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MWCW Wrestling at the Ryan Predictions

National Women's Title: Danielle Sweetheart def. Steffi Chee

"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro def. El Bandido Jr.

Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King def. Luis Montero Jr.

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National Women's Title: "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee
I'm probably going to regret going against Steffi Chee again, but here we are.

"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.
The First Nation moves to the finals.

Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but tanks will never hurt me.  Now get out of my way, you're violating my personal space!

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National Women's Title: "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King

Edited by moafnsteel
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Taped: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Broadcast Date: January 27, 2022
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
67 Fans in Attendance
Broadcast on: Griffin Sports Mid West
Broadcast Rating: .01 [258 Viewers]

As has become custom through the first two episodes of Wrestling at the Ryan, episode 3 starts with a similar sweeping shot through the crowd that is mostly pushed up around the ring. This is both to hide the small number of fans but also to show off the historic nature of the ballroom. It is a classic pro wrestling venue – the kind of place that was run in the 50s when wrestling was on the national networks and helping establish network television. The sweep ends on Patrick Santini and Sue Danes, who are once again at the broadcast position.


Santini, “Hello and welcome back to another action-packed night of professional wrestling here on Griffin Sports Mid West. I’m Patrick Santini and I’m joined as always by my broadcast colleague Sue Danes. Sue, we have a big night tonight with the semi finals of the National Heavyweight Championship tournament as well as our main event, where we will crown the first National Women’s Champion when Danielle Sweetheart and Steffi Chee go one on one.”

Danes, “This should be one of the best nights of wrestling you will see on television in America. I’m beyond excited for tonight and all the stakes at store. I love stakes in wrestling. I love when championships are on the line and when people have to step up their game and that’s what we have tonight. Everyone wrestling tonight has to be at their best – there is too much to lose if they aren’t. This is what being a professional athlete is all about. Moments like this.”

Santini, “This is definitely a Big Fight Night on Griffin Sports Mid West. Midwest Championship Wrestling continues to show that it is the best pro wrestling anywhere in the Mid West and we take pride in broadcasting it. I’m told that we have Mya Catalan standing by with one of the two women competing in the main event tonight. Let’s go backstage to her now.”

The broadcast cuts to where Mya Catalan is standing in front of an MWCW banner. Standing next to her is Danielle Sweetheart.


Catalan, “Thank you Patrick. I’m joined at this time by The Queen of Hearts, Danielle Sweetheart. Danielle, you have the opportunity tonight to become the first-ever National Women’s Champion, but you’ve got to get through Steffi Chee to claim that position. What’s your strategy going into this match?”

Sweetheart, “That’s a great question, Mya. It’s something I’ve been thinking about since I knew it was going to be me and Steffi. I’ve been going over what sort of gameplan I’d go into this match with. I’d be foolish to go into this match guaranteeing a win. You don’t last as long in this sport as Steffi Chee has. She’s been all over the world. She’s held titles in America, Canada, and Germany. She’s a damn fine wrestler, but I’m in my prime. I believe I’m the best wrestler on the planet. I think I’m criminally slept on. I’ve spent my whole career raising my game in the big moments. That’s what I am. A big match wrestler. I’ve got to do what I do best – wrestle. I’m not going to get caught up in any nonsense. I’m not going to lose my focus. I came to Midwestern Championship Wrestling so I could show how good I am. I came here to be a champion and tonight I get that opportunity. Tonight, I get the opportunity to etch my name into the history books as the first National Women’s Champion. I want that. I want that legacy. I want to be remembered forever and that’s what I’m going out there to do. Steffi, best of luck. May the best woman win.”

Danielle walks out of frame, leaving Mya looking at the camera.

Catalan, “Strong words from a hyper-focused Danielle Sweetheart. Up next, Luis Montero Jr. and Juggernaut Jones in a semi final match from the National Heavyweight Title.”

Angle Rating


Opening Match
Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Semi Finals

Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King

We come back from commercial break on the entrance for Juggernaut Jones. He’s accompanied by Professor Jim King and that trusty briefcase of the Professor. Juggernaut just looks like star. He’s big, imposing. He looks like an athlete who could kick someone’s ass. After he entered the ring, the second-generation luchador Luis Montero Jr. made his entrance. While he doesn’t have the imposing look that Juggernaut has, Montero knows how to present himself as a star. He knows how to carry himself, knows all the tricks. When the match started, Jones got started quick. He essentially ran through Montero right at the beginning of the match and Montero took a big bump. Jones was on the attack early with a series of big power moves. Montero sold well, but also sold without dying. He gave small bursts of offense, but also just made sure he didn’t look completely out of it – he made sure it looked like he had some life so that when he made his comeback, the people were with him. Jones made sure he didn’t just bump off of Montero’s offense, but he staggered first, he stumbled, he teetered and he tottered so when Montero hit the big dropkick and Jones took his first bump of the match it was a big deal that the 6’7”, 306 pounder was knocked off his feet. Jones got to his feet slowly – he made that dropkick look as nasty as possible. Montero went for another one, but Jones slapped him away. When Montero got back to his feet, he ate a Pounce and that was all she wrote.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Juggernaut Jones defeated Luis Montero Jr in 9:30 by pinfall with The Pounce. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



Coming back from commercial break, we are with Mya Catalan. This time she is joined by twin brothers Malachi and Micah Thunderbird.

Catalan, “I’m joined at this time by the red hot Thunderbirds. You’re not on tonight’s show, but you have a match with The Prime Studs to advance in the National Tag Team Title tournament. How do you feel knowing you’re so close to the finals of the tournament and to being the first National Tag Team Champions?”

Malachi, “We’ve dreamed our entire life of being tag team champions. Micah and I are no strangers to success. We’ve found success in every athletic endeavor we’ve ever undertaken. We’ve been successful in the classroom. We both have our degrees. This is the next step. Tag Team Champions.”

Micah, “Like my brother said, we’ve dreamed of this our entire life. When we were little boys on the Res, this is what we wanted. We didn’t want Super Bowl rings. We didn’t want Olympic Gold Medals. We didn’t wanted to hit a homerun in Game Seven of the World Series. We wanted Tag Team Championships. We wanted to be recognized as the best duo. And we’re going to get there.”

Malachi, “Yes we are. And when you come out to MWCW Live, you’re going to see great tag team action. Jack and Phil. We hope you’re ready, ‘cause we’re going to run through you.”

The Thunderbirds walked off the set and left Mya to close the segment.

Catalan, “Strong words from the young tag team. Let’s get back to ringside with Patrick and Sue.”

Angle Rating


Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Semi Finals

"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.

The second match of the night pits Roger Monteiro against El Bandido. Two wrestlers who, by COTT classifications, are Junior Heavyweights, but MWCW doesn’t have weight splits. The match started off fast and furious. While the opening match showcased Juggernaut’s power and explosiveness contrasted against Montero’s heart and fortitude, this was a showcase of two high level wrestlers. Monteiro has been building a name for himself in Japan competiting for EXO2010 — a place that has seemingly lit a fire in a man who had thought about walking away. Bandido is trying to prove he belongs on the international scene. It was back and forth action with lots of near falls, but ultimately Monteiro hit the Eagle Chop and we know now that it will be Roger Monteiro versus Juggernaut Jones in the finals next week.

In a decent match, Roger Monteiro defeated El Bandido Jr in 14:01 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



Coming back from commercial break, we see Mya Catalan standing there. 

Catalan, “Welcome back. I’m about to be joined by El Bandido Jr. to hear his thoughts after coming up short against Roger Monteiro. Bandido, a moment of your –”

She’s cut off by Bandido looking past her. The camera moves so it’s over Bandido’s shoulder. Luis Monteiro is sitting in what is clearly a fancy hotel hallway. He’s partially dressed in street clothes and has a large bag of ice pressed to his neck. Monteiro turns to look at Bandido and Bandido shouts.

Bandido, “You got something you want to say to me cabron?”

Monteiro looks confused for a moment before standing up. Catalan steps back, the microphone at her side.

Catalan, “Guys, come on…”

Monteiro ignores Catalan as he walks towards Bandido.

Monteiro, “What did you call me?”

Bandido, “You heard me. That’s what you are. Can’t get out of your brother’s shadow. Can’t get out of your dad’s shadow. Hell, you probably can’t get out of your little sister’s shadow.”

Monteiro, “Did Daddy tell you to say that? At least I have a career to my name. Something I’ve built. You’ve only got the breaks your daddy gave you.”

Bandido clenches his fist as Catalan tries to step between the two men.

Catalan, “Guys, come on, this isn’t what we do here. Please.”

Monteiro, “Don’t worry Mya. I’m a professional.”

He starts backing up, keeping his eyes on Bandido. Bandido mutters something unintelligible and walks off. Montiero shakes his head and heads back towards where he was sitting. Mya looks a little shaken up.

Angle Rating


Mya doesn’t have a chance to collect herself because Professor Jim King and the seemingly unstoppable Juggernaut Jones come walking up.

King, “Since that interview didn’t happen, why don’t you interview me. I’ve got some things to say.”

Catalan tries to compose herself and nods her head.

Catalan, “Okay. What do you have to say, Professor?”

King, “Congratulations, Roger. You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve reached the peak of your career. You have summited the mountain. You get to stand in the ring next week right here on Wrestling at the Ryan and compete for the National Heavyweight Title. You get to stand across the ring from this man. From this monster. Juggernaut Jones. Six feet seven inches of alpha male. This is the man that makes husbands grab their wives a little tighter. Juggernaut Jones is all man and he is going to be the first and only National Heavyweight Champion. He’s the guy, Roger, and next week, you get to say that for once in your career you got to wrestle the guy. You get to say that you got to find out if you really have what it takes. Unfortunately, you get to find out that you don’t. You get to find out that you don’t have what it takes. It’s nothing personal. It’s just academic.”

King and Jones walk off and Mya looks at the camera.

Catalan, “Let’s take our last commercial break before going ringside for our main event.”

Angle Rating


Main Event
Singles Match
TV Time Remaining

Tournament Finals
"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee

The main event was announced as having TV time remaining. Both entrances felt big. Danielle was the clear favorite, with all of the young girls (not that it’s a huge number in this crowd) were behind her. Steffi Chee, the angry, bitter veteran, had the ire of the fans. This was the battle of the person who can’t let go, who can’t believe that people are moving on without her against someone trying to prove that they belong at the top of the mountain. It was structured excellently. Steffi Chee is clearly not the athlete that she once was, but she knows how to work and ultimately that’s what is important. She got heat and worked the crowd up into a frenzy as Danielle sold beautifully. She did the classic babyface sell of reaching her hand out towards the front row as if begging for their help. Begging for them to get behind her and to give her what she needs to get Steffi Chee off of her. Danielle got what she needed and she fought to her feet and Steffi Chee bumped like crazy. She made Danielle look like a million bucks as she sold like the Queen of Hearts was the most devastating woman she’s ever wrestled. Chee took Sweetheart’s Super Kick like only a veteran can and the pinfall was counted and Danielle Sweetheart became the first champion in MWCW history.

In a decent match, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Steffi Chee in 19:23 by pinfall with a Super Kick. Danielle Sweetheart wins the MWCW National Women's title. This match was part of the 'National Women's Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



Danielle Sweetheart was handed the National Women’s Championship by Lucy Hopper. Sweetheart, no stranger to championship wins, sat up on her knees and stared at the championship in her hands. Beads of sweat dripped off of her face and onto the championship. She earned this moment. Flipping her hair back, she forced herself to her feet. She was unsteady, the adrenaline of the match starting to leave her bloodstream. The crowd was on their feet, giving her a standing ovation. Danielle looked out over them and lifted the championship belt high above her head so that the final image of the broadcast is of her in the middle of the ring with the National Women’s Championship.

Angle Rating


Show Rating

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So I had a hiccup with the game. It's not a big deal. I restarted the save file and got to where I was at in the game (fortunately I was only at just right after the episode 4 tour shows). Because of that, I lost the tour shows. I still have episode 4's TV. The biggest way this effects you is that when I restarted the save file I didn't rerun the tournaments because I was already at the finals -- so the tour shows I did between episode 3 and episode 4 of TV don't actually have the tag tournament matches.

The tournament finals are set for episode 5 and I will tell you that the two teams making it to the finals are The Thunderbirds and The Brute Squad. Everything else will continue as normal.

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Live Events for Jan 28 & Jan 29

MWCW Live at the Arch
Friday, January 28, 2022
79 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Honey Badger, Joy Ryder and Thea Davis defeated Coco Malloy, Felicia Luck and Skye Hermosa in 14:46 when Honey Badger pinned Felicia Luck with an Explosion Suplex. 41
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Fuyuko Higa in 25:08 by pinfall with a Super Kick. Danielle Sweetheart makes defence number one of the MWCW National Women's title. 44
  • In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The Academy (Juggernaut Jones, Phil Anders and Jack Pryde) defeated Latino Kings (MWCW) (Jesus Chavez, Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo) in 23:09 when Juggernaut Jones pinned Rudy Velasquez while using the ropes for leverage. Juggernaut Jones and The Prime Studs make defence number two of the COTT World Six Man titles. 28
  • Overall Rating 29


MWCW Live at the Thesz Plaza Park Hotel
Saturday, January 29, 2022
84 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, The Academy (Juggernaut Jones, Brute Squad Blitzer and Brute Squad Bomber) defeated Harvey Robbinfield and International Connection in 10:53 when Juggernaut Jones pinned Harvey Robbinfield with The Pounce. 30
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Felicia Luck, Coco Malloy, Skye Hermosa and Peta defeated Steffi Chee, Marjorie Oxford, Joy Ryder and Honey Badger in 20:05 when Felicia Luck pinned Joy Ryder with a Lucky Strike. 38
  • In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The First Nation (Ace Youngblood, Wild Red Stallion, Malachi Thunderbird and Micah Thunderbird) defeated The Style Council [MWCW] (Brandon Saito, Franky Figg, Xander West and Wilfredo Morales) in 22:02 when Ace Youngblood pinned Wilfredo Morales with a Flying Tomahawk Chop. 22
  • In a poor match, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Monster Ishimura in 13:19 by pinfall with a Super Kick. Danielle Sweetheart makes defence number two of the MWCW National Women's title. 34


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Episode 4
Airs February 3

Main Event
Singles Match
TV Time Remaining
MWCW National Heavyweight Championship
Tournament Finals
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King
Preview: The National Heavyweight Title tournament comes to a finish in this highly anticipated bout. The two standout singles wrestlers from MWCW's two standout factions -- the First Nation and The Academy meet in the most important main event MWCW has seen in it's short history. Monteiro got here by defeating "Prime Time" Jack Pryde and El Bandido Jr. while Juggernaut Jones beat Americana Jr and Luis Montero Jr to find himself in the finals. With the opportunity to cement themselves in the MWCW record books as the first-ever National Heavyweight Champion, both men are bound to leave it all in the ring. Who will walk out with the championship? 

Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
The Mission vs. The Prime Studs w/ Professor Jim King
Preview: While The Prime Studs' quest to become the first-ever MWCW National Tag Team Champions came to an end at the hands of The Thunderbirds, the young duo looks to get back on the path of winning with a victory over one of the rising teams in Mexico -- The Mission. The Mission are making their United States television debut here and a win over a promising team such as The Prime Studs could fast track them into championship contention.

Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Angel Flyer vs. El Bandido Jr.
Preview: El Bandido Jr. is coming off his first singles loss in MWCW and looks to avenge that against another luchador who is making his American debut here. Bandido wants to send Angel Flyer back to Mexico with a loss and Angel Flyer looks to upset one of the most promising luchadors in the business today.

Plus: Here from new MWCW National Women's Champion Danielle Sweetheart

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Taped: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Broadcast Date: February 3, 20222
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
67 Fans in Attendance
Broadcast on: Griffin Sports Mid West
Broadcast Rating: .01 [247 Viewers]

Wrestling at the Ryan episode four opens the way the previous three have opened. We come right out of the opening title package with a sweeping crowd shot. The crowd continues to be small but that is masked by their being up close to the ring. Giving the visual illusion that there is a full sellout, or at least more than 67 paying customers (there are more than that in the building, the benefit of the hangers-on who come to shows with talent). The crowd shot ends on Patrick Santini and Sue Danes sitting behind the commentary table.


Santini, “Hello and welcome back to another great night of professional wrestling action on Griffin Sports Mid West. Last week, we saw Danielle Sweetheart defeat Steffi Chee in the finals of the National Women’s Title Tournament to become the first-ever champion in MWCW and the first-ever National Women’s Champion. Tonight we will here from her, but we will also crown our first National Heavyweight Champion when “American Eagle” Roger Monteiro takes on the crown jewel of the Academy, Juggernaut Jones in the finals of the National Heavyweight Title Tournament. Joining me in calling that match as well as all of the action tonight is my broadcast colleague, Sue Danes. Sue, welcome back to the broadcast. What has you most excited for tonight?”

Danes, “It’s great to be back on the air here on Griffin Sports Midwest, Patrick and it is great to be able to call such a great night of wrestling action. It’s another championship night here on Wrestling at the Ryan and I couldn’t be more excited to crown the first ever National Heavyweight Champion. I think the two best wrestlers on the MWCW roster have made it to the finals and we are in for something special when they finally step into the ring with one another.”

Santini, “I think you’re right and that’s not the only match we have scheduled for tonight’s broadcast. We have all three members of the group The Cleanising from CILL in action here tonight. Angel Flyer takes on fellow luchador El Bandido Jr in our opening contest and The Mission – the team of Crusader and Redeemer – take on the Prime Studs. Before we get to our first match, let’s go backstage where our broadcast colleague Mya Catalan is standing by with the National Women’s Champion, Danielle Sweetheart.”

The television broadcast cuts to the backstage interview (the live crowd was being treated to a non-televised t-shirt handing out segment and trivia contest about St. Louis wrestling history). Mya Catalan is standing next to Danielle Sweetheart, who is holding the National Women’s Championship on her shoulder.


Catalan, “Thank you Patrick and Sue. As you said, I’m joined at this time by the National Women’s Champion, Danielle Sweetheart. It has been one week since Danielle Sweetheart made history by winning the inaugural tournament to crown a National Women’s Champion. In that time, she has defeated two international challengers – Fuyoko Higa and Monster Ishimura. My first question Danielle, is why the international challengers?”

Sweetheart, “That’s a great question Mya. I told the fans before I won the championship that my goal was to prove myself against the best competition. I wanted to show that I am the Queen of Hearts, the Queen of the Ring, the Queen of Wrestling, and not through hubris or ego or some misguided sense of my own self importance. I want to prove those things because in my core I believe them to be true. I want to be the best and to do that I have to beat the best. So I had MWCW management send out open contracts to every wrestling organization with women wrestlers. I had them put a form online for women who don’t wrestle full-time for any company. I don’t care who it is. If they want to step up they can. Fuyoko Higa and Monster Ishimura were the first to accept the challenge and they found out what every woman after them is going to find out – that I am the best. That I am the National Women’s Champion for a reason.”

Catalan, “We can all see that you plan on being a fighting champion. Do you think your body will be able to handle so many potential title challengers with so little time to prepare?”

Sweetheart, “This is pro wrestling, Mya. This isn’t Mixed Martial Arts or Boxing where you get these long training camps to prepare for one fighter. This is the greatest combat sport in the world. This is where you go to prove you’re a real fighter. Pro wrestling. I’m always ready. It doesn’t matter if they are a wrecking machine like Monster Ishimura. It doesn’t matter if they are a pure wrestler like Fuyoko Higa. It doesn’t matter if they are a luchadora or a woman who trained with the Stones. I’m ready for any challenge. If you’re a fan and you want to see me defend the title, come to MWCW Live when we are in your neck of the woods and see what the fuss is all about because I’m going to be National Women’s Champion for a long, long time.”

Sweetheart walks out of frame, leaving Catalan to wrap up the interview.

Catalan, “Strong words from our champion. She’s already blazing a trail with two title defences and the question is – how long will she be champion. She clearly thinks for a long time and I think she might be right. Anyway, back to you Patrick and Sue.”

Angle Rating


Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Angel Flyer vs. El Bandido Jr.

We come back from a commercial break after Patrick and Sue billboarded the opening contest a little more. El Bandido Jr was out first to help make sure the crowd knew that he was the bad guy so they should be on Angel Flyer’s side. Flyer has been a member of the CILL roster for the past four years where he has been one of the featured people on the roster. He has not one any major championships in his career and this match against El Bandido Jr is his first international contest. Both men looked right at home against one another despite this being their first-ever meeting since El Bandido Jr. has been working in EMLL in Mexico and hasn’t crossed paths with Flyer. The match was fast-paced and was the definition of what a modern lucha-style match is. There was even a big dive from Angel Flyer onto El Bandido Jr. on the outside (MWCW is not a place known for its out-of-the-ring dives. Ultimately, it was El Bandido Jr. with the Hijack Suplex that was the move of the match and El Bandido Jr got himself back on track after losing to Roger Monteiro last week.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Angel Flyer in 8:01 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 

Match Rating



The television broadcast continued with a hype package for the finals of the National Tag Team Title tournament (the live crowd was treated to a similar package hyping up the remaining tournament matches). The Thunderbirds and The Brute Squad were heavily featured – as they are the two teams who will be wrestling next week to name inaugural champions. The video package seemed to focus on the power of all four men and go with the idea that this match will be a tag team hoss fight.

Angle Rating


Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Mission vs. The Prime Studs w/ Professor Jim King

We come back from the second commercial break of the evening for the tag team match. Angel Flyer’s partners in the Cleansing were in action here against The Prime Studs. The Mission got the early offense to establish themselves as the babyfaces so they could get the sympathy when the Prime Studs cut them off and went into the heat. Jim King was excellent ring side, he and Phil Anders especially seemed to feed off of one another. Pryde and Anders are not a fancy tag team – there is nothing about them at this stage that is mind blowing, but they are both fundamentally sound and they move around each other well. Jack Pryde got the win for his team with the PrydeFall.

In a poor match, The Prime Studs defeated The Mission in 9:47 when Jack Pryde pinned Redeemer with a PrydeFall. 

Match Rating



We come back from a commercial break and we are backstage with Professor Jim King and Juggernaut Jones. Mya Catalan is not there. Jones is pacing back and forth – his job in the segment is clearly to look big and mean and intimidating while Professor King does the talking.

King, “In just a few minutes, every one of you watching this broadcast are going to be treated to something special. You’re all going to get to bare witness to something you will be talking about for the rest of your natural lives. You are going to witness this man behind me, this man who is the perfect wrestler, this man who is the prototype for what a professional wrestler is supposed to be, this man is going to break the American Eagle. This man is going to leave Roger Monteiro a beaten, broken man and he is going to leave The Ryan Hotel as the first National Heavyweight Champion. You know, the word Juggernaut comes from the English attempt to translate Jagannath, the Hindu god. The unstoppable force. That’s what Juggernaut Jones is. The unstoppable force. He is six feet seven inches, three hundred pounds of pure dominance. He is what this sport is supposed to be and tonight… Tonight we show the world that when you understand the world you can harness it for your goals and Juggernaut Jones is going to bring the Academy to its goals.”

Angle Rating



We cut from the Professor King promo to a separate space where Roger Monteiro stands. He is dressed for battle. Monteiro, who has never hidden his Comanche heritage, was putting on a full war bonnet made from eagle feathers. He looked incredibly focused.

Monteiro, “It has taken me twelve years and countless battles, countless ring wars to get to this moment. This moment where I can call myself the standard bearer for an entire company. I’ve crisscrossed the globe, wrestling anybody I could. I’ve won and I’ve lost. I have prepared for this moment. This is the payoff to everything I’ve done. This is my chance to carry the torch. I am not, I can not, let it slip from my fingers. I can not, will not, fail. Tonight, the American Eagle soars.”

Angle Rating


Main Event
Singles Match
TV Time Remaining

Tournament Finals
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King

It was time for the main event. Both Monteiro and Jones came out and got big reactions. The fans were solidly behind Monteiro. Solidly behind the American Eagle. Jones and King seemed unbothered by the lack of support for them. Jones was the larger (significantly so) of the two wrestlers. Monteiro got a little opening shine, using his speed to duck under attacks from Jones and pepper him with hard chops. Monteiro went for a flying crossbody and Jones caught him in mid air and slammed him down into the mat. This took us into the heat where Jones hit Monteiro with a barrage of power moves. A few big overhead belly to belly suplexes. A big backdrop driver that almost put Monteiro away. Monteiro looked in real trouble when Jones went for The Pounce. Monteiro just got out of the way and the force of Jones’ leap sent him up and over the top rope to the floor. This was the opening Monteiro needed. He climbed to the top rope and dove off onto Jones. Monteiro’s comeback was fiery and Jones sold all around the ring and back into. Monteiro hit chops and kicks and a headbutt. Jones’ chest was bright red. Monteiro climbed to the top rope and came off with a chop to the top of Jones’ head – the Eagle Chop – and Jones took a big bump. Monteiro made the cover and got the three count and the victory.

In a decent match, Roger Monteiro defeated Juggernaut Jones in 19:21 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. Roger Monteiro wins the MWCW National Heavyweight title. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



Roger Monteiro is presented with the MWCW National Heavyweight Championship. There are tears in his eyes. He has done it. He has become the torch carrier, the standard bearer. He has climbed the mountain he once thought was unsummitable. He was joined in the ring by the other four members of the First Nation who hoisted Roger Monteiro onto their shoulders and as Wrestling at the Ryan went off the air, the last shot was Roger Monteiro holding the National Heavyweight Championship above his head, hoisted above on the shoulders of his allies.

Angle Rating


Show Rating

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MWCW Live at the Presidential Parlor
Thursday, February 3, 2022
86 Fans In Attendance

  • In a decent match, Coco Malloy and Skye Hermosa defeated Steffi Chee and Ellie May Walton in 18:23 when Skye Hermosa pinned Ellie May Walton with a Skye Twister Press. 37
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Luis Montero Jr defeated "Mad" Mongo Flash in 17:02 by submission. 41
  • In a decent match, El Bandido Jr defeated Brett Biggins in 14:39 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. 38
  • In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The Academy (Juggernaut Jones, Jack Pryde and Phil Anders) defeated Pepper Pelton and Hot Property in 18:36 when Juggernaut Jones pinned Lachlan Barrett with The Pounce. Juggernaut Jones and The Prime Studs make defence number three of the COTT World Six Man titles. 27



MWCW Live at the Deadwood Memorial Arena
Friday, February 4, 2022
86 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Jack Pryde defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 15:07 by pinfall with a PrydeFall. 29
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Americana Jr in 18:57 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 33
  • In a poor match, Honey Badger defeated Allie Perks in 14:11 by pinfall with an Explosion Suplex. 29
  • In a decent match, Roger Monteiro defeated Ernest Youngman in 42:07 by two falls to one after losing the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. Roger Monteiro makes defence number one of the MWCW National Heavyweight title. 30



MWCW Live at Hunter’s Town Hall
Saturday,February 5, 2022
86 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Luis Montero Jr defeated "Mad" Mongo Flash in 8:21 by submission. 44
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The First Nation (Ace Youngblood & Wild Red Stallion) defeated International Connection in 9:48 when Ace Youngblood pinned Americana Jr with a Flying Tomahawk Chop. 36
  • In a decent match, Steffi Chee, Marjorie Oxford, Joy Ryder and Honey Badger defeated Coco Malloy, Peta, Felicia Luck and Skye Hermosa in 20:02 when Steffi Chee pinned Peta with a Mafia Kick. 37
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Phoenix IV in 14:35 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 33
  • In a decent match, Roger Monteiro defeated Logan Wolfsbaine in 34:20 by two falls to one after losing the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. Roger Monteiro makes defence number two of the MWCW National Heavyweight title. 39


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February 10, 2022
The Ryan Hotel
Card For Predictions

Main Event
Tag Team Match
TV Time Remaining
National Tag Team Titles
Tournament Finals
The Thunderbirds vs. The Brute Squad w/ Professor King
Preview: The last tournament to conclude in MWCW, the National Tag Team Title tournament, reaches its apex in the main event. The Thunderbirds and the Brute Squad have both been red hot since MWCW started and each have earned their way to the finals with two victories a piece in the tournament. Both teams are big and physical. Last week, the First Nation got a win over the Academy when Roger Monteiro beat Juggernaut Jones, will the Academy even the score or will First Nation add another set of titles to their collective trophy case.?

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
War Piece vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor King
Preview: War Piece, a young highflyer from Pittsburgh has come to MWCW for a chance at proving that he belongs with the top independent wrestlers in America. He has a tall task in front of him when he takes on Juggernaut Jones who is looking to rebound after coming up short last week in his only loss since joining MWCW. The Academy's Crown Jewel has made it clear that he wants the National Heavyweight Title and that he's going to take his frustrations out on anyone across the ring from him until he reaches his goal.

Six Man Tag
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
The First Nation vs. The National Guard [Silencer, Desert Storm, Sgt. Bubba West]
Preview: MWCW National Champion Roger Monteiro teams with his stablemates Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion against a trio of military men that are making their MWCW debuts here. The National Guard are looking to establish themselves in wrestling -- this is a chance for a big break for all three of them, but the First Nation look to contain building their own reputation.

Opening Match
Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
St. Louis' Most Wanted vs. The Quest
Preview: Two teams make their debut in MWCW in the opening match of this show. St. Louis' Most Wanted -- a team comprised of Pappa Swoll and "Public Enemey #1" Jake Jackson take on the team of Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue, representing the Quest collective. Deluxe and Blue have been friends for almost two decades and started their careers together in XDW and have seen themselves carve out places for themselves in wrestling, while St. Louis' Most Wanted are making their tag team debut but the two big, physical men could prove to be the next big thing in tag team wrestling.

Quick Predictions
National Tag Titles: The Thunderbirds vs. The Brute Squad w/ Professor King
War Piece vs. Juggernaut Jones
The First Nation vs. The National Guard
St. Louis' Most Wanted vs. The Quest

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Finally on track with the diary, very impressed by Roger Monteiro early push, and I'm here for it!


National Tag Titles: The Thunderbirds vs. The Brute Squad w/ Professor King don't buy a all-champs babyface group rn
War Piece vs. Juggernaut Jones masked man better add an S to his name, cause he's gonna end up in pieces
The First Nation vs. The National Guard
St. Louis' Most Wanted vs. The Quest wow Pappa + Enemy are basically gonna be impossible to beat I'm afraid

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Taped: Thursday, February 10, 2022
Broadcast Date: February 10, 2022
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
85 Fans in Attendance
Broadcast on: Griffin Sports Mid West
Broadcast Rating: .01 [265 Viewers]


As has become the signature opening style for Wrestling at the Ryan, we come out of the opening titles to the crane crowd shot. The crowd is the biggest that MWCW has put into the Ryan so far since starting their television residency here. We come to a stop on the announcing position where Patrick Santini and Sue Danes are, as always, there.

Santini, “Hello everybody and welcome once again to another jampacked episode of Wrestling at the Ryan. I’m Patrick Santini and I’m joined by my broadcast colleague Sue Danes. Sue, we’ve got another championship edition of Wrestling at the Ryan because tonight in our main event, The Thunderbirds will take on The Brute Squad in the finals of the National Tag Team Championship tournament and we will crown our last champions.”

Danes, “It’s an exciting night, Patrick. These last three weeks we have seen every one of our initial tournaments come to a conclusion tonight with the two most physical teams in MWCW square off in what is sure to be a meeting between unstoppable forces. The Thunderbirds and The Brute Squad are both big, physical, forceful teams and I can’t wait to see them lock horns in our main event tonight.”

Santini, “I can’t wait for the main event either, but we’ve got a big line up tonight. Juggernaut Jones takes on the debuting War Piece, our National Heavyweight Champion Roger Monteiro teams up with his First Nation stable mates Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion to take on the National Guad. Plus in our opening contest, we will see the debut of two new teams. We have St. Louis’ Most Wanted and two members representing the collective The Quest.”

Danes, “It should be a great night of pro wrestling. If I’m reading the formats correctly, it looks like we should go to the ring for our opening match!”


Opening Match
Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

St. Louis' Most Wanted vs. The Quest

The opening match of the fifth episode of Wrestling at the Ryan started with four men who are new to MWCW. The Quest, who are clearly supposed to be the heels, are made up of two of the men who gained some internet notoriety for being backyard wrestlers that attempted to go mainstream/build out careers for themselves in pro wrestling. While they’ve all seen some varying degrees of success, Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue are the first of the collective to make their MWCW debuts. St. Louis’ Most Wanted, a team of two of GSW’s rising stars, Papa Swoll and “Public Enemy #1” Jake Jackson, were the babyfaces and clearly presented as men who are supposed to be big deals. The match was mostly one-sided, with St. Louis’ Most Wanted getting almost all of the offense in. The Quest had some heelish-flurries of offense, but St. Louis’ Most Wanted got an easy victory off of Papa Swoll’s Boom Shakalaka on Fearless Blue.

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, St. Louis' Most Wanted defeated The Quest (Extreme Deluxe & Fearless Blue) in 6:06 when Papa Swoll pinned Fearless Blue with a Boom Shakalaka. 

Match Rating


After the match, Mya Catalan entered the ring with a microphone and approached St. Louis’ Most Wanted.

Catalan, “Swoll, Jake, can I get a quick word.”

Jake and Swoll both nod their heads, giving their approval to be asked some questions.

Catalan, “I think I speak for everyone when I say very impressive debut here tonighto n Wrestling with the Ryan. The two of you have been building names for yourselves in wrestling over the past five years. How do you feel about starting your careers here in MWCW?”

Swoll, “Me and big Jake feel great. We’ve been waiting for an opportunity to show more of the world what we can do. We’ve got big plans for MWCW.”

Jackson, “Yes we do. Me and Swoll plan on being the top tag team here in Midwestern Championship Wrestling. We’ve got our eyes on the main event tonight. We want to see who is going to walk away as the first ever National Tag Team Champions so we know who we are going to have to prepare ourselves for.”

Catalan, “So I think it’s clear that you have championship aspirations.”

Swoll, “Why be in wrestling if you aren’t trying to win championships? That’s why we got into wrestling for the competition and for the championships.”

Jackson, “That’s right. We’re here to be the best. Best of luck to both teams in the main event tonight. We look forward to be able to be in the ring with you.”

St. Louis’ Most Wanted exited the ring and feed goes to commercial break.

Angle Rating


Six Man Tag
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The First Nation vs. The National Guard [Silencer, Desert Storm, Sgt. Bubba West]

We come back from commercial break with the entrances for the National Guard. The three men share military gimmicks. In a lot of contexts, they’d probably come in as babyfaces but they came out snarling and barking orders so it’s clear they’re being presented as heels – which makes sense as they are wrestling three of the most popular wrestlers on the MWCW roster in the First Nation. The First Nation is very over, with Roger Monteiro the most over wrestler on the roster. The National Guard got some early heat on Ace Youngblood – the designated seller for this version of the National Guard because you’re not going to get heat on the champion and Wild Red Stallion is clearly being positioned to be the heir-apparent. There was a point in the match where all six men ended up in the ring brawling, but order was restored and Wild Red Stallion got the win for his team after hitting his Lakota Cutter on Sgt. Bubba Lee West.

In a decent match, The First Nation (Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro and Wild Red Stallion) defeated The National Guard (The Silencer, Desert Storm and Sgt. Bubba Lee West) in 6:42 when Wild Red Stallion pinned Sgt. Bubba Lee West with a Lakota Cutter.

Match Rating



We go backstage to Maya Catalan who is standing by with veteran Steffi Chee. Steffi Chee looks visibly frustrated.

Catalan, “I’m joined now by Steffi Chee. Steffi, two weeks ago you came up short against Danielle Sweetheart. You’ve made it clear that you see the end of your career on the horizon, so what is next for you.”

Chee, “What’s next for me? What’s next for me? I was robbed against Danielle Sweetheart and everybody saw it! I should be the National Women’s Champion! It should be me. I know that time is ticking on my career. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve been doing this at a high level all over the world and I plan on going out on top.”


Catalan looks like she’s about to ask another question, but suddenly Coco Malloy walks into the frame.

Catalan, “Coco, what are you doing here?”

Malloy, “I’m here to issue a challenge to Steffi Chee for next week on Wrestling at the Ryan. I want a chance to challenge Danielle, so does Steffi, so why not wrestle next week to see which one of us deserves a shot?”

Chee, “Oh you want a chance at the belt? You think you deserve to wrestle for the National Women’s Title more than me? Well then next week I’m going to show you that you and I are on different levels.”

Malloy grins.

Catalan, “Well there you have it. It seems like next week we will see Coco Malloy and Steffi Chee go one on one.”

Angle Rating


Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

War Piece vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor King

The next match was War Piece, the high flyer from Pittsburgh making his debut in MWCW against Juggernaut Jones. Jones came up short last week against Roger Monteiro for the National Heavyweight Title. Jones came out of the gate very angry and it became clear (as if it wasn’t already) that War Piece was here to sell his ass off for Juggernaut Jones and that’s what War Piece did. He took several big pumps off of all of Jones’ big power moves and made Jones look like a destructive force. Jones hit The Pounce for the easy victory.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Juggernaut Jones defeated War Piece in 3:50 by pinfall with The Pounce. 

Match Rating


After the commercial break, we are backstage with Mya Catalan and Professor Jim King, who is flanked by the two massive men known as The Brute Squad.

Catalan, “In just a few moments, Professor King, you will be leading The Brute Squad to the ring where they will take on The Thunderbirds to name the first National Tag Team Champions. Last week, Juggernaut Jones came up short against Roger Monteiro. How can you avoid going 0-2 in tournament finals?”

King, “Well that wasn’t a very polite question, Mya. Last week, things did not go to plan, you’re correct. We came up short on our goal of bringing the National Heavyweight Championship into The Academy’s possession but that will be rectified in due time. Tonight is about The Brute Squad. Tonight is about making sure the National Tag Team Titles come home with us. We came up short last week, but that will not be the case today. Have you ever seen two men as ready for battle as these two are? These two men that were built to be wrecking balls. These two men that were built to knock down city walls and ride off with the spoils of an empire. Tonight that’s what these men do. They leave with the National Tag Team Titles.

Catalan, “Well best of luck to your team tonight.”

Angle Rating



We cut to a different part of the backstage area where Danielle Sweetheart is talking to someone off-camera. She has the MWCW National Women’s Championship with her. She nods as if she knows it’s her cue now.

Sweetheart, “If you haven’t been paying attention, ever since I won this title two weeks ago, I’ve been taking on all challengers on MWCW Live shows. If you want to see this title defended, make sure you —”

Ashley Keith_Alt.jpg

From somewhere off screen there is a commotion and then ASHLEY KEITH appears and she tackles Danielle Sweetheart to the ground. Danielle is caught off guard so Ashley does get the better of her – but backstage personnel are quick on the scene to pull Ashley Keith off. Mya Catalan comes running up, look flustered. No microphone in her hand, but she is screaming.

Catalan, “You don’t even work here!”

The security personnel pull Ashley Keith away as we cut to a commercial break to sell to the fans that this wasn’t supposed to happen.

Angle Rating


Main Event
Tag Team Match
TV Time Remaining

Tournament Finals
Malachi Thunderbird.pngMicah Thunderbird.png
Brute Squad Blitzer.pngBrute Squad Bomber.pngimage.png
The Thunderbirds vs. The Brute Squad w/ Professor King

We come back from commercial break and there is no mention of what just happened. None. On purpose. Why would you mention someone who wasn’t supposed to be there on the show? Instead we get the entrances for the Tag Team Title match. Both teams look like they are ready for actin and we are treated to a big hoss-style tag team match. All four men hit each other hard. If there was a knock, we could say that none of the form men are natural sellers and even in a hoss fight you need someone to sell. There was lots of back and forth action and several near falls off big lariats and other powermoves. In the end, Professor Jim King hit Micah Thunderbird with the loaded briefcase, which set up the Gutwrench Powerbomb for the Brute Squad to get the victory and become the first National Tag Team Champions.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, The Brute Squad defeated The Thunderbirds in 13:15 when Brute Squad Blitzer pinned Micah Thunderbird with a Gutwrench Powerbomb after Professor Jim King interfered. The Brute Squad win the MWCW National Tag Team titles.

Match Rating


Show Rating

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MWCW Live at the Arch

Friday, February 11, 2022
The Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
86 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, The First Nation (Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Micah Thunderbird and Malachi Thunderbird) defeated The Quest (Extreme Deluxe, Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero and Xavier Reckless) in 16:41 when Roger Monteiro pinned Extreme Deluxe with an Eagle Chop. 39
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Peta defeated Lydia Lucious in 7:23 by pinfall with a Soo. 41
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Luis Montero Jr and International Connection defeated The National Guard (Desert Storm, The Silencer and Sgt. Bubba Lee West) in 14:45 when Luis Montero Jr submitted Sgt. Bubba Lee West. 42
  • In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Paige Croft in 23:41 by pinfall with a Super Kick. Danielle Sweetheart makes defence number three of the MWCW National Women's title. 48
  • In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Lilly & Rose defeated The Uprising in 25:08 when Debbie Rose pinned Selina Svelte with The Thorn. Lilly & Rose win the COTT World Women's Tag Team titles. 52



MWCW Live at the Thesz Plaza Park Hotel

Saturday, February 12, 2022
Thesz Plaza Park Hotel, Kansas City, Kansas, USA
84 Fans In Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, El Bandido Jr defeated American Patriot in 14:58 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 35
  • In a decent match, Coco Malloy, Peta, Felicia Luck and Skye Hermosa defeated Marjorie Oxford, Honey Badger, Joy Ryder and Steffi Chee in 18:33 when Peta pinned Honey Badger with a Soo. 40
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Harvey Robbinfield, Luis Montero Jr and St. Louis' Most Wanted defeated The Quest (Xavier Reckless, Fearless Blue, Extreme Deluxe and Daredevil Aero) in 15:21 when Papa Swoll pinned Fearless Blue with a Boom Shakalaka. 38
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Talia Neema in 20:21 by pinfall with a Super Kick. Danielle Sweetheart makes defence number four of the MWCW National Women's title. 46
  • In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Roger Monteiro defeated T-Rex in 14:27 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. Roger Monteiro makes defence number three of the MWCW National Heavyweight title. 41


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Broadcast on February 17, 2022
Card for Predictions

Main Event
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Coco Malloy vs. Steffi Chee

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Disturbed

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Peta vs. Marjorie Oxford

Six Man Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
St. Louis' Most Wanted & Harvey Robbinfield vs. The National Guard

Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
War Piece vs. El Bandido Jr

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Main Event
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Coco Malloy vs. Steffi Chee

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Disturbed

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Peta vs. Marjorie Oxford

Six Man Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
St. Louis' Most Wanted & Harvey Robbinfield vs. The National Guard

Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
War Piece vs. El Bandido Jr


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Main Event
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Coco Malloy vs. Steffi Chee

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Disturbed

Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Peta vs. Marjorie Oxford

Six Man Tag Team Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
St. Louis' Most Wanted & Harvey Robbinfield vs. The National Guard

Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
War Piece vs. El Bandido Jr

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