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Attribute Suggestion Thread

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Unavailable During Pro Football Season: This worker will go on a hiatus every year from August to January, as they have still have commitments in professional football (either as an active player or as a commentator).

Unavailable During Pro Basketball Season: This worker will go on a hiatus every year from October to April, as they have still have commitments in professional basketball (either as an active player or as a commentator).

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1 hour ago, MisterSocko said:

Unavailable During Pro Football Season: This worker will go on a hiatus every year from August to January, as they have still have commitments in professional football (either as an active player or as a commentator).

Unavailable During Pro Basketball Season: This worker will go on a hiatus every year from October to April, as they have still have commitments in professional basketball (either as an active player or as a commentator).

also this for Hockey

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On 8/10/2024 at 12:17 PM, Jaysin said:

I still think Ring Rust should be a temporary attribute. Maybe have it start off as a hidden one and a match discovers it and it slowly fades the more the worker works?

I think Ring Rust goes away after about 5 matches if they aren't too far apart.

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Backyarder - slows skill gain in Fundamentals. This worker started out wrestling in a 'learning by doing' way, but without professional guidance. They may never have learned certain things, or learned them the wrong way from people who didn't know any better either. Now they have to un-learn the wrong approach which slows them down.

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4 hours ago, elmiticomark said:

"Collegiate Athlete" "Amateur Wrestler" "Amateur Martial Artist" "Professional Martial Artist" etc

From another topic:

Amateur Martial Artist - same as the Gymnastics Background, but boosts skills for Strikers & Technician-Strikers

Amateur Wrestler - same as Gymnastics Background, but boosts Technician skills & Basics since a lot of chain wrestling comes from amateur wrestling

Collegiate Athlete - a broader version of the above that boosts Impactful, Brawling, Toughness to a lesser degree than the specialized versions (I'm thinking football, hockey, rugby with this skill set)

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Pepperman > Mercedes

I don't have a good name, but this attribute would be for a Road Agent. When the attribute is chosen, you may pick up to 3 workers. Gives a small  match boost if one of those "chosen workers" is involved. "I know exactly how to use this character".

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Power Lifter: This worker has taken up power lifting as a hobby and slowly increases their Power stat over time. The worker may or may not drop the hobby at some point. (That could be related to their personality - Driven would soldier on even if they see no results at first, Unpredictable could drop it on a whim even if they are successful). The worker can not be talked into (or out of) the hobby. The attribute does not change the worker's body type (no flabby to muscular and such), but may increase weight.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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Don't have a fancy name for it but having an attribute where workers don't care about if they're on a booking team would be nice. Thinking about cases where it's egomaniacs or some other negative personality won't care about if they're on the booking team or in the inner circle because they're all about the fame in front of the camera. (If this has been posted by someone else already, sorry! I rarely look in this thread cause I'm largely happy with the attributes as is)

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I would like attributes that greatly affect creative energy as bookers or as members of the booking team that are tied to product types. So you would have positive attributes for Sports Entertainment, Hardcore, Puro, etc. and negative attributes for the same. This would make it so that you could find someone who is a good booker for one product but make changing the company's product potentially disrupt CE generation. Ideally, these attributes would be widely-spread so that it is harder to put together a good booking team. These attributes could also have an impact on chemistry within the booking team - workers with the same (or similar) booker attribute would be more likely to have positive chemistry while workers with different booker attributes would be more likely to have bad chemistry with workers who have different booker attributes.

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"Won't Work Intergender Matches" or something of the likeness.

Something about not working with any "rainbow" products. Just like some workers won't be involved with Comedy or Hardcore.


Something about ONLY wanting to work with "rainbow" or "rainbow friendly" companies.


I figure if we can play with Gender just like we can Comedy Gimmicks or Deathmatches, there should be both people who want NONE of it, and people who want ALL of it.


Maybe a checkbox for Fluid/Static. If Gender is fluid, it can change now and then in-game. If it is not fluid, it is static and will always be the same gender.

Edited by thadian
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6 hours ago, Big Roguey said:

Don't have a fancy name for it but having an attribute where workers don't care about if they're on a booking team would be nice. Thinking about cases where it's egomaniacs or some other negative personality won't care about if they're on the booking team or in the inner circle because they're all about the fame in front of the camera. (If this has been posted by someone else already, sorry! I rarely look in this thread cause I'm largely happy with the attributes as is)

No Books: This worker will never ask to be part of the booking team. (note: I think an attribute of this type may indeed have been suggested, but I haven't had the chance to double check.)

Living Outdoors: This worker will never ask to be given a role in any company's Inner Circle.

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Hates the Business: This worker has come to the realization that professional wrestling may not be for them after all, for reasons unrelated to how good they are at it, how much money they're making, or whether they're treated like a star or not. They are much more likely to leave the business early, or at the very least take a lengthy hiatus from it. If they ever come back, they will only accept contract offers that combine the biggest possible paycheck with the lightest possible schedule.

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Competitive Bodybuilder: This worker will occasionally take a short hiatus to prepare for and participate in a bodybuilding competition. They'll be unavailable for a few weeks, but they will come back with a Muscular or Ripped physique.


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Leave Wrestling to Professionals: This worker resents the involvement of celebrities in professional wrestling, as they feel the spotlight should be on the people who put their body on the line every night, not some outsider just collecting a paycheck. They'll lose morale whenever the promotion they're working for hires a celebrity. They'll lose morale if they have to be involved in an angle or match with a celebrity. If they have to be involved in the match with a celebrity, they will do their best to make the celebrity look bad, or even to injure them (if they have a particularly negative personality in the first place). The negative reaction is dampened if the celebrity is an A-Lister.

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I have some suggestions based on pre-existing attributes:

Blessed: Some folks just have all the luck; they are more likely to experience positive things during their career.

Charisma Vaccuum: This worker simply lacks the innate ability to radiant Charisma. The hidden cap on their Charisma skill will always be low.

Amazing Tweener: This worker can switch between Face or Heel without any penalties.

Also here is one new attribute suggestion not based on pre-existing ones:

Money Mark: This worker's Business Reputation grows slower than normal. This person's Finance preference (Mean, Flashy, etc.) is also greatly increased (perhaps by 1.5x or 2x) when sending contract offers as an AI.


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3 hours ago, MisterSocko said:

Leave Wrestling to Professionals: This worker resents the involvement of celebrities in professional wrestling, as they feel the spotlight should be on the people who put their body on the line every night, not some outsider just collecting a paycheck. They'll lose morale whenever the promotion they're working for hires a celebrity. They'll lose morale if they have to be involved in an angle or match with a celebrity. If they have to be involved in the match with a celebrity, they will do their best to make the celebrity look bad, or even to injure them (if they have a particularly negative personality in the first place). The negative reaction is dampened if the celebrity is an A-Lister.


I want a similar one to make a wrestler hate workers getting the "Roman Contract", "Brock Contract", "Rock Contract", etc. where they get paid a large amount of money for few dates. They lose morale every week if the top 5 paid workers aren't used (unless they are injured, loaned, or otherwise ineligible for booking).

Another one where wrestlers hate other wrestlers going to Hollywood "your job is in this ring", when any worker goes to hollywood, they lose morale until the worker returns. Also, this worker will start trouble with anyone who goes to Boxing/MMA and loses a fight. This worker won't be mad if they win, but do not lose.

Actually - I would love an attribute for "this worker gets angry when another worker flops/loses in Hollywood, MMA, Boxing, Other Sports, etc. But is happy when that other worker has a hot success or wins their thing.

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On 8/28/2024 at 5:21 PM, Big Roguey said:

Don't have a fancy name for it but having an attribute where workers don't care about if they're on a booking team would be nice. Thinking about cases where it's egomaniacs or some other negative personality won't care about if they're on the booking team or in the inner circle because they're all about the fame in front of the camera. (If this has been posted by someone else already, sorry! I rarely look in this thread cause I'm largely happy with the attributes as is)

I think this effect should be added to 'Apolitical'. It says the worker doesn't care about backstage politics; the opposite of Political Player. So they also shouldn't care about being on the booking team (and Political Player and Control Freak should care).

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3 minutes ago, thadian said:

Actually - I would love an attribute for "this worker gets angry when another worker flops/loses in Hollywood, MMA, Boxing, Other Sports, etc. But is happy when that other worker has a hot success or wins their thing.

"Fair Weather Fan/Friend". Only happy if someone makes wrestlers/wrestling look good, holds it against them if they tried, but failed.

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Student of the Game: This worker understands he is always "learning" in this job. Has a higher chance of befriending Veterans and being a Protege during his younger years.

Teacher's Pet: Worker understands that to get what he wants, he needs to spend time with those who can make the choices. Has a higher chance of befriending those in the Inner Circle and/or Booking Team. 

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I don't have a name for it, but the effect is that the worker would be more likely to give up ownership of their company or a head booker role if it would enhance their career (e.g. by getting a really good contract).
It could also be very useful to replicate workers who owned a smaller promotion but decided to close it down/put it on hold/stop when a big company called them.

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Not a good name for it - "When the worker is involved in Cheap/Dirty Finishes, is good at them and does them better". Kinda like how some of the attributes let a worker be "better" at something, this worker REALLY knows the art of screwball endings (whether booking or performing).

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