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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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5 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:


PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ??? (A masked wrestler named Leonard Wolfsblood... I dunno, maybe Lenny Brown?

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ??? (Grunt and Stink)

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): HIGHER

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

I appreciate the guessing, and lets say if someone is able to get both right they can have an extra point. But just so others know you only need to pick a,b or c right to get the point. 

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): Yes

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

So far your debuts and the bringing in of local talent has made sense but EY needs someone to tangle with and I can think of no one better than Tennessee William...thankyaverymuch!

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

I think this will be a return performance for some local boys ... Egon Merowitz & War Piece

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): Yes

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): 

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

It would be kind of wild to have Youngman lose his title on the TV show immediately after the blowoff with Wolfsbain. We haven't seen Austin Smooth in a while so I could see him returning here.

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tossup, but I'm a big fan of the Hangman Experience.

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

I'm thinking maybe this is the returning Rich and Famous so I'll pick the mystery team. Not to mention the Latino Kings may get involved since they still have a grudge with the Legion of Blood.

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): I'll say lower since your last TV show had a great main event and while Youngman is great idk what level his opponent will be.

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

I feel like a local jobber shouldn't be getting a title shot unless it's a deal like Pinn where it's a heel delibrately ducking real challengers. Debuts would be cool, but at the same time three debuts in one night might be a bit much and you've had a few guys who have been off for a bit who I could see coming back tonight.

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): Yes

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

I just think with that big match score you are going to be emboldened to try to keep that sort of momentum up by bringing in 3 people who can hopefully make a difference.

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47):  lower :(

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47):  Higher

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber


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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ??? 

Too good to lose it this early, unless you've lost him as well in some cruel twist of fate

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

The Knackered Samoans hand over some pop

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ??? (Latino Kings?)

Zombie Lad's had a bit of a push but Deathwish is just awful.

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): HIGHER

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): Yes

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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SW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ??? no one (re)debuts on PSW and defeat Youngman for the main belt, I don't buy it

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): No, but it'll really depend on Youngman's oppo probably

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Kinda done with Youngman for a while, he needs to be humiliated a little

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): I'm gonna say Yes

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): 


Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

Could get with Blood Soldiers winning against some youngsters, but wondering if there's going to be someone a bit more recognisable.

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It's episode 10 babyyyyy


PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): With Ernest in the Main Event - Yup 

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber Hmmmm... I'll go DEBUT, because I love a debut :D

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PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ???

Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ???

Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): YES

Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber

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