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How You Discovered TEW/EWR?

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Oooh.  Special question is special.

Seriously though, this is a special question for me.  It was 2002, 2003 perhaps.  I had been a big e-fed participant around this time, when I stumbled across EWR 3.  Adam Ryland introduced me to TNA and ROH, which were big deals at the time.  My first time hearing about AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, CM Punk, Homicide, Bryan Danielson, and so many more were because of EWR.  I saw guys rated similarly to guys I knew, and wondered if the future of wrestling looked that bright, especially considering the abysmal failure that Vince just finished called the invasion.


Fast forward a few years, when one hazy night, I decided to see what that guy who made EWR had been up to.  Maybe he had made another game?  The dev journal for TEW2008 was in full swing.  I applied for my first credit card, just so I could buy that game.  I actually ended up buying a copy of 07, because I refused to wait until 08 dropped to see what Ryland had been up to.  Since then?  Well, I don't live on the forums.  Too many shows to book, but I've got some great memories.  Monkeypox's Mark Cuban Does DAVE is a fun memory.  The scene in the restaurant with Cuban having a stroke because of the 1.2(?) update that caused the AI to cut a bunch of guys' contracts and also included a remark about distending a certain vampire slayer's anal cavity.  Amazing shenanigans.


In short, Ryland influenced my life, not just as a fan of the glorious cluster---- that is pro wrestling, but just as a human being as well.  I think I speak for all of us when I say Thank you Adam, and Thank you GDS.  You are awesome. *clap clap clap clap clap* You are awesome.

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4 hours ago, Fleisch said:

I started with Zeus Pro to book my custom fed with my brother and cousin but wanted something a bit different. One of my friends told me about EW (Cant remember the version - 6000?) so I downloaded it, moved on to EWR and then TEW 2004.

Same exact story. Was in a fed that used Zeus Pro. @IW is what it was called. It was like the NWA and had promotions underneath it.

Someone on the forum introduced EW. Been with the game since hahah. I’m mid thirties so I was 9 or 10

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A very long time ago , I downloaded a file from one of them dodgy download sites, the file was named something else, but It was Extreme Warfare Wrestling...I instantly fell in love with Sophie and later fell in love with the CVerse....

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I was active in some eFeds in 2000 and one of those used TNM 7 simulation in addition to rating the (written) Roleplaying which is how I came across TNM 7 and started messing around with that. On some TNM-adjacent forum (or perhaps on the forum of an eFed, for that matter) someone mentioned Promotion Wars and EW9000, so I started playing both of those and while PW never developped any further (to my knowledge), I've been playing EWD, EWR and TEW ever since.

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I remember that I was playing eFeds and specifically always playing Goldberg. Learned some basic html and everything just so I could format my pages on MSN message boards back then. 

There was a guy, I believe his name was Joe. He always RP’d as The Hurricane. I was just a young dumb teenager back then on my mom’s old Dell desktop computer. He helped me through some dark times. 

I believe he was the one that introduced me to EWR back then. I was happy my dial up internet would let me download it without me having to leave it on overnight. I was vehemently on the EWR side of the Wrestling Sim wars back then instead of Promotion Wars. 

Then I found the old company that Mr. Ryland was part of before GDS, I can’t place the name of it though. Found out that a new game was coming out called Total Extreme Warfare and that it was a hugely ambitious project. 

I can’t express how much I played that game. I’ve been playing all of the games as they came out since, including the original Wrestling Spirit. 

Can’t wait to see how great TEW IX will be. 

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I cant quite remember when or how exactly. I, like so many others, was apart of the E-Fed community (What a time, kind of miss those days every now and then). Somehow that led me to EWR and I became obsessed, maybe a little overexageration, and played EWR until 2021 maybe. I dont exactly recall why i never made the move to TEW, probably largely because it cost money and I didnt have the scratch as a kid.

One night i decided to give the TEW2020 trial a go and all of a sudden i was 10 years old again and here we are now, patiently awaiting TEW IX to drop.

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This will be my first TEW game. I had gotten back into wrestling this year after a long hiatus and began looking for wrestling games similar to OOTP Out of the Park Baseball. So far I've just been playing Pro Wrestling Sim on steam, but am looking forward to starting TEW IX!

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53 minutes ago, xjman329 said:

This will be my first TEW game. I had gotten back into wrestling this year after a long hiatus and began looking for wrestling games similar to OOTP Out of the Park Baseball. So far I've just been playing Pro Wrestling Sim on steam, but am looking forward to starting TEW IX!

Both great games for their own reasons!

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TEW 2016 in 2017


I'd been a wrestling fan and being a nerd I loved Football Manager, One of the channels that I watched FM on (Lollujo) then uploaded about 5 episodes on TEW 2016, and I've been hooked ever since, started making my own content on 2016 about 2 years later in 2018

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I found TEW 2005 and EWR sometime in 2010, then ended up buying TEW 2010 some time in 2011. I remember I had to beg my mother to use her credit card, because I was only 15 at the time. Been playing ever since, buying the games on release.

Edited by Nexxus Drako
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I think I might've actually gotten into it by accident way back when I was RPing on yahoo groups and was using a website to create character sheets, I was doing ones for wrestlers, and I think I might've followed a chain of links that led me to a download link for Zeus, I got into that then started looking up more wrestling simulators which led me to Promotion Wars?, Wrestling Edge?, and EW9000, played them all and really like the merchandising for one of those first two, where you could choose what merchandise you sold for your wrestlers, but 9000 stole my attention span, I still went back to Zeus for some goofiness you could put into the matches (one time I had somebody get jumped by like 13 others during a match, then had them pinned at the top of the ladder after going through like 6 tables), but 9000 stayed and I have played every iteration since.

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Back in 2006 I was off work sick for a while and I was bored. I typed in "PC Wrestling Games" into Google and was taken to a site which listed a number games and in the bottom right corner of one page I saw an advert link for TEW 2005. I'd never heard of it, or Adam Ryland before, so I clicked on it, bought the game, and the rest is history.

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New Legacy did a run of EWR back in 2015 I believe. I Tried EWR for myself. I fell in love with it. Once I had a job and money I bought TEW 2014. Funny enough just a few months later TEW 2016 came out and I haven't looked back since. TEW games have consistently been in my top 10 all-time favorite games. So, thanks New Legacy Inc.

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On 7/27/2024 at 7:02 AM, paulskln said:

A very long time ago , I downloaded a file from one of them dodgy download sites, the file was named something else, but It was Extreme Warfare Wrestling...I instantly fell in love with Sophie and later fell in love with the CVerse....

I forgot about Sophie. That just reminded me of Erin Bray, probably the best young wrestler you could sign for your company. 

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EWR 2.0 was my first one, I think I discovered it in 2002. No idea how I discovered it, I think I just randomly found it while searching for wrestling games. Even though my interest in irl wrestling vanished in the mid 2000s, I still played all the TEW games over the years.

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I remember playing Promotion Wars first, which I probably discovered through Game FAQs, I spent a lot of time on that site in the early 2000s.

Eventually discovered EWR through the forums there as well, and played the shit out of it until I eventually bought TEW 2008.

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Must have been around 2000 maybe just after but was a regular on neoseeker forums mainly in wrestling games and then got inolved in Online RP Wrestling feds.


I am big into football manager and when someone mentione a Wrestling Simulation I have been playing since.

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