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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, MrVillain said:

It can though. Turn it into a database then convert that over to TEW IX. 

Hah true, but nope. New TEW equals new long term saves. Luckily, we have some amazing mods. 1970-2024 here we come

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54 minutes ago, pentagon said:

I hope that in TEW IX India is expanded upon and actually has a wrestling scene in this game

I hope there's more than just India; I hope we get more places in TEW IX. South America, the Middle East, Africa, more parts of Asia than just Japan, etc. There are wrestling promotions all over the world, there are a bunch on Cagematch that I can't add to the game because they're in places that TEW2020 doesn't have yet.

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8 minutes ago, TheDeep5ix said:

Is that not "Young Wrestler Of The Year," which is already in the game? Or do you mean an award that could be for older wrestlers who started late into their careers, like DDP, so long as their in-ring years are like two or less?

Yeah this, was thinking about DDP too but several wrestlers debuted after 24. I always thought that a “Rookie of the Year” award could be more inclusive than “Young Wrestler of the Year” one. However one would not exclude the other.


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1 hour ago, Gabagool said:

3. Creative team: I like the idea as well, but like others have voiced here, I wish it would be entirely optional or just add a bonus to the chances of success for your storylines, new gimmicks, match finishes, high spots, angles and other creative aspects. As the booker - owner, you should be able to have the final word on anything your booking committee brings to you all the same without it costing you an entire show or storyline. I like the general idea because it makes the world feel more alive, which is always a plus in my book--I am all for even 'useless' features that really pull you into the universe as you are playing through the years. 

Realistically, if you have a very adept head booker - owner (a young Vince or Heyman let's say or a character with high ratings - positive attributes that would be associated with being good at running a promotion), do they need an entire team that makes or breaks a show? I can see a very large promotion needing extra creative focus as one person trying to come up with all the good ideas on their own in a WWE-WWF is probably impossible due to a huge roster, but a small regional company with a 30-40 person roster or so can be managed by one booker. In fact, historically, this was almost always the case for a large portion of wrestling's existence: you had a head booker with maybe a close inner circle who would sell the booker an idea or two. 

Everyone overthinking this. If you don't assign people to the creative team then it won't have any effect. This was already stated. 

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3 minutes ago, Get_Ready_To_Fly said:

Yeah this, was thinking about DDP too but several wrestlers debuted after 24. I always thought that a “Rookie of the Year” award could be more inclusive than “Young Wrestler of the Year” one. However one would not exclude the other.


I feel like a big problem with a Rookie of the Year award is that the AI rarely seems to sign rookies in their first year of wrestling.

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1 hour ago, Get_Ready_To_Fly said:

Yeah this, was thinking about DDP too but several wrestlers debuted after 24. I always thought that a “Rookie of the Year” award could be more inclusive than “Young Wrestler of the Year” one. However one would not exclude the other.


Maybe we could change it to be that only non-rookie youngsters can get the Young Wrestler award, and save the rookies for the Rookie award?

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Posted (edited)

the gender split on trainers seems a bit weird to me if required, I often like to do integrated companies and needing to arbitrarily split the training for my roster along gender lines seems odd, also I'm pretty sure their are plenty of situations where men and women train together even if the roster is divided. also speaking of gender stuff, gotta second that seeing non binary wrestlers being an option would be greatly appreciated

Edited by Peppermint Rage
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1 hour ago, Peppermint Rage said:

the gender split on trainers seems a bit weird to me if required, I often like to do integrated companies and needing to arbitrarily split the training for my roster along gender lines seems odd, also I'm pretty sure their are plenty of situations where men and women train together even if the roster is divided. also speaking of gender stuff, gotta second that seeing non binary wrestlers being an option would be greatly appreciated

I read that and assumed someone can be head trainer of both

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Questlove said:

I read that and assumed someone can be head trainer of both

assuming you can do that and there's no penalty to applying both roles to one person, like them being overworked or something, it's pretty much a non-issue, you might be right there

Edited by Peppermint Rage
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Posted (edited)

I'm excited for any new TEW, as I've been playing them since the EW days. This post is not criticism towards what's been announced already, and I know there's still more journals to come, and maybe something I said below has already been planned, but I've been wanting to post this for awhile now - it's not something that popped in my head when TEW IX was announced....



I think the new game could use more graphical representations. Not some useless 3D wrestling match or anything, but something subtle. TEW has some of these already, like the matrix when creating a new gimmick (and, to an extent, Adam's announcement of custom backdrops).

The most obvious example is the Tournament screen: you click the button in TEW 2020, and you are shown a faux bracket. At first, I genuinely thought that a real graphical bracket would be used for tournaments, but instead, an awkward screen-by-screen method was used.

Or what about a graph which displays a company's finances throughout the year, maybe with toggled lines for the dozen+ attributes? Or a timeline for individual title reigns? Or some sort of evolving graphic for a show's attendance?

TEW, and many other text-based management games, heavily relies on the player's imagination...since, you know, they're heavily based on text. But the key word is "heavily" and not "exclusively". I think just A FEW graphical additions would make the game more accessible/appealing to newcomers and would also help "jog along" a typical user's experience.

(Maybe it's just me and no one else agrees - after all, my mind was a lot a lot a lot more "imaginative" in the early 2000s as a teenager, and so I only needed the bare minimums to create a fantasized wrestling company back then. I've spent countless months/years on almost every TEW game since then, but as of the past several years, that passion/imagination has dwindled with age, maybe.)



In any case, I'll probably buy TEW IX at some point, and I'm glad that GDS is embracing a new edition. It doesn't matter if my suggestions are completely valid and/or infeasible due to the engine and/or a perceived waste of time and/or only applies to my own limitations...I am still supportive of just about anything that comes out.

EDIT: Someone previously said "On top of that, the game releases in a month, whatever you are suggesting to be added, won't have time to be added as they keep finishing/polishing what's currently in the game for release." Completely understandable and not my intention. I just wanted to put my thoughts "out there", regardless if it applies to TEW IX, TEW X, TEW 3035, a third-party program, etc. I just wanted to toss it out there into the wind.

Edited by xzommer
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I think it has already been said, but a way for maybe 2 friendly companies or companies in an alliance to host shows together? If it's a 2 hour event then company A does 45 minutes/ B does 45 minutes and then there are 2 matches between the companies one where A wins and the other where B wins. The show can be base on a formula between the two companies pop in the area, plus a small 5% bonus for the special event? 

2nd when hosting in a different area or when alliance does loans or trade, maybe give that worker a small bonus in POP since they know the companies are in an alliance or trading deal and the workers get just natural exposure to the other companies area cause news of their trade agreements/alliance cause fans to research the other company. This also helps with hosting shows since your company is at least a little known in the area close 

Otherwise to do the 2nd one is maybe if your OLLIE and have a trade agreement or excursion with WLW that your workers slowly get POP in Japan just for being in your company that has that agreement. The cap of POP gain can be base on your workers perception within your company. So Nick from OLLIE can go up to 40 POP in Japan while your unimportant workers will only go up to 10 ish. It should be obvious that it also works the other way around for the other company too. So WLW should get some Mexico exposure.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, fourbrothers366 said:

I think it has already been said, but a way for maybe 2 friendly companies or companies in an alliance to host shows together? If it's a 2 hour event then company A does 45 minutes/ B does 45 minutes and then there are 2 matches between the companies one where A wins and the other where B wins. The show can be base on a formula between the two companies pop in the area, plus a small 5% bonus for the special event? 

We've been asking for cross-promotional events for a long time, and I think with things like Forbidden Door happening IRL, it's more possible now than ever before that it's been implemented. Not saying it definitely has, obviously I can't speak for anyone on the dev team, but it IS possible, and BOY I hope it's a thing! :D

The way I picture it working, personally, is that however many companies are there, you have access to as much of their rosters as they'll allow you, as well as your entire roster, and you can book what you like, but the other companies have veto power if they don't like a decision you make with one of their stars/titles, and there's a requirement to use at least X number of people from each company. I think that's a fair way of doing it, so you can book dream matches without completely dominating the card. 

Edited by Spoons
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Posted (edited)

I really do hope, like I brought up in the past, that there's an expansion to the alliance system in how it works with popularity carry-over(major stars not being considered unrecognizable if going to another country if they are part of an alliance with a promotion abroad) and the ability to run Alliance events.


Edit: Didn't realize someone said the exact same thing two posts above me pretty much lol, my point still stands that the the NJPW/AEW relationship IRL has basically proven that popularity WILL carry over into other countries depending on the product

Edited by Chikbot
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Obviously hyped for TEW IX! Good luck to Adam and GDS for new launch.


Turning to some thoughts:

  • The first couple of new features seems incredibly fun and should add some dynamism to diaries.
  • Impossible to deny that not seeing a graphical upgrade of any level, even minor, is a major disappointment to me.
  • I join those previously wishing for an improvement in game finances as they always seemed to me like they were on "easy mode" in TEW2020.
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I'm not really a Cornellverse player, but still quite curious to see how the new AI renders compare to the old blue background ones and if they will be recognisable to their previous pictures or have completely new looks. 

Love the addition of real heights and weights, adds a lot more immersion. 

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Pretty excited about everything so far.

AI renders being the default pack hurts my soul quite a tad as the whole reason I have developed this skillset is for this game and group of people who also do it that I love so much, but it is what it is. I've got my '20 picture pack on standby, and I'm sure if any new characters catch my eye I'll provide a render them on my own time - if someone else doesn't first. 😜



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Oooh, real heights & weights will be interesting! Unfortunate for people making unrealistic databases (like for example if you're doing the Marvel universe & have to limit Galactus to 8 feet), but for any real-world games, unless you've somehow got Robert Wadlow on your roster, it works great! 800 lbs. is perfect too, given the size of Happy Humphrey was right around that! 

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2 minutes ago, HamKing said:

About worker ideas: will it include things like heel and face turns?

I don't think you're quite understanding the feature. Worker ideas aren't them coming to you with random thoughts like "maybe you should turn me heel", it's them generating Creative Ideas - as outlined in day 1's entry.

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I wonder, with real heights will we see younger workers grow slightly in height, and when wrestlers go through weight changes will we see a gradual increase/decrease in weight or will it one day just jump from someone being 250 down to 235 for example

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Posted (edited)

I hope we can get a filtered list of longest/shortest/most title reigns in the belt section (similar to overall match ratings for ex) also hoping the reign is calculated in days as well as the dates.

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