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TCW - The Black Phone

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The new building BriCo had built to use as TCW HQ was astonishing. It was absolutely state of the art in every way; from its architectural design to the manicured botanical gardens outside it was going to be the envy of the entire wrestling business.


Brent Hill, feeling every bit his age, walked in the middle of the group of executives and office types as they shuffled through the “grand tour” and started pointing out the spots that they planned to make their own. Brent didn’t care where he was going to be. Truth be told, if things didn’t pick up business wise, he knew that with the amount of money BriCo had invested in TCW, he could very well be out of a job in the next six to twelve months and someone else would be handling the creative decisions for the company. Being in third place wasn’t where the bigwigs wanted to be, and TCW under Brent’s watch was deeply stuck in the mud and hiring him was akin to putting lipstick on a pig. Just a window dressing move. Installing an interim fall guy was corporate strategy 101, but he took the gig anyway, at the time just happy to have company insurance.




Kyle Rhodes, resident ass kiss and longtime color analyst for TCW, had been installed as the CEO and acted like it, puffing up and acting like the boss any chance he got. When the huge corner office at the end of the hallway was in sight, Rhodes pushed his way through the group, walked through the door, and plopped himself down in the leather chair inside, officially claiming the space as his. The other staffers took it as a cue and began their own scramble, like kids playing musical chairs. No one wanted to be the one left out that had to make due with a cubicle in the big room. But Brent didn’t make much more of an effort than turning left, walking into the office he was right next to, and shutting the door. 


The space was naked except for a rolling office chair, an L-shaped dark gray desk in the corner, and a corded telecom phone which looked like it had been thrown onto the floor. Brent picked it up, put the receiver back into the cradle, and then looked for a cord to plug into the wall jack. But there wasn’t one.


“Probably end up throwing it away anyway,” he said as he set it on the desk and pulled his cell out of his jacket pocket cycling through his list of contacts.


And then, the phone rang.


Brent thought his mind was playing tricks on him as he pulled his cell up to his ear.


“Hello?” he said. But his cell wasn’t even on.


The phone on the desk rang again.





He looked again to see if it was plugged in but it was not. It wasn’t even hooked up to a power source and yet, the red and green lights on it flashed like a Christmas tree on cocaine. It was almost as if the phone was vibrating.


It rang yet again and Brent reached his hand out toward it, feeling his heart race and his fingers tremble a bit. He knew in the back of his mind it was probably some joke phone and he was getting ribbed by one of the boys. But it’d have to be a hell of a prank. No one other than the contractors had been in the building before today. 


Once more, it rang. And without thinking, he picked it up and put it up to his ear.


“Hello?” said Brent.


“Is this Brent?”


“Who’s calling please?” he replied after a short pause.


“We need to talk. And you’re going to want to sit down.”


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“Who is this?” Brent said again, still not believing that he was hearing a voice coming through this unplugged phone. Was he hallucinating; had he gone mad?


“Look, this is all kind of hard to believe, even on my end, okay? I walked into my office today and had this phone on my desk. One of those old corded office phone jobs, just sitting there with a post-it note stuck to it that said ‘TALK TO BRENT’ on it,” the voice on the other end said. “I didn’t even realize until I had picked it up that it wasn’t plugged in and it was already ringing.”


“Okay. I’m sitting down. What do you need to tell me? Is this about me? Or my family? Something important?” asked Brent.


“Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know you at all. I’m not sure what this is all about.”


“Well, you might know me. I mean, not to be an egomaniac, but I used to be on TV quite a bit,” Brent said.


“On TV? What show?”


“A few different ones. I’m a pro wrestler. A retired pro wrestler,” Brent corrected himself, still not one hundred percent used to the fact. “I’m an office guy now. Hurt my neck.”


There was a long pause on the line.


“That’s got to be it then,” the voice said.  “I’m in the business too. What’s your working name?”


“The same. Brent Hill. Worked for some of the east coast companies, but got my break with TCW. I was one half of The Machines.”


Another long pause.


“The Machines? TCW? Is that like a micro-indie? Not to devalue your experience or your time in the business. I’ve just never heard of it. And it’s kind of my thing to know about the indie scene.”


“TCW was, and is, a national company. I mean, we don’t draw the numbers we did during the Tuesday night wars, but then again, no one does. But I can assure you we’re no tiny outlaw mudshow outfit. And honestly, if you’re in the biz, you’d know TCW,” said Brent, getting skeptical.


This time the pause lasted almost twenty seconds. Brent thought about hanging up, now convinced this was some sort of elaborate joke. The longer he played into it, the more fodder the boys would have to use to crap all over him.


“Wait, did you mean to say the Monday Night Wars?” said the voice.


“I mean, I don’t know when our shit was on TV in Denmark, so I don’t know what they called it  there, but here in the States, we were on Tuesday’s, head to head with SWF.”


“The SWF?”


“Alright, whoever this is, I think you’ve had enough fun at my expense. I hope whoever else is on the line of this gimmicked phone is pleased with themselves too,” Brent was about to slam the phone down. But there was something about the sincerity of the voice that kept him on the line for another few seconds.


“Don’t hang up, man. I’m just as confused as you are. But I think we should keep talking.”


“Maybe. But my wife is expecting me home for dinner soon and….”


“Dinner?” the voice interjected. “It’s the middle of the night.”


“Maybe where you are, pal. But here it’s just about time to knock off and go home,” said Brent.


“I’m in America. Florida actually. Where are you? Abroad?”


“Texas. San Antonio,” Brent replied. 


“How can it be the middle of the night here in Florida but be pushing dinner time in Texas?”


“I’m at the end of my rope here, friend,” Brent started, the conversation exhausting him, let alone the fact that he’s still having a back and forth with someone on an unplugged phone. “I think we should put a bow on this chat and get back to it. Maybe you can call me back tomorrow. In the morning. First thing. Maybe the magic phone will still work then.”


“You’ll be in the office on Sunday morning?”


“Tomorrow is Friday.”


“I have my calendar right in front of me and it says tomorrow is Sunday, August 25th, 2024.”


This time it was Brent’s turn to pause. He just sat there blinking his eyes, trying to process what he’d just heard.


“Are you still there?” said the voice.


“Did you say 2024?” Brent asked.


“Yes. Why?”


“Because it’s January 1st. 2020.”



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“2020? You can’t be serious,” said the voice. “I don’t even know how that’s possible.”


“I don’t either,” said Brent. “But we are talking to each other on unplugged phones. I think something well beyond our understanding is happening.”


Brent realized how crazy he sounded actually buying into the idea he was talking to someone who is four years in the future. But the longer this went on, the more distant the idea of it being a rib was.


“Can we go back to something you said before about TCW and SWF; the companies you said were warring on Tuesday nights?”


“Sure,” said Brent.


“I’m pretty tuned into the business here in 2024 and I’ve never in my life heard of any big companies with those names. Little pop up indies? Sure. But nothing on national television.”


“Well, I can assure you they exist. They’re two of the top three companies in the United States right now.”


“Is the third WWE?”




“World Wrestling Entertainment?”


“It is not. It’s a company called USPW,” Brent replied.


The voice paused and there was the sound of a marker squeaking on a dry erase board.


“Don’t mind me, I’m just taking some notes. You said USPW, SWF, and TCW?”




“So no WWE, WCW or ECW?”




“That’s fine.  That’s what I figured.”


“Like what are you looking for? Like who the stars are?” Brent struggled.


“Hulk Hogan? The Rock? Ric Flair? Stone Cold? Ever heard of any of them?”


“I’m just….I can’t. I think I need a drink.” 


“Feel free,” said the voice. “I’ll pour myself one too. I’m a bourbon guy myself.”


“I’m a ‘whatever’s in the cabinet’ guy,” Brent replied. “This job. I’ll tell you what. It’s exhausting. There are no breaks. No help, save for a few staffers that have their own agenda.”


“And what’s your agenda, Brent?”


“Aside from keeping my job? I want to win. I want to beat the other companies at their own game. I want TCW to be number one.”


“Let me help you then,” said the voice.


“I don’t even know your name, man. Or what you do.”


“I own a company called All Elite Wrestling. My name is Tony.”



“Tony Khan.”

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5 hours ago, MiykaelP said:

Will we have dimensional talent sharing ?   ....FTR vs American Cobras will be a 5-star classic ! 

I think it's just the two owners of aew and tcw can talk to each other and give the other ideas for their shows, they can't really cross over and meet one another.

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3 hours ago, sonny912 said:

I think it's just the two owners of aew and tcw can talk to each other and give the other ideas for their shows, they can't really cross over and meet one another.

I know, I was joking ....would be a fun match though. 

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Posted (edited)



brenthill_alt34.jpeg.9dc46403ef92224950228b7b6dd3d917.jpeg       TONYTONY.jpg.293c13f5776090ce91f9b7b1feb6c001.jpg



“You know what, Tony? I’m in. I mean, what do I have to lose? It’s been a struggle trying to match creative wits with the guys that are behind the scenes in USPW and SWF. I have some road agents, and believe me they are smart guys, but I don’t have a creative staff. I don’t have any writers. That’s not how we do things,” said Brent. 


“Well, now we have each other. What can I do to help?”


“What can I do to differentiate myself from SWF and USPW?”


“Hire everyone,” Tony replied almost instantly.




“Yes. And I’m serious, too. EVERYONE. Anyone not nailed down. You always need talent. And more than that, you don’t want anyone with any talent landing with one of those two and turning into someone who sells out arenas, right? So grab them early. Develop them. But more importantly, keep them away from everyone else.”




“Think of them as action figures. They might not fit in with what you’re playing with right now. But in two weeks? Three weeks? Who knows?” Tony said without a single trace of humor. He was not joking.


“But what about the financial aspect of things?”


“The money? What is money really? Just a means to do whatever you want. You have corporate backing. And they want you to be successful. So spend their money until they tell you not to.”


“Is that how you do it? Do you have a corporate structure behind you?”


“Something like that.”


“So, I’ll start making some calls and sending some emails in the morning. I’ll kick the tires on a few of the guys that are available and we’ll go from there,” Brent said.


“Don’t wait until the morning. Do it now. Right now. As fluid as money is, time is the opposite. You only have so much of it. It’s your most precious commodity. You need to squeeze every bit out of every second of every day.”


“Wow. Okay. I can do that.”


“And remember, fishermen don’t get paid to just catch one big fish. They get paid to fill the boat. Big and small alike. Go fill the boat.”

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“Think of them as action figures. They might not fit in with what you’re playing with right now. But in two weeks? Three weeks? Who knows?” Tony said without a single trace of humor. He was not joking.

“And remember, fishermen don’t get paid to just catch one big fish. They get paid to fill the boat. Big and small alike. Go fill the boat.”

😂 😂😂

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To have TV time for all that people I guess we will get...

TCW Presents Dynamite

TCW Presents Dark

TCW Presents Dark: Elevation

TCW Presents Rampage

TCW Presents Collision...

And... which company will become the Ring Of Honor of TCW? 🤣🤣🤣 This is brilliant.

Edited by newbiezness
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Posted (edited)



Just wanted to jump in and thank those who've taken the time to read, respond, and leave comments. I'm glad that not only has the concept found some favor, but that the humorous undertone of the Hill/Khan interactions have hit a bit. Tony Khan is an absolute joy to write. I hope that continues to come through.


There are only two more parts to the backstory before we start getting into the meat of things, the shows, and that's where the story will really take off.  I've read countless great diaries over the years and could make a list of the writers that've influenced this venture, but the one who is going to get singled out is @Self, whose layout, formatting, and general tone for my shows I have palmed like professional pickpocket. Additionally, Self's editing directive of making every single line of dialogue, every bit of match description, mean something and be furthering the characterization of those involved has become a sort of self-check (pun intended) for me. When I'm writing, more often than not, it's WWSD, and I feel like it's helped my project as a whole. Check out his fantastic CGC work among the 2020 dynasties. It's worth your time.    


Loving the new game, loving the boards; on with the show, shall we?

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brenthill_alt34.jpeg.d179e3825d87b8013dcce099cf8f1852.jpeg      TONYTONY.jpg.7cd955a84c50873cd1838f4eabd51d3c.jpg


“Alright Tony, I’ve spent a boatload of money since we talked last and brought on more new faces than I can count. I don’t know if I could make a list of them all if you made me,” Brent said into the receiver a handful of hours after they last spoke.


“Good job, Mr. Hill. Good job.”


“I’m kind of worried that there are too many though. I mean, I’ve dealt with roster bloat before with releases and sending some guys down to Mid Atlantic…”


“Jim Crockett is still promoting shows where you are?” Tony asked excitedly.


“Who the hell is Jim Crock…wait, this is another one of those things, right? People that exist in your world, but not in mine.” Brent was starting to figure it out.


"Like John Cena? Actually no one can see him, so it's irrelevant. Please continue."


“I think going forward we’re going to have to say that our worlds, our universes, are just completely different,” said Brent.


“They’re not all that different though. The people? Sure they’re different. Individually. But as a whole, they’re the same as what I’m dealing with here. And I think I’ve done a pretty solid job hooking them, all things considered,” said Tony. “Now about your roster. It’s not too big. It could never be too big. There’s never too much of anything.”


Brent nodded, not interrupting as Tony got rolling.


“The trick is finding a place for all of them, a place where they all belong and can grow at not only whatever rate they are comfortable, but where you can get your expected return from them.”


“I’m not following.”


“Look at it this way, the amount of talent you have can increase or decrease week to week or even day to day, right?”




“But the amount of airtime you have to showcase said talent is pretty static. There’s only so much of that to go around.”


“Yeah, TCW Total Wrestling is once a week, for two hours.”


“So what’s the answer?” asked Tony.


“I don’t know.”


“More show. A longer show. A different show. Whatever. Any of those things will give you more time. And what’s our most important resource?”


“Time,” replied Brent, understanding.


“Correct. Let’s get you some more time.”


“I think I can arrange something. But it’ll take some doing.”


“Anything worth anything does, Brent. Anything worth anything.”


Brent started to scribble down a note on his legal pad.


“Hey, just one thing though,” Tony said. “Total Wrestling? Really? I hate it. It’s like having a show about NASCAR called Totally Racecars. It’s low rent and uninspiring. Let’s discuss some better options. Let’s really sell the imagery of what TCW is trying to do.”


“So what do you have in mind?”


“I’ve got a couple of ideas.”    


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On 8/9/2024 at 11:10 PM, newbiezness said:

To have TV time for all that people I guess we will get...

TCW Presents Dynamite

TCW Presents Dark

TCW Presents Dark: Elevation

TCW Presents Rampage

TCW Presents Collision...

And... which company will become the Ring Of Honor of TCW? 🤣🤣🤣 This is brilliant.


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On 8/14/2024 at 8:57 PM, sonny912 said:

So who's the top guys you signed in terms of popularity?


I'll introduce them via the diary. I will say that there are a couple that surprised me. Most are workers that had such cool renders made by @WalterSobchak that I immediately had a character idea for. I couldn't help myself.


I did raid one smaller company pretty hard. But thems the breaks when Tony Khan's in your ear telling you to spend, spend, spend. ;)

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

tf am I reading lol such a unique introduction!

Can't wait for a 20-mins balanced match between World champ Jay Chord and Jormungand 😂😂😂

Haha! Be careful what you wish for, my friend.

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Posted (edited)

brenthill_alt34.jpeg.4927f9cfa5040c05ac3fb8f42edf6d98.jpeg     TONYTONY.jpg.9be476f07cd34d38411d27d1b84c37bd.jpg


“All right, Brent. It sounds like you’re ready to go, doesn’t it?” asked Tony.


“I think so,” Brent replied. “I approached the CEO with your ideas and rather than sign off on them himself, he brought them up at a shareholders meeting and I got the green light from them.”


“That’s a surprise. Usually, a CEO will take credit for at least part of whatever they bring to the shareholders.”


“Yeah, I’m guessing that he didn’t understand or agree with every change I wanted to make, so he passed the buck. Kick it up the ladder and then put some distance between himself and the ideas, just in case they don’t pan out.”


“So what did they agree to?” said Tony. "The roster expansion, the expanded show slot, the new show? There was a lot of stuff on our wishlist.”


“All of it.”


“All of it? You’re kidding?”


“Nope. They went for it all. Every request, big or small, all the bells and whistles, down to the last detail. I got it all.”


“They couldn’t possibly have approved your acquiring a smaller company to use as like a second tier developmental brand. That was a big ask.”


"Again, surprising, but they did. People are going to lose their minds when they hear the news. When we relaunch that company under our banner, it’s going to be big. I can feel it,” Brent said.


“I’m so glad for you, Brent. For us actually. This is a big deal for you and I’m glad to have been a part of it.”


“I still don’t know where it came from. But keep your phone close by. I’m sure I’ll have some stuff to run by you again soon.”


“You’d better. I want updates.”


“Sure thing, Tony. And thank you. For everything.”


“Don’t mention it. And good luck with the rebrand.”


“I’m sure it’ll go over like rover, Tony. The logo design ideas you gave me were top notch.”




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