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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Questions for Adam:  Will it be a lot more difficult with the new financial options to sign a worker to long-term contracts? I see a lot of people, including myself in the past cheese these contracts to sign people.  In TEW 2020 you can sign say someone like Ernest Youngman to around 6000 a year (or whatever number he asks) for 10 years easily. While in real life no one in their right mind would accept such an offer.  How improved is the AI on how they weigh these contract options? or will that be revealed in a later post?

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This was suggested in the Attribute Suggestions couple of days ago, and with todays journal I think it would be a very interesting idea since so far, a lot of journals have covered the backstage area in different ways.

This is what @GrindhouseArts suggested



Racist - This worker is more likely to complain when booked to lose to an opponent of a different race or nationality. Increased chance to get involved in negative backstage incidents with workers of other races or nationalities.

Homophobe - This worker is more likely to complain when booked to lose to a bi/homosexual opponent. Increased chance to get involved in negative backstage incidents with bi/homosexual workers.

Sexist - This worker is more likely to complain when booked to lose to an opposite-sex opponent (or refuses to participate in intergender matches). Increased chance to get involved in negative backstage incidents with opposite-sex workers.


these are "mine"

Xenophobe(Alt-name "They Took Our Jobs" - "This worker is more likely to complain when booked to lose to a non-native when booked in the workers home region. Increased chance to get involved in negative backstage incidents with non-native workers when working in the workers home region. Lower chance of becoming available in new regions(except for excursions or talent trades)" Unless new regions are in the game(and depending on how large they are) this works 'only' for Japan, America, Mexico, Canada, UK(somewhat atleast).

Bigoted - "This worker is just an all around bigot! All of the bigot effects applies to this worker!"

All of them would have a increased chance of getting a scandal, and of course the scandal should be what matches the attribute (the racist scandal for the Racist Attribute) etc etc

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Throwing my hat in to discuss "non-binary male" and "non-binary female" -  If male and female are shorthand here for the worker's assigned gender at birth (AGAB), it would be a nice gesture to use different terminology. Speaking as a non-binary person, it doesn't Bother Me, but it does stand out. Maybe "non-binary AMAB" (assigned male at birth) and "non-binary AFAB" (assigned female at birth), or "non-binary masc" and "non-binary fem"? There probably won't be an answer that will please everyone forever, but this terminology is pretty widespread in the trans community nowadays. The notebook could include some simple definitions if clarity is a problem.

I'm really excited to see this feature in the game, nitpicking and discoursing aside. It's going to feel good to push non-binary workers without having to passively misgender them. I've been waiting so, so long for a wrestling sim I can properly make myself in.

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24 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

Questions for Adam:  Will it be a lot more difficult with the new financial options to sign a worker to long-term contracts? I see a lot of people, including myself in the past cheese these contracts to sign people.  In TEW 2020 you can sign say someone like Ernest Youngman to around 6000 a year (or whatever number he asks) for 10 years easily. While in real life no one in their right mind would accept such an offer.  How improved is the AI on how they weigh these contract options? or will that be revealed in a later post?

shhhh. don't kill my hussle, I do that all the time. 15k for 10 years for rookies. i have a 29 year old bring me millions a month, sure i had to pay when they were 30. but those 10 years were easy street.

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9 minutes ago, Plat said:

Throwing my hat in to discuss "non-binary male" and "non-binary female" -  If male and female are shorthand here for the worker's assigned gender at birth (AGAB), it would be a nice gesture to use different terminology. Speaking as a non-binary person, it doesn't Bother Me, but it does stand out. Maybe "non-binary AMAB" (assigned male at birth) and "non-binary AFAB" (assigned female at birth), or "non-binary masc" and "non-binary fem"? There probably won't be an answer that will please everyone forever, but this terminology is pretty widespread in the trans community nowadays. The notebook could include some simple definitions if clarity is a problem.

I'm really excited to see this feature in the game, nitpicking and discoursing aside. It's going to feel good to push non-binary workers without having to passively misgender them. I've been waiting so, so long for a wrestling sim I can properly make myself in.

think in game it would just show non binary. The male/female is for physical decline and is usually invisible to the player. 

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2 minutes ago, Astil said:

think in game it would just show non binary. The male/female is for physical decline and is usually invisible to the player. 

I use the editor a lot, I'd be seeing it often. It's not a huge deal, it'd just be nice.

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Just catching up on the TEW IX news. I discovered the game with the TEW 2020 edition, so I haven't been around long. I agree with others earlier in the thread that an overhaul to popularity is definitely needed, as this was my biggest issue with TEW 2020. A Forbidden Door type of event, or simply mimicking AEW's usage of NJPW/AAA/CMLL/Stardom wrestlers, simply cannot occur in TEW 2020, as the existing roster won't put them over due to their in-game "lack" of US popularity and US viewers would be uninterested in them. A fix to this would result in an immediate purchase by me.

Edited by spargs73
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Changes to who people are willing to put over would be cool. Some wrestlers respect experience, and will happily lose to veterans. Some respect foreign stars, and don't just look at their own region's popularity. Some don't respect foreign stars and don't care how over you are in Tokyo, this is New York and they ain't gonna lose in front of their home town crowd. Some respect talent. Some want to put over newcomers. Could be a fun balancing act. A way to get a Forbidden Door without it being too easy or too difficult. You need to rely on the right members of the roster to do business. 

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7 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

Adam on the topic of retirement ages has there been any change on the relatively low age that women retire in game? For example Charlotte Flair is 38, Asuka is early 40's (I can't math having just come off of a night shift but September 1981), unless they had a particular trait or a retirement age set manually they would not be in a real world database for long.

I get that you're not going to see any still wrestling in their 60's (and hell, 70's and 80's with some men) types but it felt like I had to do a lot of ingame editing.

It is incredibly rare and most seem to retire before that point, but Jaguar Yokota is 62 and according to Cagematch she has wrestled 32 times this year already, which is pretty wild.

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I am living for these changes to Gender Identity and relationships!

My big question is: how easy/difficult would it be to add in Polyamorous as a relationship type? Essentially, being able to have more than one romantic relationship, but only one marriage ... and only people who have the Polyamorous tag would be okay with being in such a relationship.

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11 minutes ago, Harts4Life said:

I am living for these changes to Gender Identity and relationships!

My big question is: how easy/difficult would it be to add in Polyamorous as a relationship type? Essentially, being able to have more than one romantic relationship, but only one marriage ... and only people who have the Polyamorous tag would be okay with being in such a relationship.

yes this!

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7 hours ago, Morti said:

Very happy to see pronouns added as it's something I requested for 2020, good to see that TEW can emulate the real world better from now on 🏳️‍🌈

This is completely unrelated to TEW IX, but it is good to see you around Morti


- Roc, your former EmeraldVerse headache ;)


Getting back on topic, I’m all for features that 1) increase inclusion and 2) makes it easier to simulate those far-left scenarios that you can sometimes see in wrestling. A Cverse example that should benefit from gender competition settings would be CZCW. 

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2 hours ago, KingofOldSchool said:

I think there should be a mass edit function for decline age where we can set a decline age rage that can be applied to people active in certain decades. For example: If you become active in 1970s, you might start to decline in your early 30s, 1980s you start to decline in your mid 30s, etc. The way it is currently, you have to set it as Random or pick a specific age. Let's say I'm doing a modern day RW mod, I'd want them to start their decline in their mid 40s and beyond, but still maintain a bit of randomness to it. Like, I don't want it to be completely random and Cody Rhodes ends up declining immediately, but I also don't want to give him a hard decline age of 45. However, giving us the ability to select say 45-50 meaning they can start to decline at anytime between those ages would be fair.

Yes! This would be an amazing change.

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Overall, I would really appreciate more updates to the Eras system. Most of my time in TEW (probably around 90%) is spent simulating a game world, observing the wrestling history, and creating my own lore in that universe as the main historian. Enhancing the accuracy of different wrestling eras would greatly improve the immersion experience.

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2 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

Bigoted - "This worker is just an all around bigot! All of the bigot effects applies to this worker!"

Oh, good idea! Increased chance to get in negative incidents with any worker that is different in any way (other race, nationality, gender, orientation), or has any opposing traits (Anti-Hardcore vs. Deathmatch Worker, any type of drug user vs. Straight Edge, if new attributes are added - Equality Fight/Likes Intergender Matches vs. Sexist in either direction). Add in random chance for Morale loss from losing to them, unwillingness to put them over, intentionally performing worse than usual, or going on a shoot rant in angles.

Ngl, it would be a ton of fun to have such drama llamas in the locker room! I always wanted a total car crash promotion with ALL TEH DRAMA, but the available traits were too tame. On that note, I'd also like a owner attribute or preference to hire workers with negative traits and active scandals. 'Loves Controversy', 'Any Attention Is Good Attention', something like that. Something that captures the essence of Rob Black.

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Other than the AI renders (which isn't some red line, I just prefer the renders that people make) everything revealed so far ranges from "that's cool" to "that's incredible".

Cannot wait for this game to be out.

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2 hours ago, Peria said:

Well, I enjoyed todays journal entry @Jaysin hehe.



TEW IX is looking like a massive upgrade from TEW 2020, and we're only a few journal entries in.

I'm genuinely struggling playing 2020 at the moment despite me feeling like I'm on a creative high. So I'm grinding away on my original universe. I just can't play the game with all these updates on the horizon lol

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17 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

I'm genuinely struggling playing 2020 at the moment despite me feeling like I'm on a creative high. So I'm grinding away on my original universe. I just can't play the game with all these updates on the horizon lol

I know the feeling! I was moving along pretty steadily on converting the 2013 data when this was announced and now I can bring myself to get pumped or look at it because I’m chomping at the bit for this game! Haha!


(I do plan to revisit that work for IX however! Just need to get my jollies out with the default data first).

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One thing I'd really like, though I'm sure would be difficult to do, is to have much more obfuscation options in the game.  The above posts about having "seedier" negative are interesting to me, but it'd be great if, like drug users, these things wouldn't be shown on their attributes screen until an incident or two occurs, or maybe until a specific incident (like it gets out in a twitter thread) causes it to be known.

In general, I think keeping things hidden is more enjoyable to me.  I like the fog of war for stats, and would love it for attributes, popularity, match grades, etc.

Obviously way too late for this edition, and maybe not even feasible, but I'd love to have to read the road agent notes, the tv ratings, and looking at crowd reactions at a gorilla position in order to see how a segment did, how each worker did, and how popular the workers are doing.  The opinions of the newly created creative team, road agents, et. al.  could be even more dynamic, allowing their skillset and preferences to inform what they tell you (for example having Dredd or Peter Michaels love hosses and maybe giving you biased information about how well the new Devastating Don is doing.)

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24 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

I'm genuinely struggling playing 2020 at the moment despite me feeling like I'm on a creative high. So I'm grinding away on my original universe. I just can't play the game with all these updates on the horizon lol


I know right? I can't do it, I wanted to play and do more AI renders because it has been a great time for me, but with all this new stuff coming out, I'm just like please hurry up and release

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4 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

This was suggested in the Attribute Suggestions couple of days ago, and with todays journal I think it would be a very interesting idea since so far, a lot of journals have covered the backstage area in different ways.

This is what @GrindhouseArts suggested

these are "mine"

Xenophobe(Alt-name "They Took Our Jobs" - "This worker is more likely to complain when booked to lose to a non-native when booked in the workers home region. Increased chance to get involved in negative backstage incidents with non-native workers when working in the workers home region. Lower chance of becoming available in new regions(except for excursions or talent trades)" Unless new regions are in the game(and depending on how large they are) this works 'only' for Japan, America, Mexico, Canada, UK(somewhat atleast).

Bigoted - "This worker is just an all around bigot! All of the bigot effects applies to this worker!"

All of them would have a increased chance of getting a scandal, and of course the scandal should be what matches the attribute (the racist scandal for the Racist Attribute) etc etc

I would dread seeing who in the C-Verse has those traits 😆

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4 hours ago, spargs73 said:

Just catching up on the TEW IX news. I discovered the game with the TEW 2020 edition, so I haven't been around long. I agree with others earlier in the thread that an overhaul to popularity is definitely needed, as this was my biggest issue with TEW 2020. A Forbidden Door type of event, or simply mimicking AEW's usage of NJPW/AAA/CMLL/Stardom wrestlers, simply cannot occur in TEW 2020, as the existing roster won't put them over due to their in-game "lack" of US popularity and US viewers would be uninterested in them. A fix to this would result in an immediate purchase by me.

Bear in mind that some of what is making the Forbidden Door stuff work is it isn't just a one night thing. Mina Shirakawa was around AEW for a couple of months and has a past with Mariah May they could air videos over, Hechicero has been there a while in multiman matches, Zack Sabre Jr has shown up though he is more a special case because he is that well known. The other thing is that Forbidden Door is a long term project, most of the NJPW and CMLL types have been losing in closely fought matches, Naito and possibly Okada's retention in the four way a while back are the only ones I would say would really have struggled in terms of their results.

What I would like to see is a new match purpose, something along the lines of

Special attraction:
The intent of this match is to show off a talent that is well known in other regions, win or lose the person they are in the ring with will show off the best offence of their opponent. If the foreign talent loses they will have been shown to be on an equal level to their opponent, if they win it will be portrayed as having been a close match that they deserve to have been part of to mitigate the shock factor.
This match aim works best with talent that is over representing the home company alongside or against talent that has high reputation and overness in their home area that may count towards spillover towards people who would have watched companies with lower local coverage that would be able to give word of mouth knowledge about the visiting talent.


This would need to be balanced in such a way that it is not an immediate pop boost but I could see this, if being done right over a few weeks or months before a forbidden door type event, leading to good ratings on such a card.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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