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Farrah Hesketh’s Booking Diary


Twelve years running QAW, and it feels like I’ve hardly made a dent in the industry. I wanted this company to break glass ceilings and push the boundaries imposed on us for far too long. Maybe I was naive? Did I expect too much? Perhaps I haven’t pushed enough!?


When AAA closed, I thought someone would pick up the ball and run with it. But alas, running a women’s wrestling promotion in this market is not an attractive prospect. I get that. So here I am, running the premiere women’s wrestling promotion in the United States—probably the whole of North America—and we’re just about making ends meet.


I’m being negative. I can't help it. Bomb says I’ve been in a mood since Foxxy and Alina left. That was a little over a year ago… Foxxy got her big break and joined Teresa in CWA. And as for Alina? She is the USPW Women’s World Champion and was voted the Women’s Wrestler of the Year. I always knew she was meant for stardom, but it still took me by surprise. Of course, I texted her congratulations straight away, and she thanked me for everything. She must be on top of the world.


These moments of happiness quickly turn to melancholy when I think about the rest of the women here in QAW, and across the independents, waiting patiently for that platform. There are only so many spots in CWA and USPW, y’know? They all deserve the opportunity to work in promotions across the country, and even the world, just like the guys do. And I feel guilty that QAW has not quite reached the level of popularity to make staying here lucrative. I think that’s why Pamela decided to move on. She could see that it just wasn’t happening for QAW, and maybe she’d be better off returning to Mexico. I assume to try out for CILL… I wish she could’ve stayed, but I’ve asked for ten years of her career already. And I had no plan to give her the world championship, so she has every right to resent me.


The one thing we have going for us is that the bigger fish clearly keep tabs on us and swoop in to fill out their respective women’s divisions. And it gives the girls something to hang on to. I burst with pride when I see Alina, Foxxy, Jillian, and the others, representing us on the grandest stages. I’m so happy for them it hurts.


Anyway, the holidays are over, and we’ve entered 2022 with some momentum on our side going into Starshow. We caught the fans off guard at Thanksgiving Thunder by having all the championships change hands, and that made The Three Way Dance unmissable judging by the ticket sales. We need to get onto a broadcaster, though. The talks with Wrestleworld have gone well, and we’ve had to make some production investments here and there, but I think we can afford it.


This means we need to make Starshow debut stand out. We’re lucky to get 700 in ticket sales on a good month, but this is the first time we’ll know who else is out there watching us. The Starshow tradition is all belts on the line, so combined with the new audiences tuning in, we need to give them our champions versus their main rivals.


Wrestleworld wants the card by the end of the week so they can advertise the show properly on the service, and we need to get our own materials sorted and make sure everyone knows they are booked. It’s time to get to the drawing board.


OOC: Without giving too much away I want to credit @willr0ck women's mod which was kindly converted by @Historian [and your future women's expansion!]. I'm also incorporating certain characters from @Martel123 @lavelleuk @boxofwhispers expansions and i'll be taking a look at @Marmo @Blessed and @XaviBigJuice expansions in the near future!


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Really glad to see this. When I think of QAW I think of your previous diary. 


Leaning into the struggles makes sense too. I know a lot of people are disappointed by the lack of a women's revolution in the C-verse, and I do agree. As each new game comes out it's increasingly glaring how underdeveloped womens wrestling... but it at least makes for a strong narrative for a diary!



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Farrah's living room



Farrah is absent mindedly flicking through channels on the TV in her living room when something catches her attention-- was that a graphic for Alicia Strong?


TV Host: Welcome back to 'USA! In Your House', where we bring you the latest whatever fluff we need to distract you with. Tonight, we have a very special guest with us. She’s a former USPW Women’s Champion, a trailblazer in the world of professional wrestling, and a key figure in President Knope’s administration—Alicia Strong! Alicia, thank you so much for joining us.

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Alicia: Thank you! It's great to be here talking about my passion!


TV Host: Alicia, you’ve broken barriers, set championship records, and shown the men of USPW that the women can do it better! But you've been taking some time away from the ring to become the champion for women’s health and sports in President Knope's administration. Can you tell us about that?


Alicia: Well, wrestling is in my genetics and it's afforded me some fantastic opportunities. But it's important to also focus on outside the ring as much as inside. Wrestling is male dominated and it made me aware of the challenges women face, not just in the industry, but in all aspects of society. I believe women should be at the forefront of every industry-- whether it's in the ring, the boardroom, or, in President Knope's case, at an all-you-can-eat waffle buffet! 


TV Host: I couldn't agree more! And you want women to get in the ring, literally?


Alicia: (laughs) Yes! Wrestling is about diversity! I want women from all walks of life to be involved as wrestlers, managers, promoters...! There is something for everyone and I think we are well overdue a women's wrestling revolution! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from working with President Knope, it’s that change doesn’t happen by sitting on the sidelines.


Farrah raises an eyebrow at this, clearly impressed but slightly amused by Alicia’s enthusiasm. The pair chatter on about other issues but Farrah sits motionless in her thoughts. She snaps back to reality as the interview closes.


TV Host: --Thank you for being with us tonight.


Alicia: Thank you for having me. And if you think you have what it takes then visit USPW.com for more information. We're waiting for you!


The show moves onto a segment about a failing celebrity marriage and Farrah switches off the television. 


Farrah: Easier said than done, Alicia.


She shakes her head with a small smile, finishing her tea before setting the cup down and reaching for her notebook. 

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QAW is where I spent the week with the beta and I am happy to see this going. The state of the women's scene the default data (and then the total disparity in numbers in the free pictures) always makes me dislike staying in the original data for too long, I always wind up with an expanded or an alt or another verse all together through mods, but I am always happy to follow how Hesketh is doing in diaries and I remember lurking in yours for a while last time around.

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Farrah Hesketh’s Booking Diary

God damn it, Alicia.


The timing of that interview couldn’t have been more perfect—or more pressure-inducing. She’s out there rallying women to revolutionise the industry, and here I am trying to figure out how to keep QAW afloat without burning out the same old rivalries.



Danielle Sweetheart & Emma May


Right now, my big feud is Danielle Sweetheart vs. Emma May. I gave Emma that long, dominant reign because she earned it, and frankly, without Foxxy and Alina around, our bench of credible challengers has thinned out. Danielle was the safest bet to take the title from Emma. The booking team—hell, even the fans—criticised me for playing it safe, but what were my options? Set someone up to fail? No thanks.



Felicia Luck


At The Three Way Dance, our ever-loyal Danielle Sweetheart successfully defended the World Championship in her fourth reign. But I did take a calculated risk by throwing Felicia Luck into that triple threat. She’s been putting in the work, the crowd is behind her, and let's be honest—I needed someone to eat the pin. Felicia could fit into The Line eventually, but she’s holding her own for now.



Suzanne Brazzle & Demelza Wade

We need Emma and Dani headlining Starshow to show Wrestleworld what we’re made of. It wouldn’t make sense to take the belt off Dani this soon… but then again, she’s a made woman in QAW. The fans would stick with her, and new viewers might just love to see her in the chase. One thing’s for sure: this feud is peaking at The Showdown, and I can’t have Emma and Dani going at it every month until then. They both need fresh opponents—someone over enough to give them a boost. Suzanne Brazzle could be a great option—she’s been making waves on the indie circuit. Or maybe Demelza Wade? She’s got the name recognition and could be a great foil for Dani.



Hellcat Hernandez & Little Miss Perfect


I’ve also got Hellcat and Little Miss Perfect sitting in the wings. Hellcat’s got the chops, but she’s a backstage headache waiting to happen. And Little Miss Perfect—she needs something to ignite that killer instinct. Maybe a gimmick tweak to push her over the edge? Plus, I can’t afford to let the locker room think I’m ignoring the homegrown talent.



Ashley Grover, Houston Handley & Sonnaz Shah

Then there’s the matter of The Line and The Furies. The Line are my upstanding, 100% tecnico, group, who stands up to bullies and high fives every fan in the building. Dani’s leading The Line now, with Ashley Grover and Houston Handley backing her up. It’s high time they became a full-time tag team to bolster the division. I was tempted to pair one of them with Sonnaz, but honestly, Ashley and Houston just click. As for Sonnaz, she joined The Line after Dani rescued her from The Furies a few months ago. I think it’s time to roll out Queen Amazon’s idea for her character development.



Honey Badger, Marie Punnen & Purple Viper


And then we have The Furies. They have carving out an identity as antagonistic rudos but do all their fighting in the ring. Emma essentially runs them like a stable of professional fighters. We’ve got Honey Badger and Marie Punnen tagging together. They’re tough as nails, but they’re still green as grass. I’m impressed with what they’ve managed so far, but can they keep up with Emma? I’m not so sure. That’s why we brought Purple Viper into the faction. She’s been a brilliant addition—didn’t even blink when I asked her to come back and help train the newer girls. With the right push, she could be a serious contender for Dani.

Alright, so here’s the plan: Reach out to Suzanne and Demelza. Talk to the team about giving Purple Viper and Sonnaz a proper push. And let’s find a way to give Hellcat and Little Miss Perfect some shine.

Time to get to work.


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Farrah Hesketh’s Booking Diary


13 Days Until Starshow


With less than two weeks to go until Starshow, I still haven’t finalised the card.



Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres (Shockwave Champion)


Pinky and Mariana are fiercely contesting the Shockwave title and the fans are thoroughly enjoying it. At The Three Way Dance, Purple Viper was involved but didn’t take the pin. Pinky looked strong in defeat, whilst Mariana narrowly clinched the win. Everyone is eager for the culmination of their feud, which needs a grand blow-off match at The Showdown. Queen Amazon suggested we escalate the stakes at Starshow with a ladder match to attract new viewers—a splendid idea indeed. The title has been tossed back and forth between the two, making it likely that either could emerge victorious. The intensity of their rivalry deserves a fitting conclusion, and a ladder match could be the perfect spectacle. However, the one who loses will need their image rehabilitating... I'll need to have a chat with my creative team to craft a compelling storyline for them—perhaps involving a redemption arc with one of the upper mid-carders?



Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder - "The Experience" (QAW World Tag Team Champions)

Regarding the Tag Champions, we’ve reverted to
Lily and Ava, now dubbed “The Experience”. We took a gamble with Coco and Izzy as champions; they performed well, but the fans weren’t convinced by them in the face of The Experience and Lilly & Rose— the feud everyone is keen to see. Thus, Izzy and Coco had their moment in the spotlight during The Three Way Dance, sharing the ring with two of the greatest tag teams of all time. We'll need to find them a new storyline. It’s crucial to keep every talent engaged, and finding the right storyline for Coco and Izzy will be my next challenge.


Izzy Quick & Coco Malloy “The San Diego Girls”


Starshow will host the first in a series of matches dubbed the “Indy Dream Feud” between Lilly & Rose and The Experience. This rivalry has been brewing for some time, and seeing it unfold on such a grand stage (for us!) is incredibly rewarding. It’s gratifying to see this rivalry receive the recognition it deserves from the fans, and showcasing it on Wrestleworld is ideal. However, frequently exchanging the titles, as we've done with the Shockwave title, might not be wise—I’ll need to address this at the next booking meeting. This pattern would be too similar and it might dilute both tag and shockwave feuds simultaneously. Another concern is that this feud highlights the lack of depth in the rest of the tag division. Officially, we only have three other teams left: Payback, The Rage, and The San Diego Girls. Assessing our current teams for potential, I see opportunities to mix things up and inject some fresh energy into the division. Pairing Ash with Houston might just spark the competition we need, but we need more. And we need a team strong enough to take on the eventual winners of this feud.


Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton “Payback Inc”, and Vinny Cruz

Although it’s not a title match, the ongoing rivalry between Juana Hurricane and Queen Amazon is sure to be a highlight. I was immensely relieved when Amazon accepted the offer to come here and head up Ronin3. Foxxy’s departure was rather abrupt, so we struggled to wrap up her tenure neatly, especially in finding a replacement leader. Becca and Toni just don’t fit the bill—perhaps that might change, but they both realise that Ronin3 needs a larger-than-life leader, which we now have in Amazon. Her presence has not only stabilised the group but also brought a new level of excitement to their matches. The fans are embracing her, and I reckon she could soon be a QAW champion. Juana has been a formidable welcoming opponent for Amazon, and they’ve been delivering spectacular performances! There are numerous layers to explore, as Juana was an original member of Ronin3 and part of arguably the greatest QAW tag team of all time with Toni.



Juana Hurricane, Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose - "Lilly & Rose"

As I look at Storm Front’s current state, it’s become painfully clear that we need to re-examine their entire storyline. After Alexis left, we tried to integrate Kate and Debbie into the mix, but frankly, we haven't done enough to establish what this group is now about or how these members connect. Now, with Lilly & Rose caught up in other dramas, it feels like the right time to really dig into this and redefine Storm Front's identity. It's not just about having a group—it's about making them a group that matters.

I must finalise the card tomorrow and send it over to the Wrestleworld team.

I'm exhausted... I love it...!


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Wrestleworld Welcomes QAW: The Premier Women’s Wrestling Promotion Joins Our Streaming Line-up


Los Angeles, CA – January 9, 2022 – Wrestleworld, the world’s leading platform for streaming professional wrestling (and totally not owned by a faceless corporate entity), is thrilled to announce that Queens of American Wrestling (QAW) is now part of our ever-expanding line-up. Known for its boundary-pushing style and dedication to showcasing the best in women’s wrestling, QAW has been a trailblazer since its founding in 2010, and we’re excited to bring their unique brand of lucha-libre and women to a global audience.


QAW was founded by the incomparable Farrah Hesketh, a former AAA star who decided that blending traditional American women’s wrestling with the high-flying spectacle of Mexican luchadoras was the perfect recipe for something truly special. And she was right. Based out of Houston, Texas, QAW quickly built a loyal following, thanks to its willingness to take risks, tell engaging stories, and its focus on promoting fresh, new talent—because let’s face it, the future of women's wrestling depends on it!


Bringing QAW to Wrestleworld is a natural fit,” said Brock Wrestleton, Wrestleworld’s CEO and a man who definitely knows more about wrestling than his three-piece suit suggests. “It’s great to see that women’s wrestling has evolved to the point where it’s not just filler between the real matches. QAW has proven that with the right platform, even women can deliver something worth tuning in for. By adding QAW to our line-up, we’re showing that independent wrestling, including the ladies, can shine with the polish and production values of a major streaming service.”


Subscribers to Wrestleworld are in for a treat, starting with Starshow, where every QAW champion will defend their title in what’s sure to be a night full of unforgettable moments. Expect high-stakes drama as QAW World Champion Danielle Sweetheart faces off against Emma May, and tag team legends The Experience collide with Lilly & Rose. And don’t miss the ladder match for the QAW Shockwave Championship—a match so intense, we’re legally required to advise you to stay seated!


Our partnership with Wrestleworld marks a significant milestone for QAW,” said Farrah Hesketh, QAW’s founder and head booker, who is as fearless behind the scenes as she was in the ring. “This collaboration allows us to bring our unique brand of women’s wrestling to a wider audience, and we’re excited to showcase our talent on a global stage. Wrestleworld is the perfect home for QAW, and we can’t wait to kick things off with Starshow on Friday 21st January.”


Subscribers to Wrestleworld can watch QAW events live and on-demand, ensuring they never miss a single moment of the action. With the addition of QAW, Wrestleworld continues to be the ultimate destination for wrestling fans who appreciate the grit and passion of independent wrestling, even when it’s served with a side of corporate gloss.


Catch QAW Starshow Friday 21st January only on Wrestleworld! If you want to see it live in-person you’ll have to figure that out for yourself!






QAW Starshow 2022 Card





QAW World Championship: "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "World Class" Emma May


Two of QAW’s most dominant forces collide as Danielle Sweetheart defends her QAW World Championship against Emma May. Danielle ended Emma’s historic, record-breaking reign two months ago, turning the tables from hunter to hunted. Last month, she retained her title in a triple threat match by pinning Felicia Luck while Emma was on the verge of a submission victory. Now, with her fourth reign on the line, Danielle faces an Emma May who’s more focused and determined than ever to reclaim her throne and prove why she was the longest-reigning champion in QAW history.





QAW World Tag Team Championship: The Experience (c) Vs. Lilly & Rose


For many fans of women’s wrestling, this is the dream matchup they’ve been waiting for. The ExperienceAva Anderson and Lily Snyder—are the reigning QAW Tag Team Champions, currently in their fifth reign, having dominated the division since their debut in 2016. Lilly & Rose, the iconic duo who last held tag gold in AAA, have been synonymous with excellence on the indie scene for years. Now, they’ve arrived in QAW with one goal in mind: to test themselves against the best. This match isn’t just about titles—it’s about legacy. Will Lilly & Rose prove they still have what it takes to reign supreme, or will The Experience cement their status as the undisputed top team in women’s wrestling? All eyes are on this epic clash of old school versus new school.





QAW Shockwave Championship: Marianna Torres (c) Vs. Pinky Perez (Ladder Match)


The longest-running feud in QAW reaches a boiling point as Marianna Torres defends her Shockwave Championship against her former partner turned bitter enemy, Pinky Perez. The two first arrived in QAW together from Mexico in 2019, capturing the World Tag Team Championships as "Las Amazonas." But their partnership quickly crumbled under the weight of Marianna's jealousy, leading to a brutal betrayal after a miscommunication cost them the titles. Since then, they’ve been locked in a vicious battle over the Shockwave Championship, with the title passing back and forth between them for nearly two years. Last month, Pinky was cheated out of the title by Marianna's underhanded tactics, and now she’s demanded a ladder match to settle the score once and for all. With years of animosity and the Shockwave Championship on the line, this match promises to be a brutal, no-holds-barred affair that could finally put an end to one of the most intense rivalries in QAW history.


Trios Match: Ronin3: Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton Vs. Juana Hurricane, Coco Malloy & Izzy Quick


The ongoing power struggle between Queen Amazon and Juana Hurricane reaches a critical point as Ronin3 faces Juana’s team in this trios match. Queen Amazon has made a name for herself by targeting the perceived weakness in Storm Front, but Juana—an original member of Ronin3—refuses to back down. With Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose occupied, Juana enlists Coco Malloy and Izzy Quick to help her settle the score. This match is a fight for respect and redemption, as Juana battles not just her foes, but also the shadows of her past.


5-Person Tag Team Match: Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Hellcat Hernandez & Little Miss Perfect Vs. Felicia Luck, Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah & Modesty Pador


The night kicks off with an explosive 5-person tag team match, where everything from future title shots to faction pride is on the line. With fierce competitors eager to prove themselves and momentum at stake, this opening bout promises to set the tone for the entire event.


Quick Picks


Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador


Thanks for all the support!

I’m sad I never got to finish the ballad of Pamela Rojo, but maybe I’ll find a way to bring that ending to life here.


If you’ve followed along before, you’ll know that I usually DM anyone who makes a prediction with a booking predicament—and it’s fair to say I’ve always managed to work with them too. The winner typically gets to decide the outcome of a feud or make another big decision for me.

There’s still a fair way to go until Starshow, and I want to keep building this world, so you’ve probably got some time...


And as always, I’d love to hear your feedback and opinions on the booking—every thought helps shape what happens next!


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Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador



I'm gonna need more Brock Wrestleton

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Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador

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Reposting because I couldn't figure out how to remove the background that Rhysbob uses for diary entries after it pasted across with the quick predictions



Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


I think it is too early to take it off of Danielle but Emma is always going to be a believable threat to any title she wants.




The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


FTR vs the Young Bucks, Usos vs the New Day, this is the first chapter of what could be a legacy building feud for everyone involved so again I am backing the titles to stay where they are but for this to be rerun, whenever, however many times Hesketh wants to print money.




Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


This has the feel of a blowoff and I think this one has to go to Pinky with Mariana moving on to a feud that will position her towards a tilt at Sweetheart.




Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Hurricane and Amazon is going to be a slugfest later down the line, fairly typical heel gets the advantage in an atomico thinking for me.




Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador


Tough one to call for me. On the one hand The Line are the heroes of QAW and I am always inclined to start a big ppv, and this is a very important ppv for QAW in this story, up with getting the crowd buzzing which in an atomico with no stakes feels like an easy face win, but I also have Danielle going over Emma and would I book The Line over The Furies twice? Probably not.

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Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador

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One small thing - if you wanted to shake up the world of womens wrestling then there are 4 expansion packs out that add a lot of women.  Historian's Women, SHEHEROES by Blessed, Grindhousarts Women & Central Asia and Martels FWP.


Links to them below




I've been doing a scouting report if you were interested to see what the workers in them potentially offer.  Each company in Cverses best prospects, each regions best young free agents and Historians Women and SHEROES are already up and Martels FWP & Grindhousearts Women and Central Asia should be up by the end of the week (the last one is going to take a while because it's got companies and a lot more workers to look at.


You might not be interested and just want to run with Cverse canon but something like Martel just adds future workers anyway which really isn't much different to the random generated workers that will already occur. Any of the other 3 would give you more choice in regards to where your diary goes and I figured letting you know about the options cant hurt. 


I am really looking forward to where you go with QAW. 




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Danielle Sweetheart Vs. Emma May


The Experience Vs. Lilly & Rose


Mariana Torres Vs. Pinky Perez


Juana Hurricane & The San Diego Girls Vs. Ronin3 (Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)


Purple Viper, Honey Badger, Marie Punnen, Little Miss Perfect & Hellcat Hernandez Vs. Ash Grover, Houston Handley, Sonnaz Shah, Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador

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On 8/17/2024 at 6:40 PM, christmas_ape said:



I'm gonna need more Brock Wrestleton



Ha! Okay, I think I can make him a thing! Your prediction DM can totally be about this guy.





On 8/19/2024 at 9:28 AM, alpha2117 said:

One small thing - if you wanted to shake up the world of womens wrestling then there are 4 expansion packs out that add a lot of women.  Historian's Women, SHEHEROES by Blessed, Grindhousarts Women & Central Asia and Martels FWP.




I will get around to installing them once they've been play-tested. It'll lend itself to the women's wrestling growing in this world after Alicia's campaigning. 

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Farrah Hesketh’s Booking Diary
11th January 2022

10 days until Starshow


They say good things happen in threes. Well, if that’s the case, I’m praying to every wrestling deity out there that bad things stick to that same rule—because a fourth hit right now might just send me over the edge...


After we released the press release for Starshow, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time: hope. Real, tangible hope. We had the most traffic to our website in a single day since we opened for business twelve years ago! For a brief moment, it felt we had momentum, we had buzz… and then, of course, USPW did what they do best: stealing the spotlight.


 USPW swooped in with their own press release, with not one, not two, but three major announcements. The timing couldn’t have been worse. I know we aren't on their radar but it felt personal.


First, they proudly announced the opening of their new state-of-the-art “Performance Centre,” aka “The Powerplant.” What the hell is a “Performance Centre” anyway? It sounds like a factory, churning out wrestlers on a conveyor belt. And yet, despite how soulless it sounds, I can’t help but think back to when I was starting out—when I would have given anything to train at a place like that. A place with all the resources, the trainers, the exposure… It’s a dream for any aspiring wrestler. And that’s what terrifies me. I can already see the looks in the eyes of the women on my roster, and I know every single woman on the indies is eyeing it up too.


But USPW didn’t stop there. They’re opening a developmental promotion called Florida State Wrestling, and who do they have running it? Danny Jillefski. Of course. And yes, they’ve got a women’s division. Which is fantastic… for everyone else. It’s another place for our talent to go, another shiny new opportunity dangled in front of them. FSW is going to give them exposure to the biggest wrestling company in the world. 


And as if that wasn’t enough, they also announced the upcoming launch of a women’s tag team championship. Tremendous news, right? More opportunities, more recognition for the incredible talent in women’s wrestling. They will need more women to get this going and I sound paranoid but I can almost hear the conversations happening behind closed doors, the discussions about who they’re going to poach next. And if it’s not USPW, it’ll be CWA trying to keep up, or maybe TCW or SWF will finally wake up and start their own women’s division. Either way, QAW is the mouse in a room full of hungry cats.


And then it hit me—this was all part of a coordinated PR stunt. Alicia Strong’s appearance on the news the other day? Her rallying cry for women in sports? It wasn’t just some feel-good fluff piece. It was the opening act. USPW saw the chance to capitalise on Alicia’s new government ties, her whole “women’s empowerment” campaign, and they pounced. They’re sucking up to Leslie Knope, riding Alicia’s coattails, and using her work in government to give their brand a nice, shiny polish... And Alicia's annoyingly youthful face and great hair is plastered everywhere with "We're waiting for you!" emblazoned across her chest. Subtle.


The most messed-up part of all this? I want every single woman on our roster and beyond to have the chance to shine, to make it to the big leagues. I know what it’s like to dream of more, to want more. But I also know that the women’s wrestling scene isn’t deep enough to support everyone, especially not a small company like QAW if all the sleeping giants suddenly decide to wake up and feast on what we’ve built.


I want QAW to walk among them one day. I want us to be the place where women’s wrestling isn’t just an afterthought, but the main event. I want us to be the ones setting the trends, not scrambling to keep up. But right now, it feels like we’re fighting a losing battle, and it’s exhausting. And I felt so good about things.



Edited by Rhysrob
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Really interesting post. It's a fun thought, what is QAW's main purpose. IE if the c-verse saw a real world style women's revolution where many more women are able to be paid good money wrestling, it's respected more and elevated to main event level in large promotions, is that QAW succeeding in it's mission even if it's at their expense? 


I think the post explained Farrah's conflicted thoughts on it all really well. 



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Posted (edited)



21st January 2022


The day of Starshow


Two cars nearly collide as they vie for the same parking spot. Both vehicles slam on the brakes; Hellcat and Honey jump out of their respective cars ready for war.

Hellcat: What the hell’s your problem, rookie? You trying to get us both killed?


Honey: I was clearly going for this spot and you cut me off, bitch!


Hellcat’s fists clench, ready for a fight.


Hellcat: Watch your mouth, little girl.


Honey squares up to Hellcat.


Honey: I'm not afraid of you. So, now what?


Before things escalate, Emma and Marie exit Honey's car and get in-between the conflict


Marie: That’s enough! It's just a parking space and there are plenty more. 


Emma pulls Honey Badger back.


Emma: (firmly) Walk it off, Honey. Now’s not the time.


Hellcat and Honey exchange one last glare.



Later on in the evening…

Coco Malloy, Izzy Quick, Felicia Luck, and Modesty Pador sit around a small table, casually playing poker. The atmosphere is relaxed except for the distant sounds of Danielle and Millie singing a power ballad together on the karaoke machine to an appreciative audience.


Coco: (with a grin, tossing her cards down) Full house. Pay up, ladies.


Izzy smirks, sliding her last remaining chips towards Coco, but her eyes are distant.


Izzy: Who knew you were this good at poker. I'm out.


Felicia: (throws down her cards and also declares she's out) Modesty is playing the long game.


Modesty nods with quiet approval.


Modesty: Timing is everything.


Coco: You know, I'm feeling lucky tonight girls! I sent some information over to FSW and I've got a good feeling about it. Imagine all of us over there! It'd be amazing!


Izzy’s smile falters for a split second, but she quickly recovers and busies herself with her phone.


Izzy: Yeah...They'd be crazy to turn you down. 


Felicia clocks the shift in energy and narrows her eyes at Izzy.


Felicia: What's up Izzy? You seem distant tonight.


Izzy: I'm just thinking about the match tonight. I don't want to mess up any spots. 


Coco, oblivious, nods enthusiastically.


Coco: Same here...! And now we're on Wrestleworld we'll have some high quality footage to send over. The San Diego Girls are taking over!


Izzy hesitates before breaking into a smile.


Izzy: We'd be unstoppable!


Edited by Rhysrob
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Hoo boy, Hellcat and Honey Badger got into it in the carpark and had to be separated...yeah sounds legit lol.


Guessing Izzy knows something Coco doesn't, don't know if you're playing that in character or out but I am starting to think the San Diego Girls aren't long for this diary.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Teasenitryn said:

Hoo boy, Hellcat and Honey Badger got into it in the carpark and had to be separated...yeah sounds legit lol.


Guessing Izzy knows something Coco doesn't, don't know if you're playing that in character or out but I am starting to think the San Diego Girls aren't long for this diary.


These are "real" events! I probably won't always include them but I'm trying some things out. I'll figure out a way to make it clearer what is real vs. storyline :)

This altercation plays into the main show, though!


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Oh yeah Honey Badger and Hellcat I knew lol, in my QAW game Honey Badger didn't consider it a good day if she didn't nearly have a shoot fight to live up to her ring name. Either way I do like how taking into account the backstage incidents can flavour the show.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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