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Bart Biggins [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

Elliot Thomas [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Devine Fortune [vs] Can’t Catch This

‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘Fabulous’ Eddie Chandler w/ Nate Johnson

Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado [vs] ???

Bonus: Who will be Andrews and Troy’s opponents in the Main Event…? The Main Event

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Bart Biggins [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

Elliot Thomas [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Devine Fortune [vs] Can’t Catch This

‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘Fabulous’ Eddie Chandler w/ Nate Johnson

Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado [vs] ???

Bonus: Who will be Andrews and Troy’s opponents in the Main Event…? The Behemoths

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TCW Presents:


Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022


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Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders


Overall Rating: 73




The show began in an unorthodox way… with Greg Gauge and Jay Chord, already sat in the ring, at opposite ends of a table…!! The TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Jay Chord, slowly pulled a microphone to his lips to start the show off, with the crowd hanging on his and Greg Gauge’s every word… There was a real sense of tension in the air…

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Jay Chord: “So… to be clear… If you FAIL to win my Championship at Battleground… You will LEAVE TCW…?!”

Greg Gauge: “Yeah… I’ve got nothing else to give… I’ve given everything to this company, and to my quest to try to emulate my Father, and try to become a World Champion… But even though he was never a TCW World Champion… This isn’t some, ‘story’ I’m trying to finish… this is real… and I’ve got nothing to lose…”

Jay Chord: “See… THAT… is where you are wrong Greg… You have got something to lose… Because, WHEN you fail to beat me at Battleground… You will lose your CAREER… I gotta say… I respect the hell out of it… but… You are making a HUGE mistake… So as long as you are SURE… Then I will sign this contract…”

Greg said that he was sure… Career versus Title at Battleground…!! Jay signed it… Greg signed it… The two Sons of former TCW stars shook hands, and showed a mutual respect we expected to see throughout their rivalry, but didn't…

They’ve fought twice on pay-per-view in 2022, but this is the first time this year that Jay hasn’t tried to slap, or hit Greg with the Title, or get one over on him… Jay left the ring first, and then as Greg soaked in the fans’ cheers, for possibly the last time in a TCW ring...

The music of Wolf Hawkins hit… and out came The Syndicate!!

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We saw Wolf and Greg talking last week, but we weren’t exactly sure what advice, if any, Wolf had offered Greg after he came asking for it… Wolf shook his head at Greg disapprovingly, as if his advice had been ignored… The two talented in-ring performers got forehead to forehead, and held each other by the back of the neck… Before Wolf aggressively let Greg go, and walked to the ring looking regretful…!!



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Bart Biggins [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

Quick opener, with the veteran Bart Biggins able to teach young Jaylon Martins a thing or two out there. However, as the announce team suggested, Jaylon will learn nothing if he keeps winning with help from Flint Slater! For the finish, Flint pulled Bart’s leg as he looked for the ‘B-Dropper’ and it lead to a Flying Forearm from ‘The J-Train’, and a quick pin!

Winner: Jaylon Martins
Rating: 53


As The Syndicate stood over their opponent, their biggest rival right now: Tana The Mighty, headed onto the stage…

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Tana was then joined by Guide, Scout and Human Arsenal, and claimed he may have assembled the greatest team in Battleground history… even though there did seem to be a little bit of tension between The New Wave and Human Arsenal…

Tana The Mighty: “So… Tana wants ta know… You have my four guys for Battleground… Wolf… Who else are you bringin’ my man..,?!”

Wolf hesitated… He knows he has Jaylon Martins and Flint Slater on his side… but he told Tana he’d have to ‘wait and see’ come Battleground… because their fourth member, is going to be a surprise that shocks the WORLD…!! Tana didn’t like this, but he has little choice… Nothing in the rule book that you have to tell your opponent who you’ve picked…




Next up, and intriguing match up, between two under 30 year olds, with bright futures… as Elliot Thomas and Quentin Queen did battle… but not before Elliot cut a promo on the way to the ring…

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Elliot Thomas: “The smack-talker, New Yorker is in tha house… An’ las’ week… I heard ya little… ‘critique’ of my home video… WELL… Tonight… I’m gonna take your criticisms… think on them… and stick ‘em straight up ya…!!”

Elliot climbed into the ring, and threw the first punch as the bell rang…!!


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Elliot Thomas [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

A third victory in as many months for Elliot Thomas, as his stock continues to rise. His ‘trash talking’ New Yorker gimmick seems to be catching on, and people love to hate Quentin Queen. The fired up youngster put Queen down with his ‘Quiet Down’ Moonsault to win it.

Winner: Elliot Thomas
Rating: 48


Before Elliot could get out of there, the music of The Main Event hit… and the large group stomped to the ring, extremely angry… Strangely, Laura Hocking was in tow… following her Husband Matt like a lost puppy…

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Matt Hocking: “HEY… Don’t go anywhere Elliot… AND you Queen… SOMEONE in the back, played a little video last week… and made ME look like a SCUMBAG… And we wanna know who…”

Matt was referring to the video that showed him flirting with, and then KISSING Vita, during their ‘drinks’, which he said were intended to establish if Vita and her client: Jeremie Courtney were a good ‘fit’ for The Main Event…

Matt Hocking: “Since you two, seem to know a LOT about videos… I’m thinkin’ you two, are priiiime suspects…!!”

Hocking set Roderick Remus and Jeremie Courtney on Elliot Thomas, and the two made light work of the fan favourite, who had just competed in a match… To his immense credit, Quentin Queen slid back into the ring to help Elliot, but he was knocked down with a ‘Hock Shock’ Super Kick… Matt Hocking was furious… and again, Laura did nothing… She just kind of cowered in the background… Vita on the other hand, stroked Matt’s chest at one point…




In the back, Sammy Bach was ready for a quick promo, addressing Aaron Andrews’ challenge from last week…


Sammy Bach: “You told me to pick a Battleground Team… and I gotta be honest… The Behemoths came to ME to be on the team… I did NOT select them… I’ll try and find a fourth, and let you know by the end of the night… But Aaron… Troy Tornado… You guys better get ready for your Main Event TONIGHT…!! Against Killer Shark, and Titan…!!”




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Devine Fortune [vs] Can’t Catch This

Marc Speed and Seth Whitehead are machines out there. Their technique and in-ring prowess are almost unmatched on the TCW roster, and they made light work of the veterans Devine Fortune here. Speed made Chance Fortune tap to his Cross Armbreaker for the win.

Winners: Can’t Catch This
Rating: 54




We cut to the back, to where a very excited Dazzling Dave Diamond, Bradley Blaze, and Duke Freeman were ready to REVEAL their new ‘Business Venture’… They had a camera man following them in the back, as they took us on a journey to a special area backstage…

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Dazzling Dave Diamond: “From now on, me an’ these two fine gentlemen are a group… We stick together… and y’all can call us ‘The Texan Connection’… an’ right now… we’re goin’ ta INTROduce you… to a little somethin’ we’ve been workin’ on…”

Diamond said their idea, would be beneficial to ALL TCW Wrestlers… and that fans could come along for meet and greets too…

Dazzling Dave Diamond: “Ladies and Gentlemen… I give to you… a FULLY portable… and FULLY licenced… BACKSTAGE BAR…!!”

As the group turned a corner, Diamond flung his arms out, to reveal an awesome little bar, that could fold up, and be taken to the next town – meaning there would always be a ‘Backstage Bar’ for the boys to come and drink at during and after the show…!! There were plenty of stools, tables and chairs...

Dazzling Dave Diamond: “At Battleground… We are open for busi…”

Before Diamond could finish… Up rocked ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth, a fair distance away from the three Texans… He grunted “nice place you got here”… and then proceeded to kick and smash up the bar… before Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman intervened and ran him off…!!




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‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

A tough test for Chris Flynn, who is currently in a pretty decent unbeaten run. He focused on Peverell’s injured left hand, rendering the ‘Dream Left Hook’ an impossibility unfortunately. Peverell couldn’t get rolling out there, and in the end, had to tap out to the ‘Flynn Lock’ Half Boston Crab.

Winner: Chris Flynn
Rating: 69




Backstage, cameras caught Sammy Bach talking with Joshua Taylor and Masatochi Kamimura…

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Nobody could hear what was being said, but the group looked very civil and on the same page… Sammy Bach had told Aaron Andrews that he would find a team of four TONIGHT, to take on ‘Team Ace’ at Battleground… Could Taylor or Kamimura be on Bach's team?!




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T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘Fabulous’ Eddie Chandler w/ Nate Johnson

Excellent match here between two great in-ring performers. Nate Johnson provided distractions early on, but T-Bone wasn’t playing around tonight. With Nate’s back turned, T-Bone ran around the ring, and as the veteran turned around, he was slammed into with a tackle that sent him up and over the barricade, and into the front row! From then on, Eddie Chandler controlled T-Bone by taking apart his knee. However, the younger Bright was still able to deliver his vicious ‘T-Bone Lariat’ where he threw Eddie off the ropes, headed off at a 90-degree angle, and then met the veteran as they crossed, almost taking his head clean off!

Winner: T-Bone Bright
Rating: 72


T-Bone had his hand raised by the referee, but then looked to the stage, where his Battleground opponent Mighty Mo arrived, proudly holding his TCW Television Title, and carrying a microphone…

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Mo applauded T-Bone for his win… but it wasn’t sarcastic at first… He seemed to be genuinely impressed by the win…

Mighty Mo: “T-BONE… What a win…!! You know you just beat a VERY well decorated man in Eddie Chandler…?! Former 2-time World Champion, over in CGC… But T-Bone… A win like this is great and all… but can you win… the ‘Big One’…?!”

Mo smiled, and the fans booed the Television Champion… He claimed that Bright is a ‘choker’, who can’t win when the lights are on the brightest… At Battleground, those lights will be brighter than ever before…

Mighty Mo: “Again… I gotta hand it to you… That T-Bone Lariat is DEVASTATING… But you and I both know… You CAN’T hit that move, on me…!! You tried four times at The War To Settle The Score… You hit it…? You win… But you CAN’T hit it…!! There’s something that happens in your brain now… you can’t do anything about it… It’s a mental state… it’s…”

Bright had heard enough, and the fan favourite jumped down out of the ring, and began to walk with a purpose up the ramp…!! Mighty Mo decided that was his queue to leave, and he got out of there fast…!!




Next up, we took a look at ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth’s actions from earlier tonight, as he RUINED the new ‘Backstage Bar’ that the three Texans: Dazzling Dave Diamond, Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman had opened…!!

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‘The Texan Connection’ have been talking about their new ‘Business Venture’ together for months, and now, on opening night, Booth came in and started wrecking the portable backstage bar – that can be taken to any arena in the country, and can be enjoyed by ALL TCW wrestlers and employees… WITH the option for fans to win things like meet and greets etc…

Due to Booth’s actions both tonight, and in recent weeks against The Texan Connection, we learned that at Battleground, Dazzling Dave Diamond and ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth will renew hostilities from a couple of weeks ago, and fight 1 on 1 again… Diamond won their first encounter, but will he be successful again, this time on the big stage…?




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Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Solid Main Event, between two very different tag teams here. Ace and Troy bring a technical prowess to their fights, but haven’t teamed together in years, and looked sloppy as partners. The huge Killer Shark and Titan just like to run their opponents over, and are straight ahead brawlers. The biggest difference though, is that The Behemoths have seven years under their belts as partners, and three TCW World Tag Team Title reigns to boot. Despite their chemistry, size and experience all working in their favour though, The Behemoths were beaten when Andrews hit his ‘Gamma Drive’ (Top Rope Tornado DDT) out of nowhere, right when it looked like Killer Shark was looking for a Superplex! Ace scrambled into the cover, and Shark couldn’t quite kick out!

Winners: Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado
Rating: 75


After the match, Titan flattened Ace with a brick-wall Lariat, before stomping on him repeatedly in the corner… which would have earned a disqualification if it were during the match itself…

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Floyd Goldworthy ordered his troops to continue the beatdown, but he didn’t factor in Troy Tornado sliding back into the ring with a CHAIR… Troy began swinging, and The Behemoths left the ring with welts on their shoulders and back from the fan favourite… Troy was fired up and the crowd loved it… However the mood changed dramatically when Sammy Bach came through the crowd and joined Troy inside the ring…!!


Troy and Sammy had a face-off… where Sammy tried to explain that he was ‘on Troy’s side’… and only came to the ring to make sure The Behemoths didn’t destroy Aaron Andrews yet again… Troy was sceptical, and the fans didn’t believe a word he was saying either… especially as when he first got to the ring, he looked like he was going to jump Troy from behind before he turned around… Just as Troy was beginning to accept Sammy at his word though, he got some more company in the ring…

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Joshua Taylor and Masatochi Kamimura, whom we saw talking with Sammy Bach backstage earlier, jumped Troy from behind… just like Sammy Bach was going to… and they laid the boots in on the veteran… Aaron Andrews got up and began to fight them both... Bach stood and watched it all go down... but the much fresher Taylor and Kamimura didn't need his help... They were in full control until…

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Storm Spillane and Marvel Malloy – The American Cobras arrived…!! The two smaller fan favourites have been at the forefront of dealing with The Behemoths in recent months, following their ‘Body Bag’ attack on Aaron Andrews… Now it looked like they were joining the cause again, and siding with Andrews and Troy Tornado…

As things shook out, The American Cobras ran Sammy, Taylor and Kamimura off, and helped Ace and Troy to their feet…

Shawn Doakes: “Well it looks to me like we have our Battleground teams confirmed… On one side, the four men in the ring… Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras…”

Jasmine Saunders: “Yeah and their opponents look to be Sammy Bach… and his very impressive team of The Behemoths and Joshua Taylor…”

Shawn Doakes: “Battleground is THIS SUNDAY…!! So we’ll see you there… From Kyle Rhodes… and from Jasmine Saunders… I’ve been Shawn Doakes, folks… We’ll see you on Sunday Night…!!”





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I really dig how natural the progression of Scout and Sammy's allegiance shifts were. Though there were shock aspects to their stories, they didn't just have overnight personality transplants, their respective face/heel flips were driven as much by the actions of other roster members (Scout ending up in a position where he could no longer ignore his greater loyalty to Guide, or Sammy being caught out and then put in positions by his former friends or new allies that led to him gradually always being positioned on the heel side of the card, before reaching its natural conclusion here. I liked you switching it up too so this story got to provide the go-home segment for the PPV, with the title rivals opening instead.

And I love that you're always feeding us breadcrumbs, like this latest detail of Wolf Hawkins intruding on the Gauge/Chord segment and wondering what went down with him and Gauge.

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19 hours ago, 619 said:

I really dig how natural the progression of Scout and Sammy's allegiance shifts were. Though there were shock aspects to their stories, they didn't just have overnight personality transplants, their respective face/heel flips were driven as much by the actions of other roster members (Scout ending up in a position where he could no longer ignore his greater loyalty to Guide, or Sammy being caught out and then put in positions by his former friends or new allies that led to him gradually always being positioned on the heel side of the card, before reaching its natural conclusion here. I liked you switching it up too so this story got to provide the go-home segment for the PPV, with the title rivals opening instead.

And I love that you're always feeding us breadcrumbs, like this latest detail of Wolf Hawkins intruding on the Gauge/Chord segment and wondering what went down with him and Gauge.

Thanks man, appreciate you :) That 'not a shock heel turn' thing is something I've really tried to work on in the past couple of diaries. Like, if Marvel Malloy just jumped Storm Spillane, it would be a shock, but if all my turns were like that (as the game says) they'd feel 'less than'. Some need that slow build, with people not really needing to change their character - just be influenced by what's happening around them. Roman Reigns as a babyface IRL is the perfect example of this. He's still Roman Reigns, but he has no bloodline to be a horrible p***k to.

I love a breadcrumb too. I feel like I've picked a lot up from Triple H in recent years. He often books in a 'what's next' style, and has three guys involved in a 1 on 1 feud. A good example of this, would be Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman... They're trying to kill each other, but then here's The Miz interacting with both of them. I now want to see Miz/Reed... and also want to see Miz turn on Strowman! There are way better examples, but this one is on my mind at the moment having just watched RAW (late! On to Smackdown tonight! :D ) American Made/Wyatt Sicks/Alpha Academy is another good example.


30 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

I'm betting on the heel side for that 4v4!

Curious to see if DDD will put over "Nasty" Nick Booth on PPV.

Oooo which 4 on 4? :D Yeah would be a huge PPV win for Booth. He's got really solid stats, and I like him a lot. I'm trying to build him up to his ceiling, which I think is mid card Champion, and heel gatekeeper to the Main Event (Joshua Taylor level). It might take a win over DDD to do it, but then again, DDD is the babyface version of that currently, so I might need to keep him strong for a while yet.

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Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022


**Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast**


Phil Vibert here… This will be a fairly short review of Total Wrestling… Lots of stories advanced tonight, but Greg Sluchinski over at PWR will be giving a full run down of the Battleground pay-per-view ahead of his Prediction Contest… But let’s start with T-Bone Bright and Mighty Mo… Their match at The War To Settle The Score was frankly, really strong… But their feud has been heating up recently ahead of this re-match for the TCW Television Title… Tonight, Mo insisted that T-Bone can’t win ‘The Big One’, and also can’t hit his ‘T-Bone Lariat’ on Mo, when the lights are on the brightest – having missed it FOUR times in their first match… Bright will be fired up and determined to prove his rival wrong come Sunday…

That no good, Nick Booth trying to destroy the ‘Backstage Bar’ on opening night is downright Nasty…!! The Texan Connection trio of Dazzling Dave Diamond, ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze and ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman will have something to say about that… and Diamond and Booth WILL go 1 on 1 at Battleground as a result…

Quick comment on Laura Hocking… Laura… Honey… if you’re listening to this… Get OUT of there…!! Her husband Matt (Hocking) has been filmed CHEATING with Vita… and she has just stuck beside Matt, and not said a word about it… She looks in fear as she comes to the ring with the group… Meanwhile, Jeremie Courtney and Vita look to be full-fledged members of The Main Event now… The group believe that someone on the roster is responsible for not only filming Hocking and Vita on their ‘rendezvous’, but also for playing the footage out LIVE on Total Wrestling last week… They attacked Elliot Thomas (as he previously made a promo video in a similar format)… Quentin Queen tried to save his opponent from tonight, and he too took a beating… I’m hearing that on Total Wrestling NEXT week… Elliot and Queen will take on Hocking and Remus in non-title tag team action…!!

Greg Gauge’s CAREER is on the line folks, against Jay Chord and his TCW World Heavyweight Title…!! I’m still yet to get clarity on Gauge’s real-life contract status… We were originally told that he had signed up for a contract extension, but now we believe that to be just ‘New Kayfabe’, and he may not have… Could this really be Gauge’s final TCW match…? We saw The Syndicate come to the ring as Greg left it… and Greg and Wolf Hawkins had a ‘conversation’ of some kind a couple of weeks ago… What role, if any, will The Syndicate – and perhaps more accurately – Wolf Hawkins play in all of this…!?


Finally, a bit of backstage news… I’ve mentioned them both already tonight… but Mighty Mo and Vita are DATING… which is great… The two are said to be very happy together, which is said to be contributing even further to the ‘family’ feel backstage…




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Saturday, March 26th, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


We take a look at the matches and plans for TCW Battleground 2022… It’s your chance to predict the winners… And it’s my chance to explain how we got here for each match… Starting, with the first Traditional 4 on 4 Battleground Elimination Match… As Tana The Mighty brings his experienced unit to battle Wolf Hawkins, The Syndicate, and a currently unknown fourth partner…


Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

How we got here: A number of weeks ago, Tana The Mighty was jumped backstage by The Syndicate, and the big Samoan veteran took it very personal. A very honourable man, Tana has made it his mission to stop The Syndicate, especially now that they are weakened by the departure of Doc Hammond (Scout). For months, One Man Army (Guide) attempted to convince Scout to quit and reform The New Wave, and now Guide and Scout are BACK. Their fourth partner is Human Arsenal – a former rival, turned friend... but one who has shown a few signs of distrust of The New Wave in recent weeks. Meanwhile The Syndicate, are on the same page, but are yet to confirm their fourth man.


TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

How we got here: Another chance for T-Bone Bright to win the TCW Television Title against the excellent Champion, Mighty Mo. At the War To Settle The Score, Mo not only defeated T-Bone, but he avoided the devastating ‘T-Bone Lariat’ FOUR times. This match isn’t just about the Television Title though. These two men both have the potential to take the next step in their careers, and head for the Main Event of the roster! Unusually, Champion Mo challenged Bright for their first match. This time, T-Bone won a Battle Royale to earn a re-match.


Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

How we got here: For weeks, Nick Booth has been targeting Dave Diamond, and his two young fellow Texans: Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman. Diamond beat Booth a few weeks ago, and it looked as though this feud was over. However, this past week on Total Wrestling, Diamond and his friends confirmed their new ‘Business Venture’ as ‘The Backstage Bar’ – a fully portable bar, where wrestlers, TCW employees, and sometimes fans, can hang out before, during and after a show. Booth took it upon himself to try to destroy the bar, and Diamond challenged him to another match here at Battleground!


Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

How we got here: Where do we start here? 2022 was said to be a ‘year of transition’ for Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach. The two fan favourites have seen amazing times, as former TCW World Heavyweight Champions. But with the likes of Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and others, rising up the card, Ace and Bach had to find something new, in order to stay on top. Back at the start of the year, The Behemoths promised the world they would take ‘someone’ out, and a few weeks later, they showed up for a match with Aaron Andrews INSIDE a body bag! Sammy saved him from further damage, but in the following weeks, some strange things happened. The American Cobras found The Behemoths with a SECOND body bag, this time full of CASH.

When Troy Tornado came back to TCW, he said he had SEEN Sammy Bach doing something he shouldn’t! We got a ladder match last month between Troy and Sammy. Troy won, and the stipulation dictated that he could tell the world what he had seen. The Behemoths attacked him, but he eventually got to tell the world, he’d seen Sammy talking with Floyd Goldworthy and The Behemoths and GIVEN them an empty body bag, right before the cash in a body bag scene, leading to speculation that Sammy had PAID Killer Shark and Titan for ‘the hit’ on Andrews. Ace challenged Sammy to pick a team for a 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match, and naturally The Behemoths signed up first. Ace has Troy, and The American Cobras for company, while Sammy’s fourth partner Joshua Taylor may well be the ‘dark horse’ in this one!


CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

How we got here: For the third time in 2022, Greg Gauge will take on Jay Chord for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. However, since Jay won the first match, and only lost the second by disqualification, he told Gauge he needed to come back with some ‘collateral’ in order to get a third attempt. Gauge was supposed to get no more Title shots if he failed to win the Title at The War To Settle The Score, but has convinced Jay to accept a third match, IF Gauge puts his TCW Career on the line! Now, we are STILL yet to confirm if this is storyline, or if Gauge’s TCW contract is indeed running down. We were told there was a lot of interest in him from around the world earlier this year, but that Gauge had re-signed with TCW. Will Chord retain the Gold once again, or will Gauge, with EVERYTHING on the line, find a way to win the big one, and remain a TCW wrestler?



Predictions for: TCW Battleground - Sunday, March 27th, 2022

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… ________________

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? ________________

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? ________________




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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 78

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Greg Gauge vs. Jay Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Chris Flynn

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Predictions for: TCW Battleground - Sunday, March 27th, 2022

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

Ok yes there's The New Wave, but it's still Team Tana vs Team Wolf... Plus I think the mystery man will be a debut.

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Tough because really I would have guessed T-Bone would move up to world title scene, but maybe Mo will take that spot first.

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Seems a good chance to put the younger guy over. I feel like DDD can lose but still have some storyline win with the business doing well or something like that.

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

Bach lost to Troy and I think he'll regain momentum here. 

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

Greg could easily have been poached.. so this is actually not easy to call.


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 80

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Main event

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Ernest Youngman?


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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

I broke up the Syndicate 2.0 (3.0?) in my personal save but the mystery man is a chance to really freshen them up and maintain them as a star vehicle.

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

He just needs one!

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

I think he needs this one to keep the feud going

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

It's Cobra Time

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

I would never dare question Greg Sluchinski's journalistic integrity.


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 84

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Title vs Career

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Cam Vessey

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 85

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Aldeous Blackfriar

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:

Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal 


TCW Television Title Match:

T-Bone Bright 


Grudge Match:

‘Nasty’ Nick Booth


Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:

Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths


CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:

Greg Gauge 




1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… _______86_________


2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? _____main event___________


3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Ernest Youngman

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Predictions for: TCW Battleground - Sunday, March 27th, 2022

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 84

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…?  I dont know the roster that well, but I am thinking a young guy.  Joey FIli

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… _______86_________

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? _______Gauge vs Chord_________

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? _______I'm thinking either a call up or new signing, so I'll go with Joey Fili. I think with the starting developmental roster, he's probably the most ready for the call_________

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… _______82_________

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? ___________Gauge vs Chord_____

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? _______Logan Wolfsabaine_________

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 83

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Gauge vs. Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Chris Flynn

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Predictions for: TCW Battleground - Sunday, March 27th, 2022

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

Wolf regains a veteran presence in The Syndicate as Human Arsenal shocks everyone and re-joins the Syndicate

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

This one is hard but both deserve to be in a bigger spot than the TV Title, and you don't get elevated by losing a TV Title match as the challenger so T-Bone wins "The Big One" and Mo moves on to bigger things.

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Dave got the win on TV, Nick gets one back on a bigger stage as he represents the future in this match. Though the Texan Connection could use some momentum in it's beginning stages here.

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

Bach and the Behemoths together are new, so I think they should start out strong

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)

Hoping you don't lose Gauge so there's my guess


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 78

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Gauge vs Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Human Arsenal


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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???
I am going with my gut that "???" is good old John Anderson and we end up with a 4v3 here. With Gauge/Chord likely ending tonight, it's time to heat up Wolf for a money feud with Greggy - possibly playing on his dad's former allegiance with the Syndicate?

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)
I think this is T-Bone's to lose unless Mo goes full heel and we get some shenanigans. The TV title feels like it's in a weird spot because both of these guys are just so above it, and are above wrestling TV defenses at this stage of their careers.

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth
I can see why Booth could get the win here, but I think it might be a bit too early. Booth got the "win" by destroying their business enterprise, so Dave deserves a measure of revenge.

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths
This one could really go either way, but I'm leaning on the babyfaces. It's hard to give guys like The Behemoths any losses given they are massive monsters of men, but in a multiman you can get away with it and get all four men a measure of revenge on the duo. Taylor was my thought for the 4th man if you stayed within the roster given his skill + overness but his alliance with the heels seems a lot more loose than the babyfaces, and I have the heels winning the other Battleground match in pretty despicable fashion.

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)
I don't see Greg going anywhere, and I don't see there being another funky finish in their main event trilogy.


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 86

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Gauge vs Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? John Anderson (Human Arsenal)
I'm sticking with my original guess. Looking at the members of the Syndicate, what I think the group needs is a veteran (the "Flair" if we're thinking Evolution is the comparison) and Anderson makes the most sense. I don't think it's a reunion with Flynn, who has been doing great on his own, and a debut would be in a weird spot - do they jump Jaylon or Flint in the totem pole?

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I loved the insights into your booking philosophy and real-life inspiration, especially the "what's next" style and the examples you cited. I really like the balance to this card with contrasting the two 4-on-4 elimination matches with a trio of well-built singles matches. The stipulation would lead you to believe this has to be Greg Gauge's moment, but maybe the funniest outcome would be him winning by DQ again.


On 9/30/2024 at 9:31 PM, christmas_ape said:

I'm often relieved to see @619 has commented as they'll always take some thought I've had but just articulate it a lot better than I ever would have. 

This was very nice of you to say but please don't think that. You're one of the best contributors here in terms of both your own great dynasties and wider commentary, so I'm the one taking inspiration from the content you're creating.

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 84

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Greg Gauge vs Jay Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Human Arsenal

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… I'm going to say 80

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? You've got to figure on it being the main event

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Let's go bold and say Tommy Cornell

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Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 82

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Gauge Vs Chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Gonna go with Matthew Keith 

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Hey @The Lloyd have you checked at @619 excellent diary yet DIW's last $2,000: Mr FU has a nephew like I told you to 🤔

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ???

TCW Television Title Match:
T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c)

Grudge Match:
Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match:
Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths

CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match:
Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c)


1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… 83

2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? Greg vs chord

3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? Tana The Mighty

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