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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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I don't know how this slipped by without me noticing it for so long. The first surprise was seeing Dumfrey Pinn. I honestly thought he must have retired, but not only did he not retire he is prominent on a US Company which again is a surreal experience to me. I am so invested in seeing you write a more, not necessarily down to earth promotion but one that is a lot more grounded in a sense. Ain't going to be no casual dreamland fighting and paintball skirmishes. Another aspect of this I am super loving is it has a lot of guys I vaguely know because they were really good Unemployed guys from previous years or talented rookies like Xavi, Logan, Winchester, and Youngman. So I am super excited to see those guys, and the cast of other wrestlers I have never seen before. 

Not going to write much about this weeks matches but more touch on guys I have loved reading about so far in the diary. 


Dumfrey Pinn - I have loved his utilisation. Knowing that he held the belt for so long and then recaptured it. He is the perfect guy to act as a gatekeeper to that Main Event scene, and someone I am glad you haven't just pushed to the side. I am surprised by the win against Austin but figure long term Austin has a brighter future elsewhere on the card. While again Dumfrey continuing his mob boss persona is awesome. Honestly a highlight for mine. 

While I rate Xavi, I am a mad Winchester fan and upset he didn't win the Title (see: Chain) in the triple threat. Ali suits it so much, but I also think that would be a good platform for Winchester eventually as he builds into a Main Event guy. I could see the cowboy schtick getting tiresome somewhat to real life AEW Adam Page, but I look forward to how he goes long term. 


Tennessee Williams another great standout for me as someone I didn't know existed prior to this diary. I've loved his interactions with with CB. The two of them great characters in their own rights. One other note is the tag-team division seems to be flourishing. Obviously in my own diary it is non-existent but to see so many teams with so many cohesive gimmicks and just an evolving scene from being back up players in the Main Event to future stars as well. That is one thing that really stands out to me, is there is a clear and definite focus on the tag-team division and I love it. 


That promo... god damn. Wolfsbaine a heel in my eyes. That is the most blurring the lines of reality/kayfabe promo I have seen lately and its so perfectly done. 


Acid II vs Antixx

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn (c) vs ???

Xavi Ferrara vs Teddy Powell

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Devil Dog

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (46):  Lower


I can't be bothered doing the math, release Steel Factory scores for everybody. 


I know you mentioned it briefly, but have there been any other surprising steel factory scores in terms of guys that either were much higher than expected, or much more below. 


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On 9/3/2024 at 12:26 AM, Tiberious said:

Logan's great, and this is a good chance to see if Devil Dog can hold his own when put in their with a top guy. Not really sure what to think of the big angle. It's the kind of storyline that I can see a cutting edge company like PSW running with, but it's easy for it to come across as tasteless  expolitation and I'm not sure if it's the kind of heat that enhances a feud or just the kind that makes everyone uncomfortable.


Appreciate the comments, you're completely right. Truthfully I'm not even sure how I'd respond to it myself, but like you say it feels like something PSW would do. I'm comfortable with there being some misses in this diary if it helps the overall tone fit better. Hopefully though by the end of the storyline it won't go down as a miss though! 

15 hours ago, HiPlus said:


I can't be bothered doing the math, release Steel Factory scores for everybody. 


I know you mentioned it briefly, but have there been any other surprising steel factory scores in terms of guys that either were much higher than expected, or much more below. 


I know the feeling! Luckily I used a database tool thingy made by @AidanLFC1and edited it so it gives me the steel factor automatically. It might have even been faster to add them up manually because it took me ages to work it out but still! 

I have considered just posting everyone's Steel Factor, I might wait until I have the roster how I want it a bit more long term and make some roster post. But in answer to your questions... 

Tennessee William is actually the joint highest in the promotion. Which made me feel better about signing him. 

Teddy Powell is one of the lowest, which surprised me as he's a DAVE veteran. Yes he's an ageing high flyer who's physical stats aren't what they used to be, but I would have thought after a whole career with DAVE/PSW his hardcore stat would have been higher. 


I'll post the show ratings and all that stuff tomorrow but small spoiler it did surprisingly well. 

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I'm looking forward to Tennessee Williams v Cerberus, which feels like a very hot opener for a weekly show.

Ah, so that's why Pinn Enterprises aren't giving explanations to unsuccessful applicants, haha. I like that you brought back a familiar face for this spot rather than just use a generic jobber.

I wasn't expecting Jerry Pepper's story to head in that direction but that was a very fun segment. Who doesn't love a strange bedfellows team?

I enjoyed the use of the crowd for the Xavi Ferrera post-match: I always think such interactions where the crowd help progress the story fit well in hardcore promotions.

Loved the change of pace in the Legion of Blood segment and how suddenly it shifted from their standard promo to The Latino Kings invading their personal space, which I feel would've caught fans off guard. Having someone get thrown out of a window made it even better.

You did a nice job carrying the Logan Wolfsbaine story into his match with the frustrated triple Glory Slam, which added to the mystery of how good or a bad a guy he might be. The post-match again cleverly balanced progressing the story and further increasing the intensity without giving away too many answers.

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Screenshot 2024-09-06 101253.pngScreenshot 2024-09-06 101226.png


Prediction Scores

KyTeran: 5/5

Satyr24: 5/5

Rhysrob: 5/5

Willsky: 5/5

Wrestling Machine: 5/5

jcarmjn: 5/5

Tiberious: 5/5

HiPlus: 4/5


Hmm, so last week I said I wasn't concerned that the show was overly predictable, but maybe two weeks on the trot is a bit of shame. Although I fully expected the predictions to go that way. What can I say... contrary to what my RAW diary might have suggested I don't necessarily do shock finishes for the sake of it. I feel like there's some harder to call shows coming up at least. 


On 9/5/2024 at 7:10 AM, HiPlus said:

I don't know how this slipped by without me noticing it for so long. The first surprise was seeing Dumfrey Pinn. I honestly thought he must have retired, but not only did he not retire he is prominent on a US Company which again is a surreal experience to me. I am so invested in seeing you write a more, not necessarily down to earth promotion but one that is a lot more grounded in a sense. Ain't going to be no casual dreamland fighting and paintball skirmishes. Another aspect of this I am super loving is it has a lot of guys I vaguely know because they were really good Unemployed guys from previous years or talented rookies like Xavi, Logan, Winchester, and Youngman. So I am super excited to see those guys, and the cast of other wrestlers I have never seen before. 

Not going to write much about this weeks matches but more touch on guys I have loved reading about so far in the diary. 


Dumfrey Pinn - I have loved his utilisation. Knowing that he held the belt for so long and then recaptured it. He is the perfect guy to act as a gatekeeper to that Main Event scene, and someone I am glad you haven't just pushed to the side. I am surprised by the win against Austin but figure long term Austin has a brighter future elsewhere on the card. While again Dumfrey continuing his mob boss persona is awesome. Honestly a highlight for mine. 

While I rate Xavi, I am a mad Winchester fan and upset he didn't win the Title (see: Chain) in the triple threat. Ali suits it so much, but I also think that would be a good platform for Winchester eventually as he builds into a Main Event guy. I could see the cowboy schtick getting tiresome somewhat to real life AEW Adam Page, but I look forward to how he goes long term. 


Tennessee Williams another great standout for me as someone I didn't know existed prior to this diary. I've loved his interactions with with CB. The two of them great characters in their own rights. One other note is the tag-team division seems to be flourishing. Obviously in my own diary it is non-existent but to see so many teams with so many cohesive gimmicks and just an evolving scene from being back up players in the Main Event to future stars as well. That is one thing that really stands out to me, is there is a clear and definite focus on the tag-team division and I love it. 


That promo... god damn. Wolfsbaine a heel in my eyes. That is the most blurring the lines of reality/kayfabe promo I have seen lately and its so perfectly done. 


So I just wanted to respond properly to some of this, appreciate your thoughts. It's great to have you here, feels like the majority of my RAW readers have found their way to this which is really great to see. You're completely right that this will be more grounded... HOWEVER... it's funny you mention the paintballing as you can expect the PSW version of that RAW episode to come soon. It's certainly less wacky a premise, but part of the Hardcore Manifesto I posted previously states we have to innovate, and so there will be some things that attempt to try something new. To confirm though, no paintballing. 

It's amusing to hear you mention the likes of Youngman, Wolfsbaine and Xavi as people you are vaguely aware of as a positive as I imagine for most people they are pretty overused in diaries at this point! But I think that's just a testament to the PSW roster and the sense that it has a bunch of hidden gems that really should be on national TV (similar to ECW).

I'm very glad to hear Pinn has gone down well with the Aussie (I'm right in remembering you're from Australia right?) Despite my hamfisted attempts with the odd 'g'day mate' it's probably not so authentic to you, but I suppose neither will RAW have been! 

You're right about Buck, coincidentally I have actually started to drop the Cowboy from his name. He still has the gimmick but I think making him a little less cartoony is a goal of mine. 


10 hours ago, 619 said:

I'm looking forward to Tennessee Williams v Cerberus, which feels like a very hot opener for a weekly show.

Ah, so that's why Pinn Enterprises aren't giving explanations to unsuccessful applicants, haha. I like that you brought back a familiar face for this spot rather than just use a generic jobber.

I wasn't expecting Jerry Pepper's story to head in that direction but that was a very fun segment. Who doesn't love a strange bedfellows team?

I enjoyed the use of the crowd for the Xavi Ferrera post-match: I always think such interactions where the crowd help progress the story fit well in hardcore promotions.

Loved the change of pace in the Legion of Blood segment and how suddenly it shifted from their standard promo to The Latino Kings invading their personal space, which I feel would've caught fans off guard. Having someone get thrown out of a window made it even better.

You did a nice job carrying the Logan Wolfsbaine story into his match with the frustrated triple Glory Slam, which added to the mystery of how good or a bad a guy he might be. The post-match again cleverly balanced progressing the story and further increasing the intensity without giving away too many answers.

Thanks for the comments as usual, you always highlight particular things I thought about which really makes me feel better than I am! I often feel like I'm just throwing sh*t at a wall and hoping anything sticks. I have the intended outcome of a segment in my head but often really doubt my ability to portray that effectively, so it means a lot to hear your thoughts (and I'm sure I'm not the only diary writer that is grateful for your feedback). 



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I was behind for a tiny bit but I have to say, the direction of the controversial angle is good, keeps you guessing. Especially with Ernest upping the dirtiness and violence in this week's segment. Logan is a monster on top, eh? 65 TV main event with Devil Dog is quite good!

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12 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Thanks for the comments as usual, you always highlight particular things I thought about which really makes me feel better than I am! I often feel like I'm just throwing sh*t at a wall and hoping anything sticks. I have the intended outcome of a segment in my head but often really doubt my ability to portray that effectively, so it means a lot to hear your thoughts (and I'm sure I'm not the only diary writer that is grateful for your feedback). 

Thanks for such a kind comment. As I don't get involved with predictions (I think this is a combination of being less CVerse aware than other posters, liking to be surprised rather than analysing too deeply and being more invested in wider booking and storytelling than individual outcomes), I'm always worried about seeming unsupportive when in reality it's just my weirdness and how I prefer to engage, so it's reassuring to know my comments aren't too irritating. Well, this comment probably is given how unnecessarily long that sentence was, haha.

I meant to say I really enjoyed your previous insight too about your process of putting details out there that you might want to follow up without necessarily having a full story mapped out. It's really interesting to get a feel for different approaches, and this dynasty in particular has been great for that with the added flavour like the manifesto.

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4 hours ago, 619 said:

Thanks for such a kind comment. As I don't get involved with predictions (I think this is a combination of being less CVerse aware than other posters, liking to be surprised rather than analysing too deeply and being more invested in wider booking and storytelling than individual outcomes), I'm always worried about seeming unsupportive when in reality it's just my weirdness and how I prefer to engage, so it's reassuring to know my comments aren't too irritating. Well, this comment probably is given how unnecessarily long that sentence was, haha.

I meant to say I really enjoyed your previous insight too about your process of putting details out there that you might want to follow up without necessarily having a full story mapped out. It's really interesting to get a feel for different approaches, and this dynasty in particular has been great for that with the added flavour like the manifesto.

I tend to be the same - If the diary has pictures I might pick based on who I like the look of but for large parts of the world I really dont know the companies well enough to clog up the diary with my haphazard selections.  Give me ZEN. APW, DIW or RAW or an Oceanic start up and I am golden but The Isles, Europe, Japan and the USA are sort of the great unknown sometimes.  I know the stars of course and scouted them for young talent but I dont ever feel I know the style to make predictions with any accuracy.  Fun reading them though. 

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So much good stuff in there! Loved Hangman's promo and how JP isn't sure about him (even though he'd clearly be an incredible partner for him!!) Excited to see where that goes.

Looking forward to William getting jailhouse rocked by the excon Cerberus! He's probably wanted to kill him since he performed in his prison all those years ago.

Also excited by Buck and Xavi!

As for Logan and Ernest... Hmm... It hasn't gone where I thought it would go, yet. Logan getting a mixed reaction pretty much sums up how I feel about him right now. Ernest has made me question if he's a babyface or not. I'm letting you cook, because I know stories and characters are the thing you're best at, and it's certainly something I'm looking forward to / wondering about!

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After The Latino Kings attacked The Legion of Blood last week a big main event between the two respective leaders has been booked. Elsewhere on the show the Tag Team champions are in action and we'll see if Lucinda's plan to find Jerry a partner goes well. The show will kickstart with a hotly anticipated match between 'The King' and 'The Psychopathic Madman'.


Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): 

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This is a really tough show to call... Hmmm... I'm pretty confident on all four, but equally, you could make a case for going the other way with all four!

Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Higher

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Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Higher is there is any justice in the world

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Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Higher

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Cerberus vs Tennessee William

This is a hell of an opener, and one I'm surprised gets made. I figure it has some shenanigans or issues to continue the feud. I'm just hoping The King goes over now and in the end. 

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

If they can work together they will likely be far too strong. 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

I love the pairing and I am sold on Jerry Pepper. 

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Draw - Shenanigans. 

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54):  Lower

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Okay so I finally caught up. Gonna echo some thoughts and say that the PSW Steel Factor sounds cool, the match types are awesome, and Sayeed Ali should be pushed to the frickin moon. Interested to see where you take the LW-EY feud but personally it's not something I'd even try to touch with a million-foot pole so good luck LOL


Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Maybe T-Dub runs away?

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

TBH this might be the weakest part of your PSW but I think you just need the right teams to click and see them go boom. Maybe a TLC-ish match?

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Would be silly to have 'em lose, right?

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Latino Kings got the jump but it's time for Lester to get some revenge

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Lower, unfortunately

Edited by michgcs
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Cerberus vs Tennessee Williams

I've enjoyed the build to this a lot, but I think overall there's more money to be made in Williams eeking out a win here so he can keep infuriating the crowd. Plus it's hard to root for Cerberus when if I recall correctly his original render had a big swastika tattoo so yeah.

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

With Devil May Care being your reigning champions it makes sense to build two title challengers here, and I don't particularly rate Vendetta and Antixx.

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? (Giant Tana) and ??? (Gianter Tana)

I don't think Hangman and Pepper would be losing so quickly, even if there's always something appealing about a mystery opponent.

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Most people are picking Lester here, so I'll go with Rudy to be different.

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): 

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Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Shenanigans from William to somehow get the win and anger Cerberus even more.

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Nice to see an odd-couple tag team, and I think Hangman proves he's going to be a strong partner for Pepper, despite Jerry's misgivings.

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Tough one, this. LKs got the big "victory", so I think Lester gets one back for his team

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Can't see the main event doing anywhere near what Logan's match did.

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Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54):  Higher I Bo lieve

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The Hangman (and others) segment was absolute gold, and loser leaves Wolfsbaine vs Ernest... if the game was more reactive in terms of attendances/pre-booking, that's a record gate level match for the company. 


Did you actually take the rating hit of the finish in Tennessee vs Cerberus match? That would be the bravest thing anyone's done in TEW for a diary plot.

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Firstly, an apology for inventing a wrestler called Tennessee Williams and unwittingly trying to get him over in all my replies. Having finally realised he's a singular William, I fear my Steel Factor must be a minus digit for the number of times I repeated that typo. William was used perfectly here once more, with him getting a match thrown out in a company where decisive finishes are usually guaranteed summing up just how out of place he is. And it makes that detail you revealed about him actually having the joint-best Steel Factor behind the gimmick even more fun. I wonder if you'll lean into that and in time once he's had to taste his own blood, he learns to embrace the violence, or if he'll forever feel like an outsider. With how well you've pitched the character so far, I'm sure whatever direction you take him will be enjoyable.

Oh, I loved the follow up with Mitch Naess feeling a sense of shame that he didn't deliver what the fans expect and using it to set up one of your unique gimmick matches for Highway To Hell.

Another fun Jerry Pepper segment with an even better payoff, especially following up by having "with Jerry Pepper" in the next screen. The match write-up did a great job furthering the story, and I think I've got a new favourite PSW tag team.

I think you made the right call with Rudy v Lester, as the latter probably needed legitimising more, and won in a way that fit the gimmick and furthered his story, with Gang Warfare giving The Latino Kings their chance for revenge.

Another strong show close for Wolfsbaine and Youngman, and the stakes couldn't be higher at Highway To Hell. At this stage, I'm thinking it's Youngman leaving, just on the basis of Vibert's argument that why would Wolfsbaine agree to be written out like this, but it could also be that Youngman wins and then taunts about how his lies had got inside his rival's head and driven him out of the company.

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On 9/10/2024 at 3:07 AM, HiPlus said:

Cerberus vs Tennessee William

This is a hell of an opener, and one I'm surprised gets made. I figure it has some shenanigans or issues to continue the feud. I'm just hoping The King goes over now and in the end. 


I was thinking I likely telegraphed the sort of ending that happened by putting it on first, but I also felt I couldn't put it on last. 

On 9/10/2024 at 5:37 AM, michgcs said:

. Interested to see where you take the LW-EY feud but personally it's not something I'd even try to touch with a million-foot pole so good luck LOL


TBH this might be the weakest part of your PSW but I think you just need the right teams to click and see them go boom. Maybe a TLC-ish match?


It's good to see you on here and everything but I'm still awaiting your diary return. I felt so old when I just checked and saw your WWE one ended 6 years ago! 


In some ways that's the point, I mean I hope it ends up a worthwhile storyline and in general I don't want it to be shocking for the sake of it and come across tacky. But also as a hardcore promotion it feels like having these types of storylines that other promotions couldn't do, for better or worse, is one the main weapons we have. 


I think you're right about the tag teams, that said I think DMC getting a bit more spotlight this show and Hangman Experience storyline will hopefully start to build up the interest in the division.

On 9/10/2024 at 9:46 AM, Tiberious said:


Cerberus vs Tennessee Williams

I've enjoyed the build to this a lot, but I think overall there's more money to be made in Williams eeking out a win here so he can keep infuriating the crowd. Plus it's hard to root for Cerberus when if I recall correctly his original render had a big swastika tattoo so yeah.


That's unfortunate about Cerberus although I suppose really that render at this point has nothing to do with 'my' Cerberus. He's an interesting case. In general he's the best case against my current calculation for the Steel Factor. Mostly I look at the list with people ranked by it and I think yeah that makes sense and it's fit for purpose. Cerb has decent hardcore skills, ok psychology and very good toughness and resilience but because of his very low charisma and athleticism he actually has one of the lowest Steel Factors in the company. He's one of only two active wrestlers in the whole world with 100 menace (Garganguan the other) and he's a rare case where his hardcore stat is his highest in ring ability, so it feels like he should have a home in PSW. 

19 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

Did you actually take the rating hit of the finish in Tennessee vs Cerberus match? That would be the bravest thing anyone's done in TEW for a diary plot.

It depends what you mean here? The match was technically written off as a no contest/draw after 5 minutes. So I think the in game reflects the show well (think I said there was a few minutes of William evading, then some time of Cerb getting some damage in, then William runs). But oddly enough it was one of our highest match ratings! Which is a bit annoying really, but it's nice to know short matches can still get decent grades and makes me intrigued what their Shackled Escape match will get especially because I imagine I'll get at least one to take a stunt bump or maybe even a crazy one if they'll agree. 

18 hours ago, 619 said:

Firstly, an apology for inventing a wrestler called Tennessee Williams and unwittingly trying to get him over in all my replies. Having finally realised he's a singular William


As usual you summed up quite a few of my thoughts really well. Including this though! For a while I also thought it was Tennessee Williams and I used to think it was a little strange they just gave him the name of a real life writer. I've often written it with the S but I THINK I've always caught it when I check my writing. It's perfectly possible though I didn't and you read it as Tennessee Williams due to me. 


Show Results

Screenshot 2024-09-12 194804.png

Screenshot 2024-09-12 194555.png


Prediction Results

Willsky: 4/4

Tiberious: 4/4

michgcs: 4/4

HiPlus: 3/4

KyTeran: 3/4

Satyr24: 3/4

The Lloyd: 3/4

alpha2117: 2/4


Predictions for next card up soon. To be clear, there's 2 left before Highway To Hell. In between HTH and Lockdown I've opted for just 3. For now I like it being irregular but who knows maybe it's best I settle on a set amount in between. 

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