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[HYPE] 1985 Real World Mod

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This will be a simple, no-nonsense mod with a start date of January 1st, 1985, and focusing on North America and Japan, although most other areas will be covered in some detail as well.

This mod will be released in 5 phases:

Phase 1 will include workers and companies debuting through approximately 1989.
Phase 2 will add workers and companies debuting through approximately 1994.
Phase 3 will add workers and companies debuting through approximately 1999.
Phase 4 will add workers and companies debuting through approximately 2004.
Phase 5 will add workers and companies debuting from approximately 2005 through approximately 2020. However, this phase is likely to be the least detailed.

**Full disclosure: Phase 5 is the least important to me due to my decreased interest in that period of wrestling, and as a result might end up on the cutting room floor depending on how everything goes up to that point.

I'm hoping to have something released for people to experiment with, and hopefully provide feedback on, in a month or so. However, although I do have quite a bit of experience with the editor for my own personal use, this would be the first mod or database I've ever shared with anyone and therefore my timetable may be way off. 

My original intention was just to convert a 2020 mod for personal use but with so much having changed between versions, I just wasn't satisfied with the results of that conversion and felt it best to just start from scratch. So far, I'm mostly finished with Match Types, Injuries, and Gimmicks, and have a decent start on venues and broadcasters. I'll update this post with my progress as I go, and all released updates when the time comes will be found in the second post of this thread. 

P.S. I felt really stupid putting [HYPE] in the title of this post as due to my inexperience with making a full mod there's no possible way to know yet if there will actually be something to get "hyped" over. That's apparently just how it's done, though, so I went with it. 


Progress updates


- jhd1 has graciously offered up his 1986 Timelines mod for me to use as a base for this so I won't have to start from scratch. This is unfathomably generous and I can't overstate how much I appreciate it!

- Finished up match types, injuries, and gimmicks that I mentioned being nearly done with above, although I might add some extra match types and gimmicks just for fun later on depending on how everything else goes. 

- Added over 200 broadcasters and am now working on maximum company limits and broadcast slots, which I hope to finish sometime tomorrow. I haven't decided how much further I'll go yet, but I'm leaning toward being satisfied with the 200+.


- Finished adding maximum company limits and broadcast slots to all broadcasters and added some more broadcasters from jhd1's 1986 mod, bringing the total to over 270. I consider broadcasters done for the time being. And, of course, by "done" I mean they're in a state where I can move on to something else and then I can see if they need more tweaking once I actually start testing everything.

- Finished the following minor stuff: Eras, Other TV Shows, Tag Team Names, Show Names, Stable Names.


- With jhd1's blessing, I'm using his 86 Timelines mod as a base, which has allowed me to start with 2,180 workers. I've now begun updating those 2,180 workers to roll back their skills and pop gains by 1 year since his mod starts a year ahead of my start date here. Luckily, there are 674 that I don't need to update in this manner, since they are yet to debut at the start date of either this mod or his. Thanks to some great tips and encouragement from jhd1 and Mattywood, this is going quite smoothly.

- I've also begun the tedious work of gathering heights, weights, and some birthdays for those 2,180 workers and getting them ready for entry into the external editor. This isn't actually a super high priority, especially this early on, but I like to bounce back and forth between tasks to avoid monotony. There's a very helpful post from Astil a week or so ago with tons of information that I've been working through to speed this along, so thanks, Astil! 


- I'm quickly closing in on having rolled back all worker skills from 1986 to 1985 levels and will soon be ready to start working on rolling back everyone's popularity. The popularity is going to be a bit trickier, but once again jhd1 has given me some great tips on how to balance things out. 

- I know I said it wasn't a high priority in my last update, and truly it isn't, but I got on a bit of a roll and updated heights, weights, minimum weights, and maximum weights for almost 1,100 workers! And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how many more I'll do in this initial batch of workers since a lot of those that I didn't touch on are obscure guys and gals that I'd guess most of us have never heard of, many of them well past their prime. Besides, many of the people I didn't get to yet, maybe even most, actually converted just fine height and weight-wise from the 2020 mod anyway, and any adjustments I did make would be minor inch or two here, pound or five there type adjustments. And just to be clear, any new workers that I add moving forward will have their proper heights, weights, and minimum/maximum weight settings regardless of what I decide to do with most of the other 1,000ish workers in this initial batch.


- Finished rolling back the skills of all 1506 workers that needed it from the 1986 levels of the base mod I'm using to 1985 levels for the starting point of this mod.

- Rolled back the popularity of all 1506 workers that needed it to 1985 levels. Some of these may need a little tweaking once testing starts but I'm happy with where they are for now.

- Added accurate birthdays for over 400 workers. Much like heights and weights, this wasn't a huge priority, but it was easy enough to add these in between doing other things. I'll probably stop here as I think I've covered most "major" workers in the mod right now, but as I mentioned in one of my previous updates about heights and weights, all workers I add moving forward will have accurate birthdays.

- This is just a personal preference, which you could easily undo with the mass edit feature before you start a game, but I've added the new "No Politics" attribute to every worker currently in the database except those who actually entered politics. That list includes:

Atsushi Onita - Served in the Japanese House of Councillors
Antonio Inoki - Served in the Japanese House of Councillors
B. Brian Blair - Served as a Hillsborough County Commissioner in Florida
Blue Demon Jr. - Mayor, Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City
Bob Backlund - Ran for Congress in Connecticut in 2000
Booker T - Attempted a run for Mayor of Houston, TX
Hiroshi Hase - Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture
Jerry Lawler - Made multiple runs for Mayor of Memphis, TN
Jesse Ventura - Former Governor of Minnesota
Kane - Mayor of Knox County Tennessee
Ken Patera - Ran for Minnesota House of Representatives
Tony Halme (Ludvig Borga) - Member of the Finnish Parliament
Nikolai Volkoff - Ran for the Maryland House of Delegates in 2006
Raymond Rougeau - Mayor of Rawdon, Quebec
Rick Steiner - Serves on the Cherokee County Board of Education in Georgia
Rhyno - Ran for the Michigan House of Representatives in 2016 and 2020
The Great Sasuke - Elected to Iwate Prefectural Assembly in 2003

- Up next, I'm starting on worker attributes. This will mostly just be making sure nothing weird happened in the conversion from 2020 to IX and making use of any new attributes added to IX. Other than that, I'm just looking to add some basic attributes to some of the 1000 or so workers who didn't have any in the base mod. I'm hoping the new attribute template feature will help with that but I haven't messed around with it yet.


- I'm still hard at work on attributes but it's taking a bit longer than I thought it would so I'm not quite finished yet. I'm close, though, and probably would've finished this past weekend had I gotten to work on them as much as I'd hoped. That's life, though.

Hopefully, I'll have something more to report in a few days. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still hard at work on this since it's been a week since my last update.


- Just a quick generic update to let everyone know that I'm still diligently working on this and it's still happening and I've gotten tons and tons of things done since my last update on 8-21. Well, back to it! Thanks!


- Well, I've obviously missed my initially stated goal of having something released for folks to experiment with by the end of August, which is almost comical considering I was planning on starting from scratch when I posted that. Turns out that if jhd1 hadn't offered up his 1986 Timelines mod from 2020 as a base I probably would've given up weeks ago. He did, though, which was tremendously helpful and thanks to that, and some helpful advice from Mattywood, I'm happy to say that I could picture myself releasing a beta of Phase 1 in just a few more weeks! I'm not promising anything because who knows what life has in store for me over that period, but I'm feeling pretty confident at the moment. 

Thanks again to everyone who's messaged or posted in this thread for your support! It's really helped drive me through some of the unexpected lulls and out of nowhere brick walls that I've hit as a first-time mod maker!


Unfortunately, I haven't had as much time to work on this as I'd hoped over the past week, real life and whatnot. I've still got some things done each day, though, and I'm still plugging away with my eyes on hopefully releasing a beta in a couple of weeks. No promises, obviously, but I'm optimistic.


I'm getting closer and closer to the point where I would be comfortable releasing a beta for phase 1. If I continue to get things done at the pace I've been going over the past week, a September release isn't out of the question! 

Edited by ink625
Progress update.
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1 hour ago, jhd1 said:

Feel free to use my 1986 mod as a base. It was built from scratch for 2020 so should convert pretty well.

No point starting from scratch with that kind of offer for help! I'll be certain you get full credit for everything I use. Thanks a ton, jhd1!

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Good luck! I had a similar idea a while ago. But it's a tremendous workload to start a mod from scratch and all by your selfs.

No idea who is creating that stuff. RESPECT to all the Mod makers out there!!!

If you can use jhd1 '86 or any other Mod it would be a big deal. You might check out also the "Risky Business" Mod from the same period you have in mind.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Shockmaster said:

Good luck! I had a similar idea a while ago. But it's a tremendous workload to start a mod from scratch and all by your selfs.

No idea who is creating that stuff. RESPECT to all the Mod makers out there!!!

If you can use jhd1 '86 or any other Mod it would be a big deal. You might check out also the "Risky Business" Mod from the same period you have in mind.

Thanks, Shockmaster! It will definitely be a metric ton of work but it's "fun" work at least. So far anyway, but we'll see in a month or so. 

And, yes, jhd1's generous offer to use his 1986 mod as a base was a HUGE deal and I'm very grateful. Especially considering his well-deserved, and that's absurdly understating it, reputation for mod-making.

I have looked into the Risky Business mod as well, and there is a lot of good stuff there too, but I haven't gotten around to contacting the many folks I would need permission from to start making use of it here. I've got a lot of other resources to tap into and keep me busy right now anyway.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/30/2024 at 12:56 AM, thecoolestjedi12 said:

Awesome, been reading Death of the territories, so I've been converting old 80s mods and playing em, glad to see 85 will be coming to IX!

On 8/1/2024 at 6:27 PM, Shockmaster79 said:

Thank you in advance!

On 8/1/2024 at 11:14 PM, bhalbur said:

Happy to see someone doing this era. My favorite of the historical mods to book.  Thanks for keeping it alive.

Thanks, guys! Posts like these make it much easier to push through the doldrums of making piles and piles of tedious adjustments. Yes, the new external editor helps a ton but it's still a LOT of work. I'm still having fun though, and looking forward to getting something out for everyone to try.

Progress Update for 8-5-24

- With jhd1's blessing, I'm using his 86 Timelines mod as a base, which has allowed me to start with 2,180 workers. I've now begun updating those 2,180 workers to roll back their skills and pop gains by 1 year since his mod starts a year ahead of my start date here. Luckily, there are 674 that I don't need to update in this manner, since they are yet to debut at the start date of either this mod or his. Thanks to some great tips and encouragement from jhd1 and Mattywood, this is going quite smoothly.

- I've also begun the tedious work of gathering heights, weights, and some birthdays for those 2,180 workers and getting them ready for entry into the external editor. This isn't actually a super high priority, especially this early on, but I like to bounce back and forth between tasks to avoid monotony. There's a very helpful post from Astil a week or so ago with tons of information that I've been working through to speed this along, so thanks, Astil! 

Edited by ink625
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Posted (edited)
On 8/5/2024 at 5:16 AM, Spaulding34 said:

Glad to see that 1985 is being worked on, looking forward to seeing where this goes.

On 8/6/2024 at 6:03 AM, Capelli King said:

Looking forward to this one.

Thanks for the support, guys!

Progress Update for 8-9-24

- I'm quickly closing in on having rolled back all worker skills from 1986 to 1985 levels and will soon be ready to start working on rolling back everyone's popularity. The popularity is going to be a bit trickier, but once again jhd1 has given me some great tips on how to balance things out. 

- I know I said it wasn't a high priority in my last update, and truly it isn't, but I got on a bit of a roll and updated heights, weights, minimum weights, and maximum weights for almost 1,100 workers! And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how many more I'll do in this initial batch of workers since a lot of those that I didn't touch on are obscure guys and gals that I'd guess most of us have never heard of, many of them well past their prime. Besides, many of the people I didn't get to yet, maybe even most, actually converted just fine height and weight-wise from the 2020 mod anyway, and any adjustments I did make would be minor inch or two here, pound or five there type adjustments. And just to be clear, any new workers that I add moving forward will have their proper heights, weights, and minimum/maximum weight settings regardless of what I decide to do with most of the other 1,000ish workers in this initial batch. 


Edited by ink625
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8 hours ago, ink625 said:

Thanks for the support, guys!

Progress Update for 8-9-24

- I'm quickly closing in on having rolled back all worker skills from 1986 to 1985 levels and will soon be ready to start working on rolling back everyone's popularity. The popularity is going to be a bit trickier, but once again jhd1 has given me some great tips on how to balance things out. 

- I know I said it wasn't a high priority in my last update, and truly it isn't, but I got on a bit of a roll and updated heights, weights, minimum weights, and maximum weights for almost 1,100 workers! And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how many more I'll do in this initial batch of workers since a lot of those that I didn't touch on are obscure guys and gals that I'd guess most of us have never heard of, many of them well past their prime. Besides, many of the people I didn't get to yet, maybe even most, actually converted just fine height and weight-wise from the 2020 mod anyway, and any adjustments I did make would be minor inch or two here, pound or five there type adjustments. And just to be clear, any new workers that I add moving forward will have their proper heights, weights, and minimum/maximum weight settings regardless of what I decide to do with most of the other 1,000ish workers in this initial batch. 


Yeah, i think focus on workers that are either famous / had contracts in the orgs or held belts in the orgs. The way TEW works, the more data you add, the slower the game moves, so irrelevant on non vital data should be limited. 

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Happy to see this getting made, especially with the planned phases, my favorite playthroughs are the ones that can go pretty far out from the start date.  Best of luck with this.

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Posted (edited)
On 8/12/2024 at 12:21 AM, mc90 said:

Happy to see this getting made, especially with the planned phases, my favorite playthroughs are the ones that can go pretty far out from the start date.  Best of luck with this.

On 8/12/2024 at 2:28 AM, StanMiguel said:

Ordered Death of the territories to read the other day so really looking forward to this one!

On 8/12/2024 at 8:23 PM, Rhealius said:

Thanks for the work mate ! 


Thanks, guys! I really appreciate your support!


16 hours ago, Marinho88 said:

If you like, I can send you a Gimmick database with 1.178 Gimmicks ^^


Absolutely, I'd love to take a look at it!


Progress Update for 8-14-24

- Finished rolling back the skills of all 1506 workers that needed it from the 1986 levels of the base mod I'm using to 1985 levels for the starting point of this mod.

- Rolled back the popularity of all 1506 workers that needed it to 1985 levels. Some of these may need a little tweaking once testing starts but I'm happy with where they are for now.

- Added accurate birthdays for over 400 workers. Much like heights and weights, this wasn't a huge priority, but it was easy enough to add these in between doing other things. I'll probably stop here as I think I've covered most "major" workers in the mod right now, but as I mentioned in one of my previous updates about heights and weights, all workers I add moving forward will have accurate birthdays.

- This is just a personal preference, which you could easily undo with the mass edit feature before you start a game, but I've added the new "No Politics" attribute to every worker currently in the database except those who actually entered politics. That list includes:

Atsushi Onita - Served in the Japanese House of Councillors
Antonio Inoki - Served in the Japanese House of Councillors
B. Brian Blair - Served as a Hillsborough County Commissioner in Florida
Blue Demon Jr. - Mayor, Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City
Bob Backlund - Ran for Congress in Connecticut in 2000
Booker T - Attempted a run for Mayor of Houston, TX
Hiroshi Hase - Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture
Jerry Lawler - Made multiple runs for Mayor of Memphis, TN
Jesse Ventura - Former Governor of Minnesota
Kane - Mayor of Knox County Tennessee
Ken Patera - Ran for Minnesota House of Representatives
Tony Halme (Ludvig Borga) - Member of the Finnish Parliament
Nikolai Volkoff - Ran for the Maryland House of Delegates in 2006
Raymond Rougeau - Mayor of Rawdon, Quebec
Rick Steiner - Serves on the Cherokee County Board of Education in Georgia
Rhyno - Ran for the Michigan House of Representatives in 2016 and 2020
The Great Sasuke - Elected to Iwate Prefectural Assembly in 2003

- Up next, I'm starting on worker attributes. This will mostly just be making sure nothing weird happened in the conversion from 2020 to IX and making use of any new attributes added to IX. Other than that, I'm just looking to add some basic attributes to some of the 1000 or so workers who didn't have any in the base mod. I'm hoping the new attribute template feature will help with that but I haven't messed around with it yet.


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On 8/14/2024 at 10:13 PM, mc90 said:

Tim Horner (WCW and Smoky Mountain) is a current elected official in Tennessee.

Thanks for the heads up! If you think of any more please let me know.

"White Lightning" Tim Horner was the first wrestler I ever met as a kid when Smoky Mountain Wrestling came to my town.  I got his autograph on a yellow foam lightning bolt and an extremely awkward photo out of the deal. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the photo in years but I would love to find it so I could figure out his match for that night. I did take a quick look through cagematch.net, though, which leaves me with the following possibilities:

- vs Buddy Landel
- vs Dirty White Boy(c) for the SMW Heavyweight Title
- with Ricky Morton vs The Heavenly Bodies(the Bobby Eaton & Tom Prichard variant) in a Street Fight
- vs Stan Lane
- vs Chris Candido
- vs Chris Candido in a Country Whipping match

Not a bad assortment of matches if you ask me for an audience of a couple hundred people in a podunk Eastern Kentucky high school gym.

Progress Update for 8-21-24

- I'm still hard at work on attributes but it's taking a bit longer than I thought it would so I'm not quite finished yet. I'm close, though, and probably would've finished this past weekend had I gotten to work on them as much as I'd hoped. That's life, though.

Hopefully, I'll have something more to report in a few days. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still hard at work on this since it's been a week since my last update.

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Progress Update for 8-28-24

Just a quick generic update to let everyone know that I'm still diligently working on this and it's still happening and I've gotten tons and tons of things done since my last update on 8-21. Well, back to it! Thanks!

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