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Attribute Suggestion Thread

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14 hours ago, Spoons said:

Since the game is already more inclusive, we need some inclusivity in other fields!

Polyamorous - This worker can have multiple different romantic relationships at the same time. However, if they do, and any one of their partners does not have the polyamorous attribute, their relationship will slowly dwindle over time.

Asexual - This worker keeps their romantic preferences, but will never be caught up in sex scandals, make sex tapes, or other related things, as they have no interest in the sexual aspect of a relationship.

Mentally Handicapped - This worker has a cognitive disability. This will slow the progress at which they learn, both in the ring and out. 

Physically Handicapped - This worker has a physical disability. This will make them unable to participate in matches, and be less likely to do in-ring angles, as getting in the ring, for them, is hard.

Amputee - This worker is missing a limb. Their spillover is slightly increased, as fans are interested to see how they wrestle, but in exchange their match ratings are diminished. The effects of "Life Long Underdog" on this worker are more powerful. If this worker is a non-wrestler then these effects don't apply. 

Blind - This worker can't see. They get a massive penalty on all of their matches due to this obvious hinderance, however when working with an incredibly skilled opponent, who can guide them, they can put on some decent matches. The fans are also more likely to tune in to see how they wrestle, thus boosting the show's attendance rating by a small amount, and boosting the worker's spillover. The effects of "Life Long Underdog" on this worker are more powerful. If this worker is a non-wrestler then these effects don't apply. 

Deaf - This worker can't hear. They get a massive penalty on all of their promos and other segments rated on talking, and are limited on how good their entertainment skills can get, due to how their disability has limited their communication.

Neurodivergent - This worker is different in a great way. Once a month, they'll choose a new subset of skills (in-ring, entertainment, broadcasting, etc.) to hyperfixate on. If they're still learning, those skills will be increased a lot more quickly than the others, though the others will all grow more slowly. If they're on time decline, those skills will stop declining while the others decline faster. 

Asexual people can and do have sex, they are represented under sexuality, an attribute that stops asexual people being involved in activities that asexual people can be involved in isn't positive.

Handicapped is a very outdated and offensive term. A person with an amputated limb's wrestling ability will be determined by their stats, adding an attribute to penalise them in ring is not being inclusive. A person with a visual impairment's ability will be determined by their stats, adding an attribute to penalise them in ring is not being inclusive. A person with a hearing impairment's ability to deliver promos will be determined by their performance skills, adding an attribute to penalise them talking is not being inclusive.

Neurodiversity is diverse, not everybody who is considered neurodivergent hyperfixates, and this feels like a pretty crude way of trying to represent the people who do.

I'd suggest in this case the best way to be inclusive is to reflect people's different skills, strengths and weakness using the mechanics that we use to reflect all characters in the game. Not to chunk them into broad categories of human experience, and then reward and penalise them based on generalisations made about those categories.

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50 minutes ago, Markw said:

Asexual people can and do have sex, they are represented under sexuality, an attribute that stops asexual people being involved in activities that asexual people can be involved in isn't positive.

Handicapped is a very outdated and offensive term. A person with an amputated limb's wrestling ability will be determined by their stats, adding an attribute to penalise them in ring is not being inclusive. A person with a visual impairment's ability will be determined by their stats, adding an attribute to penalise them in ring is not being inclusive. A person with a hearing impairment's ability to deliver promos will be determined by their performance skills, adding an attribute to penalise them talking is not being inclusive.

Neurodiversity is diverse, not everybody who is considered neurodivergent hyperfixates, and this feels like a pretty crude way of trying to represent the people who do.

I'd suggest in this case the best way to be inclusive is to reflect people's different skills, strengths and weakness using the mechanics that we use to reflect all characters in the game. Not to chunk them into broad categories of human experience, and then reward and penalise them based on generalisations made about those categories.

Alright then! 


I'll delete that post, as I don't want to offend anyone else. Thanks for pointing this out!

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On 8/6/2024 at 12:35 PM, LordofGustav said:

No Bricks to the Head, please - This worker will always refuse any kind of sick bump regardless of the intention of it, out of fear that it would damage or end his/her career.

Olympian - This worker will usually leave wrestling for a while in order to obtain a medal in the Summer Olympics or any other athletic competition. Depending on the outcome of his/her participation... he/she may receive popularity boosts.

With that in mind I thought about 

Gold Medal Olympian - this worker has gone to the Olympics and won a gold medal. The worker gets an added boost to technical stats and when playing either realistic or legitimate fans will give the gimmick a higher rating regardless of if the worker plays either role well or not.

5 Star Classic - This worker drives himself on his in-ring ability. Workers will this attribute have a higher likelihood of having a match of the year caliber score regardless of popularity size. (Can be achieved by having either winning match of the year twice or 3 perfect score matches)

The Center of The Universe - This worker thinks the world revolves around them. They are more likely to have higher demands, complain when things don’t go in their favor and no-show shows when demands or complaints are not handled in their favor.

For The Sake Of The Business - This worker has zero interest in backstage politics and trust the booker of their company. This worker is willing to put over anybody in the company regardless of popularity. Worker receives a boost in popularity due to fans noticing workers dedication to the craft.

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Going Against the Grain - This worker will often suggest gimmick ideas that don't suit the person they're for (According to the "Can't Play _" roles). However, those suggestions are more likely than most to succeed.

Get With the Times - This worker is very outspoken about how wrestling is changing, and they like how things are now, as compared to the olden days. They will often butt heads with workers who have old-school mindsets, and are very unlikely to start positive relationships with any. There is a tiny chance that they will convert those workers to their own mindset.

Funk Retirement - This worker is on one of their many "retirements". They are treated as if they have the "Wrestling in the Blood" and "Desperado" attributes. They cannot be used in segments, even off-screen, and won't complain about being left off shows. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 6 months and 5 years.] (Could also be called "Lost Smile")

Sunny Days - When paired with a worker they have a negative relationship with, this worker is likely to go off-script and shoot on them in angles, which boosts the rating of the angle, but is also far more likely to upset their opponent.

Podcaster - This worker has a podcast. They have a loyal following, that keeps on growing, and thus their spillover is increased. If they have a negative personality type, then they're more likely to get into negative news stories.

Legend - This worker is considered a legend of the industry. They will be far better suited to the Locker Room Leader role, even if they don't meet the typical requirements, their spillover will get a massive boost, and they will boost the attendance figures of any show they're on. However, their contract and wage demands will be higher & stricter because of their status.

Gimmick Wizard - This worker can weave gold from garbage. Their gimmicks will never be rated lower than "Adequate", and are far more likely to be rated "Great" or "Legendary".

Animal - This worker is an animal. Literally. Like a wrestling bear, monkey, or whatever else. They cannot talk, and thus will never learn any languages. Their skills are limited in how high they can get. Their match ratings are more heavily weighted on things like puro, since they're unable to pull their punches. They're also much more likely to injure their opponent, ignoring their own safety rating.

Edited by Spoons
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Straight Man / Comedic Foil - This worker can only work comedy segments if they have someone to contrast with, they will be penalised if trying to do comedy without someone who can play the role of the funny man (meaning that they're either by themselves or the other workers all have the attributes No Comedy Matches, No Sense Of Humour, or Straight Man).

Send For The Man! - This worker struggles to work comedy without laughing, if they're in front of a live crowd them corpsing has a chance of either adding to the moment or taking the audience out of it depending on the skills and attributes of the people involved, with this also upsetting workers who have traits like Keeps Kayfabe because they broke character. That risk goes away in cinematic comedy matches/pre-taped comedy angles, but they risk upsetting the other workers involved in the segment by requiring so many takes to get through it with a straight face. Additionally, in segments involving someone with the Notorious Ribber attribute there is a chance that they'll try to break them on purpose as a rib.

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Scandalous - The worker is more likely to be involved in scandals.

Bloodline - The worker receives a bonus when competing against blood relatives.

But They're Family - The worker receives a penalty when competing against blood relatives.


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On 8/14/2024 at 3:12 AM, blk_junior said:

Gold Medal Olympian - this worker has gone to the Olympics and won a gold medal. The worker gets an added boost to technical stats and when playing either realistic or legitimate fans will give the gimmick a higher rating regardless of if the worker plays either role well or not.

Can we also add that this worker will work through any injury, even a broken freakin' neck? 🫡

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Agent of Angles / Producer - When agenting an angle, the worker gets a bonus.


This could be more specific about the type of angle or some of the features of the angle required to trigger the bonus (e.g. length, roles, scripted), but I don't want to overcomplicate it here.

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Big Fish- Even though this worker has popularity usually relegated to larger promotions, this worker will work for Medium sized promotions as they are okay with being a big fish in a little pond. Think Sting or Kurt Angle signing with TNA despite TNA being smaller than their respective overness levels. 

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22 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

Big Fish- Even though this worker has popularity usually relegated to larger promotions, this worker will work for Medium sized promotions as they are okay with being a big fish in a little pond. Think Sting or Kurt Angle signing with TNA despite TNA being smaller than their respective overness levels. 

Oh I really like this one, that makes a lot of sense.

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Two miscellaneous ones.

Underrated: This wrestler has trouble gaining popularity, even if he's good on the mic or in the ring. -Will dampen popularity gains.

Overrated: This wrestler seemingly has no troubles gaining popularity, sometimes to the bafflement of everyone involved. -Will increase popularity gains.

Probably need timers on these of like 6-12 months, but can also be permanent too. It should be rare for this one to pop up.

Just figured there should be a tag like this to help explain why some people have an easier or harder time.

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20 hours ago, tormyb said:

Agent of Angles / Producer - When agenting an angle, the worker gets a bonus.


This could be more specific about the type of angle or some of the features of the angle required to trigger the bonus (e.g. length, roles, scripted), but I don't want to overcomplicate it here.

Producer is an attribute I came to suggest. 

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Cancel Cancel Culture: If in a position of authority, this worker tries to hire workers with negative personalities, toxic status, and recent scandals. Backstage Effects of negative personalities are dampened as long as the Cancel Cancel Culture worker is in a position of authority.

Second Chance/Changed Man: If hired while toxic/within 1 month of having a scandal, this worker is much more likely to develop loyalty to the new employer and correct their behavior over time.

Fallen on Hard Times: This worker has fallen on hard times and therefore takes any work they can get, ignoring other preferences such as company size or active regions for the time being (temporary, last 6 months - 2 years)

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Notable Manager- When managing someone they have neutral or better chemistry with, they get a small bonus. 

This would reflect excellent managers like Heenan and Heyman. It's a big deal when certain managers align with talents and I think this would be a good way to mimic that. 

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Signature Gimmick - This worker has become deeply associated with a single iconic gimmick. Any gimmick with the same basis as their default gimmick (for the worker's current alignment) will always succeed. However, a gimmick with any other basis will be much more likely to flop.

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2 hours ago, SkyCrasher said:

Signature Gimmick - This worker has become deeply associated with a single iconic gimmick. Any gimmick with the same basis as their default gimmick (for the worker's current alignment) will always succeed. However, a gimmick with any other basis will be much more likely to flop.

I think I'd have this keep a gimmick rated good or better from going stale rather than guaranteeing success.

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Good To Be Bad: This worker relishes being a heel, and will never complain about being asked to turn heel no matter how popular they are. Their merchandise sales will never go down. *Note for the developer: This attribute would clash with 100% Babyface, so it might be best to make it to where a worker can't have both this attribute & 100% Babyface.


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15 hours ago, Jaysin said:

David- This worker gets a bonus when facing workers larger than they are

Goliath- This worker gets a bonus when facing workers smaller than they are

Really like this, but maybe add a minimum height difference(like 6 inches) for both, since a 6'2 and a 6'1 worker is not exactly David vs Goliath

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19 minutes ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

Really like this, but maybe add a minimum height difference(like 6 inches) for both, since a 6'2 and a 6'1 worker is not exactly David vs Goliath

Probably a maximum height and weight to be "David", too, because Batista vs Kane doesn't exactly look like David vs Goliath either despite the 6 inch height difference.

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