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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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11 hours ago, jcarmjn said:

Woah amazing angle mate, didn't see that one coming at all. Can't wait to see where this one goes


7 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Sayeed is my fav character so far, but man that final angle was great! 

Appreciate the comments, and really glad to hear them. In my mind many years from now it will be in some PSW documentary as a key moment in their history. That's not at all a comment on how it's written but more I see it as a harbinger of a key era for PSW. 

But does Mr Vibert agree with me?

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I enjoyed Wicked Lester's promo, and how the cadence you've given him helps him stand out. The angle later in the show was even more sinister.

"Don't cry for me Pittsburgh" was a killer Austin Smooth line with the whole angle simple but brilliant character-building business.

Tennessee Williams needing to check the name of Pittsburgh (twice) was another great bit, you're really nailing these characters. I thought you used him well again here in giving him a spotlight and not having him take a bump but not having him get over anyone either.

Ah, so it was a shoot injury for Xavier Reckless and an audible called. I liked how you tied it to his name to create that moment of doubt.

And wow, what a unique and intense final segment. An uneasy subject matter but one I know you'll handle deftly and an incredible cliffhanger to leave the audience and us readers wanting more. It really fits the no faces and heels dynamic and I can't wait to see what direction you take it. The latest Vibert's Voice post was a fantastic follow-up too, capturing the uncertainty and how it wouldn't be an obvious write-off angle.

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Ahh man, this is why I always come back to @christmas_ape diaries. The drama. The angles. The unpredictability and bold ideas that almost always turn into gold. Not to mention the brilliantly crafted dialogue for each character. I feel like now you've had a few shows to establish the order of things in PSW, you've taken it up to the next level. Bravo, my friend. Bravo.

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On 8/26/2024 at 9:21 PM, 619 said:

I enjoyed Wicked Lester's promo, and how the cadence you've given him helps him stand out. The angle later in the show was even more sinister.

"Don't cry for me Pittsburgh" was a killer Austin Smooth line with the whole angle simple but brilliant character-building business.

Tennessee Williams needing to check the name of Pittsburgh (twice) was another great bit, you're really nailing these characters. I thought you used him well again here in giving him a spotlight and not having him take a bump but not having him get over anyone either.

Ah, so it was a shoot injury for Xavier Reckless and an audible called. I liked how you tied it to his name to create that moment of doubt.

And wow, what a unique and intense final segment. An uneasy subject matter but one I know you'll handle deftly and an incredible cliffhanger to leave the audience and us readers wanting more. It really fits the no faces and heels dynamic and I can't wait to see what direction you take it. The latest Vibert's Voice post was a fantastic follow-up too, capturing the uncertainty and how it wouldn't be an obvious write-off angle.

The people you've picked out are characters I'm enjoying myself so that's really good to hear. 

It's a good point about deftness, I'm more used to gimmicky, comedic/wacky storylines and obviously this can't be written like that. So it's an interesting test for me really. It's like this is still wrestling, so a certain level of over-the-topness I think is allowed/expected, but I want PSW to have at least some more realistic 'serious' storylines which will put me a bit out of my comfort zone. 

On 8/27/2024 at 9:04 AM, Willsky said:

Ahh man, this is why I always come back to @christmas_ape diaries. The drama. The angles. The unpredictability and bold ideas that almost always turn into gold. Not to mention the brilliantly crafted dialogue for each character. I feel like now you've had a few shows to establish the order of things in PSW, you've taken it up to the next level. Bravo, my friend. Bravo.

That's super nice thank you! Read that on my lunch break after a long morning and it made my day. 


That said, for any readers I am always interested to hear any thoughts for improvement, hell even if it's not constructive and it's just 'XXX sucked' or 'Why on earth would you do YYY'. I'm viewing this as a long term project (I mean I always go into diaries thinking that in truth, but I am hopeful) so I wouldn't want to think I shouldn't be trying to improve things. 



With Pittsburgh in a state of shock following Ernest's accusations we'll hear from PSW owner Mitch Naess. Elsewhere on the show The King makes his in ring debut and the Steel City Chain is put on the line. 


Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez

Will the show be higher or lower than last week?

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Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper
Looking at his guitar for the name of the town 😂 Was excellent! The fun character stuff has always been your strength, but in this more serious, badass promotion, you're still able to do it perfectly. Didn't think I'd ever be rooting for Cerberus, but there you go! F*** Off Elvis!

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc
Nice spotlight on them, and I did NOT know that about the two Samoan families. That's class. One thing I feel is missing from TEW IX is more Samoan family members (as well as more Stones, DeColts, etc).

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez
Imagine two people fighting over something that hangs around your neck!! and it being over with the audience... it'd be a sad day in wrestling if that ever happened in real life! 

Will the show be higher or lower than last week? I'm just going to say YES every time. Maybe because I want you to do well, or maybe because it can't be any worse than the last show, right?

I HAVE to comment on the Logan / Ernest segment. I mean, woah! Deep stuff! I feel like you're right in terms of, in 10, 15 years, people will look back on this and say "remember how personal the Logan / Ernest feud got?!" - it has always been a feud to get excited about. I had Ernest eventually turn babyface, with Logan leading Rich and Famous in my PSW save in TEW2020 (before BOTH Rich and Famous were poached). Really excited to see where this feud goes now that Logan's a big old perv (surely he's not!)

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Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper

Squash City

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc

I would like to see the Taggs go over these two bit I think it's a bit early for that

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez

Jesus is nothing more than a decent midcarder, he's not winning this

Show Grade will be higher, Tennessee and the Samoans should get decent grades that push up the main event

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Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper

Williams shouldn't be losing to someone this low on the card.

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Don't think the Taggs are at the level to be beating Samoan Destruction.

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez

Sayeed needs to be a top guy.

Will the show be higher or lower than last week?

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Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper
Can't see the new guy losing to a youngster, unless William is so cowardly he gets scared off by Cerberus.

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc
They got a spotlight recently and should probably be around the tag titles.

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez
Ali is the man. I like Chavez, but I think Ali keeps this chain for a while.

Will the show be higher or lower than last week?

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Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez

Will the show be higher or lower than last week?


A bit skeptical about the Logan/Ernest angle but I do trust you to make it work.

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I can't believe I didn't clock one of your diaries was on the boards... I always enjoy your diaries because you can get across a lot of content relatively quickly (which I can't do) and you build lore/a world that feels immersive-- much like the RAW and FCW diaries. I've never, ever taken interest in PSW (I came to TEW after DAVE so I've never really got it) but you've got me invested and I'll see PSW in my saves as this from now on. 

Mixed feelings on the Logan/Ernest/Venus angle if it's going down a false allegation route. It does read like an old ECW/attitude era type storyline but back then Venus would of been labelled a "jezebel". I'm intrigued to see how you centre Venus in the storyline so I'll be reading!


Tennessee William vs Jerry Pepper

The Taggs vs Samoan Destruction Inc

So, you're just skating over that injury suffered in Japan?

Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jesus Chavez

Will the show be higher or lower than last week? Higher!


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Screenshot 2024-09-01 202857.pngScreenshot 2024-09-01 202921.png


Prediction Results

Rhysrob: 3/4

Satyr24: 3/4

AboardTheArk: 3/4

Willsky: 3/4

Wrestling Machine: 3/4

KyTeran: 3/4

Tiberious: 3/4

jcarmjn: 3/4

The Lloyd: 3/4


Wasn't surprised really that you all picked every match correctly, perhaps a little predictable but the odd week being like that doesn't bother me. At least means we share the same at least rough hierarchy in our minds. 
It was only 1 point less than last week, and I was surprised at that especially because the main event was the highest rated match that didn't have Ernest Youngman in it that we've had yet. 

Really appreciate both the compliments and the honesty in regards to skepticism/mixed feelings in the above comments. I found it unfortunate that @Rhysrob talked about centering Venus in the storyline just as she takes herself out of it! It's really hard to go into my thinking without giving away spoilers... although I'm hopeful you'll be satisfied when all is said and done. You're definitely right about ECW though, I've been watching some 'Hardcore TV' lately and whilst there's aspects that have definitely given me inspiration the fairly constant misogyny surprised me. I mean don't get me wrong, I watched the attitude era and had no expectations for ECW to hold up well against today's standards in that regards, but the episodes I've watched have been even worse than I expected. 


Just a reminder that the Steel City Chain Poll is still open, Jesus got his shot as voted for by this, but I'll keep it open for the next shot (I say don't vote for Jesus but I guess that's unfair, if people really want to see him get a rematch by all means vote for that). 

A quick note on the voting aspect of the chain and my thinking... it might seem low stakes at the moment because the assumption is that Ali won't drop it too soon, but I do imagine it to swap fairly often. Because it will be defended quite often, and in really hard fought fights my thinking is anyone even getting to 5 defenses is really impressive. Also when it comes to the votes and then me picking the winner I've told myself the more a particular person is voted for, the higher chance I have to give them to win. 


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I loved this episode, another banger! Pinn's line at the end "Please consider your application unsuccessful" is exactly the kind of heel line that could one day get him over as a babyface!! Didn't know Xavi was the protégé of Guide. That seems odd, since Guide's been in TCW for 15 years and Xavi's been wrestling for 8... I guess he must have found the time somehow 😝 Aaaanyway, great episode!

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Posted my thoughts before your next update, so just a couple more thoughts...

Love the idea around the chain. Maybe you could do an "if you get to five defences, you get a title match" kind of gimmick?

Also, when I go into my thoughts on my diary, I often give them in a way that tells the readers exactly what I'm going to do, but then hint that I won't... For example... Hard to find an example of this off the top of my head, but I think you can be the 'booker', but still create kayfabe? if that makes sense?

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The show open worked perfectly: the story progressed but the air of mystery and unanswered questions around the angle largely remain.

Intrigued by the line about Pepper and Lucinda's relationship. Perhaps it was a throwaway but it felt like a tease of something that might be developed more in future.

I really like Tennessee-Cerberus. Something I wouldn't have necessarily anticipated but a good showcase of your manifesto and booking principles in that it's a story you might not have been able to tell in a world of clear faces and heels.

I liked Little Bill Lebowski getting a shoutout, and Dumfrey Pinn no-selling him was just as good. Having to apply for a title shot is a great tie-in to the Pinn Enterprises concept, and not notifying unsuccessful applicants is the realest heel heat around.

I really liked the Kings-Martin segment as a way to bring them into the story but make it clear they're not just there to do favours, they have their own objectives. The main event showed that the Steel City Chain works as something worthy to fight for that can headline cards when the top champ isn't around, and it felt fitting that it ended on a respectful note, a smart contrast to the end of the last episode and start of this.

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On 9/1/2024 at 9:15 PM, The Lloyd said:

 Didn't know Xavi was the protégé of Guide. That seems odd, since Guide's been in TCW for 15 years and Xavi's been wrestling for 8... I guess he must have found the time somehow 😝

You're right it has always made me wonder. Especially because Xavi I believe has always been based in Puerto Rico, but I suppose it's perfectly possible he traveled to a wrestling school ran by Guide that's just too small to be in game. That's probably my head cannon anyway. Guide would be one of my dream hires actually, 5x DAVE tag champion but I suspect he'd be too old by the time I have enough money/pop to get him. 

On 9/1/2024 at 9:19 PM, The Lloyd said:

Posted my thoughts before your next update, so just a couple more thoughts...

Love the idea around the chain. Maybe you could do an "if you get to five defences, you get a title match" kind of gimmick?

Also, when I go into my thoughts on my diary, I often give them in a way that tells the readers exactly what I'm going to do, but then hint that I won't... For example... Hard to find an example of this off the top of my head, but I think you can be the 'booker', but still create kayfabe? if that makes sense?

I did consider exactly that, my thinking though is it doesn't necessarily need to be a proper rule that ties me to anything. I think if someone ends up winning a bunch of matches in a row as holder of the chain, they'd naturally have a claim for a title shot. I understand making it an actual rule though adds the storyline aspect if say someone has 4 wins the 5th has higher stakes. So it's something to consider. 

23 hours ago, 619 said:


Intrigued by the line about Pepper and Lucinda's relationship. Perhaps it was a throwaway but it felt like a tease of something that might be developed more in future.

I really like Tennessee-Cerberus. Something I wouldn't have necessarily anticipated but a good showcase of your manifesto and booking principles in that it's a story you might not have been able to tell in a world of clear faces and heels.


Not exactly throwaway but I can't claim to always have some masterplan though. I like to in my head start threads/potential storylines even if I don't have it fully mapped out. Sometimes that might leave things feeling a bit chaotic, maybe even frustrating if there's no payoff. I don't at all think it's actually good storytelling, but it does leaves me freedom and means I can just chose what interests me to go further into. 

Appreciate your thoughts on Tennessee-Cerb. In my mind this is 'a coward' vs 'something he is scared of', so face/heel is largely irrelevant. It might backfire at times if it leaves a lack of characters that people want to actually root for. We'll see, I do like my plans for TW even though they keep shifting a little bit. 

9 hours ago, Rhysrob said:

My bad! Still a good read, though!

No not your bad at all! I think it's very reasonable and correct to hope/expect for Venus to be at the center. 



After taking the last show off, Logan will be in action this week and will surely have a response to Ernest Youngman. Elsewhere on the card the National Title is on the line and Xavi has a chance to respond to Buck Winchester's challenge of a No Mercy match. 


Acid II vs Antixx

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46): 

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Acid II vs Antixx

With Xavier out with an injury Antixx doesn't have much going for him and Acid II is just a much better worker. Though I feel like I'm always surprised when I realize Acid II is in his 30s now, keep thinking he's younger than he actually is.

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

Something tells me whoever got through Pinn's application process may not be the most worthy of competition.

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell

Teddy's popular enough that I'm sure Xavi would be willing to put him over, but given his age and career trajectory I don't really see a good reason for Xavi not to get the win.

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Logan's great, and this is a good chance to see if Devil Dog can hold his own when put in their with a top guy. Not really sure what to think of the big angle. It's the kind of storyline that I can see a cutting edge company like PSW running with, but it's easy for it to come across as tasteless  expolitation and I'm not sure if it's the kind of heat that enhances a feud or just the kind that makes everyone uncomfortable.

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46): 

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Acid II vs Antixx

He's already lost to Zombie Lad, he won't be losing this

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

Can't see you switching the title again so soon

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell


Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog


Xavi and Logan should drag this way above 46

Edited by jcarmjn
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I'm enjoying this shows a lot! Easy to read and with lots of things going on, the implosion of The Steel Circle is something really entertaining to watch. Let's see how it goes.


Acid II vs Antixx

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46): 

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Acid II vs Antixx

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???
I'm certain this will be a totally legitimate contender...

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell
Big star goes over here

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46):
Logan in the Main Event is for sure going to push this up, and I expect there'll be a hot angle or two.

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Acid II vs Antixx

I don't think Acid is taking a loss here, although it could kickstart a side tag feud... 

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

No brainer!

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell

No brainer!

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Also a no brainer for Logan to win... So, I'm predicting a rage DQ because Logan must be on edge and Devil Dog is an agitator...



Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46):  Slightly higher!

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