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As the sun rises, so do the sails of our boats against ever changing tides. Along this unprecedented journey we have seen many sights: roads paved in flame, canvases that glitter, engines fuelled by blood and distant lands where different ideals reign supreme. Our foundation is built on four unbreakable pillars:


Pride. Glory. Honor. Wrestling.

Like the ocean, the art of wrestling is in perpetual motion. In rare moments it exists in peace; times you may close your eyes and listen to the gentle lapping of waves cradled by the shore, feeling all in harmonious balance. Often it is a chaotic, unpredictable and unforgiving opponent with no pity for the broken bodies washing up in the surf. Yet it holds much in the way of discovery, mystery and beauty unrivalled. It is our desire to discover that pushes our oars through the waves. Our struggle towards an ideal beauty lifts our anchor from the bed of the sea as we go forth towards the endless horizon.

The destination is not promised. As long as we chart our course with Pride and Honor, we will live forever in Glory.



And so, PGHW sets sail once more on the Eternal Voyage.


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as of 2010.12.28


Eisaku Kunomasu.png

16th Champion

def. PRIDE Koiso at Night of HONOR | 2010.08.19


Nobuatsu Tatsuko.pngNoriyori Sanda.png

19th Champions

def. Team Cloud Sword at Night of WRESTLING | 2010.12.19


Flemmy Lemming.png

25th Champion

def. Bussho Makiguchi at Night of HONOR | 2010.08.19


Eisaku Kunomasu.png



Nobuatsu Tatsuko.pngNoriyori Sanda.png


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Yoshimi Mushashibo_alt.pngShuji Inukai_ager.pngMasaru Ugaki.pngRyoma Muruyama_alt2.png


DYNASTY was formed in much the same fashion as the co-leaders tag team partnership over a decade ago - although they have diametrically opposed personalities, Yoshimi Mushashibo and Shuji Inukai formed a bond based on wanting to be the absolute best whether it be in singles or tag competition. Just as important is the belief that PGHW is the greatest company for bell to bell professional wrestling in the world. Both men wish to see it crowned the premier promotion in Japan before their days in the ring are done. In hopes to see the mission continue they have welcomed Mushashibo’s talented protege, the calculating Masaru Ugaki and the livewire Ryoma Muruyama, another tag team who on paper are unlikely but whose ring chemistry cannot be denied. Like Team Dynasty 2000 before them, Ugaki & Muruyama are considered one of - if not the – best full-time tandem in PGHW.



PRIDE Koiso.pngKozue Kawashima.pngChojiro Kitoaji.pngBussho Makiguchi.png


PRIDE Koiso entered professional wrestling much later than most other athletes. The famed PGHW Dojo is, to put it nicely, a tough place to attend and only a few graduate. Koiso was up to the challenge, not only graduating but going all the way to the Glory Crown as well as both an Elite Series and Elite Tag Series victory alongside Kozue Kawashima. This fortitude, toughness and spirit is the calling card of SUMMIT. You better have it if you want to hang. Kawashima is almost universally seen as the next in line to the throne of PGHW, a never-say-die warrior who is no doubt up to that mighty task. Koiso & Kawashima are rightfully seen as one of the best teams in PGHW history, therefore when they were taken to the brink by fresh-faced KitoGuchi, they extended their hands and spoke one sentence: “Meet us at the SUMMIT.” This group might just have the most intriguing and exciting line-up in PGHW, featuring the present, the next up and the future of the Eternal Voyage.



Raymond Diaz.pngAlexander Robinson.pngLee Bennett.png


The Monster” is how Raymond Diaz has been known for most of his career. The incredible physical specimen is fear incarnate yet he thirsts for more; More fear. More pain. More destruction. To make all of Pride Glory Honor Wrestling bend to his will. There is no more iconic depiction of terror in Japan than the KAIJU. Recruiting hard-nosed veterans Team Toronto as his lieutenants, Diaz promises to make PGHW a fertile ground for gaijin which means scorching the earth for its most loved and tenured competitors and leaving them in ruin.



Nobuatsu Tatsuko.pngMito Miwa.pngNoriyori Sanda.pngAkinori Kwakami.png


Founded on the principle “iron sharpens iron”, IRONPRIDE features the unlikely union of storied rivals “Iron Man” Nobuatsu Tatsuko and “The Pride Warrior” Mito Miwa. Two of the famed pillars of PGHW, their wars are legendary. In sharing these scars, they have gained a great respect for each other but know that they - and their respective tag team partners Noriyori Sanda and Akinori Kwakami - will inflict a couple more scars on each other before all is said and done. However, it is in these battles that they sharpen their skills and grow their legends. So while it is a tenuous and uneasy alliance, all four men will stand together when the occasion calls for it.



Eisaku Kunomasu.pngArt Reed.pngSeiji Jimbo.pngFrankie Perez.png


Eisaku Kunomasu is no stranger to forging his own path. Having immense success young in his career with PGHW, Kunomasu was seen as a lock to one day win the Glory Crown and, perhaps, the biggest natural talent - in a line-up that featured Tatsuko, Mushashibo, Hoshino, Miwa and Inukai, that is no small praise. However, Kunomasu left Japan in 1998 to join the hardcore revolution at DAVE, becoming “The Lord of Strong Style”.  Upon his shocking return in 2005, Kunomasu was the same enigma but a new beast. Kunomasu says he was never chosen, never crowned but has built himself into the foundation of PGHW as the "Fifth Pillar". Joined by good friend Art Reed and protégé Seiji Jimbo he formed PILLAR5 in the wake of his long awaited Glory Crown victory and were joined by Jimbo’s new friend Frankie Perez - Kunomasu was initially sceptical of the Californians’ fortitude to survive in PGHW but in time has seemed to accept him.




Bryan Holmes_ager.pngDanger Kumasaka.pngMasayuki Shiga.png

Hidekazu.pngMamoru Nagahama.pngMatsudaira Morioka.png


DREAD:O is built for war and destruction of its enemies. Open only to the toughest, most devious veterans and the biggest bruisers capable of inflicting the greatest damage on those unfortunate enough to venture into their waters.



Tetsunori Yasuda_alt.pngKazushige Matsuki.pngWashi Heat.pngTotoya Munakata.png


No leaders, just brothers. Bonded in blood. This is the creed of BLOODSPORT. Wins don’t matter so much as the chance to engage in intense combat. Hard-hitting style is a standard in PGHW but Tetsunori Yasuda, former pro boxer Kazushige Matsuki “Firebrand” Washi Heat and "Blood Fighter" Totoya Munakata seem to revel in not only delivering a furious whirlwind of offensive punishment but also in absorbing it. This club has an open door policy - if you can scrap, if you can get hit hard and hit back harder, stamp your membership card. For them, the fight is its own reward. For Pride, For Honor, For Blood.

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2010.12.23 | Sadaharu Jimbo, legendary 4-time GCG Champion and PGHW founder, held a press conference today announcing many exciting developments in celebration of "PGHW XV". 

In the peaceful Kobe headquarters of Pride Glory Honor Wrestling this afternoon, there was a noticeable buzz in the building. Just a few short days after the incredibly successful Night of WRESTLING brought PGHW's surging 2010 to a close, the legendary Sadaharu Jimbo made a rare public appearance. Officially retiring this past August after Night of HONOR, those in attendance felt there must be major news for the 68 year old all-time great to return in a public forum for PGHW.

"There have been many difficult obstacles and trials since we began this voyage in 1996" said a measured Jimbo, "but the one thing I never had was doubt in my heart."

The vaunted, ultra-intense style of PGHW has brought acclaim but also contributed to the setbacks Jimbo spoke of. Between 2008 and the start of 2010, almost every major star picked up a major injury, most notably PGHW's greatest ever wrestler Yoshimi Mushashibo, who suffered a devastating knee injury in August 2009. Momentum had stalled. Jimbo stated "I realised then a new vision was needed. I knew that night it would be my last year guiding this ship." Passing the majority of power to longtime deputy Nobuatsu Tatsuko at the end of 2009 was seen as an immense risk at such a pivotal time but one that seems to have paid off - the first tour of the year resulted in another fantastic ELITE Series and the rest of the year didn't let up from there in terms of quality and yet, not one member of the roster suffered a major, long-term injury the entire calendar year; a miracle in the long-afflicted ring of Physically Intense Puro. Retaining their classic style and identity beloved by their fans, it seems now the insanely intense and brutal battles are saved for when the lights are the brightest, and not intent on wearing the roster down week after week on touring shows. The result has been the healthiest and most available roster of wrestlers PGHW has seen since its initial few phenomenal years.

Couple that availability with classic matches and the long awaited Glory Crown reign of "The Lord of Strong Style" Eisaku Kunomasu, in many eyes PGHW have not only improbably rebounded from their difficult slump but are seen by some as the number one league in Japan, the first time anyone could legitimately claim a promotion outside of BHOTWG having that distinction in decades (possibly not helped by the initially promising but in practice muddled direction of the BHOTWG/INSPIRE invasion).

"I am not concerned with defeating or destroying my rivals - I only wish to see PGHW where I had dreamt it would be 15 years ago; where I truly believe we belong. As the benchmark of Japanese professional wrestling. As the most prestigious and greatest league in the entire of Japan and on this planet. After this past year, and with the greatest gratitude and appreciation of my successors, I believe we had staked an undeniable claim to the first part." All business his delivery, it was clear Jimbo was joyous at seeing his promotion go from strength to strength, even without him at the helm. A wry smile spread on his face, "As such, a 15th anniversary calls for celebration, doesn't it?" Jimbo gestured off stage and was joined promptly by 3 special guests:


Koryusai Kitoaji, Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Eisaku Kunomasu - PGHW Hall of Famer, PGHW Chariman, PGHW Glory Crown Champion.

The 4 legendary competitors then talked at length (aside a mostly silent Kunomasu) about PGHW's upcoming 2011 including:

  • The touring schedule will no longer end at Night of WRESTLING - instead, after a weeklong break, PGHW will present New Year VOYAGE on January 1st. This spectacular New Years Day show will be followed by the SPIRIT Tour leading to Night of SPIRIT on 2011.01.19.

  • Taking place at Night of SPIRIT will be the finals of a 16-man single elimination tournament to decide a new PGHW International Champion! The Championship will be fittingly revived after PGHW secured pay-per-view deals in the USA, Canada, the UK and mainland Europe alongside an influx of gaijin wrestlers in 2010. 

  • Speaking of tournaments, Kitoaji promised the 13th edition of the ELITE and ELITE Tag Series would be among the greatest ever witnessed. However, this August there will be a new glory to chase; Kitoaji introduces the HONOR Cup! A 32-man single elimination bracket will offer a wider opportunity for wrestlers from around the globe to culminate at the summer finale Night of HONOR.

  • The winner of the HONOR Cup will receive an opportunity for the Glory Crown at December's Night of WRESTLING if neither man also wins the ELITE Tag Series in November. If either party wins the ELITE Tag Series and chooses to challenge for the Glory Tag Crown at Night of WRESTLING, the Glory Crown will be contested at New Years VOYAGE.

  • In closing, Sadaharu Jimbo thanks everyone for coming today and claims he is "excited to finally sit back and enjoy PGHW as a fan. The fans and us share the same identity; for neither of us wavered in the past 14 years when times were great and when times got hard. We both had our parts in making PGHW what it is, from 1996 until today and forward into the future. I, the three men sat at this table with me, and every wrestler here owes a debt of gratitude to the fan for allowing our legacy to endure. I have worked every day to try and pay it back. It is a debt I am sure my successors will continue to do the same. Please enjoy what will be one of the most glorious years in our history."

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Always impressive, 2010 proved that "The Submission Demon" Johnny Bloodstone could still take it to another level - a level that few ever attain. Of course, wrestling the likes of the Stone siblings and Sean McFly on an almost weekly basis all year long could been seen as a cheat code but Bloodstone was far from a passenger in these bouts. From a classic with Jeremy Stone on NOTBPW's first show of 2010 to a time limit draw with Dan Jr. on the last (that scored a perfect 100 on TEW.com's scale), Bloodstone IS the cheat code of wrestling right now. Hopefully we can see Bloodstone bring lesser wrestlers to his level next year but I'm sure we wouldn't mind a repeat of his 2010. A 3rd reign as Canadian Champion can't be far away for our 2010 Wrestler of the Year.





The ELITE Tag Series in November 2009 brought what it promises every year - some of the best tag team wrestling you can hope to see on this planet. What was surprising to eventual winners Team Youth Sprint however was the incredible challenge in the group stage of young KitoGuchi. For over 25 minutes, the young lions battled the Glory Crown holder PRIDE Koiso and his partner Kozue Kawashima with everything they had. Afterwards, the victors offered the defeated their hands in respect. One month later, Makiguchi wrestled the Historical Japan title from Seiji Jimbo. On the last show of 2009, Koiso & Kawashima offered KitoGuchi the chance to join them in forming SUMMIT; this was gladly accepted. His 8-month reign as Historical Japan Champion was impressive but standing alongside his SUMMIT stable members in fantastic 6 and 8-man tags through the year showcased both Makiguchi's potential and the fact maybe he's closer to arriving to the top of the card than anyone imagined.





Death, taxes and Jeremy Stone not ageing - at 44 years of age, "The Canadian Wrestling Machine" remains as good on the mat as anyone who has ever stepped between the ropes. Spending the first 10 months of the year tirelessly chasing down Steve DeColt, the eldest Stone brother finally managed to return the Canadian title to the vaunted halls of his family from their greatest rival when he bested DeColt at October Obliteration. Now a 5-time NOTBPW Champion, Jeremy looks set to craft another phenomenal chapter in his familys’ illustrious history in Canadian wrestling as he also took over the running of the company after Dan Sr. decided to step down as owner in late 2010. If this year is anything to go by, we expect to see Jeremy back here in 12 months time.





Being the daughter of the most famous wrestler of all time has to come with pressure - working for the company he operates and in a women's division created especially for you makes that pressure tenfold. If 24-year old Alicia Strong is feeling that pressure, she didn't show it this year. Engaging in 2 year-long rivalries with Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden (the latter providing especially fantastic bouts) as all 3 women attempted to unseat Raven Robinson has shown Alicia can lead this division to another level one day soon. Her talent in the ring has always been apparent, but her natural charisma and comfort on promos really shone this year in a division that needs her star power to carry it forward. 



Kozue Kawashima.pngPRIDE Koiso.png


Although falling just short in the ELITE Tag Series Finals in November, Team Youth Sprint once again showed this year that bell-to-bell, they rival any tag team of the modern era and perhaps any era. Even though Koiso held the PGHW Glory Crown for the first 8 months of the year these two true born PGHW stars still tagged as much as possible on touring shows, mentoring KitoGuchi along the way and putting together a frankly ridiculous ELITE Tag Series. Kawashima & Koiso's regularity combined with pure quality is what lifts them past the likes of The Stone Siblings and makes them the 2010 Tag Team of the Year.





See?! We're not just sweaty marks who only care about star ratings and work rate! The record winners of this award win again, the seemingly unstoppable corporate giant of pro wrestling staying ahead of the pack with their combination of storytelling, character-driven bouts and incredible star power. The still ongoing reign of Eric Eisen atop the SWF hasn't always set the world on fire in 2010, but Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Marat Khoklov and company MVP Rich Money (amongst other amazing talents) have made sure to keep the ship on course - and even continuing growing the SWF's fanbase overseas. As with any year since their ascent to dominance, the SWF's decisions come under scrutiny from time to time but as of now? You can't argue with the results.





Faint though it may be, the tiger in Osaka is roaring again. Very fortunately for them, the INSPIRE crisis triggered events that led to Haruki Kudo leaving his long time home and providing a spark of life to the faltering GCG in late 2009. So far, results have been above average and consistent which is the most important thing for a company that has suffered much inconsistency for the past 25 years. Some strange decisions remain (Pistol Pete Hall retiring as GCG Heavyweight Champion and the puzzling direction of Toshiharu Hyobanshi for example) but overall GCG appear in their best position for a long time. Nobody wants to see a company steeped in such glorious history in the vast graveyard of wrestling leagues and we are very happy it seems Golden Canvas Grappling have staved off their demise for the time being.




at NOTBPW BIG CITY BRAWL | January 13th 2010

Perhaps there were a few matches slightly better than this from a purist standpoint in 2010. Not many, but a few. The combination of incredible action taking place in the early stage of a fantastic long-term story between the two eldest brothers of rival Canadian wrestling dynasties? It can't be beaten. Jeremy Stone desperately wanted to make sure Steve DeColt's reign would come to a quick end while DeColt wanted to show the entire country his shocking departure from CGC wasn't for nought. The Stones have always been heralded as the greater wrestlers while the DeColt's were always the entertainers; well, DeColt was working for an audience of one on this night. 10,000 packed the Quebec Stadé Uniprix with a strong French-Canadian contingent behind the villainous DeColt. Everything about this dynamic worked perfectly as Steve powered his way through Jeremy's finesse with intense, vicious brawling. By the time the DeColt Stampede trampled Stone into the mat, both Quebec and TEW.com had witnessed something truly special.




PGHW NIGHT OF WRESTLING | December 19th 2010

We were presented a tough task to pick a card of the year for 2010, and whilst that didn't change until the very last minute, PGHW truly saved the best for their last show of the year. From the opening bout, where Team Youth Sprint took down the surging young gaijin unit Jecht Shot (William Hayes & Greg Gauge), the 15,000 sell out at Tokyo Civil Stadium could feel something in the air. Raymond Diaz bested Dread in the (possible) final chapter of their monstrous series, Eisaku Kunomasu turned back a devastating challenge from "Samoan Machine" Bali to retain the Glory Crown before Team Energy capped off a year long rivalry by finally taking back the Glory Tag Crown from Team Cloud Sword in a classic encounter. PGHW proved a lot of doubters wrong in 2010 with their improbable, incredible comeback. After finishing the year with a truly awesome Night of WRESTLING, it seems the tide of puroresu has truly turned in their favour.

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MAIN EVENT // #1 Contenders Match

In a rematch from their ELITE Tag Series semi-final in November, Mito Miwa and Akinori Kwakami believe they have made the necessary adjustments to beat PRIDE Koiso and Kozue Kawashima in the return bout. Neither of these teams can go back in time to claim the ultimate victory in the worlds most prestigious tag tournament but both will be excited by the opportunity to make up for that by winning the main event of the first ever New Year VOYAGE. The winner will face Team Energy at Night of SPIRIT and endeavour to make their second reign with the Glory Tag Crown a brief one.




Since falling to Eisaku Kunomasu in the ELITE Series Finals last March, Raymond Diaz has been tearing through the PGHW roster. Forming KAIJU with Team Toronto to strike fear into all, Diaz has been on a journey to prove himself the single most physically dominating force in the history of PGHW. After overcoming Dread for the second time in singles competition at the final show of the year, Diaz and his vicious lieutenants Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett find themselves positioned for a measure of revenge. During his incredible 2010, Kunomasu claimed - in the rare moments he spoke - that he was, and always has been, the 5th Pillar of Pride Glory Honor Wrestling and that pillars are there to hold others up. He also created his own unit, choosing good friend Art Reed and protege Seiji Jimbo as trusted members of PILLAR5. On New Years Day, these two leaders find themselves on opposite sides once again - this time with their armies in tow.


Simon Flemmingway unseated Bussho Makiguchi in August to become only the 4th gaijin to ever hold the Historical Japan title and the minute mat wizard has surprised many by keeping his belt, including defeating Washi Heat at Night of WRESTLING to make defence number 3. While Flemmingway defies his size with slick, technically proficient wrestling, Totoya Munakata defies his with scrappy, relentless pressure and viciousness. After years honing his skills in SAISHO, Munakata appeared at the beginning of December, joining BLOODSPORT as a natural extension of his approach to competition. Alongside stablemates Tetsunori Yasuda and Kazushige Matsuki, Munakata defeated Flemmingway and his partners during the WRESTLE Tour, leading to Flemmingway offering "The Blood Fighter" a shot at joining the prestigious ranks of Historical Japan champions.




Team Energy closed 2010 as well as any tag team can: they defeated Team Youth Sprint in the ELITE Tag Series Finals in an all-time classic tag team clash. Then, they had the daunting task of defeating the team who had taken the Glory Tag Crown from them in October 2009; Team Cloud Sword. Masaru Ugaki and Ryoma Muruyama had proven themselves truly worthy holders of the Crown in the year plus they had been champions ...but the Energy was undeniable. Shuji Inukai had an interesting November, agreeing to team with rival Raymond Diaz in the ELITE Tag Series after The Monster defeated him at Night of HONOR. Diaz, holding 3 Tag Series victories and Inukai having the record alongside Mushashibo with 4, were certainly an unlikely team but one who proved mostly effective until their inexperience together cost them against Team Energy in the semi-finals. Meanwhile, the team of Mokuami Maita and Kazuma Narato made themselves a thorn in the side of every opponent they faced while representing World Level Wrestling in the ELITE Tag Series - and in doing so, caught the eye of the misanthropic Hitomaro Suzuki. Suzuki had rejected continuing to partner with the optimistic Tsurayuki Kamachi earlier in the year - it seems becoming a member of Black House suits him entirely more. At News Year VOYAGE, Kobe will see combat between strange bedfellows and entirely fitting ones.


After teaming sometimes through the first tour of 2010, Kazushige Matsuki and Tetsunori Yasuda decided to dedicate themselves to becoming a unit. Meanwhile, the fearsome ITUAIGA also debuted with PGHW in the first tour of 2010; teams didn't know how to handle their relentless assault as they tore through every team in their way ...including Matsuki & Yasuda. A statement was made: the 3-time GCG Tag Team Champions were a force to be reckoned with. Both teams took part in this past November's ELITE Tag Series, both doing well but unable to make the semi-finals. For fan favourites Matsuki & Yasuda, this turned fighting spirit into something darker. They snapped, violently attacking their opponents after the bell and christening themselves BLOODSPORT before laying down a challenge for New Years VOYAGE - they wished to fight the team that destroyed them 10 months ago, a wish that has been granted.


Chojiro Kitoaji and Bussho Makiguchi spent 2010 studying under and fighting alongside one of the greatest teams in history, Team Youth Sprint. As stablemates in SUMMIT, KitoGuchi have improved an incredible amount in one year and are cemented as two of the brightest prospects to lead PGHW one day. Long time competitor William Hayes took a shine to Greg Gauge during his tour early in the year - kindred spirits, loving the Japanese style of wrestling but wanting to show that Americans will always do pro wrestling better. KitoGuchi came out on top in their group stage bout in the ELITE Tag Series but Jecht Shot defeated their young opponents only a couple of weeks ago after Team Toronto seemed to take a keen interest in them. Standing at 1-1, temporary bragging rights are up for grabs on New Years Day.


Bryan Holmes is one of the craftiest veterans PGHW has, now 40 years old, he spent much of the last year with his stalemates in DREAD:0 "humbling" younger members of the roster. Holmes says he wants the younger generation to be "better", and you can only get better in this business with the harshest lessons. When KC Glenn debuted at Night of COURAGE, he did so in a fantastic losing effort to Washi Heat. His first ever professional bout took place in a country foreign to him, in front of 15,000, against a tough and seasoned opponent ...and he still came within a hair of winning. As such, many of the factions in PGHW have taken a keen interest in young KC Glenn, not in the least DREAD:0 and Bryan Holmes. Holmes, being weirdly nurturing, offered Glenn the chance to take him on here - a chance Glenn eagerly took.


Urogataya and Shikitei might not have won a match yet, but the two young lions have been extremely impressive nonetheless. Both possessing a fundamentally solid style and natural ice cold demeanour, the two decided to fight as a unit regularly in their learning stage. At New Years VOYAGE, their ice will come into contact with the fun and fire of former SAISHO Tag Champions Torchstone! Making their debut, Torchstone look to make a positive first impression but won't find these young lions easy prey.


Miwa & Kwakami vs. Team Youth Sprint
PILLAR5 (Kunomasu/Reed/Jimbo) vs. KAIJU (Diaz/Robinson/Bennett)
HISTORICAL JAPAN // Totoya Munakata vs. Simon Flemmingway ©
Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Team Energy & Shuji Inukai
BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)
KitoGuchi vs. Jecht Shot
Bryan Holmes vs. KC Glenn
Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei vs. Torchstone


OOC: so the voyage begins! I have actually been knocking around this idea for a long time, a really long time ...hence the name "Eternal Voyage". Everything got put on the backburner as I had the opportunity to actually live in Japan for a little more than a year which I have just returned from. While living there, on my downtime or before bed I would find myself plotting little ideas - and then I started reading diaries on the forums for the first time in years. Then I discovered the whole AI boom going on and just enjoyed the idea of a cohesive, unique visual component to each diary. So I started generating, and reading, and planning, and reading some more. PGHW have long been my favourite CVerse company (after DAVE in '05 and then SWF for a moment) and 2010 was my favourite time period for them/TEW as a whole. It finds them perfectly saveable from their game world slump but in a very interesting place as the Pillars slowly but surely begin to age out and a new crop must be brought along.

NOAH was the first Japanese wrestling I saw when I finally got Kobashi vs. Misawa from 2003.03.01 via limewire and changed my wrestling fandom forever. I generally enjoy puro or joshi nowadays because it just feels ...right you know? Paparazzi standing by the apron taking photos for the magazines, no overabundance of shiny LEDs, long-term stories being told in the ring over the course of months and years channeling evolutions, failures and triumphs of the wrestlers. Nothing wrong with the other way, but something my personal taste has grown away from (in real life, the sports entertainment diaries on these boards are unbelievably sports entertaining) and so I see their CVerse allegory in PGHW and feel a kinship with it.

Just wanna thank @Scottie for his previous fantastic PGHW diary and giving me the OK to lift a bunch of the initial presentation from him (very stoked on his new HGC project by the way). @Willsky for his current and unbelievable '97 PGHW journey that was inspiring to me when I was reading on buses or trains going from place to place in Japan. @Heinzreich @WalterSobchak for being the AI generating bros. @arlovski showing so much incredible AI love to the Japanese CVerse certainly gave me a lot of inspiration (and I would have probably just used his generations if he had done all PGHW/our framing had matched aha) but also for his superb SGM diary which in both storytelling and presentation has been 10/10. @newbiezness has shown incredible consistency with his SWF diary - those type of products, with the write-ups, it's just insane. @Self might just be the GOAT when it comes to this, everything he's written that I managed to read over the years is just the best and hilarious and well planned and executed incredibly. 

Also, I appreciate everybody who gassed up and enjoyed "my" stuff on the AI content thread and messaged me about it, just awesome to think I have improved a couple of peoples experiences with these games somehow! I hope some people find this and can enjoy it as much.

Edited by Shmoe II
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Great to see a new PGHW diary going up, and 2010 onwards is a great time for it! Already looks and reads amazing, so I'm very excited to see where you take this. Also, it looks like there's a big focus on the tag division, which I wholeheartedly approve of.

Miwa & Kwakami vs. Team Youth Sprint
PILLAR5 (Kunomasu/Reed/Jimbo) vs. KAIJU (Diaz/Robinson/Bennett)
HISTORICAL JAPAN // Totoya Munakata vs. Simon Flemmingway ©
Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Team Energy & Shuji Inukai
BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)
KitoGuchi vs. Jecht Shot
Bryan Holmes vs. KC Glenn
Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei vs. Torchstone

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Miwa & Kwakami vs. Team Youth Sprint
PILLAR5 (Kunomasu/Reed/Jimbo) vs. KAIJU (Diaz/Robinson/Bennett)
HISTORICAL JAPAN // Totoya Munakata vs. Simon Flemmingway ©
Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Team Energy & Shuji Inukai
BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)
KitoGuchi vs. Jecht Shot
Bryan Holmes vs. KC Glenn
Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei vs. Torchstone

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Miwa & Kwakami vs. Team Youth Sprint
PILLAR5 (Kunomasu/Reed/Jimbo) vs. KAIJU (Diaz/Robinson/Bennett)
HISTORICAL JAPAN // Totoya Munakata vs. Simon Flemmingway ©
Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Team Energy & Shuji Inukai
BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)
KitoGuchi vs. Jecht Shot
Bryan Holmes vs. KC Glenn
Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei vs. Torchstone

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Suntory Stadium, Kobe, Japan | 2011.01.01 | Attendance: 20,101 

Just over a week removed from their event of the year "Night of WRESTLING", PGHW returned home to Kobe for their first New Years VOYAGE spectacular. Over 20,000 fans were in fine voice as the card opened with Team Energy & Shuji Inukai taking on WLW stalwarts Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki. While there are rarely easy bouts in PGHW, Tatsuko & Sanda were probably glad to share the burden with Inukai after a gruelling ELITE Tag Series followed by an incredible marathon unseating Team Cloud Sword only 12 days ago. The brooding trio certainly posed some problems but "Dynamic" Noriyori Sanda picked up a comfortable victory. Next, the team of Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa made a successful move from SAISHO by besting tough young lions Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei.

Bryan Holmes bested KC Glenn with more difficulty than he expected. The Canadian veteran extended his invitation to Glenn afterwards to join DREAD:0 but was left wanting. Tetsunori Yasuda & Kazushige Matsuki proved just how far they've come (and how much their attitudes changed) since they began teaming together by prevailing in a hard hitting battle with the vicious islanders ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga). The grizzled veteran unit of DREAD:0 managed to outfox and out-tough their mostly younger opponents in special 5v5 tag action.

It seems getting advice from one of the best tag teams in PGHW history can be helpful as Jecht Shot (William Hayes & GCG's Greg Gauge) felled KitoGuchi to go 2-1 in their recent rivalry with some less than honourable techniques before hitting their new tandem signature move "Blitzball". Maybe Team Toronto will have more to share with them in the near future. Following this, the Historical Japan title was on the line as Simon Flemmingway used his trademark counters and escapes to tangle a game Totoya Munakata in a pinning combination he couldn't escape from in time.

Two huge matches closed the night; in the penultimate contest, "The Monster" Raymond Diaz & Team Toronto faced off with Glory Crown champion Eisaku Kunomasu, Art Reed & Seiji Jimbo. Diaz had been holding a grudge since Night of PRIDE 2010, when Kunomasu beat him in the ELITE Series Finals. In fact, Diaz has never defeated Kunomasu 1-on-1. Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett were content to wear down the least experienced man in Jimbo but Diaz was set on tearing Reed and Jimbo apart to entice Kunomasu into the fray. Kunomasu didn't need an invite, matching Diaz' fury with deadly precision. Reed tagged in to save his friend, sealing his fate as Diaz obliterated Reed with the Ray Gun. Following the win, Diaz got in the Glory Crown holders face demanding his shot at Night of SPIRIT. The stoic Kunomasu gave one nod, accepting the challenge. In the main event, we found who would pose the first challenge to Team Energy as Team Youth Sprint waged war with Miwa & Kwakami. For over 30 minutes, these 4 men delivered an instant classic (something that is becoming a habit for Kawashima & Koiso) - in the end, it seemed this was one gauntlet too far for them when Mito Miwa struck with the Pride Bomber. Miwa & Kwakami were then joined in the ring by Team Energy, neither team giving an inch as they look on to a highly anticipated showdown later this month.


  1. Team Energy & Shuji Inukai def. Black House & Hitomaro Suzuki (13:57) via pinfall (Full Body Powerbomb from Sanda to Narato). [82]
  2. Torchstone def. Mashashi Urogataya & Omezo Shikitei (5:48) via submission (Ankle Lock from Yoshikawa to Urogataya). [58]
  3. Bryan Holmes def. KC Glenn (7:52) via pinfall (Cyclone Shock Kick). [65]
  4. BLOODSPORT def. ITUAIGA (16:06) via pinfall (Minilla Plunge from Yasuda to Umaga). [80]
  5. DREAD:0 (Danger Kumasaka, Masayuki Shiga, Hidekazu, Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka) def. Amane Shunsen, Eien Miyamoto, Frankie Perez, KAZ & Tsurayuki Kamachi (7:56) via submission (Aurora Surfboard Vice from Kumasaka to Shunsen). [62]
  6. Jecht Shot def. KitoGuchi (17:56) via pinfall (Blitzball from Hayes to Makiguchi). [81]
  7. HISTORICAL JAPAN: Simon Flemmingway © def. Totoya Munakata (8:09) via submission (Suicide Solution) // 4th defence. [64]
  8. KAIJU (Raymond Diaz, Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) def. PILLAR5 (Eisaku Kunomasu, Art Reed & Seiji Jimbo) (16:34) via pinfall (Ray Gun from Diaz to Reed). [86]
  9. Miwa & Kwakami def. Team Youth Sprint (32:12) via pinfall (Pride Bomber from Miwa to Kawashima). [98]


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On 6/24/2024 at 8:18 AM, Willsky said:

Great to see a new PGHW diary going up, and 2010 onwards is a great time for it! Already looks and reads amazing, so I'm very excited to see where you take this. Also, it looks like there's a big focus on the tag division, which I wholeheartedly approve of.

thank you man! having the PGHW goat here really means a lot to me. I absolutely love tag wrestling and I feel most real life puro needs a lot of alliances to carry the touring shows - saving major 1v1 bouts for major events, also giving top guys something to do when they're not a primary focus of one of said major bouts. But then the entire 2010 I booked, especially the ELITE Tag Series, the matches were just out of this world and I said I'ma let the boys cook. I hope I can follow through long term storytelling half as well as you!

On 6/24/2024 at 10:41 AM, arlovski said:

This looks absolutely incredible!

coming from you, that brought such a huge smile to my face. As I told you SGM and your AI rendering was a big factor in me deciding I was going to do this for sure when I returned from Japan so it's awesome to have you here!

On 6/25/2024 at 11:45 AM, CGN91 said:

Love it so far. I'm always a fan when a Puro diary appears :)

thank you dog, hope I can deliver some interesting stuff along the voyage. I've actually been catching up with your AAFW project in the past couple of days and I'm loving it! Once I'm up to date I'll participate in there for sure.


@Willsky 5/8 (overall 5/8)

@monrapi3 5/8 (overall 5/8)

@Vandal 4/8 (overall 4/8)

Thanks guys for getting involved. I'm trying to think of something in the way of "prizes" or rewards for the winning participant if you guys stay predicting (that would come at the end of the next tour). So far I haven't got anything I find fun but I'll see what comes up, either way winning is cool.

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2011.01.08 - 2011.01.15

Pride Glory Honor Wrestling entered their fifteenth year flying with the short SPIRIT Tour. After the unbelievable success of Night of WRESTLING in December and New Year VOYAGE back-to-back, fans in the Northern regions of Japan were anticipating incredible action worth braving the frigid cold for and they got it.


If you were to ask a PGHW fan who are the greatest rivals in the history of the league, you would get ten answers and few would be wrong. Chances are, though, many would say "The Pride Warrior" Mito Miwa and "Iron Man" Nobuatsu Tatsuko were dance partners destined by fate. Now they were ordained to dance once more with their respective partners Akinori Kwakami and Noriyori Sanda for the Glory Tag Crown. There were no matches between them on this tour, only circling each other, watching on as they vied each night to show superior abilities as a team. Neither unit could be stopped as they vanquished all foes in their paths - but only 2 nights before Night of SPIRIT, Team Energy were taken to their absolute limits in a victory against the vicious ITUAIGA. Miwa & Kwakami had not been tested anywhere close to this through the 2 week tour; but were they truly 100% either after their half-hour war at New Year VOYAGE? That would be no consolation if they were to suffer defeat in Sapporo with the Glory Tag Crown at stake.


Raymond Diaz has never been shy about his true self. He is "The Monster" he's shown through PGHW's entire lifespan. For 15 years, Diaz has attacked every enemy with malice, spite and rage. Not because it's personal - simply because he enjoys it. When Eisaku Kunomasu defeated Diaz in 2010's ELITE Series final, it seems it did become personal. How, once again, could Diaz not defeat this silent, calculating assassin? How does Kunomasu continue to best him? Diaz made no secret his goal was to get Kunomasu in the ring again but once Kunomasu finally held the Glory Crown the task got more difficult. After successfully cutting down Dread and Shuji Inukai, Diaz and Team Toronto faced Kunomasu and his PILLAR5 at New Year VOYAGE. They didn't waste it. When they had victory, Diaz told Kunomasu he couldn't run from "The Monster" anymore. After Kunomasu and his protégé Seiji Jimbo bested Diaz' attack dogs in Akita, Kunomasu flashed a very rare, very slight, smile at the KAIJU - one that said I'm not running from anything. A monster rematch with the Glory Crown on the line awaits at Night of SPIRIT.


One of the most exciting things about the SPIRIT Tour was the commencement of the 16-man tournament to crown the revived PGHW International Championship! A new prize for those seeking their way to the top was needed, as well as a chance for the fans to see some of the most promising or unsung athletes on the roster show what they're made of. A talented field boiled down to the semi-final bouts in Fukushima on Jan. 17; first, Chojiro Kitoaji showed how much he had improved since this time last year by avoiding the traps set by veteran Art Reed and pinning him after a Kitoaji Lariat. On the other side of the bracket, an extremely competitive bout took place between Tetsunori Yasuda and the man who was the first International Champion back in 2005, William Hayes. Despite Yasuda's newfound aggression since the formation of BLOODSPORT, Hayes found a way to turn it against his opponent, hitting him with the Slick Trick and booking his way to the final at Night of SPIRIT. Kitoaji and his partner Bussho Makiguchi have found themselves at odds with Hayes and Greg Gauge since the ELITE Tag Series, with the gaijin picking up a victory on New Years Day - this is Kitoaji's chance to even the score by stopping the cocksure Hayes becoming a 2-time International Champion.


Shuji Inukai didn't have the best year of his career in 2010. Reaching the semi-finals of the ELITE Series in March, he fell short at Night of FORTITUDE against champion PRIDE Koiso in an incredible effort. Through the year he also had problems with Raymond Diaz, unable to defeat "The Monster" in two attempts. The second loss meant Inukai would team with the brutal gaijin in the ELITE Tag Series where the makeshift unit once again fell at the semi-final stage. Elsewhere, Greg Gauge had made noise throughout 2010 as a tour regular from GCG. Though it took a while for signature victories, the young American did find kinship with William Hayes. As Jecht Shot, Gauge was now finding his stride. After a big win versus at New Year VOYAGE, Gauge's brashness showed when he talked, unprompted, about Inukai. "I've been touring in PGHW from March last year and I see wrestlers like Shuji Inukai. "Untouchable?" Yeah, okay. Diaz has been beating his ass since August." the gaijin said speaking his native tongue. "Don't get me wrong, he's great, whatever. But guys like Inukai, time is running short. Me, guys like William, our time is coming." Later at the post-show presser, Inukai was asked about Gauge's comments. "すみません、だれ?彼は何を言ったのか?" Inukai looked on nonplussed as the reporter relaid the comments. "Truthfully, I am not satisfied with my year either and I am aware what - Greg, was it? - says is true. Time comes for us all, even "The Untouchable" Shuji Inukai. But my time is far further than you believe. Young man, I understand such hubris. I was not much different, I'm still not, but please listen: you are the son of a legend. I am a legend. At Night of SPIRIT I will show you the difference."



  1. Team Energy def. ITUAIGA [96] | 2011.01.17 | Fukushima Stadium
  2. Eisaku Kunomasu & Seiji Jimbo def. Team Toronto [92] | 2011.01.15 | Akita Stadium
  3. PILLAR5 (Kunomasu, Reed, Jimbo & Perez) def. DREAD:0 (Holmes, Kumasaka, Shiga & Hidekazu) [88] | 2011.01.10 | Asahikawa Stadium
  4. Mito Miwa def. Simon Flemmingway [87] | 2011.01.08 | Asahikawa Stadium
  5. Raymond Diaz def. Frankie Perez [84] | 2011.01.15 | Akita Stadium
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What a great start! The presentation is excellent. This is a part of PGHW I’m not super familiar with, but it’s a *stacked* roster so lots to look forward to.

Love the name “Jecht Shot”. Is that the canon name or are you an FFX fan?

My only suggestion (at least at an early stage and only if your aesthetic allows it) is to put the members of tag teams in brackets after the tag team name, just for people who are working out who is who in the zoo.

Looking forward to the next big show!

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9 hours ago, Scottie said:

What a great start! The presentation is excellent. This is a part of PGHW I’m not super familiar with, but it’s a *stacked* roster so lots to look forward to.

Love the name “Jecht Shot”. Is that the canon name or are you an FFX fan?

My only suggestion (at least at an early stage and only if your aesthetic allows it) is to put the members of tag teams in brackets after the tag team name, just for people who are working out who is who in the zoo.

Looking forward to the next big show!

I appreciate the kind words! A lot of my favourite writers here have been the first to drop in including you which is a great feeling. The presentation owes a lot to you and arlovski for sure.

Hayes & Gauge are not a canon team; just one I like to put together in PGHW games as Hayes experience can help nurture Gauge's natural talent through the initial rigours of the PGHW landscape and style. In this one they happened to have great chemistry too which has vaulted them into bigger matches quicker than I expected. So "Jecht Shot" is indeed because I'm FF mark, between VII and X at least - I played a lot of XII also and have the FFIX crystal tattooed on me. I steal stuff from those games for move names, team names, all types of stuff so look out for Easter eggs.

I'll take that suggestion and definitely use it. Sometimes you can forget your own familiarity doesn't stretch past your own mind. I also think I'm too wordy and it was a good way to cut back on characters but you're correct. I'll amend that in my future write-ups!

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A titanic rematch of the 2010 ELITE Series Finals, Eisaku Kunomasu will now defend his Glory Crown against a man who, in fifteen years, has never defeated him one-on-one. "The Monster" has been in the form of his life since that defeat, forming KAIJU with Team Toronto and battering his opponents into submission. "The Lord of Strong Style" will not relinquish his long-awaited reign easily but should expect the fight of his life.


Team Energy earned their way back to the Glory Tag Crown the hard way, engaging in classic wars on the way to victory in November's ELITE Tag Series. Mito Miwa & Akinori Kwakami were not far off the pace, with Miwa in particular intent on hunting down eternal (sometimes friendly) rival Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Sanda and Kwakami wish to prove with no doubt that they both belong in the upper echelons of PGHW for the nearing next generation and in the ring with their legendary partners.


Team Youth Sprint may not have won their ultimate victory back in November but the 2010 Tag Team of the Year are going into 2011 with great optimism. Koiso's protégé Bussho Makiguchi had a good showing in the International Championship tournament and the 2010 Young Wrestler of the Year also has good reason to look forward. With the ELITE Series just around the corner, Kawashima & Koiso took the microphone at the SPIRIT Tour and said they needed a challenge to ready themselves. Enter: PILLAR5. No easy task, PILLAR5 promised to not just ready SUMMIT but to upset them with eyes to take their places in wrestlings greatest tournament.


The revived International Championship will find its home after the 16-man tournament comes to a head at Night of SPIRIT. William Hayes, as the first holder of the short lived title in 2005, believes he was destined to claim it again. Kitoaji on the other hand was barely out of high school at that time - but was backstage with his father on that very night. Now, Kitoaji looks to add to his own PGHW legacy by claiming the second singles belt of his emerging career.


Two teams that have seen a lot of each other since Ugaki & Muruyama teamed up, they add another chapter here as Team Cloud Sword have taken umbrage with Team Toronto's treatment of their DYNASTY co-captain alongside their KAIJU leader Raymond Diaz in the past months. Robinson and Bennett were dismissive of Ugaki & Muruyama's gripes - "if you have a problem, do something about it." After losing the Glory Tag Crown in December, Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama are trying to stay in contention and shut the grizzled veterans up at the same time - but it's never a simple task beating Team Toronto.


When Greg Gauge had some disparaging words about Shuji Inukai's recent trajectory, it didn't take long for those words to find the former 2x Glory Crown holders ear. Far from being outraged, Inukai claims to understand the arrogance of youth that Gauge possesses - but that the son of the legendary Sam Keith fails to understand what his words will get him into. In Sapporo Stadium, Gauge will have the biggest match of his career; can he do the impossible?


Simon Flemmingway has always punched above his weight because he quite literally has to - there has never been a smaller member of the PGHW roster since the company opened. Despite this, the minute gaijin has impressed the crowds and earned the Historical Japan title against favoured Bussho Makiguchi in August. During 2010, PGHW Dojo Graduate Tsurayuki Kamachi earned his return home, impressing many. Both men found themselves on the same side of multi-man matches throughout the tours, earning. respect for each other. When on opposite sides on the SPIRIT Tour, Kamachi got a shock win over the Historical Japan Champion; as such, Flemmingway offered Kamachi a shot at his belt.

KazushigeMatsuki.jpg.126e672ef49aaa74abeTetsunoriYasuda_alt.jpg.6493ddb8ef4e0201VSdiarysize1.png.8f70fbeb7c7f5aa250a1263MamoruNagahama_WEXXV.jpg.28a60fb846b8944MatsudairaMorioka_WEXXV.jpg.977cd3a77831BLOODSPORT (KAZUSHIGE MATSUKI & TETSUNORI YASUDA) vs.

Since Matsuki & Yasuda started fighting as BLOODSPORT, they have proclaimed themselves the most violent team in PGHW. With a no-nonsense, high impact, in-your-face style many tend to agree - except WEXXV's Naga-Mori. These two might not hold usual deathmatch sensibilities in style yet they have become Warrior Engines' greatest duo -  which means beating Japan's most psychotic, bloodthirsty teams. On this night at least, we'll find out whose claim rings true.


BLOODSPORT's other unit do battle with ITUAIGA in a clash that also promises violence. Bali & Rhino Umaga came up short against Matsuki & Yasuda on New Years Day leading them to seeking a measure of revenge against their cohorts. The one requisite of BLOODSPORT membership, of course, is you living the fight as Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat eagerly accepted the chance to go toe-to-toe with perhaps Japan's most physically dominant tandem.



It's mean-spirited experience versus youthful exuberance here as Torchstone look to continue their surprisingly good start in PGHW alongside fellow former SAISHO Tag Champions KAZ and the hulking Eien Miyamoto; they have their work cut out for them here as they fight against the decades on decades of experience DREAD:0 possess. 



GLORY CROWN // Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Raymond Diaz

GLORY TAG CROWN // Team Energy (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) © vs. Miwa & Kwakami

PILLAR5 (Reed/Perez/Jimbo) vs. SUMMIT (Makiguchi/Kawashima/Koiso) 

INTERNATIONAL // Chojiro Kitoaji vs. William Hayes

Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama) vs. Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett)

Greg Gauge vs. Shuji Inukai

HISTORICAL JAPAN // Simon Flemmingway © vs. Tsurayuki Kamachi

BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. Naga-Mori (Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka)

BLOODSPORT (Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)

DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) vs. Eien Miyamoto, KAZ, Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa

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GLORY CROWN // Eisaku Kunomasu © 

GLORY TAG CROWN // Team Energy (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) © 

PILLAR5 (Reed/Perez/Jimbo) 

INTERNATIONAL // William Hayes

Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama)

Shuji Inukai

HISTORICAL JAPAN // Simon Flemmingway © 

BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) 

ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)

DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) 

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GLORY CROWN // Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Raymond Diaz

GLORY TAG CROWN // Team Energy (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) © vs. Miwa & Kwakami

PILLAR5 (Reed/Perez/Jimbo) vs. SUMMIT (Makiguchi/Kawashima/Koiso) 

INTERNATIONAL // Chojiro Kitoaji vs. William Hayes

Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama) vs. Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett)

Greg Gauge vs. Shuji Inukai

HISTORICAL JAPAN // Simon Flemmingway © vs. Tsurayuki Kamachi

BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. Naga-Mori (Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka)

BLOODSPORT (Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)

DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) vs. Eien Miyamoto, KAZ, Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa

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GLORY CROWN // Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Raymond Diaz

GLORY TAG CROWN // Team Energy (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) © vs. Miwa & Kwakami

PILLAR5 (Reed/Perez/Jimbo) vs. SUMMIT (Makiguchi/Kawashima/Koiso) 

INTERNATIONAL // Chojiro Kitoaji vs. William Hayes

Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama) vs. Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett)

Greg Gauge vs. Shuji Inukai

HISTORICAL JAPAN // Simon Flemmingway © vs. Tsurayuki Kamachi

BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. Naga-Mori (Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka)

BLOODSPORT (Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)

DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) vs. Eien Miyamoto, KAZ, Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa

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GLORY CROWN // Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Raymond Diaz

GLORY TAG CROWN // Team Energy (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) © vs. Miwa & Kwakami

PILLAR5 (Reed/Perez/Jimbo) vs. SUMMIT (Makiguchi/Kawashima/Koiso) 

INTERNATIONAL // Chojiro Kitoaji vs. William Hayes

Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama) vs. Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett)

Greg Gauge vs. Shuji Inukai

HISTORICAL JAPAN // Simon Flemmingway © vs. Tsurayuki Kamachi

BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) vs. Naga-Mori (Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka)

BLOODSPORT (Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat) vs. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga)

DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) vs. Eien Miyamoto, KAZ, Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa

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Posted (edited)

Sapporo Stadium, Sapporo, Japan | 2011.01.19 | Attendance: 15000 (Sell Out) 

PGHW and 15000 dedicated fans made their way through the deep snow of Hokkaido prefectures' capital to witness a Night of SPIRIT. The evening started off with the tournament final to crown a new PGHW International Champion; 23-year old Chojiro Kitoaji has a huge legacy to live up to but had grown by leaps and bounds this past year. People forget William Hayes, at only 31, has already competed in PGHW for 6 years. Despite spending the majority of last year in tag teams both segued easily into singles competition, having learned each others techniques and tactics in the last few months. Kitoaji expertly avoided the Slick Trick numerous times and Hayes used his savvy to roll from the ring after a thunderous Lariat would have ended his night. Greg Gauge made an appearance trying to revive his partner. As Kitoaji wound up for another Lariat, Gauge made his presence known on the apron. Never in Chojiro's career has he had to deal with such tactics - and he paid for it. When he regained his focus and threw the Lariat, Hayes slipped it straight into a schoolboy and 3 seconds later, William Hayes had won the revived International Championship.

The grizzled veteran warship DREAD:0 set sail. Their general Dread had been AWOL since Night of WRESTLING, the rest of his stable had become even more surly. The young team comprised of Rebel Alliance (Eien Miyamoto & KAZ) and Torchstone (Torch Nakazawa & Stone Yoshikawa) showed reverence to their elders - reverence not repaid. Respect & effort wasn't enough to overcome their opponents 100-plus years combined ring experience when Shiga dropped Torch with a violent Deadlift German Suplex for the 3-count.

Next was the Historical Japan title match between occasional allies Tsurayuki Kamachi and the champion Simon Flemmingway. Tsurayuki upset Flemmingway on the SPRIT Tour in 6-man tag action and as such Flemmingway offered him the chance to do it again one-on-one. Maybe he regretted that decision as Kamachi had the performance of his career so far, hitting a high velocity Missile Dropkick to upset Flemmingway again and capture the Historical Japan title! Then it was time for GCG's Greg Gauge making a huge step up against "Untouchable" Shuji Inukai. Gauge is talented without question and knows it. The 21-year old made a good account of himself, not backing down from the PGHW legend and coming close to the Proton Lock on three occasions; still, Inukai was never phased, eventually folding Gauge with the fabled Untouchable Lariat. Tetsunori Yasuda & Kazushige Matsuki then beat WEXXV's Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka in an affair that delivered on the promised violence. Nagahama found himself isolated on the middle rope with Yasuda, when Matsuki blasted him with his signature step-in left hook allowing Yasuda to take him for the Minilla Plunge.

Team Cloud Sword put Team Toronto in their place for the time being when Masaru Ugaki trapped Alexander Robinson in the dreaded Ugaki Clutch. The Canadian veterans had Ryoma Muruyama in trouble for a long stretch but anytime Ugaki was in the match he showed why Yoshimi Mushashibo has placed so much faith him. Despite vastly greater experience, Robinson and Bennett had no answers for the prodigy here. Following this, two stables jostled for position when PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima & Bussho Makiguchi of SUMMIT took on the PILLAR5 unit of Art Reed, Seiji Jimbo & Frankie Perez. There's no question of talent or determination, but PILLAR5 without their leader just didn't have enough in their arsenal for a Team Youth Sprint on a historic run. Reed was on the verge of submitting Makiguchi at one point which was broken up by Kawashima and a few minutes later, Koiso took the opportunity to level Perez with the Top Rope Koiso Kutter as he and his partner look to the ELITE Series in March. 

ITUAIGA came through with nasty intent against BLOODSPORT II in the succeeding contest. Bali & Rhino Umaga ended their tour victorious when Bali trapped Totoya Munakata in the Unbreakable Sleeper; living up to its moniker, Munakata refused to tap and referee Yugoro Adachi stopped the contest when the young "Blood Fighter" was rendered unconscious. After the match they snarled into the cameras, sending a warning: "see you soon."

Finally it was time for sold out Sapporo Stadium to witness two huge championship bouts. Up first, Team Energy put their Glory Tag Crown on the line against Mito Miwa & Akinori Kwakami. After falling short in the ELITE Tag Series semi-final against eventual winners Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Noriyori Sanda, Miwa & Kwakami had hit another gear. All four men were clearly feeling the fatigue of the schedule since November but in no way would they allow it to affect their performance; indeed, all 4 men pushed themselves to their limits in a stunning back and forth struggle. Eventually Kwakami was caught alone, suffering the N-R-G. An exhausted Team Energy retained the  Glory Tag Crown. After the match, both teams stood face to face as Tatsuko grabbed a microphone. Despite their rivalry, as the years have gone by, he cannot hold anything but reverence for Miwa and for his mentorship of Akinori Kwakami. Miwa & Kwakami, though dejected, seemed appreciative. Tatsuko claimed that in this evolving PGHW landscape, alliances were more important than ever. SUMMIT, BLOODSPORT, PILLAR5 and KAIJU had all formed in the last year. Team Energy wish to stand beside Miwa & Kwakami as allies! Tatsuko assured Miwa this would not be a ceasefire - as individuals and as units they are fated to battle for the rest of their careers - but, he tells Miwa, iron sharpens iron. Tension filled the frozen air as Tatsuko extended his hand. Miwa and Kwakami looked at each other, pondering, silently discussing for an eternity ...before Miwa, somewhat cautiously, took Tatsuko's hand! The sold out crowd erupted as legendary enemies became uncertain friends.

As soon as the ominous music of "The Monster" hit, the jovial mood shifted to a nervous buzz. Raymond Diaz, the most fearsome gaijin in PGHW history, made his way to the ring brimming with vicious energy. The fans feared tonight would see an end to a Glory Crown reign they had waited 15 years. In the midst of insanity, Eisaku Kunomasu kept his famed composure. Kunomasu managed to escape Diaz' initial onslaught - Diaz is fast for his size but the champion had the natural agility to skirt the danger. He knows from experience his technical approach was not a good fit - grappling with the Kaiju leader lets him too close. Diaz' frustration was building as Kunomasu went low with all manner of kicks to take away the base. The enigmatic champion went for the Missile Knee Strike around the 14 minute mark, making a rare misjudgement - caught in mid-air, Diaz rag dolled the "Fifth Pillar" with a belly-to-belly throw into the buckles. "The Monster" reared his head. Gone was the frustration, replaced with a sickening joy at the beating he was inflicting. With every move Diaz hit Kunomasu was less able to build momentum and a prolonged beating followed. In firm control, Diaz took a corner charge a little too easy and wound up crashing into the post - the crowd came to life as Kunomasu unloaded the clip. Forearm combination. Roundhouse kick. Amanoyumi! Diaz bounced towards another Amanoyumi (spinning back elbow), but ducked and in one motion had clutched the wrist - Whiplash Clothesline. Kunomasu somehow kicked out at 2. Sapporo were on their feet. Kneeling over Kunomasu's body, Diaz complained to the referee - the Champion sprung to life, sinking in the Kunomasu Vice! Diaz got to his feet, unable to shake the hold, his legs began to buckle. Kunomasu broke the hold, took two steps back, and threw a Missile Knee Strike for the ages that hit the mark. "The Monster" crumpled and Kunomasu retained the Glory Crown.


  1. INTERNATIONAL: William Hayes def. Chojiro Kitoaji (16:55) via pinfall (roll-up) // •NEW CHAMPION• [81]
  2. DREAD:0 (Bryan Holmes, Danger Kumasaka, Hidekazu & Masayuki Shiga) def. Eien Miyamoto, KAZ, Stone Yoshikawa & Torch Nakazawa (8:14) via pinfall (Deadlift German Suplex from Shiga to Nakazawa) [67]
  3. HISTORICAL JAPAN: Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Simon Flemmingway © (12:34) via pinfall (Two-foot Missile Dropkick) // NEW CHAMPION[83]
  4. Shuji Inukai def. Greg Gauge (12:09) via pinfall (Untouchable Lariat) [85]
  5. BLOODSPORT (Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda) def. Naga-Mori (14:13) via pinfall (Minilla Plunge from Yasuda to Nagahama) [75]
  6. Team Cloud Sword (Masaru Ugaki & Ryoma Muruyama) def. Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) (13:41) via submission (Ugaki Clutch from Ugaki to Robinson) [76]
  7. SUMMIT (PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima & Bussho Makiguchi) def. PILLAR5 (Art Reed, Seiji Jimbo & Frankie Perez) (11:22) via pinfall (Top Rope Koiso Kutter from Koiso to Perez) [83]
  8. ITUAIGA (Bali & Rhino Umaga) def. BLOODSPORT (Totoya Munakata & Washi Heat) (8:19) via KO (Unbreakable Sleeper from Bali to Munakata) [75]
  9. GLORY TAG CROWN: Team Energy © (Nobuatsu Tatsuko & Noriyori Sanda) def. Mito Miwa & Akinori Kwakami (26:11) via pinfall (N-R-G from Tatsuko to Kwakami) // •1ST DEFENCE[96]
  10. GLORY CROWN: Eisaku Kunomasu © def. Raymond Diaz (29:50) via pinfall (Missile Knee Strike) // •2ND DEFENCE[97]

GRADE: 95 | BUY RATE: 1.2

Edited by Shmoe II
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2011.01.19 | Following the hugely successful "Night of SPIRIT" in Sapporo, chaos broke out, potentially injuring a major star.

Lots of crazy PGHW news to round-up following a historic night at the Sapporo Stadium so let's get straight into it.

  • The big news following the event was a shocking attack by Raymond Diaz & his KAIJU running mates Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) on the Glory Crown champion Eisaku Kunomasu. Kunomasu appeared at the post-event press conference to discuss (in typical minimal fashion) his win over Diaz in the incredible main event when "The Monster" blindsided the champion. Kunomasu, who entered the conference with heavily taped ribs, found his ribs the target once again as Team Toronto stood guard. By the time word had gotten to Kunomasu's PILLAR5 the damage was done, the Glory Crown holder left a writhing heap. PGHW have issued a statement since the attack saying Kunomasu has suffered 2 cracked ribs and that Diaz will have his contracted pay suspended for the 2 month break following tonight. However, at Kunomasu's request, Diaz will not be ruled out of the ELITE Series in March.
  • In equally shocking backstage news, Simon Flemmingway was released from PGHW immediately following Night of SPIRIT. Flemmingway has long had a reputation as a negative influence backstage - sources said he antagonised Rhino Umaga in the Samoans first PGHW tour last year to the point Umaga had to be kept away from the diminutive American backstage for the remainder of 2010's tours. This was considered something the company could deal with. However last night, before Night of SPIRIT commenced, reports are that Flemmingway provoked Shuji Inukai to the point Inukai had to be held back by his peers. We thought "Suicidal" was just a nickname for Flemmingway but it appears to the strategy towards his PGHW career. Upper management were already unhappy he chose to tour with BHOTWG in the middle of 2010. A touring act like Umaga is one thing but to act this way towards one of the most respected figures in PGHW meant patience with Flemmingway had ran out. He was told to finish his match and leave the stadium. The outcome of the Historical Japan title bout with Tsurayuki Kamachi was reportedly not affected by this.
  • PGHW Chairman and co-holder of the Glory Tag Crown Nobuatsu Tatsuko said how incredible a moment it was for he and Noriyori Sanda to align with longtime rival Mito Miwa and his partner Akinori Kwakami tonight. When asked, Tatsuko claims there is no name in place for the stable currently - but he hoped the 4 men could discuss it in the very near future.
  • Moving into the role of Chairman briefly, Tatsuko also announced that effective on 2011.02.01, PGHW's working agreement with Golden Canvas Grappling would end. PGHW thanked GCG for, in particular, allowing Haruki Kudo to compete against Eisaku Kunomasu in a huge special attraction bout at Night of WARRIORS back in July - a deal that saw former GCG World Heavyweight Champion Dread go the other way but strangely not appear during the agreed timeframe. Exactly why the agreement has ended remains unclear with Tatsuko simply stating "PGHW has a great deal of respect for Furusawa-san and GCG. We simply believe we are moving in different directions."
  • Night of SPIRIT drawing 15000 in Sapporo, in January no less, is seen has a huge indication of how much momentum PGHW has right now. The gate is estimated at over 60 million yen (400,000 US dollars). After securing PPV deals in the US, Canada, the UK and mainland Europe, the 1.2 buy rate is also a massive success for the Kōbe based league.
  • The mood at PGHW right now is said to be jubilant - in spite of the Simon Flemmingway situation - as they look forward to March and the beginning of the ELITE Series.


DEPARTURES: Simon Flemmingway (released), Art Reed (tour contract), Bali (tour contract), Rhino Umaga (tour contract), Mokuami Maita (tour contract), Kazuma Narato (tour contract), Mamoru Nagahama (tour contract), Matsudaira Morioka (tour contract), Greg Gauge (tour contract), KAZ (tour contract).

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@StanMiguel 8/10 (Overall 8/10 - 80%)

@Willsky 7/10 (Overall 12/18 - 66.6%)

@Vandal 7/10 (Overall 11/18 - 61%)

@monrapi3 6/10 (Overall 11/18 - 61%)

Thankyou guys and for everyone who has been leaving feedback without predicting. Really happy to have you on the vessel! Quick couple of questions for ya;

1. Last write-up was a little longer than the one previous. I'm trying to keep the word counts down because I can be over-verbose. I felt this show needed to be a bit longer because of some story developments and trying to get anyone reading involved with the 2010 you didn't see - but was it too long? Do you guys prefer if results are kind of kept to a matter-of-fact, to-the-point style? Or do you prefer a bit of a longer colour commentary?

2. Do you guys want to know about things going on in the game world from time-to-time? Like the last post show write-up or events I consider to be bigger deals for the Japanese wrestling scene? Or do you just want pure PGHW shows and tour write-ups?

Now, obviously I'm gonna do what I like and what makes me happy but I also do want to make this an enjoyable read going forward and save myself from doing a million extras if nobody else likes them! 

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