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Attribute Suggestion Thread

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Unless I'm missing something, we don't have any attributes for agents or anything for high spot or cruiserweight matches in general. We should at least have one for Road Agents who are good at doing agent work for cruiserweights matches. 

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10 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Unless I'm missing something, we don't have any attributes for agents or anything for high spot or cruiserweight matches in general. We should at least have one for Road Agents who are good at doing agent work for cruiserweights matches. 

Honestly, a set of specialties for road agents would be great. High Spot Specialist, Brawling Specialist, do em all.

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TV Writer: This worker learned their craft while working for non-wrestling TV shows, and tends to view professional wrestling as a soap opera with fights. Their creative input is penalised when working in the booking team of a company with a product that leans more towards realistic or edgy content.

Rasslin' Booker: This worker learned their craft before the mid-1990s in the territories, likes old fashioned brawls between tough, angry people, and hates it when you try to make it more complicated or flashier. Their creative input is penalised when working in the booking team of a company with a product that relies heavily on hardcore, high flying, risque or comedy content. They're also more likely to develop negative relationships with members of the booking team who don't have the same attribute.

Booker with Attitude: This worker had their big break in the mid-to-late 1990s/early 2000s, and thinks the best way to entertain your audience is to shock them. Their creative input is penalised when working in the booking team of a company with a product that leans more toward traditional or realistic content. They're also more likely to develop negative relationships with members of the booking team who don't have the same attribute.

Matchmaker: This worker is good as coming up with matchups that the fans want to see and spots that will make the fights interesting, but struggles to come up with a storyline excuse to have those fights in the first place. Their creative input is penalised when working in the booking team of a company that doesn't treat wrestling as real sports.


Edited by MisterSocko
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Living Life On The Edge - If this worker is on a booking team, or they otherwise come up with ideas, their ideas will always be very risky, but will always have a massive payoff if they succeed.

Top Ref - This worker is considered one of the best referees in the business. If put in the position of "Head Referee", they will boost the morale, and the bonus given to matches, of the entire referee team. However, they are much more likely to complain if someone else is in that position instead of them.

He's Coming With Me! - This worker won't agree to sign with a company unless they make an offer to another particular worker as well. This doesn't apply if said worker is unsignable by the company making the offer.

Terrible New Catchphrase - This worker coined (or was given) a new catchphrase that the fans just aren't getting behind. Their promo & other spoken angle ratings are reduced as a result. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 months and 1 year.]

Pipebomb Launcher - This worker is much better at shoot promos than most. They get much higher ratings if they're unscripted, but are also more likely to offend the person/people they're talking about, thus starting fights backstage & forming negative relationships.

Birds of a Feather - This worker is much more likely to form a positive relationship with somebody whose personality is the same as their own, but also much more likely to form a negative relationship with someone whose personality clashes with their own.

Occasional Comedy Wrestler - This worker has one or two alter egos that are considered comedic, but otherwise they're considered a serious wrestler. When working one of their comedic alter egos (any alter ego they have with a Comedy-based gimmick), they will be treated as if they have the "Notable Comedy Match Performer" attribute and the "Comedian" attribute, but won't be treated as such otherwise.

Accent - This worker has a heavy accent from wherever they're from. If speaking another language, or speaking English in a different English-speaking country (besides America-Canada & vice-versa), angle ratings where they're talking will be rated slightly lower, as many fans won't be able to tell what they're saying. (This no longer applies in medium companies or larger during video angles, because they'll be able to hire subtitle teams.)

Star Struck - (This attribute only applies to wrestlers who are 25 and below, and have 5 or years of experience or fewer.) If working in a company with a wrestler at least 10 years older than them, that has at least 50 popularity more than them in the region, this worker will be in awe of them, will try to spend time with them, and will try to take as much advice from them as possible. They will be more likely to become a protégé of said star. If booked in a match together, this worker gets a huge morale boost. After working with them for 6-12 months, this worker will have gotten used to it, and so will no longer get the benefits from this attribute until/unless another person is in the company (or enters the company) that fits the criteria, in which case it will start over again. [This attribute is automatically temporary and until they're either 26 or have 6 years of experience, whichever comes first.]

Be A Star! - This worker is very explicitly anti-bullying. If working with someone who has a "Bully", "Troublemaker", "Agitator" or "Scumbag" personality type, they're very likely to raise a fuss. Also, they're more likely to get involved in backstage incidents with people who have antagonistic personality types, are more likely to get pulled into altercations that didn't previously involve them as they try to stand up for the victim, and are a lot more likely to form positive relationships with people who are the victims of locker room bullying.

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On 8/29/2024 at 11:17 AM, MisterSocko said:

Hates the Business: This worker has come to the realization that professional wrestling may not be for them after all, for reasons unrelated to how good they are at it, how much money they're making, or whether they're treated like a star or not. They are much more likely to leave the business early, or at the very least take a lengthy hiatus from it. If they ever come back, they will only accept contract offers that combine the biggest possible paycheck with the lightest possible schedule.

Love the idea, dislike the name. How about "Hardly Working", as in "Working hard, or hardly working?" works as a pun for a worker too.

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5 minutes ago, benjirino said:

Love the idea, dislike the name. How about "Hardly Working", as in "Working hard, or hardly working?" works as a pun for a worker too.

🤷‍♂️Adam Ryland can choose the name he wants if he decides to add the attribute. The one I suggested is based on the already existing "Loves the Business", and the idea is inspired by Brock Lesnar, who quit after just a few years because he hated it, and returned on the condition that he would barely be involved in it. "Hardly Working" makes it sound like it's for workers who are too lazy for it.

All Show, No Go: This worker normally takes advantage of the fact that they're big and look scary to act tough in the locker room, but if they actually get involved in a backstage fight, they will be exposed as a fake bad ass who can't actually defend themselves. Their Toughness skill will take a huge hit, and they'll never be able to work as a Chief Enforcer. There's a chance that a negative personality attribute could disappear or turn into another attribute, e.g. a Troublemaker may become Quiet after being humbled and realizing it's a good idea to keep a low profile.

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On 8/30/2024 at 6:01 PM, thadian said:

Not a good name for it - "When the worker is involved in Cheap/Dirty Finishes, is good at them and does them better". Kinda like how some of the attributes let a worker be "better" at something, this worker REALLY knows the art of screwball endings (whether booking or performing).

Dirtiest Player?

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Overbearing - This workers personality isn't for everyone. Something about them tends to rub people up the wrong way, they are more likely to be the involved in backstage interactions and be the victim of them

Edited by The Otter
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Wrestling is Life - This worker doesn't know what to do with themselves if not working the wrestling schedule. If unemployed, their wage demands are severely lessened. If they're working for multiple companies at once, and/or have a busy schedule, they will get occasional morale boosts. This worker's morale changes for being hired and fired are greatly enhanced. "Money Motivated", "Fame Hungry", and "Loves the Business" have lessened effects on this worker, as they would do it regardless of those factors.

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I wish the personality attributes were slightly separated. Like a mix and match sort of thing.

The core personality would be how the add to the general atmosphere and how they are influenced. (where you can only choose one)

but then the additional attributes could add positive/negative incidents

Examples of how things that could be separate

- Driven (you can have driven people who are positive, and negative. a driven bully, or a driven people person)

- Bully (You can have a person who is quiet and a bully) (you can have a positive general influence who is a bully. Eg the bully would create negative incidents)

Two things that I feel would be better on their own as attributes 

- can become Unreliable

- Likely to develop habits 

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Fair Minded: When handling backstage incidents, either as the owner, head booker or Head of Talent Relations, all decisions by this worker are more likely to boost positive morale for all parties involved, including victims of incidents as everyone feels that the incident was handled fairly.

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Innovator of Offense: This worker is rather inventive in the ring and has an increased of chance of inventing a new spot

This would be for people like Mike Bucci/Hollywood Nova and Chris Kanyon who were incredibly innovative in the ring, but the creative attributes in the game currently apply to both in ring and in promos. I feel we need something strictly for in ring. 


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Through the Crowd - This worker enters through the crowd. They have a chance, during the entrance part of their match, to have an altercation with a fan due to this, that's increased or decreased depending on their personality.

Questionable Loyalty - This worker can be coerced into breaking their loyalty from one company size lower, medium or above rather than big.

Just Won't Quit - This worker refuses to retire... even when they probably should. They will never stop being an active wrestler. If they would normally retire, they'll become an Occasional Wrestler instead.

Master Manipulator - This worker will try to befriend the management of whatever company they're in in order to try and get a better position on the card & win more matches. They'll have a much higher chance than usual of bonding with the owner/booker of a company, developing a positive relationship with them, and if they do this in an AI-controlled company, they'll be treated as if they're one level higher (Star, Recognizable, etc.) than they actually are, and will often win matches and be given championship opportunities. However, losing any matches will have a much bigger effect on them, and they're much more likely for their relationship with the owner/booker to turn sour if they lose too many times in this position, or if their manipulation doesn't work.

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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

Not sure on a name, but I'd like an attribute for workers to get a bonus in scripted matches. Randy Savage for example would carefully plan out his matches.

Maybe Scripted Madness?

Rigid Planner, perhaps? 

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11 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Not sure on a name, but I'd like an attribute for workers to get a bonus in scripted matches. Randy Savage for example would carefully plan out his matches.

Maybe Scripted Madness?

I don't dislike the idea, but from what I've heard/read it's something that would occasionally lead to some friction with some opponents who were like "thanks but I know my job so I'll just do my thing" (like Ric Flair or George Steele).

So I would suggest it a bit differently:

Detail-Oriented: This worker will insist on meticulously scripting important matches. If the booker agrees then the worker will automatically be assigned as the match's agent, and the match will be auto-booked (the player won't be allowed to use notes since the worker is scripting the match by themselves). If everything goes as planned the match will get a bonus based on the worker's Psychology and creativity. But if the booker rejects the request, the worker's Morale will take a hit. And if the booker agrees but the opponent has a level of Experience and perception comparable or higher, they may take offense (unless they have an attribute like "Easy to Do Business With") and refuse the script, negating the bonus and possibly leading to a backstage incident/Morale hit for either or both parties.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating/overthinking things but it seems more realistic than "worker gets bonus". That avoids situations where you'd get a bonus because a rookie jobber got Randy Orton to follow the 10 page script he came up with for their squash match.

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53 minutes ago, MisterSocko said:

I don't dislike the idea, but from what I've heard/read it's something that would occasionally lead to some friction with some opponents who were like "thanks but I know my job so I'll just do my thing" (like Ric Flair or George Steele).

So I would suggest it a bit differently:

Detail-Oriented: This worker will insist on meticulously scripting important matches. If the booker agrees then the worker will automatically be assigned as the match's agent, and the match will be auto-booked (the player won't be allowed to use notes since the worker is scripting the match by themselves). If everything goes as planned the match will get a bonus based on the worker's Psychology and creativity. But if the booker rejects the request, the worker's Morale will take a hit. And if the booker agrees but the opponent has a level of Experience and perception comparable or higher, they may take offense (unless they have an attribute like "Easy to Do Business With") and refuse the script, negating the bonus and possibly leading to a backstage incident/Morale hit for either or both parties.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating/overthinking things but it seems more realistic than "worker gets bonus". That avoids situations where you'd get a bonus because a rookie jobber got Randy Orton to follow the 10 page script he came up with for their squash match.

Love this idea!

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This one comes from watching Maven's Youtube channel

Always be training: This worker is trying to improve himself every day; More likely to get events where he is training different skills before every show. 

Impromptu Mentor: This worker shows up early to every event to practice and doesn't mind spending time practicing with others. Can sometimes train other wrestlers both old and young. (maybe another one for training with the younger wrestlers only) 



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5 hours ago, fourbrothers366 said:

Indie Hero: Worker never wants to be tied down and enjoys the closest to the fans. Worker will never sign an exclusive contract. Plus worker will try to be in every indie show in his game area.

I like the idea, especially since Matt Cardona talked about how he made more money off the indies than in WWE. There is real-world precedence for a wrestler to prioritize indie bookings over just accepting exclusive work from the biggest companies, so it would be a realistic attribute to include (albeit rare, but that's fine since several attributes would rarely be used, like "Doesn't Count as a Mini"). 

You can even make it so companies rated as Small, Tiny, or Insignificant are more likely to hire people with the Indie Hero trait. Like, Matt Cardona worked for 34 different companies in 2023, according to Cagematch, but you would be hard-pressed to see that normally happen in TEW.

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What Did You Say About Me!? - This worker will take to heart the things said at a media scrum, reacting a lot more strongly than most, both positively and negatively.

Did You Say Something? - This worker couldn't care less about what was said at a media scrum, reacting a lot less strongly than most, both positively and negatively.

Welcome Back! - This worker just made a huge return and the fans are really happy about it! Boosts their popularity gain & increases match & angle ratings based on the worker's popularity. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 and 6 months.]

Ego Booking - When AI controlled and working as both an active wrestler and the booker of a company, this worker will book themselves to look stronger than most, if not all, other people on the roster, is likely to make themselves a champion, and has a small chance to make themselves the company's figurehead. If part of the booking team, all of this worker's creative ideas will be about themselves, and they will receive a small booking penalty because all of their ideas involve them in some way.

What Does 'HR' Mean? - It doesn't matter who the worker is, what they've done, or what attributes they have; if AI controlled and working as the booker of a company, this worker will have no qualms about hiring them.

Give Them A Chance - When AI controlled and working as the booker of a company, this worker will occasionally hire a worker with 0 popularity in their home region, regardless of the company's size.

Stupid! Stupid! - This worker is a lot more likely to complain to management about people they work with, especially those who are unsafe in the ring.

Edited by Spoons
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@Adam Ryland Would it be possible to get the following attributes in a patch for TEW IX? I'm asking kinda as a follow-up to the suggestion I made for a max. potential for every skill (see thread below), as I assume new features like that won't be implemented in this iteration. But adding those attributes might be a nice workaround for more precise control over real world mods for the time being. This would greatly help me with my own real world mod project.



Pure Brawler - This worker is a brawler through and through and so won't be earning any skill points in Puroresu, Technical, Flashiness and Aerial.

Pure Technician - This worker is a technical wrestler through and through and so won't be earning any skill points in Puroresu, Brawling, Flashiness and Aerial.

Pure Puroresu - This worker is a Puroresu specialist through and through and so won't be earning any skill points in Brawling, Technical, Flashiness and Aerial.

Pure Highflyer - This worker is a highflyer through and through and so won't be earning any skill points in Brawling, Technical and Puroresu.

So for all these four attributes, skill gain in the non-specialized skills should be set to 0.


Brawling Affinity - This worker prefers to brawl and so his skill gain for Puroresu and Technical is reduced, whereas he won't be earning any skill points in Flashiness and Aerial.

Technical Affinity - This worker prefers technical wrestling and so his skill gain for Puroresu and Brawling is reduced, whereas he won't be earning any skill points in Flashiness and Aerial.

Puroresu Affinity - This worker prefers the Japanese style of Puroresu and so his skill gain for technical wrestling and Brawling is reduced, whereas he won't be earning any skill points in Flashiness and Aerial.

Highflying Affinity - This worker prefers the highflying style and so his skill gain for technical wrestling is reduced, whereas he won't be earning any skill points in Brawling and Puroresu.


Of all eight attributes mentioned, none should affect the skill Hardcore.

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