonia
November 19, 1995

4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Underdogs (Marty Jannetty, Rikishi Fatu, George Steel & Henry O. Goodwin) vs. The Bodydonnas (Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Prichard & 1-2-3 Kid) w/Sunny & Ted DiBiase

The 1-2-3 Kid scores a huge upset victory over Razor Ramon on Make a GIF
Steel misses a splash and Kid uses the chance to tag in Radford, who manages to get a cheap shot and a roll up to send Steel to the back. Pritchard comes in and tries delivering a moonsault to Fatu, but misses and Fatu comes off the top with a cross body block to eliminate him. Skip shoots in quickly with a roll up however and Fatu is also gone. Marty manages to fight Skip off though and hits a big powerbomb from the top rope to eliminate Skip. HoG gets the advantage, but Kid gets a blind tag and a cheap shot to eliminate him. Sycho Sid comes down to help his fellow Dibiase client. Marty manages to hit the Rocker Dropper on Kid but 1-2-3 gets his foot on the rope to break up the resulting pin. Dibiase distracts the ref and this allows Sid to whomp Marty and give Kid the win.

Winner: The Bodydonnas (Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Prichard & 1-2-3 Kid)

Razor destroys his locker room in anger at The Kid’s win and allegiance with Dibiase.

4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Bull Nakano, Aja Kong, Lioness Asuka & Tomoko Watanabe w/Tanaka & Tenryu vs. Alundra Blayze, Kyoko Inoue, Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita Asari

Survivor Series 1995 – RICH ON WRESTLING
Blayze is in and gets a slam on Asuka which sets up a Sky Twister Press from Asari, Blayze comes back in with a German Suplex to eliminate her. Kong comes in and goes at it with Hasegawa and gets a devastating back suplex to get her out. Kong bulldozes through Asari next and heads to the second rope with a big splash to eliminate her as well. Inoue is next and comes in and with some clotheslines before trying a sunset flip, but Kong sits on her to eliminate her. Blayze gets triple teamed but is able to get a piledriver on Watanabe and holds her down for three. Bull now comes in but some miscommunication with Kong leads to an German from Blayze to eliminate her. Alundra keeps hammering away on Kong and smashes her with an open hand strike to the face for the winning fall.

Winner: Alundra Blayze, Kyoko Inoue, Sakie Hasegawa & Chaparita Asari

Goldust's entrance takes about 5 minutes, which annoys Bigelow no end.

Goldust vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust is so underrated | Wrestling Forum
Goldust gets a big clothesline and knee drop for two. Bigelow gets a back suplex and follows with some clotheslines for two. Bigelow goes for a charge in the corner but Goldust dodges it and then drops him with a bulldog for the winning pin.

Winner: Goldust

WWF World Tag Team Championship: Smokin' Gunns© vs. Tenryu & Tanaka w/Bull Nakano

Shootmember 2 Wrasslin |OT| :Shoot from the Hip When in Heated Verbal  Exchanges | Page 2 | NeoGAF
Tenryu & Tanaka come out, laying in some shots on Billy before the bell and Bart confronts them with hammer fists of his own. Billy lays out the two heels with a double bulldog. Bart Gunn gets the pin on Tanaka after hitting him with a Sit-out Piledriver.

Winner: Smokin' Gunns

Todd Pettengill is with Yokozuna, Owen Hart and Dean Douglas who say Razor better get his head straight for when he teams with them in the Wildcard match later.

4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: The Royals (Jerry Lawler, Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & King Mabel) w/Sir Mo vs. The Darkside (Savio Vega, Waylon Mercy, Roddy Piper & Undertaker) w/Paul Bearer

Nation Of Animation: The Undertaker's one #SurvivorSeries regret  (#Undertaker25) | Three Man Booth
Lawler is left alone with Taker and is quickly Tombstoned and eliminated. Isaac Yankem comes in and he is also quickly disposed of via a Tombstone Piledriver. HHH tries to leave up the ramp but is stopped by Piper and gets thrown in for a Choke Slam to leave Mabel 1 on 4 with the Darkside. Mabel comes in with Mo and gets a big leg drop, but Undertaker pops right up, so he flees in fear for the count out victory.

Winner: The Darkside (Savio Vega, Waylon Mercy, Roddy Piper & Undertaker)

Bret Hart and Diesel give their thoughts on the main event tonight and the prospect of fighting #1 contender British Bulldog at In Your House V.

4-on-4 Survivor Series elimination match: Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Dean Douglas & Razor Ramon w/Mr Fuji vs. British Bulldog, Psycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels w/Ted DiBiase & Jim Cornette

WWE Royal Rumble: Best Performances From Every Entry Slot – Page 30
Razor nails Douglas after a row on the outside and Michaels gets a roll up to send The Dean back to the classroom. Sid gets the Choke Slam and then holds Razor up so Michaels can go for Sweet Chin Music, but Michaels misses and hits Sid by accident leading to Sid’s elimination at the hands of Razor. Owen takes the Pearl River Plunge and that’s enough for him to be pinned for the three. Razor hammers everyone in the corner but then ends up on Ahmed Johnsons spinebuster to put him down. 1-2-3 & Sid come down to the ring to go after Razor, the distraction is enough for Bulldog to get the Power Slam for another elimination. Michaels makes the tag to Ahmed, who manages to slam Yoko but Bulldog breaks up the pin for his stablemate. Michaels and Ahmed dump Bulldog and finish Yokozuna for the win.

Winner: British Bulldog, Psycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels

Bulldog tries to celebrate with Michaels and Ahmed at the end of the match despite trying to cheat them during the bout itself.

No Disqualification World Title Match: Bret Hart vs. Diesel©

Bret Hart vs. Diesel - WWE Championship Match: Survivor Series 1995  animated gif
Diesel gets the snake eyes and then tries it onto the unprotected turnbuckle corner, but Bret is able to counter and send Diesel into the metal bolt instead. Bret follows up with the Hart Attack clothesline and second rope bulldog. Bret gets a Russian Leg Sweep for another two count and sends Diesel outside. Bret goes for a plancha but Diesel simply moves out of the way. This leaves Bret knocked out on the floor as Diesel rolls back inside, Bret stumbles back onto the apron and Diesel sends him tumbling off through the Spanish Announce Table. Back inside in the ring, Diesel tries for the Jacknife but Bret just collapses. Diesel shows a momentary hesitation before going to pick Bret up, only for Bret to catch him with an inside cradle out of nowhere to win his, then, third WWF Title.


Bret celebrates with his title while a shocked and angry Diesel sits in the corner.




@Ry guy 64 6/7
@Lord Byron 5/7
@DHK1989 5/7
@Dawn 5/7

Thank you all for predictions for the show it means the world to me sorry it took so long, I had a wee holiday and just didnt have the chance to run and post this before going.


Total for 1995:

@Nobby_McDonald 16/60
@kanegan 19/60
@DHK1989 30/60
@Ry guy 64 33/60
@TardisMechanic 11/60
@Dawn 47/60
@Lord Byron 13/60
@Wrestling Machine 9/60

At the end of 1995, I will be putting on a big WWF house show event, the person with the highest predictions will get to book 3 matches for the show, second highest will get 2 and third will get to book 1 one. (Title matches included but I will be picking the winners to all the matches)

Aja Kong & Goldust in WWF circa 1995 : r/SquaredCircle


Edited by StanMiguel
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Tomoko Watanabe & Lioness Asuka def. Candi Devine & Lexie Fyfe (7:59)

 Jean Pierre LaFitte def. George Steele (5:44)

The Roadie, Justin Bradshaw and Waylon Mercy def. Barry Horowitz, Duke Droese and Doink the Clown (10:12)


Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!
from the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami, Florida
November 20, 1995

Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are on commentary for tonights show.

The show starts with a photo package of the Bret Hart vs. Diesel World Title match at the Survivor Series. Vince narrates and puts over the no DQ aspect of the match and that Bret won the title with a small package.

Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid w/Ted DiBiase

Retro Oasis: A Taste of the New Generation: Boyhood Dreams: WWF Monday  Night Raw: February 5th, 1996
Kid slams Hakushi then heads up top and hits a frog splash for two. Hakushi then catches Kid in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker as both men are down. Hakushi fights off Kid and hits a back handspring elbow smash then heads up top with a flying shoulder tackle that gets two. Hakushi sends Kid outside with a kick then climbs up top but DiBiase sneaks up and shoves him off while the ref was counting then Kid returns and hits a spinning heel kick for the win.

Winner: 1-2-3 Kid

After the match, DiBiase gets into the ring and hands Kid some cash.

Back from break as Lawler is interviewing Kid & DiBiase in the aisle. DiBiase says Kid won the match then calls out that “no good punk” Marty Jannetty. Marty heads out but Psycho Sid soon heads out. Sid gets into Marty’s face and beats him down then Kid lands a few kicks before Sid powerbombs Marty on the floor as Kid & DiBiase held off the officials attempting to stop the assault.

The Rial Queens vs. Alundra Blayze & Chaparita Asari

Bull Nakano
Kong nails Blayze and Bull hits the chokeslam on Asari. Blayze hits a superkick but Kong hammers her into the corner. The Rial Queens get together and drop Blayze & Asari with dual powerslams. Bull comes in and goes at it with Asari and drops her with a devastating german suplex to get the win.

Winner: The Rial Queens

After the match Blaze fights off both Nakano and Kong to stop them beating down Asari. She stands tall as Bull and Aja head to the back.

Skip w/Sunny vs. Savio Vega

Skip fights back and hits a huge superplex. Savio then fights back and back drops Skip before landing some chops in the corner. They slug it out then we see Diesel come down the aisle. Savio sends Skip to the floor with a back drop and Diesel heads over and powerbombs Skip onto the guardrail for the DQ.

Winner: Skip

shawn michaels 90s GIF
Diesel motions to the ref to relax. Diesel says he saw himself and not the “corporate puppet” that Vince tried to create. Diesel twice tells Vince that he “missed the ball” and talks about the day after winning the title how he had to go to “Titan Towers” with all of the “suits” telling him to smile and be more corporate. Diesel says what we saw last night was the tip of the iceberg and that Big Daddy Cool is back. The camera follows Diesel backstage and we him walk by Shawn and slap hands.

 Owen Hart w/Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji vs. Shawn Michaels

UnderJohn's Rebookings from WWF to WWE (Present) | BetheBooker
Shawn gets hit with a corkscrew neckbreaker as Owen covers for two. Shawn takes Owen over with a backslide for two but Owen immediately hits a clothesline. Shawn fights back and hits a jumping clothesline as both men are down.  Shawn hits a flying forearm then a scoop slam before using a flying elbow drop for a two count. Again both men are down now and Owen gets up first and turns Shawn over and tries for a Sharpshooter but Shawn breaks it up with a thumb to the eye. Shawn ducks an attack and we get a reversal sequence ending with Shawn taking Owen over the top rope with a clothesline then skinning-the-cat back into the ring. Shawn pumps up the crowd and celebrates but grabs his head and acts woozy again until he collapses. The ref checks on Shawn and kicks his foot a few times but Shawn is not moving. Owen heads back inside but the ref tells him to stay away.

Winner: N/A

Today In Wrestling History Via WWE Network (11/20/2019): Shawn Michaels  Collapses Against Owen Hart on RAW | WWE Network News
The ref then heads out and comes back to scream at Shawn to get up. The paramedics are in the ring given Shawn oxygen. We get a replay of Shawn collapsing. Lawler asks Vince from the floor what he should do. Shawn is responding to the medics as the show goes off the air.



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