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The biggest promotion in Canada.  It's been ____ years since the Stones and DeColts buried the hatchet and merged their two companies. Business is booming and the company looks like it is picking up more and more momentum. Could they become a major international player? Are they destined to solely dominate the Canadian landscape? Will their pricey roster be too much of a burden to bear? Let's find out as you discuss all things CWA!

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CWA World Champion - very surprisingly, Edd Stone. His default feud is one with Cameron Vessey, who is the #1 Contender. Edd has been champion since July of 2021, where he made an unannounced return, and won the title. I'll be honest, Edd Stone joining CWA was a genuine shock, and something I wasn't expecting at all. Vessey's popularity has been boosted to 85, making him the third most over active worker on the roster, behind Christian Price and Aaron Knight, who are at 86. Also involved in their feud is David Stone, who Vessey attacked in an uprovoked attack. 

CWA Television Champion - George Wolfe. He's in a feud with Donte Dunn, who I was hoping would have been a World Champion by this point, but there's still ample opportunity for him. Dunn is one of the few workers with 70+ popularity. Wolfe now has the gimmick of cult leader, and is the leader of his own stable - The Wolfe Pack, involving The Brothers of Cain, and Nina The She-Wolf. I kept Nina as enhancement talent in TEW2020, so it's a surprise to see where she's at in this game, and freshes things up a bit. Dunn has backup in the form of the newly signed, Andre Jones, but the storyline description hints at a potential Andre Jones heel turn, so take that as you will. 

CWA World Tag Team Champions - The Griffin Family. They are not involved in any default storyline, but won the titles from The Dynamite Express back in November, so are still in the early stages of the title reign. CWA has a really healthy tag team division, so there are a few opportunities for contenders for the titles. 

CWA Tag Team Grand Prix - Generation Z. Both teams are faces, but all can play the heel role if needed. Robby is better as a babyface, but Generation Z can work either way. It may be interesting to have Generation Z turn heel and win the belts from The Griffin Family. If you'd prefer to keep both teams as faces, Montreal Mafia are another heel team, that are not involved in a storyline, and can easily be transitional champions, or there to make the tag team feud a three-way feud.

CWA Women's Champion - Nadia Snow. I was a little disappointed that the lineage up until Snow was a hot potato between Amber Allen and Brooke Tyler. Snow and Allen's feud from TEW2020, in my opinion, was setting up a Nadia Snow title reign. Better late than never, I suppose. Snow has been champion since July of 2021, where she defeated Amber Allen. Nadia Snow is still the leader of The Queen's Court, which was my favourite stable in TEW2020, so I'm quite pleased about that. Deborah Young and Jessica Conroy are still members, and have been joined by Claire Winters. Amber Allen has vowed to take out every single member of the Queen's Court, to get to Nadia Snow. I had Laura Flame and Lauren Easter (who I'm upset didn't get a title run), who are now a team called the Red Hot Boss, back up Amber Allen for Total Elimination. You could really go either way for Allen and Snow's feud honestly. I'm going to keep the title on Snow, who will drop it to Easter, who will then drop it to Tyler. 

Other storylines:

Also involved in a storyline are Aaron Knight and Christian Price. Price is coming off a SEVEN HUNDRED DAY REIGN (which I was NOT expecting at all). Price and Knight's feud was simply Elite ganging up on Knight, until he called in the DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt) to back him, which sets up a tag team match for Total Elimination very nicely. Jack is still active, Ricky is still quite young and can easily be put into the title picture should you need him to. Sadly, I don't think there are any new DeColts, but I'm sure a future-workers pack/mod will rectify that. As mentioned earlier, Price and Knight are the most over active workers on the roster, and Knight is firmly considered the #1 babyface. Probably going to have Stone drop the title to Vessey, who will then drop it to Knight. 

In another surprise, Foxy LaRue has since signed with CWA, and is now involved in a feud with Brooke Tyler. LaRue's popularity is still quite low, at only 29, but her momentum is at Very Warm, so you should be able to put her in matches without any complications. According to the description, their feud has been brewing since LaRue's debut in July 2021, and now is finally the time for their showdown. I personally would like to build up LaRue's popularity a bit more, so that Tyler won't throw a fit when I try to give LaRue a storyline victory over her. Fortunately, the women's roster is really healthy, so plenty of people for LaRue to face off and establish herself with. 

Roster changes:

I do not know of everyone who has left CWA, as I have yet to compare the two starting game rosters. One glaring omission from the current roster is Sean McFly. He retired in 2021, after a special intergender match, teaming with his daughter Lucy Stone-McFly, which I thought was a really nice sendoff. As most people are aware, Lucy Stone-McFly was set to debut in late 2021, and obviously joined CWA. Demelza Wade also left in December 2020, but is still an active wrestler, so if you'd like, you can always hire her back. 

Allison Addison has been brought in as the manager of Nelson Callum, who also is a new roster member. 

Andre Jones and Edd Stone have joined too, as previously mentioned. 

Ash Campell, Joffy Laine (with manager, Billie Mackenzie), The Nest of Vipers (Mimic & Dagger), Dreadnought, James Diaz, Jamie Atherton, The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham & Ralph Liotta), Robbie Retro, Sabrina Wells and Teresa Perez have all been signed to CWA too. I don't know about you guys but to me, an already stacked roster + several great additions = brand split!! That's probably the best way to go because there is no way you'd be able to consistently showcase a roster of 65+ workers on a 90 minute show. 


A new stable that has been formed is NextWave, consisting of Sonny Wildside, and Generation Z, who are essentially a 'rising stars of the future' team. They can very easily be given a match at Total Elimination. 

Skip Beau and Jared Johnson both won the CWA Television title for a second time. Beau was always someone that I wanted to push, but he'd always get pushed aside for someone else. Perhaps this game will be different. He stands at 71 popularity. Jared Johnson is someone who I pushed too late, as he was getting a main event push, but then I ended that save as TEW IX was coming out. Second time's the charm. Johnson is at 70 popularity. 

Thunder & Lightning, The Brothers Cain, Generation Z and The Dynamite Express all won the tag titles at various points. The tag team roster in CWA is really stacked. 

Shooter Sean Deeley still remains a star in CWA, but does not seem to have done anything of note during those two years. I was really finding my groove with him in TEW2020, booking him as the Wrestling Machine version of Kurt Angle. I can't wait to replicate that. 

Princeton Pryce is really getting up there... his popularity is nearing 60 and he's only 26. His star quality is rated at an 86 too. 

Sally Anne Christianson is the defintion of okay. Zoe Ammis is heel, and is seen as the cornerstone of the division, and can easily be a mini-feud for anyone. Sabrina Wells and Teresa Perez are a tag team called Violent Attitude. Natalie DiMarco has been working on her in-ring craft, and is part of a team with Sandra Shine (quite a few women's tag teams... maybe a CWA Women's Tag Team Championship down the line?) Lucy Stone-McFly is super young, and the sky is the limit for her. Ariel Breaks is on the roster too. 

Edited by MadsMC
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Very surprised and happy to see Edd Stone make the jump and become champ. Sean McFly retired but had a match tagging with Lucy which was sweet, kinda suprised he's not signed to the roster as an agent at start. Donte and Skip seem ready to jump to the main event. Robbie Retro, who i always imagined going to tcw and replacing Danny Fonzarelli and Andre Jones signed. Never booked them before but Retro has legs for me. Nelson Callum, Ash Campbell, Dreadnought, James Diaz, Joffy Laine and so many more recent signings. I didn't even get into the women who have a lot more depth and another legacy project to build with lucy. 

Kinda related to CWA happy to see their TV broadcaster reaches into America if even only a small amount, i personally never liked making a broadcaster

I would argue that CWA made out the best from the time jump. That could be some bias on my end, but i'd still argue it


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2 hours ago, Shifty425 said:

Very surprised and happy to see Edd Stone make the jump and become champ. Sean McFly retired but had a match tagging with Lucy which was sweet, kinda suprised he's not signed to the roster as an agent at start. Donte and Skip seem ready to jump to the main event. Robbie Retro, who i always imagined going to tcw and replacing Danny Fonzarelli and Andre Jones signed. Never booked them before but Retro has legs for me. Nelson Callum, Ash Campbell, Dreadnought, James Diaz, Joffy Laine and so many more recent signings. I didn't even get into the women who have a lot more depth and another legacy project to build with lucy. 

Kinda related to CWA happy to see their TV broadcaster reaches into America if even only a small amount, i personally never liked making a broadcaster

I would argue that CWA made out the best from the time jump. That could be some bias on my end, but i'd still argue it


I've been super noncommittal about starting a game so I've continually been restarting, but the two things I tend to see happen on virtually every game I begin are CWA re-signing Sean McFly and Heihachiro Sakai taking leadership of NEO-X, so it seems like CWA ALSO acknowledges it's weird he's not at least a road agent.

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I ignored CWA last go around as I was bitter about losing CGC, but I started a game with them last night. Actually felt quite manageable, with 4 good starting stories on a 90 minute show... and then I realised I hadn't used 20+ members of the roster for the first month... and they are all locked down to written deals so I can't clean house without a hefty bill. I guess that's the challenge of this promotion. The company has over-spent on talent, so now you have to deal with it. Maybe another show? Or developmental territory? Personally, I would be tempted to bite the bullet and spend a million firing 20 guys on day one. 

As of of my favourite characters, I'm a little disappointed to not have the opportunity to book the earliest days of Edd's return. It's good that he's grown. I just need to figure out what the Unbreakable Stone actually is. The other main event players seem a little bland, gimmick wise, but then I veer towards the cartoon side of wrestling. 

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When TEW 2020 came out I remember seeing on the intro screens to the game that CWA existed and that NOTBPW and CGC had merged into one company.  Initially I was very angry at this as NOTBPW was always the first save I would usually play in any iteration of TEW but I started a save with CWA and I still have it going although it's been a while since I've touched TEW 2020 and now with the release of TEW 9 I probably wont go back to it.  I had a lot of success playing as CWA in 2020's version of the game and I was excited to see how they would progress if a new version of TEW ever came out.  I missed out on the Developers Journal and wouldn't even know that TEW 9 even came out but someone happened to tell me about it because it's been a while since I've been on the website.  However I downloaded the Demo once I saw the news on the site with my own eyes and my first save in TEW 9 will be with CWA.  I love the progression that they've made in the two years in between the databases and I'm excited to see what I can do with them in this version of the game.  Hopefully I can replicate the success I had with them in TEW 2020 because I really enjoyed that save.  I had a hell of a 2021 from a personal standpoint and going through what I did caused me not to play as much as I would have had everything not happened but here we are with a new TEW and I find myself excited for the new game and excited to play with a more Matured version of CWA! 

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CWA feels similar to 2019-2022 AEW in many ways. You have possibly the best roster in the history of wrestling, but the roster is so ridiculously large and bloated that you can't ever book everyone consistently. Morale is going to the dumpster in the long run as people will be paid to sit in catering, no matter how good the shows you put are.

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4 hours ago, TakerNGN74 said:

When TEW 2020 came out I remember seeing on the intro screens to the game that CWA existed and that NOTBPW and CGC had merged into one company.  Initially I was very angry at this as NOTBPW was always the first save I would usually play in any iteration of TEW but I started a save with CWA and I still have it going although it's been a while since I've touched TEW 2020 and now with the release of TEW 9 I probably wont go back to it.  I had a lot of success playing as CWA in 2020's version of the game and I was excited to see how they would progress if a new version of TEW ever came out.  I missed out on the Developers Journal and wouldn't even know that TEW 9 even came out but someone happened to tell me about it because it's been a while since I've been on the website.  However I downloaded the Demo once I saw the news on the site with my own eyes and my first save in TEW 9 will be with CWA.  I love the progression that they've made in the two years in between the databases and I'm excited to see what I can do with them in this version of the game.  Hopefully I can replicate the success I had with them in TEW 2020 because I really enjoyed that save.  I had a hell of a 2021 from a personal standpoint and going through what I did caused me not to play as much as I would have had everything not happened but here we are with a new TEW and I find myself excited for the new game and excited to play with a more Matured version of CWA! 

I hope everything is well with you now. I always loved your run downs of NOTBPW when they were around and what was happening in your games in CWA. I am holding off on playing the game for a while until I can find a more cartoony picture pack that I like but very much looking forward to seeing any updates you have on save games of yours.

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4 hours ago, TWoody24 said:

I hope everything is well with you now. I always loved your run downs of NOTBPW when they were around and what was happening in your games in CWA. I am holding off on playing the game for a while until I can find a more cartoony picture pack that I like but very much looking forward to seeing any updates you have on save games of yours.

Thank you!

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  • 5 weeks later...

CWA seem to be in a really strong position going by my saves so far as the other promotions. They've been consistently hitting high 80's and quite often even into the 90's on TV. Easily surpassing USPW and SFW.

Brooke Tyler especially is an absolutely beast and between her and Aaron Knight, they're hitting constant 90's every single show whether it's a match or angle.

It's enough to make me want to try them out for myself.


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I'm just about to head into October of 2022 with CWA. I haven't played TEW since the 2016 version so safe to say I was a little rusty and made some big mistakes early on that led to us losing our TV deal, but thankfully OnDem took us and it hasn't been that dramatic of a difference. Another mistake was giving Andre Jones a new 3 year Exclusive Written deal, and since then he's been mediocre at best and is dropping physically. So I signed Papa Swoll and am just using Jones to get him over, first as his heavy and then Swoll will turn face on him later down the line.

I'm having a lot of fun booking Aaron Knight vs The Elite shenanigans. They definitely drive the company and provide me with my best ratings, so I'll ride that as long as I can. At Ultimate Showdown I had Jack DeColt turn on Aaron and cost him the match. Now Aaron is not allowed to challenge for the title as long as Christian Price has it, so I plan on getting Aaron Knight to help me get over some midcard acts this year.

Who am I trying to get over? Joffy Laine for sure. Tons of potential in him, right now he's feuding with Cameron Vessey. Marc DuBois has been a surprise so I'm pushing him up the card. I also want to push Nelson Callum, Solomon Gold(mostly due to his chemistry with Knight), and Jamie Atherton. I put Dapper Danny & Princeton Pryce together as a team, and then added Jared Johnson to make them a stable. Some new signings I'm gonna work to get over: Papa Swoll, Jaylon Martins, Bryan Jewett.


As for the women, Brooke Taylor is a star. Issue is she's better as a heel, and it's a little harder to build around a heel that just beats people straight up as eventually you'll run out of challengers. Right now I'm looking at either Laura Flame or Claire Winters to be the one to knock her off her perch, but that's way down the road.

Tag division: I moved Edd Stone to the tag division, as I want him and David to get a long reign, leading to David eventually turning on Edd. I've included Lucy now, having her manage the team so she'll get some pop out of it, then down the line she'll have to pick between Edd & David. There's a lot of good tag teams here, just not enough TV time to really focus on the division.

I'm trying to cut down the roster a bit, or at least move people from Exclusive Written to Exclusive Handshake, hoping that thins the wage bill a bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm typically against the use of AI, but seeing as the game itself is already using it (and with good results imo) I thought it would be okay to do the same for my game and spruce up the CWA logo. So I used Bing's image creator and made a few decent ones. I use the last one as my logo. Feel free to use one of those or come up with your own!





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