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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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3 hours ago, piccamo said:

This is already how events only contracts work. They can be booked for angles on TV but can't be booked to wrestle. But then they can be booked for both angles and matches at the event.

Oh seriously? I've been playing since release and I never knew that. Thought it was maybe a small oversight. I'm dumb. Thanks, friend. 

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Posted (edited)

Maybe I'm biased because I've been playing this game only since the TEW 2020 version and I don't have any other reference to compare but I'm a little bit worried about the Creative Team thing. I know there was kind of a creative team in early versions but I don't know much more about how they worked and I don't think they were any close to this new concept.

The areas I'm worried the most are finances and popularity though. Finances are broken and popularity doesn't make sense. I hope TEW IX improves in these areas. I made suggestions in both areas as I know many others have done. With 18 months of development there's a chance you've made big changes because there's a lot of potential to improve the game in those areas: the game is very immersive but finances and popularity are so unrealistic that get worse the overall product.

But it seems like Creative Teams will be key to the gameplay and the only way to disable them will be turning off morale (which would mean turning off something that works well and its fundamental right now).

So basically, you're gambling everything on the Creative Team idea, when you could have made it 100% optional to make sure that if people don't like it they can still enjoy the rest of the new concepts. I hope the Creative Team idea works because if I try the game and I don't like Creative Team I won't buy the new game.

I feel like the game is already deep and you have to do a lot of things to advance, so adding to have to full fit a lot of requirements by your Creative Team members, more workers getting angry if you don't do certain things... is very risky as it potentially can be very limiting for us if we want to still be successful in the game and write our stories without too many restrictions.

One of the strengths of the game (probably the best feature) is how open the game is and the lots of directions you can take. You're taking a big risk going in that direction IMHO. As a last thought, if you still have the opportunity to make Creative Team and any other changes that are potentially very divisive OPTIONAL, please do it. You'll reduce the risk of losing buyers a lot.

Edited by newbiezness
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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Teh_Showtime said:

The option to be a one man creative team would function as turning off the feature entirely, I’m fairly sure

I don't think so. The workers could still come with creative ideas and the Creative Energy system would still be in place, limiting what you can book and how long your shows can be if you don't have enough Creative Energy etc. Obviously I'm talking from what I've read, we'll see how it works when the beta is released or if there's a further explanation about it.

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Echoing what others have said, this is an unexpected surprise today, especially with a release so soon. 

I do hope popularity across regions has been reworked, because as someone else said up above, the ability to do a "Forbidden Door" type show, or to really have functional talent trades with other alliance members in other regions is pretty crippled right now. 

Loving the idea that with Creative Teams and Creative Energy hopefully the game world will feel more alive/dynamic. I'd also hope that we have more ability to mod in narratives and things to help increase that dynamism. 

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Fantastic news! TEW is my go to 

Just a quick question, does the whole creative team factor if you play as an Owner? Or is it just for playing as a head booker?


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Bit of an odd questions but would a worker idea creative finish’s creator be cool with being on the receiving end if it’s someone they previously offered to put over?

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6 hours ago, Crackdd said:

One thing I would love to see, but it's a long shot is an update to contracts: Right now, someone like the rock will only sign to either anything out of ring, where he will show up for every show, or anything that involves in ring, but only show up for events. I'd like a hybrid. Like yeah im only going to book you to actually wrestle at summerslam, but at least come to a couple raws. Not sure how hard that would be to implement, or if that's already an option and I have somehow missed it. 

You can already do this. When the contract says 'available for', that is shows they will wrestle on. So if you have The Rock and he wrestles on Events only, he can appear on TV in non wrestling roles.

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1 hour ago, newbiezness said:

Maybe I'm biased because I've been playing this game only since the TEW 2020 version and I don't have any other reference to compare but I'm a little bit worried about the Creative Team thing. I know there was kind of a creative team in early versions but I don't know much more about how they worked and I don't think they were any close to this new concept.

The areas I'm worried the most are finances and popularity though. Finances are broken and popularity doesn't make sense. I hope TEW IX improves in these areas. I made suggestions in both areas as I know many others have done. With 18 months of development there's a chance you've made big changes because there's a lot of potential to improve the game in those areas: the game is very immersive but finances and popularity are so unrealistic that get worse the overall product.

But it seems like Creative Teams will be key to the gameplay and the only way to disable them will be turning off morale (which would mean turning off something that works well and its fundamental right now).

So basically, you're gambling everything on the Creative Team idea, when you could have made it 100% optional to make sure that if people don't like it they can still enjoy the rest of the new concepts. I hope the Creative Team idea works because if I try the game and I don't like Creative Team I won't buy the new game.

I feel like the game is already deep and you have to do a lot of things to advance, so adding to have to full fit a lot of requirements by your Creative Team members, more workers getting angry if you don't do certain things... is very risky as it potentially can be very limiting for us if we want to still be successful in the game and write our stories without too many restrictions.

One of the strengths of the game (probably the best feature) is how open the game is and the lots of directions you can take. You're taking a big risk going in that direction IMHO. As a last thought, if you still have the opportunity to make Creative Team and any other changes that are potentially very divisive OPTIONAL, please do it. You'll reduce the risk of losing buyers a lot.


I'm not sure what about the creative team idea is worrying you? Nothing about what Adam said says there are any requirements from the creative team. It says the creative team can have relationships with one another and get along or not get along and that you can use the creative energy generated by the team to buy ideas to implement on the show. There's nothing there about anything they do being required. I'm sure you don't have to spend the creative energy and if you do you won't have to use the ideas generated, they'll just be there for you to use in case you wanted them.

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1 hour ago, ALinc said:

Fantastic news! TEW is my go to 

Just a quick question, does the whole creative team factor if you play as an Owner? Or is it just for playing as a head booker?


It'd work for both since when you're playing as the owner you're also playing as the head booker.

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2 minutes ago, Historian said:

I'm not sure what about the creative team idea is worrying you? Nothing about what Adam said says there are any requirements from the creative team. It says the creative team can have relationships with one another and get along or not get along and that you can use the creative energy generated by the team to buy ideas to implement on the show. There's nothing there about anything they do being required. I'm sure you don't have to spend the creative energy and if you do you won't have to use the ideas generated, they'll just be there for you to use in case you wanted them.

"The higher the skill levels and better the team work together, the greater the levels of CE they will be able to generate. Some CE is automatically spent on the show to fulfil the basic creativity requirement of putting on a wrestling event (the longer the show is, the more CE is required), with a penalty incurred to your final show rating if you don't have enough"

@Historian Nothing is required? Am I missing something here?

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Just now, newbiezness said:

"The higher the skill levels and better the team work together, the greater the levels of CE they will be able to generate. Some CE is automatically spent on the show to fulfil the basic creativity requirement of putting on a wrestling event (the longer the show is, the more CE is required), with a penalty incurred to your final show rating if you don't have enough"

@Historian Nothing is required? Am I missing something here?

Beyond needing Creative Energy to run the show without a penalty, nothing else from it is required and your user character/head booker generates their own creative energy. 

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Just now, Historian said:

Beyond needing Creative Energy to run the show without a penalty, nothing else from it is required and your user character/head booker generates their own creative energy. 

So we don't know if you'll be able to run a long show without a creative team, maybe you'll need a booker with a very high booking skill to do that. Or you can't run certain matches or angles IDK. Well now you know what is worrying me, at least until there's a further explanation. Maybe the creative team thing is so good that you'd never turn it off IDK but I'm not sure about it and I don't think is a good idea not to make it optional.

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12 hours ago, Grimmas said:

Please let us start the game with some kind of fantasy draft scenario, all promotions empty and a big draft to start like in most sports games.

I do this often by just deleting all contracts from a database prior to starting the game.  Its interesting to see who all gets signed and to where

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Wow super excited for this and was totally unexpected! 

One thing I thought of this week in fact was how I wished there was a non-binary option for Gender. 

I know Adam tried implementing trans genders in 2020 and the way the mechanic was explained I was fully on board with excluding that. I think having a non-binary option would be great as it could allow people like Chyna (in historical mods) to compete in both divisions without needing to alter the product to being a completely mixed product, or even for someone like Andy Kaufman who had his Intergender Championship gimmick. Or someone like Max the Impaler or Sonny Kiss to just exist on the gender spectrum but don't fit into one or the other. 

Would also help for championship who have no gender limits to access both rosters... so if you have a Non-Binary belt option, it tells the AI that both men and women can compete for the belt without having to change the total gender settings of the product. 

Not sure if this is something that could be implemented but it would be great. 

The other thing I'd love for mod-making is when you go to the in-game editor and you import a worker, that you can also import that worker's relationships too. Would be really helpful if you are important a second generation worker that you can have them be related to those in the business already. Or existing childhood friendships, etc.

The last thing that I thought of recently would be for more depth in the news stories for workers in relationships outside of the business. I know it'll say they married someone, or divorced or whatever but would be great to have a bit more like announcements that Male Wrestler X and his wife announced the birth of... etc. Also twins in those types of announcements or triplets or whatever... or even that workers adopted a child as opposed to just pregnant which can lead to a shortened parental leave for the female worker. Totally esthetic but a fun world building thing.

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I think the IX title has me most excited. After 20 years, TEW04 is finally being acknowledged. In my mid-30's now... just wild to have grown up with this game and see it still thriving with the community. What an epic milestone for everyone. 

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Please make it so when you move a child company title to the parent company move the champion to the parent company roster so the title doesn't get vacated that was one of the most annoying things in 2020 for me at least.

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I can’t say I have a clue how the database thing works or how it’s updated so these things might not be possible but I’d like to see:

Bigger matches, like a 6 Way Tag Team Match like they did at Mania

The ability to set Freebird Rule for Tag Titles. I know you can change partner to keep the same reign but doing so removes the title from the workers title history, so it’d be cool if we get a Freebird option or the title history saves

The freedom to move titles back and forth from developmental without the title becoming vacant


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15 minutes ago, Rhett2000 said:

Please make it so when you move a child company title to the parent company move the champion to the parent company roster so the title doesn't get vacated that was one of the most annoying things in 2020 for me at least.

or even other way around. Especially good if you pillage a company and bring over the talent and titles

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